WhackyNation’s Mark Gardner wants me fired. I won’t bother linking to his post ’cause Carl has already blockquoted the hell out of it over on Effin’ Unsound, and besides… why should I drive traffic to the website of somebody who wants me fired? But I thought I’d take a moment to comment on what I see as a disturbing theme of some like Gardner on the right.
Gardner asks “When is KIRO going to fire David Goldstein?” and then goes on to write:
I’ve said it here before: I don’t understand why Bonneville Broadcasting Management in Salt Lake doesn’t tell the local station manager to fire Goldstein for embarassing Bonneville’s reputation for quality journalism. I would have fired this smart ass a long time ago. I’m sure Lou would have, too.
Ignoring for a moment that A) Gardner is objecting to something I posted on my blog, not something I said on air; B) I’m no more a journalist than, say, Dori Monson; and C) nothing I wrote in that post was untrue… what Gardner really doesn’t understand — what has totally flummoxed my right-wing critics since Bonneville International took control of the station last year — is why this wholly owned subsidiary of the Church of Latter Day Saints hasn’t fired my sorry ass just because I am unabashedly liberal. That’s what truly confuses folk like Gardner, who obviously believe that the proper and expected use of the power of media ownership is to stifle the voices of those who disagree with you.
Notice that Gardner doesn’t ask why KIRO management doesn’t fire me, but rather, why the folks in Salt Lake City don’t order them to do so… you know, like Gardner expected they would back when news first broke that Bonneville was reacquiring the station, because, hell, the whole point of owning media is to control the public debate, right? Gardner’s vindictive call for me to lose my livelihood, and his puzzlement at conservative ownership’s failure to fire a liberal host, is a window into Gardner’s own pseudo-fascist fantasy about the proper role of money in politics. And I can only assume that his anger over my continued employment is a testament to a job well done.
So why hasn’t KIRO fired me? Well, perhaps because I bring them raw talent with a lot of upside, a virtual lock on local liberal talk in this very liberal market, and a proven track record of bringing in quality guests on weekend nights like no other weekend host before me? Perhaps because I’ve slowly but steadily grown my audience over the past year and a half, and my breaks are packed to the gills with paying spots? And maybe — just maybe — because serving the needs of the community and turning a profit appear much further up the list on their mission statement than Gardner’s goal of crushing liberal dissent?
If you have your own thoughts on why KIRO hasn’t fired me, please add them to the comment thread.
They probably haven’t fired you because you don’t cost them very much, and since you’re on two (weekend!) nights, they probably don’t really care.
But if they ever do give you a pink slip, it’ll be for reasons totally unrelated to Mark Gardener’s frothiest wet dreams. It’ll probably be because they can save twenty bucks an hour playing Dori reruns, or some other balance sheet type shit.
Goldy: Please! Don’t compare yourself to Dory Monson. Dory is unable to get an inch deep into any issue and his thought process stops with high taxes bad, light rail bad.
That and the nuns kick his butt in footbal predictions (and that is the best part of his vapid show). I still remember listening to Dory explain to a caller how the President has all of the important intelligence on Iraq – and how dare the caller presume to know more or think that Iraq was no danger to us ….gee, Dory has been right so often that….hmm, I can’t actually remember Dory ever being right on something…
You give fairly detailed analysis of issues that Dory only can dream about. When right wingers want you fired – you know you are doing a good job. So keep up the good work and keep taking those lessons from Dave Ross on how to have a deeper radio voice :).
Also: Remember to put this column on your resume when looking for your next gig.
I have no idea what Goldstein’s ratings are at KIRO, but I’m sure as long as his numbers are okay, they’ll keep him around. Radio is a business, and they want to make money. If they thought they could make more money with someone else, they’d fire him, or any other host, in a second.
If I ran KIRO, I’d keep him on. I’d probably even give him a better time slot. I think he’s a very good host. That’s not to say I agree with him politically. It’s two separate things. The guy who wants him fired because he doesn’t like his politics is wrong.
Besides, one thing that makes KIRO a good station is it always try to keep a good mix of hosts in terms of views. It’s not a conservative station, and it’s not a liberal station. I think Goldstein adds to that mix.
Anyone else see the irony between correctnotright’s intolerance for Dori, and Mark Gardner’s intolerance for Goldy?
@5: I am not calling for Dory to fired – I am just pointing out that he can’t think deeply on any subject except football – and even then he loses to the nuns.
No – I don’t want Dory fired – but I would like to able to actually debate him on air without getting cut off when he is losing. Poor Dory doesn’t have the intellectual capability to actually debate so he cuts off listeners that challenge him (or doesn’t let them on). Ever notice that most people agree with him – or he tries to go after people who can’t respond?
No, Dory is entertaining – just not a “real” journalist – and also not someone who looks past the right wing mantra of low taxes good- government bad.
5 No. Correctnotright is saying that he doesn’t particularly like or agree with Dori, but he isn’t saying anything about getting him fired, nor for that matter about you or anyone else listening to him if that’s what gets your nipples hard.
You work for cheap. No one listens on the weekends. And, shock, of shock, you’ve actually improved very much as a broadcaster this past year or so.
I think having Goldy on KIRO is great.
When traveling by car with the wife and friends and we turn on the radio, I know I can skip 710 while traveling on the weekend evenings!
See ya!
You took Goldy’s post, which wasn’t even about Dori, and turned it in to an anti-Dori rant.
I, on the other hand, in comment #4, responded to Goldy’s question, and stayed on-topic.
Let’s hope the rest of the comments don’t go off-topic. I think Goldy deserves thoughtful answers to his question.
Don Ward: Does his voice still sound like Gilbert Gottfried?
Troll@5: Sometimes expressing the obvious……….
Goldy: You failed to mention that these guys are pursuing other dismissals:
1) Firing the Academy members that gave An Inconvenient Truth as Oscar;
2) Dismissing judges who awarded Al Gore a Nobel Peace Prize;
3) Taking clients away from Henry Kissinger & Associates, whose principal isolated and removed Dixy Lee Ray from her State Dept. job;
4) Disinterring and burning the body of Rachel Carson, whose book “Silent Spring” Lou Guzzo is still fuming over.
