This is the ad that torpedoes Dave Reichert. It features Reichert, in his own words, explaining how his handful of supposedly “independent” votes against the leadership, actually came at the behest of the leadership.
And so, when the leadership comes to me and says ‘Dave, we need you to take a vote over here because we want to protect you and keep this majority, I… I do it.
So… um, I guess… that must be what the Seattle Times means when they say Reichert has a “conscience-driven independent streak.” Yeah, that Denny Hastert… he’s a regular Jiminy Cricket.
Over on Postman’s blog, Reichert spokesperson Kimberly Cadena foolishly goes on the attack, accusing Democrats of distorting the congressman’s words:
“It’s shameless that Darcy and the DCCC has taken a portion of Congressman Reichert’s explanation of his stands against leadership out of context.”
Well let’s put Reichert’s words in context, okay? I’ve posted a full transcript of his entire speech that day, and here for your convenience is an extended excerpt in which he tries to explain “the big picture,” and how to play the Washington “game.” I know it’s a bit rambling and incoherent, but try to follow along.
I’ll tell you that back in Washington there are lots of games played and I just want to give you, we talk about freedom and we talk about America and we talk about the dream. The dream has to include everybody and there has to be compromise and we can’t have, I’ve been to district meetings in my district where people have said, “why in the world should I vote for you. It’s just like voting for a democrat for crying out loud.” I am going to vote libertarian and I said, “you know what sir, that would be a huge mistake and here’s why.” I’ve tried to explain to this person how things work a little bit back in Washington D.C. and why certain votes have to be taken. Sometimes the leadership comes to me and says “Dave we want you to vote a certain way” and they know I can do that over here. Another district isn’t a problem but over here I have to be very flexible of where I placed my votes. The big picture here is to keep the seat, keep the majority, and keep the country moving forward with republican ideals. Especially on the budget and protecting our troops who’re protecting this country and how that will be responsible with taxpayer dollars. That’s the big picture. Not the vote I place on ANWAR that you may not agree with or the vote that I placed on protecting salmon. You have to be flexible. So when the leadership comes to me and says , Dave you have to vote over here because we want to protect you and keep this majority, I do it. There are sometimes when I say no I won’t. There are sometimes when things come to the floor like Schiavo. I was one of five republicans that voted with the Democrats on Schiavo because that was the right thing to do.
How’s that for context? Not enough? Well view it for yourself.
Let’s just forget for a moment the Gary Ridgeway crack, in which Reichert trivializes the victims (they were only whores, after all) by jokingly comparing Democrats to a serial killer.
For the “big picture” is that Reichert serves a swing district, and in order to protect his seat and their majority, the leadership sometimes instructs him to vote against them. The Schiavo vote, well that’s the exception that proves the rule. That is the context of the excerpt used in the DCCC ad, and that’s entirely how it was understood by his fellow Republicans in the audience. How can I be so sure? That’s what his fellow Republicans have told me.
Back in early June when I first reported on this speech I recounted the incredulous reaction of a prominent GOP elected official who told me “Of course we understand that strategy… but you don’t come right out and say it in public!” And by coincidence we talked about this incident on Podcasting Liberally this week with state Rep. Toby Nixon (R-45), who was also in the audience that day:
[audio:]“It was shocking,” Nixon said. As he later clarified in the comment thread:
To be clear, by saying “it was shocking” I was expressing the surprise I felt at the time that Rep. Reichert was so open and frank about being approached in this manner, not at the fact that it happened. It is, in fact, quite common for majority party leadership to go to freshman members of their party and provide such guidance, in order to provide cover for those freshmen in their first re-election campaign when they are most vulnerable to challenge. It happens quite frequently in the Washington State House of Representatives, too.
And how cynical is this strategy? Again, Reichert’s own words:
“I know the leadership is already planning to protect me, right. They will develop a bill that increases money for education that I can vote on and say I do support teachers.”
Reichert’s “conscience-driven independence” was a carefully constructed myth, which Reichert himself frankly (and stupidly) debunked before a TV camera. Reichert understood exactly what he was saying. His audience understood exactly what he was saying. One can only assume that even the disenchanted Republican voter that served as a springboard for Reichert’s rambling anecdote understood exactly what Reichert was saying.
