WTF? I swear I was just going to ignore the guy, but really.
When Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal delivered the official Republican response to President Obama’s speech last night, he blasted elements of the economic stimulus package as “wasteful spending”– among them, “$140 million for something called ‘volcano monitoring.’”
“Instead of monitoring volcanoes, what Congress should be monitoring is the eruption of spending in Washington, D.C.,” Jindal said.
What was that all about? Well, Congress authorized some of that $140 million to be spent on volcano monitoring, but not all of it, ProPublica notes in a blow-by-blow of the economic recovery package. That line, ProPublica says, is directed to “U.S. Geological Survey facilities and equipment, including stream gages, seismic and volcano monitoring systems and national map activities.”
Just another Republican idiot. You don’t hear Democrats calling NOAA “wasteful spending.” See, here’s the thing–Louisiana is full of our fellow American citizens, and I’m happy the federal government funds research and prediction efforts regarding tropical storms and hurricanes. It’s a necessary and rational function of the government, just like having the USGS monitor volcanoes.
Good lord. Guess Jindal never heard of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, some 45 miles or so as the crow flies from my location. It was in the news and everything at the time.
UPDATE 11:15 PM PST– Now Vancouver Mayor Royce Pollard, a retired military officer and no shrinking violet, has weighed in (via CNN. com:)
“Does the governor have a volcano in his backyard?” Royce Pollard, the mayor of Vancouver, Washington, said on Wednesday. “We have one that’s very active, and it still rumbles and spits and coughs very frequently.”
Pollard, a former Army officer who has served as Vancouver’s mayor for 14 years, said USGS equipment used to keep tabs on volcanoes is frequently damaged or destroyed. He said he wasn’t sure how many jobs the money could produce, but, “For us and the people who live closer to it than Vancouver, it’s important.”
“We lost lives the last time, and we could lose them again,” he said.
Of course, he was only eight years old at the time. Considering the tired, old, failed rhetoric he was spouting last night, you don’t really expect Jindal to be a student of history, do you?
Jindal was 9 years old when Mount St Helens blew her stack so I doubt he was paying attention.
The monitoring comment he threw out was just a sound bite he practiced in front of the mirror, he has no knowledge of anything important.
Like we have no monitoring deices on any of our Volcanoes. If obama wants to be useful he should stand on St.Helens and warn us if it’s going to blow better use of his time than what he’s not doing now.
Of course, Republican propaganda would be less effective if they stuck to the truth, wouldn’t it?
John, you’re a fucking idiot. What does monitoring a volcano have to do with STIMULATING THE ECONOMY? We are in a fucking crisis. Now is not the time to spend $500 million dollars on studying homosexual behavior in sea turtles, or monitoring volcanoes. That shit does have its place, but it has nothing to do with trying to stimulate the economy.
Fucking moron.
And heaven forbid that any Republican tax-cutter would ever actually examine a spending request to determine what it pays for and what the public benefit from it is. Let’s see, how many hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians live in the path of potential mudslides and lahar flows from Mt. Rainier? Jindal might as well have been ranting against air traffic control radar or runway lights. This is a classic example of a fool taking something he knows nothing about and trying to turn it into a sound bite. But that’s what we’ve come to expect from the facts-don’t-matter, anti-logic, seat-of-the-pants Republican Party. And the results of their way of non-thinking speak for themselves — just look at the smoking wreckage of our foreign policy, military efforts, and economy all around you.
Kids love volcanoes like dinosaurs. But I guess as they grow up to be right wing idiots that childhood fascination is quickly lost.
Jindal really sunk himself with that silliness of a rebuttal. Even the right wing is crapping their pants over it.
@5 An eruption that buries 200,000 homes and kills 50,000 people would have a de-stimulating effect on the local economy.
Do us all a favor Johnny boy: Why don’t you stand near the edge, and by all means, be sure and let us know when she’s gonna blow. Douche-bag ignoramous. :)
@5 (continued) Who’s spending $500 million dollars on studying homosexual behavior in sea turtles? Where do you get this from? You’re the fucking idiot here. You’re exactly who I mean when I talk about facts-don’t-matter Republicans.
