The other day I posted a broadside in support of Sen. Maria Cantwell, accusing her critics of being a bunch of whiners and crybabies. Of course, what I got in return was a lot of whining and crying, accusing me of being a “machine Democrat” and a “Cantwell apologist.”
Yeah, whatever. What I am is a realist. Cantwell has been an outstanding senator on many issues, like the environment and energy (and the Bankruptcy bill, on which, contrary to critics’ claims, she actually voted nay), while on other issues… not so much. Yet I get the feeling that a lot of the people attacking Cantwell for her vote on say, Iraq, are also some of the same people who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000. Well, hate to break it to you folks… but you are a lot more responsible for the Iraq war than Cantwell.
But my biggest complaint about the left-leaning, anti-Cantwell camp is how goddamn lazy they’ve been in championing an opponent. Mark Wilson? You gotta be nuts. You know, one of the objectives in politics happens to be winning.
Over on Eat the State, Geov Parrish also opines on subject, and his take is somewhat different from mine. Geov obviously doesn’t think much of Cantwell’s politics. But….
Progressives like to piss and moan a lot about being unrepresented in the political process, and that’s true. It’s also true that the deck is stacked against our participation in many different ways. But difficult is not impossible. It’s up to us to build the coalitions, energize the constituents, and field the campaigns that will win us respect and influence when it comes to impacting public policy. That means more than laying out critiques and alternatives and mounting protests and position papers and expecting the world to salute. It means organizing, and it means listening to others and incorporating their concerns and ideas, and it means packaging our issues and candidates attractively and organizing more, and then organizing again, and agsin, until the world is forced not to salute but to get the hell out of the way of the fast-moving train.
But have any of Cantwell’s hard-lefty critics actually bothered to do any of this hard work? Hell no! Instead, they just hitched their wagon to Wilson, an ex-Libertarian perennial candidate who for this election decided to toss out his Cato Institute Handbook in favor of some more liberal-sounding website prose. The guy’s a fringe candidate, and no amount of saying otherwise will change that.
If we want to start electing more progressive candidates to Congress, then we’re going to have to follow the lead of organizations like Progressive Majority of Washington, who are out there recruiting, training, and supporting progressive candidates at the local level, so we can build the farm team from which future political superstars will rise.
80 percent of first-time congressional candidates who win, have previously won elected office. So if we want a better shot at electing a strongly progressive US senator, then we’re going to have to elect more strongly progressive council members, commissioners, and state legislators.
But if you’re just going to sit back and complain about Cantwell, and then go support some dufus loser like Wilson, well… you’re not going to get any sympathy from me.
The reality in 2006 is that we desperately need to put more Democrats in the Senate… any Democrats. And any dissension in our ranks this late in the game only serves to help the Republicans.
What is a progressive, anyhow?
a) Liberal w/ a nicer name?
b) hard core lefty
c) former quasi-populist
I think goldy is a and b….defin. not a populist..
Goldy, Why use the word “progressive” when communist is more descriptive?
Righton…….Congrats. Yours is better. Best regrads, JCH
I think of “pregressive” as another name for neo-socialist.
Goldy, give the GOP the credit they’ve earned. The hard right-wingers will eat a bucket of shit if it means a President Guiliani or President McCain. Conservatives the the ability to stick with their awful candidates. With Democrats, if an elected offical strays too far, their are a lot of hand wringing, whining people who can’t see the big picture. Electing 51 Democrats = chair of commitees, which =’s investigation of Bush. So in that spirit, I’ll be sending Senator Ben Nelson at least 25 bucks this year to make sure his anti-abortion, enthusiastic war supporting, 45% voting with the Democrat’s ass get’s reelected. He’s a Democrat from Nebraska after all, and Dems will have to win there and keep Cantwell to get those commitee chairs.
I have no patience with self important left wingers.
JCH (aka Kevin Carns), you wouldn’t know what a communist is even if one confiscated your property and threw you in a gulag. (Gee, that sounds like something Bush might do … )
Goldy, you forgot to mention that for the first two years of Bush’s illicit presidency, Cantwell was the senator who gave the Democrats a 51-49 majority in the Senate.
