Oh my God, I almost forgot… today’s election day! Guess I better post my endorsements….
King County Executive: Ron Sims
Hmm… now let’s see. On the one hand we have Ron Sims, an experienced executive who has led our county to AAA bond ratings from all three major credit agencies, reduced growth in health care costs for county employees to a rate dramatically lower than state or national averages, and has been a proven leader on civil rights, workers’ rights, gay rights and the environment. And on the other hand we have David Irons Jr., a resume inflating, staff abusing, tool throwing, mother beating liar, who isn’t qualified to manage his own anger, let alone a $3.4 billion government.
Now I know that there are a lot of you out there who are pissed off at Ron for some decision or another, or who have bought into the Republicans’ bullshit propaganda campaign to depict KC Elections as a whorehouse of corruption and incompetence… but let’s be honest… in an emergency… should the big one hit or an avian flu pandemic strike… who would you rather have in charge? Sims, an experienced county executive, or Irons, an experienced, um… mechanic? (Come on… I bet even some of you diehard Republicans get the willies thinking of Irons making life and death decisions.)
Of course there’s also the Green candidate, Gentry Lange, a man who has made his name campaigning against black box voting machines… exactly the kind of voting technology King County doesn’t use. Sure, Lange’s a nice guy, and I agree with the Greens on the vast majority of issues… but he’s certainly not qualified to be executive, and this race is simply still too damn tight to afford the self-indulgence of casting a protest vote for a spoiler.
So please, don’t be an asshole. Unless you really want Irons in office, vote for Sims.
King County Council: Gentry Lange
I mean really… who the hell cares? There isn’t a competitive race in the lot, so if you really feel the urge to cast a protest vote in this election, write in Gentry Lange. Or you can do what I would do, and just vote for the Democrat.
Seattle Mayor: Al Runte
Perhaps if we had a stronger City Council to keep him in check, I wouldn’t be so turned off by Mayor Paul Allen Greg Nickels and his strong arm tactics. And perhaps if he was a little more of an executive and a little less of a politician, I wouldn’t be so distrustful of his agenda. And perhaps if he had stopped by Drinking Liberally for a cold ale and some heated conversation, he could have cajoled a vote out of me… but Nickels didn’t, and Al Runte did (on a number of occasions), and so Professor Runte gets my vote.
No, I don’t think Runte has much chance of winning (though I think Nickels is going to be embarrassed by the relatively close results), so I guess this is kinda-sorta a protest vote. But there are a couple of huge differences between casting a protest vote for Runte in the mayor’s race, and casting one for Lange in the executive’s race. First of all, I think Runte is actually qualified to serve as mayor. Second, Runte couldn’t possibly play the role of spoiler, since if he spoils the election for Nickels, it means Runte wins. And I can live with that.
Seattle County Council: Conlin, Drago, Licata and Pelz
This was really a tough one for me, as my favorite incumbent is the only one I’m not endorsing: Richard McIver. It’s just that McIver is the only one who’s actually drawn a tough opponent.
As I wrote in my primary endorsement, Dwight Pelz can be a bit of an asshole. But he’s our asshole, and we desperately need someone like Pelz on the council to occasionally get in Nickel’s face. (And he’s stopped by Drinking Liberally a couple times, so that works in Dwight’s favor too.)
As for Conlin, Drago and Licata, none of their opponents have made the case to toss them out.
Port Commission: Molloy, Hara and Jolley
But mostly Molloy. Great guy, well intentioned, and a dedicated reformer.
Coming next… Initiatives: Yes on 901, No on everything else
Wow, Goldy, you really came up short…is that all?
Great endorsements. Nice job.
P.S. Who the @#*& is Molloy, Hara and Jolley?
Out of place, but just received this letter from my nephew. Have not seen it before and find no where to link so here it is:
Dear Red States…
We’ve decided we’re leaving. We intend to form our own country, and
we’re taking the other Blue States with us.
In case you aren’t aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon,Washington,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. We
believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially
to the people of the new country of New California.
To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states.
We get stem cell research and the best beaches. We get Elliot
Spitzer. You get Ken Lay.
We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Dollywood.
We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom.
We get Harvard. You get Ole’ Miss.
We get 85 percent of America’s venture capital and entrepreneurs. You
get Alabama.
We get two-thirds of the tax revenue, you get to make the red states
pay their fair share.
Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the
Christian Coalition’s, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a
bunch of single moms.
