The proud citizens of Brazil weren’t the only ones celebrating Rio’s selection as the host of the 2016 Summer Olympics; American conservatives apparently held an impromptu Carnival of their own:
When the International Olympic Committee voted against Chicago’s bid for the 2016 Olympics this morning — after the President and First Lady flew to Copenhagen to push for it in person — the Weekly Standard newsroom burst into applause.
“Cheers erupt at Weekly Standard world headquarters,” wrote editor John McCormack in a post titled “Chicago Loses! Chicago Loses!” … McCormack’s fellow conservatives joined in the celebration…
“Chicago and Tokyo eliminated. No Obamalypics,” Michelle Malkin tweeted, following up with, “Game over on Obamalympics. Next up, Obamacare.”
“Please, please let me break this news to you. It’s so sweet,” said Glenn Beck on his radio show.
“Hahahahaha,” wrote Red State’s Erick Erickson. … The Drudge Report announced the news like so: “WORLD REJECTS OBAMA: CHICAGO OUT IN FIRST ROUND. THE EGO HAS LANDED.”
“For those of you … who are upset that I sound gleeful, I am. I don’t deny it. I’m happy,” Limbaugh said. “Anything that gets in the way of Barack Obama accomplishing his domestic agenda is fine with me.”
“ChicagP\/\/n3D!” tweeted Newsmax, of recent fame for running, then pulling, a column about an impending military coup against Obama.
Yup, conservative Republicans really do hate America. Or perhaps, as TPM’s Josh Marshall astutely quipped, right-wingers just don’t consider Chicago to be part of America?
Why do Republicans hate America? Because they just do. Well, maybe because they also hate themselves. But mainly, because they hate everything and everyone, but above all, they hate themselves. They woke up one morning realizing they’re queer and can’t stand it.
I almost think these people would cheer if a nuclear bomb from North Korea or Iran vaporized, say, New York City or Chicago or Seattle.
I saw tape of Dumbya himself touting Chicago as “no better place in America” for the Olympics.
I had no strong feelings one way or the other. It’s one shot in the arm for the economy – we need something that’ll last a bit longer than that.
Of course all those gloating, chortling, gleeful America hating right wing tools can go to hell.
Why do liberals love fraud, institutional corruption, hubris, arrogance, and waste – the Chicago way?
The Prez goes to Copenhagen and does his “America sucks, but I am its savior” schtick thinking everyone will genuflect before him. Instead, the IOC tossed him and his long-suffering wife (“Flying first-class to Copenhagen is such a sacrifice!”)and their gal pal, Oprah, off the Olympics train post haste.
The political equivalent of Bernie Madoff got his comeuppance, and that’s good for America. Maybe now he’ll get a grip on reality and realize just how in over his head he is.
That is after he brings us “Peace in our time” with Iran – ask the Poles and Czechs.
Besides…who in his right mind would want his community to have to foot the bill for the profligate edifices necessary to satisfy international elites? Billions wasted, taxpayers and ordinary citizens soaked, and political popinjays and special interests enriched. Ghastly!
The Piper
Rio was the right choice, for several reasons:
a) No Olympics have ever been held in South America
b) Although it’s in the Southern Hemisphere, its weather patterns are such that a July or August schedule would be ideal
c) From a US perspective, NBC will be able to broadcast the major events in realtime, as Rio is located just one hour east of New York
d) It has no Bush-era draconian visa restrictions (which was the IOC’s principal problem with Chicago)
On that last point, it also explains why New York also came in 4th four years ago in its bid for the 2012 Olympics, won by London. Funny how wingnuts weren’t crowing about that outcome. Nor were rational people.
PS to Rowdy Roddy — the IOC concerned about “fraud, institutional corruption, hubris, arrogance, and waste”? It is to laugh … if anything, that would be a prime selling point with the corrupt, hubristic, arrogant, wasteful frauds who lead the IOC.
I wonder what will get off the Republican Stupid Train next — dogmatics demanding teachers be fired for teaching that 2 + 2 = 4? After all, these people believe they can have roads and prisons without taxes.
Here’s a comment from a front page story on DailyKos that gets right to the nub of the sickness that is wingnuttery:
Tell it to Gov. ChrisTINE whose administration is closing prisons rather than cutting spending. And isn’t it the new liberal mantra not to have roads since they provide access to freedom to the hoipoloi?
The only stupid train here is rabbit’s.
The Piper
@8 Uh… Piper?
