BlueNC (via Postman) picks Rep. Adam Smith as the winner of the longshot category in the Democratic VP sweepstakes:
An early Obama backer and effective surrogate he’s shown he can handle himself well with the media.
Really? Postman should know better than to repeat speculation like this without reporting the fatal biographical detail that absolutely removes Rep. Smith for consideration for the VP slot: he’s authored a couple posts here on HA.
And as everybody knows, foul-mouthed amen bloggers like me and Rep. Smith simply cannot be taken seriously.
Postman wants to start some rumors so he can write about them. Sorry, Washington state is sure thing for Obama and it is unlikely he will pick a candidate from this state unless they can help (nationally) in Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina or florida.
Never fear. Nobody takes you seriously.
Adam Smith might be the perfect VP candidate. If he picked Hillary, he’d have to have a fulltime food taster and triple the secret service protection detail.
Obama has to find someone with less qualifications than he has, else the electorate starts wondering about the order on the ticket. The man has no practical experience.
No executive experience. None whatsoever.
Minimal legislative accomplishments in either the Illinois state house or the Senate.
Ask yourself the question: Would he be in this position if he was a white guy? You going to call me racist for asking the question, but you all are just as racist because of the answer.
Adam Smith?? Obviously this is Postman “filler”.
Won’t ever, ever happen…especially with SPEWING on HA on Smith’s resume.
However O-blah-blah would actually improve his meager resume if he were to SPEW here.
Cynical, You gots to love the Donkey womens when they say:
“I would die and slit my wrist before I’d vote for Obama,” said a Silver Spring woman in the Clinton volunteers section who gave her name only as Edith. She wore a sign pinned to the back of her Hillary T-shirt proposing: “Remember in November: vote present.”
The qualifications for the presidency are spelled out in the Constitution.
I understand that John McCain is such a weak candidate the touting his “experience” is pertty much all you have, if you don’t count the “Muslim” and “terrorist” smears. I mean, he gives a really lousy speech, he has already gotten himself in trouble with a series of silly, stupid, or intemperate comments at a time when he’s under virtually no pressure, his fundraising is painfully anemic, and he’s o-l-d. I mean, how many days a week does he really campaign, anyway? He needs his rest.
@3: I’m not a big Obama backer, but I have been impressed by his ability as an executive. He’s run one of the most effective presidential campaigns in modern US history, a multibillion dollar enterprise. If he can do half as well with the federal government we’ll be very well served indeed.
Not to mention that the current chief executive’s experience – which looked better on paper than in real life anyway, given the business failures and the relative powerlessness of the Texas governorship – didn’t turn out to qualify him to run a bake sale.
And what, pray tell (aside from a lackluster campaign that nearly went off the rails last summer against an undistinguished field) is McCain’s executive experience?
5 Bud
In 2000, about half of McCain’s supporters declared that they would never vote for Bush. But they did. Don’t worry, little fella, Barack’s gonnna be elected.
Current polling indicates Obama gets 287 electoral votes to McCain’s 227 (270 to win).
If you look back over presidential elections, “I’m the experienced candidate” is a loser’s argument.
A ringing endorsement of Obama then…
He’s a US citizen, has a pulse and he’s over 35.
By your logic constitutionally, I’m qualified to be President. Plus I have a better grasp on Economics and Foreign Policy than Obama.
The implication of this line is ridiculously silly. Yeah, the first black nominee ever in American history is there because he’s black. Uh-huh.
On the other hand, is it any wonder that the Republican candidate is old, white, male, hostile, argumentative, out-of-touch, and career military?
I’m sure Obama will win in November. GWB has so tarnished the GOP’s brand that Republicans are about as popular as a turd in a punchbowl.
Most Republicans will lose simply because of association with GWB’s continuing foreign adventures in the Middle East. Independents here in Washington should write-in their candidate of choice. After all, it doesn’t matter since the state is clearly in Obama’s column for the upcoming election. Voting for a third party candidate shows that many voters are not happy with the “same-old-thing-Democrats-and-Republicans.” I, for one, have no liking or confidence in any Democrat or Republican, so I’ll be writing-in Ron Paul, though I am starting to lean towards the Libertarian candidate, too, just as a way of registering dong something different. {I know Ron Paul is using the Republican label at the current time, but I doubt any Republican would accept Ron Paul as a “true” Republican candidate: he’s just too anti-mainstream Republican to be taken seriously by the mainstream GOP-ers. That’s what I like about him.}
10 d
I’m sure you’d kick ass in a debate. Uh-huh.
But Barack Obama is more than just a self-made Harvard/Harvard law grad who can raise millions more dollars than your boy. He has a firm grasp of the issues, which you can read on
Whereas John McCain wants us to stay in Iraq for 100 years but doesn’t even know the difference between Sunni and Shia groups there. Are you arguing that HE has a grasp of “foreign policy?” Come on. Do try.
