Don’t Ask McCain – video powered by Metacafe
I saw this at the blog of Lew Waters, a local right-winger who has pronounced the GOP dead over McCain’s impending nomination. For the nativists who see increased numbers of Mexican-American families in this country as a threat, McCain’s unwillingness to even discuss the issue will only play into their paranoia, and 2008 will be another milestone in their efforts to destroy their party.
Sure John McCain could win. I haven’t said I like him so Clueless doesn’t have a rant for this post.
All he has to do is display to the world the democrat police state in action.
Notice who is the sheriff.
Then watch the democrat police state in action.
Enjoy the view. This is sick. Democrats in action.
Then compare the Maricopa County Sheriff in action. Big difference liberals.
[Deleted – off topic]
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God I am so tired of these whiny sandbaggers. The woman behind the camera is just as pathetic as that “Don’t tase me bro” guy at the Kerry event. They ask the most ridiculously loaded and specious questions and then get all huffy and entitled when the politician fails to play their self aggrandizing little game. I will not vote for McCain but I respect his response to this bs. And the woman behind the camera comes off as a total loser. Just my two cents.
Please, Puddy, you can’t possibly think that police abuse like that only happens in districts with Democratic sheriffs. Not even my couch is that stupid.
Puddy, I’ve left the first comment up, the rest will be deleted unless you can stay on topic.
@1-3: Interesting how many conservatives seem to resort to name-calling and straw men to get their tired points across. How pathetic. You didn’t address the fact that many anti-immigration right-wingers might just stay home during this election, in favor of blabbering on about irrelevant Republican talking points.
Seems like some small town in red state America is missing their idiot.
How are those off topic Lee?
You only want MSM rants?
Don’t worry Puddy has the links saved.
@1 See #2 & #3 for examples of democratic police state in action.
Lee, the post was a rejection over the police state rants of the 16%ers. Since you all claim to be in step with the NEW Progressives, I figgered this works just fine…
How is that relevant to John McCain and his relationship to the GOP base, retard?
See a goddamn therapist, you nutjob.
How are those off topic Lee?
Because they were about Hillary Clinton in a post about John McCain. Are you completely fucking retarded?
“Rafael Peralta’s heroism in Iraq is apparent to anyone who hears about his story. A 25-year-old Marine sergeant, Peralta volunteered for a mission to clear insurgents from a neighborhood in Fallujah in November 2004. He charged … leading a squad of eight men … gunmen ambushed the Marines, shooting Sergeant Peralta in the face and neck.
“Cpl. Robert Reynolds … saw Peralta melt onto the floor and lie in a pool of blood. Then Reynolds spotted … a grenade bouncing toward the squad. … Reynolds … watched Peralta reach out and drag the grenade under his body. Peralta died … others in the room sustained only light wounds.
“Last month … the Department of Defense told Peralta’s mother it had recommended that her son posthumously be given the Medal of Honor …. It now awaits the president’s approval.
“Rosa Peralta says … her son … wanted to be a Marine since he moved to San Diego from Mexico at 15 and signed up the day he got permanent residency in the United States. … Only two other Iraq vets have received the Medal of Honor, compared with 245 … in Vietnam and 464 in World War II.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or ocpyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Say it slowly through clenched teeth, immigrant-hating righties: Mexican immigrant. Medal of Honor. Now repeat it several times. That Mexican kid had more balls than any of you. He was more patriotic than you, too. He enlisted. You didn’t. Say it again: Rafael Peralta, Mexican immigrant and AMERICAN HERO. Now go fuck yourselves, fake patriots.
Rafael. Peralta. Sounds like an American name to me.
@11 You see, pudwhacker? Here’s an example of a post that’s on topic. The trick to staying on topic is understanding what the topic is:
including you, puddinghead. Especially you. There, now that’s not so hard to understand, is it?
I wonder if McCain would refuse to sign off on that guy’s medal just because he was a Mexican immigrant?
Puddybud, that’s what an on-topic post looks like.
The real reasons McCain or any Republican will lose in November. The actual news:
1.Job losses are starting and the economy is going down the tube again. due to budget deficits (see below) and trade deficits (see Bush/republican energy policy)
2. Subprime loan crisis due to greedy lenders duping gullible buyers and no regualtion.
3. Pakistan and Afghanistan going back to the Taliban (see front page of the Times – and McClatchey the only real investigative paper chain left) – why? the “great” surge sucks up all the military we have. Iraq was a needless war and we haven’t led the world or taken care of business in Afghanistan and pakistan.