The only people who pretend not to understand the context of this quote is Reichert’s spokesperson… and the Seattle Times editorial board.
Goldie you are so full of shit. TVW told the moonbats to take it off the air because Darcy Moonbat! didn’t get TVW’S PERMISSION they left off the last sentence and lied about what he said.
BTW Darcy will RAISE your taxes. Make no bones about that! She already kissed the nether regions of Nancy Pelosi!
What he said and his intentions are pretty clear to me.
That ad is good stuff. I hope they play it ’till the tape wears out.
I guess what RobberStampReichert (sic) is saying is he votes for whatever will help his party stay in power.
Mike Webb @2
So what? Bush will raise your Inflation Tax. It’s already happening. You are a fucking idiot — the key is spending, not taxes. You pay for government spending one way or another — and Bush/GOP Congress are spending like crazy! Up over 8% a year, compared to 3% a year during Clinton. If you want lower taxes, vote for lower spending — vote Democrat!
More Republican hijinks.
GARDEN GROVE, Calif. – Orange County Republican leaders on Thursday called for the withdrawal of a GOP congressional candidate they believe sent a letter threatening Hispanic immigrant voters with arrest.
Tan D. Nguyen denied knowing anything about the letter in an interview Thursday with The Associated Press but said he fired a campaign staffer who may have been responsible for it.
County Republican Chairman Scott Baugh, however, said that after speaking with state investigators and the company that distributed the mailer, he believes Nguyen had direct knowledge of the “obnoxious and reprehensible†letter. He told the AP that the party’s executive committee voted unanimously to Nguyen to drop out of the race against Democratic U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez.
Full text here:
Reichert, to stay on topic, is not a bright man. His fellow officers did not think highly of him, nor do his fellow congressmen. Moron would be a good descriptor.
Your readers deserve to know you’ve edited the TVW video in the same deceptive, dishonest way that the DCCC did. How about you show them the very next sentence Congressman Reichert says?
“There are sometimes I say, ‘no, I won’t.’”
And how about showing the next few sentences too? Where Congressman Reichert explains that one of those times he’s stood up to leadership because it was the right thing to do was the Terri Schiavo vote.
Your readers can see the whole speech here:;TYPE=V
Fast forward to 52:29.
Kimberly Cadena
Reelect Congressman Reichert
Enjoy the next two weeks. On Nov 7 it will all come to an end for you. Mercifully for the rest of us, painfully for you.
It is looking like a landslide. Still waiting for Rove’s October surprise. hehehe
Davey is too dumb to have a conscience. He is a vacuous sack of air. He kind of reminds me of MWS.
So what? Bush will raise your Inflation Tax. It’s already happening. You are a fucking idiot – the key is spending, not taxes. You pay for government spending one way or another – and Bush/GOP Congress are spending like crazy! Up over 8% a year, compared to 3% a year during Clinton. If you want lower taxes, vote for lower spending – vote Democrat! Commentby Roger Rabbit— 10/19/06@ 4:51 pm
Furball, you dumb fucking scumbag> My taxes have gone down every year since 2003. You are too stupid to know when you are wrong! Why is the deficit so low this year. Because the economic engine is producing taxable profits dumb fuck! Go back to fucking animals, as you were thinking then. Maybe the overloaded vas deferens is blocking your brain function?
Hi Kimberly:
Your remarks smack of fear and panic. In this climate of change, actually a firestorm of change, his remarks only serve to reinforce the notion that Republicans are interested in only retaining power, not the what in the best interest of the public which they are supposed to be serving.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and Proudly So.
Davey is too dumb to have a conscience. He is a vacuous sack of air. He kind of reminds me of MWS. Commentby proud leftist— 10/19/06@ 5:09 pm
Another high IQ mensa member of the Furballettes! Deadbeat Darcy will be a yes woman sniffing the lower regions of Pelosi as her rubberstamp.
Kim Cadena: I wonder of Goldie asked TVW for the rights to use the video? The MOONBATS! didin’t!
