Yeah! Let’s hear it for the Obama-supporting 527’s!
Lock and load baby, down goes the S.S. McSame!
demo kidspews:
@1: What the fuck has McCain been doing for weeks?
Sheesh. Double fucking standard.
Roger Rabbitspews:
High-Powered Lobbyist to Lead McSame’s Transition Team
Time magazine reports that “maverick reformer” John McCain has named the founder and chairman of one of D.C.’s most notorious lobbying firms to head his transition team.
William E. Timmons Sr.’s firm represents the American Petroleum Institute, the American Medical Association, Chrysler, Freddie Mac, Visa USA and Anheuser-Busch, among others.
He has worked on bills regulating Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, domestic oil drilling, and farm subsidies.
This ad says it all at the end; he’ll do anything to get elected.
It is sad, as someone from Arizona, to watch this proud man look so desperate. The same guy who was basically Swift-boated in the 2000 election (by Bush operatives) on his service, his wife and his daughter. He told Bush to “go to hell” because of it. That McCain – the one who vowed no dirty campaigning – is now willing to do or allow others to say anything to get elected. Does he believe it will change when he’s elected and he can be his own man (or president)? Hell no, not after he’s already gone down this road.
Last night, Judy Woodruff asked him about the seeming cruelty of the remarks about Obama’s service by Palin and others at the Republican convention. He demurred saying Palin was just defending herself about her experience level as a small town mayor. It’s a big leap from defending your work and denigrating someone else’s. He said he admired Obama’s work (you mean, as a community organizer?).
It seems like McCain is willing to let everyone around him get their hands dirty and say anything (and he himself keeps repeating the Bridge to Nowhere lie – it’s ridiculous and I can’t wait for it to be publicly outed at a debate over it).
His crowds dwindle down to nothing when Caribou Barbie isn’t around and apparently his temper flashed today over it. Style over substance could win (but I’d like to think Americans are smarter than that)but what a hollow victory it will be for him.
Timmons has worked on regulation of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, regulation of oil drilling, and farm subsidies.
Chimpface’s White House was oil patch kids and the Austin boys and girls.
McSame? Lobbyists.. Groan… This country will not survive the corporate takeover of the Oval Office.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Don’t you get the feeling that every facet of McSame’s campaign is a fucking lie? I sure do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Time magazine reports that among the reasons Palin cited in an “angry e-mail” to Col. Julia Grimes, head of the Alaska state troopers, for firing her ex-brother-in-law from his state trooper job is that Wooten tried to “weasel out of a $5 fine at the landfill.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does this sound like someone with the level-headed good judgment you’d want in a person entrusted with the nuclear codes and our nation’s survival?
@7 Bash and swear all you want. Your boy is in trouble, and he better stop whining about how he came up with the change theme first, and think up a real strategy for beating McCain.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s the lowdown on Palin’s attempt to derail the legislative investigation of whether she abused power to pursue a personal vendetta against her ex-brother-in-law.
Palin has hired a lawyer named Thomas Van Flein. On her lawyer’s advice, Palin filed an ethics complaint against herself with the state personnel board. Palin is arguing the personnel board, not the legislature, should investigate the matter.
All 3 members of the personnel board are Palin appointees.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does this look like a “maverick reformer” to you? She doesn’t to me.
Pssst, dummy, didn’t you get the memo? Bashing Palin isn’t working. In fact, it’s having the opposite effect.
“I’m just pointing out the fact that Palin ….” I’m going to stop you right there, Roger. You ain’t pointing out shit. All you’re doing it garnering more sympathy for her among undecideds, and strengthening their base.
“But TIME magazing said ….” Enough! Fuck you and your little TIME article. Don’t you get it? Talking about her and her past IS NOT HELPING YOUR CAUSE! GET IT THOUGHT YOUR BIG, FAT, INTOLERANT, HATE-FILLED BRAIN!!!
hates kids?
This is BS and the public can see through this.
Ask McCains kids either own or adopted.
Ask his wife who helps and fosters kids all over the world.
Obama is a pimp too bad it took 2 years for you to find out. Anyhow your stuck with him and dick head VP.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Matt Miller, a conservative columnist for the conservative business magazine Fortune has written a book called “The Tyranny of Dead Ideas” that quotes Douglas Holtz-Eakin, McCain’s top economic adviser and a former Congressional Budget Office chief, as saying that McCain will raise taxes if he’s elected president.
I demand that Goldy set up a Horses Ass award! I suggest it be called The Golden Goldy. And I, humbly, want to be considered for its first recipient.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Obama’s foreign policy ideas are getting adopted everywhere, and by everyone.
First, the Iraqi government adopted Obama’s troop withdrawal plan.
Next, the Bush Administration decided to talk to Iran.
Then, this week, Bush sent troops into Pakistan without that country’s permission to hunt Al Qaeda and the Taliban “a policy that Obama favored and McCain called ‘naive.'”
And McCain’s “bellicose” ideas about the Middle East? No one is listening to him. (Crickets chirping)
(Quoted under fair use from Joe Klein in Time Magazine.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 I nominate you for the first annual Horse’s Turd Award.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “I’m just pointing out the fact that Palin ….”
Where did I say that? I don’t see that statement in #8 or any of my other comments in this thread.
I demand
Goldy, his fellow bloggers and the progressive commenters never, ever take orders from right wing kool-aid drinking trolls.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 What’s wrong with swearing?
Besides, it’s not nearly as harmful as killing and torturing, so you’re in no position to complain.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think Wingnut Central should be re-named Idiot Central.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Why does Obama hate veterans with war injuries? Obama’a new ad mocks McCain for not being able to use a computer.
From the Boston Globe (March 4, 2000):
McCain’s severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain’s encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He’s an avid fan – Ted Williams is his hero – but he can’t raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 For a guy with an “encyclopedic knowledge of sports” McSenile sure has a lot of trouble remembering what houses he owns. Did he “forget” to pay the property taxes, too?
That’s the one thing I like best about Obama, his foreign policy ideas. I think it would be the best thing for this country and the world. I just don’t think he’d be the best thing for my pocketbook. That’s my dilemma.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, wouldn’t you know it!! Just for fun, I googled the phrase “McCain property taxes,” and came up with this:
“Newsweek is set to publish a highly embarrassing report on Sen. John McCain, revealing that the McCains have failed to pay taxes on their beach-front home in La Jolla, California, for the last four years and are currently in default, The Huffington Post has learned.”
(quoted under fair use)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now ain’t that just like a Republican …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 So, how long have you hated your job?
I just don’t think he’d be the best thing for my pocketbook.
If you make more than 250 grand a year and have significant capital gains income your wallet will be lighter but probably no more lighter than it was in Bill Clinton’s day.
People still got rich then and we sure as hell created more jobs and had more fiscal responsibility.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Keep on throwing out the garbage Goldy..
The majority of Americans are now sick to death of the fringe lunatic left (that’s you and the rest of the KLOWNS).
By the way, this just in from Rasmussen:
McCain Far Out Front in Oklahoma 63% to 32%
Friday, September 12, 2008
John McCain is holding a two-to-one lead over Barack Obama in the Republican stronghold state of Oklahoma, according to the first Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of voters there this election year.
McCain has 63% of the vote versus Obama’s 32% .
Not only does the GOP presidential nominee have the backing of 95% of Republicans, but 41% of Oklahoma Democrats support him, too. Fifty-five percent (55%) of Democrats favor Obama.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 22, I hear McCain will be coming out with a new ad on Monday that will ask why Obama would mock veterans with disabilities.
It looks like while McCain may not be able to use a computer because of his injuries, Obama hasn’t figured out google yet.
the McCains have failed to pay taxes on their beach-front home in La Jolla, California,
LOL! Cindy McSame can spend 800 grand a month on this and that, wear 25k of clothes on her back and tool around in a private jet yet she can’t let her accountant settle the property tax bill.
Higher priorities I guess. Of course Aaaaaaaahnold understands..
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I find it incredibly cold that O-blah-blah would criticize a war hero with injuries sustained defending our country and risking his life (something O-blah-blah knows nothing about) for not being able to use a computer.
That is the ultimate in cold-hearted.
You KLOWNS lap it up….but America thinks it’s sick & perverted.
O-blah-blah is a looooooooooser.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I don’t have a job. I’m a stock flipper! My most recent stock acquisition is a foreign-flag shipping company that pays no U.S. taxes and hauls raw materials to China.
Exporting resources and jobs to China is a good investment right now, and will become an even better investment if McCain wins!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Hey Cynical! Shipping stocks are hot!
Roger Rabbitspews:
28, 30 — Hey girls, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I got no time for sissies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Business Week reports that natural gas prices have fallen 50% this summer. I wonder if consumers will see a 50% drop in their heating bills this winter if Republicans* are “regulating” the natural gas companies?
* The folks who brought you the Enron ripoff.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A voter has to be pretty damned stupid to trust a Republican with his wallet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to a Newsweek poll, 57% of registered voters don’t know Palin opposes abortion even in instances of rape and incest, and 69% don’t know she favors teaching creationism in public schools.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Unfortunately, McCain may be able to find enough stupid voters to win.
I don’t think Gregoire has anything to worry about. I think certain people in certain positions will ensure that she has enough votes to put her over the top, even if that means throwing out certain votes.
I honestly believe that will happen.
Beyond hypocritical for Planned Parenthood to sponsor any add promoting childrens’ welfare.
If it was up to them (and their hero, the Obamamessiah), all children would be slaughtered before, during or AFTER birth!
It must be the oxygen starvation. Regurgitated retread info like yelling loser boy.
Pelletizer: You forget about Obama and Enron.
Obama likes Cap and Trade – Just like Enron. Cap and Trade started in the mid 90s.
* The folks who brought you the Enron ripoff.
@21 Obama’a new ad mocks McCain for not being able to use a computer.
Funny a few weeks ago McCain was bragging that he was learning how to use a computer and pretty soon he would know how to do it all by his little self.
Besides that plenty of people use computers that cant type.
Try again.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Good News for Obama! He leads McCain 47-44 among likely voters.
Re: 43, Ha, ok you explain that to the rest of America while The Oabamainiac is doing the backstroke.
typical white person (rob)spews:
It’s seems like Obama’s 57 state stategy isn’t the 57 state strategy he used to know.
How much money have we thrown at Iraq? Are still throwing at Iraq? And they have how much in reserve but are content to allow us to throw our money away?
This is Republicans watching out for “our” money. No thanks.
Interestingly, just talked to my niece in Arizona (she’s conservative). She wants someone “real” in the White House. I told her Sarah wouldn’t be there, it would be McCain. I asked if she thought McCain was in touch with the average American. No, but Sarah would “help” him.
I asked her about her two sons (14 and 17) and if she was ready to ship them off to – take your pick – Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia, Iran – and ready for a draft. She sighed and said yes she knew that was coming. She accepts that despite what McCain says, there will likely be a draft to allow us to fight all these battles. She said that she felt other people’s kids were doing all the fighting. I told her that was noble and true but is it worth losing a son or daughter for a lie? She then told me that the war in Iraq being founded on a lie was…a difference of opinion. I said, well, lots of people using lots of factual evidence say it’s a lie. She said it’s still opinion.
I love my niece but if this is the thinking, then our country is lost.
Another TJspews:
The title of this thread is unfair. John McCain doesn’t hate America’s children. He just thinks they shouldn’t have any help avoiding getting anally raped.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 43, here is an answer to your comment from Forbes Magazine. This attack on disabled people from Obama is going to be a deal breaker for his run for president. Horsesass may enjoy it but Americans don’t
In certain ways, McCain was a natural Web candidate. Chairman of the Senate Telecommunications Subcommittee and regarded as the U.S. Senate’s savviest technologist, McCain is an inveterate devotee of email. His nightly ritual is to read his email together with his wife, Cindy. The injuries he incurred as a Vietnam POW make it painful for McCain to type. Instead, he dictates responses that his wife types on a laptop. “She’s a whiz on the keyboard, and I’m so laborious,” McCain admits.
Picking on McCain and his disabilities. I hope McCain comes right back with a rebuttal comment.
Bill Cruchonspews:
How amusing it is to watch you people on the left disintegrate.
That’s a cute little game you liberals play whining about how Republicans can’t control spending. Then out of the other side of your lying mouths when there is the least cut in your precious entitlement programs Republicans are “against children”.
