Apparently, our good friend Stefan wants King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng to prosecute homeless people who listed PO boxes on their voter registration forms. Stefan also repeated his demand that Dean Logan be prosecuted, and failing that, thinks Maleng should prosecute himself.
Hmm. Who’s next? After he’s cleaned the streets of government officials and the homeless, I suppose he’d turn his prosecutorial powers towards ridding society of scum like me… after all, he did once accuse me of “abetting a government cover-up.”
I’m not quite sure what makes Stefan so angry (he’s got a nice house, a lovely family, a clean car with personalized plates), but I wonder if he’s ever pondered the potential fiscal impact of his vindictive approach to politics. King County already spends about 70 percent of its general fund on criminal justice (sheriffs, courts, prisons, etc.) and a major purge of Stefan’s enemies list would severely strain the county budget. The cost of incarcerating an additional 284,510 people would be astronomical, but by golly, that’s a sacrifice Stefan is apparently willing to make.
Still, while Stefan would surely have Dean, Norm and I swing from the rafters for our crimes against the state, I think he may be jumping the gun a bit on the homeless voters thing. So as a courtesy to Stefan, Lori, and the befuddled Esquire Tebelius, perhaps I better reiterate and clarify the main point from my previous post on this issue: nothing in the WAC, the RCW or the voter registration form itself explicitly prohibits a voter from providing a PO box as his place of residence.
Stefan’s confusion may stem from the fact that the voter registration form requires applicants to provide the address of their actual residence. Since one cannot physically reside inside a PO Box, it seems reasonable to infer that one could never be properly registered at such an address.
But to protect the rights of the homeless and other citizens with “nontraditional residence”, our election statutes also wisely include provisions that permit such individuals to use the address of the location “the voter deems to be to be his/her residence.” For a homeless person, whose residence may in fact include an entire neighborhood, as opposed to a single park, shelter or doorway, their PO Box may be their one link to stability, and thus in their mind, more of a permanent residence than any other place. Imagine being homeless yourself, with no other address than the PO Box where you collect your mail — what address would you put down on the voter registration form, given no instructions to the contrary? (My guess is, “the parking lot at the Renton Walmart” wouldn’t be the first thing that comes to mind.)
But what of the provision that states such voters “will be registered” at a public building? To construe this as an instruction to voters would place it in contradiction to the sentence that precedes it, for the registration form simply does not permit a voter to list the address he deems to be his residence and the address of the nearest public building, unless the voter truly deems them to be one and the same.
As I’ve previously noted, this provision is clearly an instruction to election officials, not to voters… an interpretation that Stefan himself inadvertently and ironically confirms with his detective work on the “notorious Precinct 1823.”
Precinct 1823 has 763 registered “Active” voters. 527 of them list as their residence address 500 4th Ave — the King County Administration Building. 241 of these voters specifically note their apartment number as #553, which is the room number of the …
KingUkraine County Records and Elections office .Over 300 of these alleged “voters” give 500 4th Ave. (with or without the Elections office room number) as both their residence and mailing addresses. Several of the other Elections Office residents give overseas mailing addresses, such as Anuj Rathi of Mumbai, India ,Rayko Suzuki of Tokyo, Japan , and Pascal Engi of Bern, Switzerland.
Stefan chose to interpret this as proof of fraud, and for a few days right-wing talk radio got itself all puffed up over his conspiratorial analysis. But in reality, this was merely evidence of individual election workers attempting to follow the statute. When a registration form with a nontraditional address came in, KCRE correctly registered the voter at a public building. And what more obvious building for elections workers to use than the address of the office in which they worked?
It is not surprising if in the course of processing the tens of thousands of registration forms received each year, elections officials occasionally fail to recognize an address as nontraditional… but it certainly is not grounds for disqualifying a voter’s ballot, let alone prosecuting anyone for a Class C Felony, as Stefan demands.
Though I believe it misguided and ultimately self-destructive, I understand the GOP’s anti-democratic strategy; if they had managed to purge a couple thousand King County voters from the rolls before the 2004 election, Dino Rossi might be governor today. But I have trouble wrapping my mind around the anger and hatred of people like Stefan and the EFF’s Bob Williams, whose thirst for political payback has prompted them to repeatedly call for the jailing of elected officials, government workers and ordinary citizens.
Recently we had a lively debate in the comment threads over the impact of uncivil language on civil discourse. But when those on the other side start echoing — however mildly — the eliminationist rhetoric of the hard right… I wonder if there can be a debate at all?
WashBlog has excellent coverage of yesterday’s challenge hearings, including a wonderful grilling of Sotelo by Democratic attorney Kevin Hamilton. An absolute must read.
I think he’s onto something…
Whie I cannot speak for everyone, I certainly would like to see you hang from the rafters. It would definitely be a step in the right direction.
Kevin Hamilton is the man who put the wingnuts in their place. Wingnuts like Mr. “Goldstein is going to go down!” Cynical Clown, Puddy “Freep” Koresh and ASS.