Kim Cadena: I wonder of Goldie asked TVW for the rights to use the video? The MOONBATS! didin’t!
damn, 12
should read …interested in retaining power, not what is in the best interest of the public, which they are….
I suggest a windectomy. Surgeons implant a window into your stomach so you can see where you are going when your head is up your ass.
Carl at 9 & 12: What happens if you cum up short? What happens if you get 213 or 214 seats? It means you SUCK! With this Foley surprise, the librul MSM saying the economy sucks when it’s going great, if you moonbats can’t win now, what does that say for 2008?
With the media not reporting the donk scandals: Notice the Party of Corruption link to the DNC moonbat site is gone with Harry Reid and others getting caught, people may just wake up and call your bluff again.
If I was Karl Rove I’d say we’re gonna lose a lot so the conservatives come out in droves to prove the MSM WRONG again like 2004.
MWS, one of the effects of declining real wages is that people pay less taxes. The reason seems rather obvious.
I suggest a windectomy. Surgeons implant a window into your stomach so you can see where you are going when your head is up your ass. Commentby My Left Foot— 10/19/06@ 5:18 pm
Buuuyeah – Props to you. That was funny. But Carl, seriously, if my “head was up my ass”, how can I read your bullshit? Is yourhead up my ass too? Or as Puddy wrote one day you post Bullshittium. You know that Moonbat element?
Hey Kimberly Cadena,
You might want to bone up on your reading skills. In the blog post, Goldy quotes both items you erroneously accuse him of omitting. It’s right above the YouTube video.
I certainly find it excruciating to read Reichert’s rambling blither, so it’s refreshing to get confirmation that I’m not the only one who has such difficulties.
How ’bout an apology to Goldy?
MWS, one of the effects of declining real wages is that people pay less taxes. The reason seems rather obvious. Commentby Don Joe— 10/19/06@ 5:21 pm
Declining real wages? My salary is going up moonbat! I can afford more. Did you see the real tax receipts coming in? Where did all that money come from? The rich? You moonbats say the rich don’t pay taxes!
The poor or middle class? Tax cuts gave them more money.
The big corporations? Moonbats say they don’t pay their fair share.
So tell me Don Joe where did the record tax receipts come from?
Rather than getting your Economics information from editorials written by right-wing pundits, try getting your facts from actual Economists who don’t have a dog in this political fight. I suggest subscribing to
My Left Foot spews:
Mike Webb Sucks spews:
Mike Webb Sucks spews:
Don Joe spews:
Don Joe spews:
Mike Webb Sucks spews:
Mike Webb Sucks spews:
Goldy spews:
Don Joe spews:
John Barelli spews:
RightEqualsStupid spews:
Thomas Trainwinder spews:
jm spews:
Facts Support My Positions spews:
Goldy spews:
Aaron spews:
Kiroking spews:
Fred spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
sillyguy spews:
Don Joe spews:
Don Joe spews:
Reality Check spews:
sillyguy spews:
Had Enough Yet? spews:
John Barelli spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy spews:
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy spews:
Facts Support My Positions spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy spews:
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy spews:
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy spews:
Don Joe spews:
Reality Check spews:
Reality Check spews:
ArtFart spews:
RightEqualsStupid spews:
Daddy Love spews:
Daddy Love spews:
Mark1 spews:
Michael Caine spews:
Daddy Love spews:
Double standard alert! spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
Mike Webb SUCKS spews:
Moderate Republican spews:
You are not Karl Rove. You are betting against every poll out there. The house is turning over, the Senate just may, in the wake, be swept along too. You are hoping against hope. I know what that feels like. It is 1994 in reverse, only the poll numbers for your side are far worse than they were for Democrats in 1994. Even Pat Buchanon, that bastion of conservative stubborness, holds no hope for the congress.
It is time for you to give up the ghost and find a way to work with us in a spirit of bi-partisan cooperation. Now where did I hear that before. Oh yeah, Bush II when he was begging to be president
Enjoy the next two weeks. It is all you have left.
N in Seattle, so you are saying you condone Goldie using YouTube Video when TVW said that’s their property? Fuck you moonbat!
Don Joe: Again I ask if the Feds had record tax receipts where did the money come from? My taxes went down, my buying power went up and I have more in the bank.