Please be aware that Nuevo California will be pro-choice and
anti-war, and we’re going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at
once. If you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have
kids they’re apparently willing to send to their deaths for no
purpose, and they don’t care if you don’t show pictures of their
children’s caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq, and
hope that the WMDs turn up, but we’re not willing to spend our
resources in Bush’s Quagmire.
With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent
of the country’s fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple
and lettuce, 92 percent of the nation’s fresh fruit, 95 percent of
America’s quality wines (you can serve French wines at state dinners)
90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech industry, most
of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias and
condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools, plus Harvard, Yale,
Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT.
With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88
percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care
costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the
tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern
Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh,
Bob Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia.
We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.
Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was
actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred
unless we’re discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say
that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved
in 9/11 and 61 percent of you crazy b*****ds believe you are people
with higher morals then we lefties.
By the way, we’re taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt
weed they grow in Mexico.
Peace out,
Blue States
A few days ago KING 5 reported,
“KING 5 asked Irons: ‘What should voters make of the fact that here’s your mother going on TV and going on the radio, taking a lie detector test, what does that say about you and your relationship with your family?’
“Irons replied: ‘That’s a legitimate question, and the voters have had that question before them by every opponent I’ve ever had in the last election they’ve brought it up.'”
Whaaaat? A candidate asked whether he beat up his mother says that’s for the voters to figure out? Talk about deflecting the question!!!
Hey, David, if you get your ass kicked by Ron Sims today, I have a job offer for you: Bug deflector on my car. Just sit on the hood, open your mouth, and swallow all the bugs that otherwise would go “splaaaat” on my windshield. Pays less than minimum wage, because you’re a less than minimum politico.
You need to reasess your figures, Boeing is now red, all of the auto manufacturers are red, MOST of agriculture, you guys gonna starve to death with no place to go!
Ill see you guys at the doubletree to celebrate the I-912 victory!
Thanks for your, as usual, mind-numbing endorsement illogic.
I believe you are a great father and love your daughter very much.
If that is true, promise us you will NEVER discuss politics with her. If you do, it is clearly CHILD ABUSE!!!!!!!!
BTW…where you wearing your CLOWN outfit while banging out this stirring “endorsement” puke???
You did get Hara & Jolley right….and NO on I-336.
And of course, you kept your commitment to never vote YES on an Eyman Initiative….even though it makes perfect sense. Kind of like saying “I’ll prove I’m a goddam CLOWN”….even though it is pitifully obvious without further proof.
And, of course, you both pandered to and tried to shame GREEN PARTY members……in a shameless & ineffective act of desperation. Sims is no friend of the GREENIES…be sure of that. I may not believe in a lot of the things Gentry Lange does, but at least he’s honest & upfront about those beliefs. Most GREENIES are sick of the pandering by CLOWNS Goldy.
I hope all my friends who are RIGHT or sick of SIMS bullshit, will vote for David Irons today.
If David Irons wins=============Logan will be FIRED!!!!!!
We cannot have this CLOWN running Elections any longer.
I heartily recommend Russ Wilson for Renton Municipal Judge.
I like the write in for Gentry.
I used to have 4 acres of land. Now I have 2 acres and a Ron Sims park. My compensation for the CAO? Nothing except knowing that the urban bunch will better for the environment in their paved, grafitti strewn city.
All are invited to the massive blow-out Runte for Mayor Victory Party at the Rock Salt on Westlake.
Chart Room, overlooking beautiful Lake Union at water level, open at 7:30.
Gobs of free snacks, no-hot bar, and you can still make the late recaps at Drinking Liberally.
Attendance not limited to Runte supporters. Like the guy said, it’s a rolling seminar on the future of Our Fair City.
Goldy, No on I-900? Are U afraid when a real audit is performed the donkocratic administration of Gregiore will be seen as a house of cards. Then we’ll see where the real money was wasted during the Locke years. What did Sims tell you? Are there more skeletons hidden in KC? Must be a doozy to not support I-900.
Puddy at 10: It just means that Goldy, as usual, doesn’t think, or doesn’t want to think. Or maybe he doesn’t want to admit that Eyeman for once (or twice ) had some good idea and point. So if I’m Anti Eyeman…I have to vote against him, no matter what. Same thing as the “Anyone but Bush crowd”. If he would be a “thinker” he would maybe think what’s best for the state while still allowing his believes to show.