It was a great day in history when Bridges made his decision – it was the triumph of the rule of law and reason – over hate-driven mob rule.
Oh and this is classic! The reason why we have so many problems with wingnuts here at
Sorry, I forgot prr.
Is a PO Box address legal?
If yes, so then so be it.
If no, then being homeless is not an exuse for an illegal registration.
If you have some other answer than yes or no: Is it a wonder that elections in KC are so screwed up?
I don’t think this point can be emphasized enough:
the Pacific Northwest is the true home of the BUSH-DAVIDIAN dead-enders.
Washington is in the lead, followed closely by Oregon. And ten red states give Dubya a lower approval rating.
Feel proud Bush dead-enders. You’ve given your favorite president a rising approval rating for the last two months!
Just out of idle curiosity, isn’t a Post Office a public building?
You would think that Sharansky would be more worried about his violation of the following:
§ 29A.84.630. Influencing voter to withhold vote
Any person who in any way, directly or indirectly, by menace or unlawful means, attempts to influence any person in refusing to give his or her vote in any primary or special or general election is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable to the same extent as a gross misdemeanor that is punishable under RCW 9A.20.021.
I’m sure he will soon blog demanding his own arrest.
by Goldy, 11/18/2005, 11:17 AM
“The GOP is willing to win elections by hook or by crook – by unfairly destroying the public’s faith in Democrats, or by disenfranchising tens of thousands of Democratic voters.”
by Goldy, 11/22/2005, 10:13 AM
“Though I believe it misguided and ultimately self-destructive, I understand the GOP’s anti-democratic strategy; if they had managed to purge a couple thousand King County voters from the rolls before the 2004 election, Dino Rossi might be governor today.”
Tens of thousands, a couple thousand, what’s the difference between friends?
Comment by prr— 11/22/05 @ 10:26 am
“Whie I cannot speak for everyone, I certainly would like to see you hang from the rafters. It would definitely be a step in the right direction.”
Not sure what your issue with Goldy is, but your posts seem to keep getting more vile as time goes on.
I just don’t get it. Why haven’t we gotten an answer on the prosecution of this cowardly cunt Sotelo? She obviously should be prosecuted for perjury. Where’s the outrage? If every little detail of an election is entitled to as much scrutiny as the KKK-lovin republican party hopes, then THEIR actions are also subject to the same scrutiny. We need to start getting on the horn to the media. Ask them why they aren’t doing more stories on the republican prosecutor giving the republican Sotello a pass.
CF @ 9
One good turn deserves another. I don’t agree with you on much but thanks.
LT @ 10
Please lay off the anti-female epithets. Lets leave that to the wingers. Sotelo is a GOP hack trying to rise nothing more. If she has committed perjury, she’ll pay the price.
“I certainly would like to see you hang from the rafters.”
Why are you so angry, prr? Goldy doesn’t wish that on you. Even I don’t wish that on you — I’ll settle for cutting off your balls. Oops — I forgot — you don’t have any balls. You proved that last week by not showing up for DL.
I continue to be amazed by the effects of severe untreated mental illness:
Denies a voter a provisional ballot Nov. 8th.
Weird obsession with Dean Logan.
Virulently anti-homeless, anti-black, posting things that are just out right rascist, race bating, and cruel.
“Eat our own” strategy regarding Norm Maleng, as decent a public servant as you will ever find in both parties.
Takes positions he does not agree with to satify a hard-right readership (the recent non-descrimination bill, HB 1515, I-912)
He used to be a fun read, an irreverent Seattle neo-conservative, but now he’s just an unbalanced raving loony.
@ 9
Though you probably don’t care, a post like that proves you may be right, but you’re alright!
I’m surprised Stefan isn’t demanding prosecution of Roger Rabbit! The rap sheet might include trespassing, theft of garden vegetables, defecating in public, and swearing in public! Of course, I have a defense: Aboriginal animal rights!! Cute fluffy bunnies simply are not required to obey human laws!!! Because we’re not humans!!!! You can’t prosecute urban wildlife like yours truly for doing what comes naturally, i.e., eating Stefan’s garden, shitting on his lawn, and calling him a greedy prick for not sharing the lawsuit loot with the gullible fools who donated to his “legal action fund.”
I have a question, why isn’t Stefan calling for the prosecution of prr for spitting on Vietnam veterans? That’s a form of assault.
goldy….again with the bizarre fixation on stefan and sound politics? and then you made this classic statement :”cleaned the streets of government officials and the homeless”
honey….if you did THAT seattle would be a GHOST TOWN…..not just the dump it is now.
with all the bitching about projects, especially roads, that haven’t been done and the finger pointing you do at republicans…considering the state has been RUN BY DEMOCRATS for over two decades……what is your big excuse? if the democrats are the answer, then why has nothing actually been done?
