According to an article by Howard Kurtz in the Washington Post (“U.S. paid journalist to tout law“), the Education Department secretly paid conservative commentator Armstrong Williams $241,000 to help promote President Bush’s No Child Left Behind law.
In taking the money, funneled through a public-relations firm, Williams produced and aired a commercial on his syndicated television and radio shows featuring Education Secretary Rod Paige, touted Bush’s education policy and urged other programs to interview Paige. He didn’t disclose the contract when talking about the law during cable-television appearances or writing about it in his newspaper column.
Democrats immediately accused the administration of trying to bribe journalists. Well duh-uh! It’s standard practice for the US to bribe journalists around the world… what makes anybody think they’re not doing it at home?
This is blatant propaganda that would make Goebbels proud — and at taxpayer expense, no less. When critics like me reluctantly use the word “fascism” to describe the tactics of the Republican leadership and their corporate patrons, this is exactly the kind of undemocratic crap we’re talking about.
Alex Jones, director of Harvard’s Shorenstein media center, said he is “disgusted” by what he called “the worst kind of fakery and flackery” on Williams’ part. “It’s propaganda masquerading as news, paid by government, truly a recipe from hell,” he said. “It would make any thinking person hearing any pundit speak want to say, ‘OK, how much did they pay you to say that?’ ” The contract also shows that “the Bush administration neither understands nor respects the idea of an independent media,” Jones said.
Hmm… makes you wonder how much Dori Monson got paid for his right-wing conversion, huh?
I don’t know how much they paid Dori, but I do wonder this: How is that Gregoire “Healing Tour” going? And has the rest of the state figured out yet that it will be a taxpayer-funded campaign trip for the revote?
Frankly we could have done paper-scissors-rock and Rossi would have been fine with the outcome, provided it were him. But now that we’re getting a governor, Rossi should be a conservative and save the state money by conceding. He could get a job as CEO at some company and fire a bunch of poor people, that might make him feel better. At least we’d get a reprieve from Chris Vance!
Incidentally, the Bush taxpayer propaganda is much more important than our governor’s race. This is a big one. I suspect there are more bribery cases like this, but we only know about the ones like Armstrong Williams who got caught. The underbelly of the beast is an ugly thing.
What’s really interesting to me in this incident is the reaction in conservative circles. They are all too willing to throw the black guy overboard while enshrining folks like repeated ethics violator Tom DeLay.
Heck, the GOP didn’t support Alan Keyes in his senate bid. All the Illinois GOPers went to great lengths to avoid endorsing Keyes. I mean, sure, he’s a nutcase, but his positions aren’t any different than the vast majority of the vast majority of right-wing congressfolks and senators.
This is the how the current GOP operates. If you’ve got a non-caucasian skin tone, they’re more than happy to drag you into their photo ops. If you’re not useful to them, they send you back out to the fields.
The Dori shot is not right.
He realizes where the audience is…and the pure fact is that radio audiences are much more right leaning these days.
He’s like Rush, Medved, etc….one can really question their inner beliefs…but can’t question their outstanding business judgment — and as an entertainer (which they are), they are great at getting large numbers of fans.
It’s all about entertainment and money. And laughing all the way to the bank…
Frankly we could have done paper-scissors-rock and Rossi would have been fine with the outcome, provided it were him. But now that we’re getting a governor, Rossi should be a conservative and save the state money by conceding.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
No, Rossi will be able to save considerably more money once they swear him in as governor.
After the revote of coarse.
I think the Dori shot IS right. It’s just that Armstrong Williams is an extreme case of these media whores masquerading as journalists. Our unscrupulous buddy Williams told us as in his own defense: all he has is his integrity — (so, I guess he has nothing — except for the cash he made whoring). Let’s get this straight: “good business judgment” and integrity aren’t interchangeable virtues to be conveniently swapped for personal gain.
Problem, Chuck, is Rossi lost the election. His one final hope is Chelan county. I feel sorry for him….sorta.
