Today my monitor blew up.
It was a turn-of-the-century Apple 17-inch Studio Display, and it worked well enough I suppose, until I turned it on this morning and a gigantic spark shot across the screen and out the top grill, leaving a puff of acrid, black smoke in its wake.
For a moment I considered moving back to my old 12-inch iBook (circa 2001), but its screen is slowly failing too, and it feels frustratingly pokey, even compared to the less-than-muscular Mac mini I’ve been using as my main computer for the past year. So this afternoon I headed down to Tukwila to shop for a new monitor.
I immediately gravitated towards a crisp 20-inch widescreen HDTV LCD, that at 1366×768 native resolution would have given me more screen real estate than my old display, while tuning in a number of HD channels over the air. But at $399.00, I just couldn’t justify the purchase. Next I checked out LCD monitors, but the big screens were even pricier than the televisions, while the 17- and 19-inch screens just didn’t feel like enough of an upgrade to make them worth the two to three hundred dollar price.
I’d never really liked switching from the iBook’s small but comfortable LCD back to the larger but less ergonomic CRT, and had long coveted a large LCD for my desktop. But the truth is, my personal finances are more than a bit precarious at the moment, and so at the end of the day I reluctantly found myself at RE:PC buying a used 19-inch CRT for $24.95. The colors are a bit washed out, and the image is fuzzy around the edges, but it works, and I guess that’s good enough.
Well… actually, the monitor kinda sucks. But it was cheap.
The past few years have been an extraordinary experience, immensely gratifying in nearly every way except financial, and while it is a relief to have some steady income from the KIRO gig, two nights a week does not make ends meet and is far from enough to help pull me out of the financial hole I’ve dug for myself. Everything in my life — my house, my car, my clothes, my body — is falling apart, and well… as I stare at these words on my fuzzy new/old screen, it’s just kinda depressing.
Don’t get me wrong. I love what I do, and given the choice I’d do it all over again. (‘Cause… I’m crazy.) And I certainly plan to continue almost-full-time blogging as long as I can keep the lights on. But the City Light bill is past due, so who knows how much longer that might be?
The point is, I need cash, and so I’ve decided to do what I first should have done a couple years ago, and hold an online fundraiser. That’s right, I’m asking you, my loyal readers, to help me continue my hard work, by forking over a little or your hard earned cash.
Consider this to be’s first official pledge drive. From now through the end of the month I’ll be shamelessly begging you for money… you know, just like politicians, NPR, PBS, teenage children and… well… beggars. My goal: a modest $3500 — about enough to pay my bills for a month. Barely.
I won’t be spending the money on fancy computer equipment (though I’d love a new MacBook if anybody has one to spare)… just the mortgage, health insurance, maybe a trip to the dentist and stuff like that. Just the nuts and bolts of getting by.
It’s been a privilege doing what I do, but it takes an awful lot of hard work and time… time I probably should be spending earning a decent living. So if you enjoy, if you believe I make a contribution that’s worth continuing, then please show your appreciation the American way — by whipping out your credit card and sending me some cold, hard cash.
As always, I thank you for your support.
You’re certainly deserving of a little monetary love. I’ll be sending some your way before the end of the pledge drive for sure.
“I turned it on this morning and a gigantic spark shot across the screen and out the top grill, leaving a puff of acrid, black smoke in its wake.”
Wow! I don’t get a light-show like that! When my dies, the fucker just goes blank. Then I haul it down to the recycle fair and fork over $15 to the city to haul it away. I suppose it ends up in China, where political prisoners disassemble it for metals recovery and glass recycling.
Hmmm … I just had a hell of a time posting a comment on the previous thread, and when I clicked on the “Amazon Honor System” link under “Give Me Money,” that didn’t work either.
Looks like someone’s got it in for both of us, Goldy.
I just paid for your $24.95 monitor, Goldy. I know all about cheap computer equipment, because that’s the kind I use, too. I got my last monitor free from the computer shop; they gave it to me so they wouldn’t have to pay a recycling fee to have it seen for disassembly by political prisoners in China.
$3500 a month? Geez, Goldy, I feel your pain! Living in a fucking hole in the ground gets rid of the mortgage payment, an inconvenient expense for many, but even a cheapskate like me can’t live on less than $2400 a month. I think the fuckers are trying to force us to work.
@4 “Sent” not “seen”
If you wonder why my posts contain so many typos, it’s because (select one)
[ ] 1. I’m too lazy to edit
[ ] 2. I have a fuzzy monitor too
[ ] 3. It’s damn hard to type with furry paws!
[ ] 4. All of the above.
I’ll bet you won’t get a penny from the wingnuts freeloaders who use your site to disseminate their bullshit. You should adopt the libertarian model and make these assholes pay-per-post! We’d have a lot less troll crap to wade through.
I may have an extra CRT if you need it. Let me know.
Frankly, I have wondered how you “make it” and thought you must be like some English son of the 1800s living on a pension. In a way it is good to know that is not the case.
I have contributed my meagre amount, but wonder if you have given thought to some more “regular” way this could be done, esp. in re tax issues? What about starting a non profit? At least that could deal with supporting HA since any contributions to its costs would be tax free.
Another thought might be to set up an account of Cafe Press where folks could buy the usual stuff decorated with your mug ( m ug mug) or perhaps a better versin of the HA logo??
I also rememebr your say8ing that you have been a writer (in Yiddish I might say “Voo Den”) Any thoughts about some more in depth writing? Samizdat, a new letter!
Let me know of anyway we can help!
My sympathies! My monitor blew up on Thanksgiving night, I turned it off, which I never do, and it went to sleep forever – never to come on again!
Keep blogging – you will make enough to pay your bills!
“Born-Again Crowd a Scary Bunch
“By Barry Garron, Reuters
“Alexandra Pelosi, daughter of the new House speaker, directs a film out of the Bible Belt.
“LOS ANGELES (Jan. 24) – Alexandra Pelosi, speaking about her documentary on red state evangelicals, said it’s possible for everyone to get along if we can get past the hot-button issues of abortion and gay marriage. She may be overly optimistic.
“The daughter of House speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled the Bible Belt to bring back footage of fundamentalist worshipers, as well as Christian miniature golf courses, wrestling federations, car clubs and theme parks. Her guide for much of the journey was Ted Haggard ….
“…[T]he parts of the film that were most troubling were not about abortion or gay marriage or even the incredibly pathetic attacks on evolution. Rather, it was the willingness of evangelicals, young and old, to accept as figurative and literal gospel anything and everything fed to them by authority figures. They appear as automatons, unable or unwilling to question the pronouncements of their leaders.
“Also difficult to watch were those who, despite having elected a born-again president and established giant radio and TV networks and a political power base second to none, still feel they are a persecuted minority. If Pelosi’s intent is to show that evangelical faith suffocates reason, the point is well-made.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
All our money went to Darcy, et al. — at your urging! But I’ll find some for you too; this is a great blog.
I’d suggest re-evaulating your priorities.
If you can’t manage your own life without pan handling to get by, What does that tell you? More importantly, what does that tell your kid?
listening to you blather on about how other people should be running their lives is pathetic.
Quite frankly, you are a mean spririted little shit and have gone after people in a ruthless fashion (David Irons comes to mind), So you get absolutely no sympathy from me.
Goldy I will contribute $20 and lots more if you out the identities of:
and any of the other few remaining right wing trolls here….
We’ve run most of the cowards off with our smashing victory in Nov. These few asswipes need to go too…
What the heck. I gave $25. I appreciate the serious attempt you make to show the utter failures of the right.
Hey I just realized that Baby Bush forgot to mention some stats during the SOTU speech…
1) How many times did the Bush Twins get arrested for illegal drinking, coke use and general whoring around this year?
