Indeed. One has to wonder if turnout wouldn’t be much more on par with that of other democracies if we voted like they do on weekends when more people can get to the polls.
Either that, or make election day a national holiday.
Dave Gibneyspews:
Bull, getting to the polls is not difficult. Especially when all mail will be in place by next cycle. It’s gotta be a day, why not Tuesday?
Tuesday is OK. Nothing much else happens on Tuesday, so we may as well have our elections that day versus any other day. Like Van Morrison said, “Tuesday is so slow.”
“agree with or dispute Lee’s diagnosis of your writing.”
Like, just as I don’t pick through dumpsters looking for scraps of aluminum foil, I’ll pass, thank you. I don’t need to justify myself to you, Lee, or anyone. That you fixate on me says that I’m getting to you; in the perv mess that’s your head, I have the upper hand, I own you.
How many additional Americans do you wish to see dead? Do you take delight in every casualty, enemy atrocity, and terrorist crime? Long in your “heart” (I use the word advisedly, for I am convinced that, while you have multiple personalities and posting monikers, you haven’t got one iota of compassion or sympathy for any save our enemies, and then it’s only to feed your ego) for another 9/11, do you?
Here, let me give you something that will excite and titilate you:
Do the images and stories of horror and death excite you? While most people are stimulated by a member of the opposite sex, I’ll bet what the above link affords you does the same trick. Best get a box of tissues before you look again.
Anonymous haters such as yourself skulk in the shadows, toss rhetorical bombs, and can only elevate themselves by tearing others down. Western State says your room is ready.
Way cool, eh what? You love reading about this stuff, want more of it, and think nothing effective should be done to prevent it.
Lickin’ your chops for more, I’ll wager!
Going to create another post just for you with lots of stuff to stir your juices…
The Piper
The GOP chickenhawks don’t really care who dies in Iraq. It certainly isn’t going to be their relatives. The Bushies won’t send fighting-age persons to fight the war. And the Cheney’s, the Limbaughs and the rest of them chickened out when it was their turn.
The only good thing about Iraq is that it has led to the utter destruction of the GOP. The total ass kicking they got in the last election was just the start. They’ll know real pain soon when we take over everything.
Then the Bush clan will have to find another way to steal oil for the family coffers. And the likes of cowards, traitors and punks like Piperette will sit safely behind their computers, flaming away, screaming because they lost another election – all the while knowing at least they don’t have to actually go fight for what they claim to believe in.
America – what a country.
By the way I love watching the cowards on the GOP primary stage snipe at each other. Great ammo for our ads when the big dance comes.
The GOP is all for torture for one simple reason – 99% of the GOP assholes have never served a day in combat. They’re too stupid to realize that if we torture the other side, the other side will torture our people. If the GOP had any real stake in the war, they’d understand it. Since it’s just poor black and Hispanic kids from Democratic homes getting tortured by the Iraq insurgents, then the GOP doesn’t give a fuck.
Don’t you just love how American civilians in Iraq can be brutally murdered by your beloveds? Getting all aquiver, are you?
Why don’t you simply admit how much you loath America, its military and the values the rest of us – and without reservation I’ll include among “us” many of the HA Happy Hooligans – hold? Freedom, liberty, respect, tolerance are all virtues and values you wish destroyed.
It’s one thing to debate policy – whether the Iraq war is necessary/unnecessary, a success/failure, etc., are legit questions for honest and honorable debate.
But that ain’t where you’re comin’ from. You’re bag is to foment discord, egg on death and destruction, and glory in it if it succeeds in bringing America down.
Here, let me give you more with which you can juice your Johnson:
Tell me…would your response to Pearl Harbor and the war against Japan and Germany include ignoring the holocaust, demanding lawyers for prisoners, trumpeting every American misstep and mistake, and quite clearly advocating American defeat as you do now?
I wonder what you would have called FDR who, when it comes to aggressively and with no quarter waging of war, makes President Bush look like a Sunday School teacher. Remember, it was FDR who insisted that the Ex parte Quirin saboteurs be electrocuted within weeks of capture.
Tell you what…let’s me and you debate face to face. Everyone here knows my full name and how to reach me, so why don’t you pony up yours? Then we can organize an in-person encounter. You invite your “friend” (singular, your probably have one, if any – others you’d have to pay to attend), I’ll invite mine, and we can pick some neutral spot, then debate the issue.
Any format – cross question, Oxford style, Lincoln-Douglas – would work. But you’d have to come out from under the slime that hides your cowardice and back-stabbing nature.
What say you? Willing to reveal yourself? Honestly attach your opinions to a name and a face? Go public with your venom?