5) Reintroducing DDT to get rid of pesky American bald eagles;
6) Completing all five Washington Public Power Supply System nuclear plants, and beginning work on WPPSS 6 and WPPSS 7;
7) Stripping Jimmy Carter of his Nobel Peace Prize;
8) Tracking down, and firing from her present job, pizza waitress who angered principal voice in Sound Politics.
9) Puget Sound’s orcas — get rid of ’em.
10) Burning Mother Nature at the stake.
Because no one in town is so pathetic and without a life such that they spend their weekend nights doing a radio show? Just a theory mind you, but where you spend your Saturday and Sunday nights bespeaks of your social life.
I hear E-Harmony.com is running a special…might want to check it out…find a libchick with hairy legs?
Or…any of you HA Happy Hooligans have a sister with whom you’d like to hook up Goldy? I’m sure he’s had all the necessary shots.
If not a sister, maybe an ex-wife or mother-in-law?
The Piper
@14: I hope you are not volunteering Piper :)
@14: Although I hear Goldy is a good cook….
Don @8,
I’m no cheaper than any other part-time KIRO host.
Piper @14,
The fact that you think 7-10PM constitutes a Saturday night says more about your social life than it does of mine.
Correct @16,
Damn right I’m a good cook.
Sorry…I don’t swing that way. Even if I did, I don’t date anyone who lives in a Hoolihovel on the brink of condemnation by the Board of Health.
I actually had one of the contractos who worked on the Extreme Makeover project in Kirkland email me after my post on a potential makeover on Goldy’s “house” (I use the term advisedly and with reservation) to say that as long as the job was to the specs I drew, he’d consider it!
Sadly, however, Mr. GQ Goldy ain’t.
The Piper
As capitalism trumps fascist politics…
“That’s what truly confuses folk like Gardner, who obviously believe that the proper and expected use of the power of media ownership is to stifle the voices of those who disagree with you.”
This doesn’t apply just to privately owned media; they don’t like public broadcasting (except maybe Voice of America to beam propaganda into communist countries), but they figure if we’ve got to have public broadcasting, then they want it run by partisan political appointees who will use their control of NPR and public TV to get rid of liberal staffers and purge liberal content.
As for journalism, in their worldview, objective journalism has no role at all — the only media they can tolerate is rightwing propaganda media.
In other words, wingnuts’ concept of journalism, media, and public discourse is indistinguishable from this guy’s: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Goebbels
@17: and a good sport too…actually, I know a woman who would be perfect for goldy – but I think he is currently occupied in that department.
With the FCC relaxing the ownership rules, maybe Bonneville can buy KIRO-TV back, rehire Susan Hutchison and have her quite for a third time.
You have a show and Gardner doesn’t, neener neener! =:-D
I think Gardner is just jealous, in a little-man-with-big-ego sort of way.
Should be home after second shift at the gallery tomorrow arround your start time. Air America’s on reruns at that time. I’m glad to see your kind of attitude, if not all the words, on the radio, I’ll give a listen.
Oh yah, Embarrass the Oppressor!
The thing I don’t understand is, if Allan Martin has “mainstream political views” why is a nutwing whackjob like Gardner so fond of him?
Some say Gardner and Guzzo are lovers.
Goldy, it must be because you are a Jew. ;-)
Like I said, you work cheap, just like all the part-time hosts as you mention. And the last time I checked my post was a compliment. Take it as such. You don’t have to be a nasty piker all the time you know.
Mark Gardner — is he any relation to Jonathan Gardner in Federal Way? Those two eggs sound like they might have been laid in the same nest.
6, 7 – You’ve gotta expect a wingnut like #5 to see parallels where none exist, and not see parallels that do exist. These are, after all, the guys who flunked the college entrance exams that ask questions like, “Choose the two drawings below that most closely resemble each other.”
Don @8,
I’m no cheaper than any other part-time KIRO host.
Which begs the question: When will Stefan Sharkanksy be a part-time KIRO host?
I just had to. And besides, Stefan likes to google his name.
@8 And you work even cheaper … Goldy has a show and you don’t, neener neener. BTW, Ward, do they pay you over at Sucky Politics? Do you have any other gigs? How do you eat?
Goldy is a lover too:
a food lover – hey it is no mean feat to be a good cook. congrats Goldy. Someday you’ll make some X very happy :)
@13 What? No contract on Roger Rabbit? Does this mean I don’t have to sleep with my gun anymore?
@14 “Because no one in town is so pathetic and without a life such that they spend their weekend nights doing a radio show?”
You should talk. (With reference to the amount of time you spend posting on HA.)
@35: Nope, rabbit Mcnuggets are safe for now.
Besides, Wabbits don’t have to woowey about big bad hunters!
27 [Buries head in wastebasket]
RR, Piper, Puddy and I – too much time
mea culpa
@18 “Even if I did, I don’t date anyone who lives in a Hoolihovel on the brink of condemnation by the Board of Health.”
You should try a dirt hole sometime. It’s not as bad as you think! With proper soil drainage, you don’t even have to get up in the night to piss.
@40: More than I ever wanted to know about Wabbit Warrens
@39 Me, I’m just a pensioner with time on his hands, waiting for the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit to take me into her bosom. Besides, why should I work or produce anything under a Republican tax system that rewards the idle rich and punishes people for working? I live like a Republican now — I get the capital gains tax rate because I don’t do anything useful.
I don’t want Goldy off the air. His POV and Show are every bit as important to protect as free speech as anyone elses.
I also like that fact that Goldy spouts his fringe liberal propoganda on the airways. People can decide for themselves if his POV matches theirs or not. I believe there are far more moderates in these parts than the core Goldy audience…
Shall we get together for a foursome of bridge?
So long as my partner isn’t Rabbit because I’ll bet he’s the kind of guy who would leave you stuck in two no trump while holding 13-points himself.
The Piper
@41 You want a back door, though, in case a snake crawls in through the front door.
@44 WTF should I play fair? I don’t do fair. GMRS didn’t give me two powerful hind feet with razor sharp claws to play fair.
Please! No references to your love life! Way TMI!!!
The Piper
@47 Personally, I find my love life fascinating. Yours I don’t want to hear about.
I’m all for preserving Goldy’s free speech…I’m all for preserving pickles, too. Perhaps both in the same manner?
