I’m pretty open about the fact that I view my success as a blogger mostly in terms of how well I influence the mainstream media. My goal is to inform, inspire, cajole, even manipulate my friends in the press corps. Nothing wrong with that. That’s what PR is all about.
But one thing I never do is lie or trick journalists into reporting something I know to be false. That would not only be rude and inconsiderate, it would destroy my credibility. “Traditional journalists” are suspicious of us bloggers, and rightly so; the first time I dupe a reporter into making a fool out of himself, is the last time that reporter will ever take me seriously.
For a good example of the Fool Me Once Doctrine in action, just witness our friends at (un)Sound Politics and their declining impact on political coverage. But I wonder if the same harsh standard by which reporters and editorialists judge us bloggers will also be applied to other prominent media manipulators, like say… a certain gay-bashing, Redmond reverend?
On Monday, Rev. Ken “The Jews Killed Christ” Hutcherson celebrated MLK Day by announcing plans to use an appearance today on Dr. James Dobson’s nationally syndicated radio show, Focus on the Family, to call for a boycott of Microsoft, Boeing and other companies that oppose discrimination of gays and lesbians. Despite the inherent absurdity of a consumer boycott of commercial aircraft and Microsoft Windows, Rev. Hutcherson managed to generate an Associated Press headline out of his carefully staged bit of grandstanding.
Well, The Stranger’s Eli Sanders was curious to see how our local Rev. Hutcherson might take advantage of his moment on the national stage, and so he tuned in today and listened. And listened. And listened. And listened… but no Rev. Hutcherson. So he called Focus on the Family’s headquarters, and you know what? Rev. Hutcherson was never scheduled to appear on the national program.
So… Sanders asks the question the AP and the dozens of newspapers who carried the original story should now be asking of themselves:
Does this “national boycott” actually exist? Or did Rev. Hutcherson trick the press into splashing his name nationally when he knew even his buddy Dobson wasn’t going to?
Rev. Hutcherson now claims he never said he was going to announce a boycott today, and I suppose that AP reporter Rachel La Corte could have gotten it wrong. But if she didn’t, my question for her and the rest of the press corps is: “Are you ever going to trust Rev. Hutcherson again?”
Prefixing one’s name with “Reverend” or “Rabbi” or some other title of ordination should not amount to instant credibility. If La Corte had been a tad less trusting she might have called Focus on the Family herself to follow up on Rev. Hutcherson’s claims… and in so doing, either would have corrected a misunderstanding, or stumbled upon an even larger story… that of a self-righteous, moralizing local minister who blatantly lies to reporters.
RUFUS what a complete piece of shit you are, typical REPUBLICAN, it’s funny, because your party is going right down the crapper, and it’s your own party thats DOING ITSELF IN! With a idiot like George Dubya Bush in charge, and religious right ANTICRIST fools like Rev. Ken Hutcherson providing the moral STUPIDITY, all us SANE americans have to do is watch and laugh. OH we will be laughing, but I promise you this, we won’t just watch, keep a close eye on the next elections BOZO!
“Those who would give up “Liberty” for “Security” deserve NIETHER!
You go Goldy. Make an example out of Mr Hutherson on what happens if your black and your wander to far from the democratic plantation.
She’ll remember next time to check out what this charlatan posing as a preacher says. Or, better yet, ignore him.
This isn’t about race, Doofus, it’s about lying. Something you Republicans are good at. You lie so much, you even believe your own shit.
You go Goldy. Make an example out of Mr Hutherson on what happens if your black and your wander to far from the democratic plantation.
Comment by RUFUS— 1/19/06 @ 10:01 pm
Shame on you for using Hillary Cliton gaffes. Stick with KKK Birds statements and please don’t plagiarize Trent Lott’s.
So, Stefan, why won’t you share your forthcoming windfall from your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County Elections with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit? Is it because you’re a greedy prick, or because you can’t hold a job and need the money?
I see the GOP racists showed up early on this thread.
You lie so much, you even believe your own shit.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/19/06 @ 10:05 pm
Roger I am still sifting threw all you bull shit looking for the truth. Please tell me something I do not already know. Make it simple now, because you might confuse us old Democrats.