Wow, 25 Bucks? He’s definitely getting elected with that kind of support.
I’m surprised you are not ripping Maria Cantwell apart for her using the term Redskins in an interview last night.
Had this been a Republican Candidate, you would have been on them like white on rice…..
Need we remind you of your hatchet job on Cindi Laws for an almost identical slip of the tongue?
Where is your integrity Goldy?
A progressive is someone who cares about something besides lining his own pockets with other people’s money. A Republican is someone who doesn’t give a shit about anyone except himself.
Is Patty Murray a progressive?
I bet you’ll say no, then of course I’ll ask, why not?
A Republican is someone who doesn’t give a shit about anyone except himself.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/6/06 @ 3:38 pm
Then you must be a Rupublican then.
JCH and Right on: Follow the analogy
Progressive is to liberal as conservative is to fascist. It’s a nicer way to say the same thing while avoiding negative connotations. Though it’s hard to see what’s wrong with the word “liberal”. Easier to understand why the Republicans want to be called conservative, as fascists usually get u into unprovoked wars, are guilty of rampant cronyism, link church and state, have fraudulent elections….
Oh, wait, I guess we should call them fascists.
Larry; wow, Seattle public schools forgot to teach you logic.
But i do admire the simultaneous defense of your relabling, and slam of republicans….
Are you really Joni Balter?
Wow larry…
You did not mention Nazi.
That might be a first.
Now, do you have anything original to say or is it more if the save drivel?
“Then you must be a Rupublican then.”
Nope, you got the wrong bunny, you ignorant hick.
That one can’t even spell “Republican.” Sheesh. That’s happens when home schooling replaces public schools.
Roger, aka Ron Sims..
Hates the rural voters, assumes all are white and intermarried.
Before I forget, prr is a nazi.
“assumes all are white and intermarried”
Nope, I know perfectly well that some residents of rural King County are half horse, half man. Specifically, in Enumclaw …
In case I forgot, prr is a nazi. So is Momus Pompous Assus.
Righton is a nazi, too. So is Kevin Carns … have I forgotten any?
I thought we were all one in the same?
I totally agree, Goldy. We need to stop complaining and start working. If you can’t bring yourself to spend your time and energy on Cantwell’s race, there are other rising progressive stars who could use the help.
I’ll remind people that there is a progressive running for federal office this year: Darcy Burner. She is running to unseat rightwing, rubberstamp Reichert. This race will have national implications as Democrats aim to take back the House.
Let’s get to work to elect a progressive woman to federal office. Go to:
LIttley birdy,
But no liberals?
I voted for Nader therefore I voted for Bush….Right….Its only a democracy if I vote for who YOU want me to vote for….Yup, thats it.
Look, Cant-get-r-done-Well appealed to the left by voting against Alito after she voted against the filibuster and therefore “for” him. And not once has she celebrated bin Laden for all the great things he has done, in contrast to Murray.
Oh Goldy , what a bunch a drivel . Why doesn’t a progressive or a regressive , whatever, have a right to expose Cantwell for her cynical views . I will ask the Q. again , how much war are you for ? Is it really progressive to support an illegal war ? Don’t we have a right to negotiate our support of her based on her voting record ? afterall if she is really a redneck in drag , Don’t we have a right to know ? 100,000 dead Iraqi’s doesn’t offend you , 2000+ dead US soldiers doesn’t offend you because she supports …. fill in the blank . I forsee a bumpersticker that goes “I SUPPORT CANTWELL , SHE’S BETTER THAN NOTHING ” or how about VOTE FOR CANTWELL , IT COULD BE WORSE ” . Time to fire those that don’t really support liberal/progressive goals . You are a good writer , shame on you to blame us anti-war people for her illegal and rediculous stands , who do you think she is ? to abuse the base that got her elected in the first place.
I concur that it may marginilize those that are against the war , but better to stand for something than to stand for nothing .
