Hmm. If you knew that John N. Nordstrom gave $25,000 to finance the political schemes of the leader of a local chapter of the John Birch Society, would you be more or less likely to shop at his family’s department stores? If you knew that the gay-bashing recipient of Nordstrom’s largesse had once sponsored a city initiative to overturn the sexual orientation provisions of Seattle’s fair employment and open housing ordinances, would you hesitate before spending your hard earned cash at our city’s most famous retailer?
Well… now you know.
As of the latest public disclosure period, Nordstrom is by far the largest contributor to Initiative 920, which would repeal Washington’s estate tax. Indeed, his $25,000 comprises over a third of the total contributions raised thus far.
And the initiative’s sponsor and committee director is none other than Dennis Falk, a disgraced ex-Seattle police officer and lifelong Bircher, who was removed from active duty in 1978 after killing a retarded man by shooting him in the back. (Two officers who were near the scene testified that they never heard Falk yell any warnings before shooting the suspect.)
Falk is man who clearly does not represent the views or best interests of the majority of Washingtonians, as evidenced by what he told the Seattle Times in 1978 after the failure of his anti-gay initiative:
“I think we may have attempted to solve a problem a year or two in advance of when we should have put it on the ballot… Maybe we should have let these homosexuals carry on with their recruiting of our children for another year or so. As they flaunt their deviant behavior in the face of the general public, the public will become concerned and we’ll get it on the ballot again.”
Falk is a man who thinks Ronald Reagan was “a liberal” and who believes right-wing talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh are under the thumb an internationalist conspiracy:
“I appreciate him stirring the pot. But the day Rush attacks the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations is the day he will no longer be on the national airwaves.”
And that’s the kind of far right-wing, hate-filled political nutcase who Nordstrom is financing with his $25,000. It’s bad enough that Nordstrom — a company director and former co-chairman who owns a 3.6 percent stake — is putting so much of his family’s money into such a blatantly selfish initiative… but backing a man like Falk is simply inexcusable.
Public corporations and their principals — especially retailers — need to be very sensitive about the political figures and causes to which the contribute… lest they risk generating some awfully bad publicity for themselves and their business. So let this be fair warning to any other prominent businessperson who intends to back I-920: I intend to scour the PDC reports from here on out, and loudly publicize your financial contribution to the gay-bashing, back-shooting, lifelong Bircher, Dennis Falk.
Moonbats turn to KVI right now to hear about Iraqi documents 4:15 PM
So Falk’s your ideological brother, huh…pee-dookie?
And oh yeah…I’m just gonna rush (NPI) over to the rightwing gasbags…ooooohh yeah! I just gotta finish this Rolling Stone article about what a DISMAL FAILURE the Bush Presidency is first. Then I think I’m gonna WASH MY CAT.
I know a LOT of gay folks that work and shop at Nordy’s. That’s a real bummer. I can’t afford to shop there, but I always thought they were straight-up folks.
Who knew.
Puddybud – just more wingnut bullsh*t. Some of those “documents” were posted on Powerline – it was an utter embarrassment to anyone except a true-believer wingnut – like you.
Well I guess I will start shopping at Macys!
And KVI never proved anything to anyone other than when you allow brother and sister to marry, the result is a right wing nutjob like Crybaby Carlson.
3….it was an utter embarrassment
For the anti-war/troops/life lefty wackos, you mean.
Ongoing translations:
Read them and weep about “Bush did not lie”.
P-Dookie went off to join the latest Fred Phelps Army funeral protest. That’s that “travel” he was about.
Hmmm.. it seems Bush did Lie!
Hillary (aka puddybud?): It’s been zero days since you’ve been to Free Republic.
I’ve scanned those documents on the wingnut sites. Very little to them. One stupid interview with some joker at Frontpage said Saddam supported terrorists with ties to opposition groups in Syria and Iran!
There was no WMD. No threat from Iraq to the U.S. No need to spill blood and treasure to set up a trillion dollar American police station in the middle East.
Those 2 million docs in Qatar are a bust.
Donnageddon @ 7: nice find.
At least Nordstrom isn’t threatening the city, and is supporting something that will go before the vote of the people, unlike Schultz and the Sonics. Schultz is a good liberal – he wants to black-mail his way into the public purse. Nordstrom is just trying to preserve what he and his family have worked hard for over the years.