Ssimple questions even for a “tax genius” such as yourself.
Well, your income is rising. Lucky for you, because it makes you the exception in this Economy. Most members of the voting public are definitely not better off now than they were 6 years ago.
As for “record tax receipts,” actually, the “record” was in corporate tax recepeipts, which is not exactly surprising since corporate profits hvae gone through the roof. It’s just sad that so little of that massive incrase in corporate profits managed to find its way into the pockets of the average working stiffs in this country.
BTW, my income has also gone up over the past 6 years, but that’s been despite this government’s tax policies, not because of them. My income has gone up, because I’ve worked my ass off and garnered three full level promotions since the Bush tax cuts went into effect.
Again for you Don Joe, I posted this this morning:
“”Worst economy since Herbert Hoover,” John Kerry said in 2004, while that year’s growth (3.9 percent) was adding to America’s gross domestic product the equivalent of the GDP of Taiwan (the 19th-largest economy). Nancy Pelosi vows that if Democrats capture Congress they will “jump-start our economy.” A “jump-start ” is administered to a stalled vehicle. But since the Bush tax cuts went into effect in 2003, the economy’s growth rate (3.5 percent) has been better than the average for the 1980s (3.1) and 1990s (3.3). Today’s unemployment rate (4.6 percent) is lower than the average for the 1990s (5.8) — lower, in fact, than the average for the past 40 years (6.0). Some stall.
Economic hypochondria, a derangement associated with affluence, is a byproduct of the welfare state: An entitlement mentality gives Americans a low pain threshold — witness their recurring hysteria about nominal rather than real gasoline prices — and a sense of being entitled to economic dynamism without the frictions and “creative destruction” that must accompany dynamism. Economic hypochondria is also bred by news media that consider the phrase “good news” an oxymoron, even as the U.S. economy, which has performed better than any other major industrial economy since 2001, drives the Dow to record highs. …
President Bush’s tax cuts were supposed to cause a cataract of red ink. In fiscal 2006, however, federal revenue as a share of GDP was 18.4 percent, slightly above the post-1962 average of 18.2. And the federal budget deficit was $247.7 billion, just 1.9 percent of the $13.1 trillion GDP. That is below the average for the 1970s (2.1), 1980s (3.0) and 1990s (2.2).”
Find it in the WA Post!
As for “record tax receipts,” actually, the “record” was in corporate tax recepeipts, which is not exactly surprising since corporate profits hvae gone through the roof. It’s just sad that so little of that massive incrase in corporate profits managed to find its way into the pockets of the average working stiffs in this country. Commentby Don Joe— 10/19/06@ 5:35 pm
WTF Don Joe, I got you to admit it. Corporate Profits are up. Now in a sinking economy corporate profits would be down. So the US economy doesn’t suck right? You just admitted it!
I will not venture into the patronage jobs of unions. That was covered many moons ago!
Kimberly @8,
I included links to the full transcript and the original video. Plus, the text excerpt provided does include the Schiavo section you mention. I actually think the Schiavo anecdote is particularly instructive, because it’s the exception that illustrates his usual voting behavior.
Really… how much more explicit does the congressman need to be? His fellow Republicans understood what he was saying. And I’m guessing you do too.
That was the opinion piece I’d referred to in my previous post. Clearly, it was written by someone who does not understand that unemployment has both a numerator and a denominator. You can paint any kind of picture you want if you omit certain facts. That’s why I suggested you actually go read someone who doesn’t have a dog in this political fight.
And, yes, corporate profits are up substantially. I dare you to draw some actual causal connection between increased corporate profits and the Bush tax cuts. Somehow, I suspect that I’ll get the same kind of crickets-chirping response I got from you when we discussed ways in which crude oil futures prices can affect today’s gas pricess, because there is none. There’s a far more direct causal link between increased corporate profits and declining real wages. And I haven’t even gotten started on decreased health care costs due to reductions in medical coverage for thosee same employees.
Yes, corporate profits have gone up, but that increase has come at the expense of middle-class workers. This time, at least, the rising tide has not lifted all boats. Some of those boats are sinking.
