KGW-TV in Portland had an exclusive report last night about the deadly Dec., 2008 bank bombing in Woodburn, Or., that killed two law enforcement officers and seriously wounded a third. It seems the accused suspects, the father-son duo of Bruce Turnidge and Joshua Turnidge, had been planning (or perhaps “fantasizing” is a more accurate term) about robbing banks ever since 1994.
According to a police affidavit, a family friend, Ronald Laughlin, stated that he heard Bruce, Joshua and another family member who has not been charged in the case “speak so often about robbing banks that it became like ‘white noise’. Often, Laughlin said, they’d “discuss methods of robbery including diversions.”
Laughlin described the men as Constitutionalists and anti-government.
According to investigators, in the summer of 1994, Laughlin recalled meeting Joshua and Bruce Turnidge for lunch in Woodburn.
Witness Joshua Turnidge said “he had called the bank and told them there was a bomb and they were to deliver $20,000 to $40,000 to a construction Port-a-potty.” Laughlin said he watched police arrive at the bank.
How odd they were thinking of that in 1994, the summer of love, er, black helicopters. I can’t find seem to find anything in the Constitution about blowing up banks and killing cops, oddly enough.
The new information makes a statement by Oregon Republican chair Vance Day shortly after the deadly Dec., 2008 bombing even more curious.
And the arrests of two members of the Turnidge family — which decades ago helped start the Salem Academy Christian schools — have left those who know the family incredulous.
“I would be very surprised if Bruce Turnidge was involved in that,” said Vance Day, the Oregon GOP chairman and a Salem attorney who has known brothers Bruce and Pat Turnidge for several years. “I know him to be strong, very pro-American. He doesn’t believe in violence of that sort whatsoever.”
Now, it’s true that there be monsters in the world, and sometimes you think you know people and all that. So I have no problem taking at face value the idea that Day was genuinely stunned. It’s not really clear from press accounts what relationship Day had with the Turnidges. Political leaders meet all sorts of folks, take their money, shake their hand and move on.
Still, WTF? And there’s another family member who was also talking about robbing banks in 1994? Remember, this is a fairly prominent family in Salem. Crazy.
You people gave Bill Ayers a pass, saying everyone makes mistakes. This is the same situation, therefore you must say the exact same thing.
End of discussion.
The quicker these loonies self-destruct, the better. With any luck, they’ll blow themselves up with their homemade bombs before they hurt innocent people, like Bill Ayers’ buddies did.
@1 End of discussion your ass. If you want to post stupid lying shit on a liberal blog, you’d better expect your antics to be the beginning, not end, of the discussion. Ayers was a terrorist who, it so happens, was not a candidate for public office. You lying Republicans, led by your Slimers-in-Chief, Sarah “Sticky Fingers” Palin and John “Compromised Principles” McCain, tried to turn PRESIDENT Barack Obama into Bill Ayers. Good luck with that, voters didn’t buy it, did they? And they’re not buying any of your other horse manure, either. You fuckers are going to be out of power for 100 years! Get used to it. Unfortunately, it will take Democrats that long to clean up your mess.
Most excellent touche!
It is interesting this happened in the cesspool of ELF and ALF terrorists.
But, nuts are everywhere.
We sure see a bunch of ’em here from the Far-Fringe Lunatic Left.
Rog Rabbit has shown himself to be quite unstable. Others threaten physical violence wanting to “call me out”.
I do not condone any of this terrorist bullshit from Left or Right. There is a better way.
@1 No, we gave Obama a pass for working with a guy who, 30+ years after committing crimes he was never convicted for, had become a respected member of his community.
Many of us (myself included) are incredulous that Ayers and his surviving compatriots from Back in the Day are treated like some sort of visionary, vindicated heroes by some of his fellow boomers who should know better. Murder is murder. Period. Ayers has, by all accounts, gone on to lead a productive life — which is great — but he’ll always have that stigma of what he did when he was young. And he should.
