Right around the same time yesterday that State Auditor Brian Sonntag was telling reporters he would run for governor should there be a special election to replace Gov. Gregoire, I was telling a Republican friend of mine that I would actually vote for Dino Rossi should it come down to a contest between the two. Really.
The way I figure it, as long as we’re getting a conservative Republican who hangs with teabaggers, cavorts with Tim Eyman and endorses Susan Hutchison, we might as well get one who openly embraces the Republican Party label (or at the very least, the Grand Old Party Party label). That way, I can vilify the new governor coherently, and without constantly having defend my party from being branded with his anti-tax, anti-transit, anti-Democratic policies.
So yeah, in the hypothetical event of a Rossi v. Sonntag contest, I’m voting for Rossi. Though I’m guessing I’ll have to get myself pretty damn drunk to fill out that ballot.
I actually think he’d get stomped in the primary by McKenna and his new found Tea Party street cred. Rossi is a moderate by their standards (I said by THEIR standards) and would have a tough time making it out on his record of working with Democrats on the budget 7 years ago.
Derek @1,
Well, in a special election, there probably wouldn’t be a primary. Not unless Gregoire steps down by the end of this month.
If Will Baker runs I’ll vote for him.
Over 840 thousand R-bots back in 2004 couldn’t have all been wrong, could they?
And that ain’t gonna happen. Period.
Even if Gregoire eventually receives (and accepts) the appointment as Solicitor General, the job isn’t going to be open during the month of May. Or June. Or maybe July. Until her nomination is confirmed by the Senate, Elena Kagan is still the Solicitor General of the United States.
BTW, is the Solicitor General called “General”? Doing so would be consistent with — and equally as incorrect as — using that honorific for an Attorney General. (For both offices, “General” is an adjective.)
N @ 4: The usual title is “Sir”, or “Ma’m” ;-)
Otherwise, the entire title is used – Soliciter General, Attorney General, Surgeon General, Provost Marshal, etc. It’s a title, not a rank, so it would be inappropriate to cause confusion by abreviating it into a military rank (contra: “Kentucky Colonels”).
I agree completely, rhp. Would that the Supreme Court of the United States concurred.
From the transcript of oral arguments in Doe v. Reed (page 29 of the PDF, emphasis added):
When even SCOTUS makes this egregious error, it’s indelibly entrenched in general use.
Ugh, ugh, and double-ugh.
There’s a lot of ground between here and there.
Brian Sonntag notwithstanding, we should NOT give the keys to the car back to the Republicans. Under any circumstances. For any reason.
Yoou may think that Brian sonntag will favor some Republican-style measures, but those fucking Republicans will exceed your worst nightmares in a way that would make you BEG for Brian Sonntag as governor.
Daddy Love @8,
Sonntag would help other Republicans get elected, and the Times would kvell all over his supposed “bipartisanship.”
@2 Goldy,
I actually hadn’t thought of that and you’re right, they likely wouldn’t make such an appointment until after Kagan is confirmed which will take longer than that.
Foiled again.
Personally, I’m holding out for everyone to keep the jobs they signed up for, for the duration on time that they signed on for. Derek included. I’m in Gig Harbor. ;-)
i don’t see that. I mean, if you think he would appoint Republicans, I can see that.
I just don’t know any more. I think Sonntag’s support is a mile wide and an inch thick. 2012 is a cloud to me, But I think Dino is toast whatever happens, and that makes me happy.
We should support Democrats even if they are not the Democrats we prefer. Otherwise we’re Repulicans.
N @ 6: Maybe we can blame the court reporter for that one. Hopefully, none of the justices used that shorthand title? If so, would the Justices mind if instead of refering to them as “Your Honor”, we referred to them as “Hon”?
(But upon reflection, we DO refer to them usually as a “Justice”, and only in introductions as “Chief Justice” or “Associate Justice”).
Hopefully we don’t refer to a female Solicitor General as “Solicitor”….
If someone hires you to build them a website and then as you’re halfway through that project someone else wants to hire you to build a website and will pay you way more money than the first guy, but you’d have to drop the first contract to do it, would you drop the contract or would you finish it?
I’d hope you’d finish the first contract. I see no reason why our politicians should behave any differently.
As for voting for Rossi, while holding one’s nose…
I can’t keep the Airplane! movie scene out of my mind, where the passenger hangs himself rather than have to listen to the main character’s long and pathetic story of his love life.
So, actually, odds are reasonably good that we’ll see Governor Brad Owen.
If nominated, she would remain Governor until confirmed, right. That’s not likely before after the fall elections.
Wow, Brad Owen is a “she?”
Sonntag, but fuck, it would really suck. And it’s one of Rossi’s best scenarios to win.
Rossi threads: 16
Murray threads: 2
So, Goldy’s being consistent. He’s always focused more on the opposition.
Sonntag endorsed Hutchinsen.
Enough said
Dr. Dre threads: 0
Sonntag?!?! WTF? That’s much, much worse than Owens being governor. I can’t imagine that Sonntag would get far enough to get the D nomination
You must be mentally ill. You hate anyone who is normal, rational, logical, even tempered, temperate, normal. All you can see is Patty, Norm, Jim, or Darcy.
I recall someone writing about the new barbarians…it really is you and your gang. I know little about sonntag; would vote Rossi, but am offended by your trashing the guy.
You represent a tragic divisive element in our country today; we need some centering and all you do is toss bombs.
When i think of good old fashioned soft hearted lefties, i’m left drawing a blank. Maybe Hubert Humphrey. Nobody you fawn over could ever unite us.
And he would be the only Dem that would run?
An actual liberal could win a 3 way race with Sontag drawing drawing the independant republicans.
There’s some Patty Murray news for ya!
Btw, that 21M is probably more than everyone in the county paid into the state in taxes. We all put money in, we all take money out. I’m cool with that. But, I’m sick of people that take more out than they put in and then turn around and claim they’re over taxed and oppressed.
@29…how about the people that put NO money in and then take money out? How you feel about them?
Procedure checks:
The position of Solicitor General can become vacant at any time. It doesn’t have to wait for confirmation.
The position of Governor can become vacant at any time. It doesn’t have to wait for a vacancy in the office of Solicitor General.
There is no major urgency to fill a vacancy in the office of Solicitor General. One of Kagan’s lieutenants can argue the government’s side of Colonel Sanders v. Cap’n Crunch before the high court.
In the event of any Gregoire resignation, we get Gov. Brad Owen for a while (from one month to two years, roughly).
If the vacancy occurs more than a few days after the close of filing this year, candidates who have filed for other offices cannot appear on the November ballot for Governor. (Affected individuals might include Dino Rossi if he files for Senate, Jay Inslee if he files for reelection, and most of our state legislators.)
Political reality checks:
In an open-seat race for Governor, Dino would be strongly advantaged.
In a 10-way free-for-all, a Tea Party candidate could easily contend (and even win with a vote share in the high teens or low twenties.)
Under expected budgetary conditions, 2010’s winner would be strongly disadvantaged in 2012’s full term contest.
Pass the popcorn.
rhp6033 @ 14: Court reporters take lots of heat, but the appellate courts don’t need stenographic services. Must place blame elsewhere.
You mean like the giant and profitable corporations that get away with paying no taxes and then turn around and argue for lower taxes? Or scams like Microsoft’s licensing tax dodge?
I’ll I’m saying is don’t play the victim when you’re not actually the victim.
lauramae @ 25 — With or without a primary, the Democratic “nomination” (endorsement, if there is one) won’t mean that much.
It’s either a top-two primary, or a winner-take-all free-for-all. In neither case is there a ballot line reserved for the Democratic Party (or any other party).