Or does being out in the open and exposed to public scrutiny terrify your paranoid personality?
I’m waiting…
The Piper
Tell me…would your response to Pearl Harbor and the war against Japan and Germany include ignoring the holocaust, demanding lawyers for prisoners, trumpeting every American misstep and mistake, and quite clearly advocating American defeat as you do now?
Not only is this quoting the worn mantra of the Republican party, this is downright dishonest and pathetic. It’s the tired excuse that pro-war types like to trot out whenever they want to back up their position with some kind of moral certainty, and it just doesn’t work here. You’re equating marginally organized terrorist groups with Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, two countries with powerful militaries, fixed infrastructure, and demonstrable goals for direct military conquest.
So how is this comparison true, exactly? Let me know where the Al-Qaeda battleships are sailing in the Pacific Ocean, or where their U-boats are torpedoing freighters in the Atlantic. Where are the large, state-of-the-art Al-Qaeda tank divisions? The Al-Qaeda fighter wings?
I’d like to know Piper’s full name and location if anyone want’s to share it. I’d love to debate this punk. Of course he’d never show up. Would require him to leave the safety of his computer. GOP naturally stands for coward.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Republicans will stoop to any strategem of interference and inconvenience to keep Americans from voting in their own country because Republicans love authoritarianism and despise democracy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “I don’t need to justify myself to you, Lee, or anyone.”
Oh, but you do! You chose to come on this liberal site to take issue with what we believe; so, justify yourself, already.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Have you ever noticed how wingnuts NEVER try to defend their bullshit and ALWAYS try to change the subject when you confront them with logical arguments? And … if they can’t think of any else, they simply run away from the fight … ?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 If Huckabee is their nominee, I’m looking forward to the ads featuring the relatives of those two women who were murdered by the rapist Huckabee sprung from jail as a reward for raping a little girl who happened to be a Clinton relative.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 How do you deal with the fact that the so-called “insurgents” in Iraq are simply trying to throw a foreign invader out of their own country? Aren’t they patriots to their countrymen? Wouldn’t you do the same if the shoe was on the other foot?
My Left Footspews:
That you continue to post here only satisfies yourself. That you would think you are “getting” to us is laughable.
Piper, control your hubris and you would have real life friends. Ever wonder why you have so much time on your hands? You have no friends and if your boys, who you would not want tortured by the enemy, but of whom you would regale us with stories of their beating the “truth” out of the enemy terrorists, were not your boys you would have no one!
Not that you deserve better.
Fuck you!!
ByeByeGOP Where do you think Bush and his friends are
hiding all this oil they are stealing? Is cutting off
heads not torture?
Tuesday is the day of the week between Monday and Wednesday. The name comes from Middle English Twisday, from Old English Tiwes dæg, named after the Nordic god Tyr, who was the equivalent of the Roman war god Mars, and Greek god Ares/Aries.
In Latin, it is called Martis dies which means “Mars’ Day”. In Romance languages except Portuguese, the word for “Tuesday” is similar to the Latin name: mardi in French, martes in Spanish, martedì in Italian, dimarts in Catalan, and marţi in Romanian.
Where are American Airlines flights 175, 77, and 11 and United Airlines flight 93?
Oops! Hijacked by al-Quida murdering terrorists and flown into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and a field near Shanksville, PA.
You’re clueless about the nature of terrorism and the threat it poses, and, like an ostrich only willfully so, you stick your head in the sand to say there is no threat, no problem.
Hey! Whatever happened to it being recreational blogging? Mixin’ it up for the love of the sport of the thing? Not taking it overly personal?
Trust me…I have SCORES of friends! Earlier today, I spent a couple hours with several hundred good friends. Why, I’ve even made friends with some here at HA…
Unlike you…or at least the way you come across…I don’t have an ideological litmus test for friendship.
My boys are fine. They do, though, think most all the HA Happy Hooligans live in some La-La Land devoid of reality even as they’re willing to lay their lives on the line to defend your right to it.
BTW…I genuinely hope your health is holding up, and I have kept it in my prayers…and that is a serious statement of fact.
You? Logical arguments? That’s an oxymoron…emphasis on the MORON.
Rabbit, you’re the king of the drive-by rhetorical IED.
And by now you ought to know that far from running from most of you, you run from me…Me, a single, solitary guy who makes a few points that drive you up the wall and confound you because (1) they puncture your little self-inflated balloon, (2) offer a POV completely over your head, and (3) bust up your little mutual admiration society.
Times are tough all over for the likes of you, eh what?
