Vice President Dick Cheney is in Washington state today to raise money for local Republican candidates, and both Mike McGavick and Dave Reichert are welcoming Dick with open, um… arms.
Both McGavick and Reichert attempt to sell themselves as moderates (a charade the Seattle Times seems more than willing to accommodate) but their willingness to enthusiastically suck up to Cheney despite his appallingly low public approval ratings shows just how indebted the two candidates really are to the neo-con’s Dark Sith, and the corrupting power of the money he raises.
Cheney’s visit also brings a welcome spotlight to the most important vote either candidate would cast should they be elected: the vote for Senate and House leaders.
Should the Democrats fail to take control of either house, Sen. Bill Frist will remain the Senate Majority Leader, and Rep. Dennis Hastert will remain Speaker of the House. The committee chairmanships will all remain firmly in the hands of loyal neo-cons, thus no investigations will be launched, no subpoenas issued, no check and balance applied to an increasingly rogue Bush administration.
Cheney’s fundraising trip to Washington state should make one thing clear in the minds of Washington voters: if you like Dick Cheney, and you like the direction our nation is going under his leadership… if you want more domestic spying at home, and more ill-conceived military adventurism abroad… if you want exploding budget deficits, multi-billion dollar no-bid Halliburton contracts, and lie after lie (WMDs, Valerie Plame, Hurricane Katrina, etc.)… then by all means, vote for McGavick and Reichert.
Do you want to drill in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge? Vote for McGavick and Reichert. Do you want Roe v Wade overturned? Vote for McGavick and Reichert. Do you want to nuke Iran? Vote for McGavick and Reichert.
Because even if they occasionally cast strategic votes to display their supposed independence from the GOP leadership, their most important vote will be the one that puts this leadership in place. Dick Cheney is spending $193,079.41 of taxpayers money to fly out here and support McGavick and Reichert, because he knows that when push comes to shove, McGavick and Reichert will support him.
And that’s all voters really need to know about the mid-term election.
Carl reminds me that Bill Frist is leaving the Senate to pursue his lifelong dream of coming in fourth in New Hampshire. So, some other neo-con will be elected Majority Leader should the R’s retain control. Same difference.
This is an excerpt from an article in the Sunday 04/16/2006 edition of the King County Journal. This story didn’t make it into the on-line edition for some reason – they had two stories about the 8th district race, and only posted one. It is only in today’s print edition.
“Raised in Nebraska in an Air Force family, Burner went to Harvard as a National Merit Scholar and wound up in a high-tech career, ultimately spending five years as a product and group manager at Microsoft. She left the company at the end of 2004 to raise her and husband Michael’s 3-year-old son, Henry. And, she began preparing her political run.”
I expect to see lots of slightly blurry photos of McGavick and Reichert cosying up to Cheney in the Democrat advertising.
Bill Frist won’t be Majority Leader. He’s retiring to lose the Republican nomination for President. Otherwise, great post.
Who cares?
How the Repub’s can criticize Darcy when we have the most unqualified person to ever be President of the United States takes some little tiny balls.
Comments like #1 make me realize how scared the Rs must be. Yeah, our people omit achievments– theirs omit crimes. Goldy already posted her grades, nothing to be ashamed of. Not to mention, maybe the REPORTER got that wrong. Writers for the KCJ have been known to do that.
Well, lessee…..Turns out McGavick did such a wonderful job of “turning Safeco around” that now his successor is hard at work getting ready to dismantle it and sell the pieces off to whoever wants ’em. Sounds almost exactly what he’ll fit right in with the crew that’s doing the same thing to the entire country.
Oh…excuse me…no doubt I’m about yto be excoriated for repeating a thought I think I expressed once before on this site. Seems only Republican hacks get a pass on repeating the same things over and over again add (truly!) nauseum.