Of course, you’re quite welcome to keep your head in the sand, and pretend that all of those folks who are in sinking boats aren’t going to get out and vote in November. Be my guest. The ostrich posture suits you.
They’re baaaack!
The Speaker’s Roundtable, those same fine folks that claimed that a number of Democrats voted against a bill to crack down on violent sex offenders (when in reality, they voted against bringing it ot the floor before they had even read the bill) are sending out their lies again.
You remember them, they sent the picture of a “convicted child molester living in your district” out to a bunch of districts. It turned out, by the way, that he had been released a couple of year earlier, after serving his full jail term.
These folks are actively supporting Jim Hines. Apparently, Mr. Hines has no problem with people making false and misleading claims in his behalf. I’ll be listening at tonight’s debate to see if he publicly disavows these people. If not, then he must agree with their tactics.
The Republicans are getting desparate.
Why would any of RubberStampReichert’s campaign workers be honest? Doesn’t the fish rot from the head down? He’s a lying piece of shit and so is Kim.
But don’t worry Kim – you won’t have to lie for your boss for long. We’re sending him back to school and letting Darcy protect Washington. Davie can go back to running one of the most corrupt Sheriff’s departments in America where he belongs.
I believe Times supports Reichert for one reason and one reason only: estate tax. They say other things in their bizarre endorsement…but, ultimately, it’s about the Estate Tax.
Can anyone confirm that Darcy, the Microsoft ‘executive’ actually received a 2.5 review at Microsoft?
Since she has made her successful MS career an issue.
I’ve heard things like “chronic absenteeism”, “out a lot”, “Lots of unexplained absences” and “bullshit”
You know why our country is hated worldwide, and so screwed up? It is because we elect people THIS STUPID to office.
I truly believe the GOP goes out and finds the most pathetic morons on the planet, and run them as candidates. They just give them thier talking points to memorize.
These candidate do well, because the average Republican voter is so stupid they identify with these idiots, and feel threatened by all them “liberals” with all that “book learnin” and stuff….
Maybe some of us don’t want our country being run by the stupidest, most corrupt, dishonest sleazebags on the block.
That is why we vote for Democrats. The Democrats are not perfect, they are just better AT EVERYTHING.
If you disagree wingnuts, explain why our president can not complete a single sentence without stuttering, and babbling like an idiot. “Fool me twice, you don’t get fooled again”……
You traitors love retards.
Well GOP sleazebags, our country is about done with retard rule, corruption as far as they eye can see, lies taller than Mt. Rainier, and war for profit.
Asta La Vista Baby pricks.
Has anyone confirmed yet that JM has stopped beating his wife?
JM @ 36 above:
If anyone can “confirm” such allegations, they’d be guilty of a far greater abuse than the implied abuse some accuse Goldy in that he’s linked to a YouTube video (which is correctly available via fair use). That you’d suggest such an egregious abuse of personal records (regardless as to the truth or non-truth of what you’re suggesting) is illustrative of the new lower lows right wing toadies are willing to sink to.
Besides MSFT is a bastion of testosterone laden culture. A low rating there says nothing. The place is full of it. (Been there, done that.)
Good Gracious
I can’t wait for the Dem’s to take control, Then what will you have to BITCH about.
HA will die, a slow rabid death, but hey, our country will be better for it.
Anybody who worked with Darcy Burner knows she did well at Microsoft — she was repeatedly promoted there. Reviews and promotions are done on a curve, so that only happens if you’re performing extremely well.
But this is sounding a lot like the accusations that she failed out of law school, isn’t it? How did that work out for those of you who would like to trash her?
Oh yeah, that’s right, she got straight A’s…
“You’re such and embarassment to yourself.”
Commentby GBS [……………..Busted to E3. UCMJ voilations. Division officer and Department head turned their backs. XO’s inquiry. Captain’s Masts [several?]. GBS, You should know a little about being a total shitbird. Shitbird in the Navy…….Shitbird in Life!!! Yes, like all Democrats, you were a “victim”, right?]
“Darcy will be a yes woman sniffing the lower regions of Pelosi as her rubberstamp.” Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 10/19/06@ 5:15 pm
I don’t have a problem with it.