Comment by Joshua H— 1/9/05 @ 8:46 am
A weak use of the race card. You show your ignorance by this comment. All political partys toss aside anyone not of use to them, regardless of skin color – not that I am conceding that is what is happening here. So, don’t kid yourself that if Armstrong Williams was white they, the R’s, would be acting any different. To make this issue about the race of the people involved is ludicrous. You don;t want to start the whole, which party has more higher appointed African Amercian argument.
Schram gets paid for his comments. There are some new rumblings about anti-drug “fake news items,” but forth by the Regressive Republicans.
JOHN A FEY, SEATTLE died May 2004
JOE D BURK, SEATTLE died May 2004.
And they all voted via absentee on November 2.
Nice huh? All of the deadcrats that are voting these days.
this was so true to form, I just had to borrow it for those of you that havent already seen it……
(Olympia- SP) After a long battle within Richard J. Daley Memorial high school, Greg Christoire will be named valedictorian. This comes amid controversy after another student, Ross Dean, was determined twice to have a higher GPA: a third hand-perusal of scan-tron tests, exams, and nine instances of newly discovered extra-credit homework, gave Christoire the .0000000000026 grade point advantage he needed for the high school’s top honors.
Several classmates, however, allege that he did not deserve many of the marks he received. “I am not saying he cheated on his tests, but how can they count the ‘A’ given by Mary K. LeTourneau? She never taught here! And the A+ from Mr. Kennedy? He died two years ago!” said the editor of the school paper, “The Logger.”
Another student observed, “I saw a teacher write Christoire’s name on two tests because she couldn’t find who turned ’em in. 32 tests, with 30 students in the class? I may not be an A student, but…”
Well, well back to the column itself.
After you go to and read some of the Kerry bashing – you’ll wonder just how into the puke the Bush Republicans are.
Oh and has a thread on this.
Why don’t we use a fraction of the tobacco money old
tight ass scammed to pay for a revote. THAT is all
you ever hear her say. Must be so proud of herself.
Hey maybe she could sell some military secrets to
China, that pays well I hear. I think the taxpyers
should sue the dems for the cost of the handcount
when this gets overturned.
i read the dead people were rossi voters
does that mean republicans voted improperly, causing a smaller than actual maring for gregoire giving them fuel for their revote stuff?
Tom – read the article in the Seattle Weekly from someone who counted ballots during the recount. Republicans were trying to game the system the entire time – sowing discord among the people recounting, manufacturing more disputes than really existed, ignoring instructions from the county.
So, it wouldn’t surprise me if they purposefully inserted some illegal votes just so they could later call the election into question when they lost. Which is exactly why the RCWs set a high standard for over-turning the election. Otherwise the loser could always pay someone to vote illegally as a “pre-emptive strike”.
FLASH – Gregoire gains one vote – now 130 ahead.
One of the dead voters was voted by her elderly husband, “because he was sure that was her dying wish”. I do not want to cause the fellow any trouble, very elderly and grief madness, take her name off the lists, he has discraced himself.
BUT that is an illegal vote from an act of fraud. Take it off Rossi, minus one, plus one for Gregoire.
That idea is from Oregonian editorial, strong position agains all the partisian R’ stuff they are not happy about. I agree.
The R’ Court case is so lame, reading it again earlier. God this is pathetic – watching poor Rossi being set up by the Rpublican mob…..calling for blood…..and it will be his.
When they loose, and they will, the revote clamor will subside. And the lovely Maria will be the next prey. Wonder if sexist dog Chuck will call her a bitch as well.
How ingenious of you trying to place the deadcrat vote in the republican camp! One more reason we need a revote, dont worry though, sweet Chrissy should wipe the floor up with Dino….if what you imply might be true…
from dog breath Mark – *** I think the taxpayers
should sue the dems for the cost of the handcount ***
You stumbled on something Mark, but can’t see the logic for your stunted political knowledge. This filing may be the only winner among the cases being filed in the election aftermath.
Fair and free elections is in the constitiution. Since the election laws offer the full manual recount as an option, there should be no cost, except to the state……this contention has great potential to be validated. Think of the feees as a GIANT poll tax payable from the folks who voted for the contending candidate – good legal basis for challenging the fees, progressive idea.
