How useless and dysfunctional does a political entity have to be in order to have a 9% approval rating?
This useless and dysfunctional.
More here.
And here:
And hopefully, the fact that Obama voted for this bill dispels any false notions about his ability to transcend traditional politics. He may be the best empty suit running this year, but he’s still an empty suit.
This is an unfortunate symptom of the go along – get along Democrats who have gotten too much play in our party. We think that it’s important to be bi-partisan and the republicans think being bi-partisan means enlisting Dems to help screw America. And once everyone sees that there’s consequences when you let a republican fuck you in the ass, we can only hope it will change.
And hopefully, the fact that Obama voted for this bill dispels any false notions about his ability to transcend traditional politics. He may be the best empty suit running this year, but he’s still an empty suit.
Oh come. Questions galore have been raised about Obama for some time, though again and again they’ve been dismissed by Obama’s more ardent supporters.
Obama’s support of the FISA bill can only be seen as playing to the center (sound familiar?).
In any event, his position (and change of heart) on FISA is a major capitulation in my view.
For what it’s worth, Clinton voted against the bill.
Immunity is and has always been used as a tool to get information/testimony that leads to the prosecution of a bigger fish so to speak. Congress granted immunity to the telecoms and got absolutely nothing in return. Kudos to Sen. Clinton for standing firm and voting no on this bill. Boo to Sen. Obama for voting for it. And give the chicken s**t award to Sen. McCain for skipping the vote.
No but Obama just floats around and walks on water. Truly the Obamessiah!
Murray was on the wrong side of this one too.
5 No, she wasn’t. Neither was Cantwell. They were just on the side that lost.
By your reckoning, I guess Jesus would have been on the “wrong side” as well. Not to mention those six million Jews back in the 40’s.
Or to put it another way, “Eat shit! 10,000,000,000,000 flies can’t be wrong.”
The roll call I saw had Murray voting correctly on this one.
@5 Murray voted with Cantwell opposing this legislation, so kudos to WA’s senators for standing up for the constitution.
The country has spoken. The democrat congress is a failure. Approval ratings so low even bush was never able to fail so miserable. Gas prices have already doubled since they took power. Food shortages.
Things aren’t looking good for the democrats. And with obama trying to reinvent himself as a centrist the divide in the democrat party grows. Notice how clinton backers will point out how she voted against fisa unlike that guy with the muslim name.
Has anyone ever wondered why democrat candidates always have to veer right during the general election? Why can’t the democrats agenda stand on it’s own strength?
Why is obama veering right since winning the primaries? What is it about his platform that he knows is flawed?
9 See what I posted in 6, above.
I’m still going to vote for him, but now I’m not sending him and the Dems any more money. Apparently money is the only thing that gets their attention.
Heyyyyy Artfart…
Hold yer fire, man…I’m a friendly. I read the early reports wrong. Just checked the roll call… Patty voted “Nay”.
Obama supported it though, that bums me out.
Not often do I agree with nancy pelosi. But she sounds like she knows what she’s talking about.
Gas prices doubled in 6 years under a republican controlled congress and deserved change. With the democrats in charge the price doubled in only 18 months.
It is clear the American people can no longer afford the democrat controlled congress. Change.
Stamm…you are just bone fucking stupid if you think the current economic mess is the faullt of a Democratic majority in Congress that has been in power for a whole…what…two years???
Things aren’t looking good for the democrats.
Not really. Even with this, far more Americans still want Congress in the hands of Democrats.
Why is obama veering right since winning the primaries? What is it about his platform that he knows is flawed?
He feels confident that people on the left will vote for him no matter what, so he’s pandering to voters outside of that group. It’s still an unnecessary move, but unlike with Kerry and Gore, it probably won’t cost him the election.
Oh…and what about the Republican Congressional Leadership, MISTER Stamm…which BOASTED about obstructing every piece of Democratic Legislation in order to make Congressional Democrats look bad to the country.
I thought it quite pretentious of you to believe you know how jesus would have voted.
The American people can no longer afford the democrat controlled congress. Change.
I agree. We should go from having a Democratic controlled Congress without a spine to a Democratic controlled Congress with one. Even better, I’d love to see every Republican Congressman replaced with a Libertarian.
He feels confident that people on the left will vote for him no matter what, so he’s pandering to voters outside of that group.
Well, that’s quite a bit of pandering in the case of his support of the FISA bill. And it’s also a reversal of his earlier position on the subject.
This should be a cautionary reminder going forward.