On the other hand: Who cares about his “endoresments” :-)
Seadog: Or he thinks with his ASS, like more leftists on PorkASS! Goldy’s new call should be Moonbats, United Against Thinking!
Goldy, still waiting for you to tell me what’s wrong with I-900? Don’t worry I won’t hold my breath, you’re not worth it!
Comment by ChimpPatrol— 11/8/05 @ 4:18 am
You also have the most polluted areas, and areas with the worst smog problems. When you’re done soiling the planet, you’ll have to use our launch facilities to leave.
Good luck with that.
As usual the Pudster spews his worthless challanges. When proved wrong, he just moves on to another GOP talking point. And never learns a fucking thing. That is why people are tired of you crap. You a wrong more often than Homer Simpson.
Goldy has said in the past he is mostly against the Intiative process. Elect legislators who have your values, versus putting up deceptivly written intiatives to fool people into voting against their best interest.
But I know you know all this, but you just lack memory retention or are just a big shill for who? Not yourself dumbshit.
still looking for that anti Israel comment you attributed to me?
re 3: …and you can bail-out those corporate dinosaurs in the appropriately labeled, “Red States”. You can have all the corporate farms and , oh yeah, we’re dismantling the TVA and taking it back up North. We paid to give your sorry Southern asses electricity, but we’re taking it back.
16: So you don’t want the farms ? What will you eat ? Or in the case of CA…where will the water come from. As you might know…the Colorado river is providing a major source of water for LA etc. Should NV keep it ?
Once you guys stop this nonsense of culture war and red vs blue and realize that it’s one country with all its benefits and flaws, that working together, not obstructing, is the only way to make things better. Come up with ideas, not calling people idiots or hiding behind some elitism or whatever you like to call it. You need the “red” states as much as the red states need the “blue” states.
re 17: Now that you’re losing I guess it’s time to play the,”we’re all in this together” card. Sorry, sucker, no way. Those corporate farms use fertiklizers that are made from, what? Do you even know? Won’t that make their products kind of expensive and unsaleable?
20: Get off your horse, if you still have one.
Answer the question: How do you feed 70 Mill plus just on the westcoast. CA farming (corporate as well, using fertilizers, etc) won’t be enough.
or in WA state: Most of the electricity you get for SEA comes from the “red” eastern part. Ok, sit in the dark, much your turnips and look through the fog of a hazy Seattle morning. Your attitude towards solutions is pathetic.
(And yes, I do know what fertilizers are made off…even know how a real cow looks like :-) )
Great work, Goldy, now you can get a job a KVI!!!
Your friends Sharkansky, John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur over at KVI are all supporting Lloyd Hara and YOU ARE TOO! I guess he somehow doesn’t scare them as a Progressive.
I guess SEIU, The Longshoremen, the King County Labor Council, every maritime union, the UFCW and others were all fooled by Rich Berkowitz’s long record of progressive action and lifelong commitment to labor and Democratic causes.
Wow, but you, Sharkansky, John Corlson and Kirby Wilbur held strong and supported another old Dem hack. You’ve all shown great and forward thinking.
Hey Chimp Scout-
Go have another bing hit, loser.
re: 3 Not to agree with this Red/Blue BS, but for fun…
And, of course, being the good capitalists the Red States will charge you a good and proper fee for use of the roads and rail lines to transport your freight between the two sides of the country. Or are you going to airlift everything you have?
Oh, and we’ll have to talk about defense for a bit…
Since you have much of the coastline, you have a proportionate amount of the Navy. However, you’ll have to talk to us about NORAD, US Strategic Command and the 21st Space Wing. Then again, I’m sure you guys will welcome an invasion by the North Koreans and Chinese in the name of diversity.
And the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta? Ours.
You may have CA, but we have TX & the Gulf. And that Alaskan oil?? Guess we’ll finally get to drill in ANWR while you buy from overseas.
Don’t worry, Seadog. The free market will take care of it. How much of the mid-west’s agricultural product goes to California? Don’t pull the figure out of your hoo-hah, because I’m going to check on you. Also, most of the Southwest’s produce and vegetables comes from Mexico, NOT the mid-West!!
Most of the mid-West’s products are dumped for cheap overseas because we don’t really need it. Price supports from blue states keeps these corporate tukeys alive. How will YOU red staes continue to farm without blue state subsidies.You ought to take a page from the GIPPER’S playbook and see the big picture.
