Kevin Carns, the man claiming credit for the Republican’s disgusting fake metaphorical Sex Offender Notification postcards, remains unapologetic, calling the Democrats’ complaints “sniveling” and “asinine.”
“What they are doing is a political smoke screen.”
For those who aren’t familiar with the state GOP operatives rogues gallery, Carns holds the dual titles of Political Director for the House Republican Organizing Committee and Executive Director of its associated PAC, The Speaker’s Roundtable, which paid for the mailing.
Carns is also one of’s longtime professional trolls.
This information came to me today quite by accident, but when I looked into it further I discovered that Carns has been a prolific fixture on HA comment threads for well over a year, posting hundreds of comments under several different pseudonyms, at all hours of the day and night… but mostly during normal business working hours. That he trolls the threads from his HROC/Speakers Roundtable office at BIAW headquarters seems indisputable. That he considers trolling to be part of his official duties, seems clear.
Carns’ comments range from pedantic regurgitation of GOP talking points, to deceitful, vitriolic, and extremist rhetoric, to down-in-the-gutter name-calling. He has attacked me personally. He has launched veiled threats against other thread participants.
His primary reason for remaining anonymous seems obvious: attaching his name to his commentary would embarrass his employers and potentially undermine his party’s agenda. It would also impair his ability to masquerade as just another irate voter in this and other public forums.
One would think that if Carns was as proud of the bile he spews here, as he claims to be of his schemes to politically exploit abused children, he might hang his name on his comments. But he isn’t. No, what Carns is, is a gutless coward… a sneaky, chicken-livered, spineless pussy… a dick-less wonder, who despite all his tough talk, macho bravado, and BIAW funding, just got his tiny little political balls snipped off by some balding, middle-aged, amateur with a DSL connection and a four-year-old iBook.
Does the hateful, lying rhetoric emanating from my right-wing trolls represent the values and views of the majority of rank and file Republicans? Of course not. But apparently, it does represent the values and views of the Republican leadership and the staff they hire. So the next time you read the bullshit spewed in my comment threads, be sure to remember the self-descriptive words of one of the walking talking-points who spew them:
“What they are doing is a political smoke screen.”
Kevin… it has privately been suggested to me that perhaps it was inappropriate of me to question your manhood in such strong and provocative words… especially considering the fact that you own firearms. So… I would like to make it absolutely clear that when I call you a pussy… or, for example, describe you as a limp-dick, epicene, girly-man with testicles the size of David Irons’ political prospects… I am, of course, speaking metaphorically.
So, Goldy. What handles has Cairns posted under?
veiled threats
prr, for sure then.
Goldy, I’m dying to know what his HA comment thread handles are…
I’m betting he’s also “LEFTISIGNORANT”.
Has to be MWS! Has to be!
I mean, MWS?
FtC, it’s Carns, not Cairns. I knew the family when I was in grade school, but haven’t spoken to Kevin or his family in decades. It’s sad to see how far he’s fallen.
Gutless, spineless, lower than a worm, wingnut hack!
It’s that kind of mentality we struggle against. It’s that kind of putrid, scabrous lout that has hijacked the leadership of the Republican Party and has betrayed the legacy of conscientious Republicans who have faithfully served the people of this State.
I wonder how tight this Carns creep is with the minnow.
ATJ – Got ya.
BT – MWS=Mike Webb Sucks
Come on, Goldy. Out the son of a bitch.
You go,Golldy!
Out him Goldy. It is the right thing to do. Turn him into an honest piece of shit.
Then again, it doesn’t do a whole heckuvalotta good to out him considering he’ll just change his handle over and over again.
A lying sack-o-shit, is just that, by any ‘handle’.
The BIAW will just cut him loose and replace him with another creep.
Mike Webb Sucks is almost a certainty, I think!
Please also out the professional Dems posting on this and SP. I mean you are trying to eliminate the pros from this debate, right?
Who knows, it might be the mysteriously missing Mr. C, or howcanyoubeproudtobeanass, obviously it is not righton. He did post one coherent item last year sometime.
Kevin looks like another angry white frat boy:
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for increasing awareness about this very important issue. I am sure we can all agree that protecting children from violent predators in the right thing to do. I posted my name and you can all send an email if you would like to further discuss moving HB 2476 to your Governor to sign. Once again, you attack the messenger, but do not address the message. You have been a great help in spreading the word. Thanks again.
Comment by righton— 1/25/06 @ 5:21 pm
“Please also out the professional Dems posting on this and SP. I mean you are trying to eliminate the pros from this debate, right?”
I have to admit I’m skeptical that anyone who posts here is a “professional”. If Goldy actually has proof of his allegations, then I think he should provide them.
@20. Ohmygod THAT is Kevin? That isn’t the name he uses when hits the gay bars.
Goldy — Please identify Carns’ posting handles. Otherwise the lingering suspicion that they might be Carns will reflect unfairly on our resident amateur trolls.
“You have been a great help in spreading the word. Thanks again. ”
Don’t specify which troll names he uses, Goldy. Let the sniveling coward do it himself, if he has the cojones to do it. Odds are, though, that this weakling is so afraid of the light of day that he’d rather hide behind his troll-identities than face real human beings.
Some “political director”, eh?
How about this for addressing your message, Kevin. The guy in the pic you sent would not have his sentencing changed one iota by the Dem plan. He did not know his victims. You couldnt show pics of the guys who would be affected because the guys who would be, currently are walking free because their families wont turn the bastards in. You’d have been sued if you put their pics there.
Your plan (HB2476) is acutally a way for child molesters to walk free. How about coming up with a plan that, oh I don’t know, puts molesters behind bars?
Hey, Kevin, how’s that goat milk supplement you market out of your office in Chehalis? Is “Frank Stout” another of your pseudonyms?
For the record, the address and telephone number for the Speaker’s Roundtable in the PDC database are exactly the same as the ones displayed on this webpage.
Carns the Creep,
First tell us the handles you’ve posted under, scumbag.
If HB2476 is so good then why can’t the legislature hold hearings on it and see what prosecutors and others in the justice and law enforcement system think about it? Why did the R leadership want a vote on it without anyone reading it first?
I’ll tell you why – it’s cockroach legislation. Shine the line on it and it scurries away. Well we’re going to shine the light on you creep! I and many others have had it with your kind! We’ve had it with your cockroach stunts like that mailing and that cable tv ad.
And by the way, Christine Gregoire is YOUR Governor, too. Deal with it or move to a red state paradise where you can brag how authentically wingnut you are to the next wingnut.