Something you Republicans are good at. You lie so much, you even believe your own shit.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/19/06 @ 10:05 pm
Wabbit -You show me documented proof that Hutcherson lied. And yes the 1970 italic subscript typewriter ball will do just fine when typing it up. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Freakin too easy.
Mr. Ken Preacher is an arch type homophobe. Have they as such ever made much sense…..
If logic was the standard, there would be no need for a Gay rights Movement.
He is such a bobble head he is helping us homos. Toads are great leading the other side as the public quickly cartoons them and devalues their rantings.
Go Ken, go.
Cal Anderson bill will pass tomorrow in the House. Appears to have gained ground. To the Senate next week.
Free Showing of Bare Butts on the Mountain the week after at C. Hill bars.
ADDED – isn’t the Baptist Convention boycotting Disney worldwide. Ha Ha
Voter Advocate = Dean Logan; Dean I got my ballot today in the mail and filled it out. The question for you is should I waste a stamp and mail it into your black hole? I did what the Iraqis did to mark their ballots and mark my ballot with a fingerprint with red ink. Maybe I should have use Democrat blue ink. By the way, when is the Fed’s showing up and inspect your organization? You know to show me you are always right when your folks count ballots. I know you do not cheat, but your other customers do not think you are honest. Dean I just put my stamp on my ballot, sign the envelope, and lick that new privacy flap. Man that is very cool, but you forgot to send me my new blue Democrat envelope to put my ballot inside postal envelope. The Republician envelopes are now red and the other is white. Roger what color did you get? You know your friend Dean, is a real smart person that just got back from Chicago learning how to throw an election. The Democrats really know how to stuff the ballot boxes in that city. Voter Advocate = Dean Logan you have a great day in the office tomorrow the ballots are now coming in from the Eastside soon.
Klake- Rub the ballot in dirt and soak in some alcohol will improve your chances of getting your ballot counted. The street drunks are one of the left biggest constituencies. Either that or have a return address of a grave yard.
Just think how far we’ve come this MLK Jr. Day. From Martin Luther King Jr. to Ken Hutcherson. What a backslide!
Our local media is all too happy to genuflect before the Rev. Hutcherson. Nothing makes white people weak in the knees like an obtuse black preacher/former football player who ministers in a almost entirely white city.
Just think how far we’ve come this MLK Jr. Day. From Martin Luther King Jr. to Ken Hutcherson. What a backslide!
Comment by Belltowner— 1/19/06 @ 11:01 pm
Belltowner it depends on what is your vantage point.
Our local media is all too happy to genuflect before the Rev. Hutcherson. Nothing makes white people weak in the knees like an obtuse black preacher/former football player who ministers in a almost entirely white city.
Comment by Belltowner— 1/19/06 @ 11:03 pm
Do you think he would do better in New Orleans? Remember it is chocolate there if you believe the Mayor. Belltowner if you disagree with a person who supports gay rights you are a born bigot no matter how sound their argument is on the subject.
Hopefully Hutcherson is nearing the end of his fifteen minutes of fame.
Might I suggest some remedial English classes for you? Your spelling is atrocious and your sytax even worse. It is no wonder the RightWingNuts are the party of mouth breating morons.
And Rufus, for you, something special. GO FUCK YOURSELF!
Goldy, ain’t it the truth. It would be good to calm the fundementalist anger with a good view of the hypocracy their leaders display. Well… it happens all the time but if it isn’t in a paper they read say, the Seattle Times, or some other paper that does their best not to offend their sensibilities, they just wont get the message.
Seattle PI Tuesday, January 17, 2006:
The Rev. Ken Hutcherson, pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond — also home to Microsoft — said he would officially be making the call for the boycott Thursday on a national conservative talk radio show, Focus on the Family.
The Seattle Times, January 17, 2006:
Hutcherson said he has the support of several national organizations, including the Family Research Council, Southern Baptist Convention and Focus on the Family. Several of those organizations’ offices could not be reached after hours Monday.
Mr. Spock, the Alternative Factor
“I don’t understand your indignation sir. I merely made the logical deduction that you are a liar.”
OK let me see now, I pushed for Tookies execution. I pushed so far as to call the California governor. In your book Goldy I guess that means I killed him? That is the logic that you use, talk about manipulating….