Stefan Sharkansky is right on point about Darcy Burner’s resume’ and her omission of her one year of law school:
“I have a hard time understanding why she doesn’t just say that she left Microsoft to earn a law degree and took a leave after her first year in order to run for Congress. Admittedly, that’s not the most compelling story to run on, and having some specific accomplishments to boast about would be much stronger. That she keeps changing her story only draws attention to the fact that her actual biography is not particularly compelling.”
Havana – Cubans have marked the 45th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs invasion, when a US backed assault by 1,400 Cuban exiles failed to bring down Fidel Castro’s two year old government. A 21-gun salute was fired from San Carlos de La Cabana Fort in Havana to mark the time when Mr Castro, then 35, declared Cuba to be a socialist country. /break/ But they ran into stiff resistance and the incursion failed when President John F. Kennedy declined to send in US reinforcements, wanting to avoid the appearance of a direct US intervention. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….[Libs, Kennedy at his worst. Note this will not be mentioned in the drive by media.]
Pope @ 9 — Stefan Sharkansky has a hard time understanding a lot of things. What’s the effin’ point?
Some pretty funky accounting by your fellow moonbat Andrew coming up with those numbers.
Whatever. You remain an inconsequential failure. Keep it up, you are amusing.
Re McGavick, it’s not just a mid-term election. If he picks up the seat, it might stay Republican for 20 – 30 – 40 years.
Incumbents are odds-on favorites, and McGavick is easily young enough and crafty enough to serve three terms — 18 years — or more. Who knows … he could live to become the next Ted Stevens.
When he’s out, it’s a toss-up whether the next incumbent is D or R.
BonzoBananaDanno @ 12
There’s no more flat-out, side-splitting group of failures than the (un)SP crowd. Examples:
Election Contest (2 million plus down the drain)
I-912 (or the revenge of the wingnuts)
David Irons, Jr. (revenge pt 2: the resume inflating, female abuser).
Keep up the streak in November, Bonzo. It’s a laugh riot!
The math behind the number is classic for a Seattle education. All those people will be paid whether they are in Seattle or not. If they are campaign or GOP workers, they aren’t being paid by the taxpayer, anyway. And with the state of technology, those staffers on the payroll are able to do their normal jobs as well here as in Wash DC.
The local costs are more logical. But, if this is purely a campaign visit, the GOP picks up the cost.
Actually, HC, if you want to talk about the Bay of Pigs, there are eery overtones to Iraq. The CIA was told by the Chalabis, oops I mean Miami Cubans, that the Cuban people would rise up when they saw the landing force at the Bay of Pigs and overthrow Castro. Instead just the opposite happened, the crazies from Miami were repelled before they could even get off of the beach. Kennedy was a victim himself, having just gotten into office, and he was grossly misled by the CIA and the people from Miami. He made the right judgment in cutting his losses and disavowing ever doing something that stupid again.
Then, of course, he ended up in Vietnam, which was a disaster for another discussion.
Another republican heads to jail where all republicans belong!
“I have a hard time understanding why she doesn’t just say that she left Microsoft to earn a law degree and took a leave after her first year in order to run for Congress. Admittedly, that’s not the most compelling story to run on…”
Whaaaa? I could give you a long, long list of politicians who did less before they ran for public office. Try Linda Smith or Patty Murray, for instance. Granted, they were going for the State Legislature on their first run…but sheesh.
I’d much rather see people from different walks of life enter politics at all levels than see freakin’ career politicians do 20-30 year stints going up the chain from State House to State Legislature to US House or Governor to US Senate, etc.
The question of cost to the taxpayer is a costant game played by opponents of the administration. The wingnuts harped repeatedly about costs of visits by Clinton or Gore. If Bush/Cheney were even marginally competent at governing (as opposed to extracting government largesse for Halliburton and others, which they are very good at), the few hundred thousand odd dollars would be a minor issue.
My concern is that these clowns are running the country straight down the s***ter because they are so concerned with retaining power in the short term. Of course Bush/Cheney don’t care about the deficit, or the long term consequence of pissing off the entire world. By the time those chickens come home to roost, Bush will be making six figure speeches (making speeches is hard work!) and Cheney will be cryogenically frozen or slipping off to Geneva for a transplant using organs from Chinese prisoners or kidnapped Central American orphans.
