8th Congressional District candidate Darcy Burner earned two posts on Slog today, the first from Eli Sanders pointing to the national Dems growing confidence in her campaign, and the second from Dan Savage asking you to help put her over the top of her quarterly fundraising target. I agree with both, but especially want to emphasize the latter.
The national Dems are paying attention to Darcy Burner’s race and they’ve got a bunch of money to dump on her
+ $50 here.
I’ve given $1000 in the name of Lush Flimbaugh.
Hopefully all of the honest people on this blog can lend a hand. She is gaining momentum and the possiblities are becoming realities.
I’m in for $25. Ante up folks!
Here’s some more!
Mr. Cynical-$100 (check returned, made out to LEFTIST PINHEAD CLOWNS).
momus-$73.50 (insufficient funds)
klake-44.56 (stolen check, payment declined)
Vagina Lips-$2,000,000,000.42 (stolen credit card)
yo-$1.50 (three rolls of pennies sent “postage due”. Returned to sender.
rufus-$0.05 (hey, every bit helps!) Wooden nickel. Contact the Treasury Dept.
Put me down for $25.00, Goldy.
I just sent her $25.00 Hee haw.
$25 in honor of Goldy’s activism ;).
25.00 is all I can afford.
I’ve given $1000 in the name of Lush Flimbaugh.
Commentby LeftTurn— 3/30/06@ 4:02 pm
WTF? The PHARMA-CYST gave money to Burner? Good works will not get you into heaven!
This would be a good time for Mark the Welsher to pay his $100 gambling debt.
“Good works will not get you into heaven! Commentby Proud To Be An Ass— 3/30/06@ 5:59 pm”
No, but accepting Jesus as your personal Savior and swearing off Republicanism will! If you’re a Republican, you need all the saving you can get, times three.
While you guys are giving away money, be sure to give some to deadbeat McDermott so he can pay is $700,000 fine.
I never got an answer… is it “chilling” to wiretap or not?
I never got an answer… is it “chilling” to wiretap or not?
Well, Vagina Lips, that depends. The government wiretaps drug dealers and other assorted suspected criminals all the time (warrant required, ‘natch). The results are problematical, to say the least. In this case, the “chill” factor obviously did not work, since Newt and his criminal co-conspirators continued with their crime.
So let us turn the question back to you: Are you stupid, or just a moron?
Hey, Vagina Lips! Live by false dilemmas, die by them, I say.
Bake Sale!! Cookies: $1.00 for Republicans, only 50 cents for Democrats because Dems can’t or won’t work, and 25 cents for black Democrats and illegal Mexicans living in the USA and who are registered Democrat , because they need “affirmative action” and cannot survive without “guvment”. OK……..Who needs a cookie?????????????????????????
15….GBS, RR, Left Turn, and you other lib Democrat losers………It’s “Affirmative Action” cookie time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fag Bob From Boeing……….No specials. You pay the Democrat 50 cents, as “Tookie Williams” anal sex will not earn you a discount!!!!!!!!
Gay Bob, Please don’t add any “icing” to the cookies!!!!!!!!!
I just think it’s hilarious that you guys actually think you can knock of Reichert with such a low caliber candidate. You might have a chance if you had a real candidate, say, Ross Hunter or Laura Ruderman. You know, someone with experience and a resume that isn’t worth laughing at?
But some random retired Microsoft employee? Hell, I’ve got more experienced, qualified candidates sitting around my friends kitchen table on some random night playing $10 poker.
You’d have a better chance of knocking off Jeb Bush with some random trial attorney, and last I heard that didn’t go so well.
Please amend post #5 as follows:
JCH-$75,000,000,000-Confederate money from a clown who hates Democrats, but “retired” (unsubstantiated claim) to a state where the Democratic Party has been ascendent since McKinley was shot–more so than here, in fact. I’ll bet he doesn’t shake hands with the locals much, either.
Richard Pope-Invoice Burner campaign for $250 for “services rendered”. Uh, Richard, that’s not the idea here. Get with the program. Please send a donation to Dixon.
Gay Bob, Please don’t add any “icing” to the cookies!!!!!!!!!