I, for one, would be more than happy to have the homeless disenfranchised. Why do we want the drug addicted, drunk, mentally ill and lazy voting? If you can’t maintain a residence, then you shouldn’t get to vote.
Also, if you decide to take a cruise around the world for a year, or live in Japan for an extended time, bully for you. But why do you still get to have a voice in a place you don’t live?
The only exemption to this should be those on assignment overseas, either for a business, the government, or in the military. These people still have a vested interest in their home residence, and should have a vote.
roger @16..why the name change? “the one who knows”….didn’t you leave off the word “nothing” at the end?
and the funny part is….if you are going to “post” under a different name why would anyone with a brain [okay….it’s rhetorical obviously] then promptly announce that he is the other person?
roger/the one who knows/ “any name here”…..”I’m surprised Stefan isn’t demanding prosecution of Roger Rabbit! The rap sheet might include trespassing, theft of garden vegetables, defecating in public, and swearing in public! Of course, I have a defense:”
so much for the “stats”……
goldy ,you should get smarter ‘shills’……..
point of clarification, to #13
Stef didnt deny anyone a ballot, he offered him one with the advice that he was not qualified to vote, which he was not. He offered to accept it regardless.
He is obsessed with logan, so what. Goldy is obsessed with Stefan and Dino rossi. It’s no biggee. And Logan is certainly open to a fair amount of criticism.
And the anti homeless and anti black comments are silly and baseless.
I have no beefs with anyone complaining and criticizing Stefan, but stick to the facts. Otherwise your criticism is meaningless rhetoric.
Hey ghost, what do you mean “nothing has been done?” The Democrats have accomplished a LOT in the last 2 decades. To wit:
1. Washington is run by an elected governor, not a hereditary monarch.
2. Washington hasn’t seceded from the United States.
3. Our tax money goes to public services instead of Jack Abramoff’s Swiss bank account.
4. We still give people a trial before executing them.
5. Some children in our state still have health care.
6. Our public schools haven’t been converted into madrasses to turn kids into religious fanatics.
7. Nobody has been arrested in our state for disagreeing with Dubya’s scheme to dismantle Social Security. That only happens in Colorado.
8. We still have some trees, running water, and wetlands that haven’t been cut down, sucked dry, filled in, and paved over.
9. In our state, pollworkers aren’t allowed to bully or intimidate provisional voters, or deny people the right to vote based on skin color, religious creed, or political beliefs.
10. We don’t have any mother beaters holding major public offices, and we have only 1 known pedophile holding a major public office.
Damn. This computer is defaulting to the other household member’s screen name. All the posts in this thread by “The one who knows” are by Roger Rabbit. However, Roger Rabbit is not responsible for posts by “The one who knows” in any other thread.
It appears HA’s software defaults to the last screen name used. Roger Rabbit lives in a communal burrow. We have 2 posters but only 1 computer and 1 POTS line in this hole. Any use of “Truth Teller” a.k.a. “The one who knows” screen name by RR is accidental, and has been publicly disclosed on HA. If you don’t like it, write your complaint here [ ] then go fuck your armadillo — there’s nothing worse than a horny armadillo.
“Stef didnt deny anyone a ballot, he offered him one with the advice that he was not qualified to vote”
A pollworker has no damn business telling anyone they’re not qualified to vote. In the first place, he doesn’t have access to the information necessary to determine voter eligibility. Secondly, it’s not his job. Third, it’s directly contrary to the instructions given pollworkers in their training, therefore constitutes deliberate insubordination.
“goldy ,you should get smarter ’shills’……..”
Oh please. Whatever I am, I’m nobody’s shill.
Stefan’s merely a vindictive prick who’s upset because Rossi lost.
Hey, I’m glad you wingnuts are UPSET because Rossi lost! 133 votes!! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR Hey trollfucks, I have a suggested, why don’t you take those 133 votes, roll them up in a tight cylinder, and shove them up your asses!! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR Furthermore — fuck you!!
Hey Stefan, don’t give yourself an aneurysm.
oh please roger….you are nothing other than a shill. we all know many ohter “bunnies” [shills, sock puppets, phony posters] live in your burrow? and would goldy happen to be one of them? LOL.
and as for YOUR post @21………you must be kidding right? washington is in a big mess that the democrats made and it will only get worse.isn’t that what gregoire and all the other dems ran on? hmmmm? “washington COULD be a great state but it’s in a mess now….whine whine whine…….”
washington is a backwater that also happens to be famous for its’ “boom and bust” status……..
remember “last one out turn out the lights” ?????
good old terra haute on the sound………
Is it slow at work today, Roger?
and roger @21…… one state that does have a hereditary monarch. oh good god……why don’t you just say we’re SWELL because we don’t have a martian running things. you went way beyond apples and oranges with your typical looney seattle “logic”…….
roger +work????? oh , ha ha ha. libertarian…….now that was funny!
Hmmm … (from WashBlog) … now THIS is interesting:
“Hamilton: Did you fill out all 1,944 of the challenges yourself? Did you fill out the challenge for Mr. Bylsma yourself?