Man, this Kevin guy looks like he needs a big L branded on his forehead. Just search under his consulting firm’s name – Strategy Services & Associates – and you get a million hits about how they are in “high demand.” Yet these idiots never seemed to have scored a single client. In fact, the only campaign mentioned in their myriad of spammed press releases was some congressional candidate back East who was “considering” hiring poor Kev. Pretty impressive resume.
So, Kevin Carns is the guy who played the banjo in the movie Deliverance?
Should have stuck to acting, Kevin. Your political career now being dead.
Donnageddon, Congrats that was funny. I imagined that handsome devil being you though, but my mistake. Shucks! Thanks for clarifying!
Clueless, I am not Kevin. Keep guessing though, since YOU ARE CLUELESS!
Goldy — has he attacked me personally? I sure hope so!
So Goldy, are you going to “out” him? How about giving us Carns’ screen names? Is he Mr. Cynical? I’ll bet he is!
Sorry, Reading Comprehension Sucks, (obviously you didn’t do too well in school). I sign my comments “For the Clueless”, i.e. for people like you who apparently can’t comprehend when someone is speaking figuratively.
Also for someone who is dishonest who knows the difference and then exploits it to score cheap political points.
I certainly don’t trust someone like you to tell the truth. I’ll let Goldy decide whether to out you as the dishonest bastard you are.
Ben Nelson is a turncoat asshole. God save us from idiots like him.
Sorry, that was off-topic.
Kevin Carns posts under the name…………”Windie”!! Roger Rabbit told me this off the thread!
[Kevin looks like another angry white frat boy: Comment by LiberalRedneck— 1/25/06 @ 5:30 pm] – LR, I thought that description described most leftists on HorsesAss!
Sorry “For the” Clueless. Clueless is as Clueless does!
BTW, For the Record, LMAO, FUBAR Clueless, I am not Kevin!
Do you know where I can get a job as a professional troll? Sounds like easy work to me. You don’t have to know how to spell, how to apply correct punctuation, how to discriminate between upper- and lower-case letters, or how to put together a coherent argument — heck, you could even just cut and paste from the latest GOP talking points sheet.
RR – Carns is supposedly someone who has made veiled threats against other commenters. Sounds like prr for sure.
I don’t think Cynical Irrelevant BOZO has stooped that low, he just name-calls – although I could be wrong.
40 – Whoever you are, you’re a certainly a dishonest, spiteful, losing bastard. You make you namesake look good.
What does that mean, “in your a loooooser”? Where exactly is my “a looooooser”? Can I find him there?
Is the multi-poster Right Winger Mr. Cynical who is tied to BIAW? Mr. Cynical seemed to post during working hours, and recently disappeared. H-m-m-m. I get the impression most of the progressives here are not paid to post and do their posting out of sense of wanting fairness and justice and are as passionate about truth and opposing wrong doing. However, the soundbites and rhetoric of the Rightwing Trolls looks too slick to be done by amateurs. Goldy will you answer if it is Mr. Cynical?
Signed Mrs. Rabbit
And FT (Fucked Thoroughly) Clueless, I performed very well in college and graduate school, thank you very much. I comprehended my college class materials better that John Forbes Kerry did. Way, way better! He did blaze the trail for those who followed him! When the floor was set by JFK, even you could have hurdled that low bar!
NSeattle @ 28
Sure is. I looked at the C1PC registration filed for Speakers Roundtable on 01/21/2006 and they have the same thing:
It does make you wonder what the connection between Speakers Roundtable and Mount Capra Wholefood Nutrionals is. Mount Capra seems to specialize in powdered goat milk, goat milk protein, goat milk whey, and other products derived from goat milk.
If nothing else, it sure explains why the Speakers Roundtable sex offender mailing really got the Democrats’ goat :)
Is this him?
Very informative site. Served as a Recon Sniper with 509th ABN INF. ?I have had a difficult time finding 173gr.ammo for my civilian M24. ?Not many have even heard of 173, 170 is fairly common, but how much ?MOA will I lose dropping to 170 ? Any G2 on this subject would be ?much appreciated. Keep on fighting the good fight and watch your 6. ?Kevin Carns ?Vancouver, WA USA – Friday, October 09, 1998 at 13:18:02 (EDT)
47 – You remind of that legend in his own mind, Puddy Freep Koresh. Keep spinning MWS (TripleP?). It’s very amusing.
Hey Carns, did I call you names? I sure hope so, sleazebag!
“prr, for sure then.”
Hey Carns, are you prr? If you are, why do you spit on Vietnam vets?
By the way, YO, thanks for your comment. You prove my point at #41, above. QED.
Hey Carns, are you Janet S? If you are, when did you have your sex change operation?
I agree with For the Clueless @42. prr has implied (if not outright said) his wife works for the State, and as such implies his own connection to the capitol. But FTR, he is also a fuckbag for not knowing anything about Catholics and for naming Jews as the primary reason Jesus was crucified. JCH could not have better company…
Hey RR – You’ve tied Cynical Irrelevant BOZO to goats in your recent comments. It’s look like N in Seattle and RP have connected the dots! :)
Awwww come on FT Clueless, didn’t you complain many moons ago of someone on the right not having a thick skin? Think man, use that noodle on your needle dick neck! Still wearing those 14.5 inch neck shirts?
I chose Mike Webb Sucks in honor of the recently fired progressive ex-radio personality from Kiro.
Hey Carns, are you Stefan? If you are, how come you’re not going to share your windfall from your lawsuit against King County with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for your lawsuit? Is it because you’re a selfish prick, or because you can’t hold a job and need the money? And why is your own pathetic little blog so lame?
Kevin Carns
Tom McBride, executive secretary of the Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, said his group supports the Democrats’ bill and has concerns about the GOP measure.
Sorry sir, we Democrats run this territory. No fat cat Abramhoff lobbyist here to write bills for you. Crawl back into your hole you political puke, and let the professionals run the government. Or better still, move to the other Washington and hang out with your boy George.
Hey Carns, are you Roger Rabbit? I’ll bet you are!!! I’ll bet you’ve been Roger Rabbit all along! I’ll bet Roger Rabbit is another Republican scam!!!!
“RR – Carns is supposedly someone who has made veiled threats against other commenters. Sounds like prr for sure.”
Yeah, he looks like the kind who would run from a 9 7/8-lb. rabbit. And if he’s Roger Rabbit, he’s even afraid of his own shadow!!!