The point in supporting someone other than Cantwell in the Democratic primary isn’t to elect someone other than Cantwell. The point is to put enough pressure on Cantwell so that she realizes a bunch of folks are pissed off about her DLC tendencies. When votes start coming up in the wrong columsn, pols change positions. Cantwell seems educable.
So is a Progressive to the left of DLC?
Thus clinton was a moderate to you all?
What I want to know is……..why did Wilson run against Jay Inslee in 2004?
righton, Clinton was a moderate Republican.
But who cares in the primary? This is what I don’t understand. We’re not talking about taking votes away from Cantwell. Again, if he was running as a Green or Libertarian this time, I’d say burry him. But we’re talking about a primary. Where the question is how close to 5% is Wilson going to get?
Nixon was to the left of the DLC.
And, no, Clinton was no progressive: welfare “reform”, “don’t ask, don’t tell”, the Defense of Marriage Act, anti-labor positions on trade, etc., etc., etc.
Nowhere in this on-going discussion has been the acknowledgement that it takes time to build up political clout in the Senate. Cantwell has done fantastic in her first term. She has survived being marginalized by the Good Old Boy Repugs and she has managed her relationships so she has been able to vote on some important legislation to help our state and it’s people. Senator Cantwell will continue to build her power – IF – we keep her in office. I believe she will always work to balance between business interests and people interests. She is responsive and does “listen” – – – her office seems to keep their stroke counts active and up to date.
I really wonder about people who want to throw out someone like Cantwell. Her very nature, in being slightly difficult to pin down and not always playing the purist on an issue doesn’t make her bad – – – it makes her good. She is doing the part of politics so many claim to hate. Then those same people want to throw her out – – – for doing the not so nice work of politics, in order to find compromise and remain standing for another day.
All I can say to Goldie’s whiners and bitchers is “Grow up” (politically speaking).
Well no one will ever accuse her of not keeping her powder dry for the good fight , whatever that may be . Face it Democrat’s like her are exactly the problem with the party . Pam Roach made it a crime to screw a horse and you folks line up to be bent over the hitchin post and be screwed by a donkey . At least bray a little as you sign away your votes for the 20 year war , outrageous .
Paul, I think you misunderstand the feelings of many of the posters on this blog. I do not want to “throw Cantwell out”. I want her to quit fucking around and be a goddamn loyal Democrat. She has made a mistake she should have known better not to make.
The vote for cloture on Alito was not “a forgone conclusion” and fillibuster was not “unwinable”. She voted against Alito, but voted against the only real weapon we had; Fillibuster.
I have a feeling that Cantwell is a good person, and her record is certainly good enough to get my vote.
But as a voter, if I want to tell her that she fucked up big time. Guess what? I am going to. And if as you say “She is responsive and does “listen— Then I hope she acts on the outrage the majority of her base feels, and keep the interests of her constituancy in mind next time.
No one yet here of the “whiners against slapping Cantwell’s wrist” has given even a hint of a good reason for why Cantwell voted for cloture. OR how such an obviously poor choice could help her “survive”.
And how having some “hard lefties” complain is going to help the Republicans.
What are they gonna do? Run an add saying
Oh yeah.. that is gonna happen.
Oh, and I am very enthused about working hard for Darcy Burner.
And if Cantwell can demonstrate that she is not “too moderate”, I might rethink working hard for her.
Goldy, I just wanted to thank you for your previous post on Cantwell. I’d been in a funk since the cloture vote and was waffling about what to do in November. Your “suck it up” post encouraged me to do just that. After all, she has been right about a whole range of issues, and issues that are critically important to the PNW(-AK?). So, Cantwell’s definitely getting my vote this year with no regrets.
And Goldy, as much as I respect you, on Jan 29 at 11:27 PM you wrote regarding the Alito Fillibuster
“I know there are a lot of strategic reasons why the Democrats are ill-prepared for a filibuster at the moment, but I agree with Steve Gilliard, it’s better to go down fighting.”
