As long as we’re obsessing on personal resumes, I thought I’d share a little biographical tidbit of my own. I graduated college intending to pursue a career on Broadway, and while I guess most people might write off my dreams as a failure, I still managed to get further than most, having co-written the book and lyrics for a musical that opened Off-Broadway at the well respected Vineyard Theatre in December of 2001.
It was in many ways a personal disaster, four years of hard work dissipating in a three-week run and a series of scathing reviews, but I’ve always lived by the philosophy that I’d rather fail big than succeed small, and so I’ve often proudly (if self-deprecatingly) described myself as the co-author of an Off-Broadway musical flop.
Problem is, the program, and thus the subsequent nasty review in our nation’s paper of record, the New York Times, doesn’t give me credit for co-writing the book, so I guess, given recent precedent, our local media would accuse me of lying, or at the very least exaggerating my failure.
But I did co-write the book. For four years I collaborated on that script, writing and rewriting and re-rewriting the book and lyrics, but after a falling out with the artistic director over a series of last minute cuts that I vehemently opposed, he retaliated by removing my name from the book credit… and that’s how the NY Times and other papers credited the show in their reviews.
So while I’ve got no documentation to back up my claim, the truth remains: I co-wrote the lyrics and book of an Off-Broadway musical flop.
The point is, in reporting, “the facts” don’t always equate to the “the truth.” At most other universities, Darcy Burner’s degree might have been recorded as a B.A. in computer science with a minor in economics, but that’s just not the terminology used at Harvard. Still, the truth remains that Darcy did at least enough work for a minor, having completed five economics courses at one of the top business schools in the nation, along with two related mathematics courses, earning what her Harvard dean agrees is accurately described as a degree in computer science and economics, even if that is not exactly what is written on the diploma.
To parse a conjunction in an effort cast Darcy as a liar is thus absurd, especially in light of the very real and pressing issue in which this bogus charge was raised: our nation’s unprecedented economic crisis. The question voters should care about is, given Darcy’s extensive economics education at one of the finest schools in the nation versus Reichert’s two-year social work degree from a small Christian college, whose education leaves them better prepared to understand and address this crisis?
Darcy earned a degree in computer science and economics, as Dean Lewis attests, but whatever the so-called facts, I think the truth is obvious.
The picture doesn’t look too good for the Limbaugh-worshiping ghouls:
Let’s extend the coat tails to Darcy!
I’m not sure how relevant academic economics is to solving the current crisis. Greenspan has plenty of econ creds but got his ass bit anyway. Dealing with this crisis requires something no Republican has, common sense. All you need to understand is that 2 + 2 doesn’t = 36 no matter how much leverage there is. Try explaining that to Reichert and when his eyes glaze over you’ll know why he’s better qualified to be a retired cop than a sitting congressman.
Speaking of facts not equaling the truth: I remember a while back the whack-a-mole libtards here saying what a great man Alan greenspan was for backing Obama’s economic policies. I begged to differ and I used the Greenspan sub-prime mortgages decisions as my example. Many of you morons howled fowl. Well looks like Puddy was sage again.
You all can search the ASSes here and see who said what!
“As far back as 1994, Mr. Greenspan staunchly and successfully opposed tougher regulation on derivatives.”
Hey rhp6033 – who was president then? What? Who?
Yeah, pud, Bush should have made you his Treasury Secretary. Then you could have sounded the klaxon horn about how stupid his deregulation was.
More facts not equaling truth: Obama gives back contributions.
Pelletizer, yes the PuddyTruth hurts doesn’t it? Hmmm… no additional regulation in 1994? Hmmm… that’s what Greenspan said.
So Pelltizer back to my original argument, if Greenspan was wrong then why is he right now to choose Obama’s economic policies? He’s older and probably more brain dead now…
In four years at the UW getting my electrical engineering degree, I took a single introductory econ course and a quarter of statistics. Five econ classes and two directly related math classes is definitely well outside the typical path to a pure technical degree.
I don’t recall anyone asking what sort of knowledge of economics Reichert picked up studying to be a cop. Being as he’s been such a staunch supporter of the Bushistas’ policies that have led to the present train wreck, my estimate would be not bloody much.
Goldy: again Darcy’s own words – October 10th 2008 debate against Dave Reichert, Burner said in her opening statement, “I loved economics so much that I got a degree in it from Harvard“.
So by equivalence… you figger it out!