He doesn’t have any black women on HA with posting privileges, and he supports a woman for Governor who used to be president of a sorority that didn’t allow black women.
Did you know McCain likes children?
McCains’ gave 27.3% – 28.6% to charity in 2006-2007. Obamas’ gave 5.8% – 6.1% in 2006-2007.
John McCain is not a war hero. He is a prison camp survivor who turned on his fellow captives (the only one in his camp to do so).
I feel no compunction about saying these things because of what his party did to a real war hero, Max Cleland, who lost his limbs in service to his country — unlike McCain — whose limbs were saved by N. Vietnamese doctors.
John McCain is a prison camp survivor and supporter of torture. He says that we can only get the truth by torturing the enemy.
Here’s what McCain said under torture: “I am a black war criminal.” John McCain
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. Roger Rabbit spews:
The Huffington Post has learned.”
Then I guess it’s a fact then.
After all, all those other “facts” that got debunked doesn’t mean this time it’s not real.
Marvin Stamnspews:
52. Puddybud spews:
Maybe Obama’s new slogan now we know Biden charitable contributions should be As Long As We Don’t Pay For The Change”
Democrats/liberals are only good at giving when the money belongs to someone else.
I wonder how much goldy has given to children in the last year.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re; 55, Bwahhahhhahhha tell me how that argument works out for you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
55. headless lucy spews:
Here’s what McCain said under torture: “I am a black war criminal.” John McCain
That explains why you hate him. It’s that black thing again.
Johnny McSame supports torture because he knows first hand that it works. On him anyway. So I’ve heard.
Let’s see a public airing of his debrief after his release to settle all questions once and for all.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Is it Obama coattails or Obama anchor? Looks like anchor to me.
Battle for Congress Suddenly Looks CompetitiveDemocrats’ double-digit lead on the “generic ballot” slips to 3.
Obama’s average female employee earns $45,152. His average male employee earns $54,397.
McCain’s average female employee earns $55,878. His average male employee earns $53,936.
And this is after Obama said …
“Now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day’s work,” Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Aug. 28 in his convention acceptance speech. He told the crowd in Denver: “I want my daughters to have exactly the same opportunities as your sons.”
Re: 64, I am a conservative YLB, I didn’t support McCain because of some of his positions like campaign finance and Illegal Immigration. I got to know Obama though and he is an idiot. Anyone who would put up an ad mocking a disabled vet doesn’t even belong in this country much less as it’s president.
Marvin Stamnspews:
63. typical white person (rob) spews:
Obama! Obama/Hairplugs lead Maverick/Sarahcuda 49-47.
Bad News: It’s Washington! Bwahhahhahhahhaha
Obama ONLY leads by 2 in washington state??
Obama is going down in history as one of the worst candidates in history.
2012 hillary will be reminding everyone how bad obama did. At least he can go back to his job in the senate and vote present some more.
It’s funny that wingnuts were calling for Kerry to release his wartime medical records.
Are wingnuts similary curious about McSame’s debrief after his release from the Hanoi Hilton?
How’d he hold up under pressure? Isn’t that relevant to future job performance in the Oval Office?
It’s pretty obvious that he “broke” because he’s admitted it. Don’t the voters have a right to know how and in what way he “broke”?
typical white person (rob)spews:
Ha! I just got an email from a Veterans Group that opposes John Stoltz (motor pool) asking for money to run an ad in response to Obama’s ad mocking disabled veterans. I sent them some money. I have to go get some more popcorn, this is going to be good!
that you pretended you were above making crap up.
They took me up into one of the interrogation rooms, and for the next 12 hours we wrote and rewrote. The North Vietnamese interrogator, who was pretty stupid, wrote the final confession, and I signed it. It was in their language, and spoke about black crimes, and other generalities. It was unacceptable to them. But I felt just terrible about it. I kept saying to myself, “Oh, God, I really didn’t have any choice.” I had learned what we all learned over there: Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine.
Righties: Ever heard of rope-a-dope? Keep throwing those punches. As hard and as fast as you can.
People are going to take a good, long, hard look at McCain and Palin before throwing their childrens’ future away.
Mark my words, Marvin — the Black wannabe. At least Eric Burdon is genuine, unlike you. You are pathetic.
Hey morons, they are not making fun of a disabled vet. McCain HIMSELF has many times made fun of the fact that he is a technophob and needs his wife to help him on the computer.
Are there any other liberals here, like myself, that think Obama is a lying, phony sack of shit for paying his female employees less than his male employees?
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 74, see 49 and watch Obama continue tanking.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Good news for Dave Reichert! He leads Darcy Burner 54-44!
Bad News: I can’t seem to find any
#70. typical white person (rob) spews:
If supporting the troops is a magnet on your car then McCain is your man.
Obama actually voted to increase benefit for the veterans. That is the kind of support that actually supports the troops. McCain couldn’t even bother to show up for vote.
Plenty of people have mobility issues and they don’t need their wives to read their email to them. Decent voice interface software has been around for a long time so just stop this stupid line of attack.
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 78, Uhmmm I am a veteran so if I want your opinion regarding veterans I’ll ask for it ok?
typical white person (rob)spews:
Re: 78, You did know that Joe (hairplugs) Biden got 5 draft deferments just like Dick Cheney don’t you? His last one was the same year I joined.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
“Chuck, stand up, let the people see you,” Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. “Oh, God love ya,” Biden said. “What am I talking about?”
Why does Obama/Biden make fun of handicap people? Do they hate them? Judging by their comments I believe they want to kill them. So sad.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Re: 78, You did know that Joe (hairplugs) Biden got 5 draft deferments just like Dick Cheney don’t you? His last one was the same year I joined.
I did. There is no question that the dems are the party of draft dodgers this election. ehehehehehe
ask McCain about his service?
We know about his service. He crashed airplanes like crazy. He skated through the military while others busted their tails because of the grease from his father. He womanized, got a little tired of it and settled down with a model who already had a kid or two.
So robtard you’re a Marine. Seen Generation Kill on HBO? You ever know guys like Captain America and Encino Man?
That was McSame – an incompetent, skirt-chasing navy fly-boy whose lame piloting skills landed him in the Hanoi Hilton and greased the way to a political career after it became apparent he wasn’t going anywhere near his dad’s circles in the Navy.
Oh and meeting a rich young hottie couldn’t hurt the chances of a successful career transition. Out the window goes the unfortunate disfigured wife – simply not photo op material.
But it doesn’t take much to get your vote robtard, just flip-flop in the right direction and mumble the same comforting right wing platitudes and it’s a sure path to the Oval Office.
Yeah Obama loves the troops so much he joined…. wait he never served. Just another military hating donkey. Typical.
HA HA HA! John Cole is the gift that keeps giving:
And Sarah Palin is the distilled essence of wingnut. She has it all. She is dishonest. She is a religious nut. She is incurious. She is anti-science. She is inexperienced. She abuses her authority. She hides behind executive privilege. She is a big spender. She works from the gut and places a greater value on instinct than knowledge.
And most dangerous of all, she is supremely self-confident to the point of not recognizing how ill-equipped she is to lead the country. This from last night stood out for me:
Charles Gibson, the interviewer, asked her if she didn’t hesitate and question whether she was experienced enough.
“I didn’t hesitate, no,” she said.
He asked if that didn’t that take some hubris.
“I answered him yes,” Ms. Palin said, “because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can’t blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we’re on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can’t blink. So I didn’t blink then even when asked to run as his running mate.”
George Bush in a dress. The Palin interview should be a gut-check for Republicans and conservatives who think the last eight years has been a perversion of conservative principles. I am betting most of them will not even put down their pom-poms, though.
Pressed about what insights into recent Russian actions she gained by living in Alaska, Palin answered: “They’re our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
And when I look out my window I can see the moon. Doesn’t make me a fucking astronaut now, does it?
I remember a few years back when I really was under the impression that the Democrats were filled with radical liberals who were not serious, and that we needed to bring Republicans in to replace the Clinton/Albright era of incompetence. How the hell did I get it so damned wrong?
I know people in the PTA who hunt. I don’t want them in the White House. This is just absolutely crazy, and I am sorry if I keep repeating myself, but I just can not seem to believe this is really happening.
*** Update ***
The most depressing thing is that I have friends who have been friends of the family forever, their son is my age and was the honor grad at Annapolis a few years ago, and they are just good folks. I remember in 2000 when they wanted McCain because Bush was too religious (I was with Bush because I saw a winner in him), and then we were all soothed by the addition of Cheney to the ticket. Today, I am afraid to even talk to them because they are all in the bag for that odious pile of shit John McCain. They have learned NOTHING from the last eight years. Nothing.
A real critique not someone who fills the balloon with your favorite warm sticky white man-juice.
yelling loser boy: deliver of the left-wing wackajob crapola.
“The latest USA Today/Gallup poll has the Democrats only 3 points up on the Republicans on the question of which party people would vote for today in their congressional district.”
Wow it was over 20 points recently. Superbly inferior libtard MSM helping Obama.
91 – LMAO!!! UPI is a Moon outfit!
Sorry I don’t click on your right wing bullshit.
warm sticky white man-juice.
Wow Stupes, you’re really obsessed with that stuff, you talk about it so much.
I think we now know how you indulge yourself on lonely nights on the road.
I’ve heard in some circles it’s called “fast food”. You must be putting on the pounds.
the left-wing wackajob crapola.
John Cole is a conservative. He just got tired of Kool-Aid drinking wingnuts like you.
Blue Johnspews:
Damn, that’s a good ad. “A 20 year politician who would say ANYTHING to get elected?”
Yup. Sums that up. Finally we are not using sporks in a gunfight.
Hey yelling loser boy, you troop over to all the wack job web sites and post their “truths”.
this evening and OMG, their HOME page, and therefore major news story, was all about Washington! And it’s all great F’n news!
11 electoral votes and My pocketbook are getting safer every day!
Hey yelling loser boy – it’s in the NY Slines HAs clueless idiot.
“By every indication, Mr. Obama’s aides underestimated the impact that Mr. McCain’s choice of Ms. Palin would have on the race. Mr. Obama and his campaign have seemed flummoxed in trying to figure out how to deal with her. His aides said they were looking to the news media to debunk the image of her as a blue-collar reformer, even as they argued that her power to help Mr. McCain was overstated.”
Crazy yelling loser boy will naturally sling some liberal crap from a liberal web site.
Reformed republicanspews:
Wow – the idiots trolls are really out tonight – did dunkin’ donuts have a special or is there cheap beer at some internet cafe?
We already know that Enron’s favorite guy was GW Bush – he even had a special name for Ken Lay – Kenny baby. Enron was invited to the Cheney energy task force and contributed more money to Bush than to any other candidate. Clinton and the democrats got much less than Bush – kind of just in case money.
Now it looks like McCain and the lobbyists running his campaign have some mighty close ties to the companies involved in the scandal with royalites for oil – gee, it turns out McCains top people lobby for those oil companies – what a suprise!
As they say in French: Ce n’est pas changer que nous croyons a.
100 – LMAO!!! Adam Nagourney? AdNags?
That joke of journalist has been in the tank for Republicans like…
Reformed republicanspews:
@100: McCain is going down – and fast. It will start to show up in the next few days as Palin continues to embarass. Even the die-ahrd right wingers will quit defending her. She has:
1. Started off her campaign by repeatedly lying about the bridge to nowhere – even the evagelicals will desert her for repeatedly and knowingly lying – as she just admitted to Gibson.
2. Palin embarassed herself not knowing about the Bush doctrine – Gibson clearly could not hold back his contempt at her lack of knowledge and her try to finesse a question that she had no clue on. That was even worse than her answer about foreign policy – that Alaska was close to Russia or that the entire key to foreign policy is energy.
She is so bad it makes me laugh to see the idiot trolls try to defend her. She makes Bush seem like a genius in comparison…
Her answer on the economy was so peripheral that she seemed to be grasping for straws…what would she do differently from bush – ummmmm, less spending, more efficiencies and less taxes? Wasn’t that what Bush said and he is in her party? What a moroooon.
Yeah yelling loser boy you have an excuse for everything that proves your silly ass wrong. When confronted with the truth you install cataracts in your eyes.
Remember deformed donkey you and your ilk said McCain would ditch her before the convention ended.
Then it was the next week.