I happen to still feel that way.
Goldy – you are rubbing the neck hairs of the Naderites — those nice progressives who elected Budh and would not listen to any political strategy but their own.
Remember the slogan, no real diffeence between the parties. Now they want Maria to be a real Democrat. BUT wait, there is no real difference between the parties.
Geman Greens pleaded openly to Nader to release his pledges so that Bush would not be elected – saying it was totally not responsible to elect an anti-green as might happen because of Nader. He refused – and lost a moment to enter political history and keep the neocons out of the white house.
To this day I wonder how much Nader was paid to run as a celebrity candidate.
I do know Maria has been there in the fight for gay rights, fighting against AIDS — from back when she was a one termer in the House.
I still curse old man Nader in my dreams. All those close state counts where Nader was the swing that cost Al Gore the presidency.
And now we fight drilling. and damage to the environment will perhaps be so bad – it really can’ be calulated. Global warming, mercury poisoning, acid rain —- hundreds of sectors.
Go Maria, will send you 500.00. early money — 500.00 more pre general.
Carl @33,
The concern to me in a midterm election is how we’re going to get the base out in sufficient numbers, when there is such a concerted effort amongst some elements of to talk down the top of the ticket. So Wilson gets 5% in the primary. Maybe a quarter of those votes get so disenchanted and angry that they refuse to vote for Cantwell. That could be enough to give the election to McGavick.
The attacks on Cantwell are suicidal. For better or worse, she’s staked out her ground. Democrats have nothing to gain by attacking her at this point.
She is one of the leaders in the senate on environmental and energy issues — two very important issues to our region — but on some other issues, not so much. That’s more than enough for me in this election.
Maria already has 100.00 from me. I hope I have reasons other than not having McGavick win to give her more. But I am not going to reward bad votes.
Call me silly, but don’t call me a Nader voter. That’s just nasty talk.
I can’t resist (I apologize for breaking this relatively uninterrupted thread):
Righton…….Congrats. Yours is better. Best regrads, JCH
JCH, you did see “Brokeback Mountain!”
As an aside, ummm, what are you competing for???. “Yours is better” than…{mine}? Pardon me, but your concupiscence is a bit overwhelming…
Just funning, Goldy…
Goldy “The concern to me in a midterm election is how we’re going to get the base out in sufficient numbers”
Do you really think the vote for cloture was what her “base” wanted?
I think it is better to vent on this issue now rather than ignore it and let it flare up later. I certainly hope that Sen. Cantwell has heard from her base, and is going to make it much easier for everyone to vote for her in November.
Maybe she was trying to shore up some moderate votes? Whatever her reason for the cloture vote, you can be sure that it was political and she is up for re-election. Murray isn’t and her vote was safe. Cantwell barely squeaked into office the last time and the voter registration files have been cleaned up since then.
I thought the whole fillibuster crap was bad strategy from the start. I assume that Democrats do want to win the Presidency sometime soon and if that President gets a Supreme Court nominee would you want the Republicans fillibustering a great nominee? Most of the justices are old and there will be more nominees in the close future……..
sgmmac “I assume that Democrats do want to win the Presidency sometime soon and if that President gets a Supreme Court nominee would you want the Republicans fillibustering a great nominee?”
I have absolutely no doubt the Republican minority would filibuster any nominee.
But Alito was in no measure a “great nominee”.
BTW good guess on “I assume that Democrats do want to win the Presidency”
You’re bonkers on this one. The only reason you’re rallying around Cantwell is because you’re nervous that McGavick might gain momentum.
The Republican field is down to one candidate, and the party is uniting behind him. The last time a moderate talking Seattle Republican ran for a statewide office, he won, albeit by a close margin, twice. His opponent didn’t even bother to run much of a campaign.
Cantwell’s already working herself into a frenzy, trying to get as much face time as possible, putting up the flag at every turn.
But will it be enough? When the Right sees Cantwell’s own “base” hesitating, the genie will be out of the lamp, and it’ll take a hell of a PR campaign to put it back in, again.
