… And worse than Nixon:
Meanwhile, Bush reached an unwelcome record. By 64%-31%, Americans disapprove of the job he is doing. For the first time in the history of the Gallup Poll, 50% say they “strongly disapprove” of the president. Richard Nixon had reached the previous high, 48%, just before an impeachment inquiry was launched in 1974.
The only politician with lower approval ratings than Bush is Vice President Dick Cheney, hovering somewhere near absolute zero, which I suppose might explain why 165 House Republicans just voted in favor of impeaching Cheney. Um… no it doesn’t. They were just playing a stupid political game. Republicans apparently want 2008 to be about impeachment, because they think it will somehow help their cause, whereas Democrats are too pussified to challenge their logic. Thus, despite the fact that Cheney most certainly deserves to be impeached (and probably tried for war crimes,) it’ll never happen. That’s what really makes this administration’s crimes “worse than Watergate”… we allow them to go unpunished.
Enjoy this peek at one of the Republicans who wants to succeed Bush:
The current dems in congress are a true embarrassment. It makes me wonder if there’s any point in a supermajority in 08.
I normally give generously to the DCC in an election year. I’ve switched to MOVEON for my contributions through 2007-2008.
Bush will self-destruct before the 2008 elections, taking the repubs with him. But so what, if the dems continue as they are now, afraid of old myths, and apparently, their own shadows.
1 Agreed. Picture this current crop of weenies, hand wringers, appeasers and wusses as the only opposition to another neocon president who’s not only crazy and amoral but intelligent.
I hate to rain on your parade Goldy, but the recent 10/26-10/28/07 Rasmussen Poll showed that only 16% of Americans believe your beloved “Progressive” Congress is doing a good or excellent Job.
Only 15% say they have done anything meaningful.
Seems to me that America is ripe for a 3rd Party….even more so than in 1992 when Perot could have won if he hadn’t sabotaged himself.
Back then, Americans were not nearly as disgusted with our 2 dimwitted Party’s as they are now.
I think a Libertarian Conservative like Barry Goldwater could win today. He believed in less intrusive Government….Goldwater was both Pro-Choice and believed Gays should be able to join the Military.
Goldwater believed Abortion & Anti-Gay rhetoric was not Conservative in nature.
There is a wonderful documentary on HBO done by Goldwater’s granddaughter. Most of the Progressives know absolutely nothing about Barry Goldwater and would simply dismiss him because he was “Conservative”.
PS–Did you know Hillary was a “Goldwater Girl” in 1964???
She & Bill loved Senator Goldwater.
He was a terrific man who never looked at polls.
What you saw was what you got.
Wouldn’t that be refreshing today???
I am so tired of the naysayers in the democratic party. 9 of 11 democrats vote against Mukasey – and these naysayers pile on all the democrats. If they want party line votes join the Republicans. As a certain comedian used to say – I am a member of no organized party, I am a democrat.
Yeah, our organization stinks. We have out there people like Kucinich and we have conservative middle of the roaders. We have people who vote their conscience and people who forget the have one… but keep tearing down the democrats and saying they are like the republicans…and you and up being Ralph Nader and letting George bush beat out Al Gore. remember – these are the same folks who said Gore wasn’t enough of an enviromentalist and was “just like Bush”.
Quit harping on the democrats – the real problem is the republicans –
Who started the Iraq war and false premises and lied to us?
Who tried to tie 9/11, al-quaida to Iraq?
Who has subverted the constitution for executive power?
Who caused us to be an embarassment to the world by our stance on torturee and no habeus corpus?
who had an Attorney general that was an outright liar?
Who collaborated with lobbyinst jack Abromoff on the K-street project (a republican project)?
What party is the most corrupt ever????
Let’s focus the attacks on the people who deserve it – not the poor incompetents in our own party.
And, what have the dems done to roll back ANY of these things?
Turning on each other now? Delicious! And just as foreordained in the script. Right on time!
Here’s a thought for all you disaffected far-lefties: pack it in, pack it up, and pack it out…Find an island in the South Seas somewhere where you can set up your version of utopia. And then watch it disintegrate when you argue with each other over who’s holiest among you.
Take Kucinich with you; he’s the only one among you able to communicate with the Mother Ship.
Don’t forget to drop along some postcards…we should stay in touch.
The Piper
Stuff it, asshole.
Lets make a bet.
If the Dems increase their majority in both houses of congress and a Democrat is elected one year from today to the White House, you promise to buy Goldy $100 worth of beer and vanish from this blog.