Commentby Hillary [JCH] Clinton— 3/30/06@ 6:40 pm
Be careful of old Bubba too. I heard there will be interns running the booth. Hehehehe
On Sunday, March 26, Mark the Redneck claimed the following:
“Me? hate and intolerance? When? Give me an example.
No, you guys have cornered the market on hate and intolerance.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 3/26/06@ 3:38 pm
This comment was pretty cheeky, because MTR has proposed genocide far larger than that perpetrated by the Nazis:
“There are 6 billion people in the world. 2 billion of them are muslim. That means that all the rest of need to pair up and kill one of them. When we all do that, the problem will be solved. And it really is like a cancer… you hafta get every trace of it… every cell, or it will come out of remission with a vengeance. This also solves the global population problem you guys are so worried about, so we kill two birds with one stone.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 12/17/05@ 8:51 pm
How long will it take for MTR to repudiate or apologize for proposing the ultimate genocide?
Proud To Be An Ass……”Affirmative Action” Cookies, Only 25 cents for Democrat losers in life like you!!!
Green Thumb………Tokyo Rose and Jane Fonda would love your last post!!!
Democrats: “Affirmative Action” cookies!!! Food stamps and welfare checks accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black Democrats: Nothing better than a few “free” affirmative action cookies with the KFC, Marlboros, and Black Velvet!!!
Bush planned 9/11!!! [Cindi McKinney, D-GA]
Hillary/McKinney 2008!! Two loud mouthed racist black Democrats!! [Now if Bill was the first black prez, wouldn’t Hillary qualify as the first Black First Lady?????]
Goldy-You’re such a fucktard, man. Darcy Burner is going to get burnt, bad. Reichert’s voted against the majority on several key issues; that’s already scored him points with moderates who don’t want a rubber-stamp Republican.
My prediction: Burner loses to Reichert by more than 5% of the vote.
How in the hell are they going to sell all those Kerry purple heart cookies. There must be thousands of them.
Reichert only votes with Tom Delay 92% of the time – quite the moderate. /Sarcasm. He may talk moderate, but on the important things he’s just another Rubberstamp Republican.
I heard the swimmer chappa-cupcakes are killer.
Just don’t lie and call her an Executive like your brethren
Executives are typically officers of the company. Don’t confuse stock that thousands got with being an exec
Darcy has my vote (I am in her district) and Goldy, she has my contribution.
Thanks for all you do Goldy.
BTW: Richard Pope believes Klake’s use of Nazi Publications is appropriate when trying to prove the hilariously evil bullshit that “More Black people and Indians owned slaves that white people did”.
Richard Pope stand as much chance of winning an elected office as Mark The Welsher Reddick does.
Anti-Goldy @ 29
Geez…I might be willing to offer you a bet on that, but given the Wingnut track-record on paying up on bets ’round here (Read: the dishonorable Mark the Thieving Redneck), I’ll have to pass. After all, I ALWAYS make good on my bets.
But, Anti-Goldy, you come off as such a sincere and fine young man. I don’t understand why you are poisoning you mind at a liberal recruitment facility like PLU. Wouldn’t you be better off in Iraq, where the President can REALLY make good use of your capabilities?
I strongly recommend you get the hell out of that liberal institution and visit a recruiter! The sooner the better!
Get your facts straight dipshit, I’m not at PLU.
As for recruiting, I’d have considered it before I graduated (something you don’t seem to have ever done, judging from the discourse here), but they don’t let recruiters on campus anymore.
What’s with all of the ‘join the military’ cracks anyways? I thought you guys were against the war ;0)
“As for recruiting, I’d have considered it before I graduated (something you don’t seem to have ever done, judging from the discourse here), but they don’t let recruiters on campus anymore.
What’s with all of the ‘join the military’ cracks anyways? I thought you guys were against the war ;0) ”
Uh, you can join the good fight in Iraq anytime you want to Anti-G, just sign up.
And Anti-G, we are agaisnt the Iraq war, that is why we want all the supporters of the war to go there and die for Haliburton.
Send the rest of the troops home and let the NeoCon Symps die for the Friends of Bush.
