The other day Fox News smeared Sen. Barack Obama, implying that the Indonesian elementary school he attended as a six-year-old was an Islamic madrassa. Fox chose to repeat this pile of right-wing bullshit, without any confirmation or further investigation. But not CNN.
Wolf Blitzer righteously smacks down his cable “news” rivals:
“CNN did what any serious news organization is supposed to do in this kind of a situation… actually investigate and learn the facts.”
Yep, they actually sent a reporter to Indonesia and reported the truth, because unlike FOX, CNN considers itself a “serious news organization.” You can view the clip here.
“the Indonesia”? Are there more than one?
It’s not News it’s Faux!!!
You been busy today Bitch lookin for mo money eh…
Faux News is only there to spread lies, distortions, and rumors, along with 24/7 Natalie Holloway type stories. Any investigation at all would prove the “opinions” they spew are baseless.
Just like the other day when I watched Hannity saying they did find WMD’s in Iraq. Maybe Sean should tell Bush. Bush said they did not find any…..
God if only it was a crime to lie to viewers…..
Perhaps someone should seriously question/demand the source behind this Fox News report? I’m guessing it originated from Karl Rove’s office, but they won’t admit it.
Rove is already working on his smear campaign against any viable Democratic candidate. His goal is to damage them with a thousand pin-pricks of unsusbtantiated allegations. He wins when the major news media begins to introduce any news story about the candidate as “…the controversial Democratic candidate…”
Typical Rovian strategy. Tell a lie. Then when the lie is refuted, argue that it is a “controvery”. Then argue that the candidate is too “controversial” to be elected. In short, Rove wants to exercise veto power over any Democratic candidate, selecting only the weakest to run in 2008.
If KKKarl Rove wants to exercise this kind of control, perhaps we should start a “Draft Jeff Gannon/James Guckert” Republican Hooker for President movement. . . .
I am Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I’m not being a family man (fat whore) or a crying hypocrit. Hail Hitler!
Score one for Wolf, but that “CNN Hummer” they’ve been headlining on their web page is the six-year hum job Bush got from Wolf and his colleagues.
I dunno, is there such a thing as an “indonesium”?
Olbermann went after what he is now calling Fox Nothing Channel tonight too. Pleasure to watch Keith beat the crap out of O’Liely
Wolf Blitzer righteously smacks down his cable “news” rivals:
“CNN did what any serious news organization is supposed to do in this kind of a situation… actually investigate and learn the facts.”
Yes indeedy. I hope CNN pays attention to the subscript used back then or they will found out.
Folks it looks like change in Iran in the near future, but will they give the credit to President Bush or Nancy Polanski?
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is facing increased opposition within his nation’s hierarchy and could be toppled in the near future, according to two experts on Iran.
In an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times, Dariush Zahedi, who teaches in the departments of political economy and peace and conflict studies at the University of California-Berkeley, and Omid Memarian, an award-winning Iranian journalist, write: “The Bush administration’s decision to step up pressure against Iran by going after Iranian agents inside Iraq, coupled with the Islamic Republic’s increasing economic and diplomatic isolation, have pushed conservatives inside Iran to further distance themselves from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.”
According to the authors, 50 members of the Iranian parliament have signed a letter calling on Ahmadinejad to appear before the parliament to explain his actions, and Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has reportedly given parliament the right to criticize Ahmadinejad’s performance.
“Coupled with the country’s deteriorating economy, these developments could push Ahmadinejad’s opponents to replace him with a less doctrinaire politician,” according to the two experts.
They point to several factors that are putting pressure on the Iranian president, including:
• Ahmadinejad was humiliated by the results of municipal elections in December – about 90 percent of his allies lost.
• Pragmatists among Iran’s leaders feel that Ahmadinejad’s sponsorship of a Holocaust denial conference in Tehran and his repeated threats to wipe out Israel have convinced China and Russia to vote for United Nations sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program.
• Ahmadinejad’s policy of deficit spending to boost the economy has stoked inflation, and the prices of some basic foodstuffs have soared 25 percent.
• The U.S.-led campaign to dry up financing for Iran’s oil and gas and other industrial projects will further increase the country’s economic troubles.
“From the conservatives’ point of view, blaming a single individual who can easily be restrained or even removed for all that ails Iran could avert a legitimacy crisis for the system,” Zahedi and Memarian write.
