I’ve gotten a few angry emails over the last couple days, and I can certainly understand if some of you Green Party members and supporters mistakenly believe I’m just some Democratic Party hack. But local writer and activist Geov Parrish has impeccable progressive credentials, so perhaps you’ll accept his take on the Dixon fiasco as unbiased.
Writing in Eat The State (“Shame on the Greens and Aaron Dixon“,) Parrish berates the Greens for failing to vet their candidate.
David Goldstein and his readers at HorsesAss.org have been on a tear the last two days, destroying Dixon’s Senate bid and perhaps, along the way, permanently ensuring that nobody politically credible in town will ever take the Greens seriously again.
It pains me to write that. I like the Greens, in the same way, I guess, that fans root for the Chicago Cubs. Except the Cubs have winning seasons pretty often. And I like and respect Dixon, too. But the particularly painful thing about this is that it was all entirely preventable.
Parrish then goes on to summarize what has been gleaned from the public records thus far:
1) Eighteen criminal charges in the last 17 years, most (but not all) for traffic violations and unpaid traffic fines.
2) Massive debts from dozens of unpaid fines in both Seattle Municipal Court and King County District Court. A number are for driving without insurance (and yes, he can afford it.)
3) Dixon claims on his web site that the woman he currently lives with (and who is his campaign media contact) is his wife. She isn’t, and she’d better not be. He’s still in the process of divorcing his last wife.
4) And he owes thousands in unpaid child support to yet another ex.
5) Not only has Dixon not voted since registering in 1998 (which was reported Thursday), but he’s never voted before that, either. In other words, he’s never voted in King County. Ever, over an adult life spanning nearly 40 years. And his inactive voter registration lists a now-invalid address.There’s probably more; the dailies will likely be all over Dixon now, starting this morning. And this is not to say Dixon is a bad guy; he wouldn’t be the first community activist whose personal life is a mess. But the point is, this is Campaign 101. You vet your own candidates, and you conduct opposition research, just like you know your opponents (if they take you seriously) will on you. Did the Greens expect not to be taken seriously, or are they just stunningly ignorant about how this “campaign” thing works?
Hmm. I’m guessing a bit of both. I don’t believe the Greens did take this campaign seriously… at least, not in the sense that they ever really believed that Dixon could win. So perhaps they just thought the media would play along with a wink and nod, giving their rhetoric a little ink as a fuck you to the incumbent?
I mean, let’s be honest, the media’s never taken the Greens seriously before… never bothered to scrutinize Green candidates the way they do real ones… so why should this race be any different? Because this ain’t your daddy’s media, folks.
It is stunning that such a supposedly progressive “party” has such an ass-backwards, 20th Century view of how the media works. For those of you who have criticized me for targeting Dixon… where have you been the past few years?! This is what I do! Dixon had muck in his past, and if I didn’t rake it, some other blogger would have.
Don’t blame me… blame the Greens. As Parrish points out, they recruited Dixon. They approached him because of his stature in the black community.
The Greens could and should have covered all this before ever talking with Dixon, and nobody would have been the wiser. And they could have found some other, more appropriate black community activist to run for U.S. Senate instead. They had no business not vetting Dixon.
Now, a good man is being publicly humiliated, his campaign badly damaged, and the Greens are a laughingstock. Ugly. Really ugly. And completely, absolutely unnecessary.
Once again, when it comes to learning the ins and outs of electoral politics, the upstart Green Party has proven to be an awfully green party.
Goldy, Goldy, Goldy……
Seems like you are “schmusing” the Greenies with your pacificist rhetoric like “And this is not to say Dixon is a bad guy; and then you turn around and skewer Dixon and the whole Green Party.
Sometimes the best strategy is “silence”….but then again, that’s not your style!
This is not at all surprising. The Greens have always been complete dolts when it comes to electoral politics. For example, in the South Sound one of their first efforts was to run a candidate against Tim Sheldon. Right — a campaign dominated by pie-eyed Evergreen students was going to convince Mason County voters to dump a guy who arguably fits its conservative rural mindset pretty well.