You would endorse whiney little I-901 and nothing else Goldy. Typical arrogance and naiveness there. See you when I-912 passes, as well as your good ole pal Timmy’s much needed gov’t audits (I-900). What are you scared of there Goldy? Afraid the truth of liberal Democratic Washington State and their misuse, irresponsibility, and overspending of our tax $$$$ might come out? Hhhhmmmm…….
You haven’t seen too many published polls in the last few days about I-912 or the KingCo Executive Race.
I-912 is TOTALLY contingent upon the turnout in Seattle (where not everyone who lives there is a CLOWN…….but damn never every CLOWN lives there!).
So is the Executive Race.
I have heard about several polls with quite conflicting predictions. Unfortunately, it appears Sims may slither out of this. It all depends upon Seattle vs. rural turnout.
I-912 also depends greatly on E. Washington turnout today. They don’t have a race like the KingCo Executive to draw out the vote. On the other hand, most Rural County’s are now Vote-by-mail.
What difference does it make. Logan is making decisions about who votes and counting them when his job depends on the outcome. Horrible conflict when you insist on having an APPOINTED Election Director. Sims loves this!!!!
If David Irons wins=================Logan is FIRED!!!!!!!
And Irons will not stop until there is an ELECTED AUDITOR accountable every 4 years to the VOTERS!!!
Sims hates accountability…
Did y’all know Sims hand-picked “TASK FARCE” also said “Logan is the right man for the job”?????
Why didn’t the failing P-I and Times report that????
We will spend our money on blue states, not wasting our tax dollars on bringing red states up to speed on everthing. How will you maintain your infrastructure with no taxes? We’re taking back the TVA. You dumb clay eaters sure as hell didn’t build it. So, now you have an electricity problem. And there are people in this world who work for a lot less than dumb Southerners— at least for now.
24: I bet you were part of the WTO Riots as well. My question was not how much of the midwest produce was going to CA, but if you thought or believed that CA wasn’t using those dreaded fertilizers ….
Glad you like Reagan…great president.
We’re not afraid of audits that don’t have political agendas tied to them. After all, it was “independent auditors” who signed off on Enron. Remember, Beany Counterton?
We will spend our money on blue states, -Comment by Apache Fog— 11/8/05 @ 9:19 am
You’d actually have to EARN money to be able to spend it anywhere. Then after you EARN your damned money find a way to KEEP it to be able to spend it and NOT turn it over to your blue state “mommy take care of me” government.
Enlighten us, where do you suppose mommy government gets the money to keep you fringies in diapers?
If you put the word “television” in front of president I’d be inclined to agree with you.
MOH @1,
Sorry to be such a slacker, but I decided to go to bed. I’ll ask permission next time.
D @22,
When the SEIU, longshoremen, labor council, maritime unions and UFCW start paying me, perhaps I’ll feel indebted enough to parrot their endorsements. (But gee… I hope not.) As I wrote back in my primary endorsement, I choose Hara because I think he brings some qualifications to the commission that might come in handy when running a port.
Interesting Sims endorsement:
..reduced growth in health care costs for county employees -by Goldy, 11/08/2005, 1:03 AM
Great, now we know why COUNTY (Corrupt Sims Clownty!) EMPLOYEES should want to vote for him… what about the rest of us?
has been a proven leader on civil rights, workers’ rights, gay rights and the environment._-by Goldy, 11/08/2005, 1:03 AM
And I guess it would be just too damned much trouble for any loony liberal, nitwit nutburger or fruitcake fringie in, on and around the Sims campaign to give us a detailed enumeration of EXACTLY HOW AND WHAT HE DID to prove he’s a “leader” as opposed to the “trust us he did” lip service that he is?
Ringing endorsement there Goldstein… had to hold your nose while typing it, did you?
Goldy was obviously holding his nose….his fucking RED RUBBER one when these pearls trickled on his keyboard.
CLOWNstein has a true obsession with Ron Sims…..could it be_______??? Naah.
Well CLOWNstein is in his mindless, scruple-less experimental phase of life where integrity & honesty don’t matter…..the ends justifies ANY means. The crazed last minute attacks on Irons Family didn’t help. Worse was the one where Goldy gave us a NEWS FLASH which turned out to about to be all about a woman who now resides with and likely bones ONE OF SIMS CAMPAIGN MANAGERS!!! That was real impressive Goldy.