“Sotelo: Yes.
(ed: this seems a bit questionable, as I observed someone holding two of the challenge forms up to the light together, and her signatures fit over each other perfectly – it’s not natural to sign your name exactly the same 1,944 times in a row!)”
So, were the challenge forms signed by a SIGNATURE MACHINE? In which case those aren’t real signatures, and the challenges aren’t even SIGNED. That might give Sotelo a defense against perjury charges, but it almost means none of the challenges are valid, and they should all be thrown out for lack of a signature.
Reply to 29
Goldy is welcome to visit my burrow anytime, but trollfucks are not. We don’t want trailer trash in our neighborhood.
“name one state that does have a hereditary monarch”
That’s what you fascist pigs want, isn’t it? After Dubya retires, you’re planning to make his younger brother the next U.S. king, aren’t you? For the last year, all we’ve heard from you trolls is how pissed you are because Washington has an ELECTED instead of anointed governor.
To all the Logan Lovers
Why does he disallow voter registrations completed using “PO Box” or “PMB” yet allow a mailbox to be used as a residence if it doesn’t use “PMB” or “PO Box”? One way or another he is wrong. Clearly partisanship triumphs logic.
Why does the King County Elections Dept need a turnaround team? Are they going in the wrong direction?
Just wondering
Reply to 36, 37
Why are wingnuts such fucking liars?
You just don’t want to acknowledge that there is a line between use and abuse of the system. While there may be a small number of legitimate voters that do not have traditional addresses, and who list a PO box as their address to be later sorted out by elections officials, there are better ways to provide for these voters without making it easy for others to cheat the system. I believe Sharkansky and Republican’s are mostly angry that there is no addressing of this problem. But you lack of reasoning on why he would be upset is staggering. I mean, you have daughter you love, a decent house, a blog, why are you so upset with Tim Eyman?
No one on the right is ever going to take you seriously until you work towards at least making the system harder to cheat. I asked you a while back about the possibility of a reasonably large number of voters using mailbox addresses, not to add votes, but to effectively gerrymander a precinct that could have a big influence on small races. You did not have a response. But this is something that could easily be used to influence a race within your reading of the statute. It needs to be fixed.
It’s easy for you to pontificate on why Republicans should or should not be angry about the flaws of the election system, but if you were even remotely honest, you would acknowledge that had Rossi won because the system was less open to abuse in 2004, you would have posted countless blog entries attacking Rossi on whatever he had done in the interim. And probably questioning the close election too.
You make quite fair points about the prosecutorial nature of the GOP in WA, but nobody is fooled into believeing you are the voice of fairness.
now everyone can see what roger [and all his other aliases] are all about.
he makes a stupid statement [doesn’t he always?] and then when he gets called on it he tries to act like he was reporting the news. good grief roger/the one who knows/ any name here…….you are a fool.
and you should probably stop trying to talk to stefan here too…after all if goldy can’t even be bothered to read his own comments line[ oh….HA HA HA ]….why would stefan. you know where his blog is roger….why don’t you talk to him there? scared???? roger rabbit says….
““name one state that does have a hereditary monarch”
That’s what you fascist pigs want, isn’t it? After Dubya retires, you’re planning to make his younger brother the next U.S. king, aren’t you? For the last year, all we’ve heard from you trolls is how pissed you are because Washington has an ELECTED instead of anointed governor. ”
oh…uh huh, rog. whatever you say.
annointed? i suppose you are referring to the elected governor of florida? sorry, rog, he was actually elected unlike gregoire…..who cheated her way into office.
“who list a PO box as their address to be later sorted out by elections officials, there are better ways to provide for these voters”
Really? How? By leaving their voter pamphlets, absentee ballots, and other official correspondence on a park bench?
john…i used to think that goldy actually had some talent and was interested [in a very partisan way] in the issues. but he’s not. he’s the kid that was in the back of the class yelling “look at me, look at me” in school.
for a person who is a member of the “winning tribe” he sure is bitter. i wonder why? those awards that you buy [or cheat your way into] for yourself just don’t have the same level of satisfaction that the ones you HONESTLY earn they david?
he also can’t figure out why his children’s book remains unpublished. it’s no mystery to the rest of us… one wants the baggage of the “f” this and “f” that “author”. can’t you imagine what the book jacket would say?
“No one on the right is ever going to take you seriously until you work towards at least making the system harder to cheat.”
No reasonable people are ever going to take wingers seriously until they prove someone is actually cheating! Let’s take their hot air about photo ID, for example. If photo ID had been required in Nov. 2004, it wouldn’t have prevented a single ineligible ex-felon from voting (they all have photo IDs). Republicans have never shown that a single person voted under someone else’s name in a polling place.