Not surprisingly, Sheldon won in an unusually lopsided landslide. Yet Green organizers bragged that their candidate had received a higher percentage of votes than presidential candidate Nader had in that district.
Like wow, man. Nut jobs with spray painted yard signs routinely get a higher percentage of the vote than this particular Green candidate, yet beating Nader’s showing was somehow a breakthrough.
The problem is that the more beginner’s mistakes the Greens make, the less likely that folks with serious electoral tradeskills will help them out. This Aaron Dixon fiasco will set them back years, yet party leadership will steadfastly insist that nothing is wrong. And in doing so, they will display the same type of learning disability that has gotten G.W. Bush into so much trouble.
Closed-mindedness is hardly the province of the right.
We need to start running real people like Dixon for office instead of all these squeeky-clean ( rich, got off the hook ) bungholes who can’t see a way out of a problem except to give another rich person or corporation ( same thing ) another extra-legal break.
Remember: Deregulation means corporations don’t have to follow laws. So, you have these rich immortal “persons” controlled by and large by the wealthy operating in a lawless global manner.
Yes, you say, but Dixon has some unpaid parking tickets. Why don’t YOU be realiustic about yourself!
“It [scaldalmongering, gosip, backbiting and censure] is frequently the means of preventing powerful politic, illdesigning men from growing too popular…All-examining Censure, with her hundred eyes and her thousand tongues, soon discovers and as speedily divulges in all quarters every least crime or foible that is part of their true character. This clips the wings of their ambition.” -Benjamin Franklin, quoted in “An American Life”
Goldy is just preserving a time honored tradition Franklin started with his scandal items in the Pennsylvania Gazette, it is a public service.
And historically profitable.
Goldy we love your blog but can we PLEASE stop making the Green Party an issue unless of course, your real motive IS to unseat Maria. Continually giving attention to this idiot isn’t going to help Maria. While I doubt that God himself could derail her campaign bid, there’s no reason to beat this dead horse any more. Aren’t there more important issues?
Like looking into the GOP candidate’s past with the Insurance lobby, roving Steffy is really a transvestite or uncovering how many times Richard Pope has been slaughtered in court?
It is actually much better for everyone all around that this happened now rather than in August. Maybe now those that oppose Bush and what he is doing to this country can talk about a realistic strategy to not add another Republican to the US Senate. We don’t need to add to the Republican majority.
Our country can afford a few more middle of the road Democrats like people are arguing Senator Maria Cantwell is, if re-electing her is our strongest option to take the Republicans out of controlling the Senate.
Washington Senator Henry Jackson was a hawk on war and defense issues and there were a lot of us that felt he did not represent us on these issues. But he was a Democrat and represented us on many other issues we agreed on.
Remember the last Republican Senator this state had, Slade Gorton. How many positions of his did Democrats agree on.Maria Cantwell defeated him. We need to be cautious in attacking Cantwell least we give ammunition to her opponent and lessen party support for Senator Cantwell.
Rob McKenna is going to do a Dino Rossi and try to be all things to all people, without really taking many positions on issues. But how do you really think McKenna is going to vote? Just like the rest of the Republicans – he is not going to oppose Bush – he needs votes and money from the Bush supporters to get elected.
What incompetence by the Greens. I hope they focus their anger towards their candidate recruitment effort rather than bloggers. If these guys want to be big time, they have to act like it.
The NSA not only claims it has the right to monitor phone calls between doctors and patients, and lawyers and clients, without a court order but also claims it could use this information in criminal prosecutions.
The NSA also admitted no other president has ordered warrantless electronic surveillance of phone calls since Congress enacted FISA in 1978.
Yep, it’s official. All the Greens need is some floppy shoes and a red nose, because it’s clear that instead of a legitimate campaign, they’re running a clown show at the circus.
