I may be crazy enough to watch a 4:30 game or two before work. No Sounders, and only one person from the English team I root for (Tommy Smith for NZ). Listening to coverage on the BBC, it sure sounds like people are having fun.
“The greatest sports tournament on Earth” doesn’t happen for months. The World Series is in the Fall. World Cup is just a stupid series of soccer games.
I’m the biggest baseball fan there is. And I say you’re full of shit.
Not only is the Series not a tournament, it also doesn’t cover the world. That WBC thing that Selig invented comes a wee bit closer to the World Cup, in that it’s competition among national sides, but it still pales by comparison.
proud leftistspews:
Just when I was starting to think you had something to say . . . Damn, you proclaim your idiocy. I will agree with you that baseball is a helluva lot more interesting than soccer. But, that is only from my limited perspective. As a citizen of the nation that considers itself the most important in the world, I watch baseball. The rest of the world counts, lost, and it watches soccer. The world cares a helluva lot more about the World Cup than it does about the World [sic] Series. The World Cup counts more–get this–than any sporting event that happens on the shores of the US of A.
The World Series isn’t even the greatest sports tournament in the United States. I’d easily put the NCAA basketball tourney ahead of it, and probably the NFL playoffs too.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Puddy disagrees with you. The real football is a world uniter. Ever been to Manchester United Football Stadium? Apparently not. Football is a universal sport, unless you are Iran playing the Israelis, then you are just a bunch of racist fools from Iran who put politics in front of fun!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Speaking of political fools…
This diary is mostly about the smear campaign aimed at Helen Thomas and how right wing propaganda easily mixes with Israeli propaganda. It is a story that people would label me as crazy if I didn’t have the facts to back it up. How could such a good natured woman have so many people denounce her without even knowing the effort that went into it? How could so many people turn their backs on her even though she served her country in a way that most civilians never could?
… … …
In which Helen Thompson says nothing out of the ordinary in regards what most democrats believe. That the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land should end and that the settlers should get the hell out of the occupied territories and return to Poland, Germany, America, Or where ever they are from.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
To Gman the whatever… Alvin Greene is one of your “KIND”. Has anyone seen Gman and Alvin Greene in a room together? It’s “very special” when Odormann interviews you.
1) Moronic conversation
2) Stupid idiotic softball questions
3) Useless topics
4) Nothing learned
5) The stench chokes you
6) You’ll never get that time back
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Gotta love it when Ceci Connolly who regularly appears on Fox News is outed for being a Odumba MSM libtardo and making large batches of OdumbaCare kook-aid in 2009. Yet, the leftists here think everyone appearing on Fox News is a right thinking person!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
For the most “transparent” sadministration ever Odumba and his disciples sure know how to stonewall.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
“My argument is not with the teachers in New Jersey. My argument is with the union who collects $730 a year from every teacher in mandatory dues. And if you don’t want to join the union you have to pay 85% of that. It’s like the Hotel California. You can check in any time but you can never leave.
For the teacher’s union $130 million a year. What do they spend that money on? An army of lobbyists in the state house and $6 million on negative advertising against me since March 16th.”
Yep, labor unions taking money from their constituents and wasting it. Kind of like what clueless goober arschloch goatsee “wife’s” union SEIU. They spent over $60 million for Odumba and had to lay off 74 peeps in the head office.
This is only an aberration. In November unions will return to the DUMMOCRAPTIC trough, drink the we need Blanche Lincoln Odumba Kook-aid, and vote for Blanche Lincoln again!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Goldy, Puddy would have expected you to trump this “announcement“. Oh yes it’s the source that causes you heartburn.
The best comment
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Still reading Media Morons instead of listening to Glenn Beck? Oooooooh the great Boogieman Glenn Beck! Or maybe you’re reading the Huffington Post who really stepped into the horse manure with the rant on the 1919 Rudyard Kipling poem, thinking it was from Glenn Beck… That demonstrates libtardos don’t learn anything useful in NEA schools!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
And of course Lee is mute on what a union is doing to this retired warrior.