Your gang is 0-2.
LMAO!! Here’s a sweet quote from Matt Yglesias that might shed some light on our little conversation here:
I myself like to think that to some extent I’m open to criticism, and trying to do my job well.
And I’ve come to see that the people, the really big time reporters, aren’t like that. I think that people who get into the campaign coverage business, and are well-intentioned, quickly find out that it’s a rotten to the core enterprise, and wind up leaving, and the only people who make it to the top are, they’re sociopaths of some kind. And I’m trying to understand what it is we can do as effective pressure points.
Oh no – now I want McCain to keep the lying Alaskan. As she continues to embarass, she will drag him down even more and link his lying to hers.
Too bad she has no clue about foreign policy – the deer in the headlights look was priceless. In what respect Charlie? It still makes me laugh at how stupidly she tried to avoid the question – and then when he had to explain to her what the doctrine was…that was priceless. The possible leader of the free world being lectured to about recent events and she had absolutely NO CLUE. Priceless!
Thank you Puddy for defending total ignorance. You make a brilliant case for it.
Moonies yelling loser boy? As I remember they sponsored the Seattle Global Peace Festival.
You know the Moonbat! event where many of your Moonbat! friends went.
Now Salon yelling loser boy? Can you find one site that isn’t a lefty mouthpiece to try to make a cogent point?
I realize you and cogent are diametrically opposed positions.
Again deformed donkey, I went to the originator of the term. Even Charlie Gibson had no clue on the definition.
Keep up the “good” work.
110 – Never heard of it loserman.
You’ve proved that you’re a fan of Moon’s right wing bullshit. Many times… Tonight even.
And Murdoch’s and Scaife’s and Koch’s and Olin’s and Smith-Richardson’s and Bradley’s and Regnery’s and on and on and on and on.
If it’s right wing bullshit – you’re there – consuming it, absorbing it, ruminating on it, regurgitating it.
Reformed republicanspews:
Read the Krauthhammer link (remember this is the “brilliant” guy who said the Iraq war would be short, we would be welcomed as liberators and that it would change the Middle east in our favor and push Iran to us). Hahahahaha. another idiot neocon still trying to rewrite history with no facts.
I love it when the right wingnuts tie themselves in knots trying to explain how brilliant Palin was – when she clearly had no clue and panicked.
She had NO Clue – trying after the fact to make it like she was thoughtful – when in fact she did NOT know a damn thing, is truly funny.
Gibson even explained what and when the speech was – was she not paying attention at the time (they do have TV up in alaska)?
The look of disgust on Gibsons face says it all – he was disgusted by how ignorant she was and how she was trying to cover it up with talking points she had memorized.
I know yelling loser boy will find something to scream at.
“Politician Obama rose through a Chicago machine that is notoriously the most corrupt in the country. As David Freddoso writes in a brilliantly cogent and measured book, The Case Against Barack Obama, the angel of deliverance from the old politics functioned like an old-time Democratic pol in Illinois. He refused repeatedly to side with those lonely voices that sought to challenge the old corrupt ways of the ruling party.”
yelling loser boy, is losing it more and more each day.
Even though the election is still over 50 days away, but the Obama train is derailing and you are going delusional.
Charlie was “disgusted” cuz she was smiling at him while he was accusing her of “hubris”.
People will make their decision on this interview?
“And those are a very different pool of voters with very different concerns. They don’t care what the New York Times had to say. They don’t care what Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd have to say. They don’t care what “elite” opinion is.”
“What happened here very clearly is that the controversy over Palin led to 37 million Americans tuning into a vice-presidential speech, something that is unprecedented, because they wanted to see for themselves. This is an election in which the voters are going to decide for themselves. The media has lost credibility with them.”
Did you Moonbat!s watch The View today? Whoopi forgot the 13th Amendment. The only slavery is in her moronic mind to lefty causes.
115 – Oh my! Stupes, I’ve named you so well.
The Times of London is a Murdoch publication. That Fredoso book has been utterly discredited just like the Corsi book. It’s right wing bullshit and lies on steroids!
You link to an opinion piece. Who’s the author? Gerard Baker. A quick google shows he’s quoted by a lot of wingnut bloggers.
The gas between your ears stinks of right wing bullshit.
but the Obama train is derailing and you are going delusional.
LMAO!! Ok let’s say it does go off the rails.
I’m still going to have the last laugh because if McSame is not running for the Chimp’s third term, he’s definitely running for Herbert Hoover’s second term.
The economy is tanking thanks to the failed chimp policies.
If McSame croaks due to the pressure, Moose-baggin’ momma will be even worse! Hands-down she will exceed even the Chimp as the WORST President this country can ever have.
I didn’t think it could be possible.
120 – Nice Stupes! Hillary’s hatchet man and a union buster to boot.
Like (Penn) attracts like (Stupes).
Miserable failure loves company.
He doesn’t hate American Children, He is a maverick who made one hell of a choice in Palin and you Lib Folks are not going to tax the F out of us……….
Do however go ahead and continue to donate all of your income to the feds if you wish, and we will hand it out as we wish.
Please send in all you make to
Rush Limbaugh
Care of
Thank you for your caring donations
Politically Incorrectspews:
Roger Rabbit said:
“A voter has to be pretty damned stupid to trust a Republican with his wallet.”
And a voter would have to be pretty damn stupid to trust a Democrat with his/her wallet. Democrats are just as evil and mean-spirited as Republicans.
The Real Puddybudspews:
yelling loser boy barfed: “That Fredoso book has been utterly discredited just like the Corsi book.”
By morons on the left?
More coming
The Real Puddybudspews:
First yelling loser boy you attacked the Corsi book. I let it pass as ravings of HAs clueless irrational idiot.
The first attack by the Obama “messiah” followers was “Brought to you by Bush/Cheney Attack Machine.” Do you have any memory in that dense as spent uranium mind? Corsi called for the impeachment of GWB. Isn’t that your position yelling loser boy? You were all over that bandwagon last year and earlier this year. What a moron you are. You can see it on YouTube idiot. Google it and watch the YouTude. Wait a minute… Google owns YouTube… so there is no way you can’t watch it right yelling loser boy?
Next, James Corsi is a 9/11 Truther! How many HA psychopaths swallowed that line placed here by headless lucy and others hook, line, and sinker?
The Real Puddybudspews:
Next yelling loser boy Corsi called Obama the “messiah” (Oprah – The One, Tennessee Congressman and Susan Sarandon – Obama is community organizer just like Jesus) a plagiarizer. Do you remember Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick? How about some of those speech words lifted from a Patrick speech last February 2008?
Maybe that’s why he chose Biden. Biden lifted McKinnock in the late 80s. So he felt at home.
Next you have General Merrill McPeak, an Obama “mesiah” advisor. Merill McPeak is on record as having big time anti-Israel views.
I read Jake Tapper’s comments on Corsi’s book. “Much of what Corsi writes in his book is demonstrably false, irresponsible, and feverishly conjured. The book is indefensible”. – Jake Tapper. Unfortunately for Jake Tapper he makes his assertions without any substantiation.
But you went to the white sticky kool-aid well as you always do reading the garbage you are so well known to place here on HA as their clueless irrational idiot. Tapper’s claims are his generalizations. Once you dig into Corsi’s footnotes you can view where Corsi got his commentary.
Next we have William Ayers. Well when the University released the Obama papers we saw Bill and Barack go back a long ways. This is one of those big coverups you claim Republicans do. Well why is Obama so strident in his Ayers attacks? Cuz it shows how much of a radical he is.
The Real Puddybudspews:
And the kicker yelling loser boy is David Axelrod admitted he gave Patrick’s stuff to Obama. But yelling loser boy you also forget David Axelrod plagerized Spike Lee’s Malcolm X movie. Look it up moron!
The Real Puddybudspews:
So when it was said “Obama doesn’t celebrate Christmas and Birthdays” was a lie yelling loser boy?
Why does Obama hate his own children?
The Real Puddybudspews:
And if you remember yelling loser boy in a Feb 2008 speech Obama said: “As president, I will restore that leadership by working to advance the common prosperity and security of all of the people of the Americas. That work must begin with a renewed strategic partnership with Mexico.”
“Starting my first year in office, I will convene annual meetings with [Mexico’s President] Mr. Calderon and the prime minister of Canada. Unlike similar summits under President Bush, these will be conducted with a level of transparency that represents the close ties among our three countries. We will seek the active and open involvement of citizens, labor, the private sector and non-governmental organizations in setting the agenda and making progress.”
Barack Obama wrote an op-ed piece for the Dallas Morning News (leftist fishrag) where Barack openly endorsemd the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), AKA North American Union (NAU).
This is same reason why Cosi wants to impeach Bush. NAU! Yet Obama wants to do the same thing yelling loser boy.
Get my drift you are in a row boat without oars when you drink your favorite kool-aid? No. Well of course not you are HAs clueless irrational idiot.
waaaa haaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaa.
LMAO at your left-wing lunacy.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Remember Obama supports Enron. What you say? Obama is a big Cap and Trade supporter, just like Enron.
The Real Puddybudspews:
BTW yelling loser boy ever heard of Frank Marshall Davis? But he only calls him Frank in his Dreams from My Father,book. Was he embarassed?
Well turning to lefty Wikipedia – they locked down the Frank Marshall Davis link. I guess someone was trying to edit out Obama’s associations.
This is too funny yelling loser boy.
And you claim Corsi’s book is discredited?
Sometimes you just have to wait until HAs clueless irrational idiot goes past the left field fence to drop the nuclear weaponry on his sorry ASS!
The Real Puddybudspews:
Next yelling loser boy we have Ayers and Doorn.
Again from your favorite site Wikipedia:”The Weathermen were initially part of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) within the SDS, splitting from the RYM’s Maoists by claiming there was no time to build a vanguard party and that revolutionary war against the United States government and the capitalist system should begin immediately. Their founding document called for the establishment of a “white fighting force” to be allied with the “Black Liberation Movement” and other “anti-colonial” movements[2] to achieve “the destruction of US imperialism and achieve a classless world: world communism.”[3]”.
More ‘discredited’ info from Corsi’s book.
What a moron yelling loser boy is.
The Real Puddybudspews:
The Obamanation wrote about Corsi -“he called the Pope “senile”, and regularly demeans public servants in vile sexual and racial terms.”
Isn’t that what you and you HA compatriots do every day yelling loser boy?
The Real Puddybudspews:
Maybe this is the best line to describe Obama as it was once used on Al Gore too.
“A demagogue tries to sound as stupid as his audience so that they will think they are as clever as he is.” – Karl Krauss.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Enough on the Corsi book. Covered the major points very well using leftist media, something yelling loser boy can’t do without visiting his kool-aid sites.
I’ll deal with your anti-Fredoso book later, when you make another irrational clueless rant.
Believe me you’ll regret that rant too.
We get a real stream of right wing bullshit this morning.
So Stupes tries to rehab Corsi, an admitted bigot, right wing kook and freeper. A fool so idiotic that his swift boat co-author had to distance himself from the dope. But the guy sure does does hate Hillary – that must make him OK in Stupes’ book.
And then there’s the guilt by association with Ayers, Dorn, Enron, etc. I could cite till I’m blue in the face that there’s NOTHING, NOTHING in Obamas public record that shows support for any radical ideology. I could cite that Obama has no compunction about moving to the CENTER like Bill Clinton or any other DLC-style Dem but it just bounces off Stupes’ empty rubber skull.
That Enron thing has to be silliest.
Nothing but a stream of right wing bullshit and fallacious arguments.
Believe me you’ll regret that rant too.
HA HA HA HA!!! Stupes you’re such a freaking kook!
I’ll never ever regret denouncing right wing bullshit and right wing toolbags like you and your beloved Corsi and Freddoso.
The Real Puddybudspews:
yelling loser boy, I don’t have to rehab anyone. You are sooooooo blinded by facts you need to drift like driftwood in a hurricane (no aim or purpose just riding the moving wave).
You stated his book was discredited. I proved the major thrusts in his book correct. Can you handle the truth? Nope you dope!
You can’t personally disprove any of the facts placed here so you plagiarize Kurse, The Panty Man, and Stinky Progressives and try to make it your words.
Still HAs clueless irrational idiot and proving it again today.
