See, this is why I’m cautiously optimistic about Obama’s chances in November.
Not because Joe Biden is damn good. (And he is.) And not because it looks like we finally have a Democratic presidential campaign that’s willing to fight back hard. (And it looks like we do.) But in this election, all the issues are on our side, and it looks like this is one campaign cycle where the electorate actually cares about the issues.
With unemployment topping six percent and the misery index at a 17-year high… with the home equity piggybank that fueled our economy for much of the past eight years smashed on the hard rocks of reality… with stagnant wages unable to keep up with skyrocketing costs of food and fuel, let alone college tuition… with record high budget deficits, a record low dollar and a depleted military diminishing our power and influence abroad… with tens of millions of Americans struggling to maintain access to health care while tens of millions more have no access at all… I just think that voters are looking for a bit more of a substantive debate than they have the past couple cycles.
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe enough voters will once again fall for the Republicans’ relentless efforts to brand themselves as The Party of God. Maybe there are enough swing voters out there who think John McCain should be given the Oval Office as compensation for the years he spent in a Vietnamese prison. Maybe an irrational fear of terrorism is enough to hand our nation over to yet another warmongering administration.
But outside of the South… I don’t think so.
Biden asks, “What do you talk about?”
When you’re like Pudge, you run around calling everyone a liar. When you’re like Puddy, you blame contractors for sucking up to government largesse but not the politicians who made that largesse possible. When you’re a wingnut who doesn’t understand Economics, you blame the people who took out home mortgages, but not the lenders who wrote those mortgages and avoided the risks by selling those mortgages through financial instruments made possible by Phil Gramm’s deregulation.
And, when you’re the RNC, you can’t even accept responsibility for a simple staging cockup for the backdrop of your candidate’s acceptance speech.
I can’t imagine any more damning indictment of our society and our system of elections than the advent of the McCain/Palin ticket actually winning this election.
Why do Republicans insist on being the most compelling evidence in favor of a Republican form of government?
Never underestimate the ability of people’s belief that “God will provide” to trump reality; that God will met out the ultimate justice, and bestow mercy upon the deserving believers, and that those that look “toward men” (i.e. Obama) for salvation will pay the ultimate price. We live in a nation where fear is paramount. That is a underpinning of Palin for VP; God is in the mix, and so God cares not if she’s merely the VP, or qualified for that matter, for His invisible hand will guide an administration that “looks to God”. Americans have the unique character of being able to bury their heads in the sand–even while their asses are getting burned.
If we’re lucky, we’ll see the same numbers as we did in 2004, with an Obama victory. If were lucky.
Yes, what we need in the white house is a hate filled racist marxist idealogue with zero experience and no accomplishments, but who is “clean” and talks well.
Obviously, most of us have forgotten (or never knew) how awful things were under Jimmy Carter, so maybe it’s time to do that again to remind everybody how things are when interest rates are 22%, unemployment at 12%, the president is held hostage in the rose garden, and the american military is a laughingstock.
Saw a great bumper sticker yesterday: “Your Wallet – The only place democrats want to drill.”
McCain obviously thinks this election will be decided on issues, because he’s campaigning for “change” (from what, his own party?!) and tried to sound like a Democrat at his convention.
3 – Pay your fucking gambling debt, bet welsher!
Let’s knock down “the issues”.
Healthcare is NOT an “issue”. Here’s the deal… the overwhelming majority of american citizens are quite satisfied with their health care situation. It is a fucking LIE to say that 40M americans have no coverage because most of them are illegal aliens whose freeloading asses should be thrown out of the country.
It’s real simple: YOUR healthcare is NOT my fucking problem. If you don’t have decent healthcare it’s because of the choices YOU made. Losers like Goldy who CHOOSE not to be productive members of society have not EARNED the PRIVILEGE to get the same benefits as productive members of society. If ya want the good stuff, get off your ass and do something worthwhile. If you lack the character to do that, tough shit.
Can Palin Play In This League?
The GOP Party’s handlers don’t think so. While Obama, McCain, and Biden are all scheduled for Sunday talk shows, Palin is assigned to attending fundraisers and has no media appearances scheduled.
Since the convention wrapped up, her only “public appearance” has been to read from her convention speech script on a weekly GOP radio show.
Looks like GOP handlers don’t trust her to handle the gotta-think-on-your-feet media scrutiny of big-time politics. I wouldn’t either, if I were them. After all, she has no experience in national politics.
Ah, yes. And when you’re an honorless, welching redneck, you throw out the hackneyed “marxist” label, harken back to the Carter administration, and completely ignore what happened the last time Democrats held the White House.
The one thing Republicans cannot do in this election cycle is come up with any any argument for John McCain that’s capable of convincing anyone who’s not already a member of the Republican evangelical choir.
@1 “Why do Republicans insist on being the most compelling evidence in favor of a Republican form of government?”
This undoubtedly will fly over the heads of our stupid trolls. However, I’m not inclined to explain it to them. Let ’em find out the hard way!
“Global warming” is also not an “issue”. It is a hoax. It is the poster child for junk science. It is a religion.
Here’s the truth about “global warming”:
* The Earth’s climate always has changed, with cycles of both warming and cooling, long before humans were a factor. The cycle lengths range from decades, to the 1,500-year cycle discovered in Greenland ice cores, to the 17 ice ages that dominated the past 2 million years.
* The NIPCC report presents solid evidence that any man-made global warming to date has been insignificant in comparison with these natural climate cycles. By contrast, the IPCC has no real evidence to support their claim of anthropogenic global warming.
* While recent man-made increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide may, in principle, make some contribution to temperature rise, the linkages assumed in order to predict significant future global warming are not proven.
* Contrary to the computer simulations of climate models, temperatures have not risen over the last decade — despite a continuing rise in CO2 levels.
* Other factors, such as variable solar activity, solar wind, and cosmic rays, all seem to have a more significant impact on the earth’s climate.
* Panicky reactions to exaggerated scenarios of global warming are bound to be costly and do great damage to world economic development.
Let’s knock down “the issues”.
Oh, this could be good.
Healthcare is NOT an “issue”.
Oh, please! Please make this your “argument” on the issues. Telling people that they’re not really as bad off as they think they are worked so well in the last election cycle, didn’t it?
@3 “most of us have forgotten (or never knew) how awful things were under Jimmy Carter”
That might be because they’re even worse under Republicans. The average U.S. wage (adjusted for inflation) is now back to pre-1970 levels. Pay your gambling debt, you dishonorable lying welsher!