The Piper
I’m thinking…the way he phrased it? Maybe this is a plea from Goldy for the job help he desparately needs? Is he begging KIRO to fire him? So he can score a gig at the SoDo Chippendale’s, should one ever open?
The Piper
Something else you do with those two powerful hind feet with razor sharp claws? I’ve heard of self-abuse, but isn’t that a bit much?
The Piper
All this blogging shit isn’t journalism: it’s a gossip-soaked, constant bitch session. On this blog, it’s the conservatives and liberals going at it over contemporary “issues.” On another blog, say one that concerns itself with literature in the UK, the debate for today might be something like “the dreadful condition of North Country poetry”, or something else that only the participants give a shit about.
Since blogging isn’t journalism, bloggers aren’t journalists. A blogger is no more a journalist than Rush Limbaugh or Stephanie Miller. With bloggers, you read their comments and the audience’s counter-comments, whereas you have to listen to nimrods like Rush and Stephanie and the morons that call into their shows. It sure as hell ain’t journalism!!
49 It’s the garlic, of course. If you add enough garlic (and perhaps a touch of white wine) to cow manure, people will find it delicious.
52 You’re absolutely right. I propose we all take our well-masturbated egos and enjoy a wonderful weekend.
You all lack the knowledge ….
Question … why KIRO, a Holy Owned Subsidiary (HOS)of the Church of LDS, does not fire Goldy, the openly Jewish liberal host of KIRO on Sat and Sunday.
Question who is the head of the HOSOCLDS?
The answer to the first question is evident from the answer to the second question.
Figure out yet boobelah ???
I am waiting??
lets start with the head of CLDS … he is called the Porphet and has a direct line to the deity. (I am not sure if the line is shared with the one the Pope has but I hear GWB usues it as well).
Now can you digure out why KIRO, a HOSOLCLDS, can not fire Goldstein?
Still there and you ain’t got it yet????
WHO is the Prophets boss?
WHO are His chosen people?
Now if YOU were the prophet, would you one to fire one of the CP of the Boss?
The only way the bad guys can get rid of this good guy is by praying to their God to give the Prohet an order! Until then,
Goldy rules!
Shabat shalom y’all.
Maybe because you’re the only real liberal on there, and KIRO wants to keep up the appearance of being somewhat balanced.
Hey, I listen to you, except for the 9:00 hour when “Imagination Theater” comes on.
The reason Goldy hasn’t been fired is because the station managers prefer to employ cheap labor liberals. Besides, if they were to hire a friend of the working class, that person might actually try to organize the radio station, instead of being a hypocrite.
If you add enough white wine to people, even Goldy sounds delicious!
The Piper
“Shabat shalom y’all.”
From South Boston?
The Piper
You silly people
The Mormons keep Jews on the payroll because when they all suddenly disappear, they know Jesus has come down from heaven to wear their special underwear and rid the earth of Coca-Cola.
Don’t you people know ANYTHING? I thought that was common knowledge.
Piper: Bridge?
I bid 2 Spades.
Yep, I can say that.
@60…IAFF Fireman…
Are you saying Goldy is scab labor?
How about it, Goldy? Do you have an AFTRA card? Getting paid scale?
Don’t get the ghost of George Meany pissed at you!
The Piper
As an opening bid? Ooh! You’ve got strength!
I come back with two no.
The Piper
I bid two hearts:
One a bleeding liberal one and the other a cold hearted right wing one.
Hey Goldy, how big are your paychecks? If they are pretty small there’s no reason to fire you. As long as you make them money you’ve got a job.
oops- two no – now I have to go to three hearts and ….I only have two.
Job advice for the above-mentioned liberal commentator:
If they fire you – you get unemployment.
#42 Roger Rabbit says:
I’ve been saying that for a few months along with quite a few other people.
Maybe this is why all you managed to do with a law degree is work some piddly little government job. Whatcha think rabbit?
Three hearts?
Four clubs.
The Piper
The Mormon church is a money making machine. Keep making them money, don’t attack them directly and you can do and say whatever you want.
Good one!
Goldy It’s time for you to ask for a raise. Put it in gear. I got $300 a shift. And I wasn’t very good according to the know it alls who’ve never sat at the mic. You have improved nicely!
Mark, it’s good to see you popping up!
@70 Why don’t you quote the whole sentence, Marvin?
“I live like a Republican now — I get the capital gains tax rate because I don’t do anything useful.”
Are you afraid of the whole truth?
@57 ” … he is called the Porphet and has a direct line to the deity.”
I’ll bet he doesn’t have the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit’s direct number! Even I don’t have it. She only talks to me in dreams.
@59 I think SJ nailed it @58.
seattlejew@58…….you know, i never did understand that whole “wandering in the desert thing” really. i mean, look at it this way ….would you give the person you love the MOST wrong directions so they could get lost for 40 years? i’m just sayin’……….
if that’s god’s idea of how to treat the “chosen” people, than he has a very wild sense of humor.
but then i’m not a christian or a jew…..
@69 The unemployment probably is more than the paycheck. That’s why they keep him on.
@79 You of all people should understand, ghost. You’ve been “wandering lost in the desert” for a good deal more than 40 years, you old hag.
Goldy, When you said that you had, “proven track record of bringing in quality guests”, I thought what the heck, Mike Webb brought in far better guest than you, such as Joe Willson and Scott Ritter. Because of guest like that and others, Mike was ahead of his time. He showed Bush for the lying crimial that he was and is. Mike was a genius, far a head of his time! But then I realized you said “weekend” and that makes you right as Erin Hart, who worked the weekends, didn’t have the quality guest that you have.
I miss Mike Webb and have not listened to KIRO since he left, except for Ciscoe Morris, the garden guy, on Saturday mornings. Mike was a middle of the road progressive like me who packs a gun. In many ways you are a lot like Mike, except for the gun, being for fair play and standing up for the constitutional rights of all citizens. I can see this by reading your blog, maybe I might start listening to KIRO again on the weekends.
This is the way the cowards and traitors on the right work. They want to silence ideas. They are afraid of debate. They want a total copy of the Saddam regime here. They just want cowardly republicans running it.
If the right fears our ideas so much, maybe they should ask themselves what they’re afraid of and why they believe the horseshit THEY preach.