LMAO Today
The Real Puddybudspews:
He can’t allow the American people to know his real wacked out ideas. Notice Michelle has been muzzled lately? Since she went on The View she’s been muzzled.
Contrast Cindy McCain. She builds drift race cars. She is a humanitarian, helping out the poor and downtrodden. She visits those countries with her own money helping them. Michelle hated America until her husband was winning. What type of ideology is that yelling loser boy?
LMAO at your left-wing silliness.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Remember Cap and Trade yelling loser boy. Obama said he’s for it.
Guilt by association? Not necessary yelling loser boy. I used Obama’s words from left-wing sites. Try doing the same in reverse yelling loser boy!
Guilt by association is your love of John Deadwards. Did he plagiarize anyone?
re 121: You watch ‘The View’? I’d watch it too, if the cameras would dip a little lower.
Stupes you are a treat this morning defending right wing crap.
You CAN’T cite anything out-of-the-mainstream in Obama’s public record so you claim there’s a conspiracy to keep it hushed up. I’m blinded by the light from your tin foil hat.
So you compound your failure by pointing the finger at Michelle? You lose again moron!
Cindy McCain is a former drug addict who wrote out painkillers using the names of her subordinates putting them at risk of taking the fall for her. She’s a very lonely person trapped in a marriage of convenience who fills her empty life with conspicuous consumption. She’s doesn’t impress me at all. I feel sorry for her.
Michelle Obama is a self-made woman from middle class like the rest of us – she wasn’t born to wealth like the beer heiress so obviously Michelle doesn’t impress you cuz..
we all know you worship money Stupes.
Parting shot:
In April, Mr. Gibson and Mr. Stephanopoulos were roundly panned for bypassing the most pressing issues of the day (at least early on in their Democratic debate) in favor of queries about the absence of a flag pin in Mr. Obama’s lapel and the veracity of Mrs. Clinton’s assertion she had come under fire while landing in Bosnia as first lady more than a decade ago.
Mr. Gibson and his producers appeared to have taken that criticism to heart this time. In a series of conversations recorded in Alaska beginning Thursday, Mr. Gibson was persistent (asking as many as four follow-up questions) as he pressed Ms. Palin about her experience, as well as her views about American policy regarding Iraq, Georgia, Iran and Israel, and global warming.
“He asked a lot of good questions,” Mary Matalin, a Republican strategist and supporter of Mr. McCain, said in an interview. “I don’t think, like some of my friends, that Charlie didn’t do a good interview.”
LMAO!! Could one Matalin’s friends be that self-important blowhard Charles Krauthammer?
Marvin Stamnspews:
121. Puddybud spews:
Did you Moonbat!s watch The View today? Whoopi forgot the 13th Amendment. The only slavery is in her moronic mind to lefty causes
Something I found interesting about that exchange…
Being true to her democrat roots, barbara said to whoopie & sherri, “us white folks will take care of you.”
I feel blacks can take care of themselves.
Does barbara know something I don’t?
Marvin Stamnspews:
122. YLB spews:
That Fredoso book has been utterly discredited just like the Corsi book
Got a link? And I mean a link to something other than some left-wingnut site.
Unlike the corsi crap book, isn’t it true that fredoso provides footnotes all over the place to prove his points?
And I mean a link to something other than some left-wingnut site.
This coming from the idiot who called Corsi a “left-wing nut”.
I’m not wasting my time.
The Real Puddybudspews:
Marvin: Corsi provides many footnotes. While he got some things out of date, the major thrust of the Obama activities are born out especially in the release of the university papers. .
That’s how one can see the Ayers/Doorn connection. Frank I Supported Communism Marshall Davis, etc. If you notice no one on the left talks much about his meetings as the Ayers connection goes way back
The Real Puddybudspews:
Marvin yelling loser boy has no real link for the Fredoso link except a mystical URL from a left-wing site.
Reformed republicanspews:
The right wing trolls are out in force this morning using the new McCain/Palin dictum. Lie early and lie often. The bigger the lie the better.
Republicans waste more money than democrats, cause bigger budget deficits and McCain will give less of a tax cut than Obama for over 80% of Americans. McCain only helps the rich and his health care plan will end up costing even more to most Americans. Additionally, McCain does NOTHING for high tuition costs and Obama will give a much bigger tax deduction for tuition.
The bottom line is McCain/Palin will continue the policies of Bush – corruption, lying, huge budget deficits, tax cuts only for the very rich and slanting everything for the lobbyists who control McCain’s campaign.
Poor Palin is now totally dicredited. She has no knowledge beyond an inch deep and repeates her prepared answers over and over as if they were new to her. She doesn’t even know enough to ask what she doesn’t know. She is totally unprepared to be president.
Here are my favorite analysis of the Palin interviews:
The foreign-policy session was a white-knuckle affair. She barely got through it and showed no knowledge more than an inch deep.
This was from The National Review on-line. If the conservatives are actually honest about her and write this – she is truly an embarassment.
Myu favorite moment in the last interview (and there were many) was when gibson asked about the serial lying on the BTN (Bridge to Nowhere) and she admitted she supported it – but refused to acknowledge her lie or apologize for it. She and McCain have been lying about it continually since her acceptance speech.She supported the bridge even AFTER congress withdrew the support in 2005. She ran for governor ands supported the bridge in 2006.
What makes this even more sad is that right out of the gate she felt she needed to lie about her experience and her record. It turns out she actually raised taxes and increased the budget in Alaska on the backs of oil consumers. They even lied about her going to the battle front in Iraq – she only went to the border. the McCain/Palin campaign have NO credibility – they lie about Obama on taxes, they lie about the reform and they claim Obama is elitist. If being honest is being elitist – then count me as elitist. How can they look themselves in the eye and claim to be religious and lie repeatedly?
Oh my we’ve get two right wing idiots in this thread who insinuate Corsi is “left-wing”.
Provides many footnotes!!! Shades of the Coultergeist.. Yeah really credible.
This guilt by association crap is so loony. Next these morons are going to say Ronnie Raygun was a lefty because he met with Dobrynin without pre-conditions.
Reformed republicanspews:
Corsi – hahahahah – no credibility at all. You trolls are so funny – can’t answer the basic questions and rely on ridiculous “sources”.
Republicans are corrupt and lie – that is why I will no longer associate with them. Karl rove and his protges are running the McCain campaign and the maverick is now the liar.
Reformed republicanspews:
Corsi wrote the factually vacant swift boat book – ’nuff said. He has zero credibility and anyone who cites him has even less.
Reformed republicanspews:
Here is the link to the McCain lobbyist controlled campaign:
That’s not change we can beleive in, snicker, snicker (pretend puke green screen is behind a evil forced-smiling McCain).
Reformed republicanspews:
Poor Puddy: Now he is trying to cite Corsi – are real nutcake, 9/11 truther, racist and anti-semite who uses footnotes but no real sourcing.
Check out this long analysis of the credibility of Corsi:
But bad sourcing is still bad sourcing, even if you footnote it. And that appears to be the case with Jerome Corsi’s newst effort to insert himself into the presidential race with the publication of his book An Obama Nation.
Corsi’s career as an author is interesting. He’s written two books about a nuclear Iran that accuses politicians of actually paving the way for the mullahs to get the bomb. He’s written another book that tries to debunk peak oil. He wrote a book about border control with Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist whose main thesis is apparently that Bush is lax on border control because he wants to advance the idea of a North American Union with Canadians and Mexicans.
In short, Corsi is no ordinary Gadfly. He is a certifiable loon. He’s two shakes short of a martini. You cannot take anyone seriously who claims that US politicians are helping Iran get the bomb. Nor can you put any stock in anything written by a guy who thinks that any American president would give up American sovereignty just so he doesn’t have to pay any import duties on his Canadian bacon. It’s stupid. It’s cracked. It’s nutzo.
In a sane world. Jerome Corsi’s stuff might appear on the comic pages. Or placed next to the newest issue of Mad Magazine in the bookstore. But in today’s zany political culture, Corsi rates 100 guest appearances on talk shows and news programs. And apparently there are enough people out there who are either unaware or don’t care about his cockamamie views because Obama Nation will appear this week on the New York Times bestseller list at #1.
According to my old friend Pat Curley, Corsi is also a 9/11 truther who thinks that physicist Steve Jones is the bomb and Alex Jones worthy of an appearance on his show. In fact, the New York Times Caucus Blog informs us that the Obama project caused Corsi to delay his next big revelatory best seller; a book exposing the “lies” told by government in the 9/11 investigation.
Among the follow-up efforts to Jerome R. Corsi’s “Unfit for Command,” which inspired the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth attacks on Senator John Kerry in 2004, is “Obama Nation.” But the conservative commentator’s book about Senator Barack Obama appears to have distracted him from another project he was planning in January: exposing what he calls the government’s inadequate explanations about the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center.
A YouTube video making the rounds, especially among Obama supporters, mocks Mr. Corsi for a Jan. 29 interview on Alex Jones’s radio show, a forum for those who take a deeply skeptical view of government claims about the attacks. (Mr. Corsi also frequently talks about the “North American Union” and other threats from globalization during his appearances).
The clip has Mr. Corsi discussing the findings of Steven Jones, physicist and hero of the “9/11 Truth” movement who claims to have evidence that the World Trade Center towers collapsed due to explosives inside the building, not just the planes hitting them, during the attacks.
Alex Jones is a popular radio host – especially with the tin foil hat crowd as well as that upstanding, all American, all White bunch at Stormfront, the neo Nazi site that gave a lot of luvin to Ron Paul recently. And Pat has also dug up the fact that Corsi apparently has no qualms about appearing anywhere at anytime to discuss his book – even if the radio show he agrees to appear on is geared toward the sub-60 IQ set:
Perhaps Corsi’s most telling appearance, however, has been on The Political Cesspool, an overtly racist, anti-Semitic radio show hosted by self-avowed white nationalist James Edwards. Corsi was interviewed on the Cesspool on July 20 and is scheduled to appear again this Sunday, August 17, joining a recent guest roster that has included Christian Identity pastor Pete Peters, Holocaust denier Mark Weber and former Klan boss David Duke.
Deformed Donkey. Not anything of the such. That is a figment of your wild imagination. I stand by what I wrote above. Corsi made claims on the topics I entered from the impeachment to Ayers/Doorn.
Nothing can refute those facts, especially when I used leftist wikipedia to prove them. And Deformed Donkey your cut and paste of a leftist pinhead site doesn’t refute anything I entered. Try again.
159 – Plenty of it. The book is total joke. But why present it if you’re only going sniff at it?
Just go whack off to your extensive library of Regnery crap.
158 – You haven’t pointed to anything in Obama’s public record that proves he believes in out-of-the-mainstream ideas. You believe in right wing McCarthyite fairy tales. If the evidence existed, McSame would have used it by now. Instead he’s lying about Barack wanting to teach 5 year olds about sex – an ugly lie – but exactly the kind of Rovian bullshit people like you live to believe in.
157 – Nice find! Even right wing nuts can’t stand Corsi.
But our resident self-appointed king of right wing bullshit thinks Corsi has his good attributes. Ahhhh. How compassionate!
The Real Puddybudspews:
yelling loser boy. You said the book was debunked. I proved many of corsi’s fact are true. You can deformed donkey can’t swallow that yet you swallow other stuff every day
Marvin Stamnspews:
Sucks to be obama and be FORCED to question the patriotism of others.
Or are we entering the time period when democrat candidates flip-flop? (hint- the time period when the campaign is crashing and burning)
June 30 – up 5 gallup poll
‘I Will Never Question the Patriotism of Others’
Sept 12 down 4 gallup poll
Obama Implies McCain Puts Other Countries First
Marvin Stamnspews:
155. Reformed republican spews:
Corsi wrote the factually vacant swift boat book – ’nuff said. He has zero credibility and anyone who cites him has even less.
I’m sure the swiftboaters are something that is “seared” into your memory.
Maybe you can throw your republican registration card over the fence in protest.
Marvin Stamnspews:
149. YLB spews:
I’m not wasting my time.
It was just a rhetorical question.
I already knew you couldn’t find a credible (non left-wingnut) source.
Marvin Stamnspews:
160. YLB spews:
Barack wanting to teach 5 year olds about sex – an ugly lie –
Most likely if you have kids you never talked to them about avoiding molesters (bibigoober, headless lucy, etc.), which is why you think it’s important for a government employee to do for your kid what you didn’t want to.