Oh, and btw, you seem to have forgotten that Carter merely inherited the mess created by Nixon and Ford. Remember Nixon’s price controls? Remember Ford’s “WIN” (Whip Inflation Now) program? No, of course you don’t, because your selective memory is programmed to blame Republican screwups on the Democrats who have to follow behind Republicans and clean up their messes.
“Global warming” is also not an “issue”.
First of all, the peer-reviewed science is unequivocal: anthropogenic global warming has as much scientific basis as does the law of gravity. Citing opinions, no matter who is giving that opinion, when those opinions haven’t gone through peer review doesn’t change that fact.
Second, even if we accept the notion that our behavior has not contributed to global warming, this has to be the most idiotic argument against doing something about it. The ice sheets on the Antarctic continent and on Greenland don’t give a shit whether the global warming leading to their melting was caused by us or by little green men from Mars.
“Poverty” is also NOT an “issue”. If ya wanna get out of poverty here’s how you do it:
1) Get an education. It’s free. Just show up and do the work.
2) Get a job.
3) Show up every day and work your ass off.
4) Spend less than you make.
5) Invest the savings wisely.
There. Problem solved. See how easy that is? But the answer is NOT drilling into MY wallet because you’re too fucking stoopid or lazy to get off your ass to make your own money.
If you’re poor, it’s because of choices YOU made and it is NOT MY FUCKING PROBLEM!
What do you talk about when you have nothing say?
What do you talk about when you can’t explain the last eight years of
F A I L U R E.
Where’s the fucking WMD? Got bin Laden yet? How much is the stinking war going to cost my kids and grandkids?
@3 (continued) This seems like a good time to remind HA readers that — contrary to GOP propaganda — the actual statistics show that America prospers under DEMOCRATS and languishes under Republicans, not the other way around.
Let’s start with employment statistics:
Jobs records of presidents — New jobs created, as a percentage of the total workforce, from best to worst:
Democrat Roosevelt 5.3%
Democrat Johnson 3.8%
Democrat Carter 3.1%
Democrat Truman 2.5%
Democrat Clinton 2.4%
Democrat Kennedy 2.3%
Republican Nixon 2.2%
Republican Reagan 2.1%
Republican Coolidge 1.1%
Republican Ford 1.1%
Republican Eisenhower 0.9%
Republican Bush Sr. 0.6%
Republican Bush Jr. (0.7%)*
Republican Hoover (9.0%)
Source of data: James Carville, “Had Enough?” (Simon & Schuster, New York, 2003), p. 87.
* As of Dec. 2003; note, the bulk of new jobs under Bush Jr. were “created” by the so-called “birth-death adjustment,” a controversial statistical adjustment that doesn’t represent real people working in actual jobs; if this adjustment is removed from the official figures, the economy lost jobs every single year of the Bush presidency.
Now let’s look at some broader economic statistics covering the period of modern presidents from Harding in 1921 to Bush through 2003, when Democrats held the White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42 1/2 years:
Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs — Republicans 36,440,000. Per Year Average: Democrats 1,825,200, Republicans 856,400.
Of 9 Republican presidents during this period, 6 presided over a depression or recession.
The Dow Average grew 52% more under Democrats.
GDP grew 43% more under Democrats.
Now let’s compare the economic records of Reagan and Clinton to see how well (or not) so-called “supply-side” (aka “trickle down”) economics works (or doesn’t):
Jobs grew 43% more under Clinton.
GDP grew 57% more under Clinton.
The Dow Average went up 700% more under Clinton.
The NASDAQ Composite Index went up 1800% more under Clinton.
Federal spending grew 28% under Clinton, 80% under Reagan.
Federal debt grew by 43% under Clinton, 187% under Reagan.
Deficits grew by 112% under Reagan; Clinton had a surplus.
National income grew 100% more under Clinton.
Personal income grew 110% more under Clinton.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics ( and Economic Policy Institute ( Global & World Almanacs from 1980 to 2003 (annual issues)
Still think Republicans are better at running the economy? Then consider this: The S & L scandal of the 1980s, the contrived “energy crisis” of 2001-2002, and the mortgage crisis of 2007 – ? all happened on the Republican watch … and all 3 of these economic crises were caused by Republicans’ belief in laissez faire capitalism and refusal to regulate private behavior.
And what are we now hearing from John McSame? The same old, same old. He not only wants to privatize Social Security, but wants to divert unemployment taxes into private accounts, too! He wants to deregulate the economy even further, while bailing out financial corporations with taxpayer funds. Just more of the toxic Republican combination of corporate socialism combined with deregulation! Another recipe for economic disaster on top of the existing made-in-GOP economic disasters.
Why would anyone vote Republican?
@6 ” … the overwhelming majority of american citizens are quite satisfied with their health care situation … YOUR healthcare is NOT my fucking problem.”
Go ahead, run on that platform — we DARE you!!!
@8 What he’s really harkening back to is the Nixon and Ford administrations, because the economic meltdown of the ’70s was well under way before Carter came along.
“Poverty” is also NOT an “issue”.
We lost over 100,000 jobs in the month of June. If poverty is not yet an issue, it will certainly become one with four more years of the same failed Economic policies.
But, as I’ve pointed out many times before, trying to win an election by convincing people that they’re really not as bad off as they think they are has been such a winning strategy in the past. I think you should continue that strategy indefinitely.
Mark-the-not-a-scientist @10: Why should anyone take the word of a loser who can’t even pay a $100 bet on an election outcome over the consensus opinion of 99.9% of the world’s professional scientists? Pay your debt, welsher!
@14 I have an even better program: I own shares in the fucking company and don’t show up or work at all!
My most recent acquisition is a foreign flag shipping company that carries iron ore, coal, and wheat to China and pays no U.S. taxes! It’s the future, baby! Send the world’s natural resources and America’s manufacturing jobs to China, pay no taxes, and use the proceeds to buy a villa in France where the wine is world class and health care is free!
Why should anyone show up or work in a Republican cheap labor economy? You don’t get ahead by working, asshole! You get ahead by owning! And you’ll never own anything by working for it when Republicans make the economic rules.
Mark the Redneck…
If the majority of voters clearly understood that your position on issues like health care, poverty and the environment was the position of the Republican Party and their standard bearers, this election would be a landslide victory for Obama.
I mean really… you’re just a mean spirited, selfish prick, and most Americans are not. They don’t think that a young child should be turned away at an emergency room because their parents made “poor choices” or because she lacks a green card. See, they’re not hateful, crazy fascists like you. (Or rather, like the character you play on my comment threads.)
Let me ask you a hypothetical. You have in the past accused me of being a traitor. If you could… if our government was willing… would you like to see me imprisoned, deported (executed) or in some other way punished for my crimes? Should traitors like me be blacklisted in some way, like we did during the McCarthy era?