As long as Goldy has a voice – the right wingers are afraid. They can’t win when the opposition gets a chance to share the truth. Fuck em.
Everybody please give up on PeterPiperPecker.
He lacks the working brain cells to process much.
The Musician
[DELETED — violated HA “no spoofing” policy]
“As Reagan so astutely observed, in essence, the culprit is Big Government and the remedy is full-scale privatization of the federal government and a return to the private sector of all or most of the operations the feds have seized for more than half a century.” — Lou Guzzo, Whacky Nation
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What Guzzo doesn’t comprehend is that Big Government takes on the tasks that private enterprise can’t or won’t do, either because they cost so much only government can afford them, or because the financial risks are too high to attract investors, or because the enterprise although socially valuable does not produce profits.
Could/would any private company have built the West’s vast irrigation projects, which cost billions, require subsidies, and have never made a profit?
Could any private company have flown men to the moon? And/or made a profit doing it?
Why is it that nearly all basic research is done in government or university labs? Is it because only government or university endowments, which do not have to make a profit, are willing to make investments in research whose payoff is decades in the future — and may never come?
Do you really want to fly if controllers are hired, trained, and employed by a contractor who submitted the lowest bid (or got the contract through political influence)?
Should FBI agents be paid the same way telemarketers are?
Do you think meat inspectors should be employees of the companies whose meat they inspect? (Bush does.)
At the state level, do you want to turn over insurance regulation to the insurance industry? What about privatizing the state’s fish and wildlife resources and letting private companies sell fishing and hunting privileges to whoever is willing to pay the highest price? Should there be turnstiles and ticket machines at the entrances to our public parks? How about letting private vendors operate highway rest areas — and charge motorists whatever the market will bear?
To hell with government, let’s have corporate tyranny, and turn Washington D.C. into Disneyland East.
As long as Goldy is on the air life is indeed good. Wingnuts gnash their teeth, pull out their hair and spew hate from their blogs or what have they.
Goldy brings out the true nature of wingnuttia in all its wretchedness.
Great job Goldy. May you stay on the air indefinitely – at least through the tsunami wave of payback that is coming for the wingnut sycophants this November.
@87 We need to start thinking about how we’re going to exact revenge from those wingnut scumbags. Needless to say we’ll raise their taxes, axe their corporate welfare, and render them to shithole countries for “enhanced interrogation” — but that’s nowhere near enough. Anyone got some good ideas?
Piper: I bid 4 No.
I didn’t say I wanted Goldy to be farrred. I want him to stay. It’s the morons on the left clamoring for the fairness doctrine. I can choose to speed dial past 710 just as I can hit the button and have it majicly appear. Whatever is in #83’s knickers please keep it there on him/her. I want libbies on the radio. I want someone to keep Scare America afloat. I want someone to continue to flush their money down the toilet.
Five no…small slam…
BTW…someone is posting crap using my moniker and posting style over on the Desparation thread. It’s post @64, and it’s total crap!
Is this typical of the integrity of the HA Happy Hooligans? To steal an ID? To pass yourself off as someone else?
How many of you endorse this behavior? Or would like to see it done to you? What should happen to a slime-ball who does this?
The Piper
and it’s total crap!
You said it!
RE:”good guests”… um the same 3 over and over… other liberal snot bloggers, Karla with Krabs and that high voiced doper and the ever smarmy darcy the child abandoner
The ID theft is on this thread, too, in the referenced post.
I’ll bet this vermin who’s doing it thinks it’s hilarious! We’ll see who has the last laugh!
I’ve asked Goldy to pull the other post, and I’ll ask him to pull this one too. And I’ve asked him what sanctions HA has for identiy thieves.
Only a cowardly loser steals ID. All you’re doing, scum, is making your whole liberal cause look like a bunch of thieves and liars!
The Piper
So, you endorse stealing someone’s ID and posting crap under their name? Is that what you’re saying? Is it you doing it? Suspicious since you happen to be on-line at about the same time.
How about it?
The Piper
@91 “Is this typical of the integrity of the HA Happy Hooligans? To steal an ID? To pass yourself off as someone else? How many of you endorse this behavior? Or would like to see it done to you? What should happen to a slime-ball who does this?”
Send an e-mail to Goldy identifying the post. He’ll take care of it. That’s what the rest of us do when our screen names are stolen by impersonators.
@91 (continued) I think our regular readers know you didn’t post that comment (it took me all of 1/100th of a nanosecond to ID it as a satirical impersonation) but nevertheless the use of your actual screen name and actual signoff (“The Piper”) was uncool and violates the terms of use of this board. Goldy can track down the poster through the IP address and let him/her know what the posting etiquette is here.
Prediction: If Goldy finds out who is stealing ID’s (by matching IP’s), and it’s someone he likes or agrees with politically, he will do nothing about it. For example, if he does research, and finds that Roger Rabbit’s IP matches the IP of the person who is posing as you, he will do absolutely nothing about it. I think I’m a pretty good judge of his character, and I would bet money he would remain silent about it.
@93 Apparently you like Goldy’s show, because you seem to know a lot about what’s in it.
@94 Don’t give yourself an aneurysm, piper. It wouldn’t look good for you to get too sanctimonious about it, either, in that what you’re complaining about has been done to the liberals here by people from your side. Check out, for example, this comment:
“True but secondary in this case.
“The real reason is the Presidential elections are nearing. This shooting will be shamelessly exploited for political gain by democrats.
“Every Republican will be blamed for failing to renew the completely ineffective gun ban.
“Just what America needed. 26,000 more victims to vote democrat.
“Considering he was Chinese, he was probably a Clinton operative.
“This is how the moonbats like Rev Al and Screwfrance are reacting.
“www.horsesass.org . . .
“(Funny site btw. You don’t have to register, which means you can simply steal regular users screen names and make fake posts. I had them enraged when I made most of them admit they enjoyed the flavor of semen).”
You can find it here by scrolling about 40% of the way down the page:
This is undoubtedly the rightwinger interloper who stole my screen name a while back. What your impersonator is doing to you is child’s play compared to this rightwing asshole. So, like I said, don’t get too sanctimonious about the liberal impersonator vs. conservative impersonator thing. Just do what I said, e-mail Goldy, and like I said it’ll get taken care of. You don’t need to bust any blood vessels over this. It’s manageable.
