I just ordered myself a new MacBook, taking advantage of HA reader Adam’s Apple employee discount. It’s my first new laptop since I purchased my recently deceased iBook in October, 2001. Thanks Adam, I’m really looking forward to it.
But my semi-impoverishment is nothing compared to that of fellow HA blogger Will, who recently quit his day job to go back to college full time. Will frequently finds himself at the UW libraries doing research, and a laptop sure would make it easier for him to both complete his studies and blog here on HA. Just about anything, Mac or Win, with WiFi and a copy of Word, would do the trick.
So if you have an old laptop lying around that you no longer use, and you’d like to donate it to a worthy cause, just drop me or Will an email and we’ll work out the details. We really appreciate your generosity.
joe pine spews:
The FCC hearing on WingNutz™,Inc. being allowed to buy up all the media is on again. It will be at citty hall on Friday, Nov. 9th between the hours of 4PM to 11PM.
Be there or be square. The accessory of the day will be an ‘Impeach Bush’ placard on a stick.
Mark The Redneck-Goldstein spews:
Looks like you fucking idiots were wrong. Again…
Mark The Redneck-Goldstein spews:
Goldy and Will – As true libruls, don’t you feel that you are entitled to a laptop? And not just some piece of crap somebody doesn’t want, but a top of the line new one.
Why don’t you demand that The Smartest Woman In The World hand out “free” laptops to anyone who wants one. You know… all that “digital divide” bullshit…
Why not?
Roger Rabbit spews:
I’ve never owned a laptop. It’s been on my Xmas List for 10 years now. I’m of the old school that says if you can’t afford something, you do without it — make do, work around, improvise, or whatever.
I hope someone donates a laptop to Will; it would be a nice gesture.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@3 Why don’t you pay your $100 gambling debt, then we’ll discuss the other issues you want to raise. Until then, you’re a freeloading poacher on this website, Welsher.
Mark The Redneck-Goldstein spews:
Hey Rabbit – Do you believe in “free” healthcare?
Piper Scott spews:
You’re so old fashioned, I’ll bet your ‘puter is a Sylvania console in a wooden cabinet and uses vacuum tubes. You can get a color moniter these days, you know…
I’ll bet your cell phone is bigger than a WW II walkie talkie, and you’re probably the only guy in town whose calling plan is a party line.
Can’t Will get one of those taxpayer subsidized student loans that would easily cover the cost of a high-end laptap plus a trip to Cancun over spring break to attend a tutorial on how to use it? Just asking, mind you…
The Piper
Roger Rabbit spews:
@6 Just on general principles, I think you should pay for ALL my expenses, not just healthcare. The applicable principle here is “because you’re an asshole.”
Roger Rabbit spews:
@7 What cell phone? I don’t have a cell phone.
Roger Rabbit spews:
I don’t have an iPod either, nor a Blackberry, nor broadband, nor cable. Those things are luxuries, not necessities. All I need to communicate with the rest of the world is a hollow log and one hind foot.
joe pine spews:
#2 — These refugees ran out of money in Syria and Lebanon. They came back because there is no other place they can go. Do you think they are coming back because fewer American soldiers git shot last month.
You’d let WingNutz, Inc.™ spin a dreidle with poison ivy burrs up your ass without questioning it.
Correlation does not mean causation, Freshman.
joe pine spews:
#7 — You’re just pissed ’cause RR can beat you at Pong. You still can’t grasp Ms. Pac-Man, Your Dumbo-ness.
Good Day! …and Straight Ahead!
joe pine spews:
#6 — Nobody believes in ‘free health care’ — except Bush and Cheney. You like payin’ for that billionnaire bitch’s health problems? Cause you are.
Universal health care at a reasonable cost to every citizen is not free health.
What the fuck are you talkin’ about, Willis?
Proud To Be An Ass spews:
Piper @ 7: “Can’t Will get one of those taxpayer subsidized student loans that would easily cover the cost of a high-end laptap plus a trip to Cancun over spring break to attend a tutorial on how to use it?”
Well, except for the fact that there are no such loans, what are you, as one who supports untrammelled conservative suckling on the teat of government, complaining about?
Roger Rabbit spews:
An article in Mother Jones shows just how grim the electoral math is for the GOP, not only in 2008, but for years to come.
Executive summary: “Today’s progressives face a political opportunity as great as any seen since [1932]. The election of 2006 … marked the end of the conservative ascendancy that began with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. George W. Bush … has the potential to … tarnish his party’s brand for a generation or more.”
This is what Mother Jones says about the media:
“The GOP’s success in old media … was essential to its ascent, while the emergent blogosphere and social networking sites play to progressive strengths. … As media become more participatory … the new tools are … opening the system to new players: Organizations … such as MoveOn, Daily Kos, and ActBlue …. This new paradigm represents a profound threat to the politics of privilege.”
And now for the numbers:
“Hispanics have traditionally thrown their support to Democrats, but between 1996 and 2004 the GOP doubled its share of the Hispanic presidential vote to 40 percent. Then, in what may become known as one of the great strategic mistakes in American politics, conservatives waged a national campaign to demonize immigrants. In 2006 Hispanics went nearly 70 percent for Democrats, up from 58 percent for Kerry in 2004 ….