Just curious.
Why won’t the GOP let Palin talk to the media? Are they scared that she’ll sound like a hockey rink redneck who doesn’t know squat about anything outside her own little Alaskan bush village? I would be too, if I were them!
You notice that the welching redneck is not talking about hurricanes any more. Gee, I wonder why…
@22 It would be real interesting to see what that blowhard would say if you lost a $100 bet to him and didn’t pay. Not that there’s any chance of you ever losing a wager to that ignorant fuck … it’s just an idea that might be fun to play with, that’s all.
@24 He should stand in front of one to get some personal experience of global warming. It might change his perceptions … or, if not, at least remodel his ugly facial features.
Regarding the McCain strategy, Jay Rosen nails it on so many levels. One of my favorites:
Sarah Palin Raised Your Taxes $10 Billion
“Last year she championed a tax hike on oil companies which is helping bring in huge sums — more than $10 billion in the fiscal year that ended in June, according to the companies that pay them.”
(Quoted from The Economist under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Palin handed out the $10 billion in checks to Alaskan residents averaging $1,200 each. The oil companies, of course, passed along those taxes to consumers. And if you do the math, $10B works out to roughly $1,200 for every Washington resident, give or take a couple hundred.
Goldy – I have NEVER called you a traitor.
I have called you:
A loser
An idiot
A moonbat
An unpatriotic asshole.
Probably some others too.
Do I think you should be sent away? No, but I think you represent a danger that needs to be contained by keeping you and others like you away from any real power so that you’re kept to the nuisance level and not a real threat. You’re a danger to ME because you are trying to steal my money and steal my freedom. I resent that. I just want you and your ilk to leave me the fuck alone. Is that too much to ask?
BTW, McCarthy was right as it turns out…
Speaking of hurricanes…How many major hurricanes have hit USA since Algore predicted “string of terrible catastrophes”.
Answer: Zero.
29 – Why should we leave alone people who were responsible for the crimes and thievery of the last eight years? Yeah I’m talking about you bet welshing Bush voter.
I’m middle class and I’m tapped out. Obama is giving me a tax cut and not a moment too soon.
I’m sorry if you make 250 grand or more you’re going to pay what was paid in Bill Clinton’s day which was a hell of a lot less than what was paid in Jimmy Carter’s day.
It’s YOU high income Bush voters who’s going to pay for Bush’s fuck ups!
Oh and pay the fucking gambling debt you owe to Goldy you POS!
YLB – I’m tapped out too. I’m tired of carrying you fucking people on my back. Get off and pay your fucking share.
So, where is Pudge in all this? Probably tinkering away at some of those CPAN modules that nobody uses.
(Wait. Pudge will probably read my “nobody” hyperbole and accuse me of lying. So, I should probably say “virtually nobody.” Still, if you take the number of people who use that code, divide it by the total number of computer users and lop off the fraction at the fourth or fifth place to the right of the decimal, the number is still zero.)
Let me help you out with a little bit of code, Pudge:
RunAndHide if (not($facts =~ /$arguments_I_can_use/));
The RunAndHide subroutine is left as an exercise for the reader.
@33 I’m tired of paying for your stupid fucking war in Iraq. You people lied to drag us into this fiasco. You lie to keep us in it. I’m tired of carrying your lying, terrorist fearing, war-as-wetdream ass on my back. Get off and give me my fucking money back, you goatfucking traitor.
Geez Goldy – Now ya got me thinking… are you a “traitor”? Treason is a crime of trying to overthrow the government. That term doesn’t quite seem to fit, but it sorta comes close.
But since you guys want to move us toward european socialism, is that a treason? It certainly undermines the government and the american culture. It’s stoopid. It’s unpatriotic. It’s unamerican. It’s naive. But is it “treason”.
What do you guys think. Is goldy a traitor?
@36 Is there something about my calling you a lying, goatfucking traitor that you don’t get?
Twit RR –
The money Palin got out of big oil is pocket change and was NOT a tax on anybody.
She did a job on them and deserves credit. You can’t just cook up shit cause you don’t like her.
Then after she got more royalty money, she sent it back to Alaska residents. Brilliant political move. Brilliant. Brilliant.
Still waiting, and so are you, for a meager 10.00 from Olympia .. and will wait on deaths door. Ain’t gonna happen. State bureaucrats spend every dime they can get into the coffers.
NOT under Palin in Alaska. Facing high bills to heat this winter – Alaskans are grateful for the 1,200.00. $$$$$$$$$$ to heat the house in the cold winter … maybe survival.
Get a clue an attacking her on somethings, not this … your screws are getting loose.
Now tell us getting the Natural Gas Pipeline after 30 years of old boy blah blah blah – tell us she gets no credit for that 20 billion deal??? Natural Gas is a CLEAN fuel – tons of it almost everywhere, but must pipe it to the cities, duh — 30 years of blah blah blah has not built new lines to transport.
They say Eastern Washington sits on a giant deep dome reserve of N. Gas, – but – shit why would we want that CLEAN fuel in Seattle? Lets just blah blah blah for 30 more years …
RR are you eating Kryponite too much? Not getting any paw jobs? Or senility just creeping up?
You guys are so fucked…
Obama is sitting there with Jon Bon Jovi whining about being bullied. He’s got the media in his pocket like the friendly crowd around a school yard fight. And the new kid just kicked his ass.
Palin just invigorated the base like no one has since Reagan. McCain has gone after the center. What a combination.
I can’t get in to the GOP store online due to server overload, but I want my yard sign and t-shirt. Maybe some bumper stickers, too.
You guys are so fucked…
Goldy – Also… you called me “selfish”.
Explain to my why it’s “selfish” for me to fight to keep your greedy fucking hands out of my wallet? What fucking right do you have to help yourself to the fruits of my work?
I can’t get in to the GOP store online due to server overload
Perhaps if the “GOP Party” had some competent techies, they could handle more than one visitor at a time.
Mark-the-Redneck still wants to believe that if Republican economic philosophy hasn’t worked for them, it’s their own damn fault.
But millions of hard-working Americans have found their jobs outsourced, full-time jobs turned into part-time employment so the employers can give health insurance only to the executives, and the lack of minimal government oversight into the financial markets up to last year have now made housing virtually impossible for young couples to buy, even as tens of thousands of foreclosed homes stand empty.
We’ve seen Republican economic policy in action, and it’s been a complete and total failure. Many of the middle class have been rolled over by Republican policies, and have seen the Republicans for the charlitans that they are.