We interrupt your regular programming to make the following announcement:
The longing wait of the moonbat right has ended, and the last independent council has issued their final report. The Barrett Report was released yesterday. To nobody’s suprise, except those in moonbatland (NRO, WSJ ed. board, LGF, and associated others)BARRETT FOUND NOTHING. For this turd we taxpayers were soaked over twenty million dollars.
We return to your regular programming……
@ 20: Calm down, Chuck. Have a beer and relax. Goldy used no such logic as you ascribe to him. In fact, your example makes absolutely NO sense.
I’ll bet you tried to call the governator collect, didn’t you?
LOL Proud, he probably couldn’t get his Campbell’s soup can and string to connect to Arnie.
Oggie Doggie @ 19
You DO realize that you merely quoted the same AP article by the same author, but from two papers? This is the same article Goldy is talking about.
Also, note that the radio show reference is not a direct quote. Could it be that the reporter got it wrong?
If this asshole Hutch is the best the child molesting Christians have to offer, we have nothing to fear. And as has already been said, the media giving microphones to fools like this only helps the Democratic cause. People will recoil from this piece of shit and his hate mongering. And they will come running to the Democratic party. Keep it up Hutch, we’ll take all the help you want to give us you punk!
ProudAss @ 21
Barrett found nothing? Hmmm… While I didn’t read the report myself, newspaper accounts all talk about obstruction. This from the Chicago Tribune: “His lacerating verdict: ‘There was a coverup at high levels of our government, and it appears to have been substantial and coordinated. … Unlike some other coverups, this one succeeded.'”
NOW you can go back to watching cartoons…
Goldy: “Prefixing one’s name with ‘Reverend’ or ‘Rabbi’ or some other title of ordination should not amount to instant credibility.”
One would think that “Associated Press Writer” should carry some credibility, but with all of the journalisting mistakes and misdeeds in recent history — all by supposedly “credible” newspeople & organizations (NYT, CBS, etc.) — it seems we should all take even the written word with a dose of skepticism.
But you wouldn’t be quick to rush to judgement, would you? Especially about someone you dislike?
Yet again, you prove your intellectual dishonesty by burying reality in the second-to-last paragraph. This line should have started the SECOND paragraph:
“Rev. Hutcherson now claims he never said he was going to announce a boycott today, and I suppose that AP reporter Rachel La Corte could have gotten it wrong.”
As I noted above, the radio reference is NOT a direct quote.
If it turns out that the reporter DID get it wrong, are you going to spend eight paragraphs ranting, “Are you ever going to trust Rachel La Corte again?”
Heck, if it turns out that the reporter made a mistake, will you have the intellectual honesty to even write an “UPDATE” or will you just “cough… cough… clear throat… bewildered huh?” your way into a new topic?
O’ Ye Rev. Hutcherson, you are breaking the 9th Commandment:
Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie).
Oh, wait on minute, apparently that no longer applies to Christian Conservatives.
the misspellings on the rightwingnutburger comments are a sign of their spittle-flecked agitation as they hastily try to bury their own crappy little lies like a cat with diarrhia.
my apologies to the late clarence “gatemouth” brown for stealing his analogy about cata. incidentally, this great american artist died at the age of 80 in texas after his house was destroyed by katrina.
clay @ 30
Pot, meet kettle.
This guy Hutcherson is a macaroon. He reminds me of the religious chuckleheads I experiencd growing up in the South: “The Jews killed Jesus!”, “Catholics worship the Devil!”, etc.
I’ve heard it all before, and it ain’t getting any better with age.
“us old Democrats”
Klake … you, a Democrat?? I repeat, you wingnuts lie so much, you believe your own bullshit.
Osama Bin Laden finally proclaims he’s a democrat!
Notice how he roughly reiterates the democrats line on important issues.
Osama bin Laden: My message to you refers to the war in Iraq and in Afghanistan, and how to bring about its end. I did not intend to talk with you about this subject because for us, the matter has been decided. Only iron can defeat iron. Our situation, Allah be praised, is getting better and better, while it is the opposite with your situation.
But what has led me to speak is the repeated words of deception by your president Bush, in his interpretation of the results of public opinion polls among you, which showed that the overwhelming majority of your public wants to withdraw the forces from Iraq – but (Bush) opposed this and said that withdrawing the forces would convey the wrong message to the adversaries, and that it is preferable for us to fight them on their soil, rather than for them to fight us on our soil.