Ah, but Goldy, Darcy has never had to look down the barrel of gun in the line of duty, so what qualifications could she possibly have for helping fix the economy?
It depends on your definition of the word “got.”
Like clintons definition of the word sex.
And bidens definition of the word jobs.
All 3 letter words.
Puddy @9,
Darcy does indeed have a degree in economics. It is a degree in computer science and economics. She did all the work for necessary for that degree, and at other schools it would have been listed as such, but Harvard merely uses different terminology.
Now, I don’t blame the Reichert camp for attempting to make a big deal out of this technical parsing. That’s what campaigns do. I blame the Times for handing it to them on a golden platter.
Goldy, don’t despair over the NY Times too much.
S&P slashes New York Times rating to junk
People can only put up with liberal BULLSHITTIUM masquerading as news for so long.
It’s gotta suck when your own campaign advisor endorses your opponent.
Goldy, As I pointed out yesterday, she corrected herself later with the correct terminology. But her comments of October 10th are not equivalent to what she says now.
Come on David. You are Cornell educated, resting far above Cayuga’s Waters. You know better!
Goldy, how cum I can’t edit my own comment? It said I still had two minutes left.
You do not have permission to edit this comment. – Close
Like so many Republicans these days, Weld endorses Obama.
That’s gotta suck too.
It’s gotta suck, huh?
Didn’t some lefty moron say Donkey are “happy” people? Wasn’t it Pelletizer?
A Happiness Gap: Doomacrats And Republigrins
They missed the boat in the article. It’s the decisions made in life before college. I grew up very poor but I made decisions in my teen years which have made me better off in later years. Can HA Donkey say that here?
I think Puddy should be given unlimited time and permission to edit his own comments.
Then we could go back to the Iraq war and all the cheerleaders for that fiasco and re-wrtie history.
We could also re-write how republican are really “for” regulation after all those years fo being against it.
We could also rewrite how republicans are “for” the free market to solve all out problems – except when they run to government in a crisis.
We could also go back to how republicans are “for” personal responsibility except when it comes to the war in Iraq, the economy or the department formerly known as the “justice” department.
Maybe we could also re-edit the constitutional amendments and the law to make sure that the poor don’t have a right to vote. Republicans sure like to discourage people from voting.
incorrectnottobright: I don’t do revisionist history. That’s for you and yelling loser boy and his Clinton Death Squads in 1992 – Sheeeeesh!
incorrectnottobright: BTW are you registering to vote as Mickey Mouse again?
@19 Um, Pudz, the poll shows that 37% of Republicans are “very happy” that the country has gone to shit. On the other hand, no, Democrats are certainly not “very happy” with this.
Tell me, Pudz, how is it you “very happy” Republicans are so completely lacking a sense of humor? And while you’re explaining things, why do you guys fuck goats?
Steve@23 – Still drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution the poll didn’t say that. Why do you lie? The only truth you tell is how much you like goat sex. The poll said “Some 37% of you say you’re “very happy” with your lives“.
The article writer wrote the BULLSHITTIUM you claim above.
Why do you drink the libtard kool-aid so much Steve? Wait a minute… I know that answer… it’s because Steve’s Stupid Solution dulls the mind!
@24 Christ, you’re pathetic. Let me help you out. We are losing two wars. The economy is in the shitter. McCain and every other Republican is about to have their asses handed to them. Republicans are jumping ship. And yet 37% of Republicans are “very happy”. Not for long, Pudz, not for long. You see, Pudz, delusions have a really lousy future, something you’re soon going to learn for yourself, say, eleven days from now.
Oh, and Pudz, in case you missed out, everybody here knows that you fuck goats. I thought you should know.
Hold on, Goldy, you may inadvertantly be compounding the problem.
“Still, the truth remains that Darcy did at least enough work for a minor, having completed five economics courses at one of the top business schools in the nation,…”
Can you confirm that the economics courses Darcy took were in the Business School and not (as seems likely) in some other department (maybe Economics)?
Still, to my sensibilities blurring the lines between a full major and an interdisciplinary concentration at an Ivy League university seems far less fraudulent than blurring the distinction between a junior college degree and a four year degree, but that is, obviously the elitist perspective as opposed to the Joe-six-pack liar liar pants on fire interpretation.
Golly HA lefties, I post the real words from the poll and Steve loses it.
Such a simpleton, really needs to drink his “creation”.
Obama probably will win. And when people see his tax policies in action, wait, you’ll be howling fowl too.