And yeah, I do feel bad for Dixon…though Dixon gets his own share of blame as well for not being particularly clued in and thinking running for office with bunches of unpaid tickets and child support is a particularly smart idea- it’s on the Stan Lippman/Richard Lee/Richard Pope scale of joke candidacies at this point. He should have said “thanks, but no thanks”, and at this point, he needs to withdraw.
Remember how the righties claimed “Clinton did it too?” Well, they LIED.
Every president puts his own unique carpet in the Oval Office, which goes to his “presidential library” after he leaves office.
I heard a rumor that Shrub’s presidential library is going to search people at the door for bags of doggy poo and do UA’s for traces of Ex-Lax before letting them in.
The Green Party are real losers at all levels. Aaron Dixon is having a campaign kickoff on Saturday, April 8, 2006 at 6 PM. The kickoff features “special guest Elaine Brown, former chairperson of the Black Panther Party, and recent Green Party candidate for mayor of Brunswick, GA.”
However, Elaine Brown WAS KICKED OFF THE BALLOT last fall when she ran for mayor of Brunswick, Georgia — because she had not been a resident of the city long enough. Brown filed a bunch of appeals of this decision in state and federal court, and lost every single one of them.
The New Centrism:
1-In favor of fake wars that kill hundreds of thousands of people and bankrupt the country. 2-Favors rolling back civil rights to protect us from chimerical “terrorists. 3-Favors stricter bankruptcy laws for people and favors letting corporations get out of their obligations easier 3- silent on medical care for everyone. 5- Favors wasting billions on impossible “star wars” technology. etc etc. etc.
Oh! I forgot. Is against drilling for oil in ANWR.
I mean : What the Hey!!!!!!!!!!!
It cracks me up to watch any defense of Dixon. This shows a level of denial in the greens. I would LOVE to vote for a Green Party Candidate that had real credentials and a REAL message. Instead we get this.
Now I doubt we will have any Green candidates in my neck of the woods anytime soon, but start at the bottom and work your way up. Run for Dogcatcher and do a good job. Run for City Council and kick ass there. But don’t come into a Senate race with a half assed bullshit candidate like this and think for a minute you are doing something for progressive politics.
You know, I posed the question that since Doc Hastings is a national embarassment, does that make the 4th Congressional District an embarassment too? Well, that same question could be worded another way for the Greens.
What pisses me off the worst is that I LIKE THE GREENS. Get your asses organized and we might have something to talk about.
And by the way…. fucking good post Goldy!
All of that doesn’t make Aaron Dixon a reasonable alternative.
Do Greens need multi-millionaire retired business people to run in order to be considered “serious”? The serious trouble this country is in is because all we got for politicians is lawyers and establishment millionnaires.
Hey , let’s be really “serious” and run a third party candidate JUST LIKE THE TWO DITTOHEADS THAT ARE RUNNING NOW!
I do not see that as offering a true alternative.
Say what you will. Dixon is a genuine alternative and in the spirit of American fair play you should give him a listen — if you can see pst the unpaid traffic tickets ….
This is pure Rovian dirty tricks. The Greens were paid in some manner to organize an anti-Cantwell campaign to “split” the Democrat-leaning vote. Witness the Cynical Irrelevant BOZO/Oink and others who are only too eager jump in and attack Goldy – “supporting” Dixon as a “man of conviction” – my ass.
Thanks to Goldy who’s take a common sense stand here and thanks to Richard Pope, a slightly eccentric Kevin Phillips Republican who appears to despise McGavick.
McGavick is the candidate of the Insurance Industry – one of too many in the Senate – both D’s and R’s.
“Civil” “War” my ass.
P.S. : maybe the Greens punked the Rovians – they recruited an African-American activist knowing full well his past.
This is pure Rovian dirty tricks. The Greens were paid in some manner to organize an anti-Cantwell campaign to “split” the Democrat-leaning vote. Witness the Cynical Irrelevant BOZO/Oink and others who are only too eager jump in and attack Goldy – “supporting” Dixon as a “man of conviction” – my ass.