My answer to these words of deception is: The war in Iraq is raging without cessation, and the (military) operations in Afghanistan are constantly escalating – to our advantage, Allah be praised. The Pentagon figures indicate a rise in the number of your dead and wounded, in addition to the huge material damage.
I say that the poll results please the wise (among you), and that Bush’s rejection of these results is a mistake, and that reality shows that the war against America and its allies has not remained limited to Iraq, as he claims, but rather, that Iraq has become a source of attraction and recruitment of qualified people.
On the other hand, Allah be praised, the mujahidun have managed repeatedly to break through all security measures taken by the oppressing coalition countries. Proof of this is the bombings you have witnessed in the capitals of the most important European countries that are members of this hostile coalition.
As for the delay in similar operations in America – this has not been due to any inability to break through your security measures. The operations are being prepared, and you will witness them, in your own land, as soon as the preparations are complete, Allah willing.
Based on what I’ve said, it can clearly be seen that Bush’s words are false, but what he refrained from saying – and this is the essence of the poll results, which favor troop withdrawal – is that it is better that we do not fight the Muslims on their soil, and they will not fight us on our soil. We have no objection to responding to you, regarding a long-term cease fire under fair conditions, which we will uphold. We are a nation forbidden by Allah to betray and lie. Under such a cease fire, both sides will enjoy security and stability, and we will build Iraq and Afghanistan, which have been destroyed by the war. There is nothing wrong with this solution, except that it will prevent the flow of hundreds of billions to people of influence and to the merchants of war in America, who supported Bush’s elections campaign with billions of dollars.
In conclusion, I say to you that the war will be won either by us or by you. If it’s the former, loss and disgrace will be your lot for all eternity, and, Allah be praised, this is the way the wind is blowing. If it is the latter, you should read the history (books). We are a nation that does not remain silent over injustice, and we seek blood vengeance all life long. Not (many) days and nights will pass before we take blood vengeance, like we did on 9/11 – Allah willing.
If your minds remain worn out and your lives remain miserable, things will progress towards that which you hate. As for us – we have nothing to lose. He who swims in the sea does not fear the rain. You have occupied our land and violated our honor. You have shed our blood and plundered our property. You have destroyed our homes and banished us. You have harmed our security, and we will pay you back in kind.
Flaky Klake @10
“I did what the Iraqis did to mark their ballots and mark my ballot with a fingerprint with red ink.”
Uhhh … klake … the Iraqis use purple ink. You can’t even get THAT right. Sheesh.
God, how can anyone be so fucking ignorant as these wingnuts? Were they all home schooled in trailer parks?
Doofus @11
“The street drunks are one of the left biggest constituencies. Either that or have a return address of a grave yard.”
Some people just like to hear themselves talk. Nobody else is listening to you, blathermouth.
“Just think how far we’ve come this MLK Jr. Day. From Martin Luther King Jr. to Ken Hutcherson. What a backslide! Comment by Belltowner— 1/19/06 @ 11:01 pm”
“Belltowner it depends on what is your vantage point. Comment by klake— 1/19/06 @ 11:04 pm”
It does look different from inside your ass, doesn’t it, klake?
Mark @ 24
You DO realize that you merely quoted the same AP article by the same author, but from two papers? This is the same article Goldy is talking about.
Of course it is the same article. That is the frigging point. And if you do a google news check, you will find every media outfit across the country printed the same spin.
It is the what we progressives have been writing about for the last 10 years or more. The major news organizations no longer use critical thinking when reporting the news. The have been reduced to stenographers, parroting Republican (and occasionally but rarely Democratic) talking points with out checking them out. The mainstream news is not Liberal or Conservative. They are lazy.
Now someone is saying or printing a false statement. Back in the day of Cronkite and Murrow, this would be followed up by some fact checking (obsolete term that use to apply to print and electronic media). And the Journalist would either apologize if proven wrong or come down like a ton of bricks if proven right.
Now a days, whatever. Isn’t there a missing blond girl in Bermuda? New day, new story, move along.
To quote Jon Stewart on Crossfire, both the print and electronic media have been reduced to producing theater. In 2006, The “MSN” is to Journalism what the WWF is to professional sports. And again quoting Stewart, this is killing our country. No citizens of a functioning democracy can cast the right votes for policy decisions unless they are fully informed.
