Bad news for Republicans hoping to ride a wave of economic discontent into office this November:
A flurry of reports out Wednesday suggested that many Americans are feeling better about the economic rebound.
Retail spending rose sharply and more than expected. Consumer inflation remains all but invisible. Businesses are boosting their stockpiles in anticipation of higher shopper demand.
Still, it’s not all gloom and doom for the Prefers GOP Party. While most economists expect a sustained recovery, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke cautioned that it would not have “enough strength to quickly reduce unemployment much.” That leaves plenty of opportunity for Republicans to exploit the well-justified anxiety of the job-insecure… which perhaps explains why they’re so eager to exacerbate this suffering by opposing an extension of unemployment benefits.
‘Big red wave’ my fat white ass.
There are boatloads of stats out there describing the disasterous state of several segments of the US economy; consumer credit, fiscal health of banks, the derivatives market, commercial real estate, home loan failures, to name some. Though optimistic by nature, there’ll be no bandwagon rides for this fool for some time.
We lost 8 1/2 million jobs in the last two years of Bush Depression. Bernanke should get off HIS fat white ass and do something about it!
Another thing that Republicans will have to deal with in the upcoming months is the highly unpopular decision of the Roberts court to grant corporations (foreign or not) the green light to pump as much money as they want into elections. This topic just may come up during confirmation hearings.
Their true colors will show — and that’s always bad for Republicans.
Hmm, Cynic-al hasn’t been posting these lately, wonder why?
So how cynic-al how is that “party of no!” stuff working out for you?
The demise of the GOP is going exactly as I have been predicting since the election of 2008.
The economy is exactly where I thought it would be, particularly the Dow.
Democrats have been doing a lot of good work for the People.
President Obama and the Democrat’s policies have:
Prevented the total melt down of the economy.
Saved Wall Street.
Saved the banking system.
Saved the auto industry.
Gave TAX CUTS to 90% of WORKING Americans instead of the Paris Hilton / Walton family crowd.
Made over $7 BILLION dollars profit for the American People from the repayments of the TARP funds.
Stopped the 700,000 per month job losses created by Bush.
Created over 100,000 jobs in March 2010.
Watched the Dow gain nearly 70% since the Bush Bottom on March 3, 2009.
Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act preventing employers from discriminating against women. Which the ultra-conservative, judicial activist Supreme Court ruled with corporations and against workers.
Stopped the massive abuses of Health Insurance companies and will extend coverage to nearly 30 million Americans within 4 years.
Reduced our footprint in the misguided war in Iraq.
Stepped up the tempo for the REAL fight against radical Islam in Afghanistan.
Ended the Peace agreement between Pakistan and al Qeada that Bush allowed to happen.
Crushed the Taliban in the Helmand province.
Put the first Latina woman on the Supreme Court.
Will CRUSH the Taliban’s spiritual center, Kandahar, this summer.
Authorized the killing of a US citizen in Yemen who is leading al Qeada in Yemen where Bush ignored the threat and let get out of control.
Authorized the killing and capture of Somali pirates. TWICE!
Flew to Afghanistan to straighten out Karzai, letting him know the Culture of Corruption era passed with Bush leaving office and he DAMN well better get his shit together.
Secretly removed weapons grade uranium from Chile just hours before their massive earth quake. Thus preventing weapons grade material from getting in the hands of terrorists that would surely use them. Something Bush never could manage because he’s a FAILED leader.
Signed a new nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia. In a shared goal of Ronald Reagan to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
Led the nuclear summit of 47 nations and got agreement to secure ALL loose nuclear weapons and materials within 4 years, thus increasing our national safety by preventing terrorist from getting their hands on these materials.
The Ukraine has now agreed to rid their nation of all weapons grade nuclear material.
Let me repeat that, President Obama LED the nuclear summit. That’s what REAL leaders do, they get other heads of state to FOLLOW them. Again, something Bush was either unable or unwilling to do. The former being more probable than the latter.
Scheduled the next nuclear summit for 2012 on the Korean peninsula. Putting massive diplomatic pressure on North Korea. This was no coincidence. This is called strategic thinking and planning.
Convinced China to become united with us against Iran to impose sanctions.
I’m sure I’ve missed something, but that’s pretty darn good for President Obama’s first 15 months in office.
What did Bush and the Reagan Republicans accomplish in 8 years?
It could be summed up in just 3 words:
Fucked everything up.
The Tea Partiers are a highly motivated segment in American politics, but it has nothing to do with mainstream, independent and swing voter Americans.
They will not be enough to garner the total number of votes required to govern as a majority. Even if they join with the GOP. Which I know for a fact there are many disenfranchised Republicans, who, on principle, cannot vote GOP this time.
The choice is clear for voters this fall; Vote for Democrats who have compiled an impressive record of achievement, or John Bonner and the Party of HELL NO YOU CAN’T.
Americans will ALWAYS choose accomplishment.
In 2012 the choice will be between a President Obama’s record as a real world LEADER, and the likes of a Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, or Tim Pawlenty.
Again, accomplishment and a record of leadership over a “maybe” the American people will pick positive over the “hate government” crowd every time.
I guarantee, on the first Wednesday in November of 2012 after President Obama’s re-election and the Democrat’s continued majority in both houses of Congress the talk will be about how the GOP will either need to remake itself or become completely irrelevant in American politics.
I’m glad I’m a Democrat.
Question for conservatives:
Would you most want to see
1. Unemployment going down as new jobs are created, even though the party in power might gain some favor as a result?
2. Unemployment remain high whatever its cost to our working American families, because you think it will benefit your party electorally?
