World Vision is a good organization that has had problematic hiring policies. They have a better policy now.
World Vision is decided an Evangelical Christian organization. And, as such, they have strict rules about hiring, requiring employees to be Christian and to adhere to sexual ethics which includes “abstinence outside of marriage, and fidelity within marriage”.
Now World Vision has decided to, well, NOT change the terms of those requirements. They have, however, decided that gay Christians who seek employment with them must follow the same rules as heterosexuals.
Yay. Yay?
Sure, it’s better than discriminating against gay folks (although they’re still discriminating against gay folks who can’t get married). It’s an important milestone that an Evangelical organization with this much clout is letting this happen. The no-sex-outside-of-marriage stuff is still problematic, but a step toward decency — especially for an org that’s generally good — should be celebrated.
Of course, the good that they do is still the most important thing. Since they’re being attacked for taking this small step in the right direction, now might be a good time to give. Fill in some of the gaps if assholes and gatekeepers are threatening to leave.
…Or not. See comments, the haters and the gatekeepers have forced World Vision to reverse their policy. They are still an organization that does good work, but this is too bad.
Decision reversed.
Well shit.
Bring on the civil rights lawyers!
Hmmmmm …
It is OK to discriminate against atheists as longs as they are not gay?
What is wrong with this picture?
BTW … I guess they can’t hire Goldy either?
No, they can’t hire Goldy.
Another organization that won’t hire Goldy is Union Gospel Mission. They do a lot of good also, and they are just as bigoted as World Vision, with the same statement-of-faith BS.
I did not know that about Union Gospel!
One of the reasons my wife and I support Medecin sans Frontiers is that., although it is a “Jewish” organization it is utterly non sectarian.
For that matter, Jewish Family and child services hires anyone as well … except (I assume) bigots.
Jewish Family Service would probably hire bigots if the bigots wouldn’t announce themselves in some way. But bigots don’t shut up, so fortunately JFS and other non-sectarian organizations don’t end up with bigots.
I as a Jew could not even volunteer with Union Gospel Mission, because I’d have to sign a statement of faith.
World Vision*
*Serving the world, except if you are not like us, meaning some other religion or gay…
As to Union Gospel Mission: Any organization that claims to want to feed the hungry, but makes hungry, poor people participate in a PRAYER led by that organization – BEFORE eating – is prosetylizing before serving the poor and hungry.
Instead of living their faith by example, they are using others lack of fortume to promote their own beleifs. Truly religious people lead by example and help others as a call of duty to the world – not to promote their own faith.
That’s a difference between aid from private companies and public institutions.
Conservatives must like the concept that they can pick and choose whom they bestow their largess and make their victims dance like monkeys to get it, while aid from goverment is supposed to be fair and even handed. ( And even when Christie Christie uses public aid as a political club to further his selfish interests, it looks like he will eventually get punished to some degree. )