I can’t wait to see someone on NPR taking on Bill Moyers when the Fairness Doctrine passes.
No Steve not everyone here thinks I have sex with goats. Why? People met me at DL. We talked over dinner. They know better. Now with you and your constant posting on the goat sex topic, I bet you have a bevy of female goat varieties in the barn for your “beck and call”.
Poster child @27,
I don’t know for a fact that the courses were in the business school. I based the assertion from my own experience at Penn where my recollection is that the economics courses were in Wharton undergrad, and as a student in the College of Arts and Sciences I was not eligible to take most Wharton courses without special permission.
You see Steve, you didn’t view the actual poll you just read the WaPo article:
Well, Republicans are different from Democrats. How so? Let us count the ways.
* They have more money.
* They have more friends.
* They are more religious.
* They are healthier.
* They are more likely to be married.
* They like their communities better.
* They like their jobs more.
* They are more satisfied with their family life.
* They like the weather better.
* They have fewer financial worries.
* They’re more likely to see themselves doing better in life than their parents did.
* They’re more likely to feel that individuals – rather than outside forces – control their own success or failure.
* They have more of what they most value in life. (No, it’s not money).
You on the other hand Steve besides doing a goat today think outside forces are the reason you indulge yourself with goats.
@28 That’s some pathetic shit, Pudz.
@29 That’s even more pathetic.
@31 And that’s about as pathetic as it gets.
Steve, I see you really took a large swig of Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Your goat is calling you Steve… put down the keyboard and drop trou now!
Oh, my. Our very own Puddy, author of the well-known Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry wants to toot his horn about the facts he has brought up, all the while wanting to remain ignorant of the facts he has, time and again, failed to point out. Talk about not getting it.
Nothing quite so destroys the truth as telling only half of it–a maxim the truth of which is amply demonstrated just about every time Puddy deigns to act as if he knows something.
Case in point from this very thread. Puddy likes to tout the fact that he called out Alan Greenspan for Greenspan’s recommendations regarding adjustable rate mortgages. Does Puddy bother to point out the fact that ARM’s are not the same thing as subprime loans (does Puddy even know the difference)? No. Does Puddy make any comment about the fact that Alan Greenspan lowered the Federal Funds rate to unprecedented levels, and how that had a far more direct effect on the current crisis than any comment Greenspan made about adjustable rate mortgages? No.
Puddy doesn’t give a shit about the truth, which leaves his present self-congratulations resounding with a seriously hollow echo.
Puddy, you once accused me of puffing up my chest and showing how smart I am. What you’re doing now is puffing up your chest. Only, you’re managing to show just how ignorant you are.
And, tragically, you remain ignorant of your ignorance.
BTW, Puddy, you might as well vote for John McCain. God knows you’ve carried enough of McCain’s water for him. Why only do a half-assed job of it?
@31 “They have more of what they most value in life. (No, it’s not money).”
I, for one, have never called into question Goldy’s knack for self-defecating humor.
The record is now straight…. Even if Roger Rabbit and YLB aren’t.
I remember “facts” about Mark Foley which turned out to be false. But the truth about the Donkey replacement Tim Mahoney and his at least two affairs and the $120,000 payoff are skipped over by the 71% to 9% libtard MSM!
Don Joe: First off Don Joe, who cares what you think? Does it put money in my wallet? Do you pay my mortgage? Do you pay my bills with your pontifications and delusions of grandeur. Nope you Dope.
It seems Henry The Nose Waxman is arguing the same points I made a few weeks back. And the “esteemed” congressman from California isn’t worried or following your “train” of thought!
@39 Pudz gets all worked up when a Democrat has an affair with an adult of the same species. Telling, isn’t it, that he has never once condemned the likes of this:
or this:
The usual Pudz response is a claim he has never condoned such behavior. My usual reply is that he has never once condemned it. But, boy, when a Dem fucks an adult woman, he’s all over it like stink on shit.
@7 Greenspan likes Obama’s economic policies? I hadn’t heard. I know a long list of Nobel laureates, former cabinet secretaries, Wall Street and Main Street types, and other luminaries back Obama’s plan. I hadn’t checked lately to see if Mr. Greenspan has a pulse let alone who he endorsed, because I don’t give a shit what Greenspan thinks. Naturally, I assumed he was supporting your boy.
@13 “S&P slashes New York Times rating to junk”
All newspapers are in that boat, puddy, and this doesn’t surprise me too much considering how many people we now have in this country who never read anything.