Closing prisons is cutting spending. Look, I’m not particularly crazy about it either, but try to pay attention. It makes you sound like a liberal plant.
She’s threatening to close them three days after making noises about raising taxes. It’s the oldest political dodge in the book: scare the people with threats to their safety in order to deal from the bottom of the tax-increase deck.
There are tons of things that could be cut that she’s too chicken to address. What this makes her is one gigantic humbug.
The Piper
I’d posit that the part of the reason we lost the Olympics has something to do with the paranoid access controls to the country.
If you’re other than lily white you might end up like Mr. Arar fom Canada who was renditioned and tortured by the CIA for two years — but totally innocent.
I do think the wingnut reaction just further cements how utterly wacked the Rs are in the minds of most Americans. “Thoughtful” (shudder) conservatives are now panicking as evidenced in the past week by Graham, Brooks, Scarborough, et al.
And this analysis from dKos on their weekly numbers tells the tale:
“…In future weeks, Daily Kos is considering disaggregating our numbers on our polling scoreboard (featured on the front page) by the South versus the rest of the nation. The differences are truly that stark.
“…the collapse of Southern support for Democrats, and the equal impact of the collapse of the GOP everywhere else: According to this tracker, the GOP has a net favorability of +14 in the South. In the rest of the nation, their “next-best” region is the West, where the GOP stands at a net favorability of -60.”
To be fair to the POTUS, I didn’t think his speech was particularly “America Sucks”
Here is a transcript from huffpo
Now, I am embarrased for our country that Potus, Flotus and her O-ness could not close the deal….
I think the President may have overestimated his cache’ and influence…
On a positive note, he did make time to meet face to face with McCrystal and talk directly to him with regards to Afghanistan.
Republican’s don’t hate America, but thanks for the projection Goldy!!
If the chitown assclown didn’t know we had the Olympics in his pocket why did he and his wife create more global warming (according to retarded people that believe in that)?
Obama has similar characteristics of Clinton. Clinton was a sociopath with narcisstic tendencies, while Obama is a Narcissist with sociopathic tendendicies.
In the final tally, this was a huge loss for Obama. It’s finally seeping through that this imbecile isn’t as capable as his mouth and mouthpiece (i.e. media) have propped him up to be.
Stupid is as stupid does, Obama is example A of that….
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@1 – Please Roger, they are one of yours, you can keep them.
Perhaps the Olympic committee took into account that high school scholars were getting beaten to death with boards in Chicago.
Not exactly the venue you want to encourage international solidarity is it?
Now, I’m pretty sure both Obama’s and Oprah’s carbon footprint exceeded in one trip, that which I will have incurred over my lifetime. I guess that makes me an environmentalist and them?…well, not so much.
A better title to this post would be:
Why do the Obama’s hate the earth?
But that would take an honest blogger to post it.
@12 “Now, I am embarrased for our country that Potus, Flotus and her O-ness could not close the deal…. I think the President may have overestimated his cache’ and influence…”
This from a party that couldn’t catch Osama? heh
@15 Yes, I used to be a Republican — I admit it — but I’m not anymore and I don’t want them.
@10 Isn’t it just like Republicans to spend decades making herculean efforts to slash state revenues and spending — then blame Democrats for closing prisons. You’re a piece of work, pooper.
Most people mature with age and experience. Roger is obviously the exception to that rule.
I won’t bore readers with a response other than to say, one has nothing to do with the other, and that of course you take an extreme view point…
@20 There is no connection whatsoever between the words “mature” and “Republican.” They’re not even in the same dictionary!
@12 Au contraire, moi cheri, you raised the issue of presidential competence and nothing could be more relevant to that than your party’s mishandlng of the most serious event in our country’s history since Pearl Harbor.
What’s truly amazing about this is that you think Obama’s failure to land the 2016 Olympics is important, but Bush’s failure to catch Osama is not … that, of course, is the crazy argument of a crazy person.
@13: So your advice is never attempt anything unless success is guaranteed? Is that really what you want in a president? Is that what you teach your children?
“What ever you do, don’t try, because you might fail. There is no shame in failure if you don’t try. The shame is trying and not succeeding.”
If you really think President Obama has “sociopathic tendencies”, then you are clinically insane. I hope for your safe you are merely an ass.
Today’s wingnut craziness is brought to you by nuts who can’t even read a birth certificate.
Oops, I tried to post a comment and failed. Shame on me.
@13: So your advice is never attempt anything unless success is guaranteed? Is that what you want in a president? Is that what you teach you children?