So, Mark, keep telling everyone that you are a McCain-supporting Republican, and that there is no problem with health care or health insurance, and that anybody who does have a problem is too lazy or ignorant to care about. I pray that you keep doing that, because every time you do that, people will be reminded of either their own situation, or that of their friends, family, or neighbors which prove you wrong.
By the way, just got back from my business trip to Japan. They are pretty ticked off at America right now. It seems a lot of the big Japanes banks bought those financial instruments backed by U.S. sub-prime mortgages, based upon the understanding that these were safe mortgages issued under the regulatory oversight of the U.S. Government. Now that they are collapsing, it’s sending ripple effects throughout the Japanese economy. The resignation of the Japanese Prime Minister last week was because he couldn’t come up with a plan to protect the Japanese economy from the “American illness”.
Thanks a lot, Bush & Co. You’ve managed to piss of yet another ally. Japanese consumers won’t buy Chinese-made products because of the lack of regulatory oversight, now they are beginning to believe they should avoid all financial dealings with Americans, too. That’s going to to WONDERS for the balance of trade.
Let’s see how the “Reagan Democrats” are doing under the protective wing of their new friends …
Their high-paying manufacturing jobs are gone
Their health and pension benefits are gone
Their union benefits are gone
They’re deeper in debt
Their credit is shot
They have no job security
They have no savings
Their kids can’t afford college
They’re losing their homes
Their kids are dying in Iraq
It’s all very sad. But hey, they’ve still got their Sunday church services to cheer them up!
Old man. Old ideas. Old politics. And that guy says he’s for “change”?
Don Joe – please keep going after pudge using Perl script.
It’s too freaking funny!
@33 “I’m tapped out too.”
How can someone with 4 college degrees who worked his way as far up as you claim to have done be tapped out under Bush’s economic and tax policies?
@36 “What do you guys think. Is goldy a traitor?”
No, he’s a patriot. Got any more infantile questions?
@39: Poor delbert – what a tool and an idiot. Your “hero” Palin has:
1. attended two conventions and been the keynote speaker for the AIP party – so she is a traitor who wants to withdraw from the US.
2. Been quoted as saying “Sambo beat the bitch” about Hillary and Obama – so she is racist and sexist.
3. Is involved in trying to cover up her illeagl firing of her ex brother in law – so she is corrupt too.
4. To quote an uninspired speaker “that’s not change we can believe in”
@38 “The money Palin got out of big oil is pocket change and was NOT a tax on anybody.”
Last I heard, she was bragging about raising “taxes” on oil companies.
“Then after she got more royalty money, she sent it back to Alaska residents. Brilliant political move. Brilliant. Brilliant.”
I’m eager to hear her plan for running the U.S. government on royalty money.
“Still waiting, and so are you, for a meager 10.00 from Olympia .. and will wait on deaths door. Ain’t gonna happen. State bureaucrats spend every dime they can get into the coffers.”
My public school education was worth more than 10.00. So was my higher education in Washington’s public college, graduate school, and law school. The state highways I drive on are worth more than 10.00. The public parks and libraries I use regularly are worth more than 10.00. It costs more than 10.00 to keep murderers, rapists, child molesters, and robbers off the streets and in prisons, but it’s well worth it, and I’ll gladly pay for it. The state’s public health agencies cost more than 10.00 but it’s a good investment in my health and safety. The worker’s comp program is well worth 10.00 if I get poisoned by toxic chemicals my boss didn’t tell me about or fall off construction scaffolding because he didn’t comply with state safety regulations. I could go on, but it isn’t necessary.
“Blah, blah …”
To hear you tell it, Palin built the gas pipeline herself, and the only thing keeping trillions of dollars worth of natural gas from bubbling up in eastern Washington is one little rabbit with long pink ears. If there’s so much natural gas in Washington, why aren’t energy companies drilling for it? How hard is it to get a gas drilling permit in Grant county? Or Lincoln county? For that matter, how much oil and gas exploration have you seen going on in Washington state?
It’s like this, dumbshit. You need certain geologic conditions to create oil and gas, and Washington doesn’t have them. The conditions necessary to craete hydrocarbons never existed in this corner of the continent. Your idea of a vast pool of natural gas under eastern Washington is a pipe dream. If it was there, don’t you think it would have been drilled decades ago? You are an idiot. Do you believe in abiotic oil, too?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Palin handed out the $10 billion in checks to Alaskan residents averaging $1,200 each. The oil companies, of course, passed along those taxes to consumers. And if you do the math, $10B works out to roughly $1,200 for every Washington resident, give or take a couple hundred.
Alaska has roughly 700,000 residents – at $1200 a head that’s about $840 million.
Washington has about 6,500,000 residents – at $1200 a head that’s about $7.8 billion.
@ 45
Old man. Old ideas. Old politics.
That’s not competence we can believe in.
The money Palin got out of big oil is pocket change and was NOT a tax on anybody.
Oh really? Just because you say it, does not make it so. I’ll give you a big clue: it was a doubling of the state taxes on the oil industry in Alaska.
What did the oil industry have to say about it?
So what happened to “drill, baby, drill”? The “Alaska First” attitude is discouraging production and helping to keep gas prices high.
Nice going Gov. Palin. Enjoy your bought popularity while it lasts.
rhp @ 43
Welcome back. Some troll has been spouting the mean-spirited Republican line using “rhp6034” as a handle.
It’s too freaking funny!
So, you’re saying that Pudge is pwned?
We need better quality trolls on this board.
@42 “Mark-the-Redneck still wants to believe that if Republican economic philosophy hasn’t worked for them, it’s their own damn fault.”
Apparently it’s not working for him, either, because he’s “tapped out” and can’t even pay a $100 gambling debt.
55 – He’ll never admit to it and of course, accuse everyone here of “lying” and making the “question begging” fallacy or argumentum ad hominem, but we’ll all be laughing at him just the same.
@51 What did she do with the other $9.16 billion?
@54 Yes. The Republican strategy today is to try to look like Democrats.
Don Joe Quiz:
Who said:
a) Joe Biden
b) Hilary Clinton
c) Keith Olberman
d) James Carville
e) None of the above
Now tell us getting the Natural Gas Pipeline after 30 years of old boy blah blah blah – tell us she gets no credit for that 20 billion deal???
It’s a white elephant. Nat Gas production in the lower 48 has increased 8 percent a year over the last two years and that seems likely to continue. The industry is producing so much they’re having trouble storing it. New technology is allowing the tapping of shale beds.
And by the way, the “old boys network” that Palin brags about “reforming” was a Republican network. Sarah just replaced some of them with her brown nosers and then proceeded to make the same sort of lousy decisions she made as mayor of Wasilla.
