I’ll get to the real video later, you know the stuff with teachers talking about the real life impact of the budget cuts that would be coming under Initiative 1033, but first I thought I’d just post this clip showing what a real life asshole Tim Eyman can be.
Understand that Tim shows up, uninvited, at somebody else’s press conference, and yet despite his trespassing, is courteously allowed to stay and talk to the press. Because, you know, that’s just the way our side is… we welcome a public debate, because we’re confident we’ll win it.
But when I attempt to ask him a serious question, he won’t even look me in the eyes, let alone give me the courtesy of a response, instead dismissing me as “not the media.”
“This is a press conference,” Tim emphasizes in snubbing me. Yeah… a press conference at which I was personally invited, and he was not. He also twice belittles the Seattle P-I’s Joel Connelly, perhaps the senior member of our state’s political press corps, saying he’s only “kinda sorta still the media.”
I mean, really… who the hell is Tim to decide who is and who is not the media?
The truth is, Tim won’t answer my questions because he knows that he can’t, for in repeatedly claiming that local school districts can simply go to voters to raise their local levies to make up for lost state revenues, he’s both lying to voters, and showing his own totally lack of understanding of how his own initiative works.
As I attempted to explain to Tim, there is a statutory lid on the amount of revenue districts can raise from local levies — 24% of combined state and federal funding for most districts, and grandfathered in as high as 33% for a handful of districts like Seattle, Bellevue and Mercer Island. And since many districts are already at or near their lid, if state funding goes down (and it absolutely will in real dollars should I-1033 pass), so would the amount of money districts would be allowed to raise via local levies.
This is a fact. And it’s simple math… math Eyman is either unwilling or unable to do. So any “real” journalist who allows Eyman to repeat his claim that districts can just go to voters for more money, is allowing Eyman to repeat a deliberate misstatement of act. (You know… a lie.)
Of course, the legislature could always lift the lid, and surely voters in wealthy districts could be persuaded to raise significantly more revenue for their local schools than they currently receive. But this shift in funding from state to local would only exacerbate the existing inequities between school districts, disadvantaging the children in the poorer and more rural areas that ironically will vote for I-1033 in the largest numbers.
But then, isn’t that the norm for Eyman initiatives: always hurting most those Tim claims he’s trying to help.
Will speculates on Tim’s refusal to even make eye contact with me: “Perhaps he’s afraid he’ll fall in love? Either that, or he’s afraid he’ll turn to stone?”
Don’t play his game. He wins when we make the issue about Tim Eyman and not about the insane devastation I-1033 will cause.
Were it up to me there would be three words banned in the No on 1033 effort: “Tim,” “Eyman,” and “TABOR.” The fight will be won by mobilizing Washingtonians to defend schools, nurses, firefighters, parks, etc – everything that I-1033 would destroy.
I should add that doesn’t mean you’re wrong to post this video; it makes him look like the horse’s ass (heh) that he truly is.
Still, we need to shift the framing and the debate away from Eyman and toward schools, roads, parks, health care, etc. Eyman and the Yes on 1033 yahoos can’t win on that ground. So that’s precisely where we should go.
Well done, you. Would the Timster have blown me off if I had a question, as one of the over 400 UW employees laid off due to this biennium’s budget? Or do you need a highly-trafficked, established blog with well-researched information to be considered ignorable, or a daily column in a major newspaper to be considered half ignorable?
Hi Robert!
It’s me, Teresa, from your home department. I’m afraid I have to disagree. While I would truly love a more mobilized and engaged population, we don’t have it just now. We have another major issue — ref 71– which is garnering a lot of attention. When I say “Eyeman,” folks instantly associate “1033” and “No.”
Or maybe it’s just a difference between actual political tactics (you) and publicity (me). I’m working on ensuring that the folks who WILL vote no do so.
If the shoe was on the other foot Goldy and you were vehemently attacked on Tim Eyman’s blog and you were called a HorsesASS would you react differently? Would you run up and say:
“Hey it’s my best friend Tim how are you? It’s so good to see you and I love how you cover my initiatives. I love how you denigrate me on your blog any and every time you can. Thanks for the “wonderful” coverage. Can your kids come over to my house and play with my daughter?”