2) How many Bush family members went to Iraq to fight in the “most important war in our history?”
3) How many pregnant gay daughters does WHATADICK Cheney have?
4) How many donors did WHATADICK Cheney shoot in the face last year?
Even better, auction them off on eBay.
Setting up a non-profit isn’t as easy as it sounds, apparently. Another friend of mine who blogs full time and is perpetually short on cash says we aren’t allowed to just donate to him. I forget why — probably something about the law in the state he lives in.
So, he sells bumper stickers as a proxy for donations. $5 for black-and-white, $25 for color.
The Cafe Press idea is a good one. Costs little or nothing to set up, apparently, and they just take a cut of whatever you sell.
Perhaps it says he’s a good father but a rotten businessman? There is much more to being a father than providing money. Been there, done that.
What is so different about Goldy and a guy who busks down in the Market with his guitar case open? They are both providing entertainment, for free if you like, but for money if you want to support the guy. And let’s face it, the wingnut trolls who hang out here get some value out of this site or they wouldn’t be here. You really want to starve him out? Quit hitting the site.
Get your priorities straight, computer-wise. Yeah, a shiny new Mac would be very nice, but as long as it’s working there’s little a new Mac will do, if anything, that it can’t.
The best advice I ever heard about computers is that what’s in the box is important, but the parts that come into contact with your body are the keyboard, mouse, and monitor (and to a lesser extent, the speakers). Those should be comfortable. You shouldn’t have to pound the keyboard, or squint, to use the computer.
Good luck. I’ll see if I can spread the word a bit.
Looks like we got another religious, right wing, whackjob off the street.
Great post. I guess continued truths about the Moonbat! morons hurts. Don’t facts hurt the libtard mind?
Hmmm…? The most populous county in Ohio is Moonbat! Who’d a thunk voting problems in Ohio Moonbat! land? I guess for you stuuuuuuupiiiiiiiid Moonbat!s another argument flushed down the Clueless… er… crapper?
RightStillStupid @19: Back then he was a card carrying Democrat libtard!
History Lesson:
George Wallace, Jim “Bull” Connor, J Edgar Hoover -1960s
Hillary Clinton Campaign – 2007 Attack on Barack Obama and his Indonesian schooling. Of course I had to navigate to the UK for it! Libtard MSM would not print it.
Been a while since I contributed anything. Will send some bux your way.
Oh yeah, Goldy, one more thing —
I wouldn’t discuss the fundraiser on your show. Sounds too much like advertising. But I’d continue to otherwise plug the site.
For your info I listen to NOVA M radio for some good left wing killer radio and they just this week asked for contributions, so welcome to the vast left wing conspiracy that controls the media in this country, at least that’s according to the right wing nutfucks who say you’re getting all the money. I’m sure Limpdick Limbo Limbaugh’s drug habit is more than $3,500.00. It’s probably $3,500.00 a show.
Please add a couple of extra bucks to your gift to help Goldy cover the PayPal fees, which can ad up in a hurry.
It would be nice to see the WingNuts donate a bit too. Y’all are always saying how giving should be left for the public to do voluntarily and not through welfare and taxes.
Time to put up or shut up.
I will match Wingnut contributions up to a total of $100 (verification by Goldy, not some moe-ron posting that he donated). Can you Wingnuts meet the challenge?
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Jew and putting my money where my favorite blog is.
Let me get this right. You have made a personal decision to blog full time. Now you are coming to the realization that it doesn’t pay well? How stupid is that? This is a true example of the liberal mind set. As long as you are doing what you want, it is “society’s” responsibility to make sure you can survive.
Maybe we should pass a law providing public financing for liberal blogs. Given the super-majorities in the state legislature, I’m sure it could go through easily.
Better idea – get a job.
Dude, next time you need computer equipment, just sent out a request. I bet I’m not the only one within easy driving distance with a perfectly good ‘spare’ monitor laying around.
That said, want a not-fuzzy 20″ IBM P200?
Also, go check out the Boeing surplus store in Kent.
Thanks for ‘speaking’ out up while so many of us fume in silence.
No lectures from me, Goldy. My contribution ain’t much in that way of bucks, but they’re yours now.
Amazing, isn’t is, that the trolls who are obviously paid to camp out on this site are so derisive about the finances of our host.
Go cluck at Duke Cunningham, Hmmmmm and Janet S.
I’ll kick in a few bucks too, although it might be tomorrow before I get around to it.
I also think some of the marketing ideas suggested earlier, by others, might be a smart move. Mugs, T-shirts, and bumber stickers might be a start. They serve a dual purpose: they advertise your site, and give you a little money at the same time.
But as Limbaugh & others have found, the real money seems to be in publishing. Why don’t you write a book? You could have a first chapter explaining how this whole project came about (for the benefit of a national audience that doesn’t know Tim Eyman). Then you can devote following chapters to general subjects, filled with quotes from the right-wing posters on this board, followed by a few (humerous) comments. It would be hillarious.
If you can’t find a publisher quickly, you can self-publish, using coil-binding at a Costco business center. That way you can produce a book for less than $3.00 each, and sell them for whatever the market could bear.
But timing is important. After the 2008 elections George Bush will be out of power, and the right-wing ramblings won’t be as humerous any more. It will just be sad and pathetic. Catch the wave while it crests.
wow goldy…you sure have some cheap skate “supporters”…and here we were all led to believe that roger was quite well off thanks to his brilliant investments, and what does he send you? what? 25 bucks?
roger…it is you that do most of the talking around here so why don’t you pay per word? or post? you’d owe goldy thousands……..
and ,harry, NO ONE is paid to “hang out” at this site….good grief!
Dear Janet S @ 27:
Janet, you ignorant slut.
How about if Goldy just makes this a pay site? You know, sign up for the “members” area, like you do for all your porn. Then it would be a business. It is still a business whether you want to realize that or not.
You come here and never give one thought as to the dollar cost and man hours required to keep this site up and running. You just post away You are entertained and you want it for free. You pay for your newspaper, your cable TV, your concerts and your movies. But ask you to pay for something you use on a regular basis and….OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you are not going to pay for something that is free already.
What a low life scum you are. If you don’t want to contribute, get lost. As for me, I will no longer respond to your inane posts. I would urge others to ignore you also. Then maybe you will go away. I have long suspected that you are just another incarnation of MTR anyway.
So, Christmasghost, how much did you send?
left foot…AKA GOLDY…… keep up the good work showcasing what goldy’s blog is all about. i am so glad that goldy wrote that piece on sexism so you will recognize it in your own words…for example: “Janet, you ignorant slut.”
now that’s classy!
make this a pay site? what are you trying to do ? make it a real instead of virtual ghost town?
get real……..
“My Left Foot says:
So, Christmasghost, how much did you send?
wow…with sparkling conversation like this i wonder why i am not cutting a check for five thousand right now….
oh, wait a minute….no i don’t.
left foot sweetie….how much can we put YOU down for? one thousand? two?
come on don’t be cheap…this is your favorite site and according to you [and every other liberal on here] you are all very well off….so why don’t you put your money where your mouth ALWAYS is, hmmmmmm?
goldy…what about ron sims? let’s be honest here, doesn’t he owe you ALOT? it must fry you that there he is riding around in a limo [and you know he never has to scrounge around for cash or computers]and you really helped him….why isn’t he returning it?
and here i thought that you progressives all stuck together and [unlike those vile corporations and republicans] helped each other out….
the 60’s didn’t work either. [pun intended]
christmasghost @ 35:
UM, how old are you? The “Janet, you ignorant slut” is a play on a line from the original Saturday Night Live. (Dan Ackroyd to Jane Curtain, in a point-counter point skit.