I know to people like you it’s hard to believe, but some people can actually do their jobs as parents. Of course, they are called republicans.
Those who can do, those that can’t need the government to do for them.
I know to people like you it’s hard to believe, but some people can actually do their jobs as parents. Of course, they are called republicans.
#168, broken record or scratched CD – same result:
Replay of the same useless yelling loser shit on a different thread. And you resort to your fifth grade child act.
Notice yelling loser boy has not refuted anything I posted above. To a libtard like yelling loser boy, if you find one thing wrong in a book it’s discredited.
News flash yelling loser boy, most history books have incorrect information. Therefor by your irrational thought processes, they have to be discredited.
“A spokeswoman for the National Organization for Women (NOW), noting Palin’s opposition to abortion rights and support of other parts of the social conservative agenda, told Politico, “She’s more a conservative man than she is a woman on women’s issues. Very disappointing.””
Notice yelling loser boy has not refuted anything I posted above
The “above” was replete with non-sequiturs, red-herrings and the like. Didn’t prove a damn thing.. Just more name-calling and other noise. Not worth the time of day.
So you’re not impressed with the Republican Sex Offenders site. Fine.
I’ll bring it a little bit more in your living room. Your asshole buddy Stamn seems to think that Republicans really know how to parent:
# Republican sex offender & candidate for Mineral County (W.Va.) Commission Wilton Frederick Bland, 30, of Bayberry Place, was arrested March 23, 2007, after police received a complaint concerning a juvenile boy who said Bland had wanted him to appear nude on the Internet. Bland charged last year with 136 counts related to sexually based crimes against children has been sentenced to a possible total of 85 years after pleading guilty in both Grant and Mineral counties. was charged at the time with 73 counts of possession of child pornography, 45 counts of sexual assault in the first degree for allegedly having sex with a child under age 11, nine counts of use of obscene matter with intent to seduce a minor, seven counts of display of obscene matter to a minor and two counts of employing a minor to do sexually explicit conduct, according to the West Virginia State Police.
What was that you were saying about ACLU and NAMBLA?
Gloria Steinem has had y’all by the testicle lock box for years!
LMAO!!! There’s Stupes again with his radical feminist paranoia and second-hand taunts cribbed from Limpblows!
Such a wretched, pathetic joke of a mind you have.
Marvin Stamnspews:
176. YLB spews:
So you’re not impressed with the Republican Sex Offenders site. Fine.
You’ve posted it so many times you have lessened the impact. Like crying wolf.
Do you have anything else besides that or are you a one trick pony?
Tell you how you feel about obama and rezko. Or obama and the weather underground guy. Does the fact that obama is against what biden’s son is (lobbyist) make you wonder why he picked the father of a lobbyist.
Ah, never mind. Just keep posting that sex link, it’s more your speed.
Reformed republicanspews:
@177 – Another hypocrite – how many times has this idiot Stamm asked about the same things – Rezko and Ayers. Is there any REAL evidenmce of ANY wrongdoing? NO – absolutely non – but Stamm keeps bringing it up. Repetition of lies is a standard Goering technique – now adapted by republicans everywhere from Palin to McCain to the idiot trolls. Saying a lie over and over does not make it true – despite how much the wingnuts want it to be. has the goods on the lying republicans. Palin has lost all credibility and so has McCain – watch for the lies to catch up to themn in the next few weeks – and the election will slowly turn to Obama. Even the evagelicals will abandon politicians that are serial liars.
If they lie this much and this often, how will they tell the truth if they actually govern?
Ah, never mind. Just keep posting that sex link, it’s more your speed.
I’m not one to take orders from shithead trolls but in this case. Sure..
Yellow journalism.
Yeah! Let’s hear it for the Obama-supporting 527’s!
Lock and load baby, down goes the S.S. McSame!
@1: What the fuck has McCain been doing for weeks?
Sheesh. Double fucking standard.
High-Powered Lobbyist to Lead McSame’s Transition Team
Time magazine reports that “maverick reformer” John McCain has named the founder and chairman of one of D.C.’s most notorious lobbying firms to head his transition team.
William E. Timmons Sr.’s firm represents the American Petroleum Institute, the American Medical Association, Chrysler, Freddie Mac, Visa USA and Anheuser-Busch, among others.
He has worked on bills regulating Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, domestic oil drilling, and farm subsidies.
This ad says it all at the end; he’ll do anything to get elected.
It is sad, as someone from Arizona, to watch this proud man look so desperate. The same guy who was basically Swift-boated in the 2000 election (by Bush operatives) on his service, his wife and his daughter. He told Bush to “go to hell” because of it. That McCain – the one who vowed no dirty campaigning – is now willing to do or allow others to say anything to get elected. Does he believe it will change when he’s elected and he can be his own man (or president)? Hell no, not after he’s already gone down this road.
Last night, Judy Woodruff asked him about the seeming cruelty of the remarks about Obama’s service by Palin and others at the Republican convention. He demurred saying Palin was just defending herself about her experience level as a small town mayor. It’s a big leap from defending your work and denigrating someone else’s. He said he admired Obama’s work (you mean, as a community organizer?).
It seems like McCain is willing to let everyone around him get their hands dirty and say anything (and he himself keeps repeating the Bridge to Nowhere lie – it’s ridiculous and I can’t wait for it to be publicly outed at a debate over it).
His crowds dwindle down to nothing when Caribou Barbie isn’t around and apparently his temper flashed today over it. Style over substance could win (but I’d like to think Americans are smarter than that)but what a hollow victory it will be for him.
Timmons has worked on regulation of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, regulation of oil drilling, and farm subsidies.
Chimpface’s White House was oil patch kids and the Austin boys and girls.
McSame? Lobbyists.. Groan… This country will not survive the corporate takeover of the Oval Office.
Don’t you get the feeling that every facet of McSame’s campaign is a fucking lie? I sure do.
Time magazine reports that among the reasons Palin cited in an “angry e-mail” to Col. Julia Grimes, head of the Alaska state troopers, for firing her ex-brother-in-law from his state trooper job is that Wooten tried to “weasel out of a $5 fine at the landfill.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does this sound like someone with the level-headed good judgment you’d want in a person entrusted with the nuclear codes and our nation’s survival?
@7 Bash and swear all you want. Your boy is in trouble, and he better stop whining about how he came up with the change theme first, and think up a real strategy for beating McCain.
Here’s the lowdown on Palin’s attempt to derail the legislative investigation of whether she abused power to pursue a personal vendetta against her ex-brother-in-law.
Palin has hired a lawyer named Thomas Van Flein. On her lawyer’s advice, Palin filed an ethics complaint against herself with the state personnel board. Palin is arguing the personnel board, not the legislature, should investigate the matter.
All 3 members of the personnel board are Palin appointees.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does this look like a “maverick reformer” to you? She doesn’t to me.
Pssst, dummy, didn’t you get the memo? Bashing Palin isn’t working. In fact, it’s having the opposite effect.
“I’m just pointing out the fact that Palin ….” I’m going to stop you right there, Roger. You ain’t pointing out shit. All you’re doing it garnering more sympathy for her among undecideds, and strengthening their base.
“But TIME magazing said ….” Enough! Fuck you and your little TIME article. Don’t you get it? Talking about her and her past IS NOT HELPING YOUR CAUSE! GET IT THOUGHT YOUR BIG, FAT, INTOLERANT, HATE-FILLED BRAIN!!!
hates kids?
This is BS and the public can see through this.
Ask McCains kids either own or adopted.
Ask his wife who helps and fosters kids all over the world.
Obama is a pimp too bad it took 2 years for you to find out. Anyhow your stuck with him and dick head VP.
Matt Miller, a conservative columnist for the conservative business magazine Fortune has written a book called “The Tyranny of Dead Ideas” that quotes Douglas Holtz-Eakin, McCain’s top economic adviser and a former Congressional Budget Office chief, as saying that McCain will raise taxes if he’s elected president.
(Source: Time Magazine)
I demand that Goldy set up a Horses Ass award! I suggest it be called The Golden Goldy. And I, humbly, want to be considered for its first recipient.
Obama’s foreign policy ideas are getting adopted everywhere, and by everyone.
First, the Iraqi government adopted Obama’s troop withdrawal plan.
Next, the Bush Administration decided to talk to Iran.
Then, this week, Bush sent troops into Pakistan without that country’s permission to hunt Al Qaeda and the Taliban “a policy that Obama favored and McCain called ‘naive.'”
And McCain’s “bellicose” ideas about the Middle East? No one is listening to him. (Crickets chirping)
(Quoted under fair use from Joe Klein in Time Magazine.)
@14 I nominate you for the first annual Horse’s Turd Award.
@11 “I’m just pointing out the fact that Palin ….”
Where did I say that? I don’t see that statement in #8 or any of my other comments in this thread.
I demand
Goldy, his fellow bloggers and the progressive commenters never, ever take orders from right wing kool-aid drinking trolls.
@9 What’s wrong with swearing?
Besides, it’s not nearly as harmful as killing and torturing, so you’re in no position to complain.
I think Wingnut Central should be re-named Idiot Central.
Why does Obama hate veterans with war injuries? Obama’a new ad mocks McCain for not being able to use a computer.
From the Boston Globe (March 4, 2000):
McCain’s severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain’s encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He’s an avid fan – Ted Williams is his hero – but he can’t raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.
@21 For a guy with an “encyclopedic knowledge of sports” McSenile sure has a lot of trouble remembering what houses he owns. Did he “forget” to pay the property taxes, too?
That’s the one thing I like best about Obama, his foreign policy ideas. I think it would be the best thing for this country and the world. I just don’t think he’d be the best thing for my pocketbook. That’s my dilemma.
Well, wouldn’t you know it!! Just for fun, I googled the phrase “McCain property taxes,” and came up with this:
“Newsweek is set to publish a highly embarrassing report on Sen. John McCain, revealing that the McCains have failed to pay taxes on their beach-front home in La Jolla, California, for the last four years and are currently in default, The Huffington Post has learned.”
(quoted under fair use)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now ain’t that just like a Republican …
@23 So, how long have you hated your job?
I just don’t think he’d be the best thing for my pocketbook.
If you make more than 250 grand a year and have significant capital gains income your wallet will be lighter but probably no more lighter than it was in Bill Clinton’s day.
People still got rich then and we sure as hell created more jobs and had more fiscal responsibility.
Keep on throwing out the garbage Goldy..
The majority of Americans are now sick to death of the fringe lunatic left (that’s you and the rest of the KLOWNS).
By the way, this just in from Rasmussen:
McCain Far Out Front in Oklahoma 63% to 32%
Friday, September 12, 2008
John McCain is holding a two-to-one lead over Barack Obama in the Republican stronghold state of Oklahoma, according to the first Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of voters there this election year.
McCain has 63% of the vote versus Obama’s 32% .
Not only does the GOP presidential nominee have the backing of 95% of Republicans, but 41% of Oklahoma Democrats support him, too. Fifty-five percent (55%) of Democrats favor Obama.
Re: 22, I hear McCain will be coming out with a new ad on Monday that will ask why Obama would mock veterans with disabilities.
It looks like while McCain may not be able to use a computer because of his injuries, Obama hasn’t figured out google yet.
the McCains have failed to pay taxes on their beach-front home in La Jolla, California,
LOL! Cindy McSame can spend 800 grand a month on this and that, wear 25k of clothes on her back and tool around in a private jet yet she can’t let her accountant settle the property tax bill.
Higher priorities I guess. Of course Aaaaaaaahnold understands..
I find it incredibly cold that O-blah-blah would criticize a war hero with injuries sustained defending our country and risking his life (something O-blah-blah knows nothing about) for not being able to use a computer.
That is the ultimate in cold-hearted.
You KLOWNS lap it up….but America thinks it’s sick & perverted.
O-blah-blah is a looooooooooser.
I don’t have a job. I’m a stock flipper! My most recent stock acquisition is a foreign-flag shipping company that pays no U.S. taxes and hauls raw materials to China.
Exporting resources and jobs to China is a good investment right now, and will become an even better investment if McCain wins!
@30 Hey Cynical! Shipping stocks are hot!
28, 30 — Hey girls, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
I got no time for sissies.
Business Week reports that natural gas prices have fallen 50% this summer. I wonder if consumers will see a 50% drop in their heating bills this winter if Republicans* are “regulating” the natural gas companies?