It might have traction among all the trash filed in other cases.
Chuck – you do not understand how many factions in the old and new Democrat voting blocks would come together to support Gregoire. Most have said nothing in this fray.
They are real, they have money and hundreds of thousands of voters in their lists and contacts….if you think a revote would be a cakewalk for Rossi, you are wrong.
All of the traditional voting blocks would come together. And Dems would not waste their time on the cow counties….work I-5 to the max, especially Seattle/King……but it won’t happen. Poor legal case from the R’s.
Then you should back the revote, as my brother and mother do…they voted Kerry, Gregoire and are consumate democrats, yet they are 100% behind a revote. These are REAL people. Go figure…
Chuck continues to avoid the fact that his side hasn’t met the burden of proof for supporting even over-turning this election. So, being unable to handle the fact that his candidate lost, he wants us to support a re-vote and give Rossi another chance. That’s traditionally called being a sore loser. “I lost? You must have done something unfair, I just know it. There was a car crossing the street. I demand a do-over.”
If the Republicans can prove their accusations in court, good for them. Otherwise, there’s no reason to support any change in the current election outcome. No reason to change the rules now just because some people think we should.
These are REAL people.
Yeah, real like sea-monkeys are real monkeys.
Dont know about sea monkey, my 2 monkeys are real…
Chuck…I’ll take your word for it that your mother and brother are dyed-in-the-wool Democrats, but is it possible that they are telling you they support a revote just to maintain family harmony, or to avoid listening to a Republican diatribe? Families are funny that way.
RDC – you mentioned going to a Dem.district meeting….mood report…ready to concede? Chanting go Gregoire?
I watch the real news on BBC, midnight, and Canadian news. They show dead Iraqi citizens, not just that same shot of Marines running towards something with rifles.
More news in one half hour than a week on the networks. And between weather and traffic, the local news is sparse on issues too.
Calling all the felons who voted to see who they voted for. Good evidence, and I suspect they did not vote for the hard talking AG.
Will add some spice to the cases. And their testimony will be hard to refute. Get some affidavits and file – amicus briefs –
Wonder if the Dems are going to use some of 2,000 voters, or so, locked out by the crazy too difficult signature match routine in good old, you guessed it, King Co. They were really disenfranchised by bureaucratic over kill…..
My democratic family too wants a revote. Their big problem is that there are some 1200+ more votes than voters. I understand this is “usual” for King County and USUALLY doesn’t matter – however with a 130 votes between the candidates, this is NOT ACCEPTABLE – even to them.
Hey all you re-vote morons; do you know what is a more proper term for a “re-vote”? Another election. Any election has flaws, this one wasn’t particularly unique in that regard, it was just particularly close. Regardless as to if some so called margin of error could be larger than the difference between the top two candidates, it doesn’t work that way. It’s not a perfect world, and the election has come and gone. Under the law of the land, Gregoire has won, Rossi has lost, get over it. Don’t like it? Then campaign in the next election.
Of course, the Rs are welcome to even venue shop to Chelan to try and get a judge to agree with them, but even if they prevail there, they will lose in the Supreme Court. It will make for an interesting and distracting show. Pretty much a waste of time, but entertaining none the less. Too bad so many simple people have come to have unrealistic expectations under the tutelage of the losing party.
Yes, too bad 60% of Washington voters are sooooo simple.
Under the law of the land, Gregoire has won, Rossi has lost, get over it. Don’t like it? Then campaign in the next election.
Comment by Aaron— 1/9/05 @ 5:47 pm
Under the law of the land, Rossi has leagl right to contest the election. As you say “Get over it”. Nothing you say here or anywhere else will change that fact. The Fact is the R’s have a right to contest and prove their case in court. If they can great, if they can’t then you have nothing to fear. It does not change the fact they are within their rights to do everythig they are doing. “Don’t Like it”???? Then try to change the law for future election. But until you do so, you are the one that will have to “Get over it”.