“Parliament can impeach Ahmadinejad, or the supreme leader can remove him. Short of that, a stern lecture from Khamenei could force Ahmadinejad to temper his words and play a less visible role.”
They add, however, that a U.S. military strike against Iran’s nuclear installations “would surely give new life to Ahmadinejad’s militant faction, enabling him to rally the masses behind the flag, compel his conservative critics to close ranks behind him and crush the remnants of Iran’s liberal civil society and democratic movement.”
What are you raggin’ Fox news for?
This came out of the Clinton camp.
I wonder how many unnamed sources CNN will dig up on this. heehehe
Barack Hussein Obama (Jr) was born in Honolulu , Hawaii , to Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (black muslim) of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District , Kenya , and Ann Dunham of Wichita , Kansas (white atheist ). Obama’s father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a radical Muslim who migrated from Kenya to Jakarta , Indonesia . He met Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham—a white atheist from Wichita , Kansas—at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Obama, Sr. and Dunham divorced when Barack, Jr. was two and his father returned to Kenya .
His mother married Lolo Soetoro — another Muslim — moving to Jakarta with Obama when he was six years old. Within six months young Obama had learned to speak the Indonesian language. Obama spent “two years in a Muslim school, then two more in a Catholic school” in Jakarta
Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim while admitting that he was “once a Muslim,” mitigating that damning information by saying that, for two years, he also attended a Catholic school. Obama’s spinmeisters are now attempting to make it appear that Obama’s introduction to Islam came from his father (omitting the stepfather’s influence) and that his father’s influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya immediately following the divorce and never again had any direct influence over his son’s education.
However, Obama’s stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, greatly and directly influenced the education of his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta ‘s Wahabbi schools. (Wahabbism is the most radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad on the industrialized world.)
Since it is politically expedient to be a Christian when you are seeking political office in the United States , Obama joined the United Church of Christ to help purge any notion that he is still a Muslim.
This smear also was published by Insight (the Moonie-cult newspaper Washington Times’ on-line magazine) and broadcast by right-wing hate-talk host Glenn Beck. And, of course, the first-graders on Free Republic are plastering it all over the comment threads of America’s premiere hate-blog.
Here’s the link to CNN’s story calling BULLSHIT on these rightwing liars:’s “Urban Legends” web page also is on the case:
Next time a wingnut complains about liberal incivility, would someone please kick him in the nuts? We need to bitch-slap these lying punks every chance we get, until they’re down and bleeding.
@6 The gopers don’t need a tute candidate, they’ve already got a pornstar candidate …
Well, well, well. Guess whose approval rating has hit 28%.
No fair guessing MTWR, Flake, Anti-American or any of the other reactionary trolls who post here.
@13 Hey that’s original — Insight spreads a lie about Obama, then when they’re caught redhanded, they blame the lie on Clinton! (snicker)
@14 Sorry, Da-the-lying-wingnut-poser, you fuckwads got caught dead-to-rights this time!
@15 How can you tell when a wingnut is lying? Easy, his lips are moving.
Idiot Bob @13,
Um… Insight was Fox’s source for this bullshit story. So even though they’ve been proven dead wrong on the story itself, you’re going to smugly cite them as the source for saying this crap originated from the Clinton camp?
Only in the twisted right-wing media world would that even begin to make sense.
Roger Rabbit says:
@14 Sorry, Da-the-lying-wingnut-poser, you fuckwads got caught dead-to-rights this time!
01/22/2007 at 10:01 pm
Sheesh. The left really must have a good source with talk like this. Hell maybe even a 85+ year old secretary who actually knows her own name. hehehehe
lapin @ 17:
Damn, oh furriest one. That linky thingy sent me to a website where some ugly KlUnt, with styrofoam tits, thinks she somehow resembles Marilyn Monroe (nee Norma Jean Dougherty).
This is almost as psychotic as Bu$h xliii thinking he somehow resembles a President.
Bummer, man.
“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” -Mark Twain (1835 – 1910), (attributed)
Sucks to be OsamaObamawhateverTedtheDrunk calls him.
Ted Kennedy, mistakenly referring to Barack Obama as Osama bin…Osama Obama…Obama what” last year.… then of course that great big lauded professional Wolfie Blitzed did it TOO!