Commentby For the Clueless— 3/25/06@ 2:06 pm”
clueless is nearly 100% paralyzed by his “conspiracy theory” excesses. It’s hysterical.
I’ll bet before clueless goes to bed at night he checks under his sleeping back and strips that hippy-shed he lives in, in a desperate search for audio and video recording devices. Haven’t found any yet, have you dumbass!!!
Only the absolute bottom of the barrel KLOWNS with no life like clueless, rujax and GBS (who are all the same person by the way!) take this Blog seriously.
Clueless is pathetic. But I’m thankful for clueless.
“Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed!” —–Mark Twain
Mark Twain knew clueless BEFORE he was even in his mommy’s womb.
Hey clueless…
if ignorance is bliss
You should be one happy son-of-a-bitch all day, every day!
If I’m accused by the BOZO/Oink of being paranoid – I really must be close to the truth!
Go back to Tom McCabe and cook up some more talking points BOZO!
Almost forgot:
BOZO/Oink – founding member of the FUWA and the WSMSU!
Hey Mr. Cynical….is that you?
more handsome than I previously thought.
Another public relations ‘home run’ for GWB (NOT)
Cuba finished second in the 16-nation [World Baseball Classic] competition and the runner-up was entitled to 7 percent of the tournament’s profits. But under the 1962 U.S. trade embargo, Havana had to forfeit its cut to get U.S. approval to play.
Castro, welcoming Cuba’s players home as champions despite their 10-6 loss to Japan in Monday’s final in San Diego, said on Tuesday the Cuban prize money would be donated to victims of Hurricane Katrina.
The Bush administration, however, is not prepared to allow such altruism by the Cuban leader.
No this is the Cynical Irrelevant BOZO!
Just like a RepubliCON to say one thing on on FOX Network, and change her mind before she is out the door.
In an effort to jump-start her sputtering Senate campaign, Rep.
Katherine Harris went on national television invoking the memory of her late father and saying the money he left her will form the financial foundation of her challenge to Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson.
Now the Harris campaign says that’s not the case.
Campaign spokeswoman Morgan Dobbs said Thursday that Harris will sell her existing assets rather than rely on money from her father, a bank executive who died in January.
Is there a single HONEST Republican left on this planet?
take this Blog seriously.
I’ll tell you what this blog means BOZO:
It means Dino Rossi is back selling real estate and you failed to deliver up a “suprise” or were you just being WSMSU?
It means Brownie did a heck of job – NOT!
It means the female-abusing serial liar David Irons Jr. is off the public payroll!
It’s means the BOZO is a serial loser and life long member of the FUWA/WSMSU!
I have been carefully considering all candidates and see Aaron Dixon as a candidate who should have his say before being so dismisive.
Lucy, he has had his say for the past 20 years and has continually said F*CK YOU to courts, ex wives, child support, etc. What more does he have to say? Is “F*CK you to headless lucy too?” what you are waiting for him to say?
Geologists say California’s Hayward Fault, which is directly under heavily populated suburban San Francisco, is “locked and loaded” and could “snap” at any time, destroying up to 37,000 homes.
Just another profit center for Bush & Friends Disaster Relief No-Bid Contractors, NLP.*
* No Liability Partnership. Not incorporated in any state. Not subject to tax laws. No accounting records. Profits are distributed to Partners upon receipt, after deduction of politician spiffs.
“Do Greens need multi-millionaire retired business people to run in order to be considered “serious”? The serious trouble this country is in is because all we got for politicians is lawyers and establishment millionnaires?”
Nick Licata has gotten a Green Party endorsement before. How about recruiting him?
Oh, wait, that would be running someone who isn’t a total joke. Can’t be doing that.
Clueless at 22: There is evidence that the Republicans have at times infiltrated the Greens, but I suspect that isn’t the case here. Dixon seems to be a product of the Greens’ unhealthy obsession with taking down an establishment Democrat.