Dinner tonight:
2 to 3 lb. fryer rabbit, cut into serving pieces
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/2 cup cooking oil
1/2 cup sherry wine
1 1/2 tsp. seasoned salt
Season moist pieces of rabbit with salt and pepper. Place over medium hot bed of coals. Make sauce by mixing cooking oil, sherry wine and seasoned salt together. Keep rabbit well basted with this sauce, turning pieces frequently. Cook for about 1 hour or until tender. You may use your own favorite barbecue sauce also, just add some oil to it to help keep the rabbit moist. Make sure the charcoal isn’t too hot; rabbit needs slow cooking . Serves 4 to 6.
Shall I set a place for you? Oh…oops!…momentarily forgot! Bits of you will be set on plates at all the places. So sorry!
Please make sure you ingest beaucoup carrots so you’ll be nice and plump!
Should we release all the terrorists for failure to read their Miranda rights? Were we wrong not to provide lawyers for all the POW’s and other prisoners (spies, saboteurs) in WW II, et seq?
Did you know that President Clinton eventually signed a Presidential Directive authorizing the assasination of ObL? After putzing for years about it that is. Was that a good thing or a bad thing?
If the U.S. had proof positive of where he is, would you support wiping that hunk of the planet to smithereens? Or napalming it? Or simply putting a bullet in his head?
Do you regard American soldiers and Marines as the moral equivalent of terrorists?
Does it bother you at all that there is no Gitmo or military tribunals on the other side, they just murder people, cut off heads, and routinely commit atrocities that go uncondemned by you?
Ever thought how ludicrous you look stuck as you are way out on a limb???
“Whenever one reads a post by Piper it is best to do it through the lens of this is a guy who supports torture and the killing of civilians.”
Prove it! You show me one thing I’ve ever written that specifically proves your allegation.
You’re a liar and you know it. What’s worse, you’re comfortable being one.
The Piper
Where are American Airlines flights 175, 77, and 11 and United Airlines flight 93?
Oops! Hijacked by al-Quida murdering terrorists and flown into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and a field near Shanksville, PA.
Again… talking point, talking point, talking point. If that’s the nature of the Al-Qaeda air force, I’m sorry… you haven’t disproven my point about the fact that this is *NOT* a war like World War II, and doesn’t deserve to be treated as such by pro-war cheerleaders.
You’re clueless about the nature of terrorism and the threat it poses, and, like an ostrich only willfully so, you stick your head in the sand to say there is no threat, no problem.
The “nature of terrorism”? I have *never* seen any pro-war sycophant provide a good explanation of it, aside from the argument that Muslims are just “backward” and “uneducated” and “hate freedom”, as some kind of monolithic whole, for no good reason whatsoever.
Give me the nuance. Explain to me how any country *wouldn’t* be annoyed by constant U.S. intervention in their affairs, and a U.S. military presence in their backyard to enforce it. Explain to me how U.S. support of dictatorships across the world really gives us moral authority here. Explain to me how our *support* of “freedom fighters” in the past jives with our steadfast resolve against “insurgents” now.
Terrorism needs to be fought as a means to advance a political agenda, but simply dismissing their concerns as evil is so wrong-headed, so stupid…
Piper@40: No he is that sucking sound Ross Perot told us about in the 90s.
Whatis that awful sound?spews:
@41 PROVE ME A LIAR PIPER! Tell us that you are opposed to the use of torture by your President George W. Bush. Prove me a liar Piper!
“The GOP is all for torture for one simple reason – 99% of the GOP assholes have never served a day in combat. They’re too stupid to realize that if we torture the other side, the other side will torture our people. If the GOP had any real stake in the war, they’d understand it. Since it’s just poor black and Hispanic kids from Democratic homes getting tortured by the Iraq insurgents, then the GOP doesn’t give a fuck.”
Why don’t you provide data or analysis for your otherwise from your ass assertions? In no particular order:
“poor black and Hispanic kids from Democratic homes getting tortured by the Iraq insurgents…” Total lie!
Consider this:
“In terms of education, household income, race, and home origin, the troops are more similar than dissimilar to the general population.
Put simply, the current makeup of the all-voluntary military looks like America. Where they are different, the data show that the average soldier is slightly better educated and comes from a slightly wealthier, more rural area. We found that the military (and Army specifically) included a higher proportion of blacks and lower proportions of other minorities but a proportionate number of whites. More important, we found that recruiting was not drawing disproportionately from racially concentrated areas.
Perhaps more could be done to dismantle the claim that an all-volunteer military relies disproportionately on ignorant, black, poor, urban young citizens in America, but the evidence already clearly shows this claim to be hollow.”