95 – No pooper I just agree with the following implied statement of fact:
Piper Scott writes “total crap”.
I would bet, however, that whoever is stealing ID’s is a regular, and knows very well how easy it is to match IP’s, so they are taking care to make sure they are hiding the stolen ID’s IP address, or are accessing the HA site using something that has a completely separate IP.
@98 As usual, you have your head up your ass.
@102 That was not the case the last time we had a rash of ID thefts here. Want to know how I got that link in #100? Goldy or Darryl (I forget which) traced the IP address and led me to that poster in that blog, that’s how. He was NOT one of our regulars, he was a transient who dropped in for some vandalism. Funny how the rightwing mentality thinks that’s funny. We’re probably not dealing with a real high IQ in that case.
Don’t worry about my blood pressure…I don’t get mad, I get even.
And I don’t believe in comparative morality where two wrongs make a right. I don’t care what side it comes from, if it’s wrong, it’s wrong!
Another reason I hate anonymous postings.
The Piper
@103 “yo” is a contraction of the word “yahoo” (as in “trailer park yahoo”) and is properly spelled y’o. Like most wingnuts, y’o can’t even spell his own fucking name.
@106 Gee, piper, I didn’t know you were a Joe Kennedy fan. Who’da thunk?
Messages were sent to Goldy as soon as I saw the fakes.
I figure damages in the mid-five figures? From the offender, of course.
The Piper
If you want to learn how to play really dirty pool and effectively kneecap someone, learn from a lib who does it all in the name of tolerance, for the children, and in the best intereste of the downtrodden…and does it without batting an eye or losing any sleep.
The Piper
@106 “I don’t care what side it comes from, if it’s wrong, it’s wrong!”
I didn’t say otherwise, and neither is anyone else. All I said is, don’t get sanctimonious about it, because you’re not the lone ranger. It’s been a problem on this board at times, and you’re in exactly the same position as the rest of us.
“Another reason I hate anonymous postings.”
I like HA’s anonymity policy, and I will leave the day that policy is changed. Do you really think I’m going to go on a rightwing blog and register with my real name, my real address, my real phone number? Whenever I see something in the news or on the internet about people fucking with someone’s employment, or making hangup calls to their home, or publishing their phone number on the internet, it’s always the right that does that shit. I’ve never seen liberals behave like that. Some rightwingers are fucking animals. Personally, I think you’re a fool to tell people on this board (or any other board) who you are and how to find you. There’s too damn many psychos running loose in society now. This isn’t the same society you grew up in 40 or 50 years ago.
@110 Nice speech. Got any examples?
Who are you sleeping with Goldy, that is the only thing that can explain it. Wait, who are you NOT sleeping with, that might explain it even better.
@109 If you think that’s worth money, you’re not much of a lawyer, and were smart to get into some other business. Cripes, piper, grow a skin. I’m not excusing it, but you’re taking this way too hard. It’s an administrative problem; let the site administrator handle it. You should be expending that energy on the hair-pulling, goosing, and teeth-kicking that constitutes the normal fare here.
@88 We need to start thinking about how we’re going to exact revenge from those wingnut scumbags. Needless to say we’ll raise their taxes, axe their corporate welfare, and render them to shithole countries for “enhanced interrogation” — but that’s nowhere near enough. Anyone got some good ideas?
Uhhh… subject them (us) to your inanities on a regular basis?
@110 No, we only want your money, which seems fair because you guys got it in the first place by taking it from us.
2115 That’s a good start, but not nearly enough. However, Tom, I implore you to stick around for as much rabbit kicking as you can stand. I live for the sheer enjoyment of being rude to you un-American fascist goatfuckers.
@115 (continued) I do my best.
My apologies to Roger. I really shouldn’t have singled him out, when this place is simply full of leftist nuts of whom being subjected to their ranting on a regular basis could be considered ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment.
@117 Obviously they’re good enough to keep him on the air. The people who write checks for advertising are voting for Goldy with their money, dumbshit. When are you going to learn how to use an apostrophe, Zero Intellect?
Troll hit it right on the head on #5. KIRO, regardless of who the owners are, seems to pursue a ‘balanced’ view, with room for the Left and Right. And who really cares if the LDS (or members thereof) owns KIRO? You can raise all the red flags about the faith that you want, but to be quite honest, I’ve never met a Mormon I didn’t like. Speaking of which, if you ever get the chance, watch “New York Doll”, a biopic of Arthur ‘Killer’ Kane, the bassist of the New York Dolls, who fell off the face of the earth, became a Mormon (or returned to that faith), and managed to reunite with the surviving Dolls for a concert before his sudden death from leukemia a few years back. Touching movie.
Piper @ 49:
If you’re gonna preserve Goldy THAT way, at least make sure that it’s Kosher, would ya?
@120 You’re new here, aren’t you? Allow me to introduce myself: I’m the unofficial greeter, and these are the ad hoc posting rules for this board:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of you unpatriotic, anti-American, fascist moose ball lickers.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
By the way, I considered being attacked by the wingnut trolls as a high honor.
You should feel honored that someone would try to highjack (sp?) your identity. Shoot, man, if nobody’s throwing rocks at you, then you’re invisible. Is that what you want to be?
Roger Rabbit, you are off-topic. I am asking you … no … I am ORDERING you to henceforth make all your future comments on this thread relevant to Goldy’s original post.
@127 Fuck you! I don’t take orders from you ilk. Besides, the topic of this blog is
and all my comments are relevant to that topic. Now kiss my cute cottontail and fuck the horse you rode in on.
There’s a difference between tossing rocks and a stab in the back.
You toss rocks, which is part of the process and not taken personally. But it ain’t Kosher when someone steals your name. Sure, not as serious as kiting checks off your account, this stuff shows up on search engines, etc., and once rung, the sound of the bell can’t be retrieved.
The Piper
Kosher it is! Nothing like an ice-cold, crispy and crunchy dill!
I love it with a Kosher ham sandwich and some Kosher clam chowder.
The Piper
You accuse me of merely “tossing rocks”? Hell, I thought I could throw an inside slider, in the upper 90s no less, that was utterly unhittable. Seriously, I get your point. Sorry it’s happening to you.