Steve, your Stupid Solution causes you to forget what I said many times on this blog. Since you can’t seem to remember you can stay ignorant of the facts. Ask Goldy he may tell you what I’ve said. In fact you even commented on what I responded to you once on this topic. I won’t repeat myself for a animal sex hound such as yourself.
A fresh bust. A Republican. Now, what might he have done?
“20 year Republican Assembly memeber and State
Parole Board Commissioner George Chris Ortloff was arrested in a federal child sex sting. Agents found it suspicious when Ortloff arrived in an Albany-area hotel with condoms, lubricant, vibrators and a camera expecting to find a 12 year old girl and her 11 year old
sister, but the nail in the coffin was when he answered the door naked. Commissioner Ortloff faces ten years to life and a $250,000 fine.”
Alas, Pudz doesn’t care. Somewhere a Dem fucked an adult of the same species and so Pudz’s in an uproar. Stupid goatfucker.
@44 “I won’t repeat myself for a animal sex hound such as yourself”
Geez, I report the news of Republican sex crimes and ol’ Pudz turns around and accuses me of the very crimes I report. Now, where have we seen this before? Yup, Pudz executes the same old tired Republican game plan every time. Haven’t you noticed that shit doesn’t work anymore?
Pelletizer@42 your memory is slipping.
Steve, you are back on ignore.
If indeed Republicans are more happy than Democrats, the sole reason would be that Republicans live in a fantasyland where they make up their own facts, see only what they want to see, and deny anything that doesn’t fit their preconceived notions.
@39 “I remember “facts” about Mark Foley which turned out to be false.”
LMFAO!!!!!! Christ, you’re pathetic, Pudz.
Yes proud leftist, you “hit” the nail right on the head; in your own mind, of course.
@49 Pudz certainly fits that description.
@49 “Republicans live in a fantasyland where they make up their own facts, see only what they want to see, and deny anything that doesn’t fit their preconceived notions”
Hmm, let’s test this one out.
@48 “Steve, you are back on ignore.”
Yeah, that checks out. I think you’re on to something, PL.
Steve, to prove how stupid you really are
Did Mark Foley touch anyone? Nope you Dope
Did Mark Foley email anyone who was underage in their state? Nope you Dope 16 is the age of consent in those states, moron
Federal officials: No charges expected vs. ex-Congressman Mark Foley in lurid e-mail scandal
By BRIAN SKOLOFF | Associated Press Writer
7:20 PM EDT, September 18, 2008
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) _ Two federal officials have told The Associated Press that no charges are expected against former Congressman Mark Foley after a lengthy investigation into his lurid computer messages to underage pages.
They also told AP results of the state investigation will be announced Friday. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case.
The Palm Beach County Republican resigned in 2006 after being confronted with graphic e-mails and instant messages he sent to male teenage pages. He has since been under investigation by the state and the FBI.
Foley’s attorney, David Roth, has acknowledged that Foley sent the messages to the teens, but has maintained Foley never had inappropriate contact with minors.
Steve back on ignore.
@55 Pudz, back in denial. So you’re good with Republican congressmen hitting on 16 year-old kids, sending them “lurid computer messages”? Figures. Stupid goatfucker. You still can’t denounce Republican sexcapades with goats and children.
“federal officials” Did they have the Monica Goodling seal of approval?
Here, Pudz, ignore this recent news tidbit:
Missouri state Rep. Scott Muschany, R-Frontenac, was indicted today in connection with a reported sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl on May 17, the day after this year’s Legislative session ended.
Pudz, more fucked up than most America-hating trolls could ever dreamed of.
Of course, there’s my favorite of “Puddy’s Heroes”, Bob Allen, who was convicted of offering to pay an undercover black cop $20 to blow him in a Florida park toilet.
Welcome Back!!
I been workin’ OT holding down the fort whilst you were restin’ up for the fight to the finish line.
These KLOWNS have labored over DARCY BURNER SERIAL LIAR like their worthless lives depended on her stealing this election with her SERIAL LYING.
Goldy likes to fancy himself a “master wordsmith” and delights in playing word games.
We all know however, that Goldy is actually a “master bater” cuz he can’t git none like a real man.
What up with Republicans, park toilets and undercover cops? From Hawaii to Florida, it’s the same old story:
Busted! Sucks for you, doesn’t it, Pudz? Still can’t admit there’s a problem? You still want to attack the messenger, don’t you? That’s because that’s all you’ve got left – attacking the messenger, me, and accusing me of the very things you weird fucks are doing. Stupid goatfucker. That shit don’t fly, Pudz. You’re just too stupid and desperate to know it. Yeah, that’s the problem, you’re just too fucked up in the head.