If you really think President Obama has “sociopathic tendencies”, you are clinically insane. I hope for your sake you are merely an ass.
@24 Of course he’s an ass. But not just any ass. He’s a juvenile immature unimaginative boring ass.
So both Obama’s travelled overseas to Denmark in an attempt to bring the Olympics to Chicago?
Not only did they leave a carbon footprint, but the IOC left a huge boot imprint on their asses when Chicago was immediately eliminated from contention in the first round.
Again, Why do the Obama’s hate mother earth? Don’t they realize the amount of damage done to the earth by flying individually half way around the world in their 747’s?
If Goldy had any balls, he’d post what the expense was for their individual trips, but I wouldn’t suggest holding your breath waiting for that to happen as Goldy wouldn’t know the truth if it hit him in the head.
We should consider ourselves lucky that the Olympic Games did not go to Chicago. A massing of American people like that presents an awfully tempting target for terrorists. If the Olympics are in Rio, the terrorists will be less likely to try to blow up the place.
23. Roger Rabbit spews:
@12 Au contraire, moi cheri, you raised the issue of presidential competence
Really? Where did I do that? I don’t think the POTUS in incompetent.. Overestimated his influence? yes.
and nothing could be more relevant to that than your party’s mishandlng of the most serious event in our country’s history since Pearl Harbor.
I seem to remember the country united after 9/11 with the vast majority firmly supportive our our (USA) course of action with regards to GWOT
What’s truly amazing about this is that you think Obama’s failure to land the 2016 Olympics is important
First, I don’t think it was Obama’s failure, interesting that you project that but it is not true. I think that the WH team, including Valerie Jarret et al, too much time touting the greatness of his efforts etc etc, setting him up for dissapointment. But it’s not Obama’s failure.
but Bush’s failure to catch Osama is not … that, of course, is the crazy argument of a crazy person.
10/03/2009 at 1:19 pm
Again to the extreme…OK let’s play that game… BUSH failed to catch UBL…Prevent 9/11 etc etc..
By that logic Potus Obama has failed to capture UBL, is responsible for the deteriorating situation in Iraq, is responsible for the declining economy and unemployment……
Of course it’s all overly simplified BS…
I bet if you were to ask the WHs staff if they could have a do over as to whether or not to make such a big deal of the POTUS, Flotus and Oprah going over to help with the pitch for Chicago….They would have chosen to pass on it..
@31. you really are an ass. This isn’t a “game”. Bush had bin laden cornered in Tora Bora and DIDN’T TRY. That’s your standard, if you don’t try, it isn’t a failure.
He had commanders on the ground begging for troops to finish off bin Laden, and refused. He just didn’t not try, he refused to allow his military commanders on the ground to try.
You really are an ass. Did I say that yet?
Both Sides Show Self Interest Over Patriotism
WEA opposes Obama on Funding WA State Schools
@ 32 Me thinks you’re confusing Bush with Clinton…who had Bin Laden in the cross hairs back in the late 90’s and didn’t have the balls to pull the trigger.
9/11 happened because Clinton didn’t have the balls to make a decision and this current president is eerily similar to him in that respect.
Sure Piper…you should talk about corruption under Democrats after the rape and pillage of the treasury under the Cheney administration.
You are the stupidest intelligent person in these comment threads.
@ 34 ESO
Thinks we should elect residents based on the size of their balls.
Didja know that Napoleon had FIVE testacles!
@34: I’m favoring clinically insane. You do know, of course, that clinton attacked the bin laden camp in Afghanistan. He tried, Bush didn’t. Again, trying and not succeeding, in your view, is preferable to not trying at all, as Bush did not only with bin Laden, but also with Zarqawi in Iraq.
All I remember is that clinton attacked a milk factory in Iraq. Sorry “sarge”, but your recollection of history is sorely lacking. Clinton had troops on the ground ready to take out Bin Laden and Clinton froze….9/11 was the end result.
Nice goin’ hillbilly
Newsmax, Beck, Limbaugh and the other slimy sub-humans who like them, listen to them, “think” like them hate that America doesn’t look and sound like the America of the 1950s. That’s what the real issue is. They hate that their KIND do not control America any more. They liked it better when everyone “knew their place.” To them the only America for them is the one where frat-rat good ole boys run the show. In their minds, nothing about America is for anyone else. They become enraged when groups of people who are DIFFERENT from them get ahead and get money or power for themselves. They are happy when people die. They are happy when people are poor. They love it when health care isn’t available to everyone. It makes them feel good about themselves to know that others who they consider lesser, suffer. That’s the America they know. That’s the America they love. If there is evil and devils among us, it’s people like this.