[Another Bush Hater Gets Creamed In A Divorce…..Goldy, YOU WILL ENJOY THIS!! [Don’t show this to the ex Mrs. Goldy!!!!!]
Charlie Sheen Divorce Bombshell
Wife: Drugs, hookers, threats, gambling, porn on actor’s plate
APRIL 21–In a searing court attack on Charlie Sheen, actress Denise Richards alleges that her estranged husband is unstable, violent, addicted to gambling and prostitutes, and visits pornographic web sites featuring young men and girls who appear underage. In a remarkable sworn declaration (a copy of which you’ll find below) filed today in Los Angeles Superior Court, Richards also charges that Sheen, 40, assaulted her and threatened her life during a December 30 incident at the actress’s Los Angeles home. Richards claims that an enraged Sheen–who was over for a visit with the couple’s two children–told her she was “fucking with the wrong guy” and called her a series of vulgar names in front of the children. The actor, Richards said, then shoved her to the ground and screamed, “I hope you f–king die, bitch.” As Richards, 35, tells it, Sheen was angry because she had told her divorce attorney about discovering details of Sheen’s porn-surfing practices. Richards’s declaration, filed in support of her request for a restraining order against Sheen, contends that Sheen “belonged” to “disturbing” sites “which promoted very young girls, who looked underage to me with pigtails, braces, and no pubic hair performing oral sex with each other.” Other sites visited by Sheen, Richards alleges, involved “gay pornography also involving very young men who also did not look like adults.” Richards claims that she also discovered that Sheen “belonged to several sex search type sites” on which he “looked for women to have sex with.” His online profile, Richards adds, included a photo of “his erect penis.” The Richards evisceration also portrays Sheen as a lousy father who urged her to abort their first child. And, when she was about to give birth to their second child via a C-section, Sheen’s attention was “diverted to his pager for the results of his betting.” (17 pages)
E-mail story to a friend.
< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 >
Microsoft hired Ralph Reed as some kind of spiritual advisor, which lends credence to the supposition that Bill Gates suffers from Asperger’s.
Who can afford to shop at Nordstrom? Who needs to? Shoes? I don’t need no shows, when I’ve got my powerful hind feet with razor sharp claws!!
If Capt. Birch was alive tonight, I wonder what he’d think of the biggest nutjobs in America hijacking his name and making it synonymous with lunacy?
Freep is a source, yeah right.
“Free Republic” is a slang term for the part of a male cow’s anatomy that shit comes out of.
Cunt @10
Schulz should stick to making money for his shareholders!
“alleges that her estranged husband is unstable, violent, addicted to gambling and prostitutes, and visits pornographic web sites featuring young men and girls who appear underage”
Sounds like MTR’s ex.
Wow, Donnageddon – I can see why Puddy went silent, and hillary went into another one of his Touretts posting spinouts!
WASHINGTON- The CIA had evidence Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six months before the 2003 U.S.-led invasion but was ignored by a White House intent on ousting Saddam Hussein, a former senior CIA official said according to CBS.
Tyler Drumheller, who headed CIA covert operations in Europe during the run-up to the Iraq war, said intelligence opposing administration claims of a WMD threat came from a top Iraqi official who provided the U.S. spy agency with other credible information.
The source “told us that there were no active weapons of mass destruction programs,” Drumheller said in a CBS interview to be aired on Sunday on the network’s news magazine, “60 Minutes.”
“The (White House) group that was dealing with preparation for the Iraq war came back and said they were no longer interested,” he was quoted as saying in interview excerpts released by CBS on Friday.
“We said: ‘Well, what about the intel?’ And they said: ‘Well, this isn’t about intel anymore. This is about regime change’,” added Drumheller, whose CIA operation was assigned the task of debriefing the Iraqi official.
He was the latest former U.S. official to accuse the White House of setting an early course toward war in Iraq and ignoring intelligence that conflicted with its aim.
Oh, we’re the John Birch Society, the John Birch Society
Here to save our country from a communistic plot
Join the John Birch Society, help us fill the ranks
To get this movement started we need lots of tools and cranks
-And the initiative’s sponsor and committee director is none other than Dennis Falk, a disgraced ex-Seattle police officer and lifelong Bircher, who was removed from active duty in 1978 after killing a retarded man by shooting him in the back. (Two officers who were near the scene testified that they never heard Falk yell any warnings before shooting the suspect.)-
Boy – the personality profile for this maniac seems to fit right in with Pudddy and JCH. I’ll bet they are jealous of this security guard, though – he did what they have ALWAYS dreamed of: hunting human “librul scum.” I’m sure that story got Mark the Redneck pretty excited, too.