As for blogs, you have not posted on yours for 7 months. But lots of people have sent you emails “begging” you to post again. What a lying son-of-a-bitch you are. Also I notice you don’t capitalize and use punctuation incorrectly. High school a bit rough for you?
I am classy, you ignorant prick. Just because you don’t get the reference, does not mean it was not funny. It certainly was not mean spirited. It did, however, have a purpose that I did not anticipate. It got your panties in a bunch. By the way, concerning the post that you are accusing me of being Goldy, you might look north a few comments and see what my real name is, something you are too chickenshit tell us.
” well according to one of goldy’s peeps…”biff”…if we give money we will be just another nasty conservative becasue as he says “It always boils down to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ with these conservative bastards.”
and we wouldn’t want to LOOK bad would we? we have to follow the example of our “progressive” instructers here…..
christmasghost @ 32:
You are not cutting a check for $5000 bacause you don’t have it.
Whether or not I sent Goldy 50 cents or $50,000 is not your concern. I have no need to disclose that information to build my ego. I just want to encourage others to give.
Some assholes, yourself included, just come here to rile and spew hate. You attempt to gain self worth by inciting others to respond to your incoherent comments. I respond, but with laughter and a few swear words, if only to see the self righteous piety come spitting out of you in the form of projectile vomiting.
comment 40 should reference comment 36. oops.
left foot…….are you truly serious?
and were you in the original saturday night live? did you reference it? [and by the way…it was never that funny….]
so you have been watching my blog and counting the days huh? you must not have much to do?
you want my name? why? and why in the world would anyone give out their name on a blog site? slow learners? it doesn’t make one “chicken shit” just because they have the smarts to not give out personal info to a bunch of fools,does it?
but i LOVE this……”I am classy, you ignorant prick.”
i can almost hear your little foot stamping……..
and yes honey…you are so classy…you just proved it again.
Funny how your words echo JCH, aunti-liberal, MTR and others.
Actually, your “blog” is dead. I noticed your name was a link so I went and took a thirty second too long gander.
Not sure how you can imagine my foot stomping. Why do you call me honey and sweetie? I am married and certainly not your type. I am honest, I post my name, I have nothing to fear for speaking my mind. Not sure why you are afraid. This is America where you are free to speak out all you wish.
That said…..Go fuck yourself you self-righteous bastard.
(I keep swearing, cuz you keep responding to it. If you find it offensive, well, fuck you anyway).
SNL was never funny to uptight conservative assholes, they poked fun at hypocrisy. Something that conservatives live on.
lefty…oh honey, don’t get your knickers in a knot now.
“Some assholes, yourself included, just come here to rile and spew hate. You attempt to gain self worth by inciting others to respond to your incoherent comments. I respond, but with laughter and a few swear words, if only to see the self righteous piety come spitting out of you in the form of projectile vomiting.”
i take it english is not your first language? because if it was you would notice the obvious. YOU are the one spewing….and it isn’t laughter baby.
and then there’s this classic moment: “You are not cutting a check for $5000 bacause you don’t have it.
Whether or not I sent Goldy 50 cents or $50,000 is not your concern. I have no need to disclose that information to build my ego. I just want to encourage others to give.”
oh…UH HUH.
but WAIT!!!! aren’t you the one that called me chicken shit because i did not use my actual name on here? so wait a minute here! why you wascally liberal you! you are expecting me to do what you don’t feel the need to? disclose info…..because you are special right?
i am not cutting goldy a check because i am a nasty evil corporate republican. he wouldn’t want my money and i wouldn’t expect him to stoop beneath his high standards and take money from somewhere he wouldn’t feel comfortable getting it. unless of course he comes out and says that he has no problem with taking money from a corporation that does most of it’s business with BIG PHARMA.
and ,come on, this is goldy we are talking about and he would never do that……….
I don’t have much to do, you are right about that. I am 49, retired, nice comfortable home, all the comforts, dog on the couch next to me, laptop in front of me and nothing to do but aggravate you.
Goldy another contribution if you out Janet S as Pam Roach and tell the identity of ChristmasGhost.
I bet all the righties on this board are posting from the sex offender unit at McNeil Island.
christmasghost moe-ron:
My name is on one of my first posts today. EVERYONE here, who is regular, knows my name.
Thank you for pointing out my typo. I appreciate it and will try to be more careful in the future.
Enlish, which you should have capitalized (I realize viewing the keyboard with your head up your ass is difficult) is my first language. Which has nothing to with whatever point you were trying to make about spewing. Apparently you confuse easily.
Now, put moms computer up and get along to school, Sparky.
Nothing screams uneducated fool like a post filled with grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. You are corporate alright. You have the line down cold, “Would you like to super-size that”.
left foot dear…….as far as SNL goes i was just watching the one about hillary and chris mathews…it was very funny. i’ll bet you didn’t find it funny though, did you?
“I don’t have much to do, you are right about that. I am 49, retired, nice comfortable home, all the comforts, dog on the couch next to me, laptop in front of me and nothing to do but aggravate you.”
okay…here’s what you do to help out goldy.since you have so much time on your hands why don’t you go out and get another job and give all the money you earn to support goldy? you know….kinda like what the rest of us do every year at tax time.or why not give him your laptop [you don’t need it, you are just playing]and give up your comforts. one of your peeps needs you !!! what is wrong with you anyway? i thought liberals always helped out their fellow human beings.that, of course, would not include conservatives, right?
and the day you can aggravate me in the slightest is the day i will get a check up at the doc’s.
so you are 49 and retired. can i say U-N-I-O-N?????
let me guess…retired high school teacher. LOL.
lefty…only someone with a very tiny brain and way too much time on their hands would worry about caps on a blog or text message.
or, can i put it another way? only someone WHO HAD TO WORRY…i don’t have to, so i don’t.
is my blog dead? i guess right now it’s asleep at least. but only because i haven’t felt like writing anything and i don’t really have the time. so??? it’s not bothering me in the slightest. i mean, really, what is your silly point? by saying “your blog is dead” what does that actually mean anyway? it’s obviously up and running [i pay my bills] so the only reason that i haven’t written anything is …because i have been busy and haven’t felt like it.
so your big AHA! moment point is????
and i must point out to you that really nothing screams uneducated fool like a post filled with screaming and four letter words………..
Right now, you need a reliable backup. RE-PC can save your bacon. They are run by a reputable guy who doesn’t sell junk and their Southcenter location has several racks of working monitors that you can see before you buy. Their employees can even answer questions! I suggest that you hit RE-PC and get something serviceable for now so that you can spend your donations on your dream computer.
BTW, cleaning the dust out of your monitor does wonders for its overall well-being.
@12 He wouldn’t have this problem if you Republican assholes who live off the labor of others would share a little of what we produce for you with the workers who produce it.
@12 (continued) I take it, then, you support mother beating? You have issues, pal. Get help.
roger…we already do that. it’s called a PAYCHECK.
and isn’t goldy asking to live off the labor of others?
The union, asshole, is called the UNITED STATES ARMY.What dumb fuck. Again, everyone here who can read knows this about me.
I laugh at SNL all the time, funny crosses all political lines.
Your suggestions, while interesting, are beyond the realm of normal thinking individuals. We have come to expect no less from you, Sparky.
These terms of endearment that you continue to use are suggesting that you have a homosexual component to your makeup. Isn’t this against the conservative rules? Oh, wait, I forgot. You can pretend you are Jim West or Mark Foley and it is all OK. Anyway, Sport, I don’t go that way, so your feeling are misplaced and totally inappropriate.
Screaming in a post is characterized, typically, by using all caps. You probably had no objection to my swearing while I was yelling at Taliban, Iraqis and recruits. (None of those recruits, by the way, were from wealthy, elite Republican families).
Funny how that works.