22, 23
Cheesy Chuckie doesn’t realize the soup can and string only has a range of 50 feet, which restricts its usefulness to his trailer park neighbors.
“One would think that ‘Associated Press Writer’ should carry some credibility, but with all of the journalisting mistakes and misdeeds in recent history – all by supposedly ‘credible’ newspeople & organizations (NYT, CBS, etc.) – it seems we should all take even the written word with a dose of skepticism.”
So Mark, are you telling us you don’t believe anything the press reports, yet you’re willing to swallow whole anything that politicians or wingnutty preachers with no real divinity credentials tell you?
Mark — if it turns out the reporter was right and you have your head up your ass, will you … cough cough … pull your head out?
“clay @ 30 Pot, meet kettle. Comment by Mark— 1/20/06 @ 8:48 am”
Not really, Mark. You guys are in a class of your own, when it comes to bullshit. Even the bulls can’t keep up with you.
31 (continued)
Wingnut Playbook #41: When caught, say Democrats do it, too.
re 34: jaybo: this whole republican scheme of themselves creating terror about a handful of terrorists in order to prolong the national security state that enriches the few at the expense of the many is so transparently false that i wonder how anyone can continue to convince themselves of its credibility.
besides, we only have the cia’s word for it that it’s real.
“Osama Bin Laden finally proclaims he’s a democrat! Notice how he roughly reiterates the democrats line on important issues.”
Yawn. Save your breath, jaybo. Nobody listens to your “Democrats love Osama” nonsense anymore. You guys need new lines.
Never seen a bunch more un-original than wingnuts, possibly because they have no brains among them capable of generating an original thought. They all sound like each other like a flock of crows sitting on a phone wire cawing their fool heads off
“Wabbit -You show me documented proof that Hutcherson lied.”
Actually, Doofus, Goldy did a good job of documenting that Hutcherson lied — that’s the whole point of this thread — but I guess that flew over your head. Like everything else does. You are one dumb fuck.
This article refers to Goldy’s other article, http://www.horsesass.org/index.php?p=1313 , which refers to a PI article, http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/.....ights.html , which claims that “Hutcherson … said he would officially make the call for the boycott Thursday on a national conservative talk radio show,” yet oddly enough, they don’t provide a quote. Who knows what he actually said?
Roger @ 43
My comment merely pointed out clay’s terrible spelling (yes, capital letters are part of spelling) in his comment about Righties’ spelling being some sort of “sign.”
Roger @ 36: “God, how can anyone be so fucking ignorant as these wingnuts? Were they all home schooled in trailer parks?”
No, they were probably taught by clock-watching union teachers in public schools that put more emphasis on how kids feeeeeeel about their answers on a test.
Okay, I misinterpreted. My apologies.
Back in the day (maybe 25 years ago), certain news media, print and electronic, were “The voice on high”, or as close to it as it could get. Now a days, furgetabowtit. Only a few international outfits like Reuters and the BBC can still be relied on for ACCURATE news storys.
Whether it is the New York Times or the Times-picyunne, check it, check it, check it again. Those of us that care about accuracy will no longer accept information from any source at face value:
Media Report Miracle Mine Rescue — Then Carry the Tragic Truth
Too damn many Marks on this blog, can’t keep it straight which are the good Marks and which are the dumb marks.
Ogg @ 39
OK. That wasn’t clear from your post. I’d have to agree that the MSM is lazy. And while I will NOT excuse it, as a former member of said media, I will say that blogs and the world of instant information have made it very hard on traditional media outlets. I wonder how many reporters got chewed out by editors because some hack blogger “outed” Brown at FEMA? The public wants to know everything and they want to know it NOW — even if that news has little or no impact on their daily lives. Heck, the public even wants to know news BEFORE it happens (e.g. pundits, etc.). What’s next, psychic reporters??
Hmmm, well, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the inside of a school … but I got the feeling things were sliding downhill when teachers starting worrying more about how much money they make than whether the kids learn anything. Although I’m generally very pro-labor and pro-union, I’m not a huge fan of the teachers unions.
I see another local teacher got busted for kiddie porn.
Roger @ 53
I’m the “good” (and Original and Real) Mark. :)
Hey, Goldy, when are you going to implement nick registration??!!