Sucks to be OsamaObamawhateverTedtheDrunk/BlitzedCNNWolfie calls him.
Ted Kennedy, mistakenly referring to Barack Obama as Osama bin…Osama Obama…Obama what” last year.
Where’s Obama?
I am so tired of your shit.
Fuck you. You are the pussy of all pussies. No backbone. Sign your name. Stand up and be counted.
Did I mention that you should go fuck yourself?
Go fuck yourself, asshole!
Believe it or not, Anti-Liberal performs a useful function here on HA. Merely by being the antithesis of a liberal, Anti-Liberal shows us what liberals really are.
Anti-Liberal is bitter, which makes sense, since liberals are pleasant.
Anti-Liberal is boring, which makes sense, because liberals are interesting.
Anti-Liberal is tedious, which makes sense, because liberals are charming.
Anti-Liberal is hateful, which makes sense, because liberals are tolerant.
Anti-Liberal is shunned and despised, which makes sense, because liberals are welcomed and giving.
Yes, the more I see of Anti-Liberal, the happier I am to be a liberal.
Auntieliberal, Daddy says you give the best head around! Wspecially when you’re drunk. Like Daddy and me is now
For Klake @ 12,
I think the Iranian people would get credit for bringing Ahmadinejad to heel. He was elected on a platform of helping the working-class in Iran, especially towards alleviating what was (and still is) a pretty unequal economic system. His anti-American & anti-Israeli postitions were known, but they were not the main plank of his campaign.
From what I have seen in the international media, his economic policies have been largely unsuccessful. So while his diatribes against Israel and the West are undoubtebly sincere, they are nonetheless a distraction from his failed domestic policies.
And while Ahmadinejad is resolute in making Iran a nuclear power, the likelihood is that he won’t be there to reap its metaphoric whirlwind. He’s up for re-election in 2009, and the smart money says Iran is still about 10 years away from possessing nuclear weapons.
The sad thing is that the Bushies have played into Ahmadinejad’s hands with their threats. But to give them credit, ignorance would’ve been just as bad a reaction.
But I doubt either Bush or Pelosi will be in postions of power when the Iranian people either vote (or kick) Ahmadinejad out of office, or eventually come to the realization that the Islamic Revolution has played itself out and run the mullahs out once and for all.
While you Moonbat!s fawn allover each other I travel to the UK to determine what is truth.
Just for you Clueless/YLB – Here is what was found from a libtard Moonbat! UK MSM paper.
“A source close to the Clinton campaign told The Times, a day before the Insight article was published, that they do not want to be seen as attacking Mr Obama or digging for dirt, but that they would be happy for another Democrat contender to criticise him.”,,11069-2557001,00.html
BTW: I don’t trust media morons or motherjones news. Want the skinny? See if the libtard foreign papers carry the story.
Once again research Moonbat!s, research. As the truth comes out CNN will be proven to be the Clinton News Network of 2007 & 2008!
Mark Steyn can always serve up a funny
Obama IS the Anti-Christ.
Does anyone think this Obama guy is going to get the Democratic nomination in 2008? He has no chance against Her Highness, Hillary.
One can always tell when the leftjew has his pink panties knotted around his little pistachios.
I’m glad to provide the service that outs him, that inflames him, that reveals his true nature.
How does it feel to be stereotypically predictable, leftjew?
Are your little pistachios red or green… or pasty white?
Kiss your Auntie, little leftjew….
Apparently you misunderstood. The only thing knotted around here is your brain. The only item inflamed here is your exaggerated sense of self-importance and relevance.
Typical for you. So, here is the last post that will be addressed to you.
You trade on hate and ignorance, most likely because you were rejected by your mother at an early stage in your life. Who knew the lack of breast feeding and bonding could be so crucial in ones development, or lack thereof?
Anyway auntieliberal/JCH, you just keep posting right along. I would welcome the chance to meet you in person, but barring that, this is adieu.
Fuck you, you fucking hateful fuck of a fucking fuck-up.
My Left Foot says: Fuck you, you fucking hateful fuck of a fucking fuck-up.
You can keep asking, but the answer is STILL, “No thanks, shriveled pasty white pistachios just don’t appeal to me.”
ps, thanks again for so aptly proving me RIGHT, little and too easily inflamed leftjew. It may well be the only thing in your life that provides a meager semblance of satisfaction to someone else.