I doubt that the Greens “forgot” to vet Dixon. They must have known about at least some of his liabilities, but figured he was the best they could come up with . . . and assumed the media would give him a free pass. Idiots.
That the Greens settled for Dixon is as much proof as you’ll ever need that there is no civil war on the left regarding Cantwell. If she were vulnerable then much better potential candidates would have been coming out of the woodwork.
The Republicans have no hope of splitting the left this time around. If they have any hope of defeating Cantwell, they will have to swiftboat her. Alas, Cantwell will be a much tougher target than Kerry, because she is a popular incumbent during an election cycle when Bush and the Republican Congress are doing terrible in the polls.
How down and dirty will Mr. Cynical & Co. get? Worse than Joe McCarthy’s red smear?
These geologists also observe a minor fault line running through Washington state politics, but reassure us it’s so minor most people won’t even notice any vibration when the paddy wagon goes by carrying Aaron Dixon to jail for unpaid traffic tickets.
Rev. @20
“all we got for politicians is lawyers and establishment millionnaires”
Update: Lawyers dropped out of elective politics years ago. Most are too busy trying to make a living. Last time I checked, Washington’s 147-seat legislature had only about a half dozen lawyers.
Elective politics is now a hobby for the affluent. People who need to work for a living or budget their expenses need not apply.
This is pure Rovian dirty tricks. The Greens were paid in some manner to organize an anti-Cantwell campaign to “split” the Democrat-leaning vote. Witness the Cynical Irrelevant BOZO/Oink and others who are only too eager jump in and attack Goldy – “supporting” Dixon as a “man of conviction” – my ass.
Commentby For the Clueless— 3/25/06@ 2:06 pm”
clueless is nearly 100% paralyzed by his “conspiracy theory” excesses. It’s hysterical.
I’ll bet before clueless goes to bed at night he checks under his sleeping back and strips that hippy-shed he lives in, in a desperate search for audio and video recording devices. Haven’t found any yet, have you dumbass!!!
Only the absolute bottom of the barrel KLOWNS with no life like clueless, rujax and GBS (who are all the same person by the way!) take this Blog seriously.
Clueless is pathetic. But I’m thankful for clueless.
“Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed!” —–Mark Twain
Mark Twain knew clueless BEFORE he was even in his mommy’s womb.
Hey clueless…
if ignorance is bliss
You should be one happy son-of-a-bitch all day, every day!
Here is a link to an article written in 1998 by Professor Angela Davis that may shed some light on where Dixon is coming from:
Loocy@ 32 – Finally we agree on something. Wow. Never thought this would happen. You set a fine example for moonbats to follow. Look past the fact that dixon is a philanderer and criminal in the finest Progressive sense. Look at his views and intentions and how he would be as a senator before summarily dismissing him.
Go Dixon. Go Loocy…
The rest of you moonbats should take a lesson from loocy @ 32. Instead of just being politically expedient, Loocy is being true to her ideals. Politics be damned! Vote your conscience loocy. Don’t let the policial ‘hos here sway you. No doubt, dixon would work real hard to right the “wrongs” that he sees. He’ll fight like hell against Big Oil and those greedy fucking capitalist pigs like Roger Rabbit, and those in the GOP.
40 – When BOZO is out of ammunition he repeats himself. Kind of like what Oink did on his looney homophobic rants – Hmmmmmmmm?
And look at 36 BOZO, Green Thumb is halfway agreeing with me!
A smart Green Party would first take city council and county level seats before going on to the state legislature – it wouldn’t be trying to knock off a national Dem ESPECIALLY when a virulently anti-environment Republican Party dominates.
Apparently the Greens aren’t too swift – they aren’t going to succeed in “swift-boating” Maria Cantwell.
Don’t forget, MTR, Rossi is NOT governor and Sims is in charge of Martin Luther King County — not that mother beater David Irons.
When push comes to shove I’ll go for whipping your political ass every time. But in the meantime, there’s no harm in raising the consciousness level of those who are capable,ie: the Democrats.