In fact, the rightwing charges of “fraud” and “cheating” have been disproven and debunked. What our election system does suffer from is the same kinds of errors that affect elections in virtually all states. The Democratic governor and legislature took substantial steps this year to correct these problems — but Republican blowhards won’t even acknowledge those efforts, let alone give credit for them.
Let’s face it, McDonald, people like you are nothing but rabid partisans playing hardball politics to get an advantage for your own selfish reasons! You people are like the little boy who cried wolf. After months of howling and millions of dollars spent on litigation, you haven’t produced a wolf, and no one believes you anymore.
Reply to 40
“unlike gregoire…..who cheated her way into office”
Bullshit. That’s a slander and a smear on an honorable, hard-working woman who has devoted her life to public service. This talented woman could have made a ton of money in private law practice, but instead of seeking her own aggrandizement, she has used her considerable talents to make our state a better and healthier place to live — for all of us, including ungracious and ungrateful fucks like you.
It’s also a smear on all the voters who voted for Gregoire and WANT her to be our governor. You trollfucks act like you’re the only people in the world. It means nothing to you that half the voters preferred the other candidate. You’re little children throwing a temper tantrum because you didn’t get the candy. Fuck you!
John, the problem is, the republicans right now are saying that if there can be cheating the is (or has been) cheating. Sorry, but that is on par with the feminists in the 80s who kept saying that all men are potential rapists, its just not right.
You know, all republicans seem right now to be accepting anything the party says at face value, all democrats appear to be rejecting republicans claims out of hand. If you want to convince anyone, youve got to convince the moderates and unaffiliateds. You are never going to do that without proving what you are saying, and simply ignoring any complaints about flat out disenfranchisement that happened is gonna turn the middle away from you.
ghost that was a simple ad hominum attack, try actually saying something. Every post youve made on this thread parses out to a bunch of random characters that demonstrates nothing but the fact that you dislike someone. Who cares who you like. This is a political board, it would be nice if you, I don’t know, discussed an issue.
gee rog….i see your vocabulary skills have not improved any. take a deep breath sweets………and get your knickers out of a knot.
yes such a hard working woman. just like when she was president of her sorority in college…she worked really really hard to keep all blacks and other minorities out of her “club”.
or how about when she was one of the worst attorney generals ever? but i guess having her compeletely unqualified husband on the payroll and being the complete tyrant she was while in that office kept her pretty busy.if you don’t believ me why don’t you check and see how many minorities she had working in her [bloated] office, hmmmmm? afraid????
what a joke? if you think that she will get elected again…..oh wait….i forgot for a moment that you live in the state that has one of the highest dropout rates in the nation.[ the state that not only looks like a piece of milktoast…it is one]
anyone who supports the stolen election should be ashamed of themselves……..but, alas, i realize that you seattle liberals live in your own little[accent on little] echo chamber.
safe from reality.
“You’re little children throwing a temper tantrum because you didn’t get the candy. Fuck you!”
Ahhh, the voice of reason.
I guess the only thing that could possibly say it better than that you crazy old goat would be something like.. “get some fucking tact”
bill….i have tried that many many times here. have you read roger’s/any name heres’ posts? come on now…..try to be at least a little fair. you can’t get any of the left leaning crowd here to ever answer any question.
i do love the latest and greatest buzzwords and phrases though….ad hominum attack. who used that phrase five years ago?
so here’s a question that i have already asked and can’t get an opinion on. i know it’s off topic but so is everything else here.
what about stanley ‘tookie’ williams? do you think he should die?
Yeah prr, like you.
Christmas ghost…
Yes, tookie should be killed
I used ‘ad hominum attack’ five years ago, hell I’ve been using it since college. It is a phrase generally used in any basic logic class. I have no clue who you hang out with but among my friends anyone using a ad hominum attack generally gets called on it.
I’ve never heard of ‘tookie’ Williams, so I am only going from what I could find in a couple of minutes, this article. If that is accurate, I see no reason for clemency.
Oh, and if rodger jumps of a cliff are you going over with him? Someone else is off topic is the sum total of your justification for meaningless posts?
Here is a clue, ‘tookie’ Williams is a topic, rodger sucks is not.
On the back side of that, noone has answered my question, why should your god get top billing, why are we not changing the phrase to ‘In Gods We Trust’? To extend that, why are we pushing a christian definition of marriage?
Can’t you GHOULS (prr and xghost) go drool over the dead remains SOMEWHERE ELSE.
You make me sick.
Pro-Life my ass.
Give it a rest.
How about some compassion for all those that tookie is reponsible for killing? how about the side effects of his founding teh crips?
How many people have died because of this scumbag?
Oh that’s right, victims don’t have rights and they don’t get justice with liberals.
dear prr (you sick fuck)-
christmasghost has a perfectly lovely little web site on the internets where you two can trysty tryst tryst tryst and delight over killing black people and stopping the hated ACLU.
Here’s the delicious little linky-poo.
stupid trollfucks.
Here’s the delicious little link.
Pro-life MY ASS>
You’re the least compassionate motherfucker I’ve ever seen.