The GOP Storyline Comes Apart, Part I
Now that journalists have had a few days to compare GOP convention rhetoric with actual records, we’re finding out that Republican talk is might cheap …
“On Gov. Sarah Palin’s watch, Alaska liberalized its abortion laws.
“It didn’t take long for Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin to make a name for herself on the family-values front. Tapped only a week ago to join presidential contender Sen. John McCain on the GOP ticket, the little-known first-term governor of Alaska walked on stage with a reputation as a staunchly pro-life crusader. …
“But the intense media focus on the personal choices Palin has made at home has obscured her record at work in the Alaska statehouse. …
“The question is, how often has her record backed up her rhetoric on issues of interest to families?
“Not much, it turns out. Restrictions on abortion in Alaska have actually been loosened during her tenure. … Meanwhile, … she has used her line-item veto to slash state funds for programs providing … resources … for at-risk mothers on the fence about abortion. …
“Even Palin’s commitment to pro-life legislation has been questioned back home. In April, the governor denied the state legislature’s request for extra debates on two controversial anti-abortion bills ….
Quoted from Newsweek under fair use.
Does Palin Really Care About Family Issues?
Or is she full of hot air? From Newsweek (quoted under fair use):
“Liberal advocates on women’s health issues … say Palin raised expectations in 2007, when she attended a summit organized by Planned Parenthood. According to one attendee quoted on the group’s Web site, ‘we had not planned on meeting Gov. Palin, so that was a surprise. She took the time to talk with us about her own experiences as a working mother, and relayed her support for women’s health.’
“But early hopes have been dashed by a lack of follow-through, these activists say; Palin has taken a laissez-faire approach to the issues they discussed, including children’s health care, domestic violence shelters, sex education and breastfeeding in the workplace.
“In Alaska, there’s no shortage of work for a concerned politician to do. The state’s domestic violence and sexual assault rates are over twice as high as the national average. More women are murdered by men there than in any other state in the country. Alaska also has the highest Chlamydia rate in the nation ….
“Activists point to a dire shortage in funding for domestic violence shelters, which have waiting lists despite the fact that the state boasts a $7 billion budget surplus. Amnesty International joined the chorus in April 2007, slamming both federal and state authorities for creating ‘a maze of tribal, state and federal jurisdictions’ that effectively allowed sexual assailants impunity.”
So, why did the McCain/Palin campaign stop in Cedarburg, WI, and not Janesville, WI? I’m guessing that they couldn’t find a safe venue in Janesville.
They have the lipstick, but what happened to the pit bull?
Answer to Don Joe Quiz @ 61:
e) None of the above.
The GOP Storyline Comes Apart, Part II
“The GOP convention: Maverick in name only.
” … McCain was capable of better than he delivered … he … muddle[d] through an uninspired list of policy contrasts with the Democrats — one that could have come from the mouth of any recent Republican candidate ….
“The rainbow-hued videos began to look like special pleading from a party that remains overwhelmingly, embarrassingly white. The tributes to the military and the skillful use of patriotic icons … were … used as a force multiplier for attacks on the other party.
“On the evidence of these four days, the Republican vision of governance is ensuring that the lightly taxed American people are amply defended on their way to church.
Democrats aren’t paragons of virtue. … But … the Democrats came nowhere near the level of personal animus that flowed from the Xcel Center stage. …
“John McCain has shown himself to be better than his party’s baser instincts …. So the GOP convention ultimately leaves you feeling a deep sadness, because it forecloses the kind of campaign these two extraordinary men might have waged. Forget about debating issues or competing visions of citizenship: the battlefield prepared by this convention is another culture war — more attacks on character, more personal slights, more fights about nothing.”
(Quoted from Newsweek under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If McCain is better than his party, he effectively negated it by picking a Bible-thumpin’, book-banning, power-abusing, hard-right wingnut whackjob as his running mate.
Ah, Mark…..
I’d sure like to know what your thoughts are about Sarah Palin’s fitness to take the wheel of this here bus should Old Flyboy get elected and then croak.
Now, before you go off about how wonderful she’d be as Commander-In-chief and Leader Of The Free World, I’d like you to keep in mind all the screeds you’ve posted here about how having a penis is somehow necessary for any brain-work more complex than making out a grocery list.
you sure like calling people names – just for sport
senile fuck head
they have been drilling for YEARS in Eastern Washington
at MANY locations – my point is if there is gas there – just how many blah blah blah years would it take to get a pipe line built to transport – we talk clean energy and do little, little, little
Even if she is a bad smell – it is refreshing to see action.
And your 10.00 rebuttal is pothead drivel. All taxes sent to govt. are well spent? Shit, your brain is in decay …
Mark the Redneck:
A guy I work with has brain cancer. We’re presently raising money to provide supplemental insurance for him because eventually he’s not gonna be able to work any more, because the cancer is going to cause his body to fail before it kills him. When he can’t work any more, he’ll lose his employer provided health insurance. He’s got a family and kids. Without the money being raised, his family would probably be bankrupted.
So Mark, tell us: what about this scenario shows bad character? Will you go tell his kids that their dad has bad character because the cancer that is going to kill him will cause him to lose his insurance?
Meanwhile, the Republican coverup of Palin’s abuse of power has already begun.
“Key Alaska allies of John McCain are trying to derail a politically charged investigation into Gov. Sarah Palin’s firing of her public safety commissioner in order to prevent a so-called ‘October surprise’ that would produce embarrassing information about the vice presidential candidate on the eve of the election.
“In a move endorsed by the McCain campaign Friday, John Coghill, the GOP chairman of the state House Rules Committee, wrote a letter seeking a meeting of Alaska’s bipartisan Legislative Council in order to remove the Democratic state senator in charge of the so-called ‘troopergate’ investigation.
” … [T]he senator, Hollis French, … [told]ABC News that Palin had a ‘credibility problem’ and that the investigation into the firing of public safety commissioner Walter Monegan was ‘likely to be damaging to the administration’ ….
“The investigation … revolves around charges that Palin abused her power by embroiling the governor’s office in a bitter family feud involving her ex-brother in law, a state trooper named Mike Wooten. …
“French, the Democrat overseeing the probe, has hired a special counsel to determine, in effect, whether Palin ‘used her public office to settle a private score,’ he recently said. He has also suggested that the probe may turn up evidence that state laws were violated by Palin’s aides because they pulled confidential personnel files on the trooper.
“But Coghill, who told NEWSWEEK that he has the backing of Republican Speaker of the House John Harris in his effort to remove French, suggested Friday that the investigation into Palin’s firing of Monegan should be shut down entirely. …
“‘How can this possibly be read as anything but a partisan attempt to shut down a legitimate investigation that was approved and funded with bipartisan support?’ said one state Democratic legislative aide ….