I don’t yet know if they’ll it, but I wrote the following letter to the Spokesman Review yesterday.
Cheney Junket
Dear Editor,
Safeco insurance executive McGavick’s statement in the Sunday April 16
issue “That wouldn’t be appropriate, he said, for a candidate who’s not an
officeholder to accompany Cheney while he addressed the troops.” begs a
That appropriateness might be argued and the event as described doesn’t
seem to include all that many active troops. But there is another factor.
Mr. Cheney and his entourage are traveling at taxpayer expense to the tone
of about $200,000. The VP needs to give at least the appearance of some
government function at each stop on this junket. Otherwise, the visit should
be billed to the McGavick campaign. I don’t think they can afford it, even
after $500 and $2,100 insider payments from the fine folks of Spokane.
Please forgive me for compounding the “funky” numbers by rounding up :)
Did Kevin Carns have anything to do with this? It sounds like the very kind of stunt this low-life would pull! Oh, and before I forget …
klake is a nazi
Looks like perennial LOSER candidate Richard Poop is really worried about Darcy Burner’s chances! Hey Richard — here’s a reason why Darcy might not put her year of law school on her resume — the public HATES LAWYERS!!! Yeah, Richard, that means you and me. Joe Citizen thinks LAWYERS SUCK!!! Well, we know YOU suck … as for me, Roger Rabbit, I don’t suck … I FUCK!!! If it’s a bunny, and female, and in heat, I fuck it!!! I’m a bunny-fucking machine!!! That’s what God designed me for, and I’m just doing my job — making more bunnies!
Speaking of which, yesterday was Easter, and people will start dumping the bunnies they got for their kids as Easter presents in Green Lake Park about two weeks from now, so starting next month I’M GOING TO BE A BUSY BUNNY!!! Despite efforts by the Seattle Parks Department fascists to trap and “resettle” my children in concentration camps, Green Lake Park should be completely repopulated by as many cute fluffy little bunnies as the ecosystem can support by the end of the summer.
RightEqualsStupid @ 17.
Another republican heads to jail where all republicans belong!
Not surprising, considering who the prosecutor was in the case.
If my Jewish brother I. Lewis had half a brain, he would plead for a lesser sentence and sing like a Canary. Either way it does not matter. If I were “Big Time” I would seriously think about finding a good lawyer.
It will take more then an obscenity to dismiss the special prosecutor.
A jury today found ex-Illinois governor George Ryan guilty of corruption charges, and Ryan is now getting measured for his new pin-striped suit. Now if prosecutors nail the scumbag who outed a CIA agent, maybe Ryan will get to suck Cheney’s Dick.
But in bird-hunting country, they call the veep “Duck” Cheney, as in “duck, he thinks you’re a quail!”
Dems made a mistake when Gore *didn’t* use Clinton.
All elected officials use big name party folks for their campaigns.
This isn’t right vs. left or repub. vs dem. It’s just politics.
If illegal Mexicans voted Republicans, would Hillary and Teddy still want them in the USA???? [hehe]
Games within games. NPI’s cost of Cheney’s trip is likely inflated in some particulars. (It also likely omits a few.)
And the bill will be split, as is customary, between political committees (for the political stops) and the public (for the official stop or stops).
That’s where the real games begin. Was the Fairchild visit the only official event on the schedule? Yes?
Did the Fairchild stop have a public purpose eighty enough to justify bringing the VP cross country? No? That’s just the kind of window-dressing stop that provides a foothold for the usual “Hollywood accounting” chicanery.
Apportion the taxpayer share of the whole trip according to the relative magnitudes of the Fairchild activity versus total activities on schedule.
What’s that number, precisely? It’s not 100% (as NPI seems to assume), but it is – per the classic hire-the-accountant joke – “anything you want it to be”.