Back in 2005 when the US and NYC failed to land the 2012 Olympics, “liberals” did not criticize the president for that earth-shaking, abject failure.
I’m sure you can understand why. We were kinda busy at the time criticizing him for
– going on vacation and failing to take seriously the previous administration’s and his own intelligence apparatus’ warnings about Al Qaeda attacking the US
– ordering and condoning the torture of prisoners
– illegally surveilling American citizens
– lying us into a war of choice in Iraq
– failing to catch bin Laden at Tora Bora
– following up his failure to catch bin Laden by pulling our intelligence assets and troops out of Afghanistan to start a second, unnecessary war
– pushing through tax cuts for the rich that (along with his wars and other incompetence) blew a $5 trillion debt-hole in our budgets (after FIRST blowing away the estimated $5 trillion surplus — a $10 trillion swing of ncompetence and greed)
– sowing mistrust and hatred of America throughout the world by abrogating our international treaties
– suppressing scientific information and by allowing political appointees to censor scientific reports
– lying about the cost of Medicare prescription drug coverage and threatening government employees who wanted to communicate the truth to Congress
– blowing the cover of a covert CIA operative specializing in WMD interdiction to settle a political score with her husband for embarrassing the administration
Heck, we didn’t even know that two months later he and his incompetent hires would royally fuck up the aftermath of Katrina (but what did they care, it was just a bunch of n****r Democrats who drowned or lost everything), and that they were firing US attorneys for failing to initiate trumped-up investigations of Democratic office-seekers, AND that they were funnneling millions of slush fund and taxpayer dollars to Republican candidates through Jack Abramoff, and that they were violating the Hatch Act by directing federal employees to use government resources to aid Republican candidates, and that they were engineering the greatest financial disaster since the Great Depression.
Goldy’s formula: Distract his readers from the federal debt by faux outrage at the party that isn’t in charge.
…This analysis from a pro abortion advocate…nice projection, dumbass.
If anyone in this country is hate-filled, it’s more than likely a liberal. Just keep up with current events for proof of that.
@34: I stand by my assessment at #32. I also provided a link to back up my arguments.
@ 43~ Last I heard, Zarqawi was dead. You must not have gotten the memo.
visual proof here.
**warning: graphic picture of dead terrorist**
Bush killed the leader of Al Queda in Iraq, but your ignorance of current events is duly noted.
Why do Republicans hate America?
Because America hates them.
You mean that debt that went from 5,751,743,092,605.50 (Jan 2000) to 10,553,014,664,691.60 (Dec 2008)?
And who was the pResident again during those years? Hint: he was from Texas.
41 T
You mean the federal debt that George Bush added $5 trillion to in his eight years in office? That federal debt? You mean the debt that Bush increased by another $1.2 trillion AFTER he left office (FY 2008 spending over revenue), and that we’re now unable to reduce due to the financial crisis he and his cronies engineered, the greatest financial meltdown sincve the Great Depression? Is that the debt you mean?
Yeah, I thought so.
46 U
You should start counting in January 2001.
Why do the Obama’s hate America and Mother earth?
Because they think their shit don’t stink…but America and the earth they pollute does.
The emptysuit is quite the empty suit isn’t he.
Poke him with facts a few times and he folds like a republican congressman.
They all just hate the black man in the white house.
Just can’t stand it can you guys?
@ 51 Headless Lucy queefed:
haha…pulling out the ol' trusty race card.
Using that same philosophy, I prove that Goldy is a RACIST because he criticized Bradley Marshall (whom is black)….and all you fellow white sheet wearers jumped on board and supported the white boy Goldy.
Klan meeting every Tuesday at Drinking liberally…the HA faithful will be there en masse.
I’m Headless Lucy? news to me.
I stand by my contention.
You…yes you, e.s.o HATE the black President. Just can’t fucking stand it can you?
The Olympics belong to the world and Rio is the first South American country to host the Olympics. Chicago is a corrupt town and the IOC might have seen the recent video of the 16 year old being killed on the streets. Rio could certainly use the influx as they have a very high rate of poverty. Hopefully they will be able to afford the massive costs of hosting the Olympics.
Republicans do not hate America. They haven’t threatened to move to another country while Obama is president unlike the multitude that threatened to do so when Bush was re-elected then, of course, never left our Country.