Perhaps when CLOWNstein dons that red rubber nose, those big floppy shoes and that hideous costume & face paint…..he turns into a CLOWN!!
The KingCo Circus all comes down to one key word that captures the essence of the LEFTIST PINHEADS:
*** a rude ill-bred person
***a fool, jester or comedian in a play OR OTHER ENTERTAINMENT (elections are entertainment for these goofballs)
***a grotesquely dressed comedy performer in a circus.
***One who habitually plays the buffoon.
The last definition applies perfectly to the buffoon, David CLOWNstein.
Proud Ass is getting incoherent and Seadog is pettifogging and backtracking on what he really “meant” when it’s completely clear he meant what I said he meant. He asked me how 70 million Californians would survive withoutmid-Western produce and I told him.
…when it’s completely clear he meant what I said he meant. -Comment by Apache Fog— 11/8/05 @ 9:48 am
Mr. Cynical: You need to ad a klaxon horn and, depending on the severity of CLOWNSMANSHIP you observe, a liberal seltzer bottle for squirting smart-aleckey extreme righty stooges like yourself! And no, Mr. Cynical, You’re NOT Moe… You’re Shemp: the least accomplished and most unfunny STOOGE!
36: Apache, Apache…what happened this morning ? Take a deep breath (no, not from the paint can, but oxygen)..
In Post 20 you say: Those corporate farms use fertiklizers that are made from, what? Do you even know? Won’t that make their products kind of expensive and unsaleable?
So I ask you how you feed 70 Mill West “Coasters” without using fertilizers.
So you answer in post 25 with the “qualified reply” : The free market will take care of it. How much of the mid-west’s agricultural product goes to California? Don’t pull the figure out of your hoo-hah, because I’m going to check on you. Also, most of the Southwest’s produce and vegetables comes from Mexico, NOT the mid-West!!
I’m not sure how that is an answer to the question about fertilizer. So I ask you again in 29.
So stop spouting meaningless talking points (glad you brought up Enron…hadn’t seen this for a while) and answer the question. Read the post, think about it, take a deep breath and answer. Everything else is just horseshit :-)
re 37: Re-read your own spit-flecking artless name calling! You’re an idiot!
Well, I definitely stand corrected. I was afraid that Goldy would endorse Rich Berkoshitz for the Port of Seattle Commission. Glad he stuck with Lloyd Hara — a fine quality person supported by nearly everyone.
“Of course there’s also the Green candidate, Gentry Lange, a man who has made his name campaigning against black box voting machines… exactly the kind of voting technology King County doesn’t use.”
Uh…….Goldy? If you were to write about music instead of politics, you’d say this equally wrong line, “Why would you like Nirvana, I mean, they’re not from Seattle anyway.”
After all the information given about voting tech issues, you obviously have NEVER even read about what the tech that we are using TODAY entails, ‘eh?
This is what Ron Sims said to me, ‘We don’t use the Diebold machines, we just use the database…‘ What? Do you guys use the same speech-writer? I think that Ron’s a nice guy, but he obviously does not know what he’s talking about with his own voting systems that HE picked, and you obviously don’t know the first thing about it either.
Seriously, next time you’re bored online, go to http://www.blackboxvoting.com and simply READ what’s there.
One last tought on this election day –
I have been watching Ron’s commercials, and most are just simply attack ads. ‘Irons would do this’, ‘Irons has done this’, ‘Irons is the anti-Christ’.
Gentry’s whole issue with Sims is not that he’s a terrible person, but that he has no real platform or ideas for change. Even Sims commercials for his RE-ELECTION do not say anything good about him. Just the ususal attack ads that get us nowhere. Why can’t he run on his ideas and improvements to King County for the last eight years? Doesn’t the electorate deserve to actually know who Sims is and what he has done? To me, it just looks like Sims is saying:
‘Don’t vote for Irons, he’s worse than me.’
You all are also invited to the Pelz Election Night Party. We’ll be at Doc Maynard’s (601 1st Ave – Pioneer Square) from 7:30 on. if you want a strong City Council, Dwight is your guy. I know Belltowner will be there!
Seadog(dishonest to himself and everyone else): You weren’t asking about fertilizer. It’s clear from the context of your reply that you were asking me how 70 million Californians would survive without the bounty of “America’s Bread Basket” and I told you how they were doing it AS WE SPEAK. You then backtracked to the fertilizer gambit— which I’m NOT buying.