One last thing. The only thing I worry about is how bad will the Mariners suck this year and should I just give up the season seats since the product stinks.
@12 “Quite frankly, you are a mean spririted little shit and have gone after people in a ruthless fashion (David Irons comes to mind), So you get absolutely no sympathy from me.”
And Republicans aren’t mean spirited little shits? Need I remind you of what you ruthless, lying, scumbags did to Max Cleland, John Kerry, and even your own man McCain? And you’re bitching about Goldy telling the truth about a cockroach like Irons? Guess what, you shitwad hypocrites have no credibility with anyone anymore.
I missed it the first time around. I thought your reference to your moniter as a “turn of the century model” was a humerous exageration (as obviously, there were no computer moniters in the early 20th century).
Then when I looked at it a second time, I realized – he’s talking about the early 2000’s, not the early 1900’s.
I guess I’m showing my age. I’m still thinking of a 1990’s model car as being “fairly new”. At the rate I’m going, the first decade of the 21st century will have passed before I realize its there.
Of course, considering our Presidential “leadership” for the past six years, perhaps “turning off” the brain was a natural defense mechanism, to keep from getting a stroke every time I read the news.
@21 Pudding Brain: You’re too late — I posted that article yesterday. This proves you don’t actually read this blog, you just freeload here.
Two election workers were convicted of rigging a recount in a DEMOCRATIC county of Ohio. What does that tell you? Guess they didn’t want the recount to show that President-Elect Kerry actually lost, huh. Yeah, that’s gotta be it, they were working for the Democrats and protecting Kerry’s victory. Why else would they hide ballot irregularities?
You are one stupid fuckwad. Thanks for helping expose GOP election fraud — your efforts are appreciated. You’ll be getting your pink slip for GOP Propaganda Central in tomorow’s mail. Sheesh.
@22 Aren’t you proud that YOUR party has all these bedsheeted bigoted bullies now?
@25 et al. The wingnuts panhandle, too. The difference between them and us is they have only two donors (Scaife and Moon), and their donors send $250,000,000 at a crack, instead of $25. Oh yeah, one more thing, in Moon’s case it’s laundered drug money.
@26 “It would be nice to see the WingNuts donate a bit too.”
Are you kidding? They don’t support the troops, much less Goldy!* They support Roger Rabbit, though! My oil stock is up again today, last time I checked. Thanks for your patronage, gas guzzler drivers! I appreciate your business.
* There is no documented case of any righturd troll ever sending one (1) red cent to
@27 Janet Stupid — Goldy has a job, dimwit. Under his business model, he asks the customers to pay whatever they consider a fair price for his services. Under the Republican model, the business delivers no useful services whatsoever and takes everything you’ve got whether you want to pay or not.* I like Goldy’s approach better.
* See, e.g., Clay Bennett & the Sonics.
@31 I’ve even got a title for your book, Goldy! Call it, “Horses Asses: The Collected Wisdom of the Right.”
@65 I’ll even throw in a photo of my garbage man and his truck for the dust jacket to help get your book project off the ground.
My left foot,
You should sell me the tickets to a game when the NY Yankees are in Safeco!
Roger, what little faith you have……..
@32 Speaking of cheapskates, I sent $99 to which is $99 more than you sent! Unlike people who claim to “support the troops,” I actually support them. And it goes without saying the $24.95 I gave to Goldy is $24.95 more than you gave to Goldy. When it comes to being a cheapskate, you’ve got even me beat!*
* Note to wingnut idiots: That’s not something to brag about, but if you insist on using it as a talking point anyway, feel free.
@32 You see, Vaporous One, I think like a Republican — so I can live like a Republican! Republicans didn’t get their money by giving it away, and neither did I. In any case, I need to compound my dividends just to keep up with the Bush Inflation. Let’s see, he’s been in office for 6 years, and gasoline has doubled, housing has doubled, my grocery bill has doubled, my utility bill has tripled … get the drift? My $300 tax rebate disappeared long ago, in fact it disappeared in less than one month, and I’m sure yours did too, so how are your “middle class tax breaks” working out for you assholes?
Puddybutt I can’t hear you. Your wife screams too loudly every time I give her what she wants that you just get drowned out by the noise.
Even “Rev.” Moon doesn’t give away money. He’s invested over $3 billion in buying Republican politicians so he won’t be prosecuted for his many crimes, but he hasn’t given away 1 cent.
When (not if) Democrats retake control of the government in Jan. 2009, prosecuting this gangster should be way up there on the New Justice Department’s priority list.
Republicans never give away money; they invest it. For example, I read somewhere that the rich people who gave the GOP $4 billion in campaign contributions between 2000 and 2004 got over $400 billion of tax breaks. That’s a 10,000% return on investment. They know a good thing when they see one; they can’t make that kind of return even in the oil patch. Buying Republican politicians is the world’s most profitable industry.
sgmmac at 67:
I am a Yankee Hater. I would never sell my tickets to a Yankee fan. My seat are reserved for true believers. Red Sox fans, Dodger fans and Mariner fans are the only ones who qualify. I would sooner eat the tickets in my peanut butter and jelly sammich, than see a Yankee fan in my seats.
Note: this has nothing to do with political ideology. It is far more important than that.
@35 What else could he call you besides an ignorant slut? You’re clearly not an educated slut.
Thank you, Roger. ROFLMAO!!!
@37 “the 60’s didn’t work either”
Ahhhhh … now here’s a smoking piece of evidence. At last, we have a clue about who “ghost” is, and what her motive is.
As has been written all over the place, many neocons are disillusioned ex-’60s ex-leftist ex-hippies who turned into Republican flamethrowers after “acid” fried their brains. They just can’t stand their former selves, and never miss an opportunity to indulge in self-loathing over their misspent youth. So now they’re trying to make up for it by being the evil, selfish, money-grubbing, intolerant, bigoted, sexless, autocratic, automatons their parents were, which is what drove them into communes and group grope in the first place! And it drives them nuts that they’ve turned into everything they despised in their parents, and now their kids despise them for the same reason. You guys should put yourselves out of your misery. I don’t mean for 5 minutes by stealing your first-grader’s library paste to sniff it, I mean permanently! That is, take off all your clothes, have a good fuck, and become liberals again! Then everything will be all right.
@45 “i am not cutting goldy a check because i am a nasty evil corporate republican. he wouldn’t want my money and i wouldn’t expect him to stoop beneath his high standards and take money from somewhere he wouldn’t feel comfortable getting it.”
Who appointed you to speak for Goldy? I take money from Republicans, and I’m sure he does too. After all, he’s working for the Mormons, who aren’t exactly flaming liberals. Why shouldn’t we? It was ours to begin with before the Republicans stole it from us, so we’re just reclaiming our property. You just don’t want to admit that you’re a freeloader. You’re freeloading on Goldy; but, worst of all, you’re freeloading on our troops.
Oh Carl!
I will have to post after the first Red Sox/Yankee game………. I picked the Yankees because my DAD hates them, Cubs fan his whole life………
I thought you were ready to give up the seats because the Mariners suck!
For example, I take money from MTR — every time he fills up his Hummer. And I appreciate his financial contributions to my well-being! His patronage helps make my participation on this blog possible. Thanks MTR — I appreciate your business! Keep burning my gas, baby.
@47 “I bet all the righties on this board are posting from the sex offender unit at McNeil Island.”
They certainly seem to be people with a lot of time on their hands, if you know what I mean.
@50 Why the fuck shouldn’t we join unions so we can retire at 49? Republicans rip us off so they can retire at 35. Some of them retire at 25. Sharansky, for example. Politics and political blogging makes a fine retirement hobby, by the way.
sgmmac @ 79:
Your dad can have the tickets if I can’t make it. LOL
So you chose a team to follow because your dad didn’t like them? Hmmmmm, Freud would have something to say about that I am sure.