If Congress appropriated $500 million for the National Academy of Sciences and NAS gave a scientist a $500 grant to study homosexual behavior in sea turtles the wingnuts would claim the Democrat-controlled Congress spent $500 million to study homosexuality in sea turtles. That’s how wingnut liars operate.
I’m sure Sarah Palin might have something to say to Jindal about volcano monitoring.
I am VERY sure the crew of the 747 that had all 4 engine flame out after flying through an ash cloud from Mt Redoubt (in Alaska) might have something to say about volcano monitoring.
Of course, Republicans don’t want anyone to know that homosexual behavior occurs in the animal kingdom in many species because that debunks their assertion that homosexuality is immoral behavior.
After all, how can you credibly argue that homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God, given the fact that God created homosexual creatures?
That’s why GOPers don’t want anyone to know about homosexual sea turtles.
Is this another crisis ?
Very good point about the 747. From what I understand the many of flights leaving Portland Oregon can end up near St. Helen’s as part of their flight path. So having an early warning system is critical to redirecting flights or managing air traffic in the event of an unexpected ash plume. And once in flight with many other planes in the air it is hard to “turn around” so early warning is important.
Didn’t one of the current or former GOP senators go off one time about people marrying box turtles or something?
@16 Was he talking about his mother?
Are you saying homos are better at monitoring volcanoes than obama?
Roger Rabbit @ 8
An eruption that buries 200,000 homes and kills 50,000 people would have a de-stimulating effect on the local economy.
Not necessarily. Let’s say 50,000 people are killed. Let’s say the average house has 2.5 people living in it. You have 200,000 homes destroyed, but 20,000 don’t need to be rebuilt because of the folks being killed. This creates a demand for 180,000 new homes to be built.
On the other hand, volcano monitoring would increase the stimulus effect. Regardless of how good your monitoring is, the 200,000 homes will still be destroyed. But let’s say volcano monitoring cuts the death toll by 90%, and only 5,000 people are killed. This is only 2,000 homes that don’t need to be replaced, and you build 198,000 replacement homes, instead of only 180,000.
Bottom line — volcano monitoring can stimulate the economy by providing for 18,000 additional housing starts in the event that Mount Rainier has a major eruption.
Why do Republicans hate their mothers?
(See? I can play these leaps-of-logic games, too! That’s because I was trained by Republicans in the art of propaganda and still behave like a Republican even though I’ve been a Democrat for a long time.)
@19 Richard, your analysis is okay as far as it goes, I mean the logic of it, but it’s incomplete. You didn’t consider the effect on the economy of (a) the loss of 50,000 consumers and (b) 200,000 ex-homeowners walking away from their mortgages.
@18 No, I’m saying anybody is better at monitoring volcanoes than Republicans. A kid could do it better than Bobby Jindal.
P.S., anytime a wingnut starts flinging around the word “Truth” — watch out!!!
re 3: I hope Jindal has no presidential aspirations, as some say he was born in a slum in Mumbai.
And he refuses to release his birth records. If you want Johnny Quest and Rance running the country, then keep voting for Jindal!!
5 T
You’re dead wrong. Spending is stimulus. Seriously, that’s the whole point.
*sigh* Gotta fucking explain everything to you dunderheads. You see, this country’s econmy is denpendent on consumer spending, which was a whopping 72% of GDP in mid-2008. RIght now, banks are failing, creadit has dried up, and with it consumer confidence. If consumers aren’t spending, how will the economy be stimulated? BY SOME OTHER ENTITY DRIVING SPENDING. So the government steps in, and right now it’s going to spend, spend, spend to make up for the huge hole in aggregate demand caused by the consumer spending slowdown.
Some spending is better than others. But all spending is stimulative.
Jindal’s parents were Punjabi.
16 CS
Rick Santorum, I believe. Rightfully defeated in his re-election bid.