Where’s YOUR answer to the fact that the Mid-West’s product is dumped practically for free overseas and is bought up from heavily subsidized corporate/government farms with BLUE STATE TAX DOLLARS. Your corporate STATE that you worship is closer to actual communism than the communists ever achieved. Your tax subsidized corporate industries that you try to foist on us as gleaming examples of the free market are a joke! Have you ever noticed that your ideology has NOTHING to do with the actual reality you are promoting?
Apache: Pls tell me what I am promoting…I wasn’t aware that I was promoting something other than asking you early to stop this red vs blue crap and work together…
Read slowly from the top.
But I think what happened was the the questions or points didn’t fit in the talking points you had in front of you or heard from someone, so you changed it…Ah well, nothing new.
Seadog: Do you even know what the Bretton Woods organizations are and how they relate to “FREE TRADE”? I’ll bet you don’t. And it’ll take more than a 15 minute Google to figure it out. So shut up. Open your textbook, and get back to work, young man.
You forgot to also endorse Patches the Clown. About as qualified as your cast of characters.
Wishing for Pelz to get defeated (pipe dream)
Seadog: What I’m saying is that I , for very good and realistic reasons, doubt the sincerity of your, WE”RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER attitude . Having observed for five years how Republicans handle power I am disinclined to ever cooperate with them on anything. I just want to grind the Republican party to dust until the right wing extremists have no say whatsoever in anything.
Dear Red States… -Comment by ChimpPatrol— 11/8/05 @ 4:18 am
Chimpy, copy and paste is pretty darn fun and easy, eh? (Heaven knows you’re so proud you did it in EVERY available thread!)
Tit for tat, sweetcheeks…
Dear Blue States:
Imagine our relief that you’ve decided to secede and form some sort of bathing-optional commune headquartered in California. The money we’ll save in aspirin, now that we won’t have headaches from listening to your interminable whining, will be worth it to us alone.
We’ll finally be rid of you lazy, moping, latte-sucking Streisand fans now that you’re actually going to follow through–for once–on your promise to finally get off your butts and leave, as so many of you claimed you would every election cycle and then chickened out of actually doing. (Yeah, we’re looking at you, Alec Baldwin.)
But not so fast. You don’t get to take all the Blue States with you–just the Blue parts.
You see, your Blue States aren’t actually “blue.” Mostly, they’re states full of Red counties with pockets of Blue urban blight in them, who vote Democratic in such numbers that if the same results came out of a Third World country which, come to think of it, many of the “Blue” counties pretty much are–we’d think it was fraud and send election observers from the UN. Even California is pretty much a Red State: Bush won 35 out of 58 counties, while Kerry won LA and San Francisco. You want ’em? We won’t fight you for them, that’s for sure, but you’re going to have to found New California without 35 of your most beautiful counties and your second-largest city. Sorry about that.
Nationally, Bush won over 2.5 million square miles of U.S. counties (and an extra three and a half million votes, but we won’t rub that in.) Kerry won less than 600,000 square miles–meaning that in most states he was popular downtown and pretty much nowhere else. In other words, your guy won the places that people like him would get shot if he walked through them at night. Our guy won every place else.
So, the bottom lines is that you don’t get the Blue States. Those states have lots of towns and counties that would rather blow their dams and flood themselves out of existence rather than go with you. No, instead, you get the Blue Cities.
But we really feel we owe you full disclosure on this exchange. This might come as an unpleasant surprise, but you don’t actually get the lower divorce and single-motherhood rates and all that other good stuff you think you’re going to snag. Those are the conditions that are actually found out in the Red counties, pardner, not in the Blue cities, and you can’t have them.
Instead you get the urban single moms, not the soccer moms; the drug addicts, not the doctors; the waiters, not the chefs. You get the fine service you’ve come to expect from the brutal and corrupt inner-city police departments. You get the abysmal literacy rates and schools that are more dangerous than most prisons. All in all, you get to take with you a public sector in most cities so unmanageable they make Mogadishu seem like a tidily run little municipality by comparison. You get the labor union shakedown artists, “teachers” who can’t pass tests in their own subject, and city government leaders for whom graft, racial spoils systems, and outright theft are a way of life. They’re all very enthusiastic Blue voters, as you know, and we’re sure they’ll stampede their way to New California to start draining your wallets, wrecking your schools, and in general making a mess of your lives. (And don’t come complaining back to us when socialist central planning does for New California what it did for garden spots like East Berlin and Pyongyang. We’re putting a strict visa system into place once you all go.)