I have been to Wrigley Field. I felt the Cub fans pain. Been to Fenway too. Those people are nuts.
@51 “lefty…only someone with a very tiny brain and way too much time on their hands would worry about caps on a blog or text message.”
He was merely reiterating what all the rest of us have noticed, too:
Right wingers consistently misspell even simple words
Right wingers consistently make basic grammar errors
Right wingers consistently are poorly informed
Right wingers consistently believe superstitions and falsehoods
Right wingers consistently let other people tell them what to think and say
Not a pretty picture, is it? The screechers of the Irrational Right are society’s educational and social failures. No surprise there. It was inevitable that all the brain-damaged crack babies would form their own political party and run brain-damaged coke users for public office. We all knew back in the ’60s this would happen 20 or 30 years down the road.
@55 “roger…we already do that. it’s called a PAYCHECK.”
I’m glad you brought that up, ghost! Because the Senate Republicans shot down the minimum wage bill today. 54-43, every Democrat and several Republicans saying with their votes it’s time to raise the minimum wage, but it took 60 votes and 43 Republican cheap-labor assholes said “no.”
You can roll your $5.15 an hour “paycheck” into a tight little tube and shove it up your Republican ass, you sanctimonious bitch! We don’t work for slave wages. For that kind of money, you can sweep the floors and take out the trash yourself.
You know, christmasghost is beginning to sound a lot like proudofherfatlyingthreateningcheatingass.
Let’s say you take your car to a garage for repairs. They charge you $85 an hour for “labor,” but the shmuck who fixes your car sees only $9 of it. The rest goes to the capitalist who sits in the front office printing out service vouchers and counting his shekels. See how that works? The less work you do, the more you make. Bush calls it the “Ownership Society.” Hey, I just go with the flow … I worked for 40 years, and all my bosses were jerks, but I hoarded my coin and now I’m an Owner. I don’t have to work anymore, and I don’t — why should I work for you, ghost, or for the crummy wages you want to pay? How about if you work for ME? I have some little jobs around the burrow that need doing, like sweeping and taking out the trash. I’ll pay you $5.15 an hour. If you need the work, call 1-900-ROGS-SLAVE.
@59 Sure wish my daddy still had his first car. It was a Model T. But he’s in a nursing home now, and doesn’t drive anymore, and that car is long gone. Probably was made into beer cans sometime around 1935.
@63 WTF are you talking about? No trollfuck has ever CLAIMED to donate to, much less verified it.
@74 Mrs. Rabbit is a Yankee fan.
@90 I hope this doesn’t lead to serious disillusionment with The Rabbits, or cause anyone to have a nervous breakdown. Note, I’m not responsible for Mrs. Rabbit’s opinions.
@91 I’m especially not responsible for Mrs. Rabbit’s opinions of Mr. Rabbit.
The competetion makes for good banter, great bets and baseball memorabilia. My first game at Safeco was a treat from him watching the Yankees two seasons ago. I loved it – lots of yelling and screaming. Of course, I have to cheer Ichiro – he’s amazing. My Dad lives in Vegas and he is supposed to be seeing an exhibition game with the Cubs there right before the season. He went to his FIRST game at Wrigley last year with my brother.
He likes Notre Dame and my Mom always cheered for Oklahoma……..
After putting up with you, Roger, your wife is entitled to make a mistake about which baseball team she cheers for. I am pretty sure she meant to be a Mets fan.
Roger, @90
There’s something about a man in pinstripes…….
Why don’t you have google ads on the site? Wouldn’t that be instant moolah?
OH GOD, not Notre Dame! The Sooners are OK (pun there).
As for Rogers wife, she does love his soft ears and cute bummy cotton tail.
Not that I am thinking anyone cares, but I am leaving now to go see the Good Shepard.
Will be back later this afternoon.
You know the difference between a Pizza and Goldy?
A Pizza can feed a family of four.
wow roger…you are really on a roll aren’t you?
where to begin?
well..i guess this has to be the most amusing post in your yard long tirade:” Who appointed you to speak for Goldy? I take money from Republicans, and I’m sure he does too. After all, he’s working for the Mormons, who aren’t exactly flaming liberals. Why shouldn’t we? It was ours to begin with before the Republicans stole it from us, so we’re just reclaiming our property. You just don’t want to admit that you’re a freeloader. You’re freeloading on Goldy; but, worst of all, you’re freeloading on our troops.”
republicans stole your money from you? really? that is possibly the most stupid thing you have ever said. just how did they do that rog? you are such a lousy line-stealer that you have to steal from the native americans now?
as far as goldy working for the mormons…as i have said before, not for long.
freeloading? you obviously have no clue as to what a blog is all about. he barely gets any traffic now…if every person with a different point of view left where would he be? how fast till he hit “who-ville?”
and it sounds very much like you do speak for goldy. how interesting.
so you call me a freeloader while at the same time bragging about how well off you are and ,yet, you only send goldy 24.95? he has all of you “non-freeloaders” on here [supposedly on here] that are his chorus line and all he can get out of ALL OF YOU is 600 bucks?
if you want to see the real freeloader ,rog, i suggest you go and look in the mirror.
why, if goldy had a nickel for everytime you just wanted to see “HAR HAR HAR” or “roger would love to go to drinking liberally but can’t…” [because he doesn’t exist except in an over active imagination] goldy’s money problems would be non-existant. so roger….cough up the money.
put your money where your mouth is.
then there is this ‘pearl’….”Let’s say you take your car to a garage for repairs. They charge you $85 an hour for “labor,” but the shmuck who fixes your car sees only $9 of it. The rest goes to the capitalist who sits in the front office printing out service vouchers and counting his shekels. See how that works? The less work you do, the more you make.”
counting his shekels huh? what a coincidence that you are a jewish bunny….wow. and if your theory that”The less work you do, the more you make.” is true then why is goldy having a beg-a-thon?????? he must be a millionaire by now……..
but i do love how you claim to speak for the common man while calling him a schmuck at the same time.
you are really a piece of work………
Jewish Businessman in Trouble
A Jewish businessman (Goldy) was in a great deal of trouble. His business was failing, he had put everything he had into the business, he owed everybody. It was so bad he was even contemplating suicide.
As a last resort he went to a Rabbi and poured out his story of tears and woe. When he had finished, the Rabbi said, “Here’s what I want you to do: Put a beach chair and your Torah in your car and drive down to the beach. Take the beach chair and the Torah to the water’s edge, sit down in the beach chair, and put the Torah in your lap. Open the Torah; the wind will rifle the pages, but finally the open Torah will come to rest on a page. Look down at the page and read the first thing you see. That will be your answer. That will tell you what to do.”
A year later the businessman went back to the Rabbi and brought his wife and children with him. The man was in a new custom-tailored suit, his wife in a mink coat, the children shining. The businessman pulled an envelope stuffed with money out of his pocket, gave it to the Rabbi as a donation in thanks for his advice. The Rabbi recognized the benefactor, and was curious. “You did as I suggested?” he asked.
“Absolutely,” replied the businessman.
“You went to the beach?”
“You sat in a beach chair with the Torah in your lap?”
“You let the pages rifle until they stopped?”
“Absolutely. I did everything just as you said.”
“And what were the first words you saw?”
“Chapter 11.”
“The David Goldstein Show” tonight on Newsradio 710-KIRO
by Goldy, 01/20/2007, 4:44 PM
It’s double the fun on the AM dial, as “The David Goldstein Show” officially expands to two nights a week!
This begs the question, why the fuck can’t you afford your own damned toys?
@ 38 lefthjew says: “I am classy, you ignorant prick.” “Fucktard.”
Very classy.