* The folks who brought you the Enron ripoff.
A voter has to be pretty damned stupid to trust a Republican with his wallet.
According to a Newsweek poll, 57% of registered voters don’t know Palin opposes abortion even in instances of rape and incest, and 69% don’t know she favors teaching creationism in public schools.
Unfortunately, McCain may be able to find enough stupid voters to win.
I don’t think Gregoire has anything to worry about. I think certain people in certain positions will ensure that she has enough votes to put her over the top, even if that means throwing out certain votes.
I honestly believe that will happen.
Beyond hypocritical for Planned Parenthood to sponsor any add promoting childrens’ welfare.
If it was up to them (and their hero, the Obamamessiah), all children would be slaughtered before, during or AFTER birth!
Pelletizer@24: Lame one. Covered before.
It must be the oxygen starvation. Regurgitated retread info like yelling loser boy.
Pelletizer: You forget about Obama and Enron.
Obama likes Cap and Trade – Just like Enron. Cap and Trade started in the mid 90s.
* The folks who brought you the Enron ripoff.
@21 Obama’a new ad mocks McCain for not being able to use a computer.
Funny a few weeks ago McCain was bragging that he was learning how to use a computer and pretty soon he would know how to do it all by his little self.
Besides that plenty of people use computers that cant type.
Try again.
Good News for Obama! He leads McCain 47-44 among likely voters.
Bad News. It’s in New Jersey!
Re: 43, Ha, ok you explain that to the rest of America while The Oabamainiac is doing the backstroke.
It’s seems like Obama’s 57 state stategy isn’t the 57 state strategy he used to know.
How much money have we thrown at Iraq? Are still throwing at Iraq? And they have how much in reserve but are content to allow us to throw our money away?
This is Republicans watching out for “our” money. No thanks.
Interestingly, just talked to my niece in Arizona (she’s conservative). She wants someone “real” in the White House. I told her Sarah wouldn’t be there, it would be McCain. I asked if she thought McCain was in touch with the average American. No, but Sarah would “help” him.
I asked her about her two sons (14 and 17) and if she was ready to ship them off to – take your pick – Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia, Iran – and ready for a draft. She sighed and said yes she knew that was coming. She accepts that despite what McCain says, there will likely be a draft to allow us to fight all these battles. She said that she felt other people’s kids were doing all the fighting. I told her that was noble and true but is it worth losing a son or daughter for a lie? She then told me that the war in Iraq being founded on a lie was…a difference of opinion. I said, well, lots of people using lots of factual evidence say it’s a lie. She said it’s still opinion.
I love my niece but if this is the thinking, then our country is lost.
The title of this thread is unfair. John McCain doesn’t hate America’s children. He just thinks they shouldn’t have any help avoiding getting anally raped.
Re: 43, here is an answer to your comment from Forbes Magazine. This attack on disabled people from Obama is going to be a deal breaker for his run for president. Horsesass may enjoy it but Americans don’t
In certain ways, McCain was a natural Web candidate. Chairman of the Senate Telecommunications Subcommittee and regarded as the U.S. Senate’s savviest technologist, McCain is an inveterate devotee of email. His nightly ritual is to read his email together with his wife, Cindy. The injuries he incurred as a Vietnam POW make it painful for McCain to type. Instead, he dictates responses that his wife types on a laptop. “She’s a whiz on the keyboard, and I’m so laborious,” McCain admits.
Wow Obama is getting weirder every day.
Picking on McCain and his disabilities. I hope McCain comes right back with a rebuttal comment.
How amusing it is to watch you people on the left disintegrate.
That’s a cute little game you liberals play whining about how Republicans can’t control spending. Then out of the other side of your lying mouths when there is the least cut in your precious entitlement programs Republicans are “against children”.
We are on to you, and you are going down.
Maybe Biden hates kids too:
The IRS claims on average for $200,000+ average gross income the family gives $20,434 average charitable deduction.
Maybe Obama’s new slogan now we know Biden charitable contributions should be As Long As We Don’t Pay For The Change”
Why does Goldy hate black women?
He doesn’t have any black women on HA with posting privileges, and he supports a woman for Governor who used to be president of a sorority that didn’t allow black women.
Did you know McCain likes children?
McCains’ gave 27.3% – 28.6% to charity in 2006-2007. Obamas’ gave 5.8% – 6.1% in 2006-2007.
Once again Donkey are cheep bastards.
John McCain is not a war hero. He is a prison camp survivor who turned on his fellow captives (the only one in his camp to do so).
I feel no compunction about saying these things because of what his party did to a real war hero, Max Cleland, who lost his limbs in service to his country — unlike McCain — whose limbs were saved by N. Vietnamese doctors.
John McCain is a prison camp survivor and supporter of torture. He says that we can only get the truth by torturing the enemy.
Here’s what McCain said under torture: “I am a black war criminal.” John McCain
Then I guess it’s a fact then.
After all, all those other “facts” that got debunked doesn’t mean this time it’s not real.
Democrats/liberals are only good at giving when the money belongs to someone else.
I wonder how much goldy has given to children in the last year.
Re; 55, Bwahhahhhahhha tell me how that argument works out for you.
That explains why you hate him. It’s that black thing again.
Johnny McSame supports torture because he knows first hand that it works. On him anyway. So I’ve heard.
Let’s see a public airing of his debrief after his release to settle all questions once and for all.
Is it Obama coattails or Obama anchor? Looks like anchor to me.
Battle for Congress Suddenly Looks CompetitiveDemocrats’ double-digit lead on the “generic ballot” slips to 3.
Regurgitated retread info like
…right wing bullshit?
More good news for Obama! Obama/Hairplugs lead Maverick/Sarahcuda 49-47.
Bad News: It’s Washington! Bwahhahhahhahhaha
Maverick? LMAO!!!
He’s more of the same robtard. Isn’t that why you support him?
So I’ve heard.
There used to be a time, like when obama was up in the polls, that you pretended you were above making crap up.
I understand, obama crashing and burning is taking it’s toll on many people like you.
Why does Barack Obama hate women?
Obama’s average female employee earns $45,152. His average male employee earns $54,397.
McCain’s average female employee earns $55,878. His average male employee earns $53,936.
And this is after Obama said …
“Now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day’s work,” Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Aug. 28 in his convention acceptance speech. He told the crowd in Denver: “I want my daughters to have exactly the same opportunities as your sons.”
In conclusion, Obama is a liar and a phony.
Re: 64, I am a conservative YLB, I didn’t support McCain because of some of his positions like campaign finance and Illegal Immigration. I got to know Obama though and he is an idiot. Anyone who would put up an ad mocking a disabled vet doesn’t even belong in this country much less as it’s president.
Obama ONLY leads by 2 in washington state??
Obama is going down in history as one of the worst candidates in history.
2012 hillary will be reminding everyone how bad obama did. At least he can go back to his job in the senate and vote present some more.
It’s funny that wingnuts were calling for Kerry to release his wartime medical records.
Are wingnuts similary curious about McSame’s debrief after his release from the Hanoi Hilton?
How’d he hold up under pressure? Isn’t that relevant to future job performance in the Oval Office?
It’s pretty obvious that he “broke” because he’s admitted it. Don’t the voters have a right to know how and in what way he “broke”?
Ha! I just got an email from a Veterans Group that opposes John Stoltz (motor pool) asking for money to run an ad in response to Obama’s ad mocking disabled veterans. I sent them some money. I have to go get some more popcorn, this is going to be good!
that you pretended you were above making crap up.
What did I make up?
Re: 69, Why don’t you have Obama ask McCain about his service?
Righties: Ever heard of rope-a-dope? Keep throwing those punches. As hard and as fast as you can.
People are going to take a good, long, hard look at McCain and Palin before throwing their childrens’ future away.
Mark my words, Marvin — the Black wannabe. At least Eric Burdon is genuine, unlike you. You are pathetic.
Hey morons, they are not making fun of a disabled vet. McCain HIMSELF has many times made fun of the fact that he is a technophob and needs his wife to help him on the computer.
Grow up and at least get the facts you big babies
Are there any other liberals here, like myself, that think Obama is a lying, phony sack of shit for paying his female employees less than his male employees?
Re: 74, see 49 and watch Obama continue tanking.
Good news for Dave Reichert! He leads Darcy Burner 54-44!
Bad News: I can’t seem to find any
#70. typical white person (rob) spews:
If supporting the troops is a magnet on your car then McCain is your man.
Obama actually voted to increase benefit for the veterans. That is the kind of support that actually supports the troops. McCain couldn’t even bother to show up for vote.
Plenty of people have mobility issues and they don’t need their wives to read their email to them. Decent voice interface software has been around for a long time so just stop this stupid line of attack.
Re: 78, Uhmmm I am a veteran so if I want your opinion regarding veterans I’ll ask for it ok?
Re: 78, You did know that Joe (hairplugs) Biden got 5 draft deferments just like Dick Cheney don’t you? His last one was the same year I joined.
“Chuck, stand up, let the people see you,” Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Graham uses a wheelchair. “Oh, God love ya,” Biden said. “What am I talking about?”
Why does Obama/Biden make fun of handicap people? Do they hate them? Judging by their comments I believe they want to kill them. So sad.
Re: 78, You did know that Joe (hairplugs) Biden got 5 draft deferments just like Dick Cheney don’t you? His last one was the same year I joined.
I did. There is no question that the dems are the party of draft dodgers this election. ehehehehehe
ask McCain about his service?
We know about his service. He crashed airplanes like crazy. He skated through the military while others busted their tails because of the grease from his father. He womanized, got a little tired of it and settled down with a model who already had a kid or two.
So robtard you’re a Marine. Seen Generation Kill on HBO? You ever know guys like Captain America and Encino Man?
That was McSame – an incompetent, skirt-chasing navy fly-boy whose lame piloting skills landed him in the Hanoi Hilton and greased the way to a political career after it became apparent he wasn’t going anywhere near his dad’s circles in the Navy.
Oh and meeting a rich young hottie couldn’t hurt the chances of a successful career transition. Out the window goes the unfortunate disfigured wife – simply not photo op material.
But it doesn’t take much to get your vote robtard, just flip-flop in the right direction and mumble the same comforting right wing platitudes and it’s a sure path to the Oval Office.
ha ha ha ha
Yeah Obama loves the troops so much he joined…. wait he never served. Just another military hating donkey. Typical.
HA HA HA! John Cole is the gift that keeps giving:
Where are all those donkey polls???? heheheheeheh
On fire!
I think these pictures pretty much sum up what happened to John McSame the last eight years:
Why is Obama charity cheap and not like chillens?
yelling loser boy:
A real critique not someone who fills the balloon with your favorite warm sticky white man-juice.
yelling loser boy: deliver of the left-wing wackajob crapola.
“The latest USA Today/Gallup poll has the Democrats only 3 points up on the Republicans on the question of which party people would vote for today in their congressional district.”
Wow it was over 20 points recently. Superbly inferior libtard MSM helping Obama.
91 – LMAO!!! UPI is a Moon outfit!
Sorry I don’t click on your right wing bullshit.
warm sticky white man-juice.
Wow Stupes, you’re really obsessed with that stuff, you talk about it so much.
I think we now know how you indulge yourself on lonely nights on the road.
I’ve heard in some circles it’s called “fast food”. You must be putting on the pounds.
the left-wing wackajob crapola.
John Cole is a conservative. He just got tired of Kool-Aid drinking wingnuts like you.
Damn, that’s a good ad.
“A 20 year politician who would say ANYTHING to get elected?”
Yup. Sums that up. Finally we are not using sporks in a gunfight.
Hey yelling loser boy, you troop over to all the wack job web sites and post their “truths”.
I just happened to go out to
this evening and OMG, their HOME page, and therefore major news story, was all about Washington! And it’s all great F’n news!
11 electoral votes and My pocketbook are getting safer every day!
Hey yelling loser boy – it’s in the NY Slines HAs clueless idiot.
“By every indication, Mr. Obama’s aides underestimated the impact that Mr. McCain’s choice of Ms. Palin would have on the race. Mr. Obama and his campaign have seemed flummoxed in trying to figure out how to deal with her. His aides said they were looking to the news media to debunk the image of her as a blue-collar reformer, even as they argued that her power to help Mr. McCain was overstated.”