Another wingnut idiot who can’t spell “if”. They have trouble with big words like “to,” too.
“Bullshittium. You know that Moonbat element?” Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 10/19/06@ 5:24 pm
You have noooooo idea what we can do with that stuff …
The Mad Hare
tee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee
“Did you see the real tax receipts coming in?” Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 10/19/06@ 5:28 pm
Yep, I saw ’em. Mark the Lying Welsher was blowing Bullshittium out of his ass when he claimed tax cuts always increase revenues.
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
(data from official sources)
Sure, they’ve been going up in 2004 and 2005 because corporations are paying more taxes on soaring profits, and CEOs are paying more taxes on soaring CEO salaries. How does that benefit the working stiff? You are lying when you claim ordinary Americans are better off under this economy. Economic data show a loss in real income for wage earners.
But I don’t have to prove MWS is blowing smoke. Every voter in this country knows whether he/she is better off or not. The only thing Republicans have going for them is Diebold.
18 – Care to provide a reference
You need a reference to convince you that declining real wages will cause people to have to pay less taxes??
Of course, if you have difficulty acutally finding the data (try the BLS web site), you can try here. The post there links to an article in that “librul” rag, the Wall Street Journal. Of course, that was last April, but there hasn’t been much change in the economy since then.
BTW, if you’re looking for any cause for the overall growth in GDP, the Bush tax cuts are not the smart place to look. Try looking at what the Fed has done with interest rates over the past, oh, 24 months or so.
Here’s a better question: Why was democrat congressman Gerry Studds actually applauded by his fellow democrats after having sex with a 17 yr old page, and then allowed by democrats to run and be elected FIVE MORE TIMES? (what’s wrong with THIS picture? Foley resigned! Studds said he never regretted the act or thought it was wrong).
As I asked – Please provide a reference preferably from the US Government with links showing the definition of ‘Real’ wages and how ‘Real’ wages have fared over the last 50 years for different wage levels. Your chart should show the the after tax take-home pay for several different levels of income.
Un-Reality Up-Chuck,
If you weren’t so pre-occupied with jerking off to pictures of Leif Garrison back then, you might have paid attention long enough to observe that the Ethics Committee findings for Studds were a quid pro quo arranged with the Republican leadership to help them retain Dan Crane’s swing district. The Redumblicans gambled, and they lost. Crane was defeated and left politics. Studds was re-elected until retirement.
“Here’s a better question: Why was democrat congressman Gerry Studds actually applauded by his fellow democrats after having sex with a 17 yr old page, and then allowed by democrats to run and be elected FIVE MORE TIMES? (what’s wrong with THIS picture? Foley resigned! Studds said he never regretted the act or thought it was wrong).”
Commentby Reality Check— 10/19/06@ 9:24 pm
How about a better question than yours? Why do the Republicans bring up twenty year old cases where, while I certainly agree the fellow was wrong, and an embarrassment to my party:
1. No laws were broken.
2. He was publicly censured.
3. Rules were changed to hopefully prevent it from happening again (although that didn’t stop Rep Foley, and were apparently sidestepped by the Republicans in order to avoid an embarrassment.)
– AND –
4. The guy is currently DEAD.
Must be that they want to divert the topic away from something embarrassing and current. Must be that the last thing any of them want to talk about is why their worthless party insists on using the lowest, dirtiest means possible to win.
Must be the fact that they have lead my country into a disastrous war that has killed hundreds of thousands, ruined our reputation with other countries and have already gone through my child’s credit and are currently working on spending my unborn grand-children’s credit.
Sorry, folks. I’ll try to get back to being more understanding of the R’s tomorrow. That lying attack piece from the Speaker’s Roundtable against my friend Derek Kilmer has got me rather riled against Republicans tonight, especially since his opponent, Jim Hines, thinks that it is perfectly acceptable to allow those lies to continue.
Derek’s still insisting that he will continue to run a clean, honest campaign, relying on his record and the issues. I still have hope that he can disprove the idea that you have to fight dirty in order to win.
Any 26th District Democrats that have a few extra hours to give should get hold of Derek’s campaign staff and volunteer to do a few hours calling or door belling. It’s harder to run a clean campaign, and takes more people, but it’s worth it.