Now as for Volcano Monitoring, if it were not for Mt. St. Helens being set aside(as it should have been) as a monument, I would have gone for research into tapping it’s Geothermal power potential, that would provide jobs, and even provide an alternative to Hydropower if it is true and we will be seeing less snowpacks in the future. Grand Coulee has storage reservoirs upriver to draw on, others do not. Hanford only produces 1200MW(WPPSS’s 1 plant that went on line), and the total amount of Windpower in the Pacific Northwest, public or private has not reached that much. Now maybe these plants do not have to exactly be near the mountain, that is why I would like to see Geothermal Power researched more up here.
As for monitoring the volcano, I hope they have better equipment than they had in 1980, or the people from the USGS will be hearing the same last words that the guy Johnston Ridge Observatory uttered before he was vaporized by the volcano. “Vancouver, Vancouver, this is it”. The best monitors that made it out that day were journalists. KOMO and KIRO had better coverage than some of the Portland stations. KOMO had a reporter on Mt. St. Helens who made it out, with his camera intact, and KIRO was in the air with Chopper 7.
To the point: how is volcano babysitting suppose to help stimulate the economy? Is there a plan to employ vast armies of observers?
To the point: how is volcano babysitting suppose to help stimulate the economy? Is there a plan to employ vast armies of observers?
re 29: How does building an imaginary ‘missile shield’ help the economy?
re 25: We’ll never really know. He refuses to release his birth records. Maybe they don’t keep them in Mumbai.
I hadn’t thought of this, but don’t y’all suppose that Democrats have at least an even chance of picking up that 60th Senate seat in 2010? Sweet!
Have you heard the new novelty record, ‘Bobbie the Magic Dravidian’? It’s not meant to be racist!! ….Really…………
29 S
It doesn’t take an army. Armies of people will be employed pursuant to the stimulus bill. If they employ one additional person to monitor volcanoes, that is an additional person buying food, paying rent, buying a car, and so on.
Besides the saving of billions of dollars lost when a volcano erupts unexpectedly, I mean. It really can ruin your entire day.
Piyush Jindal was born on June 10, 1971, in Baton Rouge to Hindu parents who had come to the United States six months before so his mother could pursue a graduate degree in nuclear physics at Louisiana State University. His father was an engineer from the Punjab region of India, the only one of nine siblings to attend high school.
Note from after “the speech:”
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Obama talked too much about healthcare and not enough about weakening Social Security. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said something similar. Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) said Republicans will work with the White House if the president is ready to embrace their ideas about Social Security.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. They’re gonna be waiting for a while there, eh?
Paul Krugman agrees with Jon on this.
Troll is 100% correct.
Monitoring Volcanoes has NOTHING to do with creating jobs or stimulating the economy.
Now if Obama could figure out a way to stop volcanoes from blowing…that might be a different story. Perhaps Obama can recruit Algore for that mighty task.
But “monitoring” volcanoes===Stimulus??
Sorry Goldy, that is a stretch that does not reach.
Now one thing that might qualify is a Program to give LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS an ounce of common sense. Seems overwhelmingly, but an ounce is better than the current level of BELOW EMPTY.
I guess you could make the case for ‘monitoring” KLOWN behavior for awhile. Wouldn’t take long to come to conclusion that common sense is lacking.
Hey, I have plenty of common sense.
So does Puddy & troll & Right Stuff and all my other friends who are ALWAYS RIGHT.
Perhaps we could get a charitable deduction from Obama for donating some of our excess Common Sense to you PINHEADS??
Get busy on that one Goldy.
Puddy has enough in his little finger to change your whole pathetic George Castanza-type life.
24. Daddy Love spews:
You truly are a PINHEAD DL. If we take your premise, why is there any limit or qualifications on government spending??
40 Cynical
Wow. Now you’ve really hurt me.
By the way, if you really disagree that mere spending is stimulus, feel free to try to tell us why it is not. Not that I’m holding my breath. You don’t strike me as particularly Krugman-esque (Paul Krugman is a Nobel-Prize-winning economist).
If we take your premise, why is there any limit or qualifications on government spending??
How ’bout a little love for subject-verb agreement, eh, dawg? Anyway, now you’re trying to pull out the old reductio ad absurdum (look it up) on me. Well, it won’t work, because your absurdity does not follow from my premise.