Like I said, an entertaining distraction. Certainly nothing to do with real issues, like a budget that must be balanced (in contrast to the federal budget where the Rs can just kite checks to the future).
Comment by Aaron— 1/9/05 @ 5:47 pm
Frustrating when facts get in the way of a good argument, isn’t it?
Read David Postman’s article in the Seattle Times today. This guy has a way of cutting thru the crap. Gregoire’s so-called tobacco conquest and her only other worthy conquest in 12 years are called slam-dunks. It’s quite impressive how the Dems can take a sow’s ear and make a silk purse out of it.
Hey, the PR game is part of the process before, during and after the election. Anyone who claims differently is kidding themselves. The R’s still have plenty of time to gather more information thru public record requests, do more analysis, depose key people etc. This is still very, very early in the contest for crying out loud. All that was required so far is the allegation…..and that can be amended and added to at any time.
I wonder why the Dem’s aren’t out looking for illegitimate voters and wrongful acts, neglect, errors and omissions????? It’s because they are ahead. The same reason Rossi didn’t come forth with specifics on contesting this race. Why would you contest when you are ahead!!! However, it is very frustrating to be in the lead in some regards because you have to pretty much hush up. Now the Dems are in that position. How can the R’s find all these specific hard examples of wrongful acts, neglect, errors and omissions and the Dems find NOTHING????
Oh and the Dem “spinners” are doing all they can do at this point in time by trying to raise the public’s perception of what the Court will require to set aside this election. A very dangerous strategy because if it is set aside, it will be a long time before the public forgets….because, like an elephant, the public doesn’t forget a bunch of shenanigans and a big group of people (Dem leaders) saying no problem with the election AND misinterpreting the law.
Rossi is in the PR “driver’s seat” clearly because the public sees his contesting this election as ok due to many offensive acts in King Co., both by voters and the Election Dept.(losing ballots, how provisionals were handled, how the Dems ran around getting affadavits and some of them are ?????).
Mr. C – be careful, you are drooling on your bib. Mixing pablum and hooch.
The corrupt building lobby hacks said they had examined those ballots and “thought two signatures looked alike” —- GOD —what a horror. The fact the many of us learned how to write from standard texts means a lot of us write alike.
You could tell when I was growing up who learned the Palmer method, beautiful script and loops and exact letters.
Strange bullshit – folks go ask the people involved if they signed it. Simple, testimony that can not be contested. Have 50 of those Mr. C ???. If you did I know they would be on camera by now.
Braying is most skilled thing I have seen in this whole cycle – many R experts. Have read the filed material in the case – stinks.
Press report somewhere, case is set for first hearing next Friday in Wenatchee….and the good Judge, Locke appointed woman, there is the chief Judge and will most likely hear it.
Where exactly do you find these “voters” when the have no address other than the King County Elections office?
DF – I think you are mistaking the homeless or travelers that use the Court House – and incidently only the elitest R’s think all the folks using the Court House are homeless. In a mobile society I suspect most of these voters are just in transition when they register.
The ballots C hs been whinning about are the ones both Dems and R’s soliticted after the General election- first recount looming – in all counties that had any. Registered voters who had signature match problems…votes not counted in general, could be corrected by Nov 16th at 4:30….
Remeber Dems sued to get the King Co lists, won and went out and worked the phones and went to folks houses who could not get to the courthouse…..actually great public service in an ordinary world.
At the time, R’s were making fun of Dems, but truth is that they were doing the same thing- calling and so forth- with much less luck. Dems had lots – hundreds – of volunteers who set right to work and worked the weekend. Paul Brandt won this election by this project….very good political work. Work vs. talk,talk,talk…been there in many campaigns….
Forgotter in all the clamor is that King is the only County not to automatically give the lists to the parties. Had to sue to get them.
Would be the first to say that King Co is amatuer night when it comes to running elections, but no fraud. And their mistakes do not rise to a new election at this point. All over.
Next votes coming, 2006 and 2008.