Hey Puddy, you’re reading this thread.
Did you ever go to Indonesia? Did all the Mooooslims in Jakarta scare you to death?
I’ll leave the fact-checking to Snopes and Blitzer. Indonesia is Muslim like Canada is Catholic. Yes, there’s a lot of them. Nobody is very serious about it. Pray now and then, don’t eat too much pig, don’t drink too much booze, and everything will work out fine.
Enough Fox. If we start to focus on the more important, then there will be less fighting. According to the Borgen Project it costs only $19 billion annually to end global hunger. Now that’s something we should sink our teeth into.
Back about 1980 or 1981, I usd to think that CNN was a decent organization. During that period, CNN had an anchor on named Bernard Shaw. What impressed me about him was that he recognized he was not the story and told the viewers that. He was the messenger only, worthy of no more fame than the average postman.
Most media guys, including those at Fox, have become celebrities (at least in their own minds) and forget that their job is to report and not promote an agenda. Sadly, America’s “journalist” are mere lobbyists for their causes.
Let me get this straight. Anti-liberal posted that story about Mr. Obama’s religion and schooling here, then bragged that he knows that it’s a lie, but is applauding those that are continuing to tell it? (See posts number 15 and 26)
He’s even bragging that the truth will not be able to overtake the lie? He’s admitting that the neo-con leadership are knowingly and deliberatly lying about Mr. Obama to smear him with people he apparently thinks are too stupid or lazy or brainwashed to check on the information?
Of course, he knows that everyone here already knows it’s a lie, so the admission isn’t likely to do much more than annoy a bunch of us, so I suppose that the admission isn’t much more than an “in your face” from the far right.
I’ve often suspected that along with being a miserable coward, that anti-liberal was a deliberate liar. Oddly enough, one of the first times he tells the truth is when he confirms it.
Ok, I understand. Even the wingnuts don’t really believe that garbage they spew. They just have such a low opinion of the intelligence of the voters that they really do believe that they can continue to tell the most outrageous lies and get away with it.
And anti-liberal is just a worthless liar and coward.
Please, anti-liberal, take it personally. You are now an admitted deliberate liar. You are a coward, like most of your ilk, unwilling to even put your own name to the deliberate lies you spew. More, you’re also a failure, as people have proven that they can see through the facade and recognize the lies. No, not everyone, but enough.
Liar, coward, failure. Sucks to be you.
I actually feel sorry for you, you pitiful little scum. If I don’t feel like soiling my eyes with your tripe, I can just turn off my computer. I can turn off the filth that fills your skull and spills over onto your keyboard.
You can’t.
Ouch! oooh! ahhh… oh baby, it hurts sooo good!
ps, that’s me laughing at you
“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” -Mark Twain (1835 – 1910), (attributed)
Fox Nothing Channel realizes that the only people still watching are the inbred baby raping morons like Klake, Anti-Liberal and Puddybutt. So they’ve done away with all pretext of being an actual news channel.
A madrassa is a graduate or college-level school. Obama is very smart, but at six, he probably wasn’t working at college levels.
As for the lie that this claim came from Senator Clinton, well that’s the tip of the ice berg for these cum drunk assholes. They’ll tell every lie that they can think of about her in hopes someone is stupid enough to believe it. Not one shred of evidence exists to prove that this came from Clinton. We know where it came from, it came from Drudge et al.
I think it’s time we came up with our own system for generating outrageous lies about the GOP candidates. Oh wait, no need to lie. They’re genuinely a real-life bunch of crooks, cooks, cowards and cunts. So just telling the truth about them will suffice.
18 – Approval rating means nothing. Give me a question to ask, and I can find the area code to poll to get the desired results. And we all know it…
And the only reason Balack Obama is such a rock star is because he is black. Everyone wants to show suport to him in public because they don’t want to be considered a racist. You are acting like unprejudiced discriminators, acting “unprejudiced” but you are “discriminators.”
He has less experience than Pres GWB did, and look at the hate you throw to him….
Unprejudiced discriminators – persons who may have no personal prejudice but still engage in discriminatory behaviour because of PEER-GROUP PREJUDICE or economic, POLITICAL, or social interests. (emphasis added)
Look it up! I don’t make this stuff up..