Proves Obama is using his surrogates.
Crazy yelling loser boy will naturally sling some liberal crap from a liberal web site.
Wow – the idiots trolls are really out tonight – did dunkin’ donuts have a special or is there cheap beer at some internet cafe?
We already know that Enron’s favorite guy was GW Bush – he even had a special name for Ken Lay – Kenny baby. Enron was invited to the Cheney energy task force and contributed more money to Bush than to any other candidate. Clinton and the democrats got much less than Bush – kind of just in case money.
Now it looks like McCain and the lobbyists running his campaign have some mighty close ties to the companies involved in the scandal with royalites for oil – gee, it turns out McCains top people lobby for those oil companies – what a suprise!
Here is the link for trolls who can actually read:
As they say in French: Ce n’est pas changer que nous croyons a.
100 – LMAO!!! Adam Nagourney? AdNags?
That joke of journalist has been in the tank for Republicans like…
@100: McCain is going down – and fast. It will start to show up in the next few days as Palin continues to embarass. Even the die-ahrd right wingers will quit defending her. She has:
1. Started off her campaign by repeatedly lying about the bridge to nowhere – even the evagelicals will desert her for repeatedly and knowingly lying – as she just admitted to Gibson.
2. Palin embarassed herself not knowing about the Bush doctrine – Gibson clearly could not hold back his contempt at her lack of knowledge and her try to finesse a question that she had no clue on. That was even worse than her answer about foreign policy – that Alaska was close to Russia or that the entire key to foreign policy is energy.
She is so bad it makes me laugh to see the idiot trolls try to defend her. She makes Bush seem like a genius in comparison…
Her answer on the economy was so peripheral that she seemed to be grasping for straws…what would she do differently from bush – ummmmm, less spending, more efficiencies and less taxes? Wasn’t that what Bush said and he is in her party? What a moroooon.
Yeah yelling loser boy you have an excuse for everything that proves your silly ass wrong. When confronted with the truth you install cataracts in your eyes.
Deformed Donkey:
Bush Doctrine?
Enjoy it from a man much smarter than you.
Remember deformed donkey you and your ilk said McCain would ditch her before the convention ended.
Then it was the next week.
Your gang is 0-2.
LMAO!! Here’s a sweet quote from Matt Yglesias that might shed some light on our little conversation here:
Stupes quoting “sociopaths”? Say it ain’t so..
Oh no – now I want McCain to keep the lying Alaskan. As she continues to embarass, she will drag him down even more and link his lying to hers.
Too bad she has no clue about foreign policy – the deer in the headlights look was priceless. In what respect Charlie? It still makes me laugh at how stupidly she tried to avoid the question – and then when he had to explain to her what the doctrine was…that was priceless. The possible leader of the free world being lectured to about recent events and she had absolutely NO CLUE. Priceless!
Thank you Puddy for defending total ignorance. You make a brilliant case for it.
Moonies yelling loser boy? As I remember they sponsored the Seattle Global Peace Festival.
You know the Moonbat! event where many of your Moonbat! friends went.
Now Salon yelling loser boy? Can you find one site that isn’t a lefty mouthpiece to try to make a cogent point?
I realize you and cogent are diametrically opposed positions.
Again deformed donkey, I went to the originator of the term. Even Charlie Gibson had no clue on the definition.
Keep up the “good” work.
110 – Never heard of it loserman.
You’ve proved that you’re a fan of Moon’s right wing bullshit. Many times… Tonight even.
And Murdoch’s and Scaife’s and Koch’s and Olin’s and Smith-Richardson’s and Bradley’s and Regnery’s and on and on and on and on.
If it’s right wing bullshit – you’re there – consuming it, absorbing it, ruminating on it, regurgitating it.
Read the Krauthhammer link (remember this is the “brilliant” guy who said the Iraq war would be short, we would be welcomed as liberators and that it would change the Middle east in our favor and push Iran to us). Hahahahaha. another idiot neocon still trying to rewrite history with no facts.
I love it when the right wingnuts tie themselves in knots trying to explain how brilliant Palin was – when she clearly had no clue and panicked.
She had NO Clue – trying after the fact to make it like she was thoughtful – when in fact she did NOT know a damn thing, is truly funny.
Gibson even explained what and when the speech was – was she not paying attention at the time (they do have TV up in alaska)?
The look of disgust on Gibsons face says it all – he was disgusted by how ignorant she was and how she was trying to cover it up with talking points she had memorized.
I know yelling loser boy will find something to scream at.
“Politician Obama rose through a Chicago machine that is notoriously the most corrupt in the country. As David Freddoso writes in a brilliantly cogent and measured book, The Case Against Barack Obama, the angel of deliverance from the old politics functioned like an old-time Democratic pol in Illinois. He refused repeatedly to side with those lonely voices that sought to challenge the old corrupt ways of the ruling party.”
yelling loser boy, is losing it more and more each day.
Even though the election is still over 50 days away, but the Obama train is derailing and you are going delusional.
Charlie was “disgusted” cuz she was smiling at him while he was accusing her of “hubris”.
People will make their decision on this interview?
I know you hope so.
Yes Gregoire is such a F’n loser
Says it like it is
“And those are a very different pool of voters with very different concerns. They don’t care what the New York Times had to say. They don’t care what Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd have to say. They don’t care what “elite” opinion is.”
“What happened here very clearly is that the controversy over Palin led to 37 million Americans tuning into a vice-presidential speech, something that is unprecedented, because they wanted to see for themselves. This is an election in which the voters are going to decide for themselves. The media has lost credibility with them.”
Wait a minute…
wait for it…
a left-wing web site:
Headless: Something near and dear to you…
What happened to W Klingon?
Did you Moonbat!s watch The View today? Whoopi forgot the 13th Amendment. The only slavery is in her moronic mind to lefty causes.
115 – Oh my! Stupes, I’ve named you so well.
The Times of London is a Murdoch publication. That Fredoso book has been utterly discredited just like the Corsi book. It’s right wing bullshit and lies on steroids!
You link to an opinion piece. Who’s the author? Gerard Baker. A quick google shows he’s quoted by a lot of wingnut bloggers.
The gas between your ears stinks of right wing bullshit.
but the Obama train is derailing and you are going delusional.
LMAO!! Ok let’s say it does go off the rails.
I’m still going to have the last laugh because if McSame is not running for the Chimp’s third term, he’s definitely running for Herbert Hoover’s second term.
The economy is tanking thanks to the failed chimp policies.
If McSame croaks due to the pressure, Moose-baggin’ momma will be even worse! Hands-down she will exceed even the Chimp as the WORST President this country can ever have.
I didn’t think it could be possible.
120 – Nice Stupes! Hillary’s hatchet man and a union buster to boot.
Like (Penn) attracts like (Stupes).
Miserable failure loves company.
He doesn’t hate American Children, He is a maverick who made one hell of a choice in Palin and you Lib Folks are not going to tax the F out of us……….
Do however go ahead and continue to donate all of your income to the feds if you wish, and we will hand it out as we wish.
Please send in all you make to
Rush Limbaugh
Care of
Thank you for your caring donations
Roger Rabbit said:
“A voter has to be pretty damned stupid to trust a Republican with his wallet.”
And a voter would have to be pretty damn stupid to trust a Democrat with his/her wallet. Democrats are just as evil and mean-spirited as Republicans.
By morons on the left?
More coming
First yelling loser boy you attacked the Corsi book. I let it pass as ravings of HAs clueless irrational idiot.
The first attack by the Obama “messiah” followers was “Brought to you by Bush/Cheney Attack Machine.” Do you have any memory in that dense as spent uranium mind? Corsi called for the impeachment of GWB. Isn’t that your position yelling loser boy? You were all over that bandwagon last year and earlier this year. What a moron you are. You can see it on YouTube idiot. Google it and watch the YouTude. Wait a minute… Google owns YouTube… so there is no way you can’t watch it right yelling loser boy?
Next, James Corsi is a 9/11 Truther! How many HA psychopaths swallowed that line placed here by headless lucy and others hook, line, and sinker?
Next yelling loser boy Corsi called Obama the “messiah” (Oprah – The One, Tennessee Congressman and Susan Sarandon – Obama is community organizer just like Jesus) a plagiarizer. Do you remember Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick? How about some of those speech words lifted from a Patrick speech last February 2008?
Maybe that’s why he chose Biden. Biden lifted McKinnock in the late 80s. So he felt at home.
Next you have General Merrill McPeak, an Obama “mesiah” advisor. Merill McPeak is on record as having big time anti-Israel views.
I read Jake Tapper’s comments on Corsi’s book. “Much of what Corsi writes in his book is demonstrably false, irresponsible, and feverishly conjured. The book is indefensible”. – Jake Tapper. Unfortunately for Jake Tapper he makes his assertions without any substantiation.
But you went to the white sticky kool-aid well as you always do reading the garbage you are so well known to place here on HA as their clueless irrational idiot. Tapper’s claims are his generalizations. Once you dig into Corsi’s footnotes you can view where Corsi got his commentary.
Next we have William Ayers. Well when the University released the Obama papers we saw Bill and Barack go back a long ways. This is one of those big coverups you claim Republicans do. Well why is Obama so strident in his Ayers attacks? Cuz it shows how much of a radical he is.
And the kicker yelling loser boy is David Axelrod admitted he gave Patrick’s stuff to Obama. But yelling loser boy you also forget David Axelrod plagerized Spike Lee’s Malcolm X movie. Look it up moron!
So when it was said “Obama doesn’t celebrate Christmas and Birthdays” was a lie yelling loser boy?
Why does Obama hate his own children?
And if you remember yelling loser boy in a Feb 2008 speech Obama said: “As president, I will restore that leadership by working to advance the common prosperity and security of all of the people of the Americas. That work must begin with a renewed strategic partnership with Mexico.”
“Starting my first year in office, I will convene annual meetings with [Mexico’s President] Mr. Calderon and the prime minister of Canada. Unlike similar summits under President Bush, these will be conducted with a level of transparency that represents the close ties among our three countries. We will seek the active and open involvement of citizens, labor, the private sector and non-governmental organizations in setting the agenda and making progress.”
Barack Obama wrote an op-ed piece for the Dallas Morning News (leftist fishrag) where Barack openly endorsemd the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), AKA North American Union (NAU).
This is same reason why Cosi wants to impeach Bush. NAU! Yet Obama wants to do the same thing yelling loser boy.
Get my drift you are in a row boat without oars when you drink your favorite kool-aid? No. Well of course not you are HAs clueless irrational idiot.
waaaa haaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaa.
LMAO at your left-wing lunacy.
Remember Obama supports Enron. What you say? Obama is a big Cap and Trade supporter, just like Enron.
BTW yelling loser boy ever heard of Frank Marshall Davis? But he only calls him Frank in his Dreams from My Father,book. Was he embarassed?
Well turning to lefty Wikipedia – they locked down the Frank Marshall Davis link. I guess someone was trying to edit out Obama’s associations.
This is too funny yelling loser boy.
And you claim Corsi’s book is discredited?
Sometimes you just have to wait until HAs clueless irrational idiot goes past the left field fence to drop the nuclear weaponry on his sorry ASS!
Next yelling loser boy we have Ayers and Doorn.
Again from your favorite site Wikipedia:”The Weathermen were initially part of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) within the SDS, splitting from the RYM’s Maoists by claiming there was no time to build a vanguard party and that revolutionary war against the United States government and the capitalist system should begin immediately. Their founding document called for the establishment of a “white fighting force” to be allied with the “Black Liberation Movement” and other “anti-colonial” movements[2] to achieve “the destruction of US imperialism and achieve a classless world: world communism.”[3]”.
More ‘discredited’ info from Corsi’s book.
What a moron yelling loser boy is.
The Obamanation wrote about Corsi -“he called the Pope “senile”, and regularly demeans public servants in vile sexual and racial terms.”
Isn’t that what you and you HA compatriots do every day yelling loser boy?
Maybe this is the best line to describe Obama as it was once used on Al Gore too.
“A demagogue tries to sound as stupid as his audience so that they will think they are as clever as he is.” – Karl Krauss.
Enough on the Corsi book. Covered the major points very well using leftist media, something yelling loser boy can’t do without visiting his kool-aid sites.
I’ll deal with your anti-Fredoso book later, when you make another irrational clueless rant.