4. Record budget deficits: why? the needless Iraq war and the tax cuts for the rich by bush.
5. Record profits (for the second time Exxon made more than any company in history) for Exxon while regular Americans face tight budgets and rising oil prices (even my right wing relatives are mad about this). why? See cheney/enron secret energy policy).
Remember: As the news on Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan gets worse and the economy goes under (and oil prices climb as do the obscene profits of oil companies) McCain’s support for Bush, the war in Iraq and Bushenomics will bring him down.
Rog, still think those public workers need a raise?
“State, local government workers see pay gains”
“The gap is widening every year, rising by an average $1.02 an hour last year and $2.45 an hour over the past three years. The better pay and benefits for public employees come as private-sector workers face stagnant wages and rising unemployment.
State and local government workers now earn an average of $39.50 per hour in total compensation, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Private workers earn an average of $26.09 an hour.”
Yup, sure sounds like they all need another whopping big pay raise like the 18% wage increase Gregoire got.
@19: GS:
If you want the actual data for Washingtons state and the actual facts on state public employee pay:
The rate of increase for public employees in Washington for the last 4 years has been below inflation and (from the actual survey of salaries in 2006):
“Yet, as has been the case every year since the survey’s inception, this year’s edition generally shows a significant private-public sector pay gap. For example, biologists earn an average of $71,718 in the private sector compared to $43,583 in the public sector—a 65 percent differential. Computer systems analysts earn $77,563 in the private sector compared to $55,800 in the public sector—a 39 percent differential. And, despite the fact that public sector librarians registered salary increases this year, they still lag their private sector peers by nearly $18,000 ($59,320 vs. $41,481—a 43 percent differential.
One undisputed factor that helps alleviate the private-public sector salary gap is collective bargaining. In the states with collective bargaining rights for public employees, public sector salaries are generally closer to private sector salaries, the report finds for the seventh consecutive year.”
Try using actual data instead of a rag like USA today.
Here is the link, quoted under fair use.
A Tale Of 3 POWs
“On a mission over North Vietnam on September 9, 1965, [James] Stockdale ejected from his A-4E Skyhawk … [and] parachuted into a small village, where he was severely beaten and taken into custody. He was held as a prisoner of war … for the next seven years … he was routinely tortured and beaten. When told by his captors that he was to be paraded in public, Stockdale slit his scalp with a razor to purposely disfigure himself so that his captors could not use him as propaganda. When they covered his head with a hat, Stockdale beat himself with a stool until his face was swollen beyond recognition. He told them … they would never use him. When Stockdale heard that other prisoners were dying under the torture, he slit his wrists and told them that he preferred death to submission. …
“Stockdale was released as a prisoner of war on February 12, 1973. His shoulders had been wrenched from their sockets, his leg shattered by angry villagers and a torturer, and his back broken. But he had refused to capitulate. He received the Medal of Honor ….”
“On August 26, 1967, [Bud Day] was shot down over North Vietnam and immediately captured …. Despite serious injury, he managed to escape across the Demilitarized Zone back into South Vietnam, becoming the only U.S. prisoner to escape from North Vietnam …. after two weeks of evading, he was re-captured by the Viet Cong. Six years later, on March 14, 1973 he was released. … In December 1967 Day shared a cell with John McCain and helped nurse him back to life. … On 4 March 1976, President Gerald Ford awarded Day the Medal of Honor for his personal bravery while a captive in North Vietnam.”
“On October 26, 1967, … McCain’s A-4 Skyhawk was shot down …. McCain fractured both arms and a leg in being hit and ejecting from his plane. … Although McCain was badly wounded, his captors refused to put him in the hospital, deciding he would soon die anyway. … Only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a top admiral did they give him medical care and announce his capture. At this point, two days after McCain’s plane went down, that event and his status as a POW made the front page of The New York Times. … In March 1968, McCain was put into solitary confinement … for two years. In August 1968, a program of vigorous torture methods began on McCain … bones were broken again as was McCain’s spirit; the beginnings of a suicide attempt was stopped by guards. After four days of this, McCain signed an anti-American propaganda ‘confession’ that said he was a ‘black criminal’ and an ‘air pirate’ …. He would later write, ‘I had learned what we all learned over there: Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t get me wrong, John McCain is a war hero who deserves our gratitude and respect. He got a Silver Star, a military medal of no small consequence. But, you know, it isn’t the Medal of Honor, because, you know, he signed the confession.