“OK. That wasn’t clear from your post. I’d have to agree that the MSM is lazy. And while I will NOT excuse it, as a former member of said media, I will say that blogs and the world of instant information have made it very hard on traditional media outlets. I wonder how many reporters got chewed out by editors because some hack blogger “outed” Brown at FEMA? The public wants to know everything and they want to know it NOW – even if that news has little or no impact on their daily lives. Heck, the public even wants to know news BEFORE it happens (e.g. pundits, etc.). What’s next, psychic reporters??”
It’s not really this simple. All media, but traditional print media especially, are struggling under financial pressures. The “big 3” networks no longer have a monopoly; they now compete against cable channels. Few markets have more than 1 surviving daily newspaper, and all newspapers have seen their ad revenue poached by competing new forms of media, and most are struggling with declining circulation. People just don’t have time to read newspapers any more. When the money isn’t coming in, you have to pare back news and editorial staffs. There are only a handful of large-market papers that can afford their own national correspondents anymore; most are just printing the same wire service stuff that everyone else prints. Most can’t even afford decent local coverage anymore. Reporters are expensive, and a small reporting staff can’t cover many bases. But attitudes have changed, too; reporters and editors aren’t as good as they used to be, they’re just interested in a paycheck and career advancement now, the dedication to finding the truth isn’t really there anymore. The rise of blogging is an interesting development, but one can’t help but wonder how long a blogger will stay dedicated to his craft if he sells no paid subscriptions or advertising; unless he has corporate sponsors or political operatives underwriting him (and dictating his content), he has to work for free, and most people can’t/won’t do that very long.
For once I agree wholeheartedly with you Goldy. Nicely written.
Roger @ 55
Arrgghhh!!! I sure hope my reply is simply on “hold.” Either that, or… stupid website!
Anyway… to summarize… Teachers, parents, administrators, special interests all to blame. Solution? Libraries.
Roger @ 42
“Pull my head out?” I don’t know the Rev. and likely disagree with him a great deal. He may be lying or not. My issue only has to do with Goldy’s eight paragraph rant and his intellectual dishonesty.
I… uhhhh… find myself… uhhh… agreeing… with Ogg that people should be far more skeptical of the news — be it MSM or blogs.
About the only folks I have any REAL trust in are the guys that run USSMariner.com. But that is probably because their passion for the game and the team drives them to slice and dice and check and recheck everything they post (except, sometimes, their spelling). Also, they posted a poll some time ago asking their readers what standard is expected before they post rumors and other non-public information.
Roger @ 41: “…are you telling us you don’t believe anything the press reports, yet you’re willing to swallow whole anything that politicians or wingnutty preachers with no real divinity credentials tell you?”
Not at all! I take media reports with a healthy dose of skepticism (though I admit riding the emotional rollercoaster over the dead/alive miner story).
While I will often defer to the clergy over actual Biblical quotes, the interpretation of them is a whole different story.
Politicians? Most make me cringe the minute they open their mouths. I’m gravely disappointed by both sides of the aisle these days.
Roger @ 57 re: bloggers
Are you saying that Goldy and Shark are supported by their respective political machines? No! Can’t be!
I think that a multi-author, multi-owner blog can survive if it is a shared passion and there is outside employment — especially if there are a few small ads on the site. As I mentioned earlier, USSMariner.com is an amazing blog that provides far better, far deeper M’s news than any other source.
Jay-ho @ 34
Stop with the lies!
The fact Osama Bin Laden is alive and FREE is a referendum on Bush’s failure as Commander-in-Chief. Bush said there’d be no “safe harbor” for terrorist. Yet, Bin Laden lives in Pakistan without impunity. The very country that installed the Taliban government in Afghanistan.
Pakistan is either with us or against us. They are either able or unable to capture Bin Laden.
The fact that Bin Laden was ALLOWED to escape from Tora Bora because Bush authorized the outsourcing of military duties to local Afghan war lords and live freely in Pakistan proves on of two points above: that Pakistan is either against us or unable to capture Bin Laden. In either case, Bush has failed as a War Time President to act on his pledge to kill or capture Bin Laden.
You un-American Bush apologist.
Mark @ 54 and Roger Rabbit @ 57,
The Wal*Mart effect. Is this what it has come to? Cheap plastic crap at cheap prices that we throw away after a year, just so we can show a huge profit to the stock holders.