Great point DCG. Liberals love to hold their breath, stomp their feet, whine and generally have their little temper tantrum like insolent little toddlers would do, but in the end, they never walk their talk.
Oh, don’t pick on trolls like Piper. They can’t help it that they hate America. That’s just who they are.
@ 57 So says the racist David Goldstain whom hates attorney Bradley Marshall because he’s black.
…and again, this post should read:
“why do the Obama’s hate Mother earth?”
Even YOU can’t really believe that if a white male democrat was in the white house that right-wingers would be supporting far-left policies?
Like in “The Big Lebowski”…
“Shut up marvin”
Why are Republicans happy that we just lost $22 billion in revenue and thousands of jobs (a direct result of the Bush administration’s policies, if you listen to IOC members)?
Because whatever Obama is for, they’re against. No principles, no plans, no programs, no policy.
Remember cap and trade? It’s a Republican idea; a free market rejoinder to industry regulation to mandate cuts in carbon emissions. But Obama is for it, so NOW Republicans are against it.
If Obama said tomorrow that the sun rises in the East, Republicans would trot out a coal-and-oil insudtry-financed “expert” to dispute it, and Michelle Bachmann would claim that Obama is going to send all of our sunshine to Kenya.
@10 “There are tons of things that could be cut that she’s too chicken to address.”
Like what? K-12 education is 45% of the state budget. After DSHS and WSDOT, you’ve got about 15% of the total budget left. WSDOT’s funding comes mostly from dedicated transportation taxes that can’t be used for anything else. DSHS spending is heavily matched by federal funding that can’t be redirected (e.g., Medicaid spending for nursing homes, the single largest component of the DSHS budget, consists of 50% state money and 50% federal matching funds) — cut that state spending and you lose the federal funding. DOC is about 4% of the state budget, L & I about 3% (more dedicated tax revenues that can’t be used for anything else); after taking out those agencies you’ve got maybe 6% to 8% of the budget left. And some of THAT comes from dedicated revenues that can only be spent for specific purposes (e.g., the Horse Racing and Gambling commissions are entirely supported by industry fees). The fact is, pooper, there’s damned little discretionary spending the Legislature can touch, and THAT — not any political or moral failings of the governor — is why the state is now closing prisons and releasing inmates.
Damn! There are those pesky FACTS again.
The IOC just continued what everyone is beginning to realize. Obama is all talk and no substance. A familiar phrase in a narcissistic personality that he inherits. As for Michelle, she’s just angry for no apparent reason whatsover. Pathetic would sum up this duo. Hopefully, the kids don’t inherit either of their parent’s traits.
…any chance we can get Al gore to comment on the carbon footprint the Obama’s made for no reason? Doubt it.
62 RR
COme on, Roger, budgets are for chumps. Republicans understand that cutting taxes while increasing spending is the only thing that can make us all incredibly prosperous. you know, like how deficits and debt don’t matter while a Republican is in office.
Heck, look at Schwarzenegger’s California. Soon that could be us! Isn’t it exciting?
haha what an ignorant dolt. CA was in the shitter long before the liberal Arnold was in place. CA is an example of incompetent Democrats in charge for the past 25 + years.
They fucked it up and are looking to do the same to this nation. Facts don’t lie, but Democrats do.
I knew you wouldn’t answer the question.
Like you said in #63- Damn! There are those pesky FACTS again.
Yup, if it wasn’t for those pesky facts you would have answered my simple little question #59.
For wingnuts bleating that President Obama is a “failure,” this item deserves your attention:
“In the face of a financial shock probably worse than the stock-market crash of 1929, masive government intervention averted a second Great Depression. Yes, we still got the worst economic downturn the U.S. has seen since. But while there are surely lots of potholes … ahead, the economy — both in the U.S. and worldwide — appears to be in the early stages of a rebound. We have decisions by government officials to thank for that.”
— Newsweek magazine, Sep. 28, 2009, pp. 44-45.
In other words, President Obama saved the world, that’s all. The most significant accomplishment of his administration, and of any administration of the last 60 years, is what didn’t happen. If McCain was president now, he’d either be doing the same things Obama is doing, or we’d be looking at much worse than 9.8% unemployment, there would have been no summer stock market recovery, and the survival of capitalism itself might still be in doubt.
the state was crashing so bad they decided to try a rino. How do you think it worked out?
Empty Suit hates America. Marvin hates America. Piper hates America. Troll hates America.