57 – Did I? Refresh my memory. And what relevance does that have to the lying, bankrupt of thought, mentality you’ve displayed here these past few days?
A lot of people on the left had problems with Mike Webb, myself included but keep using him in your handle. You make him look good.
Cmdr Ogg: Please tell me that Tom McBride is a Democrat? Please Please? With an office in Olympia, how can it be any other way?
Goldy — is Roger Rabbit really Kevin Carns? Tell us! Tell us! I wanna know!!!
Man FT Clueless you are denser than spent uranium. Saying he sucks means he sucks. His politics, his demeanor, his attitude, HE SUCKS. So you thought he was distasteful? Did you ever call in and tell him your thoughts. No, that’s what I thought. You are a blowhard who joins the bandwagon when the poll and the winds determine the flow!
Hey Kevin, are you Mr. Cynical? If you are, I wanna know how your washing machine works! What’s inside the rollers that changes $100 of L & I taxes into $100 of Rossi slush funds when you turn the crank? That’s really weird. Tell me! Tell me!
65 – Puddy, you’re entitled to your opinion, first ammendment and all, but like assholes everyone has one and yours sure does give off a most vile odor.
FT Clueless, who is Puddy Freep Koresh? Is he a personal friend? Did he get your goat recently? BTW, it seems to me that you are biggest the legend in his own mind from your many negative postings here on HorsesAss! Comprende?
” … I am sure we can all agree that protecting children from violent predators in the right thing to do. … Comment by Kevin Carns— 1/25/06 @ 5:31 pm”
Apparently you don’t agree, Kevin, or you wouldn’t be pushing a bill the prosecutors say will set more of these creeps free.
@ 36
I can’t let that one stand. First, he’s a Democrat from Nebraska. That’s the Nebraska in the middle of the country, the one that went for Bush by a big margin. So cut him some slack.
Keep spinnin’ Puddy – you make me laugh. The sin of pride sure has warped your small mind.
Life imitating life:
“Kevin Carns posts under the name…………’Windie’!! Roger Rabbit told me this off the thread!”
No I didn’t. I don’t talk to you, creep! Why are all Republicans fucking liars … ???
Hey Carns, is this you?
Hey Carns, are you Janet S? If you are, when did you have your sex change operation?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/25/06 @ 6:36 pm
AKKKK!!! My world is shattered. Wait, Scarborough is talking about “the politics of hate”. Hey, listen to the experts, I say.
Wow! 76 posts already, and we’re just getting started on this slimeball! This thread is GOING FOR THE RECORD!!!!!
Carns has to be Mr. Cynical, prr, HowCanYouBeProud, Puddycheeks, Momus, and JCH … that’s his speed.
Don’t forget that loser DOOFUS.
and ID(IOT)GAF, YO, Yossarian and BonzoBananaDanno
While we’re at it, let’s throw in MTR!
MTR has been away away for a while. Might just be him. But then again, maybe one of his ‘girl friends’ on Aurora beat the crap out of him for only giving her $3! It would be just like him, welshing on bets, talking garbage and getting beat up by a 87 pound ‘lady of pressure’
“MTR has been away away for a while. Might just be him. But then again, maybe one of his ‘girl friends’ on Aurora beat the crap out of him for only giving her $3!”
Yeah, and he probably gave her a three-dollar bill for her “services.”
I am pretty sure Carns, the banjo player from Deliverance, is:
Mr. Cynical, prr, HowCanYouBeProud, PuddyBuddy, Momus, JCH, Janet S., Mark The Redneck, Mike Webb Sucks, PacMan, Chardonnay, sven, sgmmac and at least 5 more variations of “mark”.
They are all Kevin Carns.
Off topic: Roger and Gang elplain?
In Case You Missed It . . .
Democrat Senator says Eastern Washington has “very good roads going nowhere”
What do Seattle-area Democrats think of Eastern Washington? It’s not very flattering. In a recent story published in the Spokane Spokesman-Review Sen. Darlene Fairley, D-Lake Forest Park, said that Eastern Washington has “very good roads going nowhere. They’ve got extremely good roads over there going to places that are all boarded up and are small and it’s sad.”
Obviously, this comment didn’t sit too well with our friends east of the Cascades. The Tri-City Herald fired back on Monday, urging Sen. Fairley to take a road trip and see for herself.
Is that how you think of Eastern Washington? Sure, we’ve got some good roads but it’s hard to think of one that goes to a boarded up, sad, small place. It’s hard to consider the Tri-Cities or Spokane or Walla Walla ghost towns. But some state leaders apparently haven’t made it “over here” for a visit, yet. Or maybe they don’t know exactly where to find Eastern Washington.
Click here to read more of the Tri-City Herald’s Op-Ed
Klake is Kevin Carns.
Rogers Rabbit new lover!
Donnageddon best friends?
Why cut him some slack? If he wants to vote like a Republican, especially on votes of this gravity, then let him switch parties. If the voters in Nebraska can’t figure out what Democrats stand for, then they shouldn’t elect Democrats.
Save the Republic: FILIBUSTER.
So Cyniclown, are you Carns or not? I say yes. I see you are being very silent on this issue. Why is that?
Dr. E @88
If the voters in Nebraska can’t figure out what Democrats stand for, then they shouldn’t elect Democrats.
I agree, and your missive should stand as such…
You know, Alphabet Soup could be too. I notice he has nothing to say here either.
MLF @92
Funny, I was thinking Headless Lucy has been strangely silent…
How can we forget that vile, wingnut propaganda spewing, fallacious bandwagon argument bleating, no-count loser jaybo?
I bet you the troll uses a name simlar to his own. Just a couple letter change here or there. The coward should be shot. What an asshole.
@ 88
He votes with the Dems about 45% of the time. Which is better than a Republican, who’d vote with the Dems, oh, NEVER.
And Harry Poon! Jeez, how could we allow someone so ignorant to destroy any credibility we had?
Anyway, I was really thinking along the lines of my own name, but a variation of such…
me @97
Carns’ comments range from pedantic regurgitation of GOP talking points, to deceitful, vitriolic, and extremist rhetoric, to down-in-the-gutter name-calling. He has attacked me personally. He has launched veiled threats against other thread participants.
Okay, maybe not. We Marks tend to be a bit better than that…
DOOFUS hasn’t crawled out from under his rock yet tonight. He has to be Carns.
Yep- Those rethugs keep giving us amo for 06. I am going to be the first one to rub it in their face when we kick their ass. Carns and his ilk are going down.