43 – Redneck, didya hear I figured out what FUWA means? It means:
F*cked Up Wingnut Asswipe, i.e. you!
You know where you can stick your “vote you conscience” bullsh*t.
Geez Looocy…. don’t get on my ass. I’m trying to help ya. Go dixon….go loocy
Loocy… it would be meaningless coming from me… so you gotta do it… splain to the moonbats here why you believe dixon would be a great senator. Go through a few of the issues and identify where you think he’s right…
Cluessless – Geez, whaddya mean? Are you just a political ‘ho? Do you have any core beliefs? If ya do, line ’em up and then analyze them against the two candidates and make a choice. Shit, it’s just a primary race at this point… no harm in voting your conscience in a primary.
Feminist Utopia of Washington…. FUWA
Update: Lawyers dropped out of elective politics years ago. Most are too busy trying to make a living. Last time I checked, Washington’s 147-seat legislature had only about a half dozen lawyers.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/25/06@ 4:13 pm
Are you counting Senator Luke Esser?
Go loocy
Raise Conciousness
Raise Conciousness
Raise Conciousness
Raise Conciousness
Raise Conciousness
Raise Conciousness
Raise Conciousness
Raise Conciousness
Loocy – your adherence to deeply held ideals is inspiring. Let’s hope you can inspire some of the moonbats here.
Can you share your feelings on why you support dixon? forget facts. forget analysis for a minute… just raw emotions and feelings…
48 – I believe the Republican Party in it’s current form is the worst disaster to hit this country since the civil war. 3 trillion more in debt, a faltering economy, a war of choice without honor, thousands of dead and maimed Americans not to mention Iraqis, the enmity of the world, etc., etc., etc.
A Democratic Party majority in Congress HAS to be better.
Dixon is on the Green ticket – no effect on the Dem’s primary. Dixon is a potential threat to split the Dem-leaning vote in November although at this point with a 40 point lead it’s unlikely.
What’s wrong Redneck? Are you STOOPID?
Ahaaaha. It sounds like Dixon is off the democratic plantation. This is great. Dixon is exposing all you democrats for who you really are…..RACISTS.
Dixon is toast – one week of fame.
Nice guy – huh, I pay my insurance and hate dads who do not support their kids. This is disgusting – and just old silly macho pig stuff.
I have no kids, but have helped send all my nieces and nephews to college.
Aaron, get a clue how life changes after thirty.
Clueless – Yeah, you’re right. The economy, our society, the world… the whole thing is a big fucking mess. Shit, even france hates us. How much worse can it get.
I’m with Loocy. VOTE GREEN ! ! ! ! ! ! !
It’s great being me…
I crack myself up sometimes…
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
Vote Peace. Vote Green. Vote Aaron Dixon.
I wouldn’t say the Cubs have winning seasons pretty often; OK, maybe more than Dixon though. From my vague memory, they were good in ’84, ’89, ’98 (they weren’t good but Sosa was), and ’03, besides exMontreal, name one worse in the last 20 years.
RUFUS – I wonder… do the moonbats here hate dixon because he’s not white? Sure seems like it.
Hey moonbats, how bout ya embrace some diversity here like ya always preaching? Sure he’s a criminal and philanderer, but look beyond that. He brings a “perspective” that should be present in the senate.
re 48: Don’t talk to me about “core beliefs” ,MTR. Your core beliefs are whatever polls 60% or higher in Luntz’s focus groups. In fact, that’s what the whole ( fake ), “Contract With America” was. It was little blurbs that sat well with the rubes that vote for your kind.
What has your party done to implement the “Contract With America”? NOTHING!!
The only thing the Republicans have done is rape, rob, and kick this country to the curb. Fuck You, MTR, and the horse you rode in on.
C’mon loocy, tell us why you want to give dixon a fair shake? Educate fucking idiot rubes like me. C’mon…
On the contract… most of it was implemented. bubba took credit, but it was all NEWT’s doing. Check it out.