An official with the Massachusetts Teachers Association said state law requires public employees — including teachers at public schools — to join unions as a condition of employment or to pay an agency fee.
But Godin says he should be exempt from the law since he receives military benefits, including medical and dental insurance.
“So that’s nothing to do with Worcester there,” he said. “Neither the union nor the Worcester Public Schools have allowed me to make that argument. It’s just the union that wants my money.”
PuddyCommentary… Yep union extortion. This guy will be fired for not marching to the jackbooted thugs of the MTA! What kind of state law is that; mandatory union thug membership or lose your job? No wonder Gman thinks the way he does! Only in the land of Edward Kennedy!
It looks like the Boner put it where it doesn’t belong. He claims the government should be paying for the oil spill. Now he’s got his own spill to clean up. He’s back peddaling like a drowning rat.
Hey, here’s a little tip for my fellow progs: a mouse with a scroll wheel really helps with those pesky wingnut posts.
Go USA!!
Please, folks, consider cutting Puddy some slack today. It’s quite evident to me that the poor sap is off his meds again. I don’t think it’d be at all fair to pick on a guy in his condition.
Lee sez, “Please get yourself to a psychiatrist’s office.”
To be clear, I don’t consider this to be picking on a medless Puddy. Rather, I see this as Lee simply giving Puddy some very sound advice.
I agree with lostinaseaofblue at #3.
We’re Americans Lee, few give a fuck about soccer. I’ll help you pack if you’d like to move to a country that does. Perhaps they’d have the stoner pothead laws you prefer too. Two birds, one stone and all that happy crap….
You’re correct. I’m imploring Puddy to get some help. I’ve personally met him and I’m genuinely concerned that he’s going to lose his mind and start killing people if he doesn’t get his shit under control.
@23 We’re Americans Lee, few give a fuck about soccer.
Have you been to Qwest Field for a Sounders game, dummy?
Sorry, America is changing right under your feet even if you succeed in loading 11 million people into cattle cars and ship them south.
Which of course will never happen. The culture of greed in this country has made and continues to make too much money from them.
Re 4, 5 and 23
Mainly I was kidding. I find it funny how wound up about soccer some folks get. Though baseball, as a game, beats it hollow. I mean soccer can end in a draw. Haven’t the folks who made up the rules ever heard about overtime? What the heck kind of real sport ends without a winner?
I will say that soccer is to sport what sushi is to food, for me. They’re both okay if bland, but I don’t understand what the fuss is all about.
Re 6
Heretic. Baseball is the great American game. Anyway, I can’t lay out in deck chair by the river with a cold beer and half listen to a football game. That’s why baseball will always be more the game of summer.
BTW, what the heck is with basketball season. Damn thing never ends. Is there any point in the calendar year without basketball?
I actually like both football and baseball (and hockey and soccer) more than I like basketball, but March Madness is the greatest sports tournament in the United States. I think it gets more people who normally don’t pay attention to sports interested more than any other event besides the Super Bowl. And that’s how I’d measure what the greatest is.
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
Germany for the overall win.
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
Well said…I agree completely.
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
NBA basketball is TEH SUK.
I had finally give up on it with the close of the George Karl in Seattle era.
Now days, if I feel the urge to watch a bunch of uneducated thugs bounce a ball around, I can just drive to the central district.
On the other hand, college basketball is the jack-schnizzle…
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
Check that…I am going with The Netherlands for the win.
Clockwork Orange is BACK.
“I’ve personally met him”
So which actor would you cast to play Puddy, Lee? Not having met him, I non-the-less see him as being played by that guy who played the dopey barber in Barbershop 2, the guy that gave the mayor or whoever that was a partial buzz-cut. Whoever plays him would have to be a really good actor in order to deliver Puddy’s “teh stupid” to the screen.
@18: Why would anyone want to listen to a complete idiot like Glenn Beck?