What was the point of voting them in if thy couldn’t do anything in 2 long years.
So Now Mister Fabulous “democrat” (SMALL d) Marvin Stamm, we have an elite class of protected lawbreakers for the first time in our country’s history.
Make you proud to be an American, asshole?
You are even stupider than you sound Stamm.
Same thing the dems did to the reps in the first few years of bush. Remember how the dem obstructed so there wouldn’t be votes on judges.
Politics as usual. If the dems didn’t do the same you could complain.
Please see #22.
You’ve jumped the shark rujax.
Bullshit. The kennedy clan has been around for decades. Is there any member of the family that hasn’t had run-ins with the law?
Yes I am proud to be an American. The fisa law doesn’t have any effect on how I feel about my country.
I can’t believe that after all the lies, the shitty appointees, the scandals, the malfeasance, the misfeasance…losing and ENTIRE AMERICAN CITY!!!! Starting a “War of Choice” that is bankrupting the treasury and slaughtering our precious soldiers and destroying our reputation all over the world so that oil companies and defense contractors can get FAT…
You still support these guys.
You should from now on and forever be known as…MISTER 19%.
Marvin, Marvin, Marvin. . . @ 23:
If you only knew the truth, the WHOLE truth you’d never make such a stupid comment.
Comparing the judicious use of the filibuster on extremist judges while affirming over 90% of Bush appointments is NOTHING compared to the number of times the Republicans issued filibusters on EVERY issue.
If I slap someone on the face one time is that the same as beating someone until they die?
Shhhheeeeez, moron, grow up.
Polls on public approval of Congress are basically meaningless given that over 90% of incumbents will be re-elected. In general it can be summed up as follows: People generally like their representative, but think all the others are worthless.
What’s the point of the right wingers voting in the child-raping republican Congress that couldn’t do anything in SIX LONG YEARS with a republican president no less!
Oh and President Obama’s lead in battleground states is wider than ever! He’s got Washington state sewed up and 1023 year old McCain actually thought he had a chance! HE HE!
Lee, I do not agree with you.
First, I don’t think that fact that a candidate votes in a way with which you do not agree makes them automatically “an empty suit.” I favored the Bingaman amendment and think that this bill was an atrocity, but I also realize that I will NEVER have a candidate who always votes the way I think they should. Neither will you. Are they all “empty suits.” I guess you think so. I don’t.
Also, how in the world is this vote “pandering?” What constituency that would matter to Barack Obama’s electoral fortunes is pressing for telecom immunity?
Yup, spineless democrats. It just takes some people longer to figure it out.
Good point. My guess is so to be seen working with those across the isle. To have votes more in line with republicans and lessen that liberal label.
Why didn’t mccain vote? If his plane crashed in chicago and he’s being held captive by terrorist bombers (aka obama’s friends the weather underground) I’ll cut him slack. Otherwise it looks a chickenshit to skip the vote.
Here’s Pete Stark….a FORMER Republican…commenting on St. John McCain and the Senate Medicare vote today:
Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) puts out a statement ripping McCain: “Senator Kennedy managed to make it back from treatment for cancer, but Senator McCain couldn’t be bothered. Senator McCain, who wants to be our next President, has skipped this vote three times now. Clearly, he’d rather hide than face up to the insurance industry. You can do that when you’re in the U.S. Senate, maybe voters should leave him there.”
PS- St. John skipped the FISA vote as well.
“McCain now ranks as the #1 most absent senator of the 110th Congress, having missed 61.8 percent of the votes. He even beats Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD), who took several months off while recovering from a brain hemorrhage. Important votes missed include the economic stimulus package and “at least seven votes of prominence on Iraq.”
We oughta leave Ol’ 19% Marvin alone to drool into his scotch and water.
Sorry, I don’t drink alcohol. I spend too much time exercising to pollute my body with that stuff.
Also, how in the world is this vote “pandering?”
This bill is far more than just about telecom immunity. It’s about giving the President the ability to spy on the communications of Americans without oversight. There is a constituency within this country who believe that the President should have that right because it’s necessary to defeat the “terrorists”. Obama is pandering to them.
Also, how in the world is this vote “pandering?” What constituency that would matter to Barack Obama’s electoral fortunes is pressing for telecom immunity?
Then one is left asking why support the bill? Voting for it constitutes an inexplicable and serious judgment in error in my view. Here’s what the ACLU has to say:
I suspect for many people this is more than an occasional difference of opinion. And it leaves some asking, “What’s next?”
So I’m curious, Marv…
…why DO you still support Bush and his cronies?