What does the other side do with “our people” if they get their hands on them now? Or at any time in the past? Take a look at this, which predates Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and all the rest:
Terrorist types have found a Geneva Convention loophole that allows them to behead prisoners, video the process, then have it shown on al Jazeera. This OK by you?
As for GOP in the service? I have two sons who volunteered, how about you? During the 2004 election, uniformed troops backed President Bush over Senator Kerry by something like 4 to 1.
Here’s an interesting piece that honestly assesses both erosion of support for Republicans by members of the military and why that doesn’t translate into increased support for Democrats:
I disagree with some of the author’s conclusions, but very much respect his reasoned and thoughtful analysis.
Yours isn’t reasoned and thoughtful, it’s so much diarrheic spew.
If you want to engage in a reasoned debate then come out from behind your mask, be prepared for some give and take, and acknowledge that yours isn’t the only POV in town.
I thought a defendant is entitled to the presumption of innocence? Since I stand in some sort of blogging equivalent of a prisoner’s dock accused by you of specific crimes, it’s incumbent upon you to prove them.
The American way is that I neither have to prove my innocence nor be forced to take the stand to defend myself.
Where’s your evidence? Proof beyond a reasonable doubt?
But you prove my point…You’re not interested in justice as much as the destruction of any but your own POV.
Tell me…on the political spectrum, what does that make you??? Hmmmm????
The Piper
Whatis that awful sound?spews:
Your usual response when I ask you, Piper, if you support torture is to call me a supporter of terrorists and a hater of all things good about America.
Once again Piper, Do you oppose your President’s use of torture? Yes or no Piper?
This is your opportunity to prove me the liar you call me in @41. I’m waiting for your answer Piper.
Whatis that awful sound?spews:
@45 Piper you are a fuckan ball-less windbag. Do you Piper or Do you not support the use of torture by your President?
Whatis that awful sound?spews:
Bush tortures human beings and kills civilians.
Piper knows this yet supports Bush.
Therefore Piper supports and enables torture and the killing of civilians!
So…let me get this straight…You can justify 9/11? You’re willing to justify 9/11? It doesn’t make you sick to your stomach to try and justify 9/11? Would you care to justify 9/11 in front of the familys of 9/11 victims? Talk about how the terrorists were misunderstood? How 9/11 was all our fault? That the terrorists were pure and innocent until egged on by U.S. policies?
You fit the description of that sector of American political life described by the late, great UN Ambassador (and former Democrat) Jeanne Kirkpatrick as the, “blame America first” crowd.
Wow! What madrassas did you go to?
Yours is an extreme POV that’s so far out on the fringe, it makes a lot of the HA Happy Hooligans look positively right wing by comparison!
Please do keep offering your insight and analysis, and do it as loudly with as broad a distribution as possible. And also tell us who you support for President; tar that poor sap with your diatribes, and watch support for the person sink like a manhole cover in a lake.
Walter Mondale got crucified in 1984 because, not only did the “blame America first” label get stuck on him but good, but it also got stuck on him for good reason. You’ve given me optimism for Republican chances in the Fall.
Hope your medical plan has mental health benefits ’cause you need ’em!
The Piper
Whatis that awful sound?spews:
@51 Address the issue at hand Piper. You have called me a liar Piper for my claim that with your unequivocal support for George W. Bush you support torture.
Piper do you support or oppose the use of torture by your President George W. Bush?
Don’t bother. Piper NEVER answers questions, his style is to parry and thrust like some would be Cyranno sans nose and wit.
Sad, he does nknow some interesting things and seems like someone who could learn more if he tried.
He strikes me a a kind of Repican I have trouble takling seriously ..except when they vote
Whatis that awful sound?spews:
@53 How true! How true! Name calling, bullying, and an unwillingness to state a position clearly-these are behavior traits of the modern day Republican.
a syllogism:
Bush tortures human beings and kills civilians.
Piper knows this yet supports Bush.
Therefore Piper supports and enables torture and the killing of civilians..
Pooty Peeperspews:
Yo, thank you for expressing your Christian Republican values so forcefully. You are indeed a brave Republican warrior. One of America’s finest. It’s people like you who make this country great! I wonder Yo, why are you here? Why aren’t you over in Iraq fighting the terrorists to protect the homeland? You must be a warrior of the Bush and Cheney style. Perhaps you have a criminal record? Perhaps you are not quite bright enough to be a soldier?
Indeed. One has to wonder if turnout wouldn’t be much more on par with that of other democracies if we voted like they do on weekends when more people can get to the polls.
Either that, or make election day a national holiday.