@59 “We all know however, that Goldy is actually a “master bater” cuz he can’t git none like a real man.”
My, that’s a very strange thing for a guy with a goat named ‘Sarah’ to write.
Try to get this through your thick skull, Cynical, “Baaaa” means no.
Oh, and Pudz has left the building. He does that when confronted with the ugly truth of what Republicans are really up to.
@42: Roger, I think puddydoofus has Greenspan confused with Paul Volcker. Remember him? The last capable Fed chair?
@30: Goldy, I certainly hope Darcy’s econ courses weren’t taken at the B-school. They’re actually not particularly well-reputed by Harvard standards. That’s the school that awarded an MBA to Dubya … it’s nowhere near a Wharton (or Tuck, for that matter).
Nothing The Seattleite@62, you should stick to tiddly-winks an not ASSume what you know about me.
Steve, you are still on ignore. Keep ranting to yourself.
Remember everyone Steve excuses adultery. I can see why Steve focuses on goat sex. He can do that without worry of “cheating” on his wife.
@54: Puddy – the defender of Mark Foley
Thanks Puddy for showing us the republicans you rreally care about. Mark “congressional page harasser” foley who was caught sending sexually explicit messages to congressional pages. But Puddy is defending him because he was not “charges”. He just broke every ethics law in the books trying to get it on with underage pages that were entrusted to congress. His own party covered it up – yet Puddy is defending him. He resigned in disgrace.
Here are some of his text messages from Mr. Foley that Puddy thinks so highly of:
Maf54 (7:46:33 PM): did any girl give you a haand job this weekend
Xxxxxxxxx (7:46:38 PM): lol no
Xxxxxxxxx (7:46:40 PM): im single right now
Xxxxxxxxx (7:46:57 PM): my last gf and i broke up a few weeks agi
Maf54 (7:47:11 PM): are you
Maf54 (7:47:11 PM): good so your getting horny
Xxxxxxxxx (7:47:29 PM): lol…a bit
Maf54 (7:48:00 PM): did you spank it this weekend yourself
Xxxxxxxxx (7:48:04 PM): no
Xxxxxxxxx (7:48:16 PM): been too tired and too busy
Maf54 (7:48:33 PM): wow…
Maf54 (7:48:34 PM): i am never to busy haha
Xxxxxxxxx (7:48:51 PM): haha
Maf54 (7:50:02 PM): or tired..helps me sleep
Xxxxxxxxx (7:50:15 PM): thats true
MAF – is mark foley talking to a congressional page. There is more and it gets worse. thanks for defending Foley, Puddy. Now we know where your ethics are.
Here is why he was not charged:
Hey Cynical
That new Montana State University poll looks pretty good–Obama up in Montana. I have to say, I love that state. You and I have that in common. So, I am most pleased that my father’s natal state, the home of so many big trout, may go blue. Doesn’t that just warm your heart?
incorrectnottobright and reallydumbtonight, you went to Wikipedia? The place where Joe Biden’s positive comments about John McCain were erased? The place where Joe Biden’s plagiarism was modified?
Travel back in time and read on this blog what I said if Mark Foley is guilty. And incorrectnottobright and reallydumbtonight where do I defend him?
You see incorrectnottobright and reallydumbtonight, the law is the law. Even Pelletizer understands the law. In the states where Mark Foley was emailing 16 & 17 year old pages, the law says they were of age. That’s the reason the FBI couldn’t make a case against Foley. I never said I condoned what Foley did. You make that silly claim.
I said the “facts” as presented by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) could not be corroborated and Brian Ross had to admit he couldn’t find what statutes Foley broke.
But look on the bright side, Goldy. You may have gotten screwed out of the credit for your work, but at least that (inadvertantly) kept you from going down with the ship, albeit from the perspective of the NYT.
67. proud leftist spews:
Thankfully “polls” haven’t replaced voting yet!
I saw the MSU “poll”. A lot of out-of-state kids in Bozeman & Missoula have registered.
Wonder if some are also registered in their home-state???
Without a National Voter Registration Database, hard to tell.
Anyway, Rifle-season starts Sunday.
Went out hiking this even and saw 20 mule-deer about 3/4 of mile from our house..No bucks.