Here’s how it works. And for the sake of this explanation, I am assuming that by “qualification on spending” you mean something like “why would there be any reason NOT to spend as a stimulus?”
Spending is not always a good idea. Spending, whether by the government or by consumers, can be inflationary, for example. But that’s not the case now; in fact our big worry is DEflation caused by the slump in demand.
Additionally, when consumers are spending robustly, there’s no reason to pile on government spending in order to stimulate the economy; the economy is being stimulated very well aready. But that’s not the case now; consumer spending has slowed tremendously, with some of the economic results you can plainly see.
Here’s another reason: the Congress could probably not pass a stimulus bill when the economy is doing very well; responsible legislators of any party would never allow it. But that’s not the case now; and we need stimulus badly.
Any of this sinking in yet?
38 Cyn
Troll is 100% correct.
Monitoring Volcanoes has NOTHING to do with creating jobs or stimulating the economy.
Oh, well, I guess now that you say so we have to believe it.
How about explaining to us how hiring a bunch of people does not stimulate the economy?
@40: I love when cynical calls people clowns or pinheads – when he/she is so out of touch with reality and lacks the basic knowledge of economics – the best a foo like cynical can do is to keep repeating the same aphorisms (that do not apply to the situation) and call people names.
How sad that cynical does not even realize what a pathetic tool/fool he/she is. Thanks for showing us your ignorance, once again.
Here is how it helps the economy:
1. People need to be hired.
2. Equipment needs to bought
3. If there is an actual volcanic eruption (it has happened here before), then we will have more warning and suffer less deaths and less economic hardship.
You could have figured this out for yourself if you had bothered to use the large object resting on your atlas vertebrae.
Republicanism = denial of reality. What would you expect from Trollie the Wannabe and Cyn the Never-was? Then there’s Terrorist Homophobe, the ultimate Undercover Brother…..
Marianne Guffanti from the USGS has been making the rounds in the media today to dispel Jindal’s rhetoric:
Science labs! Why would we subsidize those godless heathens?
GOPers Join Dems In Bashing Jindal’s Speech
We’ve finally got bipartisan cooperation on something:
“NEW YORK – Insane. Childish. Disaster. And those were some of the kinder comments … about Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and his response to President Barack Obama’s speech to Congress on Tuesday night … in both style and substance, Jindal’s speech has drawn flak from Republicans and Democrats alike. …
“David Brooks, a conservative New York Times columnist … called Jindal’s arguments ‘insane’ and tone-deaf given the dire economic challenges the country faces. ‘To come up in this moment in history with a stale, “Government is the problem, you can’t trust the federal government” is just a disaster for the Republican Party,’ Brooks said ….
“Fox News commentator Juan Williams focused on Jindal’s delivery. ‘It came off as amateurish …,’ Williams said, adding that the content of the speech was ‘very simplistic and almost childish.'”
(Quoted under fair use.)
@32 “don’t y’all suppose that Democrats have at least an even chance of picking up that 60th Senate seat in 2010?”
We’ll get a lot more than that in 2010 if Republicans continue voting against unemployment benefits, food stamps, and saving the economy and Rush keeps saying he hopes Obama fails.
From what I read of Jindal’s response it sounded like he thinks roads, bridges, schools and health insurance are things we don’t need.
Keep up the good work Bobby!
Republicans; the No New Ideas party.
Democrats: the Party of Idiots.
@ 52 oooooh, SNAP! Michael H, you sure showed us! What a quick comeback!
What a complete waste of pixels.
Michael H probably practiced that post in the mirror. Wanted to get the nuance juuuust right!
You are a wonder kid, Michael H… you are headed to the big time in wingnut commentary!
You have to be an idiot to think that volcano watching is a waste of money.
We watch the weather in order to protect population centers in the event of horrible storms. We watch, and fight, wildfires to protect population centers from destruction.
It’s not an unreasonable or wastful thing to spend money on an early warning system for a volcanic eruption that might save lives, time, and money.So we watch volcanos, some scientists and engineers get jobs, some equipment gets purchased, that in turn stimulates the economy a little. What’s the problem? You hillbilly, bible thumping, conservative morons seem to think that if it’s not a device for killing (like a bomb), than it’s not worth buying. Go to hell.
Pelletizer@48 using David Brooks and Juan Williams to make his point against Bobby Jindal is like having bybygoober teaching racial and social etiquette and charles manson teaching non-violence. Just doesn’t happen.
Where did Puddy get the charles manson quip? Eleanor Clift said this: “Newt Gingrich teaching manners is like Charles Manson teaching non-violence.” — November 18, 1995 McLaughlin Group. Puddy remembers. I used poetic license and substituted your HA hero stillbentover…
David and Juan are avowed lefties Pelletizer.
Puddy will rate your attempt as a “Good Try”. Your crap will pass the average Don Joe’s muster but is easily caught by Puddy.
Jindal asked in his speech:
“To strengthen our economy, we need urgent action to keep energy prices down. All of us remember what it felt like to pay $4 at the pump — and unless we act now, those prices will return. To stop that from happening, we need to increase conservation, increase energy efficiency, increase the use of alternative and renewable fuels, increase our use of nuclear power and increase drilling for oil and gas here at home. ”
So why is the Democratic Congress against creating more jobs?
Oh I get it…capitalist ideas full of interesting pleas will gently fall to the ground in front of deaf socialist ears. Those aren’t the jobs Democratics want to create and enhance. Government based jobs are the growth the Democratics are focused on for their political health and economic growth can take a back seat. But then again there is a fossil in the VP slot, one in the head House Banking Committee Slot, one in the head Senate Banking Committee slot and one in the head House Ways and Means committee slot. Oh… I forgot, there is one as Speaker of the House and one as Senate Majority Leader.
Now Puddy knows why Democratics are against fossil fuels. They see each other every day at work…
Now if the price of oil rises, you’ll have the same standard HA loonies blaming the oil companies again. Y’all know who you are.
So why aren’t the Goldy NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat!s calling for more northwest based great paying jobs?
It’s your Democratics who sit in lordly judgment over BIG Oil. And what do the Democratics do? use their pathological hatred of the “RICH” to condemn profits, salaries and perks. Now some perks are over the top. But these same Democratics will sit at the head of those same congressional committees to demand in the future, why those same companies did not do more to assure energy independence. What loons Democratics are…
Dr Not Right said this:
Bobby Jondal said this:
Dr Not Right, as I said earlier, you can’t process the simple arguments.
Somebody’s not telling the truth here…
“Harry Lee endorses Jindal in governor’s race”
“Gretna Police Chief Arthur Lawson and Plaquemines Parish Sheriff Jiff Hingle joined Lee in praising Jindal about his hands-on response after the storm to get the departments some much needed supplies.”
Dr NotRight:
Here is the Transcript used by Daily Kooks and their kook-aid carrier Dr NotRight to try and perpetrate their lie about Jindal…
SHERIFF HARRY LEE, JEFFERSON PARISH: I think they’re doing better now we have a little (UNINTELLIGIBLE)– there may have been a misunderstanding. I was at a Wal-Mart store last Wednesday, they told me they’d try to open by Thursday and then Friday I found out, which may or may not be true now, that FEMA said they couldn’t open. And I waited around and waited around until finally Saturday, what I did was I commandeered all of the Wal-Mart stores and told them to open just as soon as they could and if anybody had a problem just tell them you’re doing it under my order and if we had a problem with FEMA, FEMA and I could work out our differences latter. But, we’re actually getting out fixing stuff and going and getting our people back in town because we believe that New Orleans is just so devastated that Jefferson Parish, where I am, it could be the jumping off place rebuilding the city of New Orleans.
KING: What’s the status of Jefferson Parish right now?