You obscene jerk.
You pathetic pussy.
Now it’s a racial thing?
This scumbag is going to die and deserves to.
“i do love the latest and greatest buzzwords and phrases though….ad hominum attack. who used that phrase five years ago?”
Ad hominem is not a “buzzword” it is a standard term (argument ad hominem) describing a logical fallacy in which, instead of attacking an argument being put forward, an attack is made on the person presenting the argument. The phrase has been in common usage for a long, long time… (one could probably say the more erudite the circles, th more common)
You know there is an interesting part of Seattle called ” The Highlands” up on 145th near Greenwood. Plenty of Rich housing. They have no addresses up there other than just “The Highlands” since it is a gated community and no one can get in, how can we prove these non-traditional (Gop voting people) indeed live in this “Park” and shouldn’t be able to vote
The Highlands is more like Shoreline if I’m not mistaken.
Comment by Belltowner— 11/22/05 @ 11:51 am
“Though you probably don’t care, a post like that proves you may be right, but you’re alright! ”
Comment by For the Clueless— 11/22/05 @ 11:41 am
“One good turn deserves another. I don’t agree with you on much but thanks.”
Thanks. I always appreciate a compliment. Looks like my admonition did little to inspire civil discourse. Well, I tried.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/22/05 @ 12:21 pm
“It appears HA’s software defaults to the last screen name used.”
It’s called a “cookie”. You can turn them off if you want, but you’ll have to type your name every time you post. You could also set up your computer with unique login for each user, to solve this problem. You seem to have plenty of time on your hands.
John MacDonald @ 39
Wake up! Goldy is a partisan sure. But he’s not a rabid foaming at the mouth, delusional partisan like Sharkanksy and most of the other trolls who come here to take pot shots at him.
For example,
1) Goldy called the results of the election contest 100 percent correct.
2) Goldy exposed the fraud called Mike Brown who was appointed to an important government post through blatant cronyism. Mike Brown all but admitted this in testimony to Congress.
3) Goldy effectively exposed the resume-inflating, female-abusing fraud called David Irons. He merely repeated what the MSM had reported earlier but he got better results. The gender gap of the vote between Sims and Irons was huge.
And apparently Goldy is in the mainstream here in Washington State when the voters said NO to the phony “message-sending” exercise that was I-912.
For as much as you disdain Goldy, he has been remarkably effective.
i do love the latest and greatest buzzwords and phrases though….ad hominum attack. who used that phrase five years ago?
Not only is ad hominem a standard term in logic, philosophy, debate, law, and who knows what else, It’s been in use for about 2500 years.
Did you not know that it’s a Latin phrase? Did you not know that Latin is an old language?
Latin is a language as dead as can be
First it killed the Romans
And now its killing me!
I don’t begrudge Xmas her lack of education – but it is pretty hilarious for her to get all high and mighty over the use of the term and then be shown to be a fool.
Good Lord, ChristmasGhost!
Having a conservative like you make condescending remarks about liberals using “buzzwords” is a laugh out loud moment!!
Get a grip on reality there sweet cheeks, and I don’t mean your butt, I mean the cheeks on your face from all the cyanide laced Conservative Kool-Aid you’re gulping at rate so fast it’s splashing down your face.
If the RNC, Bill O’Reilly, Hannity, Rush, Michael Savage, Medved, Fox News et al didn’t repeat the Karl Rove talking points so religiously, your comment could be taken with a modicum of seriousness.
There is a consolation for you, however. When it comes to being taken seriously in politics, you’re a close 2nd to Bush. Have you seen those tanking job approval rating for Bush?
Yeah, how’s Bush’s agenda working for the Republican party?
And I mean it!
nindid….first of all that poem was very funny. an oldy but goody.
next..i guess from the response i have been getting i should have made my point more clearly. ad hominum…….yes, i did know it. everyone does i believe.[and contrary to what you would like to believe it has become a ‘buzzword’…check the def.] what i meant was, really ,when was the last time you heard someone in daily conversation use it? popular in college and courtrooms…….
haven’t you noticed that certain words and phrases are like wines? they become popular and then ZIP…..they are gone?
anyway….thank you for answering my question about tookie williams.and rujax….get real. i want to kill tookie because he’s black? are you serious? do you realize how many black people tookie is responsible for killing? try some real thinking here. the man is not only a murderer he created the CRIPS……try to imagine just how many murders he is REALLY responsible for the other comments….
i have never understood how anyone in this day and age can condone abortion “just whenever” because someone was too irresponsible[lazy] to remember to take a pill everyday, and yet these same people will line up with rhyming chants to “save” a murderer like williams….really..does that make any sense to anyone?
bill…i would have no problem with putting “in gods we trust” on money etc. it seems silly but if people would feel better about it what the heck. although i must point out that it doesn’t say “in jesus we trust” now………so i don’t really have a problem with it.
and yes, i admit it, i loathe the ACLU. the main reason being that they are the first ones to try and protect the criminals in our midst. NAMBLA and williams come to mind……
why don’t they try to protect the victims?
try googling a man [term used very very loosely] named rocky rhoades. ACLU poster child if ever there was one…..and look what he did ………
don….YOU didn’t really just say that did you? you of all people???? i’m sure even roger is HAR HAR HARING somewhere about that……..