You have read the material in the case and it stinks???? Really? You have really read the material? OHHHHHHH, you are talking about the “allegations” in the filing, aren’t you Marty? OHHHHH!
Gee Marty, before you get too overexcited, remember the actual evidence you are so interested in comes out during the actual Court case. Do you actually think the allegation is all their is Marty? My Gosh! Kind of sounds like you are braying…isn’t that what jackasses do??
Chuck…I’ll take your word for it that your mother and brother are dyed-in-the-wool Democrats, but is it possible that they are telling you they support a revote just to maintain family harmony, or to avoid listening to a Republican diatribe?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
You wouldnt even say that if you knew my brother…he will debate at the drop of a hat and thrives on it…
I watch the real news on BBC, midnight, and Canadian news. They show dead Iraqi citizens, not just that same shot of Marines running towards something with rifles.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Unfortunatly, a few German as well as Japanese citizens had to die in WW2 to free the majority as well….
Calling all the felons who voted to see who they voted for. Good evidence, and I suspect they did not vote for the hard talking AG.
Will add some spice to the cases. And their testimony will be hard to refute. Get some affidavits and file>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just the description felon denotes a possible liar or perjuror so what does an affidavit do to help???
Hey all you re-vote morons; do you know what is a more proper term for a “re-vote”? Another election.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Nope, wrong, it would be a revote between 2 canidates, not a mob.
Mr C – I think the R’s are suing all the counties. Wonder how many days it will take to have all these auditors testify. Of course they will have good lawyers.
Some of these foks have been running elections since WW II – should be a real show.
Should be a show to have 10 felons on parade and testify why they voted, and why they voted for Rossi……did he have some sort of project for the felons?
This fact finding and trial proces could take weeks and weeks…good thing the dems have 1.5 million – or so – in the kitty
Wenatchee will make a lot of money on motels, food and booze….and party people….attorneys have money….and there should be a mob of them…a mob….plus the media….windfall for Wenatchee tourism …..
Chuck – who they really voted for. Media will love it – really the most interesting thing in the case.
The Wenatchee judge can get a lot of name recognition out of this. Then run for appellate and/or Supreme. Invisible judge will be household word statewide. All will be on TV – live – what a chance to get out of the small town shadows.
To get the recognition, you would have to be the judge that threw the election out, anything short will be nothing…nobody remembers Scott petersons judge but everybody knows who Lance Ito is…
Chuck that was a jury…..
True but it was Lance Itos courtroom, it was also a jury that convicted Peterson but it was in whats his names courtroom (see my point)
No – OJ case was the highest point of judical interest of all time- all on live TV. a first – day after day. America was mesmerized… this state this will be followed in the sme way….political people for sure will remember this judge. History of histories for Wash.
Im telling you the only route to real immortality for the judge is to throw the election…
And the surest route to looking like an A1 asshole is for the judge to have his opinion be overturned by the state Supreme Court. Decisions upheld/overturned is the judicial scorecard.
Comment by Goldy— 1/9/05 @ 10:37 pm
As the son of a legal investigator (the guy who verifies there’s a case before the lawyers file suit) – you said it right.
Methinks the Chelan County judge (or is it the “Yes, Gov’r Rossi” judge?) will throw out the election. The problem is the confusing matrix of law for the State Supremes to sort through.
As Gov’r-elect Rossi said, “It’s a total mess.” And he, like Governor-designee Gregoire – had a hand or both in creating it w/ their tenures in previous public service positions.
Wenatchee will make a lot of money on motels, food and booze….and party people….attorneys have money
I am not so sure that the case will occur in Chelan County. This is a very conservative county with a high percentage of Rossi voters.
Rossi has chosen it for an advantage over practical considerations.
The democrats may wish to have another county hear the case and make a motion to change venue.
Wenatchee is 147 miles away from Seattle.
The democrats will argue that the witnesses are too far away from Wenatchee to have it heard there and there is another county that will be more convenient for the witnesses and the parties who located in Thurston and King Counties.