Toss Cantwell this November, at least a Republican would have some pull with Bush.
But I am not going to filibuster the issue.
I said what I felt.
CantVoteWell… you convinced me!
I am sending another 100.00 to Cantwell right now.
Goldy , consider that Eyeman’s gay rights initiative is going to have the Republican base out in droves . That’s what won Cantwell’s last election , a self serving initiative to get a raise for schoolteachers . and sadly the Democratic base in Olympia has given the Republican’s an issue they can sink their teeth into big time . One could not have walked into a more well baited trap . While a faction of the Democratic base is well pleased , it has done more to disable Democratic opportunities in this election than any other hot button issue . Strategy , what strategy do Democrats have ? other than to shame and bully their base .
Hey Mr. C, how’s it hangin?
Just a fer sure from your prior post. No doubt about it…
Bush will be very cafeful on his next judicial nominee to the SCOTUS. He can’t afford to offend his base.
Goldy “The concern to me in a midterm election is how we’re going to get the base out in sufficient numbers†[posted by Don}………….Don, How about cases of Marlboros, Black Velvet, welfare checks, and food stamps? That should “ramp up” the Democrat vote!
Yep, I am definetily campaigning, donating and voting for Sen. Cantwell.
Thanks RUFUS, and JCH!
You guys are the best!
57, Yes, We are!! And so is your daughter!
57, Don, I am “definetily” letting your daughter enjoy my 8 inch “Tookie” again and again and again!
Final proof that Sharansky is a sick fuck:
Christ, JCH.. are you just guessing someone here has a daughter?
Do you look like that sex predator in the Rethug fake mailings?
No Thank you Donna. You donks make it too easy for us republicans. With you and your ilk we are assured majority status for decades to come.
RUFUS… uh… right.
Hilarious! Stefan Sharkansky is the funniest Jew in Seattle. Oy oy oy!
What is up with the names Franz. What is it with you donks and french names? What a bunch of pussys.
@ 65
‘Franz’ is German, you ignorant asshole.
Mike is the family history buff so when it came to giving the new Pomeranian puppy a name he pulled out an old map of Pomerania, a region along the southern coast of the Baltic Sea that once belonged to Prussia, then Germany and Poland. Mike suggested naming him “Franz”, a popular German name, to honor the breed’s history.
That’s from the dog’s website.
So Chrissy is a Nazi. Thanks for clearing that up. Hehehe
Now I know RUFUS is not a paid troll.
Not even a Republican would pay for that crap.
I know! RUFUS is getting a little sloppy. I mean, yeah he’s a fucking retard, ut I expect better from HA trolls. No “Queeen Christine and her little dog” jokes? Unusally reasonable today, ROOF.
Maria will win easily. Any state that would elect and re-elect Senator Dimbulb is too far gone to elect anyone with a fucking brain.
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 12/15/05 @ 6:27 pm
How is that fear of vaginas working out for year Reddick?
I think “blue collar Republican” is another way of saying “ignorant asswipe who blames women, minorities, and taxes for his lousy life.”
I’m afraid of vaginas. (If by ‘vaginas’ you mean ‘killer bees’, ofcourse.)
“And any dissension in our ranks this late in the game only serves to help the Republicans.” Really? I’m surprised you didn’t use the “aiding and abetting” language so popular among those trying to turn us into obedient little two-party voters.
gee when is the wake for franz think he will lay in state.wonder what kind of putty knife they used to scrape the little fucker of the pavment.hell they could make a daniel boone hat out of him
“language so popular among those trying to turn us into obedient little two-party voters.”
trying to turn us into obedient little two-party voters ?
Welcome to the United States! Our constitution pretty much dictates a two party system. Jefferson (one of our founding fathers fretted about this outcome..) but, what you gonna do?
We, unfortunately do have two parties. And while I am one who passionately wants to change one of the parties to actually be progressive party (universal health care anyone?), I do recognize that, while we have two parties, and neither of them is recognizably very “progressive”, I would have to be stupid (MTR anyone?) not know that one of them is stridently fascist.