“As a further sign of the sensitivity of the probe, a lawyer for Palin told NEWSWEEK Friday that Todd Palin, the governor’s husband, was in the process of hiring his own separate counsel to represent him in the legislature’s probe. Thomas Van Flein, Governor Palin’s lawyer, … sought to deflect charges that Todd Palin … had improperly intervened in state business … by talking to the state public safety commissioner about Wooten. …
“One major reason the probe is so sensitive is that it raises the prospect that Governor Palin’s credibility could be called into a question in a major state probe on the eve of the election. When the ‘troopergate’ story broke over the summer, Palin adamantly denied that anybody in her administration exerted any pressure on Monegan to fire Wooten. But only weeks later, a tape recording surfaced ….
“Van Flein also told NEWSWEEK that as part of defense preparations for the investigation, he had taken his own depositions from potential witnesses — including one this week who refused to give testimony to the Legislature’s special counsel. That was Frank Bailey, the former senior Palin aide who was recorded mentioning the concerns of Palin and her husband that Wooten was still on the police force.
“In the deposition taken by Van Flein, … Bailey acknowledged he had ‘overstepped my boundaries … I should not have spoken for the governor, or Todd, for that matter. …’ Bailey … confirmed in the deposition that Palin had … raised Wooten’s name with the state police during her first security briefing after she won election as governor in November 2006.”
Quoted from Newsweek under fair use.
@70 “RR you sure like calling people names – just for sport”
That’s true. You guys do it to us, so I do it to you. Suck on it.
Hey Andrew! Are you new here? As the unofficial HA greeter, it’s my duty to inform you of the ad hoc HA posting rules:
1) This is a liberal blog.
2) Anyone can post here, except JCH.
3) There is no censorship.
4) As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of fascist traitors.
5) No mercy for wingnuts!
6) Our terms are unconditional surrender; there will be trials.
7) klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
Just the other day wasn’t it you that wrote you haven’t had sex with mrs rabbit for a while?
Do you think it has anything with you asking strangers to suck on it?
Let’s not forget the other rules-
Andrew, since we haven’t had the pleasure of locking horns before now, allow me to present you with a copy of my resume:
I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist.
Deal with it, sucker.
@75 “Just the other day wasn’t it you that wrote you haven’t had sex with mrs rabbit for a while?”
Yes, but there’s lots of young cute fluffy female bunnies here in the park, so why would I want sex with that old hare? …
Ohhh shee-it, I just remembered an important appointment in another state …
[Crashing and thumping noises]
Roger Rabbit has experienced a physical malfunction and won’t be posting again until he’s released from intensive care.
Before Sarah was causing the democrats such grief and causing obama to compare his experience to a veep nominee’s executive experience (how presidential), newsweek had a lot of nice things to say about her.;gl=us
@76 “Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.”
Uh, I didn’t write that, Marvin. Get your facts straight. … Oh, nurse! Can you adjust my bedpan? I can’t move in this traction apparatus.
Did you watch mcsame’s speech?
Did you see when he gave props to his mom? The 90+ year old jumped right up.
I bet the rabbit wished he was that spry and able to get up from a standing position that quickly/easily.
And you feel mcsame is going to die in the next 4 years because??
Marv- tell me again abour Ms. Sarah’s noble crusade against pork barrel spending:
– “John McCain touts Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as a force in the his battle against earmarks and entrenched power brokers, but under her leadership the state this year asked for almost $300 per person in requests for pet projects from one of McCain’s top adversaries: indicted Sen. Ted Stevens.
That’s more than any other state received, per person, from Congress for the current budget year, and runs counter to the reformer image that Palin and the McCain campaign are pushing.” 80903/ap_on_el_pr/cvn_palin_ea rmarks
I know. Just wanted to let Andrew know what he is up against.
Would you call democrats out? Like say that new scandal about charles rangel and his no interest vacation home loan?
What issues?
Governor Palin will have the entire Roman Catholic Church, Southern Baptists Convention, Pentacostals, Dobson, BP, Exxon, PLUS 1/2 of Hillary’s fans!
That adds up to MONEY.
Biden sounds good on the stump … day by day.
RR, need to make a little more sense, what you spout is often drivel or rabbit turds going thud on a brass drum top.
I think what goes down in the next 6o days is very important, and I support Obama. But I like to understand the enemy and not just get dazed and shaking in a big fight.
You don’t remember, do you? Under the Federal reserve Chairman Paul Volcker (appointed by Carter) interest rates were raised to fight runaway inflation caused by the oil shocks, until the prime rate hit a high of 21.6% in December 1980. You can blame Carter for apponting Volcker if you like, but then you have to give Carter and Volcker credit for “breaking the back of inflation” in the 1980s. And not Reagan.
But did I mention that John McCain was a POW? He sure as fuck did.
But what’s really funny is how you think bringing up Carter is an effective smear. He’s one the most popular ex-presidents (third-highest current approval rating among ex-presidents as of 2006 at 61% approval). People really like him. Just another example of the Republican disconnection from objective reality.
If there are 40 million people without health insurance and only about 11 million illegal aliens, how can “most of” the former be the latter? Go back to school.
I should also mention that it was instead about 46 million without health insurance in 2007, and almost certainly higher now.
– 20.5 million were non-Hispanic whites. Are they all illegal aliens, maybe Canadians and Europeans, or just ordinary Americans who ahve to worry about their kids not being covered?
– 7.4 million were black. Are they illegal aliens from Zaire, or just ordinary American who have to wrry that if htey get sick or injured they will be ruined financially?
– 14.8 million were Hispanics. Are they all illegal aliens, or are they just ordinary Americans who worry that an injury will push their family into poverty?
– 18.1 million were children under 18. I’m guessing mostly citizens, just like everywhere else.
86 – What’s there to fucking understand?
They’re not talking about the economy which is going down the crapper.
They’re not talking the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because of lax oversight and the culture of corruption in Washington.
They’re not talking about the doubling of the national debt that our kids will be paying off long after we’re gone.
They’re not talking about the bill for endless war and occupation.
They’re not talking about the thieving of corrupt politicians and military contractors.
They’re not talking about eavesdropping on our electronic communication and trampling on our rights.
They’re not talking about torture, oh, I’m sorry, “enhanced interrogation”/”intensive questioning”.
They’re talking about what great people they are which is a pack of lies! They’re using guilt by association and other worthless crap to attack the other side.
It’s way overdue to throw all the freaking bums out!
You guys are so fucked…
Uh, yeah, right!