Bull, getting to the polls is not difficult. Especially when all mail will be in place by next cycle. It’s gotta be a day, why not Tuesday?
Tuesday is OK. Nothing much else happens on Tuesday, so we may as well have our elections that day versus any other day. Like Van Morrison said, “Tuesday is so slow.”
@5 & 6…Excrement…
“agree with or dispute Lee’s diagnosis of your writing.”
Like, just as I don’t pick through dumpsters looking for scraps of aluminum foil, I’ll pass, thank you. I don’t need to justify myself to you, Lee, or anyone. That you fixate on me says that I’m getting to you; in the perv mess that’s your head, I have the upper hand, I own you.
How many additional Americans do you wish to see dead? Do you take delight in every casualty, enemy atrocity, and terrorist crime? Long in your “heart” (I use the word advisedly, for I am convinced that, while you have multiple personalities and posting monikers, you haven’t got one iota of compassion or sympathy for any save our enemies, and then it’s only to feed your ego) for another 9/11, do you?
Here, let me give you something that will excite and titilate you:
Do the images and stories of horror and death excite you? While most people are stimulated by a member of the opposite sex, I’ll bet what the above link affords you does the same trick. Best get a box of tissues before you look again.
Anonymous haters such as yourself skulk in the shadows, toss rhetorical bombs, and can only elevate themselves by tearing others down. Western State says your room is ready.
Here’s another one to get you all turned on:,,22989-1722053,00.html
Way cool, eh what? You love reading about this stuff, want more of it, and think nothing effective should be done to prevent it.
Lickin’ your chops for more, I’ll wager!
Going to create another post just for you with lots of stuff to stir your juices…
The Piper
The GOP chickenhawks don’t really care who dies in Iraq. It certainly isn’t going to be their relatives. The Bushies won’t send fighting-age persons to fight the war. And the Cheney’s, the Limbaughs and the rest of them chickened out when it was their turn.
The only good thing about Iraq is that it has led to the utter destruction of the GOP. The total ass kicking they got in the last election was just the start. They’ll know real pain soon when we take over everything.
Then the Bush clan will have to find another way to steal oil for the family coffers. And the likes of cowards, traitors and punks like Piperette will sit safely behind their computers, flaming away, screaming because they lost another election – all the while knowing at least they don’t have to actually go fight for what they claim to believe in.
America – what a country.
By the way I love watching the cowards on the GOP primary stage snipe at each other. Great ammo for our ads when the big dance comes.
The GOP is all for torture for one simple reason – 99% of the GOP assholes have never served a day in combat. They’re too stupid to realize that if we torture the other side, the other side will torture our people. If the GOP had any real stake in the war, they’d understand it. Since it’s just poor black and Hispanic kids from Democratic homes getting tortured by the Iraq insurgents, then the GOP doesn’t give a fuck.
@5&6…Hidden Coward…
To continue…
Here’s something to fuel your wet dreams:
Don’t you just love how American civilians in Iraq can be brutally murdered by your beloveds? Getting all aquiver, are you?
Why don’t you simply admit how much you loath America, its military and the values the rest of us – and without reservation I’ll include among “us” many of the HA Happy Hooligans – hold? Freedom, liberty, respect, tolerance are all virtues and values you wish destroyed.
It’s one thing to debate policy – whether the Iraq war is necessary/unnecessary, a success/failure, etc., are legit questions for honest and honorable debate.
But that ain’t where you’re comin’ from. You’re bag is to foment discord, egg on death and destruction, and glory in it if it succeeds in bringing America down.
Here, let me give you more with which you can juice your Johnson:
Tell me…would your response to Pearl Harbor and the war against Japan and Germany include ignoring the holocaust, demanding lawyers for prisoners, trumpeting every American misstep and mistake, and quite clearly advocating American defeat as you do now?
I wonder what you would have called FDR who, when it comes to aggressively and with no quarter waging of war, makes President Bush look like a Sunday School teacher. Remember, it was FDR who insisted that the Ex parte Quirin saboteurs be electrocuted within weeks of capture.
Tell you what…let’s me and you debate face to face. Everyone here knows my full name and how to reach me, so why don’t you pony up yours? Then we can organize an in-person encounter. You invite your “friend” (singular, your probably have one, if any – others you’d have to pay to attend), I’ll invite mine, and we can pick some neutral spot, then debate the issue.
Any format – cross question, Oxford style, Lincoln-Douglas – would work. But you’d have to come out from under the slime that hides your cowardice and back-stabbing nature.
What say you? Willing to reveal yourself? Honestly attach your opinions to a name and a face? Go public with your venom?