Wow, JCH. Another Hollywood marriage goes awry, because a really really rich guy screwed it up in pursuit of younger women.
See: Rupert Murdoch, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, etc., etc. How much porn do you think Limbaugh surfed during his multi-year oxycontin binges?
Could your leg-pulling troll routine get any more useless?
Aaaawooooow!!! Just Craves[JCH]Head. I saw you on Central Ave. in Kent yesterday….and you were AWWWWWSSSOOME, man!! You whipped that thing out and just shrugggged, and shrugggged. Oh, my! Oh, my!!!!! Shrugga’, shrugga, Atlas!!!! Lift your head high and spurt to the world that you are the ONE!!! The LORD will bless you as we destroy the liberal communist nests of vipers. Shrug on, Atlas [JCH]. I dream of you each night. Pray for me in my time of troubles—send lots of “wealth” my way. Shruggggah….ugh ugh ugh ZEEEEEEOW!!!!!!
As long as we are talking “blast from the past… google this title to find the entire essay archive. It explains the frantic ravings of the wingnuts from a time when the Birchers were just as amusing.
The Paranoid Style in American Politics
By Richard Hofstadter
Harper’s Magazine, November 1964, pp. 77-86
A final characteristic of the paranoid style is related to the quality of its pedantry. One of the impressive things about paranoid literature is the contrast between its fantasied conclusions and the almost touching concern with factuality it invariably shows. It produces heroic strivings for evidence to prove that the unbelievable is the only thing that can be believed. Of course, there are highbrow, lowbrow, and middlebrow paranoids, as there are likely to be in any political tendency. But respectable paranoid literature not only starts from certain moral commitments that can indeed be justified but also carefully and all but obsessively accumulates :evidence.” The difference between this “evidence” and that commonly employed by others is that it seems less a means of entering into normal political controversy than a means of warding off the profane intrusion of the secular political world. The paranoid seems to have little expectation of actually convincing a hostile world, but he can accumulate evidence in order to protect his cherished convictions from it.
Paranoid writing begins with certain broad defensible judgments. There was something to be said for the anti-Masons. After all, a secret society composed of influential men bound by special obligations could conceivable pose some kind of threat to the civil order in which they were suspended. There was also something to be said for the Protestant principles of individuality and freedom, as well as for the nativist desire to develop in North America a homogeneous civilization. Again, in our time an actual laxity in security allowed some Communists to find a place in governmental circles, and innumerable decisions of World War II and the Cold War could be faulted.
The higher paranoid scholarship is nothing if not coherent—in fact the paranoid mind is far more coherent than the real world. It is nothing if not scholarly in technique. McCarthy’s 96-page pamphlet, McCarthyism, contains no less than 313 footnote references, and Mr. Welch’s incredible assault on Eisenhower, The Politician, has one hundred pages of bibliography and notes. The entire right-wing movement of our time is a parade of experts, study groups, monographs, footnotes, and bibliographies. Sometimes the right-wing striving for scholarly depth and an inclusive world view has startling consequences: Mr. Welch, for example, has charged that the popularity of Arnold Toynbee’s historical work is the consequence of a plot on the part of Fabians, “Labour party bosses in England,” and various members of the Anglo-American “liberal establishment” to overshadow the much more truthful and illuminating work of Oswald Spengler.
We are all sufferers from history, but the paranoid is a double sufferer, since he is afflicted not only by the real world, with the rest of us, but by his fantasies as well.
Richard Hofstadter is DeWitt Clinton Professor of American History at Columbia University. His latest book, “Anti-intellectualism in American Life,” was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction earlier this year. This essay is adapted from the Herbert Spencer Lecture delivered at Oxford University in November 1963.
23, Tommy……….Yawn………You need to laid, or something. Chill.