MTR: You’ve used the terms “Criminal and Philanderer” too many times.
You are the cheesiest and most inept propagandist ever. Why don’t you go back to uSP and look for people to kick off the voter rolls with your other OCD buddies?
I commend Loocy for not being a hate filled racist pig like all the rest of you moonbats. She’s willing to give dixon a chance despite the fact that he’s black, a deadbeat, a philanderer and a criminal.
OK Loocy, yer right. So he’s a “womanizer” and “legally challenged”. OK? WTF that got to do with being a “Progressive”. Seems to fit right in.
Perfect match…
Loocy – WTF was I thinking? “Don’t talk to me about core beliefs”. Of course not. You have none. You’re just a kook like the rest of the moonbats.
but c’,mon… you started with a fairly impassioned plea about why he should be considered. Finish please….
Hey moonbats, how bout ya embrace some diversity here like ya always preaching? Sure he’s a criminal and philanderer, but look beyond that. He brings a “perspective” that should be present in the senate.
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 3/25/06@ 7:05 pm
Why would donks care if he is a philanderer, they elected Clinton for crist sakes. You are right MTR, all the diversity talk by the left is a buch of BS. Their true color(s) are on display on threads like this. That color being racist white.
Newt Gingrich tossed his wife on her death bed so he could marry some little tart he’d just met.
What a weasel. You Reps are all weasels.
Newt Gingrich tossed his wife on her death bed so he could marry some little tart he’d just met.
What a weasel. You Reps are all weasels.
Commentby headless lucy— 3/25/06@ 7:58 pm
Yeah Why cant you reps cheat on your wives like the dems do. Why go through all the trouble of a divorce when you can poke an intern and then lie about it. Bunch of immoral fucks.
OK Loocy – I’m done with you now. Go wipe up. Thanks for being my bitch…
Here is an article from the February 7, 1970 issue of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
Aaron Dixon was pulled over and arrested on February 6, 1970 for not displayed his license tags on his automobile. At the time, Dixon was 21 and leader of the Seattle branch of the Black Panther Party. Dixon had four warrants for outstanding traffic violations, and also owed unpaid fines on several other violations. Dixon had to pay $885.00 in bail to be released after spending six hours in jail.
Hypocrite @70
“Yeah Why cant you reps cheat on your wives like the dems do.” Commentby RUFUS— 3/25/06@ 8:13 pm
You mean like Newt Gingrich did while his wife lay dying in a hospital?
“Many toothless, militia-sympathizing morons like to believe that Democrats somehow own the franchise on wife cheating, probably because of the legend of John F. Kennedy and the ‘Bash-Clinton’ psycho cottage industry which employs retard inbreds like Kenneth Starr and Paula Jones’ attorneys. But when you tally the facts, there are a huge number – more than three times as many – Republicans who have cheated on their wives than Democrats.” http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html
Ready for the list? Here ya go …
Henry Hyde — Broke up a family during his seven year adulterous affair!
Mike Bowers — Cheated on his wife for 15 years!
George Bush — Linda Tripp says he had an affair with a woman named “Jennifer”
Bob Dole — Cheated on his first wife with his current wife, Elizabeth Dole.
Bob Dornan — Reported to have cheated on and beaten his wife.
John Linder — Has a wandering eye for his female staff members.
Ronald Reagan — Cheated on wife Jane Wyman with several Hollywood starlets before dumping her.
William Cohen — Dumped his white wife for a new black one.
Guy Millner — Has been married three times, partly because he likes sex with women he isn’t married to.
Rush Limbaugh — Fatso cheated on two of his three wives.
Mitch Skandalakis — Hired hookers from his Las Vegas hotel room!
Michael Deaver — Was so drunk he doesn’t remember hiring hookers.
John Warner — Dumped his wife for Elizabeth Taylor.
Bill Randall — A Florida congressional candidate and minister, he fathered an illegitimate child during his affair.
Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers founder — Didn’t keep his promise to his wife, and lied about it for 20 years!
Dan Burton — Had at least six adulterous affairs, and fathered an illegitimate son he ignores.
Bob Barr — Cheated on all three of his wives, coerced one into having an abortion, then lied about it!
Rudolph Giuliani — Boffs his assistant in Gracie Mansion while his wife stays home with the kids.
Strom Thurmond — Cheated on his fourth wife at age 88!!
Gilbert Davis, Paula Jones’ attorney — Allowed himself to be videotaped Drunk while committing adultery.
Bob Packwood — Got drunk, then tongue-kissed female staffers against their will.
Kirk Fordice — Got so hopped up by his mistress that he crashed his Jeep Cherokee and hurt himself!
Beverly Russell, Christian Coalition coordinator — Molested his stepdaughter, Susan Smith, who later killed her kids.
Marv Albert — Likes to bite his mistress and wear women’s panties while having sex with her.
Sue Myrick – Cheated on her husband and left him for another man.
Bob Livingston – Cheated on his wife with at least four women!
Michael Huffington – Cheated on his wife Arianna with other men!
Mary Fallin – Had an adulterous affair with a state trooper.
Helen Chenoweth – Screwed almost every married male member of the Idaho Legislature!
Charleston County, S.C.’s solicitor, a Republican, had an extramarital GAY affair with a man.
Jim Bakker – Famously cheated on his wife Tammy.
Jimmy Swaggart – Broke down crying after he got busted with a hooker!
John Tower — Alcoholic and woman-chaser.
Source: http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html
Dishonest Doofus is lying thru his teeth, as usual.
OH give me a break, people! What’s a few unpaid tickets and a little goofy ‘marriage’ situation plus a few other ghosts in the closet??? Y’all very resolutely assured us back in the 90’s that character didn’t matter, back when Clinton was creatively using the sink off the Oval Office with Monica. NOW you’ve decided that character doesn’t matter?
Get over yourselves: He hates Bush and claims to be anti-war. That’s more than enough red meat for you guys here. You didn’t care about your guy’s personal life back in the 90’s, we’re not going to belive that suddenly character matters for you now. You can’t have it both ways. Just vote for the guy—he’s right up your alley and so is the Green Party agenda—much more than that Cantwell woman (SHE doesn’t seem to know if she’s for or against the war. Who needs THAT?)
“do the moonbats here hate dixon because he’s not white? Sure seems like it.”
Please quote someone here who has said that.
Sounds weird in here. The wingnuts are pushing Dixon for all they’re worth (and, naturally, flinging their imbecilic charges of “racism” if anyone says they won’t vote for him), and the Democrats pretty clearly won’t vote for him.
I think Dixon is about a 5% candidate statewide.
The imbeciles (including mcgavick) lose again in WA.
DOOFUS hates the sin (Hmmmm?) and loves the sinner.
Only if the sinner is a Republican otherwise it’s full-on hate.
MTR is quite obviously trolling. Ignore him.
Comment to “Greens”,
Notice how easy it is for your progressive buddies to shift their acid tainted, vitriolic verbage towards their allies when it suites their agenda?
“David Goldstein and his readers at HorsesAss.org have been on a tear the last two days, destroying Dixon’s Senate bid and perhaps, along the way, permanently ensuring that nobody politically credible in town will ever take the Greens seriously again.”
Not content with an intelligent debate on the facts, Goldy would rather beat you with a baseball bat until you submit.
This is now the trademark of the liberal progressive movement.
This whole attack seems overblown & a little silly, inlcuding most of the comments. Obviously, Goldy & others who never wanted anyone to the left of Maria Cantwell to run in this race were willing to dig up personal dirt on Dixon rather than address the shortcomings in Cantwell’s voting record.
I’m voting for the candidate that best represents my views on the issues, not who has the cleanest traffic record. Dixon has a long history of service to the community — that’s all I really care about regarding his personal character.
Dixon’s own reply to the accusations can be found here: