I’m proud of “our” Phillies. You may see Puddy wearing Red and White in a FUWA libtard led city near you!
Darryl is a dick lickin' goat fucking Republicanspews:
Moderating comments! What’s next at Horsesass.org? Will you lure the entire team of Sloggers over here? Will you give Mr. Cynical the keys to the family car? Will you become a Republican blog? Well, actually you probably have more Republicans posting here than a putative Republican blog.
Darryly is a dick lickin' goat fucking Republicanspews:
As I mentioned earlier and Darryl deleted the comment. This game was played to make money off the public. It really doesn’t matter which corporation won the game. To think so is to have the cogbitive abilities of a Mr. cynical.
@2 and 3… can’t you just drop it for a second and say… “that was fucking awesome!”
That video was fucking awesome.
timmy gspews:
Hey Goldy. I too am a Philly guy, and although we try to raise our girls to speak nicely and avoid profanity, as a life long Phillies fan, it sure was great to hear Utley sum things up so succinctly and emphatically. It reminded me of how much I miss the the abundant color of philly-speak. It WAS fucking awesome. Hell, even By Saam and whitey Ashbourne were hooting from their graves in agreement with Utley. Go Philly! Timmy G
I’m proud of “our” Phillies. You may see Puddy wearing Red and White in a FUWA libtard led city near you!
Moderating comments! What’s next at Horsesass.org? Will you lure the entire team of Sloggers over here? Will you give Mr. Cynical the keys to the family car? Will you become a Republican blog? Well, actually you probably have more Republicans posting here than a putative Republican blog.
As I mentioned earlier and Darryl deleted the comment. This game was played to make money off the public. It really doesn’t matter which corporation won the game. To think so is to have the cogbitive abilities of a Mr. cynical.
@2 and 3… can’t you just drop it for a second and say… “that was fucking awesome!”
That video was fucking awesome.
Hey Goldy. I too am a Philly guy, and although we try to raise our girls to speak nicely and avoid profanity, as a life long Phillies fan, it sure was great to hear Utley sum things up so succinctly and emphatically. It reminded me of how much I miss the the abundant color of philly-speak. It WAS fucking awesome. Hell, even By Saam and whitey Ashbourne were hooting from their graves in agreement with Utley. Go Philly! Timmy G
Amazing, timmy g, that you got the name By Saam correct but couldn’t come close to Whitey Ashburn.
FWIW, Chase Utley is from Pasadena and went to UCLA. But he and the rest of the Phils are the World Fuckin’ Champions.