Just a reminder… tonight I will be co-hosting a Red Cross fundraiser at the home of Jennifer McCausland, 2601 Cascadia Ave. S., in Seattle’s Mt. Baker neighborhood. The event takes place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
King County Executive Ron Sims will be the guest of honor — it was originally slated to be a campaign fundraiser — and he will be giving a short talk on the region’s disaster preparedness.
This is a great opportunity to meet Ron (and me) while raising money for a very worthy cause… the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Hope to see you all there. Please R.S.V.P.
Hey GOoPs! It’ a good chance for you to help a good cause AND confront your evil enemy! Balloons and catering will be provided by the David Irons campaign.
I’ll donate if Ron auctions off straight answers to legit questions….heck if Jay Leno can raise money auctioning motorcycles, Ron could tell the truth for money…
BTW Goldy,
You may want to have someone other than Dean Loagn ad up the donations at the end of the night.
Then again, so you have a goal you are hoping to reach? If that’s the case, I am sure you can reach that, plus $133
I know of no state or local politician who answers constituents questions more directly than Ron Sims. Have you ever heard him field callers on KUOW?
Goldy, ok, then you have my proxy, ask him,
Mr Sims, how come it takes so long to get any change to KC Elections? I mean they built the Alaska Highway in 1 year, yet you need 2+ years to even study the problems, let alone fix? Please disabuse us of our cynicism that the delays are a function of either your incompetance or corruption(politically). That is, right now most of us think the delays are intentional to keep your party in power…tell us why that is not true?
I wish more conservitives called KUOW to ask him questions. Honestly, some of the libs that call are incredibly fucking boring. (PS: Sharkansky @ uSP actually digs the host at KUOR, Steve Sheer. He says he asks good questions and is fair minded. Far be it for me to disagree)
Goldy, If I send a check to Democrat fund raisers, what percentage will end up helping the Red Cross? [Answer: ZERO!]
Swifty inspiring me to respond again to Goldy,
I agree Sims either sounds forthcoming or is forthcoming…i do enjoy him speaking cuz he seems to lay it all out. I think the problem is our lack of a conservative voice in the print or electronic (not blog) media… I mean KUOW is not the place where a Democrat gets skewered…
@ 6
Conservatives do call into KUOW, However Simms, like Gregoire only take easy left wing, supportive questions.
Gregoire in her immediate post election Q&A was fielding questions about how she would decorate the mansion, but the people calling in and asking her to respond to the fixed election were screened out.
The same applies to simms, you’ll not hear him fielding questions about stealing peoples property rights, disciplining Logan, adressing why people are “going to die” if the Viaduct and 520 bridge are not addressed but why he placed a higehr priority on building the election office…..
re 3: With Dean counting the money, I’m sure they’ll be plenty of it. Ha! Ha!
If you want to skip the middleman you make your checks out directly to Lone Star Strip Club and Fashion Accessories. The Red Cross will make sure those taking refuge from Katrina, (as opposed to refugees), deliver the checks personally.
I wonder how many beer and lap dances you get for $2000.00? Perhaps Goldy should have his next drinking liberally at a strip club.
No , Chuck , the dollar bills are NOT for your own belt!
Goldy knows where the Gay Strip Clubs are too!
I’m sure Goldy gets sprung thinking about some limp-wristed psycho doing the wild thing on his lap.
Do the senior administrators of the Red Cross volunteer, or are they making high 6 figures with a shit load of benefits? [hehe]