Quality television like Bonanza, All in the family and NYPD blue replaced by cheap reality shows like survivor, the worse American embarrassment, and Americas Top Bimbo?
Private mercenaries replacing professional trained solders all in the sweet name of profit?
Maybe you are right and there is pressure to compete. But this is no excuse for not doing your job. I am not asking anything else from the Media.
The survivors of the New Orleans disaster continue to suffer because an incompetent crony was appointed to a critical government office instead of an experienced professional. Why did a local progressive from a city in the far left corner of Washington State uncover what 100’s of paid professional journalist overlook? A hack blogger you say. I say to you what Lincoln is alleged to have said when a group of officials came to see him about the rumors of (General) Grant’s drinking. “If it [drink] makes fighting men like Grant, then find out what he drinks, and send my other commanders a case!”.
The buck stops here. Do your damn job. No stone unturned, no sacred cows. Do your @#$%^ job, and do it accurately!
Kinda hard to say that I’m lying if I say that OBL and the anti-war dems sound an awful lot alike.
Care to point out any spefics that prove I’m lying?
Listen to the Right Wing Noise machine: “Sounds like a Democrat” yuk yuk yuk. The K-street elites that come up with this crap know that the talk radio rubes will fall for this BS hook, line, and sinker.
Ignore the fact that is proves the abject failure of this Presidency to capture and bring to justice the leader of the 911 attack.
Mark @ 54 and Roger Rabbit @ 57,
The Wal*Mart effect. Is this what it has come to? Cheap plastic crap at cheap prices that we throw away after a year, just so we can show a huge profit to the stock holders.
Quality television like Bonanza, All in the family and NYPD blue replaced by cheap reality shows like survivor, the worse American embarrassment, and Americas Top Bimbo?
Private mercenaries replacing professional trained solders all in the sweet name of profit?
Maybe you are right and there is pressure to compete. But this is no excuse for not doing your job. I am not asking anything else from the Media.
The survivors of the New Orleans disaster continue to suffer because an incompetent crony was appointed to a critical government office instead of an experienced professional. Why did a local progressive from a city in the far left corner of Washington State uncover what 100’s of paid professional journalist overlook? A hack blogger you say. I say to you what Lincoln is alleged to have said when a group of officials came to see him about the rumors of (General) Grant’s drinking. “If it [drink] makes fighting men like Grant, then find out what he drinks, and send my other commanders a case!”.
The buck stops here. Do your damn job. No stone unturned, no sacred cows. Do your @#$%^ job, and do it accurately!
Ogg @ 65
Goldy is held to a far different standard than real reporters. For one, he leaves allegations hanging, yet calls them “facts” and “proof.” At least Sharkansky posts his spreadsheets and databases for others to review and critique. But BOTH of them spend 95% of their time simply saying, “if it walks like a duck.”
Sometimes one or both will stumble upon something factual and/or of value. Note that while Goldy “broke” the story about Brown, it was actually handed to him by, IIRC, some disgruntled horse association member.
I will agree with your closing comment, however. “The buck stops here. Do your damn job. No stone unturned, no sacred cows. Do your @#$%^ j0b, and do it accurately!” [note: the synonym for work is likely what got your first post held]
Jaybo, in response to
“Kinda hard to say that I’m lying if I say that OBL and the anti-war dems sound an awful lot alike.”
If that had been what you said, you wouldnt have gotten the response you did. What you did say was:
“Osama Bin Laden finally proclaims he’s a democrat!”
And included a quote that did not support that statement. Are you so stupid that you think people aren’t going to scroll back?
You know, I can quote out of context to, at 66 Jaybo said:
“I’m lying”
And I guess thats all we need to know.
Hmmm, well, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the inside of a school … but I got the feeling things were sliding downhill when teachers starting worrying more about how much money they make than whether the kids learn anything. Although I’m generally very pro-labor and pro-union, I’m not a huge fan of the teachers unions.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/20/06 @ 10:17 am
now that is no bull shit Rabbit, keep up the good work. Yes I’m a Democrate but not your type.
klake spews:
Yes I’m a Democrate but not your type.
Uh huh. What type, then?
Like this?
Or perhaps this is?
Maybe, giving you the benefit of the doubt, it’s just insignificant little worm.