I’m supposed to forgive my enemies. I’ll pray for the strength to do that, because right now, I’m not up to the task. G’night all.
John, Gary Studds is dead. “Tookie” Williams is dead. Very sad for GBS, Daddy Love, and other gay Democrats.
55, cont,………… May Gary and “Tookie” still vote Democrat, and may Democrats bus their dead bodies from poll to poll as needed?
How about a better question than yours? Why do the Republicans bring up twenty year old cases where, while I certainly agree the fellow was wrong, and an embarrassment to my party:
Ah that is easy. To show that dems are the ultimate hypocrites. Next question.
So what? Bush will raise your Inflation Tax. It’s already happening. You are a fucking idiot – the key is spending, not taxes. You pay for government spending one way or another – and Bush/GOP Congress are spending like crazy! Up over 8% a year, compared to 3% a year during Clinton. If you want lower taxes, vote for lower spending – vote Democrat!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 10/19/06@ 4:51 pm
Yeah just dont cut the funds to NPR and other democrat mouth pieces. If you want lower spending we need a 70-80% republican majority in congress and a fiscally conservative president.
It is funny how the Republican fools keep talking about tax cuts, when the term tax deferrments is more accurate.
You save $40 on your federal taxes, and because of Republican leadership, pay thousands more in other taxes, fees, and bills, while our wages go down when adjusted for inflation, and you can’t send your kids to college.
Being Republican is like haveing someone shit in your mouth, tell you it is caviar, and then you ask for seconds…..
“bullshit” is good to describe your post
If you disagree wingnuts, explain why our president can not complete a single sentence without stuttering, and babbling like an idiot. “Fool me twice, you don’t get fooled again”……
You traitors love retards.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/19/06@ 6:53 pm
Is that so.. ah shit there is that word again. Have you donks figured what the meaning of “is” is yet? hehehe
To eaay.
damn, 12
should read …interested in retaining power, not what is in the best interest of the public, which they are….
Commentby My Left Foot— 10/19/06@ 5:17 pm
Totally disagree. The republicans are interested in keeping as many democrats away from government. Has nothing to do with power and everything to do with public service.
should read democrats away from government as posible. You donks shouldn’t have a problem with the word as, right? heheehe
Well, silly, you’ve certainly chosen an appropriate alias. Try You can find all sorts of data.
By the way, I just provided a link that shows an overall decline in real wages. Do you honestly think that an income bracket breakdown is going to be favorable to the middle class? Clearly, you didn’t actually read what was written at that link. Shame.
Boys, boys, don’t make excuses for Studds. Deal or no deal, dead or not, the fact is that democrats had no shame in letting him represent him on the ballot and DID NOT call for his resignation, now did they? A distinct double standard going on here. I think you are all better than that. For sure you are smart enough to see the flaming double standard. For sure Studds didn’t do the right thing and resign. For sure the democrats only mind this kind of thing if the person doesn’t have a D next to their name. They even encourage said perv to run again, apparently. You can’t deny the glaring double standard. When all is said and done, he was still there, and that was fine with the Dems (you can’t tell me they wouldn’t have found any number of ways to keep him out if they wanted to, right? Come now….) DOUBLE STANDARD ALERT!
AND FOR THOSE who ask why would the Republicans bring up Studds? Easy–to demonstrate what happened to Foley (GONE, as appropriate) vs. Studds—applauded by democrats and allowed to run again and again and again and be the democrat standard bearer for his district. People need to see the glaring differences.
7. So we have people working in behalf on one American of foreign heritage (evidently Vietnamese) trying to harass OTHER Americans of foreign heritage (Hispanics) out of voting? That’s so God-damned grotesque even JCH couldn’t have dreamed it up.
Ever notice how the righties will dig up something 20 years old when it helps em and hope we forget it when it hurts em?
Hey asswipe…remember when all you righties were out there defending Trickie Dickie, burglar, racist and generall fuck up of the GOP?
That’s the GOP standard. Let a President burgle an office in order to steal an election. Tell me about republican morals again. That’s my favorite bedtime story!