As a new reader, is there a reason someone who seems mentally challenged–JCH–is constantly posting “hehe” in brackets? Is this some sort of code? Or is it just the electronic equivalent of drool?
Cheney is doubtless going to arrange a 15-minute meeting with some Boeing functionary or a drive-by “inspection” at Fairchild to justify the our childrens’ children getting stuck with the bill for all that Jet-A for Air Farce 2.
Re: Post #19…Bush making six-figure speeches? Hell, he can’t do ‘rithmetic with that many digits. And as to Cheney’s trips to some “special clinic” in Geneva, instead of accepting tissue grafts from “furriners”, he’ll most likely be the beneficiary of who-knows-what secret advances in stem-cell and cloning research that he and the rest of ’em have hypocritically opposed for the unwashed masses. I could be tempted to make some funky joke about “growing a new Dick” but i’m too nice a guy.
Richard Pope wonders why Darcy would go to law school and not continue on to a degree. Let’s see what Darcy has to say about it. From Darcy’s own Microsoft blog (dated November 2004), she writes
So…long before wingnuts had a chance to create conspiracy theories about Darcy, it seems she answered the question. She went to law school to prepare herself for a career in politics. She thought it would be useful for a lawmaker to understand laws. How novel…she wasn’t going to law school to get rich off of charging outrageous fees. She just wanted to understand the law better.
This is impressive! After reading her 1.5 year old statement and seeing how she has followed through (a year of law school and then running for Congress) I have even more respect for Darcy.
Richard Pope wonders why Darcy would go to law school and not continue on to a degree. Let’s see what Darcy has to say about it. From Darcy’s own Microsoft blog (dated November 2004), she writes
So…long before wingnuts had a chance to create conspiracy theories about Darcy, it seems she answered the question. She went to law school to prepare herself for a career in politics. She thought it would be useful for a lawmaker to understand laws. How novel…she wasn’t going to law school to get rich off of charging outrageous fees. She just wanted to understand the law better.
This is impressive! After reading her 1.5 year old statement and seeing how she has followed through (a year of law school and then running for Congress) I have even more respect for Darcy.
Oops…sorry about the duplicate post. I reloaded the comment window and I guess the comment got reposted.
I’m no lawyer, but this looks like a pretty weak attempt to impute motive in the total absence of corroborating evidence. Mr. Pope, please post your licence to practice law, your address, and your phone number. It is in the public interest to be made aware of incompetent attorneys.
Darcy doesn’t lie about that or anything else. Ask her in person, she’ll tell you she went to the UW Law School for a year, then took a leave to run for office. By the way, Pope, where’s your National Merit Scholarship and your Harvard degree?
Have any of you yo-yo’s repeating the same two or three tired talking points about Darcy ever MET her? Have you ever voted in the 8th District? I’ve met her on a number of occasions, been VERY impressed by her each time, and I am a voter in the 8th District.
Anon @ 31 — Some of our more colorful local characters take a little getting used to.
The [hehe] is an apparent reference to JCH’s double Y chromosome, a genetic complement strongly correlated with aggressive antisocial behavior.
Dear Mr. Pope: Please advise the public as to how many cases you have taken to court (if any); how many were won; how many were lost; and how many fell into the “other” category. You have run for public office in the past. All indications point, with a high degree of expectation, to furture quixotic endeavors of this nature, and such information is vital in order to make a reasoned judgement as to your competence to hold office and discharge your duties in the public interest.
If you do not care to release this information, please provide an explanation (250 words, max.) informing us of what you are hiding. After all, the public should know.
Christ it’s fun arguing like a wingnut. Now I understand what keeps them going.
“Do you want to drill in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge?” Yes!! The Russians are drilling Siberia and cleaning up!!! Note you libs have NOTHING to say to the Russians. Gee, I wonder why?? [hehe] We need to be oil independent, and not rely on towel head Mid East countries for 60% of our power!! Build nukes!! Build new refrineries, and drill Alaska!! Vote Republican!!!