My apology
Armstrong Williams
January 10, 2005
Dear readers:
In 2003, I agreed to run a paid ad on my syndicated television show, promoting the Department of Education’s No Child Left Behind Act. I subsequently used my column space to support that legislation. This represents an obvious conflict of interests. People have used this conflict of interests to portray my column as being paid for by the Bush Administration. Nothing could be further from the truth.
At the same time, I understand that I exercised bad judgment in running paid advertising for an issue that I frequently write about in my column. People need to know that my column is uncorrupted by any outside influences. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for my bad judgment, and to better explain the circumstances.
In 2003 Ketchum Communications contacted a small PR firm that I own, Graham Williams Group, to buy ad space on a television show that I own and host. The ad was to promote The Department of Education’s “No Child Left Behind” plan. I have long felt that school vouchers hold the greatest promise of ending the racial education gap in this country. We need to hold schools accountable for their failures and create incentives to change. That is why I have vigorously supported school vouchers for the past decade—in print, on TV, during media appearances and in lectures. I believe that school vouchers represent the greatest chance of stimulating hope for young, inner city school children—often of color. In fact, I am a board member of Black Americans for Educational Options (BAEO), because I feel that school choice plans hold the promise of a new civil rights movement.
In the past I have used my column space to convey the promise of school options. I continued to do so, even after receiving money to run a series of ads on my television show promoting the “No Child Left Behind” act. I now realize that I exercised poor judgment in continuing to write about a topic which my PR firm was being paid to promote.
The fact is, I run a small business. I am CEO and manage the syndication and advertising for my television show. In between juggling my commentaries and media appearances, I stepped over the line. This has never happened before. In fact, my company has never worked on a government contract. Nor have we ever received compensation for an issue that I subsequently reported on. This will never happen again. I now realize that I have to create inseparable boundaries between my role as a small businessman and my role as an independent commentator.
I also understand that people must be able to trust that my commentary is unbiased. Please know that I supported school vouchers long before the Department of Education ran a single ad on my TV Show. I did not change my views just because my PR firm was receiving paid advertising promoting the No Child Left Behind Act. I did however exercise bad judgment by accepting advertising for an issue that I frequently write about in my column. I apologize for this bad judgment, for creating questions in people’s minds as to whether my commentary was sincere, and for bringing shame and embarrassment to the newspapers that run my commentary.
I accept full responsibility for my lack of good judgment. I am paying the price. Tribune Media has cancelled my column. And I have learned a valuable lesson. I just want to assure you that this will never happen again, and to ask for your forgiveness.
I hope that we can put this mistake behind us, and that I can continue to bring the same unique and impassioned perspective that I brought to this space in the past.
Armstrong Williams
I am having trouble seeing the “obvious” conflict of interest…
Well, me too, Chuck, but they love to excoriate any and all conservatives here and will find any excuse to do so. I fully expect the criticism of his admittance and his apology to begin to flow very soon in their typical manner.
Don’t forget that when Every Child Left Behind was passed, Ted Kennedy and the demos in the Senate were on the train. So what’s the beef with this guy having or not having a conflict supporting a BIPARTISAN bill. The bill was not perfect, but most are not. Seems like You’re making a mountain out of a bipartisan mole hill, Goldy!
zip, you missed the point entirely. The bill was supported by both sides, but Bush fell way short of delivering the amount of money he promised. If you’d like, we can have a partisan debate over whether or not the “No child left behind” act is a good education reform bill, but it won’t change the fact that Bush pledged his support and promised to fully fund the act and then changed his mind and as a result our schools are suffering.
Brent, A bit too late for a debate. It seems that Congress has authorty to fund anything they please, so perhaps Bush should not take all the blame here.
On a related note, my 3 kids went through the Edmonds school district and despite all the grinding of teeth over funding, they got a heck of a good education.
“re-vote morons” Comment by Aaron— 1/9/05 @ 5:47 pm
What is so moronic about a revote anyway? If you got out of whatever cave you’re in, you’d realize that it’s a fair solution to the mess the state has found itself in. Try looking at the big picture for once in your life.