Really, they’re all a bunch of traitors. And we all know what we do with traitors…
Ain’t you sweet…All the charm of a scorpion ;~}
I hate America so much I work all day every day to save it from the likes of you and the rest of the HA Happy Hooligans.
BTW…Blatherwatch sends his regards – nice enough guy once you get him off-line.
The Piper
Actually, it’s you liberals that hate America. For example, Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old back in the late 70’s and yet, the retarded left has come out in defense of this child molester. Polanski has been on the run from American justice for 30 plus years but who comes to his defense?
Ignorant liberals that think Child molestation is A-Okay as long as you’re a Demorat.
@69 Well whaddya know … now Marvin Stupes hates Republicans too! In fact, this is the new wingnut meme I see everywhere — Bush was a bad actor, not a real conservative, a pox on both parties, they’re small “l” libertarians not big “R” Republicans … blah blah blah … none of which changes the fact that rightwing policies were tried for 28 years and were a miserable failure. And in the piles of smoking rubble that conservatives left in their wake, welcome to the brave new world of Two-Faced Wingnut Double Talk …
@71 What you do isn’t “work” and what you’re doing isn’t “saving” anything, not even your own sorry undeserving ass.
@72 “left has come out in defense of this child molester”
Not me. Extradite the scumbag!
That’s crap, and you know it.
The gov and the spendthrifts in the legislature allowed spending to increase nearly 25% during her first term. Time to reign that back in.
Recently, at a press dog-and-pony show at Todd Shipyards, I asked her if, because of budget and revenue issues, she would be open to competitive bidding across the U.S. for further new ferries since taxpayers could save 20 to 30 percent on a $65.5 million dollar boat. She ran from that faster than if I had suggested she date you.
And there are tons of wasteful spending programs that Washington state still engages in, not the least of which is whatever pension it pays you for taking up space on the payroll for several years.
Here’s also a big clue: if the dollars aren’t there to fund current programs, then cut current programs to live within revenue means. T’ain’t rocket science, bub.
Much more talk on her part about being open to a tax increase will certainly guarantee Tim Eyman a victory come November. With unemployment at 9.8 percent, she wants to raise taxes on those who are losing their jobs to pay for fat-cat bureaucrats who sued the state for pay raises? Just how low do you want to sink the public’s regard for state employees and politicians?
Really, as a strategic thinker you’re in the same category as Gen. Joseph Hooker. At least, though, the category of humanity that his name subsequently came to be described as fits you perfectly.
The Piper
This is how liberals defend Polanski raping a child:
What kind of sick fucking pig would dismiss a child molester’s action? example A below.
” I don’t believe it was rape, rape” ~ Whoopi dumbass Goldberg
What was George Bush’s greatest international achievement?
Oh, there weren’t any.
Obama gets more good for our country done before lunch than GW did in eight years.
Cash for Clunkers Extension
Signed: Thursday, August 6, 2009
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act
Signed: Monday, June 22, 2009
Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009
Signed: Friday, May 22, 2009
Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act
Signed: Friday, May 22, 2009
Helping Families Save Their Homes Act
Signed: Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
Signed: Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
Signed: Wednesday, April 21, 2009
Omnibus Public Lands Management Act
Signed: Monday, March 30, 2009
Small Business Act Temporary Extension
Signed: Friday, March 20, 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Signed: Tuesday, February 17, 2009
DTV Delay Act
Signed: Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act
Signed: Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Signed: Thursday, January 29, 2009
Executive Order-Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging while Driving
Executive Order Federal Advisory Committees
Establishing a White House Council on automotive communities and workers
Executive Order Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration
Executive Order Establishing The White House Office Of Health Reform
Executive Order Creating the White House Council on Women and Girls
Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells
Amending Executive Order 13390
Executive Order: Establishment of the White House Office of Urban Affairs
Executive Order: Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federal Construction Projects
Didja all know that with Barack, Michelle, and Oprah out of the country that leaves Tyler Perry as the most powerful black person in the US?
What WILL we do?
Apparently , some don’t look at the Debt that Obama has imposed on generations to come.
Ignorance is bliss afterall…
BTW, how damn much brush was on that Crawford ranch, anyway? ANd why couldn’t he hire people to cut that shit back? Aren’t the n****rs the ones for that?
Actually Conservatives love America enough to cheer when the Chicago Mafia Douchebags and their BagMan Obama get their ass handed to them.
Obama’s pals lost $1 BILLION or so.
Jarrett and the gang deserved to get the shaft.
Besides, Chicago would be a prime terrorist target. Prime.
It’s a blessing all the way around.
Did I tell you the