I love this niggling crap the Republicans are throwing at Darcy Burner. Apparently, she misworded her resume. My God, what a tragedy. Of course what they’re really pussled by is the fact that “Fourth Reich” Reichert’s long record of public service is doing nothing for him when it should be a slam dunk.
Burner’s resume is thin for a run for Congress. But what is frightening the Repugs is that an extremely bright, trustworthy woman who cares about her community is such a contrast to ANYTHING they have to offer. The Republicans are obviously driven by greed and a vicious right-wing agenda that has failed the country.
Their policy of cheap, foreign labor at home and abroad, oceans of blood spilled for propoganda and total inability to execute the responsibilities of government (because, of course, they don’t think they HAVE any responsibilities) is dragging them down, despite the lack of any serious campaign from the Dems.
They are the party of brutish, greedy, whining, white men and nobody wants to hear from them any more. It’s just that simple.
Richard Pope, keep this inneffectual “attack” going.
You’re making a complete ass of yourself.
JCH, if only you anybody in the Republican Party would listen to you. God I wish. Nothing could please me more than if your party ran on drilling in ANWR. It makes it so clear that they are corrupt scumbags who don’t care a damn for the long-term good of this or any other country.
As long as they have their golf and their vacations and their gay sexual fantasies, they could give a fuck what happens to the world.
Uh Oh!
This may really kill off the democrats chances to win a majority in The Senate in 2006.
Washington Senate:
Cantwell (D) 48% McGavick (R) 40%
Survey of 500 Likely Voters
April 4, 2006
Election 2006
Washington Senate
Maria Cantwell (D) 48%
Mike McGavick (R) 40%
Election 2006
Washington Senate
Three-Poll Rolling Average
Surveys Cantwell McGavick
Feb-Mar-Apr 49% 37%
Jan-Feb-Mar 50% 36%
Nov-Jan-Feb 51% 36%
Nov 10-Nov 30-Jan 52% 37%
April 13, 2006–The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll of Washington state’s Senate race shows Republican Mike McGavick continuing to chip away at the incumbent’s lead.
Democratic U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell now leads McGavick 48% to 40%. In March, Cantwell led 49% to 36%.
The new poll is the third in a row in which the incumbent has lost a percentage point of support. And it’s the second poll in a row showing her at less than 50% support.
Meanwhile, McGavick, the former Safeco CEO, has made his strongest showing yet, and is firming up support among Republicans (now 86%) and conservatives (79%).
Pope is no lawyer. And forget that dicksucker. Goldy, let’s start a fund to look into Sheriff Davie’s past women trouble. He’s had at least two wives. There’s some backdue spousal support. If Darcy getting staight As in lawschool is an issue, Sheriff Davie’s abuse of exwives is a real scandal!
Darcy Burner was so excited on June 15, 2005, the day she filed with the FEC to run for Congress, that she couldn’t control herself. Mind you, this was just five days after finishing final exams for her first (and only) year of law school at the University of Washington.
Burner raced home to share the good news with her husband. She wasn’t paying attention to the cars stopped in front of her to make a left turn and rammed right into them. It was 6:00 p.m. and full daylight. This took place at the intersection of SE Duthie Hill Road and SE 33rd Street in Sammamish, about 9 miles from Burner’s home. Burner caused a four car chain reaction collision, which resulted in two of the cars having to be towed.
Among the passengers were three children in one car and one child in another car, ages between 22 months and 5 years. At least two people were injured in the accident, including someone else’s 3 year old child. Burner’s own son, Henry, who was about 29 months old at the time, was not a passenger in her car.
Source: King County Sheriff’s Office Incident Report No. 05-170074 (Washington State Accident Report No. 1716184)
Too bad Darcy Burner isn’t spending more time taking care of her own small child, instead of injuring other people’s small children through her own carelessness.