@ #1 – PuddyBrain you haven’t gone sensitive on us? You should buy a violin.
The Tommy.
@19 Public workers may well earn “an average of $39.50 an hour” if you average in the pay of presidents, senators, congressmen, federal judges, CIA and FBI agents, generals, governors, agency heads, supervisors, etc.
Try telling a DSHS child protective services caseworker or the guy who drives a snowplow in Snolquamie Pass they makes $39.50 an hour, and they’ll laugh in your fucking face.
What’s it worth to YOU to get up at 4 a.m. and drive a snowplow in dark and freezing cold, or to spend 40 hours a week on the phone trying to get deadbeat fathers to pay their child support, or spend night shifts wiping the asses of guys in the Old Soldiers Home in Orting too weak and debilitated to do it themselves? Would you do that for $39.50 an hour? How about half that? Would you do it for $40,000 a year?
Funny how, if GS thinks public jobs are so great, he isn’t standing in line at the application office trying to get one of those great public jobs.
Okay, here’s a tough one for all you righty private-sector jobs. Be careful now — put on your thinking cap and use your head before you attempt to answer this question.
Which job pays better?
[ ] 1. Marine sergeant in Iraq
[ ] 2. DSHS caseworker
[ ] 3. Private sector CEO with bonuses and stock options
[ ] 4. DOT snowplow operator in Snoqualmie pass
[ ] 5. Nursing assistant in Old Soldiers Home in Orting
The average CEO used to get 50 times the pay of his company’s line workers. Last I heard, it was 550 times and still rising. In recent years, the incomes of the top 1% have literally exploded. The number of U.S. billionaires has increased from 140 in 1986 to 946 in 2007. At the same time, the average worker’s inflation-adjusted pay hasn’t risen at all since 1970, and has fallen by 8% since George W. Bush became president.
Number of U.S. private sector executives and investors who became billionaires since 1986: 806
Number of U.S. public sector workers who became billionaires since 1986: 0
Meanwhile, poor Mexican kids hoping to become U.S. citizens enlist in droves and fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It’s a lot easier for some white guy running a hedge fund in New York City to criticize immigration when his kids don’t have to go to Iraq because Mexican kids volunteer for it.
If you think McCain is bad, you should see his constituents.
As long as I can remember, Arizonans have had a reputation for being bigoted, hating Mexicans.
My Dad once went into a Mexican restaurant in AZ with a hispanic lady friend to pick up some take out. When the 100 percent white clientèle threw dirty looks their way, my father asked his friend what the hell was going on.
She answered, “Oh yeah, they don’t like my kind.”
Things of course have changed a lot in AZ with the influx of retirees, snow birds and what not but it seems the old guard still rears its ugly head.
And Arizonans still seem to despise mexicans so much that they’re the only State I know that’s going after employers who hire the undocumented. This may be yet another farce but things have to have gotten bad for them to go that far.
Hmmm, where are the trolls? Have they left? Stomped into the dirt again by a rabbit. I’m outta here — for now — but I’ll be baaack. Later, wingfuck sissies.
[Deleted – off topic]
So Lee@17: Why is post #13 surviving?
Oh… Pelletizer’s BULLSHITTIUM pellets are always welcome!
correctnotright says: “Try using actual data instead of a rag like USA today.”
I’ll remember this when you use the USA Today.
Tommy – KMBA!
Tommy Thompson@22 laughed while the lady was stripped searched.
Puddy: You want real news – try these in todays Seattle times (of course none was actually written by a Times reporter).
An article on how the bush tax cuts for the rich are emptying the money from the government and how bush plans to cut education and health to make up for it.
or this good piece of investigative reporting and analysis on the resurgence of Al qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan and how we can’t spare the troops to combat them because of the surge that is not working in the unnessary war in Iraq.
or how about the piece on how there are more “foreclosure” pets dropped off at the humane society becaue of Bush’s booming foreclosure market.
or how about the articles in the business section on the record profits of Exxon and the loss of jobs in January (along with the record high gas prices – thank you bush/Cheney)
Gee- republicans are screwing everything up….
@31, 34, 35: Again, relevance?