Or does being out in the open and exposed to public scrutiny terrify your paranoid personality?
I’m waiting…
The Piper
Tell me…would your response to Pearl Harbor and the war against Japan and Germany include ignoring the holocaust, demanding lawyers for prisoners, trumpeting every American misstep and mistake, and quite clearly advocating American defeat as you do now?
Not only is this quoting the worn mantra of the Republican party, this is downright dishonest and pathetic. It’s the tired excuse that pro-war types like to trot out whenever they want to back up their position with some kind of moral certainty, and it just doesn’t work here. You’re equating marginally organized terrorist groups with Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, two countries with powerful militaries, fixed infrastructure, and demonstrable goals for direct military conquest.
So how is this comparison true, exactly? Let me know where the Al-Qaeda battleships are sailing in the Pacific Ocean, or where their U-boats are torpedoing freighters in the Atlantic. Where are the large, state-of-the-art Al-Qaeda tank divisions? The Al-Qaeda fighter wings?
I’d like to know Piper’s full name and location if anyone want’s to share it. I’d love to debate this punk. Of course he’d never show up. Would require him to leave the safety of his computer. GOP naturally stands for coward.
@2 Republicans will stoop to any strategem of interference and inconvenience to keep Americans from voting in their own country because Republicans love authoritarianism and despise democracy.
@7 “I don’t need to justify myself to you, Lee, or anyone.”
Oh, but you do! You chose to come on this liberal site to take issue with what we believe; so, justify yourself, already.
@7 Have you ever noticed how wingnuts NEVER try to defend their bullshit and ALWAYS try to change the subject when you confront them with logical arguments? And … if they can’t think of any else, they simply run away from the fight … ?
@9 If Huckabee is their nominee, I’m looking forward to the ads featuring the relatives of those two women who were murdered by the rapist Huckabee sprung from jail as a reward for raping a little girl who happened to be a Clinton relative.
@16 How do you deal with the fact that the so-called “insurgents” in Iraq are simply trying to throw a foreign invader out of their own country? Aren’t they patriots to their countrymen? Wouldn’t you do the same if the shoe was on the other foot?
That you continue to post here only satisfies yourself. That you would think you are “getting” to us is laughable.
Piper, control your hubris and you would have real life friends. Ever wonder why you have so much time on your hands? You have no friends and if your boys, who you would not want tortured by the enemy, but of whom you would regale us with stories of their beating the “truth” out of the enemy terrorists, were not your boys you would have no one!
Not that you deserve better.
Fuck you!!
ByeByeGOP Where do you think Bush and his friends are
hiding all this oil they are stealing? Is cutting off
heads not torture?
Tuesday is the day of the week between Monday and Wednesday. The name comes from Middle English Twisday, from Old English Tiwes dæg, named after the Nordic god Tyr, who was the equivalent of the Roman war god Mars, and Greek god Ares/Aries.
In Latin, it is called Martis dies which means “Mars’ Day”. In Romance languages except Portuguese, the word for “Tuesday” is similar to the Latin name: mardi in French, martes in Spanish, martedì in Italian, dimarts in Catalan, and marţi in Romanian.
Where are American Airlines flights 175, 77, and 11 and United Airlines flight 93?
Oops! Hijacked by al-Quida murdering terrorists and flown into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and a field near Shanksville, PA.
You’re clueless about the nature of terrorism and the threat it poses, and, like an ostrich only willfully so, you stick your head in the sand to say there is no threat, no problem.
The Piper
Hey! Whatever happened to it being recreational blogging? Mixin’ it up for the love of the sport of the thing? Not taking it overly personal?
Trust me…I have SCORES of friends! Earlier today, I spent a couple hours with several hundred good friends. Why, I’ve even made friends with some here at HA…
Unlike you…or at least the way you come across…I don’t have an ideological litmus test for friendship.
My boys are fine. They do, though, think most all the HA Happy Hooligans live in some La-La Land devoid of reality even as they’re willing to lay their lives on the line to defend your right to it.
BTW…I genuinely hope your health is holding up, and I have kept it in my prayers…and that is a serious statement of fact.
The Piper
So…on that theory, you would have supported Japanese troops and Kamikaze pilots against U.S. forces when they invaded Okinawa?
The Piper
You? Logical arguments? That’s an oxymoron…emphasis on the MORON.
Rabbit, you’re the king of the drive-by rhetorical IED.
And by now you ought to know that far from running from most of you, you run from me…Me, a single, solitary guy who makes a few points that drive you up the wall and confound you because (1) they puncture your little self-inflated balloon, (2) offer a POV completely over your head, and (3) bust up your little mutual admiration society.