Piper, it’s Roger Rabbit who is doing it. He doesn’t care at all about the terms of service of this blog. Two of the rules here are don’t use other people’s ID’s, and another rule is make your comments relevant to the post. If he doesn’t care about the second rule, why would he care about the first? I have no respect for the guy. I have caught him in over a dozen lies.
@132 No, I’m not, you’re a fucking liar. But you don’t have to take my word for it. E-mail a complaint to Goldy. And, by all means, feel free to accuse me of being the poster who is stealing piper’s handle. Goldy can determine that. Now go shove a stick up your ass.
@132 (continued) A Republican complaining about lying is like Ted Bundy complaining about murder.
It’s far more likely, however, that what you perceive as “lies” are actually facts incompatible with your wingnut fantasies — which happen to include most facts in the known universe.
In fact, I’ll save you the trouble — I e-mailed your complaint to Goldy myself.
In the meantime, feel free to lick my cute cottontail, shit-for-brains. For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG — this is a toll call; all proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
troll @ 132
You need to find yourself, man. Your grip on reality is fleeting, if that.
Again, if you don’t care about the rule that says comments must pertain to the post, then why would you care about the rule that says using other people’s ID’s is disallowed?
I also know you have access to more than one IP address, which is why you feel so comfortable emailing Goldy and asking him to look into who’s stealing ID’s.
If you want to earn my respect, you have a long way to go.
Why Pelletizer@134? I always wondered why you refer to Ted Bundy on this blog. He was one of your “lost” relatives and you still have a soft spot for him…
1-900-LICK-ROG was disconnected due to the owner couldn’t afford the service. Guvmint cheeze not accepted as payment.
What does Pelletizer and Andrew Douglas Reed have in common?
They wanted people to “lick” them…
Oh man, now you’ve gone too far… fascist goatfucker?
I could deal with ‘fascist’. That’s simply a matter a difference in political opinion. But goatfucker? I’m officially hurt, and offended. I mean, how was I to know? She said she was your sister. Metaphorically speaking, of course…
Troll @ 139
Why the hell would Roger want to earn your respect? Do you feel entitled to respect? You ain’t entitled, my boy. Rightwing tools don’t get respect around here.
You haven’t a clue what Thomas Jefferson was all about. Talk about identity theft. Have you ever read anything that TJ wrote? Please do not try to co-opt a personage that you don’t even understand.
@79 Xmasghost
The Torah never says the DEity chose tohe Jews for special favors. More like a draft notiuce than a letter from the Publisher’s sweepstakes.
So why hasn’t KIRO fired me? Well, perhaps because I bring them raw talent with a lot of upside, a virtual lock on local liberal talk in this very liberal market, and a proven track record of bringing in quality guests on weekend nights like no other weekend host before me?
Yeah, raw talent for those key prime time Friday and Saturday night slots.
@145 Based upon some of your writing here, you are one of the very last denizens of HA that should be lecturing me about what TJ did, or did not, believe in or stand for.
Hey, don’t tempt fate. Your show isn’t that good. Sorry to say. Do they even have ratings for Sat/Sun nights? Any station that keeps Styble on the air isn’t too worried about weekend nights.
@139 “I also know you have access to more than one IP address”
If it makes you happy to think that, go ahead and think it.
I’m beginning to understand why you have so much trouble seeing the world as it actually is.
@144 They should be satisfied with the fact we don’t throw them in concentration camps and execute them.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor. Maybe I can make money telling cracks like that, too.
@147 He’s on Saturday and Sunday nights, dolt! If you can’t get something as simple as that right, it’s not surprising your politics is fucked up, too.
@148 It so happens his point is well taken. You are impersonating a great man you know nothing about. If old Tom himself met you on a dusty path he’d plant the sole of his boot on your Tory ass.
Having been the real TJ on HA for s long, I just want y’all to know the person with the moniker ain’t me.
Luke Burbank and Jen Andrews, in a very short period, have become the most interesting hosts on 710 KIRO.
If I listen to the radio on Saturday night, The Swing Years trump every other alternative.
David, if you invite Kelly O on during The Stranger hour, then I’ll reconsider. I first heard her yesterday on TBTL, and she’s much more interesting and funnier than Josh and ECB. In addition, you both share the passion of pounding them big time.
@154 My sincere apologies. I didn’t know that TJ was already in use.
@153 And you are jumping to a conclusion of which you have no actual data to confirm. Not a very promising trait in a practitioner, or even former practitioner, of the law, is it? Though I suppose such is extremely expedient in the career of a civil servant…
In fact, what I might believe, or know about TJ isn’t really open to debate since I’ve never claimed anything in that regard, one way or another. Nothing that I’ve written on this site could be construed as particularly supporting, or opposing, any of his philosophies or beliefs, to the best of my knowledge.
You however, cannot claim the same. I daresay that if there was any ass that old Tom’s boot might be planted in, it’d be yours.
@156 I-Burn
Obviously, I sipport the Goldy show.
Let’s keep the comments related to the post topic, people. Open Thread posts are the place where you may go off-topic.
Thank you.
Troll @132,
It was NOT Roger Rabbit, and the comments have been deleted. The IP address matches an infrequent commenter who constantly uses different names.
Piper did the right thing and notified me by email, and I deleted the comments. Username spoofing is one of the unforgivable offenses. One warning… if this continues I will block that IP.
Dear Troll: You may now kiss my ass. Yours truly, Roger Rabbit
@156 “In fact, what I might believe, or know about TJ isn’t really open to debate since I’ve never claimed anything in that regard, one way or another. Nothing that I’ve written on this site could be construed as particularly supporting, or opposing, any of his philosophies or beliefs, to the best of my knowledge.”
Irrelevant. As “Thomas Jefferson” obviously isn’t YOUR real name, or even your real screen name, the fact you used it is a representation of something. And being a wingnut, you certainly don’t stand for the ideals and principles associated with the original Mr. Jefferson, therefore we may say it is a MISrepresentation of both who you are and what YOU stand for. It is tantamount to the fraud committed by the wingnuts who come on this board pretending to be Democrats. We don’t like liars here. Go screw yourself.
“You however, cannot claim the same. I daresay that if there was any ass that old Tom’s boot might be planted in, it’d be yours.”