If you gain one seat in the US House of Representatives or the US Senate or Oval Office I will make a $1000. contribution to your favorite charity ( I would prefer that it be something to do with children, but you can choose).
This is a 10-1 bet. Are you man enough?
Pip, we lefties may be an undisciplined bunch where doctrine is concerned, but at least we aren’t afraid to be ‘out of the closet’ about our disagreements. If more Republicans came ‘out of the closet,’ just think of how much their moral integrity would improve!
My Left Foot,
His charity has to do with children alright….NAMBLA!
I could make a nasty comment about blowing dead sheep, but I won’t demean Pipers relatives, dead or otherwise.
I don’t make bets the beneficiaris of which are other than non-profits (Hopelink, the Eastside social service agency serving the homeless and disadvantaged). And I don’t make bets where the odds are as yet too squishy and the salient facts still so cloudy that the bet borders on lotto odds and probabilities.
My point isn’t that Demo’s don’t have a chance, it’s that the Demo’s who do are doin’ it already…to you! No skin off my nose, but the red faces and bulging jugulars that are increasingly seen among the HA Happy Hooligans who find themselves “betrayed,” not by Republicans, but by your own kind who will just as soon throw you all under political bus (after taking your money and your votes) as look at you.
I mean poor Chad, ArtFart and Correctnotright were all angsted up over pending betrayals by their own kind! No finger lifting on my part required. Genuinely charming and delightful. And worthy preparation for future disappointments and increasing levels of psycho-trauma.
Load up on Prozac, boys, you’ll need it if HRC cops the big prize! At least with a President Huckabee you have an enemy…with HRC it’s like fighting with your sister; you always lose, your mother blames you, and you’re the one punsihed even when she picked the fight…just to get you in trouble!
The entertainment value is priceless…
The Piper
Well, Piper, the consolation is that with a clown like you to laugh at, there’s always a distraction in every thread. All day, everywhere, without ceasing.
Can’t we EVER get a troll in here that makes SOME sense?
@ 14
I’ll help you with the numbers
49 Democrats
49 Republicans
2 Independents- Sanders a Socialist who is reliably democratic and Lieberman who goes either way, mostly with the R’s on Iraq. And a good portion of the year Johnson of N. Dakota was incapacitated and unable to vote.
But don’t let the facts get in your way
@ 16
Obviously you don’t have a comeback to Piper’s post.
He must be speaking the truth.
And yes @14, those numbers keep falling. Be careful what you wish for. I think the Demo’s got MORE than what they wished for.
My grandmother used to say that, if two people think exactly alike, one of them isn’t necessary. Only in the mind of a right-wing ideologue could the presence of genuine disagreement and vigorous debate be taken as a sign of disintegration. If anything, it’s a sign of life.
Indeed, if there is any single cause for the downfall of the GOP it’s the lock-step unison with which the rank-and-file have followed the party leadership. Large pockets of the Republican party have mistaken uniformity for unity. The one unfortunate outcome is that the rest of us have had to pay the price.
@13 Piper. I wouldn’t take that bet either. You do need lotto odds to have a fair wager, much less make the expectation positive. The GOP is toast in ’08.
Too bad you wimped out on my previous offer of a wager re Pope v Hague the race of the non-entity vs. the non-principled.
Tell you what. If Pope wins, I might just pop Hopelink for a Franklin anyway under the anonymous name of “The Wimpy Piping Blowhard”. Maybe they’ll put you name on a brick in the foyer.
Don’t bite your nails to the quick tonight.
@18 The response at 16 was for post 14, and is relevant.
I don’t need to respond to a professional prick, especially one with no balls attached, and Piper certainly qualifies. You must be Piper as his sockpuppet incarnation, because only Piper has that high a regard for Piper.
For comparison purposes, this is what disintegration looks like.
Sweet. There’s a lesson there…Trolls, take notice: Your world is ending.
The dems are afraid to impeach bush. Why, no matter what the looney left believe, bush has not committed any crimes. Bush lied us into war, so did all the democrats. Imagine each democrat on the stand explaining under oath after watching a video of themselves talking about sadam and his WMDs why they lied.
It’s a shame the truely ignorant people are on the extreme left fringe of society.
What happens if the dems throw an impeachment party and then refuse to impeach? Priceless.
Worse than Watergate, but not as bad as Carter. To repeat: In 1976, counterculture McGovernik George McGovern voted for Ford, not for Carter, “a mean little man.”