Times are tough all over for the likes of you, eh what?
Dinner tonight:
2 to 3 lb. fryer rabbit, cut into serving pieces
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/2 cup cooking oil
1/2 cup sherry wine
1 1/2 tsp. seasoned salt
Season moist pieces of rabbit with salt and pepper. Place over medium hot bed of coals. Make sauce by mixing cooking oil, sherry wine and seasoned salt together. Keep rabbit well basted with this sauce, turning pieces frequently. Cook for about 1 hour or until tender. You may use your own favorite barbecue sauce also, just add some oil to it to help keep the rabbit moist. Make sure the charcoal isn’t too hot; rabbit needs slow cooking . Serves 4 to 6.
Shall I set a place for you? Oh…oops!…momentarily forgot! Bits of you will be set on plates at all the places. So sorry!
Please make sure you ingest beaucoup carrots so you’ll be nice and plump!
The Piper
If you had been paying attention you would know by now.
Seek and ye shall find; knock and the door shall be opened unto you.
The Piper
Should we release all the terrorists for failure to read their Miranda rights? Were we wrong not to provide lawyers for all the POW’s and other prisoners (spies, saboteurs) in WW II, et seq?
Did you know that President Clinton eventually signed a Presidential Directive authorizing the assasination of ObL? After putzing for years about it that is. Was that a good thing or a bad thing?
If the U.S. had proof positive of where he is, would you support wiping that hunk of the planet to smithereens? Or napalming it? Or simply putting a bullet in his head?
Do you regard American soldiers and Marines as the moral equivalent of terrorists?
Does it bother you at all that there is no Gitmo or military tribunals on the other side, they just murder people, cut off heads, and routinely commit atrocities that go uncondemned by you?
Ever thought how ludicrous you look stuck as you are way out on a limb???
The Piper
“Whenever one reads a post by Piper it is best to do it through the lens of this is a guy who supports torture and the killing of civilians.”
Prove it! You show me one thing I’ve ever written that specifically proves your allegation.
You’re a liar and you know it. What’s worse, you’re comfortable being one.
The Piper
Where are American Airlines flights 175, 77, and 11 and United Airlines flight 93?
Oops! Hijacked by al-Quida murdering terrorists and flown into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and a field near Shanksville, PA.
Again… talking point, talking point, talking point. If that’s the nature of the Al-Qaeda air force, I’m sorry… you haven’t disproven my point about the fact that this is *NOT* a war like World War II, and doesn’t deserve to be treated as such by pro-war cheerleaders.
You’re clueless about the nature of terrorism and the threat it poses, and, like an ostrich only willfully so, you stick your head in the sand to say there is no threat, no problem.
The “nature of terrorism”? I have *never* seen any pro-war sycophant provide a good explanation of it, aside from the argument that Muslims are just “backward” and “uneducated” and “hate freedom”, as some kind of monolithic whole, for no good reason whatsoever.
Give me the nuance. Explain to me how any country *wouldn’t* be annoyed by constant U.S. intervention in their affairs, and a U.S. military presence in their backyard to enforce it. Explain to me how U.S. support of dictatorships across the world really gives us moral authority here. Explain to me how our *support* of “freedom fighters” in the past jives with our steadfast resolve against “insurgents” now.
Terrorism needs to be fought as a means to advance a political agenda, but simply dismissing their concerns as evil is so wrong-headed, so stupid…
Piper@40: No he is that sucking sound Ross Perot told us about in the 90s.
@41 PROVE ME A LIAR PIPER! Tell us that you are opposed to the use of torture by your President George W. Bush. Prove me a liar Piper!
“The GOP is all for torture for one simple reason – 99% of the GOP assholes have never served a day in combat. They’re too stupid to realize that if we torture the other side, the other side will torture our people. If the GOP had any real stake in the war, they’d understand it. Since it’s just poor black and Hispanic kids from Democratic homes getting tortured by the Iraq insurgents, then the GOP doesn’t give a fuck.”
Why don’t you provide data or analysis for your otherwise from your ass assertions? In no particular order:
“poor black and Hispanic kids from Democratic homes getting tortured by the Iraq insurgents…” Total lie!
Consider this:
“In terms of education, household income, race, and home origin, the troops are more similar than dissimilar to the general population.
Put simply, the current makeup of the all-voluntary military looks like America. Where they are different, the data show that the average soldier is slightly better educated and comes from a slightly wealthier, more rural area. We found that the military (and Army specifically) included a higher proportion of blacks and lower proportions of other minorities but a proportionate number of whites. More important, we found that recruiting was not drawing disproportionately from racially concentrated areas.