Ooops – now we know where Puddy gets his disinformation.
I feel sorry for you Puddy – if you think Glenn Beck has anything worthwhile to say then you are even dumber than come across on here.
Then again, I agree mostly with Puddy @7.
Well said Puddy, soccer is the world sport. It can unite people from all over the world and is increasingly popular here. The Sounders certainly outdraw the poor Mariners right now…
“I had finally give up on it with the close of the George Karl in Seattle era.”
I thought the season with Danny Fortson in the lineup was a throwback to the old days. Bottom line, I kept going to games because Ms. Wingnut wanted me to share season tickets with her. And her wish is always my command!
@32 So which actor would you cast to play Puddy, Lee?
Easy, Andre Royo. He was brilliant as Bubbles the heroin addict in The Wire. He could definitely play a paranoid nut with a grossly overinflated view of his own intelligence.
I’ve found some suitably goofy looking pics of Royo on the net. Still, he’s gonna have to really deliver a shitload of ‘teh stupid’ if he’s going to pull this off. So having met him, you figure Puddy to be nuts? Figures. That’s how he comes across here. So Darryl’s wrong and this is no act? Oh my! I’m now amazed that Puddy’s allowed to even walk the streets without being held on a leash by a responsible adult armed with a pooper scooper.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Wow, all the “love” delivered here on this thread is
It’s warms Puddy’s heart seeing how you libtardos are blind to all the things Glenn Beck predicted years ago happening now.
Let’s see some of Glenn’s predictions already true…
1) 2006 Collapse of the Euro due to union workday and pension demands. Greece and Spain have started the slide. Are you blind to the leaders and backers of the recent Greece union riots? Yes you are.
2) 2007 US Debt overtaking US GDP. Happening now.
3) 2007 Gold price skyrocketing as people seeing their savings decimated by deficit spending. Yep gold price hit new record
4) 2007 Hedge funds managers manipulating stock market and hurting the little stock investors. Yep we saw that last month. Soros and his MFA friends did it.
5) 2007 Predicted the M2/M3 measurement of inflation is out of whack due to the over printing of money. Yep during Bush years he was attacking Bush. Somehow your hatred missed that fools.
And Glenn Beck is…………. A best selling author. Yep 5 consecutive best sellers and the lack of NY Times reviews couldn’t stop the juggernaut! And… his OVerton Window book is poised to be his sixth. So yes fools like correctnotright, Lee, Steve Steve Steve, and others you can ridicule Puddy all you want. Puddy will continue to read and listen to someone who makes sense vs. reading about horsecrap and useless swill from Media Matters or TPM or Daily Kos who are cheerleading the movement of America into the same morass Europe is in!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Puddy notices there is no attack on the content placed in the thread above… it’s ad hominem attacks on Puddy and Glenn Beck. This means you can’t refute the facts placed on this thread so all you are left is attacking Puddy. Typical Saul Alinsky tactic – demonize the presenter.
“correctnotright, Lee, Steve Steve Steve, and others you can ridicule Puddy all you want”
Thanks, Puddy! That’s exactly what we’re going to do.
I’m sure that at some point in your life you’ve been to a dark sky site, looked in the direction of the constellation Andromeda and noticed the smudge of light that is the Andromeda galaxy. The Andromeda galaxy is approximately 2.2 million light years from our own Milky Way galaxy. When you looked at the Andomeda galaxy, the photons striking your eyes had completed a journey taking millions of years. How do you you reconcile this with your belief that the earth and the universe are only 6,000 years old?
“demonize the presenter”
When the presenter is a demon, what else are we to do?
The Argentinians are hella crazy ball-handlers. Killer match.
It’s understandable that ties and draws confuse dummies. The concept of long range planning, thinking and strategy is divorced from the conservative ‘me want whole cookie now’ mind-set.
Sorry, I’d forgotten you were probably one of those kids picked last in school for sports. And you’re a progressive who hates winners at any price.