Hey asshole commie lib Democrats!!!!!!!!!! Don’t miss todays’ [weekend edition] USA Today newspaper. [Travel section] It seems that Democrat libs are booking lots of “travel adventure” to North Korea to see how a big “guvment” under Hillary would be!! Lots of San Francisco libs are booking this “Tour Of The Hillary Village Of North Korea”. Perhaps some of you Horsesass libs might enjoy this exciting adventure!!!!!! [hehe, JCH]
No Puddy didn’t go silent dumbass. Puddy is off this week working on house projects. Puddy is painting the house. Puddy looking at building a deck. Puddy doesn’t have time to live on ASSes because I am working on beautification projects. Puddy has many skillz. I am a Neo-con remember? We have skillz! We have flair!!!!!
LibrulDeadNeckASS: Charlie Sheen is donk. Can’t compare him to Rebublicans. Good try though. Donk loves looking at dem little girlz enjoying each other! But the little boyz part is scary about Sheen. I guess two & a half men we know who is the half a man now!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!
Washington – The government is encouraging private jet owners and airports to boost security after a message posted in Arabic on a Web forum last week urged Muslims to destroy such aircraft.The Transportation Security Administration issued a security advisory that quoted the message as saying, ”Destroy private American aircraft…. We call upon all Muslims to follow and identify private civilian American aircrafts in all airports of the world.”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[ Destroy PRIVATE AIRCRAFT??? Now the Kerrys and Kennedys will be really pissed!!! NOBODY messes with THEIR Gulfstreams!! NO WAY are these Democrat elites going to ride on public airlines!!!! Hehe………………………JCH]
Goldy needs to campaign for Initiative 922. It will prohibit dangerous initiatives, out-of-state contributors, and paid signature gatherers. Violators will be punished by one to five years in prison. In addition, a sales tax increase of 1% to 2% would be authorized if necessary.
Sounds like the perfect initiative for liberal Democrat horses’ asses.
Pope – You’re right. This is the perfect HA initiative.
I guess we all know initiatives can be “devistating”, and anybody who sponsors one should be “permantley bared”.
This is your concious speaking – you will end up in the nether regions for referring to Janet as a Cunt. Shame on you!
Cunt @10
Schulz should stick to making money for his shareholders!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/21/06@ 5:34 pm
Signed – willy woger wabid wabbit aka your ‘conscious’
These republican assholes even put each other to sleep!
Was that suppose to be funny…… Um yeah OK. You should stick to being serious. Donks are always funny when they are serious.
Goldy, keep up the good work, but please kill the trolls.
35, Me, Please let me film Cindy McKinney and you doing the Democrat “Tookie Williams” anal pleasure!!
re 11: Charlie Sheen has also made himself into an expert on 9?11 and believes the whole thing was orchestrated by Dick Cheney. You know who Dick Cheney is, don’t you? He’s the guy who promised to not take money from Halliburton but does anyway.
That’s war profitteering and it’s treason.
re 29: Do you suppose the Saudi Royal family is worried?
Speaking of jets: Why did Bush fly the bin-Laden family to safety the day after 9/11? Seems kind of fishy to me!
Wanted: Home and away Duke Lacrosse game jerseys. Hey Democrat libs, can you help me???
Harry Poon, Do you “know” Cindy Mckinney?? Tawana Brawley?
you continue to amaze me. you mean that nobody can support unpopular causes, or risk the wrath of the neo lefties?
maybe we should out all the people donating to Jim McDermott and thus supporting terrorists (somehow i missed your reporting on that little snafu)
30, 31
No liberal would have writtent that screed. Looks more like the work product of a rightwing trailer park intelletual.
See ya there, trollfuck! Bring your air conditioner!
Some Republifuck has his pink panties in a twist because Roger Rabbit is vulgar?! Hey, take what you get, and be happy it isn’t worse! At least I don’t go around starting wars on false pretenses, bankrupting the Treasury, or trying to rob old folks of their Social Security!
It’s always amusing to see wingfucks get all preachy-moralistic about free speech while merrily killing and stealing.
Sheesh. Fucking hypocrites.
32 (continued)
How do I know this pap was posted by a wingfuck? Easy. He/she/it misspelled “conscience” as “conscious.” Get a DICTIONARY, you illiterate trailerpark fuckstick!!!
Speaking of which, did you notice that President Huh? called President Hu the “president of the Republic of China,” i.e., of Taiwan?