Perhaps more could be done to dismantle the claim that an all-volunteer military relies disproportionately on ignorant, black, poor, urban young citizens in America, but the evidence already clearly shows this claim to be hollow.”
Then go look at the faces here: and tell me how those images buttress your cliched falsehood.
What does the other side do with “our people” if they get their hands on them now? Or at any time in the past? Take a look at this, which predates Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and all the rest:
Terrorist types have found a Geneva Convention loophole that allows them to behead prisoners, video the process, then have it shown on al Jazeera. This OK by you?
As for GOP in the service? I have two sons who volunteered, how about you? During the 2004 election, uniformed troops backed President Bush over Senator Kerry by something like 4 to 1.
Here’s an interesting piece that honestly assesses both erosion of support for Republicans by members of the military and why that doesn’t translate into increased support for Democrats:
I disagree with some of the author’s conclusions, but very much respect his reasoned and thoughtful analysis.
Yours isn’t reasoned and thoughtful, it’s so much diarrheic spew.
If you want to engage in a reasoned debate then come out from behind your mask, be prepared for some give and take, and acknowledge that yours isn’t the only POV in town.
The Piper
I thought a defendant is entitled to the presumption of innocence? Since I stand in some sort of blogging equivalent of a prisoner’s dock accused by you of specific crimes, it’s incumbent upon you to prove them.
The American way is that I neither have to prove my innocence nor be forced to take the stand to defend myself.
Where’s your evidence? Proof beyond a reasonable doubt?
But you prove my point…You’re not interested in justice as much as the destruction of any but your own POV.
Tell me…on the political spectrum, what does that make you??? Hmmmm????
The Piper
Your usual response when I ask you, Piper, if you support torture is to call me a supporter of terrorists and a hater of all things good about America.
Once again Piper, Do you oppose your President’s use of torture? Yes or no Piper?
This is your opportunity to prove me the liar you call me in @41. I’m waiting for your answer Piper.
@45 Piper you are a fuckan ball-less windbag. Do you Piper or Do you not support the use of torture by your President?
Bush tortures human beings and kills civilians.
Piper knows this yet supports Bush.
Therefore Piper supports and enables torture and the killing of civilians!
@48 was a response to @45
So…let me get this straight…You can justify 9/11? You’re willing to justify 9/11? It doesn’t make you sick to your stomach to try and justify 9/11? Would you care to justify 9/11 in front of the familys of 9/11 victims? Talk about how the terrorists were misunderstood? How 9/11 was all our fault? That the terrorists were pure and innocent until egged on by U.S. policies?
You fit the description of that sector of American political life described by the late, great UN Ambassador (and former Democrat) Jeanne Kirkpatrick as the, “blame America first” crowd.
Wow! What madrassas did you go to?
Yours is an extreme POV that’s so far out on the fringe, it makes a lot of the HA Happy Hooligans look positively right wing by comparison!
Please do keep offering your insight and analysis, and do it as loudly with as broad a distribution as possible. And also tell us who you support for President; tar that poor sap with your diatribes, and watch support for the person sink like a manhole cover in a lake.
Walter Mondale got crucified in 1984 because, not only did the “blame America first” label get stuck on him but good, but it also got stuck on him for good reason. You’ve given me optimism for Republican chances in the Fall.
Hope your medical plan has mental health benefits ’cause you need ’em!
The Piper
@51 Address the issue at hand Piper. You have called me a liar Piper for my claim that with your unequivocal support for George W. Bush you support torture.
Piper do you support or oppose the use of torture by your President George W. Bush?
@52 Whatis
Don’t bother. Piper NEVER answers questions, his style is to parry and thrust like some would be Cyranno sans nose and wit.
Sad, he does nknow some interesting things and seems like someone who could learn more if he tried.
He strikes me a a kind of Repican I have trouble takling seriously ..except when they vote
@53 How true! How true! Name calling, bullying, and an unwillingness to state a position clearly-these are behavior traits of the modern day Republican.
a syllogism:
Bush tortures human beings and kills civilians.
Piper knows this yet supports Bush.
Therefore Piper supports and enables torture and the killing of civilians..
Yo, thank you for expressing your Christian Republican values so forcefully. You are indeed a brave Republican warrior. One of America’s finest. It’s people like you who make this country great! I wonder Yo, why are you here? Why aren’t you over in Iraq fighting the terrorists to protect the homeland? You must be a warrior of the Bush and Cheney style. Perhaps you have a criminal record? Perhaps you are not quite bright enough to be a soldier?