Like I said, every time Anti-Liberal shows up, it makes me feel better about being a liberal. If a sociopath of that standing hates everything I stand for, I must be doing something right.
Can someone explain auntieliberal/JCH’s facination with “pistachios”? Am I missing something?
Congratulations to leftjew who excels as grand marshall of the parade of prattling liberal inanity and irrelevance.
But of course, you know what they say: “The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of its behind.”
It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth (or use your keyboard) and prove it.
He was 6 years old for pete’s sake! Who cares?
Just goes to show how many hate mongers there are out there.
Well, auntie, for myself I would prefer not to watch the monkey from underneath.
Not only is there nothing really exciting (to me) in watching a monkey’s butt, but there is a certain hazard involved in observing from that position.
Which is exactly what happened to most of your candidates in the last election.
In answer to your quote, let me give you another one.
“You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”
A. Lincoln, 1809 – 1865
In summary. Anti-liberal: Liar, coward, loser.
Sucks to be you.
CNN??? good grief! are you kidding? the network that was working “with” saddam and in so doing got alot of people killed? just so they could get the story first? that irresponsible network?
goldy…you have to be the head of the only group that takes anything they say seriously…..”fools-R-us”
maybe you should do more thinking and less drinking, hmmmmmmm?
Ok, christmasghost, I’ve checked the references, and by their own admission, CNN refrained from reporting some of the worst atrocities they saw in Saddam’s Iraq.
There was this little thing about having their people tortured that held them back. I’m not sure I agree with their decision, but then again, we aren’t talking about my family and friends being tortured.
That being said, they went to Indonesia (which Faux News did not bother to do) learned what kind of school it was (also no attempt to check by Faux News) and reported the facts which are also available for Faux News and any other news agency, should they wish to dispute CNN’s account. I note that they are not doing so.
Yes, I’ll take CNN’s account as factual.
I also note that you aren’t bothering to check on the facts surrounding the story. You’re just attacking the news organization.
And the neo-cons, even knowing that the story is false, are continuing to spread it. We aren’t talking about a different perspective on a story here, nor are we talking about a difference of opinion or philosophy.
They lied, and are continuing to tell the lie even after it was proven to be untrue.
You folks really are scared of Mr. Obama, aren’t you?
aww leftjew told his mommy that big mean Auntie was picking on him… isn’t that just precious?
Did you ask your mommy the symbolism of the pasty white pistachio’s, precious?
Give your Auntie a kiss, precious little leftjew…
Geez auntie, I guess this little spurt means your prescriptions ran out.
I’ll wager that he gets his meds at Rite-Aid.
john…actually [and one should always try to be factual, don’t you think?] CNN did what they did in EXCHANGE for being able to keep their people in there watching people get tortured. so they could get the story.their people weren’t at risk at all.
there is no excuse for what they did…not now,not ever.
and would i believe anything they said [by themselves?] no way. if there are three other more credible sources i would think about it. but CNN lost all rights to be taken seriously when they put money [and that’s what a story is to them] before human rights.
and personally, i am not in the least bit afraid of obama. please…don’t make me laugh. he will never get elected in a zillion years…but please do run him. why not hook him and hillary up together? now that would be a real winner…..FOR LAUGHS.
look…the reality is that we are at war with islamo fascists and whether anyone likes it or not, americans will not vote for a muslim. period. anymore than they would vote for a shrew that reminds every man on the planet of their ex-wives…and why they left them in the first place.
look….he isn’t qualified…unless you think merely being black makes one qualified.and he’s got that theresa hines wanna be wife too. he has way too much baggage….and too much going against him to succeed right now. who knows in the future?
jsa on commercial drive says: Hey Puddy, you’re reading this thread. Did you ever go to Indonesia? Did all the Mooooslims in Jakarta scare you to death?
I’ll leave the fact-checking to Snopes and Blitzer. Indonesia is Muslim like Canada is Catholic. Yes, there’s a lot of them. Nobody is very serious about it. Pray now and then, don’t eat too much pig, don’t drink too much booze, and everything will work out fine.
01/23/2007 at 9:23 am
Been there done that JSA. And your point is? I found the truth in the UK.
Nuff said!
For all the libtards here, the UK link is libtard UK MSM, nothing more or less!
Clinton camp said it. I know you can’t fathom it, but I have been right before using the UK MSM and all I received is Moonbat! slander. That’s okay!