Don’t kid yourself Goldy. No one is afraid of you. Since you are in fact not a reporter, then you are irrelevant, and not a real member of any press. Your continuing comical jealously and inferiority complex of Tim is very entertaining, I must say. Three threads in one day over good buddy Tim is a pretty damn good example. Good luck limp dick, you need it.
Teresa, so glad to hear you’re working hard to fight this. Agree that voter mobilization is key here. I suspect that we mobilize more people to vote if we show them the stakes and don’t let Tim Eyman make himself the focus of the debate. But victory is certainly what matters.
So mark1, puddy…what part of that post did you not understand?
Tim Eyeman was not invited. He baggged press time anyway. Goldy is a citizen and a voter. How dare Eyeman not answer a question from Goldy. Fact is, as Goldy states…Eyeman does not understand the financial implications of his initiatives. Eyeman can not and will not answer substantive questions. Puddy and mark1 won’t either…birds of a feather.
Plain and simple.
Screwing with the MVET decimated services to small towns in Washington. Does Tim or his pah-tron care? The damage has continued each and every initiative that has passed.
PS-Ohhhhh…and tell me Goldy’s not vilified on the minnow’s site.
Well, I don’t think Eyman’s motives are ENTIRELY financial. I think he also enjoys the media spotlight, and the adulation of the couple dozen supporters who keep telling him that he’s their hero. It can be a pretty heady feeling, especially when he can count on the vote of the 1/3 or so in the state who would vote for a few penney’s tax cut even if it meant selling the Space Needle to the Chinese. Somehow I think he believes this makes him a leader among men.
He looks like a penis.
You are ignoring what Puddy posted@5. Given Tim crashed the place, but why should Tim give Goldy the time of day based on the years of attacks by Goldy? Think for a change rujax!
Eyman doesn’t care about anything except getting his money from his angel. There’s no point in talking with him, or at him, or about him. The effect of the initiative is the only appropriate subject. People either can’t stand him or love him; there’s no convincing possible about him as a person. 1033 will ruin Washington; stick to that.
Tim Eyeman is clearly a horses ass.
There is no end of the good higher taxes can do for all of us according to YOU.
Why don’t we all just work for Komrade Gregoire and Komrade Obama with ALL our evil profits going into the Bureaucratic TUB OF GOO for these morons to squander???
Let’s take away all individual incentive and be a bottomfeeder like you and the rest of the KLOWNS, huh?
re 5: If Goldy had done what Tim did at a Republican shindig, he would have had his face punched by an off-duty cop — who incidently would no doubt hide behind the skirts of the state if he were punched back.
re 14: Or, better yet, have a graduated state income tax that starts at $250,000 a year.
When you tax, you have to go where the money is. Don’t worry, Cynical, you sure as hell won’t get touched.
re 14: Do you realize that you are arguing that some people are lazy because their ‘incentive’ has been stolen by a tax? It’s not their fault they are lazy. It’s society’s
Where is the personal responsibility in that?
Haven’t read the thread yet, so this might have been noted already…
Goldy, I’m wondering why, if you’re not the press, Timmeh always shows up when you write about him here at HA and posts comments in the form of Press Releases.
I’ll take your word on that.
They say “then you are irrelevant”
but always seem to post comments on your website.
– – – –
I-1033 – you pay the taxes, they get the rebates.
Why is Tim so afraid of Goldy?
We know the answer: because he’s a horse’s ass.
19 MS
How is it that you do not know what a penis looks like?
T.I. “you’re not the media”
Goldy “I am the media”
Goldy, I think it’s most likely you have that hideous face only a mother could love. Why would anyone go out of their way to look at it? Perhaps Tim just ate and didn’t want to take a risk of vomiting???
Mr. Cynical hates teachers, nurses, cops, firefighters, and kids playing in the park. He also hates puppies and kittens.
Mr. Cynical should move somewhere like Somalia where he won’t have to worry about taxes and government intrusion, he just has to make sure to pay off the local warlords.
