Having the North Koreans in the soccer World Cup is quite a spectacle:
North Korean manager Kim Jong-Hun reportedly gets coaching advice directly from the country’s diminutive dictator via an invisible cell phone.
According to ESPN.com the coach has claimed he gets “regular tactical advice during matches” from Jong Il “using mobile phones that are not visible to the naked eye.”
“Jong Il is said to have developed the technology himself,” coach told ESPN.com.
And it gets even weirder:
Cameras caught a contingent of North Korean supporters in the stands cheering eagerly, each dressed exactly the same in a red shirt and cap and waving North Korean flags.
It’s not certain, however, that any of those flag waving fans were North Korean.
In May, 1,000 Chinese nationals were essentially rented by the government of North Korea to sit in the stands and cheer, according to Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency.
Given that few citizens of the impoverished nation could afford to attend the games, or would be allowed to leave the country, the North Korean Sports Committee gave tickets to Chinese nationals, many of them actors and singers, to attend the event, Xinhua reported.
Ahhhh, Kooky Kim and Ros Ronery Boys. What a silly bunch. They’d make a great reality show if they didn’t have nukes….
In honor of the French, for this faux pas, Karma’s gonna get you.
I would really like to get into the World Cup. I try to watch soccer, but I just can’t thrill to it. I liked playing it as a kid, but watching it doesn’t do much for me. Anybody got a website recommendation that might help both elicit excitement about the Cup and explain the game at the same time?
LMFAO…you gotta love those commie-socialist dictators…so damn entertaining.
Go blow yourself.
We had a draw against England, but we’re getting our heads handed to us by Slovenia?
Dan Felcher,
If you are looking for some action, I suggest you contact gman – he’s been looking for some dick to suck.
These refs SUCK!
Since this says the world OPEN thread, I have an off topic question for the conservatives here.
If you lived in Arizona, and
…you knew your neighbor was hiring illegals to mow her lawn, would you report her into the police, the media, and out her in the local conservative talk show?
…you knew the corner grocery was hiring illegals to work in the story, would you report the store owner to the police, the media, and out them in the local conservative talk show?
…you knew the farm down the road was hiring
illegals to pick apples, would you report the farmer to the police, the media, and out them in the local conservative talk show?
Why or why not?
Because they are part of an overall problem that is destroying this country.
#11, Good on you, for being true to your conviction.
12 – After Faux News and the rest of the right wing noise machine and their minions, would you trust ANYTHING a right winger puts forth as their “convictions”?
Their “convictions” boil down to a grand total of two: acquire money and acquire power. Acquiring power is of course essential to acquiring more riches.
After the utter collapse of right wing governance in 2008, there is no other path than to keep right wingers out of power.
And they’re more or less still in power between the lockstep Republican minority and their Vichy, sell-out blue dog collaborators.
In other words how do you know a right winger is lying?
Their lips are moving or their fingers are typing.
And Kim Jong Il gets his coaching tips, in turn, from Elvis via an invisible to the naked eye peanut butter and banana sandwich.
And speaking of invisible to the naked eye, how about that penalty against the USA?
And Kim Jong Il gets his coaching tips, in turn, from Elvis via an invisible to the naked eye peanut butter and banana sandwich.
Speaking of invisible to the naked eye, how about that penalty against the USA?
Whoa, I edited my comment and it was reposted. Hal is acting up again.
Can we get a status update on the Goldy fundraising campaign?
how in the hell could Germany lose? damn.
clueless goober arschloch goatsee farted
Sounds like the Odumba Sadministration! His latest is $7/gallon gas with his Cap and Trade agenda. Puddy is sure the arschloch gonna work weally weally hard now if that takes effect!
Where are those stopped ocean oil rigs gonna go? Petrobras! Who just gave a $2 Billion loan to Petrobras? Odumba Sadministration. Who recently invested $900 Million in Petrobras? George Soros? Noooooooooooooooo! And the dumb libtardos keep getting dumber.
So how do you know the clueless goober arschloch goatsee is scanning the libtardo based net sites… he’s posting.
Why is Odumba killing the South? Why is Oduma killing the livelihood of millions of people?
Then Odumba goes to Ohio. All the construction workers at the site are laid off for the day. You libtardos would have had a field day if that was GWBush. But Bush was much smarter than that!
Why does Odumba blame others for the fact he has NO LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE?
“So how did the president get the idea that new offshore drilling would be absolutely safe? Obama has often said he relies on a “green team” for advice on energy and environmental decisions. The top three members of the team are the director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy, Carol Browner, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Energy Secretary Steven Chu. Did Browner, or Salazar or Chu assure the president that new offshore drilling would be “absolutely safe”?”
PuddyCommentary – This is hilarious. In every story these people only want power and money. Didn’t the clueless arschloch admit that above?
If you can’t trust National Progressive Radio who can you trust?
Then there is Elena Kagan…
19 – 21 zzzZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZ..
A braindead liar and reading comprehension challenged fool drools on…
21 – Kagan will be confirmed period….
20 – Braindead right wing policies of letting industry insiders regulate the industries is killing the South – all that started at the instigation and direction of right wingers.
19 – pfffft…
. . . . S O R O S . . . .
. . . . S E I U . . . .
. . . . A C O R N . . . .
The paranoid ravings of the fool I call junk-shot continue…
Speaking of invisible to the naked eye, how about that penalty against the USA?
Exactly, what a disaster, but certainly one of the most memorable World Cup games ever. If we beat Algeria, we’re moving on.
Notice there was absolutely nothing useful in #22?
$7/gallon gas on Cap and Trade – Harvard University study.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Puddy would like to see the US make it to the round of 16. It would be good for our country.
Once again the progressive thugs strike! Good for the 8 year old child.
“You did nothing wrong, and you did an outstanding job,” he said. “We can only hope that kids of your caliber will continue to defend this country.”
PuddyCommentary – Of course he did nothing wrong. Toy Soldiers with tiny little “guns”. Puddy bets the superintendent didn’t take his grandchildren to see the Toy Story Movie Series either. The Toy Soldiers had “guns” oh my.
Libtardoism running amok like always.
Maybe the child should go into business and sell these hats. He’d go bank on this concept now and the school district would look really foolish!!!!! :)
How many from HA Seattle Libtardos will go to Chicago for this meeting July 11. Maybe someone can write a thread report on HA.
. . . . . . Beck . . . . . .
. . . . Limbaugh . . . .
. . . . . Hannity . . . . .
. . . . . Boortz . . . . .
Have your mind and pink panties all twisted clueless goober arschloch goatsee!
Did anyone notice that an insane fool has been rather scarce lately?
Didn’t think so. Kind of nice that way.
28 – A great list of insane braindead right wingers you claim “make sense” to you junk-shot.
What a mentally deficient fool..
Pavlov’s Dog sez,
Notice how the clueless goober arschloch goatsee changes his name on command? What a moron!
Fool, Puddy was in LA, your homestead, making much money this week. When Puddy making money HA is the LAST thing on Puddy’s mind! What were you doing this past week besides sitting on your ASS cruising libtardo leftwing whackamole sites plagiarizing their commentary and trying to use it as your own?
. . . . . . Beck . . . . . .
. . . . Limbaugh . . . .
. . . . . Hannity . . . . .
. . . . . Boortz . . . . .
Got you pink panties all wound up eh fool?
31 – Like I said, money and power.. So greedy. So twisted by lies and hate.
So worshipful of monied LIARS!
@15 and 23,
The ref blew the call, sure. But it’s pretty weak to pin the loss on the refs instead of, you know, not showing up until the second half.