See… this is why we do what we do:
House Democrats on Monday accused Republicans of dirty politics for mailing out 25,000 postcards that accuse certain lawmakers of being soft on crime and protecting violent sex offenders.
The postcards show a mug shot of a middle-age man with slicked-back hair. His eyes and his name are blacked out to shield his identity. The cards, shown in photocopies provided by Democrats, carry a bold headline that reads, “This violent predator lives in your community.”
The cards are part of a $75,000 Republican ad campaign that Democrats say is targeting lawmakers in swing districts for the November election. In addition to the cards, the campaign is using radio spots, television ads and automated phone calls.“It’s politics at its worst,” fumed House Majority Leader Lynn Kessler, D-Hoquiam.
It’s three days late, but the Seattle Times finally covers the story of the GOP’s bogus “Sex Offender Notification” postcards. One has to wonder, if the blogs hadn’t kept up the pressure, digging further into this story, if the MSM ever would have paid attention?
As the article makes clear, the GOP leadership remains unapologetic…
“I’m not going to apologize for playing tough,”
And untruthful…
House Republican Leader Richard DeBolt, R-Chehalis, said he had nothing to do with the ad campaign and referred questions to Kevin Carns, executive director of the Speakers Roundtable, a GOP political-action committee (PAC).
My question is… did DeBolt actually say that with a straight face? The Speakers Roundtable is an associated PAC of the House Republican Organizing Committee, with which it shares funding, office space, and staff. And this is not the first time DeBolt has lied to journalists. Can my friends in the media actually take this guy seriously again? He’s totally dissed you.
The truth is, the GOP’s entire sex offender legislative agenda was never anything more than a stunt intended to be used for political advantage…
Carns said there was discussion of an ad campaign even before the vote was taken…
And the Democrats are rightly furious…
“The entire postcard is a lie,” Kessler said.
For example, she said, although the postcards claim the sex offender pictured lives in a particular district, the same photo appears on all the cards.
And how does the GOP defend it’s deceitfulness?
Carns said the cards aren’t supposed to be taken literally. “I would have loved to put an offender from each specific district and not obscured their name. But we’d have put ourselves at liability to do so,” he said.
He used one picture, with identifying information blacked out, “as a metaphor,” he said.
Or was it an allegory?
Hmm. If you’re looking for a metaphor, Kevin, how about: “Eat me”…?
Ye Gods, it’s…it’s…..THE BOGEYMAN your grandma used to tell you about!
Carns said the cards aren’t supposed to be taken literally. “I would have loved to put an offender from each specific district and not obscured their name. But we’d have put ourselves at liability to do so,” he said.
They were worried about “frivilous lawsuits”? I suspect a more common motive–keeping a lid on costs. I must say, however, this keen sense of fiscal responsibility is unusual in GOP circles.
Uhh, this was all due to the proposed lower sentences for offenders known to the victim. What is the status of that provision amid all this nonsense?
I am contacting all my representatives today (thankfully they are Dems) and telling them that until the jackbooted, kkk-loving, child molesting republicans stop spreading lies in this postcard campaign, that no Dem should work with ANY republican on ANYTHING. We don’t need the greasy fuckers. We run both houses. I say shut them down. Send them back to their hog farms to fuck their hogs. They lost, let them spend time tasting complete and utter defeat.
Good. I emailed all the newspapers in WA. Maybe more will follow.
Gerald –
I love all the wingers who came around here moaning about how Goldy should write about something else. Nice try wingnuts!
As long as we are talking about lying, cheating, low life RepubliCONS this news just off of Yahoo.
“In the 48 hours before Hurricane Katrina hit, the White House received detailed warnings about the storm’s likely impact, including eerily prescient predictions of breached levees, massive flooding, and major losses of life and property, documents show.”
And the Monkey in Charge said ” “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees. They did anticipate a serious storm,” Bush said in a Sept. 1 interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”
Funny the Monkey’s own men got the information a few days before his Sept 1 quote. What a lying sack of shit or a totally inept administrator. Guess it is both of the above.
I dont find it as distastful as the Texas chain dragging commercial you guys used against Bush….