What a pompous piece of shit our Timmy is. Before seeing this video, I thought he was vacuous, self-adulating, and a danger to the public, but nonetheless lovable. Alas, it seems he is not lovable, but just a rude prick who loves media attention.
Quimface Norquist aka Roger Rabbit–
You blew yer cover Rog!
Not everyone can be a Quimface. You live up to the standard. RR does not.
@27 I don’t need a cover. I can smell a fucked goat from a mile away.
Why not just pick him up and bodily throw him out? That’s what I would do if it was my press conference.
I know what mine looks like, and it looks nothing like tim.
Does yours?
Does your partners penis look like tim?
Biggest fucking douche bag on the planet.
@5 “If … you were vehemently attacked on Tim Eyman’s blog and … called a HorsesASS” … who would fucking care?
@14 I don’t recall hearing complaints from you when Bush & Co. were squandering your money on $150,000-a-year mercenaries, moldy FEMA trailers, and paying interest to China. It appears you’re not against spending taxpayers’ money, you’re only against spending it on things that benefit the non-rich.
@23 If Goldy isn’t the “media” then neither is Fox.
Seriously, Marvin Stamm? Penis reference AND calling somebody gay?
Are you 17 years old? An adult manchild? What’s the deal?
This is a press conference…
Timmee’s word’s remind me of that MASH episode where Hawkeye is trying to get the general on record about requisitioning medical supplies. The general replies, “This is a press conference. The last thing I want to do is answer a bunch of questions.”
What’s the deal?
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
31. GBS spews:
First of all, you punk-ass, bitch, faggot, mother fucker, you completely and intentionally dodged my point.
05/01/2009 AT 1:02 PM
The deal…
I replied to-
10. Rujax! spews:
He looks like a penis.
And then daddylove chimed in and I replied back to him.
Unlike some of the liberals on this blog (see above), I didn’t call daddylove a “faggot” or any other derogatory name. I simply asked him if his partners penis looks like tim.
Why are you so bothered by penis talk? Got issues?
Timmy did this in Yakima 2 years ago. The Blethens owned Herald-Republic refused to publish his letter to the editor, so he demanded the city council hear it when he arrived in town. Surprisingly, they also told him to take a hike and he insisted the police escort him out of the room, which they obliged.
There are lots of indications that his lover, Mr. Cynical, is even bigger. From the waist up, at least
Goldy and Cynical are lovers?
Damn, you’re getting real bitter.
Why don’t you just leave already.
You’re acting like all those left-wingnuts that said if bush was reelected they would leave the country but never did.
To answer your question, Goldy, there were witnesses.
Tim can copy and paste boilerplate here, or at Crosscut, or any other online venue. It is a forum limited to people that already hold an opinion of one kind, or another.
Where this video was taken was out of his control, and beyond his prefabricated selection of predictable responses for the given situation.
He really is afraid that people he can not handle within their limits will burst the self-constructed bubble. Notice the camera lights go on? Then they went off. He knows they have 90 seconds and they either use his prefab soundbite, or they have wasted their shot. In stead they have file footage of Tim acting like an asshole, and they have plenty of that already.
He then moved on to insulting somebody less likely to call him a horse’s ass, Joel may think it, say it, but he is not going to type it. So, that interaction is also controlable, to a point.
You stepped into the middle of a variety of controllable scenarios and sandbagged his chance to soundbite, with your long and fact based question.
But, you knew all that, how else are you not afraid to ask your question here?
When he was little his mama caught him playing with his marvin. Surely you can understand.
Finally got a chance to watch the video, God what an asshole.
And while few reporters other than Joel are likely to get all that bent over Tim being rude to Goldy, Joel is still quite well respected and dissing him isn’t a good idea.
X’ad you definitely have a Marvin Fetish.
Se medical attention immediately.
It was medical attention that brought it about in the first place, alas.
I was undergoing aversion therapy and it was natural for them to use a marvin as the emetic. Who would have thought i’d run into him again in real life.
Well, as if this place were “real life”
But you get the idea…..
At least the aversion still works. I find him a marvin-lous emetic, and I can easily understand that, as he seems to make everyone want to vomit.