@ 40 leftjew says: “Some assholes, yourself included, just come here to rile and spew hate. You attempt to gain self worth by inciting others to respond to your incoherent comments. I respond, but with laughter and a few swear words, if only to see the self righteous piety come spitting out of you in the form of projectile vomiting.”
Very classy.
@53 leftjew says: “That said…..Go fuck yourself you self-righteous bastard.”
Very classy.
@57 leftjew says: christmasasshole:
Very classy.
Very classy… for an unemployed, ignorant, mysogynistic, racist, lying pigfucker I guess that qualifies as Very classy.
rog…gosh how could i have forgotten about the other pearl you yacked up!
roger @77 says….”@37 “the 60’s didn’t work either”
Ahhhhh … now here’s a smoking piece of evidence. At last, we have a clue about who “ghost” is, and what her motive is.”
sorry to disapoint you about the whole acid/commune/liberal thing. i never was a liberal. i have been voting as a republican since day one.commune? nope. acid? nope. hippie artist? yup…
roger goes on [and on…] “As has been written all over the place, many neocons are disillusioned ex-’60s ex-leftist ex-hippies who turned into Republican flamethrowers after “acid” fried their brains. They just can’t stand their former selves, and never miss an opportunity to indulge in self-loathing over their misspent youth. So now they’re trying to make up for it by being the evil, selfish, money-grubbing, intolerant, bigoted, sexless, autocratic, automatons their parents were, which is what drove them into communes and group grope in the first place! And it drives them nuts that they’ve turned into everything they despised in their parents, and now their kids despise them for the same reason. You guys should put yourselves out of your misery. I don’t mean for 5 minutes by stealing your first-grader’s library paste to sniff it, I mean permanently! That is, take off all your clothes, have a good fuck, and become liberals again! Then everything will be all right.” [BTW…i love the royal “we” you throw in there….”as has been written all over the place” where rog, where?]
wrong. about everything.
i am not surprised though. and thank you for giving me all the ammo i would ever need to fully describe a modern progressive liberal. always in wishful thinking mode, never in touch with reality….and just chock a block full of hate.
so …to sum up your crazy theories…..
all conservatives should commit suicide because of who we are? according to your theories, right?
you couldn’t be more wrong…and,BTW, your fishing expedition is going about as well as goldy’s beg-a-thon.
but i will tell you this since you seem so curious and suffering from short term memory loss… since i just turned 50 your theory about me being a 60’s burnout really doesn’t fly does it, unless your math skills are at the same level as your debating skills.
as for my family and kids? three sons, all republicans ,all quite happy and successful, all love me and my husband [their dad…i know it’s hard to wrap your little mind around that…still married to the same man for 28 happy years] and we have a very close family that has alot of fun together. sorry to disappoint you so.
gosh you people are so angry! so filled with hate! so wishing that everyone that doesn’t agree with you either dies or is miserable.
keep talking rog….EVERYONE really needs to see the modern yellow-bellied money sucker for what he really is.
sick, bitter and twisted.
Ah, auntie is giving us the voice of the true neo-con. Complain that liberals want everything for nothing, then refuse to pony up to help pay for services they receive.
Even though he is simply being asked to voluntarily chip in, with no arm-twisting, he’s still complaining.
So, along with being an admitted liar, and a coward, and a loser, he’s also a cheapskate and freeloader.
Wow, auntie. Sucks to be you.
just a cheap note try GOODWILL They have lots of good monitor’s an other things
That’s sounds good.
However, the last time I checked, anti-liberal was not calling for raising taxes everytime he opened his mouth. Whereas Goldy is constantly talking about taxing more (unless it’s an internet business which would effect him directly) yet sadly Goldy cannot even: support himself, pay his current taxes or contend with the new taxes he wishes for.
For that matter, Anti-liberal has always called Goldy an idiot, so why would he contribute to the pathetic loser?
The real question at hand is, Goldy is riding the coat tails off of someone who wanted residents of Washington state to only pay $30 car tabs. A fee which is $30 more than Goldy is able to afford.
Rather than donate to this deadbeat why don’t you support someone who can make a living off of Political activism? Who knows, if enough of you support tim, Tim may even give Goldy’s kid a job getting signatures?
Then Goldy could stay at home and write his blog, so for God’s sake, Support Goldy’s Kid.
Make your donations here
Anti-American obviously finds some value in being here or else he, she, or it wouldn’t show up. So why not trade value for value?
As for contributing to Permanent Offense, no thanks. I’d rather contribute to someone who supports causes I believe in, like exposing Tim Eyman to be a liar and a fraud and digging up information on political appointees who are supremely unqualified to do their jobs.
Why, that would be Goldy, wouldn’t it!
Well, “hmmm”, nobody is forcing auntie to pay to post here. Goldy is effectively “passing a hat” and asking those of us that consider this to be a useful service to help pay the costs. I chipped in a bit, but didn’t have to. You need not if you don’t want to.
Auntie has taken it a step further. He’s criticizing the person that pays all the costs of this blog for even asking us to chip in.
Of course, auntie is welcome to do that, as there is no censorship here, by Goldy’s policy.
And we’re welcome to tell him(?) what a worthless low-life liar, coward and loser he is by that same policy.
Unlike the loser that is actively begging for money on the page you reference, Goldy is also being honest about what the money is going for.
You may note the difference in epithets used between auntie and Mr. Eyeman. While I think Mr. Eyeman is a loser, he isn’t a coward, as he is willing to put his name on his statements and be held accountable (sort of) for them. And since he has come clean about how he’s using the money, I don’t criticize him for asking for donations. You are welcome to send him money, and even put a link to his begging page here.
Oh, and auntie? You’re still a liar, coward and loser, and it still sucks to be you.
Well, well, well. I see that auntie has opened his/her mouth again and stuck his/her foot in all the way to the knee.
I am not unemployed. I am retired.By choice. And wife’s insistance. I toiled for twenty odd years making sure that asshole, cocksucking, motherfucking liars and hate mongers (auntie/JCH/christmasghost) could sleep soundly at night and spew their shit by day.
And yes, to answer the question, it makes me better than they. I put my ass where my heart, love and patriotism was. I made my father and mother proud. All they do is take advantage of the suffering of others, they never think to sacrafice of themselves, to give to others or to contribute anything of substance (money) to this blog.
It never occurs to these empty minded, soulless low-lifes that contributing helps to keep us free. That differences of opinion (no matter how wrong they might be) keep this country healthy. When we stop expressing differences and attempt to simply silence opposition, well, that is when the work of patriots is wasted.
WingNuts will never understand.
Without response from Wingnuts, I am making good on my pledge earlier in this post.
I think WE would all appreciate knowing if ANY Wingnut contributes. Not the name, but just if they contribute.
Roger at 70: Are you forgetting that the $300 “tax rebate” was never a gift to us, but merely a loan of our own money (tax refund) which we got to use a few months earlier than otherwise? Bush & Co. tried to keep that part quiet, so the American taxpayer would think they were getting a piece of the action when the Republicans gave their big tax cut to the rich. Instead, come the following winter, lots of Americans were surprised to find that line in the 1040 form which required them to deduct that $300 from their expected refund.
Typical Republican three-card monty. Now you see it, now you don’t. The only one who wins is the guy running the game.
I’d be curious what the amount of wingnut contributions was — in the aggregate, of course. Not the number of contributors or contributions, just a dollar amount.
rhp6033 at #111, “Instead, come the following winter, lots of Americans were surprised to find that line in the 1040 form which required them to deduct that $300 from their expected refund.”
Is that true? Can you verify that with a link or some kind of supporting evidence?