Chuck, no one in their right mind would think that you find it distasteful, after all you still idolize Ronald Reagan.
For all My Jar Head Friends.
All Hail to the Marines
Two things to know before you read below:
Marines are taught:
1) Keep your priorities in order
2) Know when to act without hesitation
A marine was attending a college course between
missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The professor, an
avowed atheist, shocked the class one day when he
walked in, looked toward the ceiling, and said loudly;
“God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me
off this platform. I’ll give you exactly 15 minutes.”
The lecture room fell silent and the professor began
his lecture.
Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed,
“Here I am God, – still waiting.”
It got down to the last minute when the marine
stood up, walked toward the professor and threw his
best punch knocking him off the platform and out cold.
The marine went back to his seat and sat down.
The other students were shocked and stunned and
sat there looking on in silence. The professor came
to, noticeably shaken, looked at the marine and asked
“What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you do
The marine calmly replied, “God is busy today
protecting America’s soldiers who are protecting your
right to behave like an idiot and say stupid stuff.
So, He sent me.”
Shouldn’t you save your energy for good gov’t’; fixing broken elections system, gov’t overspending, bad roads, meth labs, etc.
I don’t see many of us on the right the least bit engaged on this bag of hot air “issue”….just you and roger backslapping each other.
This is Ronald Reagan wake up call.
Really have to love this guy. God rest his soul.
Here’s my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.”
– Ronald Reagan
“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
– Ronald Reagan
“The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant: It’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”
– Ronald Reagan
“Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S was too strong.”
– Ronald Reagan
“I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandment’s would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.”
– Ronald Reagan
“The taxpayer: That’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.”
– Ronald Reagan
“Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”
– Ronald Reagan
“If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”
– Ronald Reagan
“The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.”
– Ronald Reagan
“I’ve laid down the law, though, to everyone from now on about anything that happens: no matter what time it is, wake me, even if it’s in the middle of a Cabinet meeting.”
– Ronald Reagan
“It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”
– Ronald Reagan
“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
– Ronald Reagan
“Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always w rite a book.”
– Ronald Reagan
“No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.
– Ronald Reagan
I love how the Republicans claim McGavick and the State GOP are going to run a “clean” campaign in the U.S. Senate race even Joel Connelly wrote an editorial congratulating the “new, positive” approach, but then they mail something around like this slime.
Give me a break. I don’t think Republicans can lead ethical reform by sending ex-lobbyists to Washington and I don’t think they can claim the positive political mantle when they pull these Karl rove type dirty tricks.
Uhh, this was all due to the proposed lower sentences for offenders known to the victim. What is the status of that provision amid all this nonsense?
Comment by Voter Advocate— 1/24/06 @ 5:06 am
Voter Advocate=Dean Logan; Hey bud when is the Fed’s going to audit King County? Do you remmember you kave a clean house and nothing hiding in the back closet. Prove to use your house is as clean as you claim. Dean Logan have a great day with your friend Ron Sims.
Funny the Monkey�s own men got the information a few days before his Sept 1 quote. What a lying sack of shit or a totally inept administrator. Guess it is both of the above.
Comment by Cougar� 1/24/06 @ 6:51 am
Cougar are you telling me those floks are so dum that they can’t read the same report? Hind-site is the only clear vision, but all shit is all you hear after the fact. The one question you have to answer, how many people you could have evacuated with a few hundred buses under water? Would the Mayor use the evacuation plan then that was under his elbow? NO and NO and New Orleans would still look the same. But it will be a chocolate city accourding to the Mayor.
Klake @ 10, 12:
So I can infer from this that your heroes are a mythical god, a fictional marine, and a senile dead guy, yes? When people ask me to define a wingnut or a wackaloon, I’ll ask you to stand up so we can point to you.
I love how you flakey, smelly trolls try to fill up space with nonsense. The Repuyblican Party is nothing but pond scumn That is the topic. Stick to it. Flakey-Klake,Ripeone, et al. . .back to your troll holes, The RepubliCons are going down.