“Goldy, keep up the good work, but please kill the trolls.” Commentby me— 4/21/06@ 9:21 pm
Can I kill one too? Pretty please?! HEY TROLLS!!! Why don’t you visit Green Lake Park sometime, look for a cute furry little rabbit, and pick me up by my pink ears! This is what my powerful hind feet with razor sharp claws will do to you:
blecch!!! gory!!! what a mess!!!
“Wanted: Home and away Duke Lacrosse game jerseys. Hey Democrat libs, can you help me???” Commentby Hillary [JCH]Clinton— 4/21/06@ 10:02 pm
Call Janet S
Hey Rabbit – Tell us the story about giving up $200/hour to serve humanity. Tell us about spending 1/3 of your income on medical.
Mary The Redneck – Tell us all about the $500,000 you spent Fathering a child you couldn’t raise.
I love that story.
Oh… and the part about you marrying a MethHead!!!
OOOH! I love that one!
Mary The Redneck =/ The Fountain Head
“Hey Rabbit – Tell us the story about giving up $200/hour to serve humanity. Tell us about spending 1/3 of your income on medical. Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/21/06@ 11:20 pm”
Hey Redneck — I want to hear the story again of how you paid FIVE HUNNERD BIG UNS to your ex! I never get tired of that story!!!
When you gonna pay that bet, cheapskate?
Ten seconds of pleasure, 500 grand … tsk, tsk
What if Ayn Rand and Adam Smith had a baby?
Would it use it’s invisible hand to shrug Atlas?
So now we’re just a few months away from the time when a greater number of American and coalition personnel will have died in Iraq and Afghanistan than people who died in the 9/11 attacks.
We will have, in effect, doubled our losses.
Thanks to the reckless destabilization of Iraq it has become exactly the hotbed of terrorist activity we feared it might become and, there is no consensus that Iraq is not heading towards a civil war. Already, the only effective indigenous fighting forces in Iraq are ethnic guerilla units, particularly the Peshmerga and Sunni insurgency.
Afghanistan is completely unstable and producing more opium than it did even under the Taliban.
An entire US city has nearly been destroyed since 9/11, because of a large hole in a levee. Of course that hole could have been caused by a relatively simple truck bomb any time terrorists wanted to, but fortunately a huge hurricane drove people out before that storm caused the leveee failure. Otherwise, the diversion of troops to Iraq and away from homeland security would have cost even more lives. Clearly the absence of troop strength here at home cost some of the 1600+ lives lost to the hurricane. And if we even count ANY Iraqi lives lost – even a percentage, 9/11 justified nothing.
Our response has been senseless slaughter – slaughter without any greater purpose: literally, senseless slaughter.
We had no sensible plan to achieve anything in Iraq, just destroy. And now, of course, it is confirmed that the entire presentation by the administration to the world about the threat Saddam Hussein posed was a pre-meditated lie. 3000 more dead on our side (more, depending ho wyou define “our side”) and a hundred thousand dead on their side, to topple a dictator who had nothing to do with 9/11.
Bush has raised government deficit spending to post-war record levels. His Social Security program crashed and burned. His enormous medicare expansion is a nightmare. It was also based on premeditated lies by the Bush administration about the costs (the official in charge of orchestrating that lie about hundreds of millions in cost was fired, charged, and made to return his pay)
So, the very real question is, other than cutting taxes, Has George Bush accomplished anything at all? Has he made any positive change in government or with government whatsoever?
Even my Republican friends can’t point to anything, they don’t even bring up the ouster of Hussein and the Taliban, as these seem temporary or pyrrhic victories at the moment.
And interestingly, the Republicans now have no ambitions. They won the government, they got handed a great national defense issue to unify people and did nothing – less than nothing. And they don’t have any plans to do anything else, except hope they get the troops back before people realize the absurdity of more lives lost in Iraq – or hope they get a new war, maybe.
All that’s left is the bitter bigotry. Even the corruption is dying – like a beached whale in the sun. Now the tide has gone out on Republicans all the all that’s moving are the slimy right-wing *things* gasping on the shore.
Some have floated in from as far as Hawaii.
Mary the other Redneck said it: “Cheney should have his guns taken away”.
You’ve shot enough people Repugs. The party’s over.
I think what may be accomplished is that the utter scumminess and violently bigoted lunacy of people like Dennis “JCH” Falk will make people understand the “culture war” movement for what it is: Al Qaeda, American Style.