Didn’t mean to offend someone unacquainted with the concept of winning being a desirable goal.
Please move to Europe. Please. You and all the other progressives. You’d be much happier there. Progressives have already ruined the political and economic structures of most of Europe, so you can’t hurt the place. Yes, when I go to my house in Italy there are that many more bermuda shorts wearing, grin beaming, loud talking Americans talking about how evil the US is, but I’ve gotten quite used to that. Please, please, go to Europe and leave the US to regain it’s place as a decent place to live.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Steve Steve Steve,
You don’t think God continuously creates? You think Big Bang and it all happened? You think God is on vacation now?
Amazing thoughts there Steve Steve Steve
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
In Canada, for a soccer match, if you win by more than 5 goals YOU LOSE!
Puddy sez,
“You think Big Bang and it all happened?…Amazing thoughts there Steve Steve Steve”
Sigh! Here’s another amazing thought for you. You are insane.
How insane is Puddy, you ask? It’s not just that climate scientists lie to Puddy. For Puddy, science itself is a lie. Astronomers are lying. Cosmologists are lying. Geneticists are lying. Geologists are lying. Biologists are lying. Paleontologists are lying. And that’s not all. You see, for Puddy, science is just one part of a complex commie-fascist plot involving scientists, educators, unions, radical Islamic Mexican Catholics and dirty fucking hippies to enslave humanity in a Godless One World Order!
How crazy is Puddy? He’s really, really fucking crazy.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
For Puddy, science itself is a lie.
There he goes again. “It’s a Psych 101 thing” projection. Where has Puddy ever said science is a lie Steve Steve Steve?
Puddy will wait. Grow a pair and have the clueless goober arschloch goatsee search his personal copy of the HA database for you. Maybe he’ll do it pro bone (pun intended) for you!
Steve Steve Steve, Puddy would ask are you this stupid or does it come naturally. Lately it seems it comes naturally!
go soccer!
Most of Thursday’s estimates had more oil flowing in an hour than what officials once said was spilling in an entire day.
Slog has a nice list of where to go watch.
I may be crazy enough to watch a 4:30 game or two before work. No Sounders, and only one person from the English team I root for (Tommy Smith for NZ). Listening to coverage on the BBC, it sure sounds like people are having fun.
“The greatest sports tournament on Earth” doesn’t happen for months. The World Series is in the Fall. World Cup is just a stupid series of soccer games.
Y’know what, lost?
I’m the biggest baseball fan there is. And I say you’re full of shit.
Not only is the Series not a tournament, it also doesn’t cover the world. That WBC thing that Selig invented comes a wee bit closer to the World Cup, in that it’s competition among national sides, but it still pales by comparison.
Just when I was starting to think you had something to say . . . Damn, you proclaim your idiocy. I will agree with you that baseball is a helluva lot more interesting than soccer. But, that is only from my limited perspective. As a citizen of the nation that considers itself the most important in the world, I watch baseball. The rest of the world counts, lost, and it watches soccer. The world cares a helluva lot more about the World Cup than it does about the World [sic] Series. The World Cup counts more–get this–than any sporting event that happens on the shores of the US of A.
The World Series isn’t even the greatest sports tournament in the United States. I’d easily put the NCAA basketball tourney ahead of it, and probably the NFL playoffs too.
Puddy disagrees with you. The real football is a world uniter. Ever been to Manchester United Football Stadium? Apparently not. Football is a universal sport, unless you are Iran playing the Israelis, then you are just a bunch of racist fools from Iran who put politics in front of fun!
Speaking of political fools…
Gotta love Daily Kook-aid. They make all progressives proud. Their hatred is http://www.dailykos.com/storyo.....ther-facts DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP
To Gman the whatever… Alvin Greene is one of your “KIND”. Has anyone seen Gman and Alvin Greene in a room together? It’s “very special” when Odormann interviews you.