In May 2005, the House of Representatives approved a spending bill that allowed the Energy Department to consider storing spent nuclear fuel at Hanford. Jay Inslee unsuccessfully tried to strip the offending language from the measure, but three Republicans from Washington — Cathy McMorris, Doc Hastings and the self-styled environment friendly Dave Reichert — didn’t join in voting for the amendment.
If Dave is so green, why does he fall in line with the GOP on a issue of great importance to Washington State? Does he only vary from McMorris and Hastings when the heat is off?
State Democratic Party Chair Dwight Pelz has called on Dave Reichert to return campaign contributions he’s received from Tom DeLay’s PAC. Reichert has accepted $20,000 in tainted money from DeLay and his political action committees, and Reichert has voted with DeLay 97 percent of the time.
“From his tenure as King County Sheriff to his time now as a member of Congress, Dave Reichert has repeatedly demonstrated a pattern of turning a blind eye to bad behavior,” said Pelz. “Tom DeLay’s downfall should cause Reichert to take a good look at his own prospects for reelection this November. The people of the 8th district want honest leadership and reform, not Republican yes-men who take tainted money from the likes of DeLay.”
In October 2004, Dave Reichert invited Tom DeLay to a closed-door fund-raiser in the 8th Congressional District? The Democrats asked rhetorically. “Who does Dave Reichert want to represent — Tom DeLay’s conservative, win-at-all-costs wing of the Republican Party or the independent voters of the 8th Congressional District?”
I guess we know the answer now.
Richard @46,
Why the editorializing? Why not just post the accident report instead of your fanciful retelling of it?
Just remember, when the shit really hits the fan, that you guys went negative first. (And with squat.)
The entire 2004 campaign chest of Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., for instance, was $1.55 million, while the Republican Party spent more than twice as much – $3.66 million – in independent expenditures to get him elected.
I guess Ken Mehlman wants to protect his investment, that’s why Stefan and Pope are sliming Darcy so early.
Bus stops and regularly scheduled service have been added at Congress and the White House — for the prison bus.
The GOP ex-governor of Illinois is going to prison. How many other Republicans were convicted today? And let’s not forget GOP politician Low Tax Looper, who tried to win a state senate seat in Tennessee by murdering his opponent.
dlaw, You need to tell those lovable commie Russians to quit drilling in Siberia!! And tell those fun loving Chicomms to quit using so much fossil fuel. Yes, I’m sure you dumb ass libs will step up and put those Russians and Chicomms in their place!! [hehe……..dumb ass lib!]
Goldy @ 50
I just e-mailed you a PDF copy of the accident report. You can post it if you like.
Or I can post the link to the accident report on Sound Politics when that becomes available :)
Why doesn’t Mike McGavick say in his TV spots that he’s a Republican? Isn’t he deceiving voters by hiding the fact he’s a Republican and saying, “we need to do something about children without health care?”
That’s like Ted Bundy saying, “we’ve got to do something about Seattle’s crime wave.”
dlaw…….No nukes!! No drilling in ANWR, the rest of Alaska, FL, off California, or the Gulf. No new refineries!! No wind power off Kennedyland!! No LNG ships!! Oh……….And it’s Bush’s fault gas is $3.25 a gallon!! And it’s Bush’s fault we import 60% of our crude from the Middle East!! [What a bunch of dumb ass libs!!!!]
Republicans can never run on the issues. It always has to be slander and character assassination. For instance: The RNC is now running ads on Spanish language radio blaming the legislation tyhey wrote and recently passed planning to criminal
ize and deport all allegal aliens.
What gives?
Isn’t this kind of lying and disinformation slander — and illegal?
One of the most fun things about HA is watching trollfucks like jaybo clutch at straws like drowning men.
Why is Sheriff Davie afraid to come clean on all the money he took from the disgraced leader of the culture of corruption Tom Delay? When Tommie goes to jail will Davie give him some tips on avoiding getting punked in the ass?
If Dems spend 10% of the time looking into Sheriff Dave’s past that Steffy and his band of log cabin republicans have spent to prove Darcy got straight As in law school, I bet we can uncover a boatload of shit.