With right-wing religious freaks destroying the world from Nepal to Nablus and threatening the freedoms of the greatest free nation her at home, I have never been so proud to be a Leftist Atheist.
It’s simple, right-wing people believe in a God that doesn’t exist and violent authoritarianism that doesn’t work.
They are, in the vernacular, complete fucking assholes.
7….it seems Bush did Lie!
One Iraqi official? From one of many ex-CYA CIA agents who happens to have a new book? Why not just ask Saddam? Or bin Laden, who actually generates most of the wacky left talking points.
These documents already show coordination (non-9/11) between Iraq and al Qaeda, direct support of terrorists targeting the US, and ongoing activities related to WMD research and storage. Only a small fraction of the documents available are being translated, and history will show that wacky left jumped to conclusions to support their anti-troop pro-terrorist world view.
Shame on all you yoyos. Go kiss a terrorist. It will be a real “french” kiss as you are being received with open arms.
Donnageddon, please tell us how you became a dull knife? Was it exposure to chemicals as an environmental chemist for 17 years? Did your mother break dishes or bang your head with pots when you had your DOH! moments? Did the obstetrician drop you on your head when you ASS was slapped to start you crying? Which BTW you haven’t stopped since!!! Or was it the meat scent that overcame your olfactory senses when your parents had to tie raw meat to your head so the dog would play with you?
Puddybud @ 61, if you can’t respond to an argument with logic and facts then ridicule is always a handy substitute. Do you feel better now?
Hillary [JCH]Clinton@11
The significance of your post is when a consevative is in the news like that it is the exeption so more noticable. When a liberal gets in the news like that it is the norm and therefore mostly unnoticed. It is the old saying dog bites man isnt news, man bites dog is news.
China represents a unique political problem for the Republicans. On the one hand, it’s a huge market for deadly “products” like cigarretttes, which is one Republican “value”. But the lack of religious freedom offends the right wing base. Do I see a wedge here between the corporatists and the religionists in the Republican party?
Gee, I don’t know? Do you think money has any chance of winning out over family values and religious freedom in the Republican party.
Stay tuned.
re 61: Dull Knife was a famous Cheyanne chieftain during the Indian wars. Why do you want to call Donnageddon a Cheyenne Indian chief, Puddwhack?
Jerry Jr: Of course I feel better now. I was implementing the Jerry Springer Sr. questioning style. I see you picked up on it immediately. It’s easy! All you have to do is watch JS Show for 10 minutes and you have it inculcated into your life forever!
BTW JSJr, I wait for Donnageddon to answer me. YOU have been paying attention to what “donna” writes. Did you view the thread where dlaw said “you go girl”, the “man” donnageddon didn’t correct dlaw? No, you missed it? Maybe you are on your way to dull knifedom too!
Hairy Poontang: DULL KNIFE was the chief. dull knife is Donnageddon, lower case lack of sharpness!!!
Hairy Poontang: Didn’t you read where horseless looselips asked the same question? No, you missed it? Maybe you are on your way to dull knifedom too!
Didn’t John Birch die in China trying to protect our religious and political freedom, and now the Republicans want to do business with these heathen.
Oh, and just to preempt the inevitable, Clinton did not sell missile guidance devices to China. He sold them jets, which the Chinese dismantled and adapted the automatic pilot technology to missile systems. Maybe he should have known better, but what happened is NOT what righties portray it to be .
“Bunch of lying, didactic, assholes.” R. Hoffstaedter
Now that Goldy is attacking Nordstrom’s, will he be urging a boycott of Welch’s grape juice next?
I-920 is as homophobic as Saddam Hussein is responsible for 9/11.
Mediocre work, Goldy. As a fag, I appreciate your fighting the homophobes, but don’t exploit me as a means to fight an estate tax. It’s disgraceful.
Wouldn’t repealing the estate tax benefit gay folks on average a lot more than other groups? Gays tend to earn higher income than straight people. Since they tend to have fewer children, they don’t have to spend as much, and accumulate greater fortunes. So a higher percentage of gay people would be subject to the state estate tax that Dennis Falk wants to repeal.
Also, the leading opponents of the estate tax in this state happen to be the Blethen family, publishers of the Seattle Times. And the Blethens happen to be strongly in favor of gay rights. Just read their editorials in the Seattle Times.