The other one is just waiting to quit being afraid to progress..
I am not going to let the fascist continue to run the country.
None of us can afford that.
Yo @ 78
Keep ’em coming!
You are really giving JCH a run for the “Wingnut Lunatic” prize!
Yet I get the feeling that a lot of the people attacking Cantwell for her vote on say, Iraq, are also some of the same people who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000.
I’m willing to bet a fair number of them wrote in “Ron Sims” for Governor too.
A vote for Wilson is a vote for the republican candidate
Maybe Alito will suprise us all and we’ll find out he played the game well to get where he is now. I’m willing to bet he’s not going to be their puppet.
A Republican is someone who doesn’t give a shit about anyone except himself.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/6/06 @ 3:38 pm
No Roger, you’re a Republican by your own definition. You’re in love with yourself and have delusions of grandeur. In a couple of hours, you’ll be responding the “Drink Liberally” with your usual horse piss about how “Roger-Rabbit-never-comes-to-DL-because-of-the-crush-of-his-adoring fans” screed. You can’t help yourself: you have severe mental problems. Seek professional help.
The “religion of peace” strikes again. Of course the dems are concerned with the following. They are more concerned with protecting the rights of the “islamo-fascists”.
2/5/2006 Clip No. 1025
Protesters Burn European Embassies, Consulates, Churches in Damascus and Beirut
Following are excerpts from reports on the torching of European embassies, consulates and of churches in Syria and Lebanon, aired on Al-Jazeera TV on February 4, 2006 and on New TV on February 5, 2006.
Al-Jazeera TV, February 4, 2006, Norweigan embassy in Damascus Crowd: There is no God other than Allah.
There is no God other than Allah.
Rioter Light it up here…
Crowd: Our soul and our blood we will sacrifice for you, oh Muhammad.
Our soul and our blood we will sacrifice for you, oh Prophet.
Our soul and our blood we will sacrifice for you, oh Prophet.
Our soul and our blood we will sacrifice for you, oh Prophet.
Scenes of rioting outside Danish embassy in Damascus
New TV, February 5, 2006, Danish consulate in Beirut
Head of Political Bureau of Al-Jama’a Al-Islamiya As’ad Harmoush: I would like to make it clear that tens of thousands have come from all over Lebanon to protest in a civilized and progressive manner.
We cannot only focus on a few people – no more than a few dozen – who have caused damage, and ignore the dignified display by dozens of thousands, who, along with the religious scholars and Islamic activists, wanted to present a civilized protest against Denmark.
Reporter: From a peaceful demonstration under the slogan of “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger,” this march of the National Campaign for Defense of the Prophet Muhammad turned into a bloody Intifada between the Lebanese security forces and the demonstrators, who crossed the line, both in terms of religion and security. The security forces’ siege around the Danish consulate in Beirut did not prevent the demonstrators from breaking into it, and setting fire to offices belonging to economic, commercial, and civil companies.
The demonstrators attacked Christian holy places, and especially the St. Nicholas and St. Maroun churches, and even the building of the Orthodox patriarch in Al-Asharfiya.
Father Elias Al-Faghali: I condemn everything that happened (in Europe). But what happened did not begin with the St. Maroun church, so why do they attack it? This attack is barbaric. I did not know there were still such barbaric people in Lebanon.
Reporter: What happened, Father?
Father Elias Al-Faghali: They broke the windows, they prevented us from praying. They shattered all the cars outside.
Sheikh Salah Al-Din: We condemn and express our deep sorrow and deep pain and our anger at what has happened. We said we would present a civilized display in defense of the Prophet.
Reporter: How do you explain what happened today?
Sheikh Salah Al-Din: We were told that conspirators would come to foil our plan, to prove that the Muslims are barbaric riffraff. I said to the people: Brothers, this is not right. They said to me: You’re an infidel. They beat me with sticks.
Reporter: Who beat you?