We’ll let old Tom make that decision. But between you and me, I feel comfortable saying I’m a damn sight more of a Jeffersonian democrat than you can even dream of. Fuck you!
Let’s review: Over the past 7 years, wingnuts have supported: Going to war on false pretenses; torture; illegal domestic spying; detention of U.S. citizens without charges, trials, or access to legal counsel; mistreatments of our soldiers and veterans ranging from attempts to cut their pay to rancid hospitals; and have shamelessly shilled for a hopelessly incompetent administration that has presided over unchecked corporate and political corruption, instigated runaway deficits, mismanaged the economy, interfered with the rights of American citizens to vote in their own country; and created a political climate of hostility, intimidation, demonization, and hatred.
Yes, you’d get a well-deserved swift kick in the ass for being a part of all this if old Tom were around to give you your just desserts. No fair and impartial person can have any doubt of that. You wingnuts have fucked up this country royally. Remember when Republicans liked to run around crowing about “accountability?” Well, it’s accountability time, asshole! We’re going to hold every one of you wingnut traitors personally responsible for the crimes and failures of the Busheviks. Fucking neo-commies! This is a liberal blog — don’t expect to be treated gently here. If you don’t like it, you have the options of finding yourself a friendlier rightwing blog to masturbate on.
If you get the feeling I’m pissed by what Republicans have done to my country, your instincts are dead-on right.
Furthermore, I don’t need to steal someone else’s moniker to express my displeasure with Republicans. “Roger Rabbit” works just fine, thank you.
If I were a winger, I’d probably look like this, too. http://tinyurl.com/ysb3lj
I thought this was a lively discussion, but as usual its 90% SPAM from Rabbit Shit.
@166 Feel free to find yourself another blog to read if you don’t like the content at this time.
at this one
@161 And being a wingnut, you certainly don’t stand for the ideals and principles associated with the original Mr. Jefferson,
What a crock Roger. You Dims believe in very little that TJ stood for. You in particular stand condemned as a neo-fascist, by your own words. Thomas Jefferson believed in personal accountability. He championed the rights of the states, at the expense of the federal government. Those two alone are both anathema to modern day dims. The Republican party therefore have far more claim to the philosophical mantle of Thomas Jefferson than any Democrat.
I ain’t kissing shit. This comment section is about opinions. And in my opinion, it’s you stealing ID’s using another IP address.
Right on. Roger Rabbit does degrade the quality of this blog with his over-posting, flaming, hate, and intolerance.
Rights of states huh?
where do the republicans stand on this?
Check out the recent EPA overruling of California, or the overruling of Medical marijuana in California or republican position on death with dignity as voted on in Oregon.
Nahh- states rights are only a republican value when it allows the rape and pillage of our forests or the denial of human rights – otherwise – the republicans are glad to throw away states rights.
right wing republicans (and bush) support the following policies that Jefferson would be against:
Spying and wiretapping Americans
Illegal and unnecessary foreign wars
States rights (as mentioned above)
the fake religion of intelligent design
Unitary executive and executive branch power
Lack of congressional oversight
Monied influences corrupting government (Abramoff, DeLay and Bush/cheney)
Closed meetings (Cheney energy task force)
Revealing CIA agents for political purposes
government supported religion
voter suppression
and on and on
If you kneew anything about Jefferson – you would realize he would repudiate the republican party as they currently stand. If you had any shred of decency – you would repudiate this republican party of corruption and coporate greed.
I have no idea why they haven’t fired you. I would not put someone on my payroll who rolls in the mountain of crude/obscene language that seems to drive this blog and its commenters.
@172: Stylin
goldy is not the one swearing on here – but something called “free speech” allows people to say what they want – or are you against free speech?
My compliments to goldy for censuring only those who deserve it (for instance, the jerk who tried to steal Piper’s name and impersonate him).
Dammit – no one can impersonate Piper! He is unique. so don’t try. We protect our RW contributors on here – they are special.
#173: who said anything against free speech? Read my post again, instead of trying to change to subject away from the point being made. My point is that I personally would not hire someone who runs a chronically foul-language laced blog. (And if you say Goldy has not been known to throw around some pretty tasteless language, then that simply means I’ve visited this blog for a longer period of time than you have.)
I would not hire someone with a blog like that if I owned a radio station, because I also appreciate freedom of association. YOU might choose ONLY to hire foul-language-laced blog owners. That is your right. But it would not be my choice.
@174: I notice that you CHOOSE to post on this foul language site. Guilt by association?
#175: I occasionally come over here to see what the other side locally is saying, and this looks to me like one of the places where leftists most often come to post their ideas. But I don’t read it every day because of the language problems a visitor encounters here. Today I’m posting because Goldy asked a question and I answered it. I don’t see guilt by association, which is the second red herring you have tried to distract with from the topic at hand.
@171 You honestly think TJ would be all that enamored of the modern Democratic party?
I’ll be the first to admit that the current incarnation of the Republican party has strayed from their roots. Can you be as honest in regards to the Democrats? The difference is that at least the Republicans still espouse the tenents of individualism, while sometimes missing the mark in practice. The Democrat party today is all about the premacy of the state, and the diminished role of the individual. The leadership in charge of the Republicans today, does not represent the classical philosophy of the party, nor the majority of its adherents. That disconnect is in the process of being rectified. Again, can you say the same?
As for your list of what “right wing republicans (and bush) support”? Get real and put down the koolaid, huh? Most of that list is partisan bullshit, and nothing but. The rest could be applied equally to both major parties, which while not making it right, does make it nothing more than American politics today.
@169 The modern Republican Party has claim to nothing, except greed, stupidity, and cruelty.
@170 I guess you either can’t read or choose to ignore the facts stated @159. Why am I not surprised? Wingnuts believe what they want to, facts be damned, and you’re no exception. And you presume to preach to me about Jefferson? He would laugh at you.
@166 Furthermore, it ain’t your blog, so kwicherbellyachin.
@177 Given two choices, I feel quite confident he would prefer our party to the cesspool posing as the (former) party of Lincoln. (That party doesn’t exist anymore. It took its last breath around Eisenhower’s time.)
Yes, Republicans are very proud of the clean language with which they cloak their obscene ideology.
I still can’t believe this idiot is arguing with a guy named Troll.