YO……ignore old don…..everyone does.
“what i meant was, really ,when was the last time you heard someone in daily conversation use it?” Two sundays ago. The conversation then devolved into whether it really was an ad hominum attack or was actually a red herring fallacy at which point the person in question left the room. As I said it depends on who you hang with. No, I have been out of college for over a decade.
Well, the ACLU has taken the side of some very bad people in the past. They have also taken the side of very good people against very bad people. Frankly, they’ve consistantly taken the side of the constitution.
Someday, you might take a look at their website and see what exactly they do. I suspect that like most people you’d cheer on about half of what they do and gag in disgust over the rest.
I think you may misunderstand what is meant by ‘rule of law’ and exactly what the significance of the Magna Carta is. The same law applies to everyone, and everyone has the same rights. Some days I think that the right has forgotten that and want to limit rights to just ‘good’ people. The problem is, they seem to think they are the final arbiters of ‘good’. The law must be evenly applied.
I looked at the ACLU’s website on rhoades, rhodes, rocky and rhode. Google comes up with a lot of hits on some DJ, do you have more I can use?
Comment on 45
“all republicans seem right now to be accepting anything the party says at face value”
Actually, this isn’t altogether true. Polls show only 29% of the American public think Dick Cheney is “honest.” That’s less than the GOP’s base, which is about 36%. This means even some of the most loyal Republicans believe Cheney is dishonest (i.e., a liar).
You know things are getting bad for the neos when even their own fans don’t believe them anymore. The clock is ticking on this corrupt, lying, dying administration.
too much bullshit to bother replying to
Let hear it for the fighting Dems!
A lot more on our side than their side!
Reply to 62
You think I know what’s inside this box? or how it works? Hey, I’m just a fluffy 8 7/8-lb. bunny with pink ears and a cute cottontail! I only know how to push the “on-off” button. And if you think typing on a keyboard with paws is easy, you should try it sometime! If you don’t like it, write your complaint here [ ] and send it here ___.
I want to know what’s inside Mr. Cynical’s washing machine. He’s never explained how you can put $100 of L & I taxes in the rollers, turn the crank, and out comes out $100 of Rossi slush funds on the other side of the rollers.
Oh yeah, ghost, like you have an open mind and you’re amenable to any kind of reasoned discussion of issues … your web site really shows off your intellectual side. (raucous bunny laughter in background)
< tongue-in-cheek &rt; So Roger, where do you stand on the famous “roger sucks” issue? < \ tongue-in-cheek &rt;
Darn it, its funny if I remember > instead of &rt;
what we have here is a GOP troll complaining about the use of ad hominem attacks in politics …
Can you say “fucking hypocrite?”
Hey ghost, how about if you make it your personal mission to eliminate ad hominem attacks from American politics? Starting with the Republican Party …
… you have a lot of work to do, ghost …
Reply to 78
“So Roger, where do you stand on the famous ‘roger sucks’ issue?”
I have a bunny dick, if you have a troll who wants to suck it!
I forget which of the trollfucks accused me of being a “shill” … after all, they all look alike … and I’m not even sure what or who I’m supposed to be a “shill” for.
Anyway, I’ve decided to do my own public opinion poll. Here is the question:
Is Roger Rabbit — who personally opposes abortion, defends the use of napalm as a military weapon, supports using the death penalty on scumbags like Tookie Williams, Saddam Hussein, and Scooter Libby, opposes gun control, and would have voted to remove Bill Clinton from office for getting a blowjob at work and lying about it to a grand jury — a shill for David Goldstein?
[ ] No
[ ] Yes*
* You’ve gotta be kidding! You should sue the doctor who performed your lobotomy!
XmasG @ 71 ” YO……ignore old don…..everyone does.”
Thanks for the response XmasG. LOL
You know XmasG, a few months ago you had a public plea (which I won’t go into) Goldy kindly helped you, everyone here sent there best wishes.
Ands now you come back to slander and TROL away.
Yeah, you are a great example of an upstanding person.
Sharkansky, St. Just. So many similarities of a pathological nature.
Ghost @17,
There is nothing bizarre about my “fixation on Stefan.” I’m attempting to destroy his credibility… and I’m doing a damn fine job. The conclusions he drew from his research into KCRE have been proven wrong, and the his legal analysis of the election contest was shown to be laughable. I have relentlessly focused on his lies and errors and viciously partisan attacks, because I want the media to understand that they really cannot trust him. And for the most part, they don’t any more. My focus on Stefan is purely strategic. I think that should be obvious.