And remember, not what you THINK will happen, but what you would PREFER TO SEE.
Besides Obama’s soaring popularity could it also be that the Dow is at 11,123 points today!!!
Baaa haaa haaa haaa
What’s bad for America is good for Republicans and what’s good for America is good for Democrats.
And, things have been looking pretty God Damn good lately!!
I just FUCKING love how that works.
DL @ 7
There’s really no question what our wingnuts would prefer, is there? I wouldn’t expect any of them to be honest about it; in fact, I’d be surprised if any of them even answered your question.
DL @ 7:
No queston they prefer Americans to be unhappy so they’ll vote Democrats out.
Republicans only work to serve their own self interests, they could give a rat’s ass about real mainstream American families.
Sans their rhetoric to the contrary.
@10…and Democrats are any different? LOL
all they(both) care about is keeping themselves in power..
I look at it this way. 80% of the Republicans give 80% of their care to their own power and that of their buddies.
10% of the Democrats (like Robert Byrd!) give 80% of their care to their own power and that of their buddies. The rest of the Dem’s are somewhere lower on the scale, most are around 50-50%.
The Dem’s are much better practitioners of enlightened self interest.
@12….any facts to back that up, or is that just opinion…
Interesting… There is only 1.0 points in Odumba’s approval – disapproval average.
Just a well studied opinion. ;-)
@16..ok, that is what I thought…
Uber capitalist Larry Kudlow says we’re about to have a boom and the Rs are being really stupid about the economy for political reasons (duh!):
King County Sheriff Sue Rahr says if her office has to make further cuts there won’t be enough detectives to adequately investigate crimes. But people would have to OK tax hikes to preserve police services.
Stupid Islamic fascist socialist Kenyan sheriff! Doesn’t she know that “Cut, cut cut!” is the only reasonable economic position to take, and that there is not, and cannot possibly exist, any funding level below which ordinary people begin to be hurt by lack of services!
Just ask any Republican.
Still no takers? Pud?
#2 Yes, because most “Average Joes” in Iowa base their election choices on how “the derivatives market” is doing….not.
The difference being that Republicans want power for their own self interests and Democrats want power for the People’s best interest.
Get used to it. You guys are on your way to being totally irrelevant.
There are still lots of problems to be worked out in our economy. Housing is still a problem, with lots of “underwater” homes that might be the subject of foreclosures when unemployed owners find new jobs elsewhere and have to move to a new city (since they can’t sell, abandonment to the bank is the only other option). Commercial real estate will probably have some bankruptcies as well. And we still need a substantive fix to the financial regulations to avoid a repeat of 2008 (the Democrats are working on that, and the Republicans and Wall Street are – no surprise there – fighting it).
But I was at a conference this week where they said the air cargo industry has seen a remarkable recovery since Dec. 2009. Right now it’s almost on track with eand-of-year 2007 numbers, which isn’t bad.
Air cargo is an early indicator of a financial recovery, as it reflects stores re-stocking their inventories in anticipation of customer demand over the next several months. Because of the outsourcing of manufacturing to China and Southeast Asia, it may be a more reliable indicator of economic recovery than U.S. factory orders, which was the old reliable standard everyone watched.
@21, and average Joes don’t have shit to do with the DJ Average or the other indices rises. Volumne of trading is miniscule….the Average Joe is hanging out of the “boom”, but you knew that. It’s the institutions that are fueling this “recovery”. The point being is that it’s a bit early to call the Great Republican Depression over. (The point you missed, obviously, in your rush to snarkville).
In other good news, an dear friend of mine just got hired (yesterday) after eight months of unemployment. They had been through quite a bit of hardship. Unfortunately, the job is about 2,000 miles away, and he can’t sell his home because it’s now underwater. So his family will remain at home and he will go work there for several months. Hopefully the property market will quickly improve enough so they can sell soon.
I got my house the old fashioned way, I bought it from one of my grandpa’s (who built it). I really don’t know much about the housing/home loan industries, but it does seem to me that the banks need to devalue loans almost across the board.
GBS @ 22: “You guys are on your way to being totally irrelevant.”
Any chance you’ll miss them? I have to say I won’t. Sure, maybe I’ll miss the amusement they occasionally provide, and maybe miss bashing them, but on the whole I won’t miss them.
@15 Ha! Obama’s one heck of a lot more popular than the last guy, huh? Obama has Bush by some 30 points. Hmm, you’d better start hoping that the economy tanks again, heh- while you tell us how much you put country before party.
Sorry Kudlow, but Puddy and the KLOWN just aren’t listening. Nice try, though.
“and average Joes don’t have shit to do with the DJ Average or the other indices rises. Volume of trading is minuscule….”
Politicians, of any color, really don’t have jack-diddly-shit to do with the performance of the markets. What matters is earnings and the likilihood of continued earnings growth. Political shit doens’t matter at all to the market.
@22……HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA, keep drinking that kool-aid there GBS…..
LMFAO @ “our guys are saints – and their guys are evil”…..
brainwashed much?
Pussy with a Slap-Chump:
Kool-Aid, huh?
I bet that’s what you numb-nuts thought in 1958, 4 years into your exile from controlling congress. Oh, do pray tell, who controlled congress for the next 36 years?
How many years has it been since you dickweeds GOT FIRED from congress? 4 years? Hmmm? Yep 4 years.
I’m looking forward to being at least in my mid-80’s by the time Republican’s gain controll congress again, if ever in my lifetime.
The Reagan Revolution is DEAD!!