The Seattle Times editorial board routinely posts video of its endorsement interviews with political candidates. They posted video of the Patty Murray/Dino Rossi interview, and they recently posted video of the interview with Jay Inslee and his Republican opponent (whose name escapes me at the moment, but is not really worth the effort to Google).
Unfortunately, there were no camera’s present at the recent Suzan DelBene/Dave Reichert interview, which explains the lack of video there, but the Times did record audio, which as far as I know, has never been publicly released. Which is a shame, because I hear that Reichert threw a bit of a fit at the end, pounding his fist on the table when pestered about his unwillingness to debate.
I’m not sure why the Times won’t release this audio, but given that this is the only time during the entire campaign that the two candidates have answered questions face to face, they are surely doing 8th CD voters a disservice by withholding it. And, assuming the audio disproves my assertion that the incumbent is brain-damaged and/or stupid, they are doing Reichert a disservice as well.
Probably because they don’t want 8th CD voters seeing (and hearing) their congressman stumbling over words like “the”, “and,” and “to.”
My guess is an agreement by the Times that the recording would not be released in exchange for Riechert agreeing to be interviewed.
Is there a transcript even?
In other news, five people have died from eating celery and Bush told a Texas crowd he misses the pampering and perks of the White House. Maybe he should call Monica Lewinsky and ask her if she’s available to suck on his celery stalk. You gotta wonder where celery has been when eating it kills people.
Thanks to Bush and the Republicans, our food isn’t safe anymore. Why would anyone vote to put these people back in charge of our government? That’s just plain crazy — unless you’re trying to get rid of your kids by making them eat celery for lunch.
brain-damaged and/or stupid
Gosh, I hate to choose. Do I have to?
Actually, you can thank Nixon and his secretary of Ag. Earl Butz for that. The Bushites just made it worse. Not surprising since a lot of the Bushites cut their teeth in the Nixon Admin and the Bush admin was centered around doin all the shit they neo-cons dreamed up back in the day, but the Nixon folks said was too crazy to do.
The Times should, at the very least, say why they haven’t made anything available, since this is a departure from normal policy.
Keep hitting them with the covering up for the brain damaged congressman meme and they’ll have to cough something up.
5. Daddy Love spews:
Once again Love Daddy shows the Progressive movement is D-E-A-D. He cannot defend Democrat votes or actions…so it comes down to sophomoric nonsense.
DL–YOU Lose! 13 days until judgment day.
Then 2 more years until ImamObaMao gets ousted and 23 Democrat Senators (out of 33 up for re-election) must defend their votes.
How about Tester in Montana?
He won by 3000 votes last time because Conrad Burns was being smeared. Think Montanans appreciate ObamaCare and Porkulous and earmarks and massive Deficit Spending??
Think again.
Tester is done.
Here are a few more–
Democratic incumbent elections
Dianne Feinstein of California
Tom Carper of Delaware
Bill Nelson of Florida
Daniel Akaka of Hawaii
Ben Cardin of Maryland
Debbie Stabenow of Michigan
Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota
Claire McCaskill of Missouri
Jon Tester of Montana
Ben Nelson of Nebraska
Bob Menendez of New Jersey
Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico
Kent Conrad of North Dakota
Sherrod Brown of Ohio
Bob Casey, Jr. of Pennsylvania
Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island
Jim Webb of Virginia
Maria Cantwell of Washington
Herb Kohl of Wisconsin
Joe Lieberman of Connecticut
Bernie Sanders of Vermont
Only 3 or so are even safe…and many will runaway and not run rather than face accountability for their votes. Feinstein won’t run. Herb Kohl may hang it up.
Look closely at your list KLOWNS.
Is this a happy list?
Here are the Republicans. Almost all slam-dunks!!
Jon Kyl of Arizona
Richard Lugar of Indiana
Olympia Snowe of Maine
Scott Brown of Massachusetts
Roger Wicker of Mississippi
John Ensign of Nevada
Bob Corker of Tennessee
Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas
Orrin Hatch of Utah
John Barrasso of Wyoming
If you think things look bleak today…the next 2 years will be worse for Progressives.
Hey, I guess John “I slept with a staffer not my wife then bribed her and her husband to keep quiet, using my office to find him a job” Ensign is a slam dunk! Who knew?
And of course Corker won in 2006 by less that 3 perrcent. I’m sure he’s safe, right?
And Kay Baliley Hutchison voted for TARP. I’m pretty sure that will win the little lady a Tea Party challenger to split the Republican vote, don’t you think, Monty?
I love to discuss the issues. But why would anyone want to discuss issues with Cynical? Are ya with me, people? Anyone out there volunteering?
@10 Not even if he swallowed a jar of Puddy’s meds. But judging by Puddy’s posts on the other thread, he’s out of meds anyway.
Yeah, the Republicans are going to pick up a few seats, tell us something else we didn’t know…
I see that in MO Roy Blunt (R), who is about as crooked as you can get, will be moving from the house to the senate. Robin Carnahan (D) maybe be a liberul, but at least she isn’t a thief. Are you telling me an honest Democrat is worse than a Republican thief?
I’d also note that Olympia Snowe and Scott Brown’s politics are closer to mine than they are yours. Meanwhile, your Tea Bagger buddies are going down in flames: Andrew Cuomo’s up by 27% (!) in NY, Hickenlooper’s up by 10.0% in CO, Coons is up 17% in DE.
Tea Baggers are being shown to be the 15 percenters that they really are.
Cynny: “Once again Love Daddy shows the Progressive movement is D-E-A-D. He cannot defend Democrat votes or actions…so it comes down to sophomoric nonsense.”
Lord, that’s rich, Cynny. I can’t stop laughing. Please stop. My gut hurts too much.
Here’s another one of the Klown’s super honest and integrity-full(sic) candidates…
Yup! Another victim of I’ve Got Mine Syndrome and a lying hypocrite as well.
14, 15
How better to hate government than to take its money?
Agreed, release the tape!!
Reichert has grown increasingly out of touch with voters in the 8th. To debate would be too much of an effort for him it seems. Is it so much to ask that my congressman submit to at least one public debate every two years if he wants to continue to be a congressman? How onerous can that be?