LEE: We have been very fortunate. At the last hour, the storm took a turn that went 20 miles east of us and that’s why eastern part of New Orleans got of the water and the physical destruction was on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. But if that storm would have come the way they predicted it come, we would probably still be underwater right now. So, we’re very fortunate. I understand that as of 7:00 last night, our coroner processed 150 bodies and only 20 of them were storm related deaths. Including the 20 storm related, five of them that I know of died from carbon monoxide poisoning for running a generator inside the house. We have been very fortunate, here in Jefferson Parish, and we will probably be ready to bring our residents home by the end of the week. And like I said, we will be the jumping off point for the rebuilding of New Orleans.
KING: How’s Operation Jumpstart. I know it was a plan from parish president, Aaron Broussard to get businesses up and running. How’s that going?
LEE: That’s a — they started to come back today and tomorrow and we’re urging all the businesses to come back, get started and get their stock, get their stores clean, get their window repaired, get their shelves stocked, so when the people come back home we’ll be ready to get going again.
I’m — I was very critical about some of the things that FEMA did early on in the recovery operation and, but now’s not the time to talk about that. Maybe six months from now, a year from now. I’ll make known my beefs with FEMA and, in fact, I went ’round and ’round with the doctor yesterday, and I had to go back an apologize because I have a habit of using crude language when I get angry, so I have to realize that maybe the guy wasn’t wrong. I went back and apologized for my language and then re-blew up again when he told me, he said, “You know we have our rules and regulations.” Well, you know, rules and regulations is what got things all screwed up around here.
KING: You’re not getting it.
LEE: I fully believe that when then matter is looked into, we tried to get some boats in the water early on. When I realized that we had a problem, I was the one that made the call in WWO (UNINTELLIGIBLE) radio if there was anybody with a boat to come to a place so that we can get the boats in the water because I was around when — the other big hurricanes, and most of the rescue done early on were individual fisherman, recreational fisherman that had boats that went in the water. Those boats where not allowed to get into the water when they were needed and I just found out about seven days later one of the reason boats couldn’t get in was they didn’t have enough life preservers and some of them didn’t have proof of insurance. And I’m sure that there’s a FEMA regulation that says that. But when a storm of this magnitude hits, you through those regulations out the window and you do what you have to do and start saving lives.
Wow Dr NotRight. That’s the only difference you can find?
re 60: So, what’s your point?
“David and Juan are avowed lefties”
I see Puddy confirms that David Brooks has now been thrown under the Republican bus. That’s what happens when you don’t march lockstep with the leader of the Republican party, Rush Limbaugh. Who will they dispose of next?
Oh, it looks like we’ll have another Republican tossed under the bus soon. South Carolina’s Governor Mark Sanford speaking of President Obama:
“I don’t want him to fail. Anybody who wants him to fail is an idiot, because it means we’re all in trouble.”
Hmm, he just called Rush an idiot. He must be an avowed lefty too.
Yep, that’s our Stupesy for sure!
Of course Jindal’s speech was like that. Look at the people he’s trying to convince with that twaddle:
Overgrown toddlers like Stupes.
To the fools of sheep, Not Rush or anyone else wants obama to fail. It’s his socialist/comm policy’s we don’t like or want. Now you sheep will spin this out of the truth like you always do.
I heard what Rush said you didn’t. You should get your facts correct before accusing people.
When Mt St. Helens went off, the 70’s-80’s technology monitoring equipment on it saved many many lives. Everyone with common sense cleared out. Those who WERE killed either ignored the warnings or took chances that proved fatal.
Any job created is a stimulus! Why not hire people to make monitoring equipment and install it?
Jindal is an idiot, and we’re amused that he’s the best the Repubs can offer!
Steve, glad you only read part of the Sanford quote… here it fully is.
“I don’t want him to fail. Anybody who wants him to fail is an idiot, because it means we’re all in trouble. But I do think, in that same vein, if you’ve looked at the pages of history, if you’ve looked at the pages of economic data that I’ve looked at over a long period of time — I’ve got a masters in business from the University of Virginia, I’ve worked up in New York in finance — if you’ve looked at that kind of stuff and you legitimately think that something ain’t going to work, you’d be cheating him and cheating yourself if you didn’t lay it out and call an ace an ace in terms of where you’re coming from.”
Interesting admission Steve. Too bad you hang out on whack job web sites? Did you get this from HuffPo the same site that had to retract the John Gibson fake video?