Problem for the inbred righties is simple. Studds isn’t running. But the guys who covered up a homosexual relationship between a GOP House member and a minor are running. And spin aside, it looks like the polls say the lies won’t help. You right wingers are GONE! So chew on that fuckheads.
MWS: “Declining real wages? My salary is going up moonbat!”
Global warming? It’s cold outside today!
Iraq violence? My street is very calm!
Slow job growth? I went to work today!
Minority voter suppression? No one bothered ME!
Anti-gay legislation? I’m staight!
Fewer workers with health coverage? I have insurance!
If I don’t experience it, it doesn’t exist!
To be perfectly honsest about it, the Dave Reichert “carefuly placed vot/leadership colllusion to keep the seat” happens all the time. In the past year or so’s runup to this election, for example, it was pretty clear that Maria Cantwell was positioned to be the public face of some Democratic issues solely in order to raise her profile and put her on the right side of what the leadership thought would be winning issues with voters this season. It IS how the game is played, and that’s not going to change. But Maria is not stupid enough to talk about it on tape. Sheesh. Dave is, and that alone should lead a thinking person to vote against an idiot like that.
You mean the part where Reichert brings up the fact that Darcy…..what’s her name again? has no experience whatsoever and is totally and completely unfit for public office? Seems like the dead-on truth to me. Sorry, I can’t seem to remember her last name.
Mark Foley still represents Republicans on the Florida Ballots. Studds hasn’t for decades. Try living in the now. I know its hard since your world now is crumbling around you as the American public is no longer buying the Republican lies and corruption.
Oh, Mark1, it’s Darcy Burn-the-8th-District-Republicans-er
Just so we’re ALL clear on this: If you’re a homosexual congressman, you’d BETTER have sex with an underage page instead of simply sending said page gross emails. Y’all clear on this now?? The guy who has sex with the page will get to stay on. the guy who emailed, well he’s gone. (good riddance, too, but WHY exactly is the guy who actually got naked staying on???)
Yes, let’s form a support group for JCH and hand him a gun to kill himself with.
Commentby Roger Rabbit […………………………………………………Great idea! Bring me a loaded .45 smith and Wesson, or a good old [counter clockwise bore] Colt. Hollow points, RR!! Just one in the back of your head. Now hold still!! Afterwards, you are shark bait {Issac Hale State Park cliffs] , or boiled in the hot holes [lava flow] down in Kapoho [Kilauea]. Either way, they will NEVER find your body, and you will never voter Democrat again!!! I like the “boiled in lava” idea best!! It is sooooo “local” Aloha!!!! JCH]
Furball@46: More bullshittium?
President Bush entered office, the total federal debt — including debt to the public and debt owed the Social Security system — has risen from $5.7 trillion to $8.6 trillion.
Why does this chart report tax receipts of $2.15 Trillion for 2005? Why are your numbers so depressed? Maybe Furball you are depressing!
Why do you not post the $2.41 Trillion for 2006?
The Treasury’s data revealed that the federal government spent $2.65 trillion in FY 2006 and collected $2.41 trillion. Individual income tax receipts totalled $1.04 trillion compared to $927 billion collected in FY 2005 and the $997.6 billion originally estimated in the FY 2006 budget. Corporate tax receipts totalled $354 billion, up from $278.3 billion in FY 2005 and the $277.1 billion originally estimated in the FY 2006 budget.
You claim official sources? Where is the URL?
I’m a moderate Republican who lives in the 8th District…
I watched the debate between Reichert and Burner the other night, and was quite shocked. I had always assumed that Reichert had some ability to think on his feet – and would be prepped for the debate by his staff. I mean, he IS a member of the US Congress for crying out loud…
During the debate, he kept asking what the question was again and again, spoke very poorly and appeared rather foolish and well, plainly ignorant. I was shocked at his inability to come up with responses that were assembled correcty or think on his feet generally.
His voting record is reason enough to get rid of him – given the comments on how he decides how to vote, etc – also, especially when someone of Burner’s intelligence is available – and his performance the other night just seals it.
Burner has my vote. It’s time to DUMP Reichert – perhaps he can upgrade his mind by listening to classical music or something…