Sheikh Salah Al-Din: These people who come only to destroy.
link it, don’t paste it, you jaybo dork.
or, as the sages say…
Mark the Yellowback at 73:
Well, can’t help but notice that you act even stupider when you are around a strong women. What’s wrong, did some hooker laugh at how small your prick is?
“No Roger, you’re a Republican by your own definition. You’re in love with yourself and have delusions of grandeur. In a couple of hours, you’ll be responding the “Drink Liberally” with your usual horse piss about how “Roger-Rabbit-never-comes-to-DL-because-of-the-crush-of-his-adoring fans” screed. You can’t help yourself: you have severe mental problems. Seek professional help.”
Having a bad day, are you, trollfuck? Keep the barbs coming! (It shows I’m getting to you.)
Republicans are America-hating, anti-Constitution, fascist fucks.
Jaybo, how does it feel to be a spokesman for war, killing, and torture? Better enjoy this cool weather we’re having while you can, because you’re going to Hell, dude.
“How is that fear of vaginas working out for year Reddick? Comment by Donnageddon— 2/6/06 @ 10:29 pm”
MTR hasn’t been laid for years, and it shows in his posts! :(
Not only that, when he DOES get laid, MTR only gets laid by Republican chicks because no Democrat woman will have him.
The problem with Republican chicks, of course, is they’re frigid.
He: Oh! Did I hurt you, dear?
She: No … why do you ask?
He: You moved.
It must be TOUGH being MTR! I mean, no sex for years at a time, and when he does get sex, he only gets Republican sex.
Hi, Dems! Saul Rosenberg, ESQ, here, and ready to sue any and all evil Republicans for anything us libs can think of! Let’s make money the Democrat way! That is, sue until “BK”!!!
Don, I think my New Yoork partner [Hymie Lowenstein, ESQ] and I are going to sue you first!
Rabbit, Get ready for some depositions taken by my assistant, Jules Hypenstein. We are ready for some New York Democrat Legal Action!
Hey MTR you should’ve been born a rabbit! Rabbits are fucking machines!! God put rabbits on Earth to MAKE MORE BUNNIES!!! It’s my job. Line ’em up and fuck ’em 10 at a time — cute fluffy female bunnies, that is. I have to make bunnies faster than Republican assholes in SUVs run over them and Parks Department fascists trap them, or Green Lake Park will run out of bunnies. Making bunnies is my mission, my God-appointed duty, it’s what I do. Later … gotta go fuck some more female bunnies … :D
marks, Hymie and I intend to serve you today!
Don’t bother me, I’m busy. Go do something constructive, like getting laid.
99, RR, Stupid “hate crime” post. If you are a white male, Hymie and I are going to file!
Support the ACLU. Support Hillary! Support the NY Bar Association! Support the NAACP! Bush lied! Bush lied! Thank you, Saul, Hymie, and Jules
Only Bill Clinton and the United Nations can save us! Raise taxes, except on those with CPAs named Rosenthal!
I say one thing for you, your Headline for the post was accurate.
Democrats do need to stop their constant complaining and actually do something.
As it is, your minority status in the country is just making your arguments more and more pathetic.
“Hi, Dems! Saul Rosenberg, ESQ, here, and ready to sue any and all evil Republicans for anything us libs can think of! Let’s make money the Democrat way! That is, sue until “BK”!!!”
Make sure you bring all your shoes… and your glasses with you, so you have them.
104 et al.
Looks like Kevin Carns has a new screen name. Fuck you, troll! Unpatriotic America-hating spitting-on-troops nazi fuck. Get laid.
How you like that for a hate post?
The only thing more despicable than a lying Republican is … a lying Republican posing as a liberal.
108, 109, Hate Post! Hymie and I will need to sue you and take your home. Stand by for hours of depostions with Ms Jules Hypenstein, my legal assistant from NYU.
Anyone who has been harmed by any corporation, please email Rosenberg and Lowenstein, ESQ. We are ready to sue! Eat a burger that made you fat? SUE! Smoke? SUE! Drive a car? Drink a beer and hit some street person on the way back to the Lower East Side? Sue! We are standing by!!