Or it could be the infamous Michael, all he has ever done is regurgiated RepubliCON talking points here, no mind of his own. Another likely professional troll name for Kairns
This may be off topic, but Mike’s Webb’s best attribute is not his sucking, but his wonderful, muscle man and hairy thighs.
Bring on the repeal refendum. Our fat checkbooks are ready, clearing calendars, National money ready to flow, Gigot Busters ar the ready — and properly oranized the I-5 counties and cities will keep the law in place.
Get ready to push the bigots back to their caves.
Where is Mr. C? Need a toad to campaign against in Jefferson county.
FWIW, He’s not Puddybud.
I’ve talked a bit with Pud offline. He’s OK, he just reminds me of a good friend of mine who is the most decent person you can imagine IRL, but goes a bit off the handle arguing his points on the intarwebs.
bet you the troll uses a name simlar to his own. Just a couple letter change here or there. The coward should be shot. What an asshole.
Comment by Calvin Herns— 1/25/06 @ 8:32 pm
Calvin your an idiot. No one would do that.
Ron K @24,
Who says the other trolls are amateurs?
I haven’t made up my mind yet about whether to reveal Carns’ screen names, as I don’t generally support outing commentators. Of course… he could just give me permission….
I haven’t made up my mind yet about whether to reveal Carns’ screen names, as I don’t generally support outing commentators.
I appreciate your restraint. I’m not a fan of “outing” people either. I’ve gone back and forth on this one too, and I haven’t made up my mind what I would do, were I in your position.
Perhaps your options are not limited to simply “outing” and “not outing.” One option might be to hold all his future comments for approval the way you do with JCH. Of course, that would just make more work for you, so I don’t actually recommend that. The point is, perhaps you can come up with a solution that satisfies your principles and teaches him and others like him who would (and do) abuse your generosity a lesson.
Good luck.
And while I’m here:
Carns’ comments range from pedantic regurgitation of GOP talking points, to deceitful, vitriolic, and extremist rhetoric, to down-in-the-gutter name-calling. He has attacked me personally. He has launched veiled threats against other thread participants.
Dude, narrow it down a LITTLE for us. Throw us a frickin’ bone.
And Jaybo’s one of them. Yeah, def-definitely.
Carns is a republican. This means he’s likely too cowardly to give permission for you to ID him Goldy. Pizz ant republicans are only brave when they can hide behind faux names, faux faxes and faux elections.
I travel in eastern Washington quite a bit, and Senator Fairley is wrong about this. Yeah, if you press me, I know where there’s a couple of boarded up gas stations and stores — sad. I love the wide open spaces of E. Washington, the salt-of-the-earth people, and the grand scenery! And I’m damned glad for the roads that get me around over there, and I don’t mind paying for them! (Yes, Seattle drivers subsidize roads in 31 counties, to the tune of $127 million a year.) There’s no other experience like driving through the wheat country in summer, and the Okanagon country is simply breathtaking. Sen. Fairley ought to see it some time. Why not? Her gas taxes helped pay for it.
I think its Mr. Cynical. He always monitored HA and was obsessed with posting first on every thread.
His goal was always to flame wildy on strange things to try to make sure that the post was not commented on.
With the repeat key and ALL CAPS keys securely taped down on his keyboard, he must have spent nearly 24/7 looking for a new post by Goldy. In fact, I always suspected he was actually several people as he was always “on.”
Is Carns Mr. Cynical? Probably. Notice how everything BIAW does is sleazy, and everything sleazy is connected to BIAW? Carns and Mr. C have “BIAW” stamped on their foreheads.
Republicans are so cowardly they can’t even call themselves conservative. The democrats are proud to be called liberal…. wait minute progressive, no moderate? What term are the donks hiding under now, oh shit who can keep track.
The BIAW is sleazy. Using the refunds of Workers Compensation for political reasons. Why cant they follow the unions and extort the money from its members. You know from their paychecks.
Come on Goldy, tell us what dirt you have. Othwerwise this whole thing is a scam. Your “evidence” must not be as strong as you say it is.
I’m calling your bluff.
How can you be ABSOLUTELY sure you have the right person?
Does it make any difference to you all that King County IP addresses show up at SoundPolitics? How about LEG.WA.GOV? Who gives a damn, if anything it proves that your blog has some value. I for one find most of your posts hilarious!
“One option might be to hold all his future comments for approval the way you do with JCH.”
If Goldy does, who’ll we argue with? Isn’t it discouraging to think that all this time we’ve been arguing with one person? But the upside is I’ve probably insulted this cockroach Carns at least 100,000 times.
“Republicans are so cowardly they can’t even call themselves conservative. The democrats are proud to be called liberal…. wait minute progressive, no moderate? What term are the donks hiding under now, oh shit who can keep track.”
I’m a “liberal” and you’re an asshole. Any more questions?
Bear in mind that we’re using pseudonyms too.
There is, of course, an important difference between ordinary citizens posting under the same name consistently and someone posting under multiple handles and using the anonymity that provides to hide the institutional support he enjoys from the leadership of the GOP in the state House because those comments would be embarrassing to them. (Top THAT run-on sentence!)
I choose to maintain my anonymity for reasons other than potential embarrassment or cowardice, and I appreciate that Goldy respects that. I behave here much the way I do in “real” life. To me, anonymity only implies cowardice to the extent you’re not willing to be honest with the people you encounter here and/or to the extent your behavior changes when you change your name. That is, do you act like an ass because you think people won’t find out who you are? Based on that standard, I’d have to say that Carns isn’t a coward. He appears to be an ass all the time.
“Does it make any difference to you all that King County IP addresses show up at SoundPolitics?”
Yeah — that’s why I don’t post there (along with registration and censorship, not to mention irrelevancy). Who I am is none of Stefan’s business.
Patrick E Bell @ 114
“I’m calling your bluff.”
Do us a favor, and hold your breath waiting for Goldy’s response!
“Does it make any difference to you all that King County IP addresses show up at SoundPolitics? How about LEG.WA.GOV? Who gives a damn, if anything it proves that your blog has some value. I for one find most of your posts hilarious!”
Ummm…it is not generaly illegal for people to post from government-owned computers. There are these things called “computer use policies” that most governmental agencies have. That policy regulates whether or not (and under what conditions) a person can post.
Usually, if somebody is actively campaigning from a govt. owned computer, they are violating the use policy. But, if they are simply engaging in intellectual discourse in a way that does not cost the state money, the use is probably within the policy.