Voter Advocate: Its still in committee hearings. Chances are the Democrats will not let the Republicans win with this tactic, and they will all unite for their bill. After the Democrat bill passes, Democrats and Republicans will still try to get the upperhand. Newspapers will mostly support the Democrat version, news reports will start leaning the Democrats way, and after a bloody fight… Noone really wins.
I do expect the Republicans to have tricked about 5000 more people into voting for them, because of the flawed mentality: “The Democrats allow sex offenders in my neighborhood and favor the sex offenders over the victoms”. Oh well, this number will not make a large difference. Democrats talk about the economy and jobs for the next 5 months and stay in control (The house Democrats lose 2 seats while the dems pick up one seat in the senate)
Okay, I think I’ve had a little too much caffine…. =),
Gerald –
klake: We get Email jokes too. That doesn’t mean we should paste tha lame ones to blogs…
I love the hard hitting Dem party response …
OOPSSSS !! This is 2006, and “hard hitting response” is a joke.
What I am REALLY dismayed about is all the Dems whining, wagging their fingers, going “tut tut” about the liars –
the thugs have lied about everything and anything to get in power and keep power since … people worked 7 days a week 14 hours a day? before?
no wonder we get our asses so kicked so constantly so frequently.
Kevin Cairns is my hero!!
Just like the ignorant fools on the Far Left to miss the whole point about this mailer and focus on the immaterial. It’s darn funny to watch the Far Left fail to merely get on board on this important issue. Instead they choose to defend child rapists.
Kudo’s to Kevin. He has the guts to tell it like it is and not back down when the goons clamor for apologies.
When Canada shifts strongly to the Right, it will spell the demise of the Progressive movement. Goodness, gracious they have moved to the Right. Bye-Bye ignoramouses!!!
bill clinton in his autobiography said something to the effect that it would take more than a short paragraph to explain a complex issue and ,therefore, most voters would never know the truth about the issue.
same thing here.
Leftisignorant: Democrats are raising the penalties, and are doing so in a smart way. Republicans are raising the penalties, and are doing it in a stupid way. Democrats have the law enforcement and prosecutors on their side. Republicans don’t. Read up:
Your post shows the stupidity of the Republican argument. THINK about the issue.
I had to laugh this morning when I heard that the conservative party had been elected in Canada as well. I guess the liberal fairytale did not work too well for them.
Just wait for the screaming that goes on (especially on this board) when Alito is sworn in.
GeralT at 24.
God, that’s rich. You rip in LEFTISIGNORANT’s intelligence and then provide a dead link?
Its funny when the only thing Washington State Republicans can be happy about is Canadian politics.
Seems to me that DeBolt’s a little too protective of the pork he got for his employer!
agreed, I think the Candian elections show that the people wanted to kickout a corrupt and incompetent ruling party. In Canada that was the Liberals…in America it is the Republicans.
Ruling Party (check)
Incompetence (check)
Corruption (check, check,check)
It does not look good in November
Gerald, we have plenty to laugh about, but the politics in Washington State is not one of them.
“My fellow Americans. I’m pleased to announce that I’ve signed legislation outlawing the Soviet Union. We begin bombing in five minutes.” –joking during a mike check before his Saturday radio broadcast
– Ronald Reagan
“I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself.”
– Ronald Reagan
“Well, I learned a lot….I went down to (Latin America) to find out from them and (learn) their views. You’d be surprised. They’re all individual countries.”
– Ronald Reagan
“Facts are stupid things.” –at the 1988 Republican National Convention, attempting to quote John Adams, who said, “Facts are stubborn things”
– Ronald Reagan
“Trees cause more pollution than automobiles.”
– Ronald Reagan
“All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk.”
– Ronald Reagan
“We are trying to get unemployment to go up, and I think we’re going to succeed.”
– Ronald Reagan
“What we have found in this country, and maybe we’re more aware of it now, is one problem that we’ve had, even in the best of times, and that is the people who are sleeping on the grates, the homeless who are homeless, you might say, by choice.” .”
– Ronald Reagan
“How are you, Mr. Mayor? I’m glad to meet you. How are things in your city?” –greeting Samual Pierce, his secretary of Housing and Urban Development, during a White House reception for mayors.”