10 MTR
You are just wrong. But here’s one thing. The only time we’ve had this kind of warming over mere “decades” is right now, and that’s one big reason why we are facing a crisis.
But here’s a question–when’s the last time the Arctic sea ice disappeared, and were humans trying to sustain the agriculture to feed a population of nearly 7 billion at the time?
You guys are so fucked…
According to the picture, sure, if “you guys” are Republicans.
So this is what Biden was talking about. Thanks, MTR, for being the incredible case study in Republican ideology that you are. As Barack Obama has pointed out, and McCain and MTR confirm, the Republican response to any problem is “you’re on your own.”
No health insurance? You’re on your own.
Your job outsoruced? You’re on your own.
Laid off in the massive job cuts happening right now? You’re on your own.
Lost your house? You’re on your own.
Need to take care of an ailing family member but are worried about keeping your job? You’re on your own.
Can’t afford gas or heating oil? You’re on your own.
Pregnant from a rape? You’re on your own.
Need an education? You’re on your own.
Fired because of workplace discrimination? You’re on your own.
The message of Obama and the Democrats is: You ARE “our own.”
Palin’s brief and abysmal record is one of corruption, debt, cronyism, obstruction of justice, creationism, government control of the womb, and ruthless vendettas against perceived enemies executed with willful disregard to the law. Clearly, she’s eight years too late if she figures to bring her brand of “change” to Washington.
92 YLB
Hey, where’s McCain’s “bump?”
36 MTR
Yeah, it sure would be horrible to be in a place like *shudder* Europe right now. Strong economy, avoiding stupid international military adventures, everyone’s healthcare guaranteed, long vacations, high employment. Please save us from that!
McCain spent 54% of his speech talking about—the war? the economy? Health care? energy? Education?
Contrast to Barack Obama’s 15% in his acceptance speech.
To McCain, it’s not about “issues,” it’s about John McCain, who damn well deserves to be president beacuse he was a POW, if he has failed to mention it enough times before. So make him president, already, and stop making him work so hard and be behind all the time!
@92 It’s interesting to examine the states. Obama’s kicking serious butt in the west. Beyond that, whether he’s up or down, every state is trending Obama. If those were stock technical charts, there’s not a state in the country with a McCain “Buy” signal. On the other hand, in state after state, Obama’s broken through resistance, has reached new highs and has unlimited upside. McCain has typically broken through to new lows and he’s now the “falling knife” who hasn’t hit bottom yet. If you’re a Republican, the trend is not your friend. That probably sucks.
I caught the interview with Christine Todd Whitman last night on Now and was struck again by the repetition of election year Republican rhetoric, in particular the claim that there is an excess of partisanship in politics and that, like everything else that goes wrong when Republicans are in power, it’s “both parties’ fault.”
Recall that in 2000, W. Bush was introduced to us by the pundits as a candidate skilled at working across party lines. Are people going to fall for this again?
The problem has always seemed to me to be that Democrats are not partisan enough, we always give in and compromise. Republicans only talk of bipartisanship during election years or when they are not in power. It seems to me that they’re on to something.
You get your stats from James Carville???
No wonder your stock picks are so pathetic!
You’ll believe anything in print by a Leftist.
97. Daddy Love spews:
McCain spent 54% of his speech talking about—the war? the economy? Health care? energy? Education?
Contrast to Barack Obama’s 15% in his acceptance speech
O-blah-blah could only talk so much about his Community Organizer activity where it took 3 years to get asbestos out of a slum his pals built!
Goldy, you ducked my question on another thread. I want to see what kind of person you are. I want to see if you’re consistent in your views, or a hypocrite.
Do you think Christine Gregoire was a bad mother for not quitting her job early in her career to raise her kids? See, her husband worked full time, just like Mr. Palin, the whole time the kids were growing up.
Was Gov. Gregoire a bad mother for keeping her job?
“Well that is two totally different things! You can’t compare Gov. Palin to Gov. Gregoire! They are apples and oranges! It’s you Republicans who are….” I’m going to stop you right there, Goldy. Take a deep breath and cut out that apples and oranges crap. Just answer the question honestly.
If you want to earn my respect, you will give me an honest, consistent answer.
#98 – love your approach and analysis
more. please
If you want to earn my respect, you will give me an honest, consistent answer.
I pity the poor wretches who make the mistake of studying under you.
Your mission is to make them come out immeasurably worse then where they started.
@102 Get real. Any decent person would scorn the so-called “respect” of a disgusting goatfucker such as yourself.
93 – Now ya get it.
YOUR fucking problems caused by YOUR stoopid choices are NOT MY FUCKING PROBLEM.
If you want what I’ve got, do what I do. If you lack the intelligence, character, or industry to do that, tough shit pal; you are on your own.
Get it?
@104 & 105
On this blog we like to focus on the issues, and leave personal insults out of it.
If you can’t abide by our blog’s mission, perhaps this isn’t the blog for you.
@106 “do what I do”
And fuck goats? No thanks, Musser. I’ll leave that to you and your friends at the BIAW.
Troll @102,
It may surprise you to learn that I don’t read most of your comments. I simply don’t have the time or the interest to troll my own threads.
That said, well, Christine Gregoire’s family didn’t appear to be in crisis, and neither of her daughters got pregnant at 17, so yeah… I think she probably did a pretty good job balancing career and family. I’ve had a chance to chat with her daughter Michelle on several occasions, and she appears to be a lovely young woman who looks up to her mother. And as far as I know, she was never knocked up and forced into a shotgun wedding.
If, given the obvious crisis the Palin family is going through, they still feel that this is the right time to endure the hardships of a national campaign, well, that’s up to them. But don’t give me any of this “family values” bullshit that the right has been claiming for years.
“No access to health care?” What are you smoking? A skid row bum covered in vomit who hasn’t held a job in 20 years has BETTER ACCESS TO HEALTH FACILITIES THAN I DO! If that bum, let’s say, breaks his leg, Harborview will fix his leg with no appointment and the bum will NOT HAVE TO PAY THEM BACK!
@107 Today’s issue is Republican abuse of goats. Stay on topic.
MTR @6,
I think Mark, what you advocate is “might makes right.” So if I want what you have, I should just get myself a gun and take it, since that would be survival of the fittest, wouldn’t it? And if you were caught by surprise, or too slow to pull your trigger before I pulled mine, well “YOUR fucking problems caused by YOUR stoopid choices are NOT MY FUCKING PROBLEM.”
Or am I misstating your ideology?
Thank you for the reply. I still think you hold a double standard on this issue based solely on party affiliation.