@37 bma: I see you have visited Whackynation too. It is a trip down psychosis lane – opinions are facts and facts are correct only when approved by the commentator…
roger@21… have truly hit a new low, even for you.
and ,lee, you are getting more and more irrelevant and shrill these days. so now you are the decider of what’s on topic, huh? this is about john mccain and yet you point to one of “roger’s” rants as what an example of “on topic” is….and it’s all about? a soldier who is NOT mccain. hmmmmm…..sure there’s a connection, but aren’t you really just enjoying being “the man” who can delete other’s posts like any good little commie?
free speech lee.
and it usually doesn’t involve referring to people with a differing point of view [than yours] as “retards.”
you know…come to think of it…goldy’s job was just fine until he signed on with you boobs………
maybe ,just maybe, it’s your pointless and childish screaming to “legalize meth” and that everyone who doesn’t agree with you is either a liar, retard, or mentally unstable…….what ya think?
anyone that refers to other people’s mental stability or lack of it as often as you do,and especially someone like you with no medical training at all, has some serious issues of their own to work through. perhaps less typing and more reading for you?
YLB…always the tool. i see.”And Arizonans still seem to despise mexicans so much that they’re the only State I know that’s going after employers who hire the undocumented. This may be yet another farce but things have to have gotten bad for them to go that far.”
have you heard of california? yeah…it’s that “little” state that actually counts down south from the crap hole you call home. you know 7th largest economy in the world and all that. and guess what? we go after employers who hire illegal aliens too. get real….it’s a fed thing.
and your “little story” yup. that’s the way people in arizona treated mexicans back in the 60’s and was that way everywhere toots. wow….but at least they weren’t hiding in a sorority that was WHITE’S ONLY while pretending they HAD to be in said sorority…..and pretending to care. ring any bells for you?
lee…you know perfectly well why mccain wouldn’t dignify that racist question with an answer. it was a racist question. do you really think that illegal aliens from mexico are more likely to rape children than the home grown creeps [see washington state here] that we already have?
so…if you believe this then i guess you also believe that gay men are more likely to be pedophiles too, right?
black men will steal cars?
chinese men can’t drive?
what next lee?
spoken like a true east coaster that has never actually lived in a society of many cultures. lee, have you considered moving back to the east coast?
Roger, you’re a fucking asshole.
Admiral Stockdale was made to look stupid by the tradtional media back in the ’92 election. The press treated him and Ross Perot badly, yet that team garnered enough votes away from Bush senior to allow that lyin’, cheatin’ cocksucker Clinton to get elected. We’d have been better off with Bush senior than that piece of shit Clinton.
Personally, I can’t support McCain: I’m writing-in Ron Paul. The rest of your nimrods can go fuck yourselves.
Actually, as long as Hillary gets defeated, I really don’t care who gets elected prez in 2008.
Correctnotright@38: I’m shocked and amazed!
Good job man!
Politically Incorrect:
I went to PacMan’s house yesterday. He and I agree. Anybody but Heilary… and John Edwards.
You’re demeaning the retarded by comparing Puddy to them.
I’m aware of this and I apologize to them.
So Lee@17: Why is post #13 surviving?
Are you truly incapable of understanding how a comment about immigrants in the military is related to how Republicans are so irrationally afraid of immigrants? If so, none of us can possibly help you. You have severe brain damage.
lee…you know perfectly well why mccain wouldn’t dignify that racist question with an answer. it was a racist question.
I agree.
do you really think that illegal aliens from mexico are more likely to rape children than the home grown creeps [see washington state here] that we already have?
I don’t, but a sizeable chunk of the GOP base does.
so…if you believe this then i guess you also believe that gay men are more likely to be pedophiles too, right?
Wait a second, do you actually think I posted this because I agree with the guy who asked the anchor baby question? Hahahahaha. You couldn’t be any dumber if you tried.
spoken like a true east coaster that has never actually lived in a society of many cultures.
Yeah, New York is so homogeneous.
lee, have you considered moving back to the east coast?
Nah, I’d have to find a whole new set of idiots to make fun of.
40 – So CA is going after employers? Not doing a very good job are they? Oh well, it gives you another excuse to urge your Republican legislator to try to cut your taxes.
Like I said before – a farce.
Lee: You moron. How does this affect McCain? Pelletizer used the wrong story. He should have discussed Mexicans working for a Republican company in the fields to make that point!