1) Moronic conversation
2) Stupid idiotic softball questions
3) Useless topics
4) Nothing learned
5) The stench chokes you
6) You’ll never get that time back
Gotta love it when Ceci Connolly who regularly appears on Fox News is outed for being a Odumba MSM libtardo and making large batches of OdumbaCare kook-aid in 2009. Yet, the leftists here think everyone appearing on Fox News is a right thinking person!
For the most “transparent” sadministration ever Odumba and his disciples sure know how to stonewall.
“Let’s talk about that $10 million. So after 54 years with AFSCME and all your labor experience, why would organized labor flush $10 million down the toilet? It doesn’t mean to make sense to me.” Although when you have Robert Fibbs in any video you need to think about the future implications of his stuttered speech!
Kind of reminds Puddy of what NJ Governor Chris Christie said…
“My argument is not with the teachers in New Jersey. My argument is with the union who collects $730 a year from every teacher in mandatory dues. And if you don’t want to join the union you have to pay 85% of that. It’s like the Hotel California. You can check in any time but you can never leave.
For the teacher’s union $130 million a year. What do they spend that money on? An army of lobbyists in the state house and $6 million on negative advertising against me since March 16th.”
Yep, labor unions taking money from their constituents and wasting it. Kind of like what clueless goober arschloch goatsee “wife’s” union SEIU. They spent over $60 million for Odumba and had to lay off 74 peeps in the head office.
This is only an aberration. In November unions will return to the DUMMOCRAPTIC trough, drink the we need Blanche Lincoln Odumba Kook-aid, and vote for Blanche Lincoln again!
Goldy, Puddy would have expected you to trump this “announcement“. Oh yes it’s the source that causes you heartburn.
The best comment
Please get yourself to a psychiatrist’s office.
Progressive DUMMOCRAPT in action… when the argument fails resort to violence… Of course this will not make the lamestream media sites…
Will the office couch be warm after you leave the office Lee?
Can’t refute truth Lee so a snide ad hominem attack?
Another $1,000,000 of union dues WASTED!
Still reading Media Morons instead of listening to Glenn Beck? Oooooooh the great Boogieman Glenn Beck! Or maybe you’re reading the Huffington Post who really stepped into the horse manure with the rant on the 1919 Rudyard Kipling poem, thinking it was from Glenn Beck… That demonstrates libtardos don’t learn anything useful in NEA schools!
And of course Lee is mute on what a union is doing to this retired warrior.
PuddyCommentary… Yep union extortion. This guy will be fired for not marching to the jackbooted thugs of the MTA! What kind of state law is that; mandatory union thug membership or lose your job? No wonder Gman thinks the way he does! Only in the land of Edward Kennedy!
It looks like the Boner put it where it doesn’t belong. He claims the government should be paying for the oil spill. Now he’s got his own spill to clean up. He’s back peddaling like a drowning rat.
Hey, here’s a little tip for my fellow progs: a mouse with a scroll wheel really helps with those pesky wingnut posts.
Go USA!!
Please, folks, consider cutting Puddy some slack today. It’s quite evident to me that the poor sap is off his meds again. I don’t think it’d be at all fair to pick on a guy in his condition.
Lee sez, “Please get yourself to a psychiatrist’s office.”
To be clear, I don’t consider this to be picking on a medless Puddy. Rather, I see this as Lee simply giving Puddy some very sound advice.
I agree with lostinaseaofblue at #3.
We’re Americans Lee, few give a fuck about soccer. I’ll help you pack if you’d like to move to a country that does. Perhaps they’d have the stoner pothead laws you prefer too. Two birds, one stone and all that happy crap….
You’re correct. I’m imploring Puddy to get some help. I’ve personally met him and I’m genuinely concerned that he’s going to lose his mind and start killing people if he doesn’t get his shit under control.
We’re Americans Lee, few give a fuck about soccer.
Have you been to Qwest Field for a Sounders game, dummy?
Heh. Few “Real Americans” you mean asshole.