– Ronald Reagan
“My name is Ronald Reagan. What’s yours?” –introducing himself after delivering a prep school commencement address. The individual responded, “I’m your son, Mike,” to which Reagan replied, “Oh, I didn’t recognize you.” .”
– Ronald Reagan
Gott mit uns, klake, Gott mit uns!
Geraldo is quite typical of the Ignorant Seattle Left. Can only complain about whatever the Right puts forth. That’s ok. It will get him about as far as the Left in Canada today.
Many Countries have experimented quite unsuccessfully with Left Headed thinking. Look at Denmark. Virtually every Country comes running back to the Right. Why? Because people are basically Conservative. Home ownership in America is at record highs. Deep down, the Left despises this. Bush has done a terrific job in this regard. When people have ownership, they become more conservative. They also despise Child Rapists. No penalty is too harsh for guys like this dirtball.
Kevin Cairns is my hero. This issue has gotten way more attention thanks to Kevin’s courage. Is that a bad thing??
The Left can only criticize. That goes hand in hand with their loser mentality. Great work Kevin!
From the Seattle Times article:
“Tom McBride, executive secretary of the Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, said his group supports the Democrats’ bill and has concerns about the GOP measure. ‘There’s lots of stuff we support’ in the Republican bill, he said, ‘but there’s one big bone of contention.’ His group is concerned about the mandatory minimum sentences called for in the legislation. … Rep. Al O’Brien, D-Mountlake Terrace, chairman of the House Criminal Justice and Corrections Committee, also was troubled by the mandatory sentences.
“‘The vast majority of sex offenses happen within families. If you start saying family members are going to get hammered hard, you’ll end up with fewer reports by family members who don’t want to lose their breadwinner or don’t want brother Bob to go to prison for 25 years,’ he said.”
This is EXACTLY what the GOP liars are attacking the targeted Democratic legislators for … their unwillingness to impose tough mandatory sentences on family members because IT WILL UNDERMINE PROSECUTORS AND RESULT IN OFFENDERS GOING SCOT FREE.
Now, how responsible is that???
You, sir, are insane… Or purposely dense… or something. Or maybe (to totally steal a rightie trick) is your name Cairns?
The massive lack of content the rightie trolls bring to this thing is… amazing.
“Uhh, this was all due to the proposed lower sentences for offenders known to the victim. What is the status of that provision amid all this nonsense?”
I don’t know, but I would guess the Democratic-sponsored measure will pass, as the prosecutors want something that will work to get these offenders into the system so they can be treated or at least tracked and controlled.
And God forbid that Judges and prosecuters are actually able to use their own judgement
“I don’t see many of us on the right the least bit engaged on this bag of hot air ‘issue’….”
No, and that’s your whole fucking problem … no clue, no ethics, no brains.
“I don’t think Republicans can lead ethical reform”
Asking Republicans to lead ethical reform is like appointing a committee of inmates to lead sentencing reform.
“klake: We get Email jokes too. That doesn’t mean we should paste tha lame ones to blogs…”
This goes particularly for the turd output from the rightwing fairy tale factory.
Is this prr in drag?
“bill clinton in his autobiography said something to the effect that it would take more than a short paragraph to explain a complex issue and ,therefore, most voters would never know the truth about the issue. same thing here.”
While this may be generally true, the sex predator issue can be summed up in one short sentence (“LEFTISIGNORANT,” are you paying attention?):
Prosecutors support the Democratic bill and oppose the Republican bill.
“GeralT at 24. God, that’s rich. You rip in LEFTISIGNORANT’s intelligence and then provide a dead link?”
Link worked fine for me. Maybe you should take a computer class, in order to learn how to do the following:
Step 1: Use mouse to position cursor arrow on link
Step 2: Left click once
Maybe a simple two-step instruction is too hard for you??
LEFTISIGNORANT: You refused to actually argue my point. You state “[You libbies] Can only complain about whatever the Right puts forth.”
We do complain, because its a stupid policy. But we also propose our own, our BETTER bill. Not only that, I took the time to analyse and read both bills. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about. I dare you to read the bills.