“New demographic realities are creating an opening for progressives to craft the next great electoral strategy — one that has Democrats building on deepening strongholds in the Northeast and Pacific West, while bringing together enough progressive and progressive-leaning voters throughout the rest of the country …. Population growth along with changing party allegiances nationwide now allow Democrats to make up the ground lost in the South … this new strategy is already yielding results. Forty-one states have either a Democratic governor or senator. …
“The ultimate test … is whether it can deliver the White House …. Let’s start with the much underappreciated fact that Democrats in each of the last four presidential elections have won 248 of the 270 votes needed for victory by sustaining a lock on 15 states in the Northeast, Midwest, and West. The GOP, meanwhile, … held 16 less-populous states, for a total of 135 votes …. Add to this reliable Democratic base the heavily Hispanic states of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and Florida …, all of which … are now much more Democratic because of the epic shift in the Hispanic vote. Winning the four Southwestern states would put the party at 277 Electoral College votes — more than enough for victory. Adding Florida would put it at 304. If you throw in swing states where Democrats have scored impressive wins in recent years — Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia, maybe even Arkansas — Democrats could construct a durable majority of 354 electoral votes: landslide territory.”
And, finally,
“The new strategy … also does something else that is critical: By freeing Democrats from the need to win … in the nation’s most conservative places, it will allow progressives to be progressive, to avoid … ideological battles that can cripple a movement, and most important, to take risks and think big. Democrats … are … creating a new approach not just to strategy and tactics, but to governing as well. [They] are talking about … “transformational” [changes in] health care, immigration, energy, and national security. …
“[P]ushing through the … New Deal and … Great Society required … big majorities …. Going into this election, the Democrats have the wind at their backs; polls find that voters prefer a Democratic president by a 12- to 24-point margin, a gap bigger than at any time since Watergate. Dems picked up 31 House seats, 6 governorships, and 6 Senate seats, plus more than 300 statehouse seats across the nation in 2006 … [now] there is a chance to not only solidify those gains, but expand on them … [and] achieve … a permanent shift in the ideological orientation of the country. … This is not any old moment in history. It has the potential to definitively mark the end of a conservative period and the start of a progressive one. It’s not inevitable. It will take real leadership …. But for the first time in a very long while, it’s truly possible.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://www.motherjones.com/new.....ategy.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Karl Rove was right about creating a “permanent new majority.” He was wrong about which party would create it.
Roger Rabbit spews:
So, here’s the math: Democrats go into 2008 with a lock on 248 electoral votes, and need to find only 13 more; Republicans have only 135 electoral vaults in their vault, and need 136 more. That’s a 10-to-1 advantage in favor of the Democratic nominee, at a time of deep public dissatisfaction with the incumbent Republican administration, and with virtually nothing working right or going well on either the domestic or foreign scenes. This has the makings of a blowout, a landslide, the biggest repudiation of a party in American politics since Democrats swept the nation in the 1932 landslide.
Roger Rabbit spews:
WingNutz (TM) Inc.’s lawyers are already drawing up the bankruptcy paprs.
You know the surge is working because the liberal MSM is not running story after story hyperventalating over the body count. You donks lose again. hehehehe
So, here’s the math: Democrats go into 2008 with a lock on 248 electoral votes, and need to find only 13 more; Republicans have only 135 electoral vaults in their vault, and need 136 more. That’s a 10-to-1 advantage in favor of the Democratic nominee, at a time of deep public dissatisfaction with the incumbent Republican administration, and with virtually nothing working right or going well on either the domestic or foreign scenes. This has the makings of a blowout, a landslide, the biggest repudiation of a party in American politics since Democrats swept the nation in the 1932 landslide.
11/03/2007 at 3:16 pm
No here is the math…. Since taking over congress the dems have lowered the approval rating for the Senate to 11%. Sit and spin rabbit… hehehehehe
Mark The Redneck-Goldstein spews:
Hey Rabbit – And the rest of you freeloaders who believe in “free” healthcare…
Most of you know that it’s not really “free”. What you really mean is that you want someone else to pay for your healthcare.
Since so many of you are fucking losers like Goldy and Will who have no money because you contribute so little to society, what you really really mean is that you want guys like me to pay for your healthcare.
So do an experiment for me and report back…. next time you have a doc appointment or need to buy meds, go to your neighbors and tell them you want them to give you some of their money so you don’t have to pay with your own money for your medical care. This way it’s “free” to you. Don’t go to your friends (if you have any); go to people you don’t know. If they refuse, ask them why. If you don’t like their reasons, give them a bunch of shit about it, and tell them that they have some kind of obligation to pay your bills because you have decided that you are “entitled” to “free” healthcare.
We all know that every person will tell you to fuck off. So why do you you think it’s OK to use the force of government to steal people’s money from them unwillingly simply because you have decided to freeload?
howie in seattle spews:
the wireless internet portal on my dear old compac laptop recently passed away so there another surplus laptop out there, I will happily accept it.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@19 We’re going to kick your Republican canine ass next year. Trust me on this.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@20 Speaking of freeloaders, when are you going to pay your gambling debt to Goldy?
Roger Rabbit says:
@19 We’re going to kick your Republican canine ass next year. Trust me on this.
Start registering dead people early… you are going to need em. hehehehe