Here’s a well written and highly critical piece by Glenn Greenwald, a former constitutional law attorney, on the FISA bill:
As as notes, back in October Obama had this position on the issue:
“To be clear: Barack will support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.”
That was then, of course.
Thank God we elected all those Democrats, sop the economy would tank, unemployment go up, the gas prices skyrocket….
Ah…Pelosi and her “new direction” congress….spiralling straight down is a direction isn’t it?
No one could filibuster this bill. The votes weren’t there.
It’s nice outside but it’s a pretty dark day.
No one could filibuster this bill. The votes weren’t there.
But . . . you could vote against it.
Did I say I did? Can you provide a link?
The real story on this bill was the amendment to strip the telecom immunity out of the bill:
Obama, Murray and Cantwell all voted FOR the amendment to strip out the telecom immunity (as did Senator Clinton). Kudos to ALL those who voted for the amendment. Boo to those who voted against: Webb, Feinstein and all the republicans.
It did not get 40 votes – so there could be no filibuster. End of story. Also, to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi – you both screwed up.
Get your facts straight before you go off on the wrong directions.
So instead of voting on his principles, obama decided to vote against his principles. Change. Just not the change the left had hoped for.
42 – For those politicians running in the fall, voting against this bill only feeds into the right wing noise machine threatening the majority.
What should we do now? Stay home? Vote third party?
That’s bullshit.
@40: How stupid are you? Wait – you have shown how stupid you are by blaming the wrong people. The economy is tanking because of the following Bush and republican policies:
1. Lax oversight of the banking industry (all those de-regulating republicans, bad loans and deceptive loan practices.
2. Massive budget deficits due to the republicans and Bush (see WAR IN IRAQ = massive sinkhole of money).
3. Lack of an energy or middle east policy (see Dick Cheney and war in Iraq)leading to the largest increases in oil prices ever (see Bush beg the Saudis unsuccessfully).
Did you never take Econ or Poly Sci. 101 ? Or do you just spout off stupid things like blaming a new congress for the executive policies?
The democrats don’t control the process with a president in place – it would take 60 votes in the senate to stop a filibuster and 66 votes to overcome a veto. This is how our democracy works – but you are too stupid to realize that.
45 – Take your tired act somewhere else.
43 – Your actions speak for you. Yes you do support Bush. You do support the trashing of the 4th ammendment. You do support torture. If you don’t stand in opposition and instead trash the opposition, you are supporting Bush and the things he has done.
Trash the opposition?
Who voted for/against fisa?
1. Hillary voted against it.
2. Obama voted for it.
Who have I been trashing
1. Hillary
2. obama
What are you complaining about.
49 – I said it in 43.
Hey Tommy here. Remember me? I the cocksucking Republican who lies, cheats, and steals while being a family man. I don’t know if anyone has missed me – probably not. PudddyFart, maybe you? We’ll I found a new fondness for posting comments on Republican Conservative blogs in lieu of Liberal Blogs. I let them know how much a fucking looser, lier and cheat that I am. Boy, it’s like self therapy, really gets it out of the system and makes me feel real good.
Obama, Murray and Cantwell all voted FOR the amendment to strip out the telecom immunity (as did Senator Clinton). Kudos to ALL those who voted for the amendment. Boo to those who voted against: Webb, Feinstein and all the republicans.
Well then very special KUDOS to those who were willing to vote against a terrible piece of legislation that was badly wanted by the Bush administration to boot. They stood out far above anyone else for being unwilling to compromise on such fundamental issues.
What-verrrrrr Marvin…just suck around here for nuthin’ huh?
my number 43 is my message.
Do you mean I quoted you in 43?
Ah, now I see why you signed your post dumbass.
54 – 48 then. We’re all familiar with your dishonest bullshit. Just take it somewhere else. You’re a fraud.
Clearly, this “Marvin” blows…but not necesarily into a musical instrument.
A couple more votes like that one and even Low Tax Looper will be more popular than Congress!
Looper, you may recall, got only 4% of the vote even though he was the only candidate on the ballot after he murdered his opponent.
Oh, and one more thing — Low Tax Looper is a REPUBLICAN … currently occupying a cell in a public building.
Pelosi and Reid’s do nothing leadership is why congress’s rating is in the tank, and their inability to do anything is why they not only doubled gas prices in a year, but now are completely helpless to do anything about it.
Like it or not, the democrats you elected are useless. way to go
@59 Hmm, are you just a Nazi or are you one of those commie-fascist Nazis?