McCain is a military hero. He would be one of the first to give the MOH to the mother.
And if you read the post CAREFULLY (impossible for you), Peralta came to America wanting to improve himself, wanting to be a military man. He wasn’t coming here to be on the guvmint dole. He’s no lefty. Lefties run from the military… We whom think on the right posthumously commend Sgt. Rafael Peralta.
On the other hand Pelletizer slung that up there trying to tie this into McCain and be a racist in his actions. Wrong Pelletbreath. Once you read the article, this is what the American ideal is all about.
On the other hand Lee is too deeply saddled with Bush Derangement Syndrome to figger it out.
You LEE are the MORON! There is no moral equivalence for this exemplary soldier. He was a great human being. You and Pelletizer are slugs.
Michael, there is no adjective to describe you… I searched Merriam-Websters and I couldn’t find one that fits your lunacy!
Lee: In the Good Book it says: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
I realize the Bible and this action by Sergeant Peralta are lost on your puny mind.
Lee: You moron. How does this affect McCain? Pelletizer used the wrong story. He should have discussed Mexicans working for a Republican company in the fields to make that point!
How so? The story that Roger posted cuts right at the heart of the hypocrisy that exists within the anti-immigration, pro-war view. It shows how Republicans are more OK with sending immigrants to die for our country than having them be educated or work alongside us. The comment was certainly on-topic.
Puddy at 52: RR pointed out, by way of example, a Mexican immigrant who was a true American hero. The point was that by tarring all illegals as morally inferior and dangerous, for political grandstanding purposes, you threaten to exclude those like the young man who became a Marine and a MOH winner.
Everyone here, save you, understood this. Simplistic immigration barriers, such as that spouted by McCaine, wouldn’t provide for vetting families such as his to determine their “intent” prior to immigration to the U.S.
RR said at 26: “At the same time, the average worker’s inflation-adjusted pay hasn’t risen at all since 1970, and has fallen by 8% since George W. Bush became president.”
Yep, that’s the George W. Bush tax on the middle class.
Republican economic plan: Cut taxes for the rich, support outsourced jobs, bust the budget, cause a combined inflationary/rescessionary economy which causes real declines in the financial health of the middle class, and then blame the middle class for not being “competative enough”, and then argue to them that the real cause of their problems is some other racial group which conveniently has little voting power at the time (in rough chronological order: Irish, Catholics, blacks, Jews, Arabs, all Muslims, and now Mexicans).
By the way, ever notice that when Republicans use “competitive” referring to a worker’s wages, it means that their wages are going to go down, but when a Republican uses it with respect to CEO wages, it means that they are going to go up?
Lee: The anti-immigration view is held because of crime statistics and drain on California coffers. And your canard of educating immigrants is bogus hooey.
No one is against legal immigrants. NO ONE NO ONE. This is about illegal immigration. You seem to miss this. Why does Puddy understand this but the Minions miss this OR, they choose not to speak to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!
Certain people paint them that way. Funny, I thought McCain was the one for “amnesty” with the Kennedy-McCain Bill on illegal immigrants and that’s why certain Republicans are against him.
Sooooooooooooooo I guess everyone here except me doesn’t get McCain’s position. Now that’s amazing, since I have memory powers and can remember these things.
rhp6033: What are you talking about CEO pay? Look who is benefiting from CEOs? Heilary!
Remember: The issue is illegal immigrants.
Why are all the minions waffling on illegal immigrants?
Michael: Still can’t find that one word in Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary that describes an insipid vacuous stupid asswipe moron with idiot gene rising.
But you know me, I’m still looking. Syphilitic comes close.
Politically Incorrect @43 said: “…yet that team garnered enough votes away from Bush senior to allow that lyin’, cheatin’ cocksucker Clinton to get elected….”
Wrong, as usual. Clinton was the “suckee”.
No one is against legal immigrants. NO ONE NO ONE.
Are you kidding me? John McCain’s plan involves legitimizing the Mexican immigrants who want to come here to work. He wants to set up a system of legal immigration, and much of the GOP wants his head for it.
Funny, I thought McCain was the one for “amnesty” with the Kennedy-McCain Bill on illegal immigrants and that’s why certain Republicans are against him.
Because it legalizes their immigration. Republicans can’t say they’re for legal immigration but against amnesty. It’s the same goddamn thing.
The reason for the budget deficit:
1. We spend too much.
2. We spend too much.