#183 Troll says:
And losing.
@176 I-Burn says: @171 You honestly think TJ would be all that enamored of the modern Democratic party?
Absolutely. Remember, my most important idea was individual opportunity. My proudest achievements were the creation of the university of Virginia and the bill of Rights.
Look at the candidates. Who looks most like my ideal leader, representing change, the nobility of those born humbly???
You go on to say that, the Republicans still espouse the tenents of individualism …. while sometimes missing the mark in practice. The Democrat party today is all about the premacy of the state
I stood against the establishment of religion and imposition of morality. I sttod, as do the Democrats today, for universal education and would suport universal health care. THESE THINGS CREATE UNIVERSAL OPPORTUNITY!
The Republican party is the party of the corporation, I supported the small farmer in our agricultural age and would support the workers today over the huge, overpaid executive class of the Republican establishment.
How many Republicans to sign on to my idea of a government funded acquisition of huge new American resources? How many would sign on to my commitment to continuous revolution?
Why are Obama, Edwards, and Clinton running user the Jackass and not the pachyderm?
Finally which party disrespects the French?
@176 “As for your list of what “right wing republicans (and bush) support”? Get real and put down the koolaid, huh? Most of that list is partisan bullshit, and nothing but. The rest could be applied equally to both major parties, which while not making it right, does make it nothing more than American politics today.”
I bunr ..
Look, SJ often stands up for Republicans, but how can I do that when the Party of Lincoln has yet to discipline the Nazi’s who posted their vile jate on the Clark County website?
John McCain, a hero of mine, has had to kiss the rings of the Chrsitian bigots just to run for President?
Face it .. the Reprican party is broken. Assumng it loses in November, there is a real possibility that the Reagan Alliance f bigots and fiscal conservative sis permanently dead. Long live the Republic!
@169 PLEASE read some of what I wrote before you spout off!
The idea that I suported States Rights is a fiction .. who the hell do you think told Mr. madison what to do?? Who made the Luoisiana Purchase??
What I object to is efforts of the government ot create an independent national army, national bank, and national church.
in the tradition of Roger Rabbit we must post and post unitl we pass the 200s.
1. On Firing Goldstein
How can anyone ask this question. Just because KIRO is Muslim owned is no reason to believe Bonneville would be unfair to Goldy even though he is a member of that despised people.
It seems to me that if KIRO were not Muslim, then it would be easy. Btu .. imagine the only American Muslim owned station firing tis ONLY Jewish talking head?
2. Is KIRO Muslim?
Can there be any doubt? When does the public recognize that KIRO stands for Cairo?
I was listening to CAIRO radio on 9/11. They seeemed awfully well prepared?
It si true some confuse Muslim with Mormon, but maybe it is not a ideal confusion. Consider the similarities:
a. claim Jesus did not die.
b. polygamy
c. tied to a holy city in the desert.
d. innermost holyplace off limits to non adherents.
e. strict dress codes.
makes one wonder!
Thanks, Goldy, for ditching the spoofer on both threads. Sure would be nice and serve as a deterrent to ID the spoofer by the various monikers he/she/it (most likely an it since only someone without ‘nads would do that) uses so that the credibility of that person’s future posts can be evaluated accordingly.
A sort of HA Happy Hooligan version of the Public Disclosure Act?
The Piper
190 Does KIRO sell PORK?
Has nayone asked this before? I can not remember an endorsement of barbecue at KIRO. Wonder why?
Roger Rabbit
As a cousin, may I point out that RABBIT is not Hallal! You and I should celebrate this Muslim station because Muslims do not eat rabbit!
@161 Roger Rabbit
We’ll let old Tom make that decision. But between you and me, I feel comfortable saying I’m a damn sight more of a Jeffersonian democrat than you can even dream of. Fuck you!
Brother Roger ..
Please be wary of Southern Gentleman who pretend to be on our side. On of Tom’s favorite dishes, I am told was rabbit stew. Old Moses Hemmings would send the dark field habds out with the carbines and the field hands would bring in the carrots. Imagine that .. carrots in rabbit stew!
Before asking why a Muslim station would fire a jewish broadcaster, how do we know that Goldy is not really a secret follower of the prophet? Passing as a Jew would be a great trick for a terrotist!
Hay Bugs, how come Goldy never has anyone funny on? Where does he find all these in funny “comedians.” Jeez …
Or maybe the union rules do not allow comedians to be funny if they are not being paid?
Typical show ..
Goldy, “Tonite we will have our weekly comedian, Bugs Bunny from the Fanatasy Comedy Club.” “Hi bugs ..”
“Hi Goldy, whats up Doc?”
DG ” That isn’t mvery funny!”
BB “I thought this was a political show?”
DG ” Yeh but you are supp0osed to be funneeee.”
BB “Did you here the one about the number of racists it takes
to offend a Republican?”
DG (warily) “No???”
BB” “NONE . Republicans are not offended by racism!” Ha!
DG, under the breath, .. time for a commercial.
BB “
Luigi Giovanni says:
Luke Burbank and Jen Andrews, in a very short period, have become the most interesting hosts on 710 KIRO.
Is this a nom de web for Burbank??
Is anyone gonna move us over the 200 line?
The plan to prime the pump with a freebie check is nuts.
Why doi we want trio subsidize purchases of Chinese goods?
How can I get outrageous enough to get content here?
I have tried claiming that Goldie and Kiro are muslim, that did not work.
I could try suggesting that Roger eats meat!
I could try demanding that HRC annoiunce her mentstrual history!
I could demand that Piper post on what he wears unders the skirt he calls a kilt.
(BTW as a rabbit, I know! Our POV is very much from underneath.)
More efforts to be offensive:
Rabbits skirt peep!
The Seattle Public Library leans to the left!
How come no one has raised the obvious question ..
I am not upset about Obama being a muslim or black, BUT … HE IS FROM Chicago where they make pizza that is un-Italian!
Do we want deep dish with pineapple and brats to be the national symbol!
Don’t they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity?
Shouldn’t a movement to have Senor Goldstein fired be good for ratings?
And even though Mormons regard Jews as gentiles, I just don’t think of them as especially antisemitic, and they wouldn’t like the accusation.
Is it true that as part of his employment contract the Mormons have already converted Goldy’s ancestors?