John McDonald @40,
No one on the right is ever going to take me seriously… period. And I could really care less if t hey do.
You must be confusing me with somebody else. I’ve never claimed to be a voice of fairness. I am a partisan, liberal blogger. People should always read me in that context, just like they should always read Stefan with the understanding that he is a paranoid right-winger.
Goldy: If the Sharkanskys of the world took over this state, who do you think would be on the trumbels after Sims and the governor? McKenna? Reed?
These types always eat their own sooner or later. Their paranoia is deep, disturbed, and dangerous.
By the way, you’re doing an effing good job. Keep it up.
And Goldy, I for one, thank you for allowing us all to make a mess of your blog. You are a very patient man.
goldy, you slipped…
you admitted to being a liberal.
I thought marching orders were to call yourself progressives
Happy Thanksgiving!!
righton, the first thing you need to learn about Liberals/Progressives, is that we have no marching orders.
That is reserved for the Neo-Cons of the 43rd Riech.
I agree. All you liberal/progressives are good little commies.
“righton, the first thing you need to learn about Liberals/Progressives, is that we have no marching orders.”
Comment by Donnageddon— 11/22/05 @ 9:49 pm
DonDon is a typical CLOWN….critical of virtually everything good, applauds everything evil! Worse than a 60’s Hippy……in that DonDon missed the 60’s and is trying to relive it today.
“Progressives” were the Commies in the 50’s and early-60’s.
DonDon can’t quite make the connection that precisely what they proposed back then, his CLOWNship is promoting today.
I love the way you say all these mailboxes are for the homeless. Prove it. What precentage of the homeless has money to pay for a mailbox? If I remember correctly if you are homeless you use the Elections office as your address. State Law requires for all mailbox address a home address. It could listed as the Elections Office and there would be no problem. The question should be asked when the present address is known is it also getting a ballot. Can you prove that they are not voting twice. Heaven forbid that a Democrat would ever contemplate voting more than once. It is only Republicans that steal elections right? Take off your blinders the only thing I care about is have the voters fill in a residence because I want them to vote in the precinct they live not the mailbox address. If you live in Seattle you should be voting in Seattle elections. If you happen to have a REdmond mailbox address you get the Redmond ballot for that address not Seattle. So here would be someone from Seattle that could not vote on the Seattle propositions. If they are voting twice they should be charged as a felon. IF they are only voting once and using the Mailbox as a convient mail location. They get the correct ballot so they can make their voice heard on their local issues. Or is this a concept that is too hard to understand.
fuck you hows that turd breath
Here is how to kill two birds with one stone being homeless you can have your mail at any post office general delivery they are required to let you get your mail at general delivery if you are homeless.dont believe me call and they will tell you the same thing.but when you come to pick up your mail and or ballot you will be asked for id before they give you your mail.if the name is not the same as on the mail guess whay no mail.simple as that
yo @ 100 “fuck you hows that turd breath”
Much better, you. Now just work on the punctuation and spacing. Remember that after a period at the end of a sentence, a space before starting the next sentence is necessary.
Chin up! I am sure you will do fine!
I am proud of you.
Left-Turn: You said “KKK-lovin republican party”. No, you purposely forget about Robert 3K Sheets Byrd.
“Progressive” Left-turn using the word cunt on a woman similar to passing Oreos around and displaying them when a Republican black man is in the house. Yeah right progressive thought. Keep showing your true colors Left-turd.
Bill@47 said: “feminists in the 80s who kept saying that all men are potential rapists”
Bill they still say that in the 21st Century. Now Maureen Dowd asks if “progressive” men are necessary in her new tome. Check Amazon for her loser of a book.
Bill@54: Senator Fulbright of Arkansas introduced the bill into the Senate for “In God We Trust” on paper money. Racist Senator J William Fulbright, Bill Clinton’s mentor did the deed Bill! If you don’t know the facts fudge ’em, right Bill.
Dr_E.@61: erudite circles? You mean the leftist moonbats here on ASSes?
Ah clueless visiting your favorite Daily Kurse site for more inspiration. You couldn’t navigate the day with your hit right? Puddybud – 57 days of no Free Republic and counting.
Clueless – 0 days of no Daily Kurse. The “0” is recycled each day!
YO……ignore old don…..everyone does. – Standard stuckonstupiddon speak! WTF?
PuddyBud, again you are quoting someone else and attributing it to me.
This seems to be a pattern with you. Perhaps you need some vitamins.
the saddest thing about this whole mess is it is appaerntly illegal for the homeless to vote in King County of maybe the whole state. WHY???
i will do some research on my own to learn this law a bit better but like them or not sheepel, the homeless are citizens and have the right to cast a ballot. i could agree to limiting those votes to certain offices but not to be allowed to cast ballots is a crime against all of us.
An “erudite circle” might include someone wearing a pin that says “I’m eruditer than you”. (Okay, it’s a stupid joke.)
#109: If you could copy. But then you’s a dumbass too!