But by the same token, we didn’t enthusiastically campaign in 2004 for a man whose then-known war crimes — that is, his intentionally having caused, even at that point, hundreds of thousands of innocent people to die — make Ayers’ foolishness seem like the work of a first-grader. Which, in some ways, it was. GWB went on to a death toll that in Iraq alone rose to over a million people. And you reelected him, made it possible, and cheered on for years. So stop whining about Ayers.
Employers Are Bastards Dep’t
In case you aren’t aware of it, a developer is building condos, shops, and offices on top of the arsenic-polluted Asarco smelter site in Tacoma. (What’s wrong with this picture? But that’s another story. This comment is about employer abuse of workers.)
The concrete contractor is being investigated for telling Latino laborers who weren’t trained in how to work safely around arsenic to use the badges of employees who did get the training.
The state had already fined the contractor for not warning workers about the arsenic on the site, and fined them again for withholding medical test results from the workers.
The key evidence against the contractor is a YouTube video produced by the carpenters union in which 3 laborers describe what the employer did. State investigators substantiated what the laborers said. Now the feds have opened an investigation of the contractor for retaliating against the laborers, and for intimidating other workers against joining a union.
Meanwhile, the developer told reporters the allegations against the contractor are just “dirty tricks” by the union.
The union says they want the developer “to hire contractors that pay a living wage, a family wage, and support worker safety.”
If anyone ever needed a union, these bastards’ employees do. And if anyone ever needed to be watched by government regulators, these bastards do.
I’m sure glad I don’t have to work for someone like that! In fact, I’m glad I don’t have to work at all. Work is not only a big hassle, it can wreck your health, and our GOP-written tax laws tax the shit out of wages. So I prefer to make money by flipping assets and pay a third of the taxes that people who work and produce something do. It doesn’t make sense to be productive under the screwy tax system we have in this country.
It’s a fact that many liberals defended and excused Bill Ayers, saying things like: “Nobody was killed.” My only point is, if that’s the standard, then these guys down in Oregon must be excused for what they did, because … nobody was killed.
So, liberals, are you consistent in your logic, or does opinion change depending on whether or not the bomber is a liberal or conservative?
@4 “Rog Rabbit has shown himself to be quite unstable. Others threaten physical violence wanting to ‘call me out’.”
Cynical, if you’re insinuating that I’ve threatened you with physical violence, please send my lawyer an address where a process server can contact you.
It appears Cynical contracted syphilis from fucking goats and his brain is rotting.
I can see we’re going to have some fun in this thread.
Everything old is new again. Brisk gun sales. A new printing of “The Turner Diaries”. Militias forming to play army in the hills. Knocking off the odd bank to fund “the revolution”. Black helicopters…
It’s like 1992 again with the unhinged right. Those middle aged white guys are angrier than ever.
These wingnut bloviaters love to spew about so-called “leftist” nut groups like ELF but it’s freaks on the right who are threatening civil war, disrupting military funerals, and bombing banks. Go figure.
When you get right down to it, the philosophy and tactics of groups like ELF bear a striking resemblance to rightwing fascism.
@7 Bill Ayers and his pals were criminals. So are the rightwing nuts in Oregon. Any questions?
@11 I’m not worried. They’re a lot more likely to shoot themselves or each other than us. Any military recruiter would laugh at these potbellied jackasses if they ever tried to sign up for a real war. Not that they ever would. Those guys talk about patriotism way more than they practice it. They’re all hat, no cattle.
And what’s that about those “war games” Glen Beck is playing on Faux News?
It’s too nutty.
Geov wrote:
I applaud you. Best comment ever from a lefty on Terrorist Bill Ayers. But you left out the libtard MSM who praised him. Yet during the 2008 fall political finger typing exercise, I don’t remember you saying this on the HA blog. Can you show us where this was? Google link perhaps?
So why now the epiphany? Obama is now in The House and so I can be honest now? Come on! REAL People stand up to be counted when the heat is on. Sadly you were missing in action.
troll moves from “some say” to “many defend”
But still no facts.