Dingleberries… AKA Moonbat!s, while I enjoy the repartee with some of you, except for the idiot savants such as LeftStillStupid, Clueless, Froggy and some others, I send my hard earned and heavily taxed $$$ to charitable organizations. You libtards need something to vent on so you should be the ones to PAY!
While Pelletizer sent his measly $99 to Operation Helmet, I spent over $2,500 helping poor peeps in N’awlins. While Left Foot was scratching his nuts I sent $500 to Tsunami relief. While you libtards spend other peoples’ money in FUWA, I regularly give over $10K a year to charity.
God is good all the time and all the time God is good!
You are the cheep bums. You need to support you master and commander, the HeadASS on ASSHeads!
I guess puddybud does not consider being on the ground in New Orleans for over two weeks helping with relief with my bare hands, of any import.
Furball the Pelletizer: He whom loves to escalate “voting fraud in Ohio”
Cuyahoga County is run by libtard Moonbat!s from dog catcher to county leaders. They hire their poll workers, poll supervisors and the like. I realize it’s hard to comprehend the truth of patronage (Chicago, Ill anyone) to a Moonbat! libtard but if you think Mayor Daley, think hard Furball. Look it up. I found two of the County Commissioners with little problem Furball. Did you forget I am paid to be a researcher? URLs no problem for Puddybud!
Lokk at all dese Moonbat!s on de same page?
Timothy Hagan (born in 1946), a Democrat, is an American politician in Ohio.
First elected a Cuyahoga County Commissioner in 1998, Jimmy Dimura was re-elected in 2002 and again in 2006, receiving more than seventy percent of the vote on both occasions.
Peter Lawson Jones of Cleveland, Ohio, is an American politician of the Democratic party.
Last Question Furball: Who appointed Dean Logan? Nuff Said!
Facts hurt the libtard Mind!
Left Foot: Then we need to meet and discuss N’awlins sometime. I’ll rescind my not wanting to meet you to wanting to meet you because you do have a caring bone in your body.
Congrats Carl!
leftjew you are no better than traitorkerry who TRIED to get out of the military then used his sad 6 months in country to first belittle and condemn his country then with his ridiculous “Reporting for duty” tried to paint himself a patriot.
IF you were military, which I highly doubt except for your sleezy mouth, I suspect you never get farther than head potato peeler in whatever brig to which you were assigned. You have not one iota of class.
You are swine.
If you did serve in the military, BIG FUCKING DEAL: even a blind pig finds a mushroom occasionally.
IF you did serve in the military you get to be retired at MY benevolance.
IF you are “retired” from the military at “49” you are one lazy fucker living off the benevolance of others as you liberal fuckers are wont to do. Get a JOB. Be a man, not a fucking leech.
IF you served in the military, you now shame it for your constantly using and flaunting that pathetic “service”. It’s kinda like dicks, fuckers like you that brag and wag the most usually has the most to be ashamed of.
You are as much a traitor as that fucking kerry… but even that traitor, who ALSO exists only because of the existance of his wealthy wife, both current and discarded, attempts a modicum of culture. I doubt you can attempt or succeed with even just the cum.
so the “local” blog “trolls” are “stupid” “crud” filled with “stench and bile” because they are such “sucking scumbags” “liars and cheaters,” that you wish to “Line ‘em up at sunrise tomorrow!!!”… and yet pathetic jewblogger, you and your ass-suckers complain that they don’t contribute to you in your regular ‘pity the poor jewblogger send me money’ whine.
Well, jewblogger, screw you.
Carl if you ever find out who the cowardly Puddybutt is be sure to let us know. I have been trying to send his ugly wife back to him. But she doesn’t want to leave. She says Puddy ran out of Viagra when his daddy Lush Flimbaugh got busted and ever since, I am the only one who ever gives her any sex. If she just weren’t so fucking ugly. Oh well.
For the benefit of aunti-american at 118:
So he knows the facts:
1. I have a degree from USC.
2. I earned my MBA at the Marshall School of Business. Yes, two separate degrees.
3. Enlisted after graduation.
4. Served as an officer.
5. The last 18 years with an elite unit of the finest soldiers in the world.
5-A. My father served. In a heartfelt effort I chose to serve to honor his service. I understood that the men of his time had risked all to literally, and, selflessly, save the world.
What has auntie-american done? Sat on his ass while the sons and daughters of his country have died. Some needlessly.
A commander never, and I mean never, willingly commits his men to battle. He does so with a heavy heart and the responsibility for the safety of each of them in his hands.
The problem with Wingnuts is that they have absolutely no understanding of battle or death. They probably believe in the term “acceptable loss”. Believe me, there is not one soldier, from Private to General, who is on the ground in any theater of operations, who will even begin to think in those terms.
6. My language here is calculated. You don’t like it, I use more of it. It is a psychological ploy. It is extremely effective. I think even auntie-american would agree. It sure irritates the snot out of him.
If auntie-american wishes to denigrate and doubt my service, he can certainly do so, but I think he should do the honorable thing and do it to my face.
Of course we all know he has the backbone of a jellyfish and the heart of coward.
By the way, I am retired at the benevolence of the United States, not auntie-American. It was part of the agreement. I served. I am rewarded with an early age retirement if I so desire, in recognition of my risk.
I made no claim, nor did I voice. any non-support while serving. I resigned my commission because I could no longer, in good conscience, remain silent. Once discharged, I began to speak out. Many other officers and soldiers with years of experience have done the same thing. You might want to ask Tommy Franks what he thinks, or ask General Abizaid why he retired.
LefTStillStupid/Left Turdball: Carl went to N’awlins. I went to N’awlins. And you did what for your fellow man LeftStillStupid? LeftStillStupid uses water filled nylon/peoprene gloves for his gratification thinking it’s a woman. Too bad his delusions are getting worse.
It’s so easy to ridicule LeftStillStupid.
Ouch! More than enough uncivil comments to go around on both sides here. Using a term like “leftjew” is truly dreadful.
We can do better. All of us.
I spent two weeks there. I worked with a human rescue crew for one week, then switched to rescuing the animals. We found mostly dogs, who were lost, scared and without homes. One came home with me.
Nice story: when I got to the airport in Baton Rouge with the rescued pup, the ticket agent asked where I got the dog. I explained, showed her the dogs paper work for travel and my animal rescue t-shirt. She tagged the doggie and did not charge me to carry her on. Teresa picked me up at the airport. I tried to claim that the dog followed me home. She was not buying. But once I took her out of the carry on dog kennel, she melted.
Just a nice story I thought I would share.
LeftStillStupid: All bitch no butch. Sits on his ass and does nothing for his fellow man. Yep, schmuck through and through
Carl: Very nice story. I have asthma. Now you understand. I keep it under control by staying away from animals. Personally we are cat people.
We didn’t see many animals, just destroyed homes trees and beaches.
Carl, posted my activities on ASSHeads last year. We did something different every day. My most gratifying experience was building shelters for more volunteers. The materials arrived from all over the world.
That’s a great story. Kudos.
Speaking of the minimum wage bill that was not allowed a vote in the Senate (controlled by the Democrats): someone noticed who was excluded from the bill (American Samoa) and who has an interest in a business that operates there (Nancy Pelosi). Guess all that theory about minimum wage hurting the economy is only valid if it threatens your donor pool.
I find it ironic that Goldy and the libs here think that begging is okay, but that engaging in free enterprise with other willing participants is somehow dirty.
Roger, your petty resentment of those who are successful is really pathetic.
roger…i have to agree with janet. for a guy that is always blabbing about how successful you are in stocks, the next minute you are whining about rich people being jerks for being rich. poor people don’t own stock of any kind roger…..any.
so which is it? you use more of goldy’s blog space than anyone else here…so why don’t you cough up the money, hmmm?
or is it all just hot air as i suspected all along?
Puddybutt – your ugly sister says hi too!