Sorry, America is changing right under your feet even if you succeed in loading 11 million people into cattle cars and ship them south.
Which of course will never happen. The culture of greed in this country has made and continues to make too much money from them.
Re 4, 5 and 23
Mainly I was kidding. I find it funny how wound up about soccer some folks get. Though baseball, as a game, beats it hollow. I mean soccer can end in a draw. Haven’t the folks who made up the rules ever heard about overtime? What the heck kind of real sport ends without a winner?
I will say that soccer is to sport what sushi is to food, for me. They’re both okay if bland, but I don’t understand what the fuss is all about.
Re 6
Heretic. Baseball is the great American game. Anyway, I can’t lay out in deck chair by the river with a cold beer and half listen to a football game. That’s why baseball will always be more the game of summer.
BTW, what the heck is with basketball season. Damn thing never ends. Is there any point in the calendar year without basketball?
I actually like both football and baseball (and hockey and soccer) more than I like basketball, but March Madness is the greatest sports tournament in the United States. I think it gets more people who normally don’t pay attention to sports interested more than any other event besides the Super Bowl. And that’s how I’d measure what the greatest is.
Germany for the overall win.
Well said…I agree completely.
NBA basketball is TEH SUK.
I had finally give up on it with the close of the George Karl in Seattle era.
Now days, if I feel the urge to watch a bunch of uneducated thugs bounce a ball around, I can just drive to the central district.
On the other hand, college basketball is the jack-schnizzle…
Check that…I am going with The Netherlands for the win.
Clockwork Orange is BACK.
“I’ve personally met him”
So which actor would you cast to play Puddy, Lee? Not having met him, I non-the-less see him as being played by that guy who played the dopey barber in Barbershop 2, the guy that gave the mayor or whoever that was a partial buzz-cut. Whoever plays him would have to be a really good actor in order to deliver Puddy’s “teh stupid” to the screen.
@18: Why would anyone want to listen to a complete idiot like Glenn Beck?
Ooops – now we know where Puddy gets his disinformation.
I feel sorry for you Puddy – if you think Glenn Beck has anything worthwhile to say then you are even dumber than come across on here.
Then again, I agree mostly with Puddy @7.
Well said Puddy, soccer is the world sport. It can unite people from all over the world and is increasingly popular here. The Sounders certainly outdraw the poor Mariners right now…
“I had finally give up on it with the close of the George Karl in Seattle era.”
I thought the season with Danny Fortson in the lineup was a throwback to the old days. Bottom line, I kept going to games because Ms. Wingnut wanted me to share season tickets with her. And her wish is always my command!
So which actor would you cast to play Puddy, Lee?
Easy, Andre Royo. He was brilliant as Bubbles the heroin addict in The Wire. He could definitely play a paranoid nut with a grossly overinflated view of his own intelligence.
I’ve found some suitably goofy looking pics of Royo on the net. Still, he’s gonna have to really deliver a shitload of ‘teh stupid’ if he’s going to pull this off. So having met him, you figure Puddy to be nuts? Figures. That’s how he comes across here. So Darryl’s wrong and this is no act? Oh my! I’m now amazed that Puddy’s allowed to even walk the streets without being held on a leash by a responsible adult armed with a pooper scooper.
Wow, all the “love” delivered here on this thread is
It’s warms Puddy’s heart seeing how you libtardos are blind to all the things Glenn Beck predicted years ago happening now.
Let’s see some of Glenn’s predictions already true…
1) 2006 Collapse of the Euro due to union workday and pension demands. Greece and Spain have started the slide. Are you blind to the leaders and backers of the recent Greece union riots? Yes you are.
2) 2007 US Debt overtaking US GDP. Happening now.
3) 2007 Gold price skyrocketing as people seeing their savings decimated by deficit spending. Yep gold price hit new record
4) 2007 Hedge funds managers manipulating stock market and hurting the little stock investors. Yep we saw that last month. Soros and his MFA friends did it.