36 – What a worthless cop-out that is! It’s obvious you haven’t gone to PLU. Have you got your GED yet?
You don’t know where to sign up for patriotic duty in the noble cause of the GWOT? Ever hear of the yellow pages?
Heed your Dear Leader Dubya’s call!
How in the hell are they going to sell all those Kerry purple heart cookies. There must be thousands of them. Commentby RUFUS— 3/30/06@ 9:01 pm
A couple inches in the wrong direction and Kerry would have been dead. How many times were YOU wounded, Doofus? By enemy action, I mean? Shooting your balls off yourself doesn’t count.
He may talk moderate, but on the important things he’s just another Rubberstamp Republican. Commentby Robert— 3/30/06@ 9:04 pm
That’s their game, alright! The “moderate” image they affect is as fake as Kaloogian’s Baghdad photos.
Why are all Republicans such fucking liars?
“they don’t let recruiters on campus anymore”
Really? How about giving us a list of schools that have kicked the recruiters out? No wingnut bullshit, please, just the facts.
Anti-Goldy is just another wingnut dipshit regurgitating the talking points force-fed to him by Lush Flimbaugh.
“Hell, I’ve got more experienced, qualified candidates sitting around my friends kitchen table on some random night playing $10 poker.” Commentby zbigreddogz— 3/30/06@ 7:24 pm
Then why don’t you run them, Big Mouth? Washington has six (6) — count ’em … SIX — Democratic congressmen Rove would love to knock off (in his wet dreams).
Republican = big talk, little dick
#24: “…Jane Fonda would love your last post!!!”
You might appreciate a joke being told by the solders in The Box:
Q: What’s the difference between Dubya and Jane Fonda?
A: Hey! At least Jane went to Vietnam!
re 12: Gingrich , “Boner”, and DeLay were not “wiretapped”. Their cellular phone calls were intercepted by perfectly legal scanner that you can buy at any Radio Shack. A couple recorded the conversation which was between several highly placed Republican politicians about how best to proceed with a CRIMINAL COVER-UP of Gingrich’s political crimes.
Still SPINNEN’ ‘N’ GRINNIN’, eh? We call it lying where I come from. You’re a sneaky liar.
re 15: The “greatest generation ever” is practically gone. Who ya gonna stir up with your xenophobic B.S. now?
Time is on my side, righty loads, not yours.
“Get your facts straight dipshit, I’m not at PLU.”
Thank God! You escaped with your wingnut “values” intact!
“As for recruiting, I’d have considered it before I graduated (something you don’t seem to have ever done, judging from the discourse here), but they don’t let recruiters on campus anymore.”
Hmmmm…maybe the liberals have gotten to you afterall. I sense a reluctance to go and fight for your country. You can overcome, AG, you can overcome. Sign-up today!
“What’s with all of the ‘join the military’ cracks anyways? I thought you guys were against the war ;0)”
We just want the “right” people fighting it. I mean, the neocon effort has been so utterly fucked-up in every way. It must be because there are too many liberals in the military.
See what you can do to help!
I sent my $50! And I plan to send her at least $50 every month until November. I’m in her district, so I get to vote for her, and she’s one of the few candidates who’ll get some of my volunteer time this year, too.
what has she done to deserve your vote?
ah, done some work at microsoft
gone to college
wow, i’m unimpressed
Hey , Righton, what’s ten bucks to a $2 whore like yourself? Just 5 stiff poles up the old wazoo! C’mon!! Give it over!
re 12: Gingrich , “Boner”, and DeLay were not “wiretapped”. Their cellular phone calls were intercepted by perfectly legal scanner that you can buy at any Radio Shack. A couple recorded the conversation which was between several highly placed Republican politicians about how best to proceed with a CRIMINAL COVER-UP of Gingrich’s political crimes.
Still SPINNEN’ ‘N’ GRINNIN’, eh? We call it lying where I come from. You’re a sneaky liar.
Commentby headless lucy— 3/31/06@ 8:45 am
Yep just a Grandpa and Grandma going out for a drive not knowing their cell phone scanner was turned on. Hahahahahaha. It could happen to anybody. Hahahahahahahaahaha ah you donks are hilarious.