The only donk in the last 25 years that was honest about himself was Walter Mondale back in 84. He truely was proud of his liberalism. He got slaughtered for it but at least he didn’t hide what he stood for.
RUFUS, then with Mondale that gives the Democrats ONE in your eyes, and your party still has ZERO people honest with themselves and the rest of the world.
Goldy: Not sure why you would be reluctant to reveal Mr. Carns’ comment names. If he is a paid political operative, we deserve to know his associations. Stefan certainly has no qualms about these things, regardless of one’s privacy. If he doesn’t like your comments, he will address you by first and last name to all the world in his reply.
Bush kept his campaign promises. He promised to lower taxes and he did. He promised not to cut and run in Iraq and we havent. We promised not to select liberal activist judges to the bench he didnt(The second one is on it way now). Sounds honest to me.
If the shoe were on the other foot wonder what little pussy weazel Carns’ would do? Why not address that Carns’?
Bush promised we were not going to sign the Kyoto accords and we haven’t.
Make that two Rufus. Here’s a lad who grew up in the very red state of Nebraska and campaigned heavily for R’s in college, who has evolved into a “museum quality liberal” since then. And I’m proud of it. If conservatism is the answer, we must be asking the wrong question.
It would be fun to know what were Carns’ handles. However, I do appreciate Goldy’s concern about outing any commenters. Beyond that, Carns is probably not the only professional troll anyway. If he disappeared from HA, undoubtedly other trolls would quickly fill the void left by him.
I still hold out great hope that Goldy will get a new system that tones down the “wild west” quality of these comment threads. I honestly don’t know why I keep reading them; it’s just too damn depressing (and unproductive). This, of course, may very well be one of the goals of the trolls’ agitprop — destabilize the opposition’s means of communication.
I believe you Unkl Witz, I just dont hear the democratic leaders saying the same thing. I hear all the time the republicans extolling the virtues of “conservative values”. I cant recall a democrat in the last 15 years extolling the virtues of “liberal values”. At least not on the natinal scene. I hear a lot of democrats calling themselves progressives.
I was just over at Carl Ballard’s, and he linked to an Olympian article on this topic. The Olympian has a comments thread attached. Out of curiosity, I clicked on it, and there are several posts from a “Kevin” defending the mailing and using very much the same language he’s been using in other places.
I’m starting to wonder just how much of the job of “Political Director” involves surfing the net and pretending to be Joe Citizen who just happens to whole-heartedly support what the GOP is doing at any given moment and just happens to parrot the GOP talking points. I had hoped it was confined to this site, but now it looks like the state GOP is even more astroturf than I had suspected before.
Perhaps this might be an interesting story for an enterprising journalist to look into…
By the way Uncle Witz, maybe conservatism is not the answer to everything but the verdict is in on liberalism. It is a failure. You don’t have to look any further than our public schools to answer that.
Rufus: I think it’s because conservatives have become far more cynical and duplicitous in their public statements. They say things like they support “family values”. But in reality, those are code words for anti-gay sentiments and homophobia. They say they are for smaller govt. But those are code words for tax relief, mostly for directed at the very wealthy. In fact they are for a very powerful and very intrusive govt. In short, they have betrayed their own core beliefs, and don’t even know it.
Public Schools? Not sure what your looking at Rufus, but by my estimation, they have been a big success. Not sure where this country would be without them. Perhaps you can elaborate.
i cant speak for eastern washington, but when i was with a group of people touristizing throughout parts of Utah I saw quite a few broken down shacks an’ dead towns.
I mean, I’ve driven through eastern washington… 3 times now, but not leisurely. all I remember is that it was fucking flat. Jesus christ. And there were roads that had letters for names.
Kevin Carns @21,
No, thank you Kevin, for all the hard work you put into building my comment threads into the oddly vibrant public forum they have become. It is misguided, too-clever-for-their-own-good trolls such as yourself who have inadvertently helped to turn HA into the most relevant political blog in the state. Hell… you gotta take HA seriously when the state’s top Republican operatives are spending half their day trolling the comment threads.
Betcha didn’t expect the response you got from your latest little dirty trick, did you? Well, it was me and my fellow bloggers who willed this blowback into being… and we couldn’t have done it without you. So thanks again.
Unkl Witz….. Holy Craps! You are trying to talk intelligenlty to RUFUS….????
Are you drunk?
Goldy, you do realize you have opened up a Genie that will never be stuffed back in its bottle?
I can never take another TROLL seriously until I know the names Kevin “Deliverence Banjo Player” Carns has used, and may still be using.
Oh, wait.. None of the TROLLS here ever say anything worth taking seriously.
But, having said that, I am going to never post again on HA until the Republican Operative identity is laid bare.
We have enough secret Republicfuck operatives sneaking into our lives without you protecting them to.
OUCH, Goldy. We were waiting for that. Nice Job! Wonder if the MSN or his own party is going to pick up on this? Can’t help but notice that Soupy and Cyniclown have not been heard from. Not like those (Carns) guys to be so silent.
Interesting thread. The republicans played semantics, and kevin is the invisible troll.
I have no problem pointing out that the card they sent out pushed the limits of “metaphors”. if Kevin really did design it, he is an ignorant moron. The addition of a few extra words could have made this speculative instead of specific, and saved them all the trouble.
I don’t particularly care for some of the things the state democrats stand for, but I ahve to say for the record that the GOP is using some very stupid tactics and stategies.
But…if Kevin is lurking, out him and have done with it. The accusations are getting a life of their own. Stick a fork in em or let it go.
And my blog link is posted here. Let the world see I am not Kevin.
Kevin was going for the ‘heck of a job’ karl rove wannabe contest, until he over dosed on the steroids. Perhaps they should ship him off to do media for Rev Pat Robertson. Fit right in with Robertson. wouldn’t know the difference.
Goldy, I hope I wake up in the morning to a new post with the names this joker has been using. We are all very curious as to just how much time and effort (judging by the quality of all the trolls posts, not much effort) he put into this scheme of his. Who was he really fooling?
Not sure what it means, but I just googled “Kevin Carns” and HA is at the top of the list.
Hey the stupid jackass is back at it again! Not only does he throw out accusations but he proves once again how dull the knife was at his parents house when he was conceived.
The One and Only Pudster
Kevin Carns @142
Puddy, are you also Roger Rabbit in an Easter costume?
Kevin Carns @120
“The only donk in the last 25 years that was honest about himself was Walter Mondale back in 84. He truely was proud of his liberalism. He got slaughtered for it but at least he didn’t hide what he stood for.”