5) 2007 Predicted the M2/M3 measurement of inflation is out of whack due to the over printing of money. Yep during Bush years he was attacking Bush. Somehow your hatred missed that fools.
And Glenn Beck is…………. A best selling author. Yep 5 consecutive best sellers and the lack of NY Times reviews couldn’t stop the juggernaut! And… his OVerton Window book is poised to be his sixth. So yes fools like correctnotright, Lee, Steve Steve Steve, and others you can ridicule Puddy all you want. Puddy will continue to read and listen to someone who makes sense vs. reading about horsecrap and useless swill from Media Matters or TPM or Daily Kos who are cheerleading the movement of America into the same morass Europe is in!
Puddy notices there is no attack on the content placed in the thread above… it’s ad hominem attacks on Puddy and Glenn Beck. This means you can’t refute the facts placed on this thread so all you are left is attacking Puddy. Typical Saul Alinsky tactic – demonize the presenter.
“correctnotright, Lee, Steve Steve Steve, and others you can ridicule Puddy all you want”
Thanks, Puddy! That’s exactly what we’re going to do.
I’m sure that at some point in your life you’ve been to a dark sky site, looked in the direction of the constellation Andromeda and noticed the smudge of light that is the Andromeda galaxy. The Andromeda galaxy is approximately 2.2 million light years from our own Milky Way galaxy. When you looked at the Andomeda galaxy, the photons striking your eyes had completed a journey taking millions of years. How do you you reconcile this with your belief that the earth and the universe are only 6,000 years old?
“demonize the presenter”
When the presenter is a demon, what else are we to do?
The Argentinians are hella crazy ball-handlers. Killer match.
It’s understandable that ties and draws confuse dummies. The concept of long range planning, thinking and strategy is divorced from the conservative ‘me want whole cookie now’ mind-set.
Nope Idris Elba…
Junk-shot is Stringer Bell for sure..
A sucka..
Oh Slingshot,
Sorry, I’d forgotten you were probably one of those kids picked last in school for sports. And you’re a progressive who hates winners at any price.
Didn’t mean to offend someone unacquainted with the concept of winning being a desirable goal.
Please move to Europe. Please. You and all the other progressives. You’d be much happier there. Progressives have already ruined the political and economic structures of most of Europe, so you can’t hurt the place. Yes, when I go to my house in Italy there are that many more bermuda shorts wearing, grin beaming, loud talking Americans talking about how evil the US is, but I’ve gotten quite used to that. Please, please, go to Europe and leave the US to regain it’s place as a decent place to live.
Steve Steve Steve,
You don’t think God continuously creates? You think Big Bang and it all happened? You think God is on vacation now?
Amazing thoughts there Steve Steve Steve
In Canada, for a soccer match, if you win by more than 5 goals YOU LOSE!
Puddy sez,
“You think Big Bang and it all happened?…Amazing thoughts there Steve Steve Steve”
Sigh! Here’s another amazing thought for you. You are insane.
How insane is Puddy, you ask? It’s not just that climate scientists lie to Puddy. For Puddy, science itself is a lie. Astronomers are lying. Cosmologists are lying. Geneticists are lying. Geologists are lying. Biologists are lying. Paleontologists are lying. And that’s not all. You see, for Puddy, science is just one part of a complex commie-fascist plot involving scientists, educators, unions, radical Islamic Mexican Catholics and dirty fucking hippies to enslave humanity in a Godless One World Order!
How crazy is Puddy? He’s really, really fucking crazy.
There he goes again. “It’s a Psych 101 thing” projection. Where has Puddy ever said science is a lie Steve Steve Steve?
Puddy will wait. Grow a pair and have the clueless goober arschloch goatsee search his personal copy of the HA database for you. Maybe he’ll do it pro bone (pun intended) for you!
Steve Steve Steve, Puddy would ask are you this stupid or does it come naturally. Lately it seems it comes naturally!