Let me explain what a “Constitutionalist” is. They’re people who can barely read who selectively intrepret the Constitution to make it seem to say what they want to say. What little comprehension skills they have came from looking at comic books. As a government lawyer I had correspondence from these idiots land on my desk every day. Believe me, they’re the stupidest people on the planet, bar none. Most fourth-graders have a better understanding of law and government than they do. Hell, I’ve met bricks who are smarter than them. We don’t have to worry about these nuts. They couldn’t figure out how to shoot a gun if their lives depended on it.
@18 He’s referring to himself, of course.
@ 17- Right after you call out those on the right advocating violence against the government, and after you show your links opposing the slanders against Obama, Pud.
The HUH moment of the day comes from Pelletizer. Most of the time these HUH moments do.
GOP? Who is adding 1.75 Trillion to the debt this year?
@7 spews;
“It’s a fact that many liberals defended and excused Bill Ayers, saying things like: “Nobody was killed.” My only point is, if that’s the standard, then these guys down in Oregon must be excused for what they did, because … nobody was killed.”
‘Nobody was killed’ if you discount the lives of the two police officers who died trying to disarm the bomb in Oregon. What is your point again?
@6 Off topic but – I haven’t looked at a map of Tacoma in a long time but the ASARCO smelter was located in Rusten, a square mile town in the middle of Tacoma consisting only of the smelter and its 500′ tall smoke stack. Tacoma had no say, no taxation, no nothing (except a retched smell), as ASARCO dumped megatons of arsenic and other foul things on the city and beyond. For instance, vegetable gardening on south Vashon and Maury Island wasn’t a very good idea then and probably isn’t still. Neither was letting your kids play outside. “Don’t play in the dirt!!! In 1970 ASARCO, after years of complaint, offered up a solution. They would build a taller, 1000′ stack, promising that the added height would disperse the arsenic over a broader area. Imagine. A smoke stack higher than the tallest skyscraper in Seattle. This went down the tubes as eventually did the existing stack. ASARCO is gone but all these years later the arsenic remains as their legacy.
22 – Who doubled the national debt since 2001? How much was that? 5 trillion?
Not that that has anything to do with taxes which are scheduled to rise on the rich in the 2010/2011 time frame just as the chimp signed into law back in 2001.
Thankfully. We have to pay for GOP misgovernance somehow.
K, do you understand chronology? Puddy asked Geov first. Only Jesus Christ can answer a question with a question.
Remember the other thread where you asked me about CO2 in the oceans? Well, I’m still waiting for that IPCC response first.
Good and valiant try K. Go get some “pet treats” from you HA masters.
Wow knuckle dragging clueless village idiot…
Again as always you missed the point so let me explain it again…
Who is known as the tax and spend party knuckle dragging clueless village idiot? Google it fool.
Steve @24: name me a thread Pelletizer doesn’t leave the reservation?
Wait a minute…
I can see it coming…
The Topic of this thread is…
See another Pavlov’s Dog.
Hey Stupes. Entertain us with your famous Al Gore dance:
Reality just has that tendency to cave in the heads of right wingers.
If anybody sided with the Weathermen it was only fellow travelers of the extremist lunatic variety. They were in the same league as the Symbionese Liberation Army and other nutcases of the day. Today’s ELF can probably count their supporters with the fingers of one hand. It is interesting that, in this thread, only Cynical comes remotely close to condemning these right-wing nutcases. However, he does so by elevating the likes of ELF as some sort of accepted left-wing movement. They’re not. And Geov, who the hell are you talking about with the “boomers” comment? Nobody defends them that I know of. I see the handful of remaining ELF extremists as standing condemned and isolated as the extremists they are.
See pud, I do not accept your demands I follow your rules, answer your questinos befoer you answer mine. And you use that as a comfortable dodge.
I know you freely discount science, but chemical equilibria are processes which cannot be denied. More CO2, leads to more HCO3-, which by definition increases acidity.