The only gooper in the last 25 years that was honest about himself was ____.
Hell, I can’t think of one.
Kevin Carns @123
“Bush kept his campaign promises. He promised to lower taxes and he did. He promised not to cut and run in Iraq and we havent. We promised not to select liberal activist judges to the bench he didnt(The second one is on it way now). Sounds honest to me.”
Yeah and look where it got us:
Iraq quagmire
Record deficits
Unbelievable corruption
Katrina fiasco
Pervasive incompetence
Job losses
Health care crisis
Skyrocketing energy prices
Corporate scandals
Goldy — out him! He’d do it to you without even thinking about it.
Kevin Carns is a gigantic T R O L L F U C K
sooo puddy, how’d the meeting with GBS go? Pay off your bet? More importantly did you get a chance to prove me wrong?!
Did Kevin get his start in politics from Jim West? A little you scratch my back and I will scratch yours? The BIAW’s R.O.I.I. is nothing like the voluntary deduction taken out of my check for political use. The workers have no say in how the money is spent at BIAW and that money is intended for safety programs and since workers pay a portion of their L&i are they not entitled to a portion of the refund ?
Roger you were wondering where mr cynical had gone? You will have to ask Kevin why he quit using that handle.
Freep @ 142
Where you been, guy? Did Murdoch throw an annual “stink tank” retreat in the Carribean? An orgy of Faux News, wingnut publications and whacked-out blogs?
I say we take up a collection of money to induce Goldy to out this asshole republican operative. What will it take Goldy? I’ll put in the first $25!
Don’t out him until you have a reason to that goes beyond personal revenge. Leave it hanging for now.
Live to fight another day!
I did not make the false acusation against you, so dont think I had anything to do with it. That is BS, we should up penalties for false reporting. Go to Olympia and get an ammendment drafted to do so. It could be part of the package that will come out soon. I think that there will be compromise legislation soon that everyone can agree protects kids.
Left Turn @ 153
If Goldy takes money for outing him that would make him just like DeLay, Ney and all the rest of the wingnuts. I think he should out him on principle.
I notice that Soupy and Cyniclown still have not been heard from on this issue. Perhaps Carns is waiting until he gets to a computer that has an IP address he has not used here at HA.
Kevin @155,
Hmm. I never accused you of making the false report against me. Though the thought has crossed my mind.
I assure you, it wasnt me. I knew you would be considering it, since I am public enemy #3 for the Democrat machine in WA. That is truly dispicable and who ever did it should be prosecuted for false reporting. On the topic at hand, I dont think any of your regulars have yet to name an ID I posted under. Keep them guessing, we could set a record for posts on this one. Anyways, how many here besides yourself actually post their name and contact info? How many do it from thier desk? How many post under a couple of ID’s? You certainly do have a dilema on your hands. I applaud you for being involved, even if your usually wrong on the issues. I will post my name rank and serial number in the future. Have a great day.
Kevin @155
Amazing how a vicious right wing troll can instantly transform into a rational, sane politico in search of compromise once he’s been outed. You can’t suppress your Id forever, Kev. C’mon – I know that creepily militaristic inner child of yours is just begging to come back out to entertain us!
“I think that there will be compromise legislation soon that everyone can agree protects kids.”
No thanks to you, or your sleazy stunt.
158.) You sure as hell are not public enemy #3 of the D’s, you are like an early xmas present. It’s the R’s who are going to be trying to hide you!
“Perhaps Carns is waiting until he gets to a computer that has an IP address he has not used here at HA.”
We may have to wait a while … I hear they’re posting his picture in all the public libraries.
Hey Kevin, if it wasn’t you, which of your gooper friends did it? You can clear yourself by outing the perp.
I am curious if they are any statistics on child rape and child molestation prosecutions in this state.
It seems like hundreds of girls under 16 get pregnant in this state every state through being raped by men sufficiently older than themselves to constitute child rape, and that about half of these girls give birth.
If the girl gives birth, the necessary DNA evidence is obviously preserved. If the girl has an abortion, they could change the law to require preservation of the DNA evidence where the girl’s age at the time of abortion minus the probable fetal age at abortion is less than 16 years.
Nevertheless, I don’t think prosecuting attorneys are filing charges against very many of these child rapists, in spite of irrefutable DNA evidence being available to convict the perpetrator.
If this is the case, how can we trust the Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, when they claim that a “Friends and Family Discount” will result in MORE convictions of child sex predators?
Carns @ 158
No one here has a problem with anyone advancing a political agenda that is conservative, liberal or whatever as long as it isn’t half-baked and those advancing the agenda play fair. It either wins or loses on the merits.
You don’t play fair. You’re a dirty trickster. Your role models are Donald Sagretti and Karl Rove. You’re a low-life scumbag.
Your party is in the minority because it serves up extreme losers like Craswell, Carlson and Nethercutt. Your finest hour so far has been Rossi who was a stealth candidate in the Rovian mode posing as a moderate while hiding the fact that he was a creature of the BIAW. Did you work on Rossi’s ugly campaigns in the early nineties? Thank goodness Gregoire exercised her options under the law and edged him out.
You’re on our radar now Carns. You’re the poster boy for everything that’s gone wrong with the Republican party in this state. You’re embarassing every conscientious Republican who has ever served. How does it feel low-life?
Who would you rather trust, Richard? Kevin Carns?
Richard wwrites, in part:
“I am curious if they are any statistics on child rape and child molestation prosecutions in this state…”
You might want to check with the Administrative Office of the Courts.
They produce a bunch if info on trials.
Hey Richard, why are you against prosecuting attorneys and children, and in favor of setting child molesters free?
Two questions for Mr. Carns, since we have a real live GOP operative on this thread:
1) How do you ethically justify being a Republican?
2) How do you morally justify the advancement of the GOP’s fascist agenda? (You are welcome to refute my assertion that this agenda is, in its essence, fascist — but it needs to be a substantive refutation.)
Did it not recently become a crime to post annoying comments on the Internet under a pseudonym?
Hey Carns, you are all nicey nice now. Wonder what happens when this reaches the MSM? Still, not a word from SoupySales and Amused asshole.
Curious George @ 167
The Office of the Administrator for the Courts (OAC) does have some statistics on their website, but they don’t break it down as far as the exact statute someone is being prosecuted under (i.e. Rape of a Child 1, Child Molestation 2, Theft 3, Animal Cruelty 1, etc.). They simply break it down into broad categories — “Sex Crimes” is as close as we can get here.