We, on the other hand, get those Red city suburbs and rural districts. You know, the ones with the good schools, the high property values, the quiet streets and the sheriffs and cops who don’t need to walk around armored up like they’re about to storm the Sunni Triangle.
damned cheap ASS filter
48: And that’s exactly why you will be completely unsuccessful. The great thing about the US is that people do tend to work together, even though they have different opinions, etc. But if you radicalize it, grinding people to dust, sending them into the ocean, wiping them from the earth, whatever wording I’ve seen here…you’ll be put aside and considered irrelevant.
Ok, I’m going to vote now…and I will vote for republican and democratic candidates…it’s good for the people.
Here we go….
Republicans trying to surpress the vote AGAIN in Ohio.
And you fuckers wonder why we won’t believe OR trust you.
Broken machines – suppression.
God, you truly are tin foil hat delusional.
I guess Queen Anne must be a GOP vote suppressing precint too, eh?
I went to my local voting location this morning, and they checked my ID!! They said they were told to, that it’s a law now. I could only hope.
However, the Accuvote machine was not working properly. It showed a ‘Total Count’ of 5, I inserted my ballot, it took it, and the counter remained at 5.
I informed the poll workers, and they said they’d been having problems with it this morning and they’d have to call it in again.
This was precinct 36-1754, McClure Middle School on Queen Anne hill. I phoned my local PCO (also my uncle) and let him know. However, since our precinct normally votes 80% for Jim McDermott, maybe it’s a good thing that the Accuvote isn’t working. -Posted by Larry at November 8, 2005 09:29 AM http://www.soundpolitics.com/ VOTE thread
“Fool me once, uhhhhhhhhh …….uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……Won’t get fooled agin’!!!!”
G.W. Bush
Smartest thing he ever said. It was pure accident. Monkeys and typewriters and all that stuff……..
So “Larry” is too stupid to know that McDermott’s not running in this election.
Yup…matches the (UN)sound politics reader profile. Also the typical jackboot lockstep rethuglican. Ain’t that right lardASS.
Go back to your reading comprehension class rugrat.
You’ve made an ASS of yourself, yet again.
I wonder rugrat, do you actually know how stupid you sound (and apparantly are)?
The hold on power is becoming more and more tenuous, lardASS.
Time to flail wildly in all directions.
lardASS is obviously envious of my nimble mind and intellectual horsepower.
rujax @ 59
Two things you keep forgetting:
1. Politics is not a zero-sum game. Just because GOP politicians get low popularity scores doesn’t mean the Dems automatically gain.
2. Even one of your Lefty journalists, David Broder, has admitted that Bush will have an upswing after these low numbers. (He was on one of the Sunday morning shows. Don’t recall which.)
Let’s see the “Bush Bounce” in the polls after:
1) The (coming) “Chemical Weapons in Iraq Scandal” hits the fan.
2) The “We don’t torture.” statement blowS up in his face (btw, which REPUBLICAN Senator leaked the existence of secret torture prisons…HMMMMMMMM).
3) Rove (and/or hopefully Cheney) is indicted over Plame/Niger/Fabricated Iraq War Rationale/Treason-Gate …that will just about do Ol’ Bushie in. The lamest of the lame ducks.
rujax @ 62
It wasn’t my opinion. It was Lefty David Broder’s.
rujax @ 62
To address your points…
The Dems believe they can win by default, as long as the Republicans keep screwing up. Just because Republicans lose popular support doesn’t mean Dems gain it.
I dunno mark, I think the Dems are working hard to gain. They’re not expecting it to just fall in their laps…
They’re hobbled some, in that they don’t have the amazing unified propaganda/policy machine that the right does… So the message gets muddled.
Surely you agree that the troubles the republicans are having at least helps the Dems, even if not giving it away?
Apache Frog @ 48 sez:
” Having observed for five years how Republicans handle power I am disinclined to ever cooperate with them on anything. I just want to grind the Republican party to dust until the right wing extremists have no say whatsoever in anything.”
What a CLOWN!!
I suppose if you grind everyone who disagrees with your CLOWNISH views on things, they will obviously have no say so. Isn’t “dust” a bit harsh??? I don’t feel that way about you FrogFace. In fact, I’m all for handing you the fucking mike and letting you talk, talk and talk some more.