Doctors: Accidentally cut off someone’s leg?
112, We sue Doctors and hospitals until they retire or go “BK”! We sue until they just………..leave! Call us!!
Any Democrat lawyers out there? Help me bundle some checks to Hillary! When Hymie and I are not suing, we fund raise for liberal democrat pols who help us sue!
“Iran’s supreme leader on Tuesday accused Western newspapers of an Israeli conspiracy for publishing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Iranian air force personnel the drawings were particularly scandalous as they came “from those who champion civilization and free expression.”
The caricatures have roiled the Muslim world, touching off demonstrations, boycotts and attacks on European embassies.
They were first published in Denmark in September and then reprinted recently by numerous European newspapers in the name of free speech.
“The West condemns any denial of the Jewish holocaust, but it permits the insult of Islamic sanctities,” Khamenei said.
The cartoons have offended many Muslims because Islam is interpreted to forbid any illustration of the prophet and because several drawings depict Muhammad as a man of violence.
The caricatures amounted to a “conspiracy by Zionists who were angry because of the victory of Hamas,” he said, referring to the Palestinian militant group that won a surprise landslide victory in last month’s elections.
Illegal Aliens! Perhaps you didn’t get everything you wanted during your last free emergency room visit? Hire Saul Rosenberg and Hymie Lowenstein! We’ll sue, take our cut, and close that damn hospital! Call us soon!
Mexicans: Having your 7th free baby at LA General? Did one of the staff “dis” you? Well, call Rosenberg and Lowenstein! We’ll sue, take our cut, and close the last hospital in Southern Kalifornia!
Wow, JCH has moved from homophobia to anti-semitism. Is there a bigotry this poor little sap stuck in his mother’s basement doesn’t have?
I was going to say something, but as I scrolled down to scan over the trolls, I realized it’s all trolls.
If I wanted to read that kind of crap, I’d read usenet.
Oh please, don’t keep kicking that dead old horse: A Vote for Nader was a vote for Bush. Sure, so was a vote for Ross Perot a vote for Clinton? Same stinking logic.
I basically agree with you. I don’t see any hopes of world domination by running an alternative to Cantwell. But don’t tell me that *any* Democrat will cut ice when too many money sucking Dems have cut and run one too many times. Can you say John Kerry? To this day, he can’t keep his story straight on whether or not 2004 was stolen. What the hell is afraid of? That he won’t get elected again if he speaks out. Yeah, right. Gore remains passive agressive over the robbery of 2000.
I refuse to back another lame, lazy, Tim Kaine, eyebrow spazzing, old time religion Democrat. Anyone running Democratic better be prepared to go to the mattresses, because this is war. So Maria better toughen up and show more of what she’s got. On small issues she’s been great, but all Dems need to do deliver the goods, fight corruption, call bullshit on the game show, or step aside for new blood. Instead of wasting my time on a loser, I think we all need to push her to do more.
re 122: Hear! Hear! We’ll back her for now but she better take political calcium to strengthen that backbone. I’m not entirely sure , though, that soneone who was in a life position to suck millions off the corporate teat is capable of understanding ( in a real, visceral way ) what’s at stake.
We don’t agree on much, but I must give you credit on this post.
I appreciate that you are the first Democrat I have heard in this campaign (keep in mind it is early) who has said something positive about Sen. Cantwell instead of just bad mouthing Mike McGavick.
We all know why negative attacks happen – they work and it is easier to get someone to hate me than like you – but I think more people (Democrats and Republicans) should follow your lead on this.
Just for once, why don’t we on the right spend the next 10 months telling everyone how great Mike McGavick is and how he will help our state and the country and you Democrats can spend that sametime boasting of Sen. Cantwell’s accomplishments and telling everyone how we a better off if she has 6 more years in D.C.
Notorious moonpie: Why don’t you get some of SAFECO’s former policyholders that he cheated to tell you how reliable Mike McStankfinger really is?