The only reason you don’t support a revote is because you know Gregoire will lose it. Admit that, moron.
The point is, is there’s no such thing as a “re-vote”. A “re-vote” would be a different election. That’s why the entire idea of a “re-vote” is moronic.
Fair is following the law of the land. The Rs will have their oh-so-amusing circus in court, and that’s fair. But it won’t change this election, which Rossi lost. Get over it.
Aaron is right in the sense that there is no technical term “re-vote” used in any election laws. Re-vote is a nice made-up “PR” term that the Republicans are trying to use to convince people it’s some kind of do-over.
In the cases where election results have been thrown out (across the US), the result is usually either seating the 2nd place candidate or a “special election” is called for.
So it would be more genuine for Republicans to call for a “special election”, but they know that doesn’t sound as good to the public.
Remember the recall in California? Ended up with 140 candidates running. Of course California’s politics are a complete joke (6 page double-sided ballots to handle 60+ initiatives?), but the general point is still valid. There’s no such thing as a re-vote.
zip, you missed the point entirely. The bill was supported by both sides, but Bush fell way short of delivering the amount of money he promised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Actually Brent, the amount of money promised was delivered, the problem is the schools said it wasnt enough. Schools do this, like crying wolf. If you give a school one hundred dollars they scream that wasnt enough they need a thousand! It is amazing how the schools than nationally have the lowest per student cost have the best SAT scores…oh I forgot testing doesnt prove anything…
6 page double-sided ballots to handle 60+ initiatives?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I see no problem with that, of the people, BY THE PEOPLE, and for the people…
Any time the Republicans talk about fair, try using their own behavior to explain why they’re hypocrites.
Republicans would hue and cry “treason” if a judge said Gregoire was ineligible to run for office because she didn’t meet some state constitutional requirement, but the Democratic legislature seated her anyway.
The Republicans did exactly that in Kentucky this year.
Republicans would be apoplectic if the Democrats tried to weaken House ethics rules to protect Nancy Pelosi because she might be indicted on multiple felony counts?
Republicans did exactly that with Tom Delay (and only backed down off the most egregious change after public backlash).
Or if the Democrats publicly outed a CIA operative? Lied to the public about the true cost of a Medicare reform program (and threatened to fire a federal employee if he revealed the truth)? Used forged documents and innacurate data to start a war? The list goes on and on…
So don’t for a second buy into the whole “it’s only fair” BS from the Republicans. Fair to the Republicans means doing what the Republicans want, when they want it. Whenever Republicans say “bipartisan” read it as “Do what the Republicans want”.
Try looking at the big picture for once in your life.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The big picture…well lets see going by all polls, more than half of the people think Rossi won the election, so we should disenfranchise those 60-75% of the people for your big picture?
6 page double-sided ballots to handle 60+ initiatives?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I see no problem with that, of the people, BY THE PEOPLE, and for the people…
Simply put, the people can’t possibly inform themselves on the pros and cons of over 60 initiatives. You end up passing laws solely to benefit the richest interest groups, a constantly beleagured public and a legislature that never makes progress (in any direction). In fact, why don’t we do away with the legislature all together? Just have people vote on every bill, policy change, etc. Certainly we all have time to do inform ourselves properly, get independent evidence to support our positions, consider all the evidence, etc.? Oh, I forgot…
The more important function of our Republic, a form of representative Democracy for a couple of main reasons is to protect minority rights. See:
Comment by jcricket— 1/10/05 @ 9:32 am: -Simply put, the people can’t possibly inform themselves on the pros and cons of over 60 initiatives.
More liberal elite snobbery: “the people are just too damned dumb”. Exactly what the then new dumbest senator in history said when Washingtonians overwhelmingly told her to vote NO for slick wags his willie’s tax encrease in ’93 – ‘the public just doesn’t understnad what’s good for them’
Well cricket, your hubris aside, SPEAK FOR YOURSELF. I am quite capable of reading and reasearching and making decisions without YOU interpretting it for me or (ha ha) making it ‘easy’. God, your arrogance knows no bounds.