Then another 12 mule-deer about 1-1/2 away.
I was about 300+ yards away and it was getting near dusk so hard to tell if any bucks.
A couple Bull Elk were hanging around our place for a week or so…haven’t seen them for awhile. My buddy has a Ranch near White Sulfur Springs….do you know where that is?
Elk Country. I might go up late tomorrow. Not sure.
Your dad was very fortunate. This is God’s Country!
Steve, as an objective third party observer, after watching you lose your argument to concisely presented facts and your debating skills devolve into a near midnight flurry of goatsex and rancid innuendo, may I be the first to say,
“Get some help with your problem”.
At this very moment, a fully staffed phone bank at Shick-Shadel is waiting for your call.
Puddy @ 40
First off Don Joe, who cares what you think?
No one should care what I think or decide to not care what I think based solely on the fact that I’m the person presenting the argument. The quality of the argument should matter, but that fact seems to elude your mind.
Remember Sam Zell and Noriel Roubini? You picked Zell, because you liked who Zell is. I picked Roubini, because Roubini’s argument and analysis was better. Guess who was right?
It seems Henry The Nose Waxman is arguing the same points I made a few weeks back.
Frankly, that’s not possible, because you never actually make a point. All you do is lace together disconnected facts without ever trying to stitch them together into a coherent argument.
Even if it were possible, why the hell should it matter, Puddy? Waxman’s human. He’s allowed to be wrong from time to time. Why would that somehow, magically, make your non-existent argument correct?
Dang, but you are such an inveterate fool, Puddy.
Sockpuppet steve is being outed again.
But doesn’t the sockpuppet’s wife complain about the smell of goat on his breath?
Don Joe: Thanks for reminding me about Sam Zell Philanthropist, trying to make the LA Times reporting more balanced. Looks like his real estate analysis was sage now.
I remember a Nouriel Roubini another of your left wing economists you love to bathe with. I didn’t doubt he was a smart guy. But my commentary was about one (Zell) who runs businesses and you focus on professors who run models? I’ll take the risk taking money maker every day of the week.
Yeah in your universe you are always right. You didn’t like my points you in your closed mindedness, because it wasn’t from one of your heroes, therefore it can’t be right. I see you didn’t read the transcript. Of course you can’t deal with it.
Again, as always you cherry pick comments and then say it wasn’t germane to the argument. Who’s argument? Your silly tripe. Sure I’ve taken a small hit in this market, but I am still standing financially.
Since you didn’t read the full Greenspan – Waxman transcript THE PROSECUTION RESTS!
See ya turkey! Enjoy your day.
Puddy @ 75
Looks like [Sam Zell’s] real estate analysis was sage now.
Wow. Sam Zell said that there was no real estate bubble. But, in the Puddy mind, the fact that Zell was 180 degrees wrong means that Zell’s analysis was “sage”. Sage brush, maybe.
I’ll take the risk taking money maker every day of the week.
Yes, you will. And that’s precisely why you are such an inveterate fool, Puddy. The man couldn’t have been more wrong than he was.
Since you didn’t read the full Greenspan
Why should I read the transcript when I listened to the hearing on CSPAN?
Your intellectual lethargy is rivaled only by your intellectual dishonesty. Somewhere in that transcript, we’re supposed to find Henry Waxman articulating an argument that you have never been able to adequately articulate yourself. And you can’t even bring yourself to point out precisely where Waxman makes the argument that you wish you had made!
Your Manichaean thinking has sled you astray, Puddy. When are you going to wake up to that fact?
Hey Moron Puddy – can you read – the statute of limitations ran out.
But thanks for defending Foley – now I know wher you stand on ethics and morals.
incorrectnotverybright: Show everyone where I defend Foley.
You can’t cuz you are full of BULLSHITTIUM
Thanks for playing
Don Joe: Yes, keep those thoughts. You misquote Sam Zell for your benefit. Typical typical.
Sorry bud I am not on a “sled”. And my investments have not led me astray. You keep worrying about your stuff while we smile. What a putz.
BTW Don Joe, not listening to your “pundits” I’m still up for the year. What say you…?
Selective use of my comments and you only provide typical vomit.
See ya loser.
@ 79
I misquoted Sam Zell? Not
And Puddy’s ass just got kicked again.
Puddy defending Mark Foley – case closed – Puddy lies again.
Tell us again how Mark Foley did nothing wrong or illegal, Puddy. I love it when you defend the indefensible.