The truth@66, I don’t have to hear per se what Rush says per se. I read his transcripts and post his words not the spin from the kook sites read by Goldy and his pets.
leadless douchy@60, the point is self-evident. Your brain not working 24×7 again?
Steve, David Brooks went Democratic a while ago. Juan Williams openly supported Gore, Kerry and Obama.
The evidence is showing more and more you are back on the Stupid Solution.
Nuff SAID Sucka.
Have you noticed how these LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS have convinced themselves that ANY job created is a Stimulus??
When you look at the definition of stimulus, it makes you question if stimulus is really the right tact:
stimulus [stim-myew-luss, -lie]
It could be something short-term like a volcano watcher or even paying these KLOWNS to lick each others butts (which they gladly do for free!).
I would expect stimulus to have long-term, investment implications.
All you KLOWNS want is FREE MONEY and more National Debt. Idiots.
@71 “Juan Williams openly supported Gore, Kerry and Obama.
The evidence is showing more and more you are back on the Stupid Solution.”
Evidence? I didn’t mention Juan Williams. Obviously, Sherlock Holmes you are not. More the bumbling, clueless, though well meaning Dr. Watson.
David Brooks is no Democrat. Well, not yet anyway. And the Democratic tent is certainly big enough to fit in more than a few disenchanted Republicans. Alas, the Republican tent seems to grow emptier with each passing day. You might want to do something about that before the next election. Heh, knowing you guys, you’ll just get yourself a smaller tent.
Republicans, the party of theocrats. Can’t wait until the Dems get to 70% of the Congress and Obama gets 500 EV in 2012. That will be so enjoyable! Continue the bashing!
@74 The Republicans are trying their very, very best to accomadate the Democrats in their quest to increase their present majority.
Steve@73, you copied what I wrote in post #62. I answered you. I was being nice as I was continuing the conversation with you… I see dealing with your social Darwinism is tough. You are not one of the fittest. David Brooks was a liberal until the early 80s (his words) and lately he’s going back to his roots.
Sucks to be you.
Steve, Here are David Brooks own words:
“Here are a few things that happened Tuesday night. First, it was a good night for the Democrats and a bad night for the Republicans. The Democratic debate has been a love fest.
Meanwhile, the Republican prospects in the fall just got even dimmer.
This week, Rush and his radio mimics have been on the rampage on the party’s modernizers, from Newt Gingrich on over.”
You’d only read that from a lefty leaning person.
David Brooks really does sound realistic and rational in your quote. Some might go as far as to say that he sounds quite “sane”. Perhaps I shouldn’t disagree with you on this one, Puddy, as only a lefty leaning person would say something this realistic, rational and sane.
I have been told that the bill was to help create millions of jobs. So, how many jobs will this allocation for volcanos create?
Just remember we all are going to be paying for this, not just the rich. Too bad my mayor can’t figure that out.
So Steve, to answer post #76, why post #73 then?
“I have been told that the bill was to help create millions of jobs. So, how many jobs will this allocation for volcanos create? ”
Once you place a device on a volcanoes that is the labor so here in the USA maybe 10 jobs.
As the monitoring stations are existing and the device uses Telemetry to transmit it.
Find who in congress brought this bill up then find the company providing the new devices bet it’s in his /hers district.
In USA we don’t have that many to monitor. That said, if what your where told is true obama is shipping our tax dollars to the world so they can monitor theirs.
Hey, did the RATS say the money giveaway to create jobs was to be spent in the USA?
Funny how the wingnuts don’t mind pouring money down a sinkhole in Iraq (not knowing where billions went), buying a Vatican-sized new embassy and passing that bill along.
Not a peep about that.
But 140 million only a small portion of which will be used to monitor volcanoes they repeat ad nauseum.
Funny bunch, Limbaugh fans.
“But 140 million only a small portion of which will be used to monitor volcanoes they repeat ad nauseum.”
So where is the reminder of the money going to see if bird crap land in the same spot twice.
Good grief. We need better trolls. Probably won’t happen, though. This might be as good as it gets – their “A” Team, no doubt.