I hate to point this out, but you seem quite fond of him…..
You must have special conditioning.
I understand.
You need a Marvin in your life.
Looks matter, you got a pic online somewhere I can see. It doesn’t have to be one of your naked ones yet, dressed with your face showing works.
I don’t think I’ve had someone on a blog so enamored with me they can’t stop thinking about me.
Are you still dreaming about me?
Funny you mention that. A few girlfriends have done the purging thing to keep themselves pretty for me.
I hope you’re not doing the same thing for me. It’s an unhealthy practice.
But I do appreciate you doing whatever it takes to be pretty for me.
Shit, Marvie,
If someone starts referring to dicks as marvins, you should feel complimented. I know that if someone said, “my proud leftist is itchin’ for some action,” I’d feel a little pride. You gotta take compliments where you find them, dude.
I am complimented with the way that X’ad is constantly thinkin’ about me!!
From now on, every time she’s with some guy she will reach down and say to herself, “I wish I had a Marvie instead.”
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Marvie @ 50
There you go, m’lad.
Goldy – you’re not a journalist, you’re a partisan writer with a blog. Deal.
Joel Connelly isn’t much better, at least your honest about your partisanship.
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Arrogant much, Timmy??
Just look at him. Eyeman oozes that old man frat-rat spoiled brat persona. He has that slightly high-pitched angry white man voice, the red nose, flushed face. He’s fighting with all that same kind of rage as someone who grew up thinking the world was his oyster and that it is he that deserves all of its riches. He has not one single fucking clue about what state government employees do for his sorry privileged ass every single day, or what it does for everyone else.
Collectively it’s easy to say “state government is evil.” It’s easy to say “local government spends too much.” You know, except on those services he and YOU count on.
Whatever rage pro stupid initiative du jour idiots in the state support, it doesn’t ever really address what is pissing you off. It does have effects on your community though.
Fat fucking chance that one goddamned penny will ever go back to your property tax. What sort of stupid idiot believes this will happen? Do you want it to come out of your health department? How about the fire department? Maybe someone will steal your car and the police can’t respond because car thefts just aren’t a priority any more because of dumb ass initiatives. They don’t have time to cover your stupid problems. That’s your future. Enjoy
After 1033 passes, and Eastern Washington turns into far western Appalachia, will Timmy see the error of his ways?
Doubtful. He doesn’t care what he does to the schools. He’s a bad person.
What does Tim Eyman acting goofy have to do with the context of I-1033?
Answer: Nothing.
You KLOWNS always try to make this about Tim Eyman. Tim is simply giving voters an opportunity as allowed by law to make, accept or reject Legislative action. Checks & balances.
The sideshows have ZERO to do with I-1033.
Do you FEEL Overtaxed?
That’s the issue here.
Vote accordingly.
This is another jackbooted mantra rehash of the monthly hate Tim and anything Tim does. Not many people would give the time of day to someone who viciously attacks them in the public domain as a “blogger”. Then have the attacking blogger demand public respect from the same person who they gleefully denigrate and attack. Puddy saw Tim hold it in.
Anyone who thinks something else is truly delusional!
Wow, 18 hours and no unrelated press release from Eyman in response.
‘Will speculates on Tim’s refusal to even make eye contact with me: “Perhaps he’s afraid he’ll fall in love? Either that, or he’s afraid he’ll turn to stone?” ‘
No, I think he just hates your guts.
I am a member of the media, and Tim ought to defer to me. Tim is a horse’s ass.
Goldy not a member of the media? When did this happen? Did we go back in time to 1997 pre-blog?
Any bloggers that now posts with government, politics, and society in mind is NOW a defacto media member. It’s not the traditional mass media and there are lots of degrees of quality, questions of slant, and motiviation, but Horsesass.org is DEFINITELY a news source now.
Some of us can reconcile fine that Goldy’s a bleeding heart liberal whiner, but he’s very much a quality news source….when consumed as part of a balanced diet of daily information consumption.
…oh…and yes…Timmy is a horse’s ass.
Why is Tim so afraid of Goldy?
Because Tim is Goldy’s bitch, that’s why.