Remember the GOPs running a mother-beater for public office? I bet we can find something like that in Davie’s file.
Remember the GOPs running a mother-beater for public office? I bet we can find something like that in Davie’s file.
Commentby LeftTurn— 4/17/06@ 7:28 pm
Just do it the old fashion donk way and produce a forged document. I am sure Dan will let you borrow his typewriter if you dont have one. hehehehehe
Okay, Goldy — here’s the link to the Darcy Burner accident report:
Did everyone hear that?!? If Democrats are elected and take back a majority, it’ll be non-stop investigations and “checks and balances”(read: Congress will be uselessly tied up for at least two years).
That’s quite a message to sell to voters! But with the obstructionist record of Democrats over the past four years–it isn’t surprising that we’d see more of the same from them…
Yes the republicans are scared to death that we would do to Congress what they did during the Clinton years. Payback’s a bitch you cowardly traitors!
Wow, someone has to get Reichert’s or the GOPs internal polls. Since I have a hard time thinking that Richard Pope is stupid, his and the minnows actions are only explained if they are desperate.
Wow, a person had an accident. And a minor one. If this is what the GOP has come to, you deserved to be rounted in November.
Doesn’t Congresman Reichert have a single idea to run on?
Yellow Elephant at 65:
Yes, imagine the horrors of the government working as the Founders imagined. Thank you for alerting us.
So, how in your enlistment going?
Why is the GOP so desperate? The truth is coming out:
Okla. U-S Senator Tom Coburn isn’t naming names, but he expects six congressmen and a fellow senator will go to jail.
That’s because he thinks they’ll be facing corruption charges following investigations involving lobbyist Jack Abramoff and others.
Man all this attention from the inbred right wing taliban republicans over a trafic ticket. Too bad they weren’t this concerned when the Pretender and Thief was out there driving drunk!
Left Turn: Does what you suggest in 66 move America forward as you claim it isn’t now? Does it solve problems like Iran and the inherited North Korea? Does it solve inner city ghetto issues like: poorly run schools, bad social programs, poverty, and crime? Does it set the new level of sugar in ketchup? Does it solve illegal immigrants.
Horseless Looselips: The Republicans wanted to drop the offense from a felony to a misdemeanor like it is for our existing laws on the books and the donkocraps voted against the bill.
But looselips look at this one:
Interesting huh?
And lastly looselips who said this:
“I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. Clearly, we have to make some tough decisions as a country, and one of them ought to be coming up with a much better entry-and-exit system so that if we’re going to let people in for the work that otherwise would not be done, let’s have a system that keeps track of them…. People have to stop employing illegal immigrants. I mean, come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties, stand on the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx. You’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work.”
Hilary Rotten Clinton, looselips: Back in 2004, after Bush’s reelection, she told Manhattan’s WABC radio this!
Wow! It’s been ZERO days since Puddybud has gone to Free Republic!
Actually, Puddy had been better, he had learned that he gets trounced when he posts propaganda here. I don’t know why he is slipping.
And, as usual, here we he quotes Free Republic he is wrong. Here is the truth:
But the claim that Democrats supported the immigration bill’s harsh penalties and opposed Republican efforts to soften them distorts the stated motives on both sides of the aisle. Indeed, many Democrats made clear at the time of the vote that their rejection of the amendment was consistent with their opposition to subjecting illegal immigrants to any criminal penalties. Republicans, meanwhile, explained that they sought to downgrade the felony designation in order to encourage prosecutions.
Come on, Puddy, think for a bit. Does it make sense that the Republican controlled house can be forced into anything by the Democrats?
Stop reading Free Republic, it makes truth-slapping you all to easy.
JDB @ 69,
You forgot to post one sentence that illustrates your post,
“The Oklahoma Republican says members of both parties have been involved in questionable dealings.”
Sounds to me like we are going to see politicians from both parties go down.
but so far all we hear about are Republicans.
and which party is acting desperate?