Criticizing me for lack of content with a lack of content??
You are a real piece of work aren’t you.
ohh prr is ignorant! (I made a funny!)
Makes sense actually, if I’d been as thoroughly shamed as he has been lately… I’d make up a new nick too.
The Democrats have been in charge of this state for decades.
Why are you only now putting forth this Legislation?
Appears you are merely reacting to the Republican lead. As usual.
So where have you been on this for 20 years Gerald?
@45 I really am a piece of work, yes.
Gimme something to reply to thats not insanity or invective, and we can have a good discussion
“Home ownership in America is at record highs.”
Housing prices in America are at record highs, largely financed with zero-down, interest only, adjustable rate loans that homebuyers won’t be able to afford when interest rates rise back to normal levels, likely triggering a financial default on the scale of the S & L collapse that cost the taxpayers a trillion dollars or more and lead to a collapse of home values.
Thanks to Kevin Cairns for some leadership on this important issue.
Let’s pass tough Legislation and get on to the next issue.
How about Sales Tax Credits for American made Hybrid Cars?
“Kevin Cairns is my hero.”
Yes, we expected that. You seem like exactly the kind of person who worships a sleazy liar like Cairns.
Roger Rabbit–
You miss the point. People are now invested in our Country. A good thing.
Oh, before I forget … prr is a nazi
“How about Sales Tax Credits for American made Hybrid Cars?”
Which other tax do you want to raise, or which program do you want to cut, to pay for this tax cut?
@54 you’re asking too much RR, the right is the realm of ‘don’t think, don’t tax, don’t cut spending’. They loooooooooooooooooove debt.
ps: Prr is indeed a nazi. So is righton.
Roger Rabbit–
I thought you were all for improving the environment?
We have a big surplus….why not use it to fund something positive like this?
Wow. With that logic, the Republicans are proposing all legislation this year.
Just because there is no law, or a law is being changed, it doesn’t mean that Democrats have been sitting around. There have been dozens of bills passed every year. Just because it’s getting special media attention doesn’t mean anything.
Seattle times:
“But lawmakers must remember Washington’s laws already are among the toughest in the nation. Serious sex offenses fall under a two-strikes-and-you’re-out law, and the 2001 Legislature enacted a sentencing approach that permitted longer sentences and more supervision for those convicted. Sex offenders are required to register, and the pernicious are civilly committed after completing their prison sentences.”
Oh, and by the way, the Republicans didn’t take the lead, the Democrats filed their bill FIRST.
LOL, change your name to “Ignorant”
windie has made yet another comment 100% lacking in content.
“Roger Rabbit–You miss the point. People are now invested in our Country. A good thing.”
Are you really this stupid? My grandfather owned a house. My father owned a house. I own a house. My child owns a house. That’s four generations of home owners, and all four generations voted Democratic. Why? Because Republicans never did anything to promote home ownership, or anything else that benefits the working class and middle class.
Republicans voted against raising the $5.50 federal minimum wage. Please explain how someone buys a $400,000 house on $5.50 an hour?
Republicans voted to cut student loan programs. Please explain how someone gets a job capable of supporting home ownership if they can’t get an education?
Republicans have shipped millions of American jobs to Third World countries. Please explain how an unemployed person buys a house?
Republicans are destroying pensions and health care. Please explain how people own houses when they can’t pay for basic necessities?
You are so full of shit it makes my teeth hurt.
Gerald, are you a Level 3 Sex Offender?
Roger Rabbit–
I thought President Clinton signed NAFTA and GAT?
So you read all my points and this is how you respond. Typical.
Roger Rabbit–
Since you are so concerned about the impoverished, why don’t you give one of them your house?
“you’re asking too much RR, the right is the realm of ‘don’t think, don’t tax, don’t cut spending’. They loooooooooooooooooove debt.”
Yeah, I know. They want everyone to be in debt so they can bring back indentured servitude as a first step toward reinstituting legalized slavery. Cheap labor is what these assholes are all about.
(This is a great anti-conservative web site, by the way.)