The John Birch Society DOES have black members. Ezola Foster, a retired Los Angeles school teacher and member of the John Birch Society, ran for Vice President of the United States on the Reform Party ticket in 2000.
Dennis Falk and Dick Patten filed Initiative 402 on April 3, 1981 to abolish the gift and inheritance tax. On November 3, 1981 the voters approved Initiative 402 with 67 percent vote thus abolishing the inheritance and gift tax in Washington State effective January 1, 1982. The Initiative’s ballot title prepared by the Attorney General was, “Shall inheritance and gift taxes be abolished and state death taxes be restricted to the federal estate tax credit allowed?”
Where is the evidence supporting Goldy’s allegation that Dennis Falk shot a retarded man in the back when he was a Seattle Police officer? I have done a Google search and have not gotten any hits on this subject. The rest of Goldy’s allegations had arguable merit, but I found nothing at all about this alleged shooting.
Today on “Richard Goes Pro” he advocates for the John Birch Society and the Blethen family. And what a great job he did — my attitude about the Birchies has been dramatically changed now that I know they have black leadership!
Richard @75,
Go to the library and look up the Times and P-I reports from the seventies. They’re not in the online archives.
“What if Ayn Rand and Adam Smith had a baby? Would it use it’s invisible hand to shrug Atlas?” Commentby Donnageddon— 4/22/06@ 2:01 am
Reminds me of a story about playwright George Bernard Shaw. He received a letter from an actress he’d never met proposing marriage. “Imagine if our children had my looks and your brains!” she gushed.
Shaw replied, “Yes; but what if our children had my looks and your brains?”
Even if Momus is black, as he claims, the Birchers are still fucking idiots, and so is he.
“It is the old saying dog bites man isnt news, man bites dog is news.” Commentby Chuck— 4/22/06@ 9:07 am
Given the number of Republicans in jail or on their way, it’s only a matter of time before the media quits reporting Republican convictions.
For example, you don’t hear much anymore about Low-Tax Looper, n a GOP candidate for Tennessee state senate who attempted to win his race by murdering his Democratic opponent.
The day Nordstrom’s opened their new flagship store in the old Fredrick & Nelson building in downtown Seattle, the building I worked in at First and Lenora became filled with a foul-smelling gas welling up from the basement. In response, the fire department ordered the evacuation of about two-thirds of Belltown. As a result, thousands of young, attractive, affluent participants in the dot-com fantasy world (this was in 1999) streamed out of their offices and made absolutely sure the shiny new store and the streets surrounding it were jam-packed under the gaze of the TV news cameras.
Just a lucky coincidence? I’ve always wondered.
Speaking of corruption let take a walk down memory lane:
Clinton scandals:
Admited Perjury
White Water
Travel Gate
China Gate
Rose Law firm billing record
Trooper Gate
Monica Lewinski
Vince Foster
Juanita Brodrick-RAPE
Paula Jones
Lincoln Bedroom Gate
FBI file gate
Pardons for donations
Vandal Gate-Trashing of White house when leaving
Cattle gate- Remember Hillary’s $1,00 investment that turned into a fortune.
PBS Gate- selling donor lists to PBS for direct solicitation- This is against the law
IRS gate- Auditing Oliver North come on.
Budist temple gate- Mainly Al Gore, but directed by Clinton
And this is just one guy. Corruption is Clinton’s legacy.
goldy , i’m missing what John Nordstrom is doing wrong, or do you support all tertiary boycotts of sorts… if so, man you are going to be busy making a long list…
John NOrdstrom sends $25k to an estate intiative.
Than initiative run by some guy
that guy tried to get a different initiative 25 yrs ago
So is everyone who supports the estate tax initiative thus a homophobe? Blethen? Likley lots of liberal dot commers?
That’s a neato list you made, RUFUS. Too bad the only thing rendered from a $100 million GOP witch hunt was #1 on your list: Bill Clinton lied about sex.
The rest of your list is just the same, old allegations churned out by a cottage industry of conspiracy theorists, and bug-eyed right wingers, like yourself.
And, if you want proof, just check Clinton’s approval ratings when he left office. George W will be lucky if he is half as popular at the end of his disastrous administration.
Nordstrom family members are nearly as abundant as Saudi princes. Once in a while, one of them is bound to do something boneheaded.