Janet, you ignorant slut. Do you know about voluntary usage? Voluntary pay?
I suggest you check the websites for ePrompter, Spyware Blaster, spyBot and many others. They all offer free product and only ask you to contribute if you wish.
Same here with Goldy. Product is Service is information, entertainment and participation.
You are so blinded by hate and difference of ideology that you will never admit that you are on the wrong side of what really is a free enterprise issue. Not a begging one. The fact that Goldy discussed finances is not relevant. He was simply being open. Same as a corporation trying buck up its slipping stock.
Janet, you really are a moe-ron.
Hmm even if all 131 posts on this page were from individual posters which they are not. In order to pay goldy the 3,500 a month he needs to do whatever that would be about $27.00 a person per month.
When you take a harder look at the users though you find that”
Roger Rodent is the worst abuser of Goldy’s website with 36 comments at a cost of $945. per month.
My left foot is the second most abuser with 25 comments at a cost of $665. per month.
Christmas Ghost is in third place with 11 comments at a cost of $200.00 per month.
Right=stupid- 7 comments-$175 per month
yer killen me 5 comments-$105 per month.
What it boils down to is that 131 people can make one comment per day at a cost of $27.00 per month.
RE: 133, that just cost you another 27 bucks!
LeftStillStupid: I’m glad you are using both hands. I can’t imagine why since you have Koro’s disease! How does it look doing the dual pink violin move?
leftjew… you talk, you type but all that comes out is blah, blah, blah, tripe.
you did this, you did that, you have this that and the other… blah, blah, blah, tripe.
you are a slimy LIAR. Your words are has empty as your soul would be if you had one.
As I remarked earlier, you excel at the brag and wag, but you your tighty whiteys are empty. Try looking up the word phony in the dictionary…
let me help you with the spelling: L E F T J E W
I doubt you even know who your father was and if you have your own bastard kids, I expect they went as far from home as possible to get away from you and the latest toothless third world whore you’ve been pimping for your free lunch.
If the good auntie would like to meet here are the conditions:
1, anytime
2. anyplace
3 at his convenience
Not too difficult for even auntie to follow.
I have not bragged about anything. I did inform you that I am educated. A man with the necessary backbone to support everything I have said. (oh, and the well paid wife, well he brought her up, not me).
We know auntie can’t bring himself to stand behind his jealousy laden words. Jellyfish are spineless creatures given to hiding in the dark.
He does have a vivid imagination that I suspect is actually drawn from his own sad life experience.
I wonder if he can explain his problem with me being retired? That really seems to crawl under his skin and eat at him. Must be that $5.75 an hour job he has selling condoms all night at 7-11.
re: 138. please pay you next $27.00 to goldy and just for your information, jellyfish live near the surface in the light and drift with the currants. Also the minimum wage in Washington in $7.95 not $5.75. Do you live in Washington?
Rob, as so often happens you’ve got it completely backward. People come here for Goldy’s insightful analysis but they stay to watch us liberals take wingnuts apart and play with them. How else can you explain that this blog in the past year has never dropped below 65,000 page views in a month (roughly 2,000 per day) and at its peak was over 170,000? (Check the site meter statistics on the left of the page.)
We are helping drive content to the site so you’d think we should pay less, not more, right? After all we’re part of the show. Actors, even amateurs, don’t usually have to help pay to keep the theater running and they get in free.
But then unlike certain wingnuts, I have no problem with occasionally throwing a little crimp green at someone who has entertained me or otherwise provided a useful service.
Oh, and your math is as ill-informed as your politics. $27 per post would make a great deal of sense — if Goldy’s blog only attracted 125 posts per month. I haven’t counted but I suspect he gets about three times that many posts in a typical day.
Rough back-of-the-envelope calculation: If this blog were pay by the post, each post would be about 25 cents. But hey, feel free to kick in $27 for each of your posts if that’s your inclination and you think Goldy needs your money more than you do.
Re: 140. Ok I get it now, everything is fine and Goldy doesn’t need any money. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Re: 141, you either can’t add or can’t read. I said 131 posts per day per month. Should I stand on my head so you can understand this?
And finally, re 139: Who says Anti-American is selling those condoms in Washington?
OK, it’s my bedtime. In the morning I’ll go see if Paypal will accept 75 cents for these last three posts.
144: yes back to your mom’s basement. Sleep well derilict.
Geez, you have to spell this out for these people all the freakin’ time.
Like my eighth grade algebra teacher used to, let’s do this two different ways.
First, let me take 143 at your word. You said, and I quote, 131 posts per day per month. That works out to (using a 30-day month to make it simple) 131 x 30 or 3930 posts per month. With me so far? Now if we stipulate that Goldy needs $3500 a month to live on, each post comes to 3500/3930 = .89058 or 89 cents per post. I said he probably gets three times that, so that’s (again, roughly) 30 cents per post ($.2968 to four decimal places).
Second, at $27 per post Goldy would have to get only 3500/27 or 129.63 posts per month — not per day — to break even. I think even you would agree he gets more than that. See there Goldy, you can work one day a month and take the rest off!
Don’t take my word for it, get out your calculator and figure it out for yourself.
Moreover, 140 was meant to indicate that if anyone should be paying, it’s the people who are watching the show, not the people creating it, although since a blog is not a theater I’m willing to share the costs. But, you seem to enjoy twisting words around, so maybe you should stand on your head. You wouldn’t be any more coherent, but you’d be as fun to watch as you are to listen to.
Thank you, you’ve been a lovely audience, we’ll be passing the hat now. Remember, the greatest nation in the world is DO-nation!
Night Braniac, better get back before they do the post-curfew bed check.
Re: 146. Nice try but what i said was 131 people could post one comment a day for a cost of $27.00 per month. To the short buss group that equals $3,537.00 per month.
I also made it clear that there were not 131 people per day but people like you, roger rodent and left foot who posted far more than that.
Being the typical libtard though you couldn’t quite understand that.
Oh and i did use my calculator. did you use chicken bones or something?
Re: 146. If you are going to pay someone pay the conservatives that come in here to smack down the liberals. If it wasn’t for us you would have another boring left wing echo chamber.
My bill is due by the 10th!
Y’uhhuh. That’s what you may have thought you said, but I used your own words. So now I need to call your parole officer and tell him you need both remedial English and remedial math classes. Oh, and that you were out after your curfew.
YKM: 11PM to 2AM. What happened to the I’m going to sleep? Nothing exciting happening in bed? Talk to LeftStillStupid. He has the Neoprene glove/water trick to help his Koro’s Diseased body. I’m sure he can give you sleep pointers.
LeftStillStupid: I see you didn’t find a cure for the shrunken skull syndrome either!
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, as a famous liberal once said. What do you care if I get up in the middle of the night?
If you had half a brain you’d use something other than a Mac. Used 15″ PC monitors at PC Recycle are FREE. 17″ are 25 bucks or something. And, a PC monintor would be better on your eyes. As they are 96 ppi compared to the Mac’s 72 ppi.
Hey, I like the active preview. Nice touch. But enough of that.
I think the myths around Mac computers are much like what liberals believe in politics. They drink the cool-aid (in this example that Macs are superior computers) and believe that until the day they die whereas the PC platform has many advantages both in hardware and price performance. This can be best exhibited in the new Macs running OSX. These are simply Intel (all Linux PC) computers running a Mac overlay. I’m sure that if PC hardware was such a bad deal Apple wouldn’t have adopted it in whole.
Liberal politics follow the same model. Believe in liberal policy failure in spite of all the evidence exhibiting otherwise.
Anyway G, hope you make the nut on the begging.
rob@139….”jellyfish live near the surface in the light and drift with the currants.”
didn’t you just very accurately describe a LIBERAL?