Apparently you are a Level 3 Sex Offender as you have dodged my question.
I made a legitimate point. The Republican Party has taken leadership on this issue while the Democrats have slumbered for 2 decades. Who filed the Bill first is insignificant. The Democrats are still the followers on crime.
“We have a big surplus….why not use it to fund something positive like this?”
Because, Rightwing Ignoramus, state revenue fluctuates with economic activity due to our state’s heavy reliance on sales tax (due to no income tax), and the state has to bank money during flush periods to avoid shortfalls during down times.
Your comment shows how completely ignorant you are of the state budget, revenue stream, and tax structure..
“The Democrats have been in charge of this state for decades.
Why are you only now putting forth this Legislation?
Appears you are merely reacting to the Republican lead. As usual.
So where have you been on this for 20 years Gerald?”
For your information, Washington has the toughest sex predator civil commitment law in the nation, in fact our state led the way in this approach — we do lock up the worst sex offenders for life — and that was done by Democrats. So, fuck you, you lying piece of shit.
Do you really think a media campaign is leadership? 75k in ads is fine, but the Democrats actually got expert opinions, and filed the bill first. Republicans have not shown leadership at all, but have only shown they can create a media buzz. Again, this is NOT leadership, it is a marketing skill.
And for the record, I am, of course, not a sex offender. The general rule is attack my arguments, not me.
Roger Rabbit-
I can’t imagine a 1 year window for a Sales Tax Credit on Hybrid cars could possibly break the bank. You seem quite panicked about this unnecessarily. Are you against all tax credits?
“Gerald, are you a Level 3 Sex Offender?”
Let’s see, what was it you said about windie in your post #59? oh yeah,
LEFTISIGNORANT has made yet another comment 100% lacking in content.
Well, I will too! Why should trollfucks have a monopoly on comments 1oo% lacking in content? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing, even though there’s plenty of comments 100% lacking in content to go around! I demand my fair share of comments 100% lacking in content!!! So here’s mine:
LEFTISIGNORANT is a stupid fuck.
RR @ 67.
Interestingly enough, Gov. Gregoire’s position on not spending our surplus and bankrolling it is a move straight out of the conservative play book.
You are right, it’s what should be done and it is an extremely commendable move on her part.
However, stating that this is some form of left thinking move is completely disingenuous.
I like cheese.
Roger Rabbit–
So how much content was just in your post?
I’m beginning to clearly understand why Canada just did what it did.
You Seattle Democrats are quite easily irritated by people that don’t walk in lock-step with you. You like to take credit for every good idea and never get tagged with any bad ones. I guess that’s politics but I think you are losing the battle in the eyes of most Americans. If Canadians can see that, why can’t you? Canadians aren’t exactly the brightest bulbs.
“I thought President Clinton signed NAFTA and GAT?”
That’s GATT, not GAT, idiot … and Dubya repealed them, is that what you’re trying to say? Clinton created 21 million jobs in 8 years. Bush has been office 5 years, and after initially going 2 million jobs in the hole, is nearing break-even, at a cost of tax cuts financed by gargantuan deficits. Clinton cleaned up the Reagan-Bush deficits and left office with a healthy surplus and the longest sustained stock market rise in history. The economy tanked 1 month after Dubya took office. Keep bragging about your economic record, numbskull, it helps us for November 2006.
It just gets worse and worse for the GOP. A badly pulled dirty tricks campaign here in Washington, Bush gives his “I am not a crook” speach in Kansas, and now this:
A new USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows public sentiment is against the program. Fifty-one percent of Americans said the administration was wrong to intercept conversations involving a party inside the USA without a warrant. In response to another question, 58% of Americans said they support the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the program. Both questions were asked of about 500 adults Friday through Sunday and have a margin of error of +/-5 percentage points.
Their media blitz just doesn’t seem to be working.
” guess that’s politics but I think you are losing the battle in the eyes of most Americans.”
Really? latest polls show 52% of Americans support impeaching the idol you worship. Another of your icons, Rick Santorum, has yet to break 40%. Several more of your heroes are heading for jail. I can’t wait for November! By this time next year, Democrats will be using wingnuts like you as toilet paper.