Christine Gregoire is a devote Catholic who believes in family values. All I’m saying is if you think the right thing to do is for Palin to stay home and take care of her kids, you should say that’s what Gregoire should have done.
And I don’t blame you for not reading my comments. I wouldn’t either.
@110 We could put it to the test. Let’s break your leg and dump you at the Harborview ER and see how you fare.
Ever waited for care at harborview, troll? Someone I know injured at work ended up there and waited over 12 hours. Not exactly a place for basic care.
Excuse me. I am a liberal/progressive. I meant to say homeless person.
Do I think we need a better health care system? Yes. Is a Democratic President the answer? I don’t know, what did Bill Clinton do to create universal access during his eight years?
12 hours? Sorry, but sometimes when I try to get an appt. with my Dr., I have to wait 12 days to get in.
You probably were not bleeding.
Joe who? Some old guy who steals other people’s speeches and has a bad hair transplant.
This election isn’t about issues when you listen to Dems, it’s about Hope, Change and other vaguaries that try to mask that raising taxes on people and companies will not create jobs.
These dem ticket is nothing more than partisan hacks. Robinhood is a fairy tale not a an ecnomic policy. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor has never helped anyone, except some Dems who whore the idea out to get elected.
Please tell me, kirk, how increasing our national debt and exporting industries has helped us?
Goldy – you have a hang up on sexual liberation.
Who the hell knows how much Gregoire’s kids are screwing around, and if she is or isn’t it sure is not your business, or even her mommie’s.
Catholic girls don’t get pregnant before marriage? Goldy, just where have you been the last 20 years … the mores and sexual themes have totally changed and most of all among YOUNG women. They fuck like rabbits. Has nothing to do with mom and dad, liberation and biology, as the girls menstruate at 10 and 11 these days. Face it Goldy, get over your anxiety on the topic, biology is winning, not churches and not mom and dad.
You need to have some frank talks with your ex.
Bristol looks like a beauty queen, and seems to have chosen a very nice guy. Ma and Pa Palin will get him a very good union job, and the happy couple will have more kids and a fine life.
Your green spittle on the topic is just plain horrid.
By the way, MOST moms and dads have sympathy for this situation, not scorn. Fact. Most families have this for the last or present generation. It is a face card for Palin.
Do you think if Gov. Palin were a Democrat, and Obama chose her as his running mate, that Goldy would be making the same arguments against her, and suggesting she should stay at home to raise her kids? Do you think he would say the Palin family is a family in crisis?
Impossible. Liberal Jews NEVER support a Republican … Goldy does not even support Joe Lieberman, one of the most liberal; jews in the Senate BUT … Lieber,man has committed a cardinal sin!
@121 Moral hypocricy is a face card? Only for Republicans.
@122 A bit of a stretch to imagine Obama choosing a right-wing extremist with moral issues, not to mention on-going problems with obstruction of justice charges, book-banning, government debt, creationism, cronyism, moose murder and a knack for abusing the power of her office for personal vendettas against perceived enemies.
Steve, try to follow along.
If Gov. Palin were a DEMOCRAT (Let’s say that for her whole life she was a Democrat, and served as a Democratic Governor), and Obama chose her as his running mate, that Goldy would be making the same arguments against her in terms of him saying she should stay home and raise her kids because she has a family in crisis?
That’s they question. Would Goldy still be saying she should stay home and raise her kids?
You still haven’t answered the $64k question–
How would you have felt if your ex-wife aborted your daughter?
How would you explain to your daughter that it would have been ok with you??
I like the comparison between Palin and various Democrat woman who have balanced their careers with family. Geraldine Ferraro had a special needs child too. What about that Detroit Mayor Kirkpatrick….the loser. Wasn’t his momma a Congresswoman? Are you blaming her for his choices??
You KLOWNS keep bleeting for a discussion of the issues….while focusing on family/career choices.
Which is it KLOWNS?
How would you have felt if your ex-wife aborted your daughter?
How would you explain to your daughter that it would have been ok with you??
Frankly, I doubt Goldy reads very many of your comments, Cynical, but I can tell you that there are several problems with your questions.
First, Goldy’s talking about keeping the government out of that decision, not necessarily husbands. How a family comes to their decisions on such matters is up to the family. So, your question lies outside the purview of the policy issue.
Second, a man can respect a woman’s right to make a choice without agreeing with the actual choice that she’s made in the same way I can vehemently disagree with everything you have to say while still laying down my life to defend your right to say it. These are not inconsistent stances.
No liberal has criticized Palin for not aborting Trig. Hw could she? She has a firm commitment to the idea that life begins at conception.
BUT, she DID make the choice to have this baby knowing there was a high (1/36) chance SHE would be causing her child to have Down’s Syndrome!
Now try asking your question again? I hope Trig is one of the more healthy Downs’ kids. But. if not, he may need a lot of surgery, and in any case will never be able to function in a normal life.
So, DID she have the right to male this choice? Why did they make this kid? Were she and Todd drunk? Did they decide they needed to make just one more kid? None of this makes a very pleasant picture of her morality.
There is more here. One thing that disgusts me among the supposedly pious is there willingness to trade Jesus for good deeds. Look at her performance as Mayor of this little town? Was she somehow a paradigm for the rest of us? Or did she try to fire people who had not worked for her camapaign?
Oh, and tell me what she did with this lucre she has extorted from the oil companies? This money is a tax that WE IN THE LOWER 48 pay! And, what was done with it?
*building needed infrastructure?
*building a rainy day fund?
*improving the quaolity of U. Alaska (not one of the top schols in the US)?
or did she give OUR dollars to the people of Alaska??? I am sure that will win her points when Jesus looks at her credentials for heaven?
Tell me,is it common for Pentacostal women to get their Jollies hunting animals from airplanes???
SarahPalin fails the WWJD test.
hey goldy would you lock up all those people like fdr did
Why did my comments concerning letting Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae get deleted?
Don Joe–
Interesting comments….
So, in your mind it’s really not a woman’s right to choose??
Or are you simply saying the husband/father has “input”? What does that mean??
Are you saying a woman can abort on demand with no rights to the father??
See the dilemma.
There’s no dilemma, here. We’re saying that the government has no business trying to decide who has and who doesn’t have any particular “rights” when it comes to reproductive decisions.
If there is any incoherence in this debate, it lies in the belief that the government is incapable of carving out where and how to regulate markets while demanding that the government try to delineate the boundaries within which a woman can decide when aborting her unborn baby is the best thing to do for both her health and the health of the fetus. How is it possible that the government can be incompetent in the former case yet competent enough to accomplish the latter?
Don Joe–
So you are saying the father has No Rights and it’s 100% up to the woman to make the final call on abortion.