No matter who President Obama selects, we can’t do any worse than that foul-mouthed, draft-dodging, wannabe duck hunter DICKLESS Cheney!
Keep up the good work.
“Self-made”, pleeeze… He’s a product of the Chicago political machine. Just not a very good one. So little experience, so much baggage.
Harvard grad is no endorsement either. Admission to Harvard is no longer based on merit, but connections and demographics. MIT or Cal-Tech or Stanford would be impressive.
No, that’s how the Ivy League used to work. How do you think W. got into Yale.
And graduating at the bottom of your class at the Navel Academy is?
Great, there’s a year of experience, how about 19 more.
George Bush is retiring. He’s not running, nor is Dick Cheney.
McCain has 4 years in Congress, 22 years in the Senate. Obama has 4 years in the Senate. Advantage: McCain
McCain served in the Navy, retiring as a Captain. Obama was a community organizer.
Advantage: McCain
I was kind of down on McCain until I read the article on his 5-1/2 years as a POW in US News & World Report.
16 D
Sorry, I had that wrong. He’s Columbia ’83/Harvard Law.
So Obama’s not self-made? Who got him into Columbia as a legacy, his African father or his Kansan mother? And Harvard Law is one of the most difficult and prestigious law schools in the country, ranked second in the nation by US News and World Report.
John McCain, however, definitely WAS legacy, as his career military father and grandfather were the only things that got this really poor student into Annapolis, where he graduated 894th in a class of 899. McCain would have nothing today had it not been for HIS family connections, and additionally if not for the happy day when he divorced the disabled wife who waited for him while he was a prisoner to marry a beer heiress.
All he ever did was crash aircraft until he had the bad fortune to crash one in Vietnam. His subsequent imprisonment and torture, while unfortunate, somehow failed to ennoble him, and he broke and made statements for the enemy. I’m sure his father and grandfather were partiicularly proud at that moment.
19 D
Barack Obama is taller, better spoken, better looking, nicer, smarter, better educated, and more popular than John McCain. And he’s over twenty years younger than John McThuselah. He has and will raise tens of millions more dollars than McCain for the election. He has an incredible organization with a million volunteers (I’m not kidding). John McCain lacks money, energy, and dedicated supporters.
All the advantages: Obama.
Delbert @16,
Sounds like the jealous whining of somebody who couldn’t get in to an Ivy.
22 Goldy
Oh, but he could’ve if he’d really wanted to, he just didn’t want to. And he would have kicked ass there, too. Just ask him, he’ll tell you.
And Obama’s on Flickr.
Can McCain even use the internet?
19 D
Re: “George Bush is retiring. He’s not running, nor is Dick Cheney.”
Oh, but he is…
So that’s what delbert has got: not much of an argument.
I’ll take George Bush’s 3rd term over Jimmy Carter’s 2nd.
I didn’t consider the ivy league schools. I took the full ride merit-based scholarship at the UW.
The son of a friend has 4.0 grades, doing Stanford’s math program on-line, and tested into the UW early admission program, but chose not to go. He was told not to bother applying to the ivy league schools as he is white and the family has a bit too much money, but not enough to buy his way in.
Merit is no longer a consideration.
27 d
Yeah, del, just keep it up. No one remembers Carter except as the nice old man who’s been building houses for poor people.
Bush, on the other hand, is the incompetent war criminal who abandoned New Orleans, started two disastrous wars that have killed thousands of Americans while inflaming terrorism the world over, driven the economy into the ground, and made America a reviled laughing stock the world over, and everyone knows of him because he’s still in office. And McCain embraces his policies holeheartedly, except for his “election-year conversion” pandering.
What a lame try. Keep it up.
28 d
So which of Obama’s parents had the connections to get him into Columbia? I’m kinda waiting on you for that one.
If only Barack Obama was the son and grandson of an admiral. Heck, he wouldn’t even have to be intelligent to get into Annapolis that way. John McCain proved it.
I do believe that Obama graduated from Columbia in ’83, so even if you’re comment were true and had value it wouldn’t pertain here.
Also consider that Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago.
To recap: Obama attended and blew people away at Columbia and Harvard. Became the editor of the Harvard Law Review and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago.
I’m a working-class mother-fucker not one of you fancy college boys, but Obama’s educational record sounds a heck of a lot better than McCain’s.
@28 “He was told not to bother … as he is white and the family has a bit too much money”
White people with a bit too much money certainly do have it tough here in America.
I love Delbert – he is such an idiot that he absolutely the funniest guy I know.
Let’s compare Obama and McCain:
education: McCain got into the naval acadamy through connections and graduated 894 out of 900. Not too impressive…
Obama: Got into Columbia and then went to Harvard Law school – the idiot Delbert thinks that that is all due to “connections”. Sorry Delbert – Harvard Law is all about qualification. At Harvard Obama was editor of the Harvard Law REview – a prestigious position that is highly coveted and based on MERIT!
Delbert – you are so dumb and so biased you make me laugh. I hope all McCain supporters are as stupid as you…