“Gov. Gregoire’s position on not spending our surplus a move straight out of the conservative play book.”
Which playbook is that? Reagan’s? Dubya’s? I’m surprised you managed to spell a big word like “disingenuous.” To help you understand what it means, I’ll put it in context for you:
You’re a disingenuous liar.
“A new USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows public sentiment is against the program. Fifty-one percent of Americans said the administration was wrong to intercept conversations involving a party inside the USA without a warrant. In response to another question, 58% of Americans said they support the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the program. Both questions were asked of about 500 adults Friday through Sunday and have a margin of error of +/-5 percentage points.”
And that’s before they’ve been caught breaking the law to spy on journalists, critics, and political opponents — which will be the next forthcoming revelation.
The thing Nixon didn’t get, and these wingnuts don’t get, is it’s impossible to keep these things secret. What happens is they treat the employees of federal agencies like shit, and then federal agencies leak information like sieves. They go around pissing people off, who then turn on them, and blow the whistle on them.
Dubya promised to change the culture in D.C. He sure did! Scandal after scandal, lie on top of lie, unbelievable graft and corruption –there’s so much filth in this administration it makes your head spin. And it will all come to light because all the federal employees they’ve abused and misused are lining for a crack at measuring the Republican scumbags for pinstripe suits.
he said ‘the conservative playbook’… and in a way he’s right. Its a cute trick. Its a classic move for a fiscal conservative.
Now if only thats what the Republicans actually were.
The lie is in his implication that the current Republican party has anything to do with conservatism (or with anything other than ‘give me more powerism’ for that matter).
Windie @ 81 @ RR at all.
RR, are you capable of having any kind of discussion without attacking and insulting people? You are out of line an quite frankly, wrong.
Windie, thanks for seeing my point. Now as to my being a liar? Where have I said anything about the republican party and their stance on this issue?
I said conservative & I meant conservative. In this instance, it is a smart move. I was pleased to see that the Governor did not create additional expenses for the tax payers.
You do hold true to your name. As has been pointed out, Canada threw out a corrupt incompentent party. They were willing to vote for a party they didn’t like (and which is to the left of Democrats in the United States, heck, they even support the legilization of Marijuana) to get rid of the corruption.
So, let’s face it, the analogy doesn’t look good for you. Maybe that is why the wind machines of the right are avoiding it like the plague. Thanks for playing though.
momus: oops, my bad… I got a bit crossed up (thought the line of argument was started by the ‘new’ obnoxious troll :p)
Its an Excellent, forward thinking thing to do. Thats not about left/right tho’. My point is that the Republicans like to cling to the illusion of conservatism without actually following its tenets… They’ve so devolved it to an ‘us vs them’ thing that they can’t see anything any other way… and economic and political philosophy means nothing beyond helping people win.
My only objection to what you are saying, momus, is that you’re implying it should be a party thing. Gregiore is doing the right thing with the surplus. Thats all thats important, really… At least as far as the surplus issue goes :p
Oh, by the way, since unlike wingnuts I don’t just make things up, here is the link to the USA Today story (which has a link to the actual poll):
So how about that Hybrid Car Sales Tax Credit?
Kevin Cairns is definitely a hero and doing an excellent job.
Keep up the good work Kevin and don’t back down.
The Left counts on the opposition having rabbit ears, like Roger, and causing worry when you are on the Right track.
Guess who contibutea a Safeco Field skybox to Speakers Roundtable?
More bad news for the GOP. The Washington Times is taking impeachment seriously:
And has anyone noticed how silent Sharansky has been about the McGavick campaign kick-off? What happened, did the check not clear?
Oh my God! I just realized that the guy in the opening scene of this commercial ( ) is not really a career politician, as the commercial claims! Goldy should devote a week to debunking this.
Yes, because commercial acting is more important as sex offender bills.
You make no sense,
@31 “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles.”
– Ronald Reagan
Looks like you are the one with egg on your face:,00.html
Thanks Gerald, (and RR, too).