When people hear an ANGRY LEFTIST PINHEAD rant & rave……it seems to create more folks on the RIGHT….and re-affirm to the rest of us that we must JUST SAY NO TO CLOWNS!!!
Keep talking FrogFace.
Broder is as much a lefty as you are. He’s a SCLM hack.
But…you’ve got a good point. The Republican revolution in the 90’s managed to convince a large number of normal people that Dems had been in power too long…had gotten corrupt, and no longer represented their (the average voter’s) interest. True to a certain extent…but good politicking regardless. That is how elections are won. “All politics is local.”
What folks didn’t understand, and what they are s-l-o-w-l-y waking up to…is the venal and vile nature of the people they elected and the real damage that has been done to the American Middle Class and that the way of life that a lot of folks got used to simply does not exist anymore.
Rampant government sanctioned corporate greed has destroyed the foundations of the economy that supported our parents and raised the “boomer” generation. The unwritten social contract that built the greatest economic engine this planet has ever seen was unilaterally cancelled by multi-national corporate intrests. A multi-national has no home, no country, no allegiance. The lower the wages…cost of material…the higher the investor profit and executive salary. This “republican revolution” was fueled by corporate money fed to religious extremists and promoted by a bought and paid for popular media.
THAT is what folks are waking up to. Jobs are gone. Good living wage jobs…are gone. Pensions are CANCELLED…or severly reduced. Health care is BEYOND THE REACH of many average Americans. More people everyday have way more questions than answers about what their future holds..
Americans are patriotic and support a war when they feel it is just. More and more folks have a very bad feeling about this war. Average folks expect their leaders to play by the rules. They didn’t like what Clinton did…but the fact is, EVERYBODY knows a pretty good guy who gets in trouble because he can’t (or won’t) keep it in his pants. THAT’s why Clinton wasn’t impeached. Plus…the economy was doing well. Now the economy sucks. The war sucks. Bush looks like a spoiled martinet. Lots of folks aren’t doing so good. This “privatize everything” fad…well folks are getting leery.
IMHO…Dems have a plan to sell…it’s “back to the future”. Restore corporate accountability. Get Government doing the things government used to be good at. Stop this Imperialist bullshit foriegn policy. Enforce a “Pax Americana” (if that’s what it has to be) through quiet strength, judicious force when necessary and diplomacy. The Foriegn Policy that was successful in the 90’s.
Finally…and most important…protection for American Workers Jobs and Wages. I was as pissed off as anyone over NAFTA and many of us can agree it was an experiment that failed. Time to put Americans back to work in America for a LIVING WAGE. A REAL energy policy that aims to end the US dependence on foreign oil by research, development and manufacture of alternative energy sources would be a GREAT start. Basic Universal Health coverage (with buy-in enhancements) and guaranteed education: K through College (with re-training as needed) would save money for individuals AND business and guarantee a healthy, well trained work force.
(Who says all ‘Ol Rujax can do is hurl f-bombs.}
My kids…their kids…and THEIR kids deserve a future. We need to think about how we are going to give them one NOW…before it’s too late.
What’s goin’ on now…it ain’t workin’.
What the FUCK are you talking about you incoherent moron.
Bush/Cheney will be a late-nite punchline for the next 20 years. Those despicable assholes are EARNING a very special place in history.
Dear Mr. Shithead-
I’m with my Native American brother, Apache Fog…to paraphrase (the soon to be in the witness protection program for turning on the Bush/Cheney Crime Family) Grover Norquist…I want to starve that movement, jail the leaders (THAT won’t be hard…yuk, yuk) and discredit the philosphy until I can drown it in a bath tub.
rujax @ 68
Say and think what you want (or what your Fearless Leaders tell you to think), but you have to admit my post @ 64 is right.
I cannot decide which wingnut fetish is stranger. Lattes, as in, “I hate good coffee, give me good old shitty coffee any day, I’m an American dammit!” Or things being “rammed down our throats!” which of course needs no description. Who is putting pen to paper on the tax locally, spend locally iniative? I’ll volunteer to canvas and signature gather.
DanW. I found your quote, but why should I help you find it. You said it in early September withing the first seven days, so go and perform your due diligence. Or ask DJ as he finds everything.
Regarding I-900, DanW you show your full stupidity. Go read the other threads. This is one initiative that makes sense!