“Democrats Surprised by Obama Plan to Leave Up to 50,000 Troops in Iraq
Senate Democrats want to hear an explanation from the White House as to why up to 50,000 troops would stay behind in Iraq.”
OMG, The Rats are smoking that funny stuff again to think we would remove all troops at once is really sad that these people are running the country now. God help us when we get hit again. It will be a circus watching Maxine waters and Sanders and about 200 other wacko RATS go ballistic saying we should treat this a police action,
84 – Indeed. The freak @ 85 is bottom of the barrel.
He’s boring me to tears.
Thought name calling was below your standards.
However, after reading your old post that’s all you do.
Liberals are insecure and on Prozac how else can we explain the language and sicko remarks from you people.
We fight fire with fire here. Or in your case I should say light flatulence with a match?
Only you liberals stoop to this level so get off the Fire with fire cover up.
I have never needed to use profanity on this or any other board. When used it shows lack of intelligence and only proves you can’t backup what your saying.
If this is the way you mom brought you up that’s her problem and I should not get involved with this any longer.
Fine by me gasman.
@81: Poor “Truth”
First – you can’t spell or is that just another typo:
This type of poor english usage shows a lack of intelligence or a poor education (or both).
Second, your “complaint” about volcano monitoring acknowledges that:
1. People will be hired to place equipment and to monitor it.
2. Equipment will bought (and people with jobs will make the equipment).
3. This is a useful service for the Northwest where we are in danger of massive destruction from volcanoes and lahars.
It seems that you just deconstructed your own argument.
So your complaint comes down to: It won’t create enough jobs.
Well, the 300 billion in tax cuts have been calculated to create even LESS jobs – so maybe we should eliminate them too. Really, you have a poor argument and you don’t support it well -and then you say others have a lack of intelligence.
It sure seems to me that you are an insecure, small person who can’t argue logically very well and likes to call others names.
Hmm, that would make you a baby.
The attack on volcano monitoring is an attack on the USGS, which is an attack on science. The $140 million would go to the USGS. The amount within that would go towards volcano monitoring is undetermined. Jindal either knows this and he’s lying or he dosn’t know this and he’s stupid. Either way, he plays to his science hating base.
What is the USGS into? What hazards do they monitor and research? Would any USGS money go towards protecting Jindals own state? Well, here’s the short list:
Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslides, tsunamis, volcanos, wildfires, invasive species, containment biology, drought, water quality and much more.
For Washington, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and landslides – this is important science. The monitoring of these hazards could possibly save hundreds of thousands of lives and prevent billions of dollars of damage. Investment in research and hazard monitoring is not only stimulative to the economy, it has long lasting benefit and provides an increased level of life safety for our nation’s citizens.
I couldn’t say whether Jindal is clever in his lies or just stupid, but he’s certainly a fool.
“81. The Truth spews:
“I have been told that the bill was to help create millions of jobs. So, how many jobs will this allocation for volcanos create? ””
I responded to the million of jobs which is nothing more than a lie.
As a insecure person you bypassed this and went on with garage again.
Hey, give up on responding to my post your lack of integrity makes me sicker than I’m.
Truth, We’re not beyond compassion for you and what you’re going through with your illness. But remember that this is a political blog where disagreement is the norm. We should treat you no different in our ornery debates and hot diatribes than we treat anybody else.
@94 that’s fine….. it’s the silly childish grammar remarks that are not called for here or anywhere else.
A hilarious moment from some hot GOP on GOP action:
Monitoring volcanoes is worthwhile, which is why it is already being done.
The lives lost in the last eruption were almost all due to not leaving the area as directed.
No homes will be saved by monitoring.
Will those working for the government whistle blow as President Obama requested when Asian made monitors replace current working ones, or when they are stockpiled for future use?
The question all Americans must ask is whether the various gov. depts. had a wise “wise list” to give congress for the bill? Are we spending money we don’t have wisely? Wisely would be money spent which would give the most bang for the buck the fastest and last the longest.
I will whistle blow because the bill and my President have asked me to do so.