For example, in 2005, there were 50,636 criminal cases filed in superior courts accross the state. Roughly 90% of these were felonies (with 4% being misdemeanors, 1% appeals from lower court misdemeanors, and 5% cases where no charges ended up being filed). Sex crimes constituted 2,496 cases, or about 5% of the total.
Obviously, OAC does have a computer database, which includes the name and date of birth of each defendant, and the RCW statute number of each charge filed in an individual case.
The Department of Health has a database, which includes the name and date of birth of the mother, the name and date of birth of the father, and the name and date of birth of the child.
By using the appropriate computer program (something that a computer whiz like DJ could easily devise), it would be easy to determine which men are almost certainly child rapists (i.e. mother gives birth at age 16 years, 6 months or less, and father is more than four years older), and which men are possibly child rapists (i.e. mother gives birth at age 16 years, 6 months to 16 year, 9 months — lot of these births are premature, and father is more than four years older).
These results could then be matched against the superior court filing database, and one could determine what percentage of cases that prosecutors file child rape charges when there is DNA evidence which would be conclusive of guilt (or innocence).
Kevin @158,
Following is the official WA State Dems’ Enemies List… according to Kevin Carns:
1. Dick Cheney
2. Tim Eyman
3. Kevin Carns
4. Chris Vance
5. Jesus
Wabbit @ 168
“Hey Richard, why are you against prosecuting attorneys and children, and in favor of setting child molesters free?”
I am not against prosecuting attorneys — many of them deserve it, but very few end up getting prosecuted.
As for prosecuting children, your focus is misplaced. The rapist should be prosecuted, not the child. The child victim has not committed any crime, regardless of the degree of initiation or acquiesence by an underage child.
I favor setting child molestors free, but only at the end of their sentences. I don’t believe in a “Friends and Family Discount” that would set most child molestors free after serving only a fraction of the jail time that they deserve.
I think Mr. Carns has posted here as John McDonald. They share a viciousness in tone that is common to true believers.
Goldy @ 173
Chris Vance is Public Enemy # 4 for the Washington State Democrats? I thought he was resigning as GOP party chair and was going to be a partner with soon-to-be-former Democrat chair Paul Berendt at the Gellatin Group.
By the way, do you think that the Democrats will choose Dwight (I love Fidel) Pelz, who is too loony left to win even in Seattle, as their next party chair? Or will they try a sensible moderate like Laura Ruderman, who has lots of energy and extremely strong statewide appeal (giving Sam Reed a very close race, in spite of overwhelming odds)?
You’re right we can now scratch Vance off of our list and bump Jesus up one notch.
Kevie baby,
Now I know the reason HROC is behind every other caucus committee in fundraising this year. maybe you should get off the blogs, pick up the phone, and call some rich white people and try to convince them to send you some money.
I am sure they will waste no time sending you checks especially now that they know how you spend your days at work when you should be electing republicans.
Best of luck,
-You’re the poster boy for everything that’s gone wrong with the Republican party in this state.-
John Carlson, Tim Eyman and Tom McCabe must be pissed at The Kevster for nudging them down the anti-christwinger list.
Just waiting for the next neutered “deep thought” from Kev who is obviously in damage control mode.
Can’t we all just get along?
Richard @ 176:
-Or will they try a sensible moderate like Laura Ruderman, who has lots of energy and extremely strong statewide appeal –
Way to deliver the kiss of death to wacky Laura Ruderman, Richard. You just like her because she’s on her way to becoming a perennial candidate, like you.
175 – I was thinking the same thing. He addressed Goldy as “Goldstein” like Carns does above and I believe he even made veiled threats a while back.
The D state committee should pay Kevin’s salary, can’t get much better than having him out there.
That Abramoff!
That Abramoff!
I do not like that Abramoff!
“Would you like to play some golf?”
I do not want to play some golf.
I do not want to, Abramoff.
“We could fly you there for free.
Off to Scotland, by the sea.”
I do not want to fly for free.
I don’t like Scotland by the sea.
I do not want to play some golf.
I do not want to, Abramoff.
“Would you, could you, take this bribe?
Could you, would you, for the tribe?”
I would not, could not, take this bribe.
I could not, would not, for the tribe.
“If we strong armed corporations
Into giving you donations?
They’d be funnelled to your PAC.
Would you then cut us some slack?”
I would not, could not, cut you slack.
I do not care about my PAC.
I do not want to play some golf.
I do not want to, Abramoff.
“A plane! A plane! A plane! A plane!
Would you, could you, for a plane?”
I could not, would not, for a plane.
Not for a bribe, not for the tribe.
Not for donations from corporations.
Not for my PAC, not for some slack.
Not from any schmoe named Jack.
“Would you help us buy some ships
Perfect for quick gambling trips?
Talk to people in the know
For a little quid pro quo?
Oh come now, don’t be a snob.
Let us give your wife a job.”
I will not help you buy some ships.
I do not wish for gambling trips.
My wife does not need a job
Even if she is a snob.
We do not like bribes, can’t you see?
Why won’t you just let me be?
“You do not like bribes, so you say.
Try them, try them, and you may.
Try them and you may, I say.”
Jack. If you will let me be
I will try them, then you’ll see.
Say…. I do like playing golf!
I like it, I do, Abramoff!
I do like Scotland by the sea.
It’s such a thrilling place to be!
And I will take this bribe.
And I will help the tribe.
And I will take donations
From big corporations.
And I will help you buy some ships.
And I will take quick gambling trips.
Say, I’ll give anyone the shaft
As long as it involves some graft!
I do so like playing golf!
Thank you! Thank you,
Hey Richard, do you actually think about what you write, or do you just type whatever come to mind? Regarding your plan to presecute the reported father on birth records for underage mothers,
In the first place, that is not the actual father, that is the reported father. So, do you think that these girls will continue to report who the father is? That brings us to the second place. It is in the states interest to maintain accurate birth records, go ahead and prosecute reported fathers, what you’ll end up with is inaccurate records. And since you are going to do felony cases, your not going to be able to require men to provide DNA samples to establish parenthood.
That is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.
Mr Carns,
While we have you here I thought I would send this along in case you have to explain yourself again in the future…..
A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or “All the world’s a stage” (Shakespeare).
You might have said ‘we chose that particular sex offender because he was the “embodiment” of the evil that will lurk in your neighborhood should the Democrats…’ and so on…..You seem to have the rhetoric down for the rest.
“Carns has been a prolific fixture on HA comment threads for well over a year, posting hundreds of comments under several different pseudonyms, at all hours of the day and night… but mostly during normal business working hours.”
Mr. Kevin Carns has several psuedonyms he ahs been using. John, Mr. C, MTR, come Kevie tell us how many at least!
Anyone want to start a pool on how long it will be until he is fired?
Richard –
You might check the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs. I know that thet prepare an anuual report called “Crimes in Washington” but I doubt the info will be cut as fine as you’d like. Check generally:
I believe that the more detailed information has been exempted from public disclosure once it’s in the hands of WASPC.
Bill @ 184
Being required to provide a DNA sample is NOT self-incrimination. So there goes your argument. The information on the birth certificate would be considered probable cause to obtain a court order to provide this DNA sample.
Right, and you think that youll have a father listed after you prosecute the first one?
HB 3238 –
I’ll bet that Mr. Carns is starting to sweat a little bit. Section 2 of House Bill 3238 states, in part:
“NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 9A.84 RCW to read as follows:
” (1) A person is guilty of distributing a false sex offende community notification bulletin if, with the intent to alarm, harass, or intimidate any other person, he or she distributes information designed to resemble a sex offender community notification bulletin knowing that it is not a sex offender community notification bulletin.
” (2) Distributing a false sex offender community notification bulletin is a class C felony…”
Good thing the bill hasn’t been made retroactive…….
nice george.
too bad we need a law to protect us from sex offenders and kevin carnes.
@158 seeming as most ‘wingnuts’ are role players and not reality based people, I bet Kevin is either Christmasghost or the infamous Chardonay
Richard Pope,
It is my sincere hope that each and every underage girl in WA state names you on the birth certificate. You can spend your days gagging on the swab used for collection. It is my hope also that this test is administered by a liberally minded nurse with the young lady’s father in attendance.
If barnyard animals would register and vote Democrat, liberals would have welfare checks, buses, Marlboro cigarettes, King Cobra Malts, and KFC for the cows and pigs to get to the polls in November. Barnyard animal votes would exceed 115% of registration, and anyone who questioned any of these Democrat votes would be labeled “racist and hateful”!!!
I think cows would prefer Salems and margeritas..and pigs probably like to roll their own…if ya know what I mean…so does that mean chickens and horses are going republikan? Wow..Who’d athought..
JCH, I heard you are speaking at the Horse Cockus in Enumclaw tomorrow night?
Pilgrim, The barnyard animals require a “plantation”; therefore, Marlboros, King Cobra, and wefare checks will get them on the Democrat bus. Turnout can exceed 115% 115% of registration if the cows are black or black and white [Holsteins/Jerseys]. If anyone questions the votes, play the race card!!!
The number two general in Saddam Hussein’s air force says Iraq moved its weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the U.S. invasion. In a new book titled “Saddam’s Secrets,†former general Georges Sada recounts the story of two airline pilots who told him Saddam’s Republican Guard loaded chemical weapons onto two converted civilian aircraft, which the pilots then flew into neighboring Syria under the guise of humanitarian relief.
Sada tells FOX News he believes the Syrian government knows exactly where the weapons are saying, “I am sure that these weapons have landed in Damascus. [This cannot be true because Bush lied!!! Yes, Bush lied!! Yes, Bush lied!!…….Oh, He didn’t?? Never mind!! Rosanne Rosannadanna]
WASHINGTON — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton wants Wal-Mart to contribute to health insurance for its employees – but can’t recall if she pushed for worker benefits during six years as a paid board member for the nation’s largest retailer.
Asked if she had advocated better benefits while serving as a board member with Arkansas-based Wal-Mart from 1986 to 1991, Clinton replied, “Well, you know, I, that was a long time ago … have to remember,” adding that “obviously I believe every company should” contribute to benefit plans. [Now THIS is funny!!!!]
I bet this is the same asshole who fills all the threads on Seattle PI’s forums with his vile, neocon bullshit. Kevin, are you Fredo?
The Iraqi general who served as a top lieutenant to Saddam Hussein said Thursday that he personally witnessed Osama bin Laden inspecting Iraqi air force facilities in Baghdad.
Speaking in halting English, former Iraqi Gen. Georges Sada described the bin Laden visit to ABC Radio’s Sean Hannity.
“I can make sure one thing – I know – I have seen by my eyes. It was in ’84, ’85, Osama bin Laden himself was coming to Iraqi air force headquarters.”
Gen. Sada explained: “At that time he was looking for contracts to build air fields in Iraq.”
The top Hussein lieutenant said he had no idea if the visit was part of any alliance between bin Laden and the Iraqi dictator.
Bin Laden’s 1984 trip to Baghdad has never before been revealed, though a 1998 visit during which the al Qaeda chief allegedly met with Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz was reported by the Weekly Standard two years ago.
In an interview that appeared in Thursday’s New York Sun, Gen. Sada confirmed that Saddam had spirited his weapons of mass destruction out of the country before the U.S. invaded in March 2003.
“Saddam realized, this time, the Americans are coming,” he told the Sun. “They handed over the weapons of mass destruction to the Syrians.â€
[This can’t be true because Kerry and Kennedy told us there were NO terrorists in Iraq! Bush lied!! Bush lied!! Bush lied!!……..Oh, He didn’t?……….Never mind!! Rosanna Rosannadana]
JCH – Nothing like a wingnut stoned on Maui Wowie. Take your NewsMax (NewsWhacks) bilge elsewhere.
Only the real Kevin would deny he is Kevin. Ah-HA!
Judging by the psycho-wingnut crapola that JustCriminalHatred is spouting, I think the Bush Crime Family is really counting on occupying Syria next.
NOBODY expects Kevin Carns! His chief weapon is surprise…surprise and fear…fear and surprise…. His two weapons are fear and surprise…and ruthless efficiency…. His three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency…and an almost fanatical devotion to the President…. His four…no… Amongst his weapons…. Amongst his weaponry…are such elements as fear, surprise…. I’ll come in again.
LiberalDave @ 200
That vile troll on the P-I Forum ain’t Kev. It’s some whacko who stays up all day and all night with one of those sock puppet troll routines, pursuing childish far-left and far-right arguments among his dozens of screen names.
It’s a real mental circus.
The P-I lets this troll hang out there, because it makes their forum look active, when it’s really not, and probably pulls in a lot of ad revenue based on faulty hits and stats.
That vile troll on the P-I Forum ain’t Kev. It’s some whacko who stays up all day and all night
Well, clearly Kevin and Fredo have a lot in common.