Believe me you’ll regret that rant too.
We get a real stream of right wing bullshit this morning.
So Stupes tries to rehab Corsi, an admitted bigot, right wing kook and freeper. A fool so idiotic that his swift boat co-author had to distance himself from the dope. But the guy sure does does hate Hillary – that must make him OK in Stupes’ book.
And then there’s the guilt by association with Ayers, Dorn, Enron, etc. I could cite till I’m blue in the face that there’s NOTHING, NOTHING in Obamas public record that shows support for any radical ideology. I could cite that Obama has no compunction about moving to the CENTER like Bill Clinton or any other DLC-style Dem but it just bounces off Stupes’ empty rubber skull.
That Enron thing has to be silliest.
Nothing but a stream of right wing bullshit and fallacious arguments.
Believe me you’ll regret that rant too.
HA HA HA HA!!! Stupes you’re such a freaking kook!
I’ll never ever regret denouncing right wing bullshit and right wing toolbags like you and your beloved Corsi and Freddoso.
yelling loser boy, I don’t have to rehab anyone. You are sooooooo blinded by facts you need to drift like driftwood in a hurricane (no aim or purpose just riding the moving wave).
You stated his book was discredited. I proved the major thrusts in his book correct. Can you handle the truth? Nope you dope!
You can’t personally disprove any of the facts placed here so you plagiarize Kurse, The Panty Man, and Stinky Progressives and try to make it your words.
Still HAs clueless irrational idiot and proving it again today.
LMAO Today
He can’t allow the American people to know his real wacked out ideas. Notice Michelle has been muzzled lately? Since she went on The View she’s been muzzled.
Contrast Cindy McCain. She builds drift race cars. She is a humanitarian, helping out the poor and downtrodden. She visits those countries with her own money helping them. Michelle hated America until her husband was winning. What type of ideology is that yelling loser boy?
LMAO at your left-wing silliness.
Remember Cap and Trade yelling loser boy. Obama said he’s for it.
Guilt by association? Not necessary yelling loser boy. I used Obama’s words from left-wing sites. Try doing the same in reverse yelling loser boy!
Guilt by association is your love of John Deadwards. Did he plagiarize anyone?
re 121: You watch ‘The View’? I’d watch it too, if the cameras would dip a little lower.
Stupes you are a treat this morning defending right wing crap.
You CAN’T cite anything out-of-the-mainstream in Obama’s public record so you claim there’s a conspiracy to keep it hushed up. I’m blinded by the light from your tin foil hat.
So you compound your failure by pointing the finger at Michelle? You lose again moron!
Cindy McCain is a former drug addict who wrote out painkillers using the names of her subordinates putting them at risk of taking the fall for her. She’s a very lonely person trapped in a marriage of convenience who fills her empty life with conspicuous consumption. She’s doesn’t impress me at all. I feel sorry for her.
Michelle Obama is a self-made woman from middle class like the rest of us – she wasn’t born to wealth like the beer heiress so obviously Michelle doesn’t impress you cuz..
we all know you worship money Stupes.
Parting shot:
LMAO!! Could one Matalin’s friends be that self-important blowhard Charles Krauthammer?
Something I found interesting about that exchange…
Being true to her democrat roots, barbara said to whoopie & sherri, “us white folks will take care of you.”
I feel blacks can take care of themselves.
Does barbara know something I don’t?
Got a link? And I mean a link to something other than some left-wingnut site.
Unlike the corsi crap book, isn’t it true that fredoso provides footnotes all over the place to prove his points?
And I mean a link to something other than some left-wingnut site.
This coming from the idiot who called Corsi a “left-wing nut”.
I’m not wasting my time.
Marvin: Corsi provides many footnotes. While he got some things out of date, the major thrust of the Obama activities are born out especially in the release of the university papers. .
That’s how one can see the Ayers/Doorn connection. Frank I Supported Communism Marshall Davis, etc. If you notice no one on the left talks much about his meetings as the Ayers connection goes way back
Marvin yelling loser boy has no real link for the Fredoso link except a mystical URL from a left-wing site.
The right wing trolls are out in force this morning using the new McCain/Palin dictum. Lie early and lie often. The bigger the lie the better.
Republicans waste more money than democrats, cause bigger budget deficits and McCain will give less of a tax cut than Obama for over 80% of Americans. McCain only helps the rich and his health care plan will end up costing even more to most Americans. Additionally, McCain does NOTHING for high tuition costs and Obama will give a much bigger tax deduction for tuition.
The bottom line is McCain/Palin will continue the policies of Bush – corruption, lying, huge budget deficits, tax cuts only for the very rich and slanting everything for the lobbyists who control McCain’s campaign.
Poor Palin is now totally dicredited. She has no knowledge beyond an inch deep and repeates her prepared answers over and over as if they were new to her. She doesn’t even know enough to ask what she doesn’t know. She is totally unprepared to be president.
Here are my favorite analysis of the Palin interviews:
This was from The National Review on-line. If the conservatives are actually honest about her and write this – she is truly an embarassment.
Myu favorite moment in the last interview (and there were many) was when gibson asked about the serial lying on the BTN (Bridge to Nowhere) and she admitted she supported it – but refused to acknowledge her lie or apologize for it. She and McCain have been lying about it continually since her acceptance speech.She supported the bridge even AFTER congress withdrew the support in 2005. She ran for governor ands supported the bridge in 2006.
What makes this even more sad is that right out of the gate she felt she needed to lie about her experience and her record. It turns out she actually raised taxes and increased the budget in Alaska on the backs of oil consumers. They even lied about her going to the battle front in Iraq – she only went to the border. the McCain/Palin campaign have NO credibility – they lie about Obama on taxes, they lie about the reform and they claim Obama is elitist. If being honest is being elitist – then count me as elitist. How can they look themselves in the eye and claim to be religious and lie repeatedly?
Oh my we’ve get two right wing idiots in this thread who insinuate Corsi is “left-wing”.
Provides many footnotes!!! Shades of the Coultergeist.. Yeah really credible.
This guilt by association crap is so loony. Next these morons are going to say Ronnie Raygun was a lefty because he met with Dobrynin without pre-conditions.
Corsi – hahahahah – no credibility at all. You trolls are so funny – can’t answer the basic questions and rely on ridiculous “sources”.
Republicans are corrupt and lie – that is why I will no longer associate with them. Karl rove and his protges are running the McCain campaign and the maverick is now the liar.
Corsi wrote the factually vacant swift boat book – ’nuff said. He has zero credibility and anyone who cites him has even less.
Here is the link to the McCain lobbyist controlled campaign:
That’s not change we can beleive in, snicker, snicker (pretend puke green screen is behind a evil forced-smiling McCain).
Poor Puddy: Now he is trying to cite Corsi – are real nutcake, 9/11 truther, racist and anti-semite who uses footnotes but no real sourcing.
Check out this long analysis of the credibility of Corsi:
Deformed Donkey. Not anything of the such. That is a figment of your wild imagination. I stand by what I wrote above. Corsi made claims on the topics I entered from the impeachment to Ayers/Doorn.
Nothing can refute those facts, especially when I used leftist wikipedia to prove them. And Deformed Donkey your cut and paste of a leftist pinhead site doesn’t refute anything I entered. Try again.
waaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa
Notice the lack of leftwing evidence on Fredoso.
159 – Plenty of it. The book is total joke. But why present it if you’re only going sniff at it?
Just go whack off to your extensive library of Regnery crap.
158 – You haven’t pointed to anything in Obama’s public record that proves he believes in out-of-the-mainstream ideas. You believe in right wing McCarthyite fairy tales. If the evidence existed, McSame would have used it by now. Instead he’s lying about Barack wanting to teach 5 year olds about sex – an ugly lie – but exactly the kind of Rovian bullshit people like you live to believe in.
157 – Nice find! Even right wing nuts can’t stand Corsi.
But our resident self-appointed king of right wing bullshit thinks Corsi has his good attributes. Ahhhh. How compassionate!
yelling loser boy. You said the book was debunked. I proved many of corsi’s fact are true. You can deformed donkey can’t swallow that yet you swallow other stuff every day
Sucks to be obama and be FORCED to question the patriotism of others.
Or are we entering the time period when democrat candidates flip-flop? (hint- the time period when the campaign is crashing and burning)
June 30 – up 5 gallup poll
‘I Will Never Question the Patriotism of Others’
Sept 12 down 4 gallup poll
Obama Implies McCain Puts Other Countries First
I’m sure the swiftboaters are something that is “seared” into your memory.
Maybe you can throw your republican registration card over the fence in protest.
It was just a rhetorical question.
I already knew you couldn’t find a credible (non left-wingnut) source.
Most likely if you have kids you never talked to them about avoiding molesters (bibigoober, headless lucy, etc.), which is why you think it’s important for a government employee to do for your kid what you didn’t want to.
I know to people like you it’s hard to believe, but some people can actually do their jobs as parents. Of course, they are called republicans.
Those who can do, those that can’t need the government to do for them.
I know to people like you it’s hard to believe, but some people can actually do their jobs as parents. Of course, they are called republicans.
Like the McSame ad, that’s a lie. Fuck you.
Almost forgot. These guys are Republicans too.
#168, broken record or scratched CD – same result:
Replay of the same useless yelling loser shit on a different thread. And you resort to your fifth grade child act.
Notice yelling loser boy has not refuted anything I posted above. To a libtard like yelling loser boy, if you find one thing wrong in a book it’s discredited.
News flash yelling loser boy, most history books have incorrect information. Therefor by your irrational thought processes, they have to be discredited.
Of course you can read the crap of Salon:
I guess Donkey can understand a Dominatrix. Gloria Steinem has had y’all by the testicle lock box for years!
Looks like feminism is a sham, because it only has meaning if you are a Donkey.
“A spokeswoman for the National Organization for Women (NOW), noting Palin’s opposition to abortion rights and support of other parts of the social conservative agenda, told Politico, “She’s more a conservative man than she is a woman on women’s issues. Very disappointing.””
“Her greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman.”
Amazing. This ugly woman forgets Daily Kurse made Sarah Palin have to admit Bristol is pregnant. But of course this is lost on this “feminist”.
So you can’t work and be a mom too. It only works for Donkey women.
What’s so intriguing is the women vote swing. Obama had women +8 now McCain has them +12.
I wonder if McCain will relate to women in a commercial that Obama under pays them while McCain over pays them vs. men.
Oprah and Obama 5 letter names that go great together.
At least she admits it:
Notice yelling loser boy has not refuted anything I posted above
The “above” was replete with non-sequiturs, red-herrings and the like. Didn’t prove a damn thing.. Just more name-calling and other noise. Not worth the time of day.
So you’re not impressed with the Republican Sex Offenders site. Fine.
I’ll bring it a little bit more in your living room. Your asshole buddy Stamn seems to think that Republicans really know how to parent:
What was that you were saying about ACLU and NAMBLA?
Gloria Steinem has had y’all by the testicle lock box for years!
LMAO!!! There’s Stupes again with his radical feminist paranoia and second-hand taunts cribbed from Limpblows!
Such a wretched, pathetic joke of a mind you have.
You’ve posted it so many times you have lessened the impact. Like crying wolf.
Do you have anything else besides that or are you a one trick pony?
Tell you how you feel about obama and rezko. Or obama and the weather underground guy. Does the fact that obama is against what biden’s son is (lobbyist) make you wonder why he picked the father of a lobbyist.
Ah, never mind. Just keep posting that sex link, it’s more your speed.
@177 – Another hypocrite – how many times has this idiot Stamm asked about the same things – Rezko and Ayers. Is there any REAL evidenmce of ANY wrongdoing? NO – absolutely non – but Stamm keeps bringing it up. Repetition of lies is a standard Goering technique – now adapted by republicans everywhere from Palin to McCain to the idiot trolls. Saying a lie over and over does not make it true – despite how much the wingnuts want it to be. has the goods on the lying republicans. Palin has lost all credibility and so has McCain – watch for the lies to catch up to themn in the next few weeks – and the election will slowly turn to Obama. Even the evagelicals will abandon politicians that are serial liars.
If they lie this much and this often, how will they tell the truth if they actually govern?
Ah, never mind. Just keep posting that sex link, it’s more your speed.
I’m not one to take orders from shithead trolls but in this case. Sure..
After all, you said they make the best parents.