It’s too bad that the issue of sentencing itself can’t be discussed, rather than cheap political points.
It seems to me that the known perpetrator is highly likely to be mom’s boyfriend, or a step-father. This is the classic case of unreported child molestation — mom depends on the guy and doesn’t want to see the signs of abuse. So the kid starts out with a big impediment to reporting the crime in the first place, and now the Republicans want to add the onus of sending mom’s guy away for thirty year.
While it is true that it is a terrible betrayal to a trusting child, making the time in jail so severe makes it likely that most will not report their betrayal.
You really should read the articles you post. From your article above:
“But the experts say the trees alone are not the problem. The real villain is the motor car. Trees soak up carbon dioxide, and respire oxygen, doing far more good than harm. And finally, as one forester observed: why worry about a few harmful natural chemicals? In a truly antiseptic world we would all be dead.”
And it gets even worse:
“George W. Bush’s overall job approval rating has returned to its lowest point in Bush’s presidency as Americans again turn less optimistic about the national economy according to the latest survey from the American Research Group. Among all Americans, 36% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 58% disapprove. When it comes to Bush’s handling of the economy, 34% approve and 60% disapprove.
Among Americans registered to vote, 37% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 58% disapprove. When it comes to the way Bush is handling the economy, 35% of registered voters approve of the way Bush is handling the economy and 60% disapprove.”
“He used one picture, with identifying information blacked out, “as a metaphor,” he said.”
Hey Ignoramus,
Send your hero Cairns a dictionary….that ain’t a metaphor…not even close…
Kevin Cairns is definitely a hero and doing an excellent job.
First, if he’s your hero, learn to spell his name. Second, as a Democrat, I agree; he’s doing an excellent job (electing Democrats). I hope he continues to do such an execellent job for many election cycles to come.
That’s the cromulent, east-of-the-mountains way of spelling excellent.
“are you capable of having any kind of discussion without attacking and insulting people?”
So, now Momus the Pompous Assus is complaining because I attack and insult people? Does he mean like they (wingnuts) do to us? Starting with Nixon back in 1950 and his infamous “pink sheet?” They’ve been calling us “commies” ever since, and lately a lot of other things too.
Listen, asshole, pay attention because I’m going to say this only once. You unpatriotic, America-hating, Constitution-shredding, warmongering, bound-for-Hell demons started the shit slinging. We’re gonna finish it. Got that?
Shove it up your ass, and then go fuck yourself.
Bush is again has the support of only the know-nothings represented by our rightie trolls.
If they didnt want the cards taken literally, they should have worded the card a tad different. Like *could* be, or a predator *like* him. Idiots.
The conservative playbook;
1. Lie.
2. Deny.
3. Whine and Cry.
4. Go to 1.
Rabbit @ 99…
Glad to see that your intellect is showing.
I know Sound Politics (HA!) says that this picture they used is from a Level 3 in Pierce County, but come on! I want to know how they got Tom Delay into that striped shirt. I thought his prison sentance started next month, so he shouldn’t even have been fitted for that yet. I’m sure his taylor is working on it though. Maybe this was a trial fit, and they decided to take a picture.
@104 Unlike Jim McDermott, Tom Delay has not been found guilty yet.
Right, that’s why he’s on another campaign tour.
“If they didnt want the cards taken literally, they should have worded the card a tad different. Like *could* be, or a predator *like* him. Idiots.”
This presumes literacy on the part of people who have none.
“Glad to see that your intellect is showing.”
I have an intellect, but I don’t need to exert it very much to deal with a toadstool like you.
“Unlike Jim McDermott, Tom Delay has not been found guilty yet.”
What has Jim McDermott been found guilty of, Michael? Last time I checked, he hadn’t even been charged with anything.
Michael ranks among the most poorly informed of all the rightwing idiots trolling on this site.
What has Jim McDermott been found guilty of, Michael? Last time I checked, he hadn’t even been charged with anything.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/24/06 @ 5:40 pm
Providing moral support to this nation enemies before and after the war started. How about treason. Webster’s ( betrayal of one’s country to an enemy.)
He was found liable in a civil case which he has appealed.