And one more point, pud, I do not hang on your every word on this blog. I do not keep files on your “wisdom”. Quite often I have better things to do than engage in your pointless blabber.
And this is what I see from IPCC:
“Global atmospheric concentrations of carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have increased markedly as a result of human activities since 1750 and now far exceed pre-industrial values determined from ice cores spanning many thousands of years (see Figure SPM.1). The global increases in carbon dioxide concentration are due primarily to fossil fuel
use and land use change, while those of methane
and nitrous oxide are primarily due to agriculture.”
Gee your silly party’s record is to spend on shitty wars and pork for Republican constituencies and cut taxes while you’re doing it. That’s grown up for sure.
And it was rejected last Nov 4.
Obama said in his last speech he’s seen 2 trillion dollars of spending that can be cut over the next 10 years. I need to see the details but that’s the kind of grown up talk I like to hear.
So K by your admission you are running away again like always. Thanks for proving my point.
And to your comment regarding discounting science, I believe in God’s science. Nuff SAID sucka.
As needed the comment from HAs clueless village idiot@29 is ignored as not germane to this argument.
So HAs clueless village idiot doesn’t get he just eviserated Pelletizer’s comment…
You proved my point fool!
I believe chemistry is God’s science, as is biology, physics and astromomy.
And I do not run, you do not engage in honest, productive exchanges so I stop wasting my time. I do believe you do this for your personal amusement, and to get a riase out of others. Good for you. I do not need to play.
I will shortly go to more productive activites. Call it running if you like.
And you cited IPCC. What do you think of their quoted text?
@28 I don’t keep score of the rabbit’s comments though he was off track early here @6. I know that I am guilty of seldom sticking to a thread topic. I see an attempt this week by our HA “moderators” to keep things on topic for at least the early part of the comments which I’ll try to respect.
35 – LMAO!!
Something is happening and you don’t know what it is. Do you?
Mr. Stupes?
Run away to your now.
36 – Pfffft.. Bullshit..
People who work and sweat are taxed at a higher rate than those who have the good fortune to live off the fat of their wealth.
That’s true in this State. That’s true in the nation at large. Who’s been in charge more or less since Raygun?
Dr NotRight and Puddy had this conversation over a month ago. Look up the scientific inspection of the Antarctica ice core samples. See the levels of CO2 rise without man being involved.
Puddy realizes Puddy has to repeat what Puddy argued for people like you K because some scientific facts which are cruel to your argument are ignored.
clueless village idiot#41, show us the facts from government web sites where Republicans raised taxes on the working stiffs…otherwise you are lying as always. That’s what Pelletizer said which, of course, you don’t comprehend.
@17 Puddinghead, repeat after me until you get it:
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers
Barack Obama is not Bill Ayers …
43 – Raygun raised taxes on the middle class and cut them for the rich. This is a fact.
Raygun’s first big tax cut was so irresponsible, he was shamed into raising taxes 5 or 6 times after that but the rich still had breaks they couldn’t dream of before 1980.
Capital gains taxes have been cut over the years. Right wingers said this would be greatest thing since sliced bread. Look where we are now.
Wages are taxed at a higher rate than wealth. It should be the other way around.
@22 “Who is adding 1.75 Trillion to the debt this year?”
That would be the people who created the mess that now has to be cleaned up, and you and I both know who those people are, putz.
@27 Uh, it works like this, pudnuts. Your boy chimp increased spending by 12% a year while cutting taxes for 1% of the population and the rest of us had to eat the worst inflation since Nixon-Ford. Inflation is a tax, get it? You Republicans increased spending, took the concept of Big Government to a whole new level, wasted taxpayer money like drunken sailors, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and slapped inflation taxes on the struggling working and middle classes. We held a national referendum on your party’s policies back in November and the American people told you on their ballots what they think of you. Any questions?
@42 Still an apologist for polluters? Where do you think all our CO2 goes, puddinghead? Into outer space?
I never cease to be amazed by people who put ignorance on a pedestal and pretend lying is respectable.
Pelletizer@44, sorry you missed the point. I excuse you due to oxygen processing issues.
Man what a US Consitutional fool HAs clueless village idiot.
No the Democratic congress did fool.
More from the US Consitutional fool HAs clueless village idiot.
Remember the gasoline tax increase of 1993? Thomas P. Tip O’Neill made a deal which was a total lie. Please let the Congress raise taxes and we’ll also cut spending. From John Conyers own words “Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill collaborated to raise Social Security taxes”.
Right wing, patriot Christian gun nuts aren’t expected to be violent? Jesus, what is Oregon’s GOP chair smoking??
Some here are annoyed by the anti-social rantings of Puddy, Troll and Mr. Cynical. I feel otherwise. Look at their psychotic HA stalking as a means to let off steam. So they won’t go on one of these broken/defeated/disgruntled middle aged white guy shooting sprees.
Also, I am totally for suicide-murder as a way for the right wing patriot to get rid of his demons. It’s the murder-suicide sprees I have a problem with. But the murder-suicide fits right wing patriot ideology like a glove: they blame everybody else for their own personal failings and failures.
Last post before I leave for more productive activities. Pud, the issue is not whether there have been tempurature or CO2 fluctuations due to natural events in the past. There most certainly have been. The point which has strong censensus support in the fact-based scientific community is that scince the industrial revelotion, human activities have been overlaid upon those natural cycles. Once again, you divert from the point.
Gotta go.
It’s Raygun’s signature on the legislation fool. It was Republican Greespan’s commission.
If he was such a great defender of the middle class he could have used his veto power. Like Truman said – the buck stops here.
You keep making that stupid argument.
And I wonder if you’ll say Congress cut taxes in ’81 not Raygun?
Wonders never cease.
@52: According to Puddy, congress does everything except when it is something he wants – then it is the President.
Quit hiding behind your limited understanding or view of the constitution and ADMIT that republican Presidents have led to the largest budget deficits in history and that Clinton CUT the deficit and ran a surplus.
Republicans cannot be trusted with our (my) tax money. Period.
This is why the republican excuse machine gets a bad name.
Dr NotRight, Puddy is quoting the rules of the US Constitution. It is you and clueless village idiot who can’t process truths. We saw what happened in 1995 when Clinton didn’t get his way on the budget for discretionary increases. He pouted and shut down the government. The libtard press didn’t report the truth. Told America Gingrich was cutting school lunch programs when the Republican congress was cutting the automatic rate from 8% to 5%. Lying media.
Federal revenues increased over the budget by $632 Billion from 1993-1998 when taxes were kept down.
Also, the tax revenues were greater than the money spent. We all know this Dr NotRight.
Go read my thread with Gordon. Here are more facts with you which will get lost in that vacuous cranial orifice.
“Clinton’s Record of Obstructing Deficit Elimination and Tax Reduction
Since 1995, standing between Republicans and achieving a balanced budget was the President. For more than two years, President Clinton has blocked all of the Republicans’ efforts to eliminate the deficit and reduce taxes.
* Prior to Republicans assuming control of Congress in 1995, President Clinton refused to embrace even the idea of a balanced budget.
* Clinton’s first three budgets — released in 1993, 1994, and 1995 (for FYs 1994, 1995, and 1996 respectively), left deficits of $241.4 billion, $201.2 billion, and $194 billion by his own estimation (which CBO scored at $228.5 billion, $206.2 billion, and $276 billion respectively).
* Clinton’s first budget called for an astronomical tax hike of $220 billion that Democrats in Congress increased to $240 billion.
* The President vetoed the Republicans’ balanced budget in 1995 — a budget that would have cut taxes. Not until election year 1996 did he even aspire to balance, producing a budget that left an $81 billion deficit in its final year. His budget this year left a $69 billion deficit.”
This was the year he shut down America’s federal activities.
Please refute this Dr NotRight. You can ask the HA pet knuckle dragger to help you.
If you correctly word your comment and tell the truth from the government’s sites Puddy will agree. Until then Puddy won’t.
See ya.
Dr NotRight direct from your bestus bud Dan Rather…
“President William Jefferson ‘Bill’ Clinton making his first address to a joint session of Congress, an address of about one hour in duration, including frequent applause. The plan, to review and quickly summarize, is a mixture of about $246 billion in tax increases and $253 billion in spending cuts over four years. The president underscored that in his opinion if his program goes through, it will represent one of the greatest real spending cuts by an American president ever. If the tax increases go through, it will represent one of the biggest tax increases in history. The president saying he does not believe the country has a choice, that it absolutely must change direction.
–Dan Rather February 17, 1993.
But wait… Puddy lied per Dr NotRight…
Do you mean like this obama voting acorn representative that believes it is a “right” to own a home?
And let’s not forget they defended the relationship between obama and ayers and not being of any importance.
Yet the same left-wingnuts linked a single person in a crowd of mcsame voters to the mcsame campaign and all republicans.
I did not have sex with that woman.
Are the democratics in congress the adult version of the tweens waiting hours in line for the jonas brothers?
After all, is it really bad to sit waiting in a seat for 8 or 12 hours only for the chance to touch the hand of the obama?
Good thing that obama won the political version of american idol…
Now the world will view america differently.
Like those that didn’t protest before will now protest.
The supermarkets targeted were all Swedish, but sell American goods
Three supermarkets have been destroyed and a fourth damaged in central Sweden in what police say might have been a series of anti-American arson attacks.
@7; “the deadly Dec., 2008 bank bombing in Woodburn, Or., that killed two law enforcement officers and seriously wounded a third.”
Seriously, if these people are guilty they must be dumber than a bag of bricks. Planning/fantasizing since 1994 and this is the best they can come up with? FUBAR.
The obama wants his followers to keep an eye on his enemies.
Even if that means children turning in their parents.
Again you are the master at missing the point.
Under Reagan and Bush the deficit went up to record levels. the president (in case you forgot) has the power of the veto. If Reagan and Bush opposed budget deficits, they could have vetoed them. they did not. In fact, conservatives have said many times that Reagan “proved” that budget deficits donot matter:
Here is Paul O’Neill describing Bush and the tax cuts:
Yup, even Bush knew that they were creating huge deficits – but Rove and Cheney wanted to reward their rich buddies.
Your lies about Bush not being responsible for the deficit are just that – lies. They knew what they were doing. They knew they were creating the largest deficit in history by lying us into Iraq and then cutting taxes on the rich twice.
Only a fool and a moron would argue otherwise. which are you Puddy?
Stamn – thanks for showing us what an idiot you are 24/7.
Do you ever have anything worthwhile to say? I have yet to see it.
Dr Not Right:
And I said under Reagan the Democratic Congress lied to him. He agreed to additional spending when Tip O’Neill said he would cut spending. O’Neill lied. Oh wait a minute… that doesn’t count in Dr NotRight’s eyes. Under Clinton, the Democratic allowed him to create large deficits. Under Clinton the republican Congress forced him to balance the budget. What part of facts don’t you understand. He vetoed the 1995 balance budget proposal. And the GREAT DOCTOR NotRight forgets he is the master of fact deflection.
Under Bush the Republican Congress lost their spendthrift ways under Clinton led by Ted Stevens which I said to Gordon in another thread. If you remember Bush and Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy pushed the 400 Billion Prescription Drug Benefit? Remember the $22.5 billion No Child Left Behind Act Bush and Kennedy put together and then Kennedy says the program sucks after they agreed to it?Oh wait a minute… that doesn’t count in Dr NotRight’s eyes. Under Bush the Democratic Congress started spending again. Can you say $750 Billion TARP1 Bill composed by I Don’t Pay Taxes Charles Rangel and I Liked my Low VIP Interest Rate House Loan Chris Dodd? Can you say $13 Billion GM and Chrysler bailout?
CNR – 69 proves Stupes is so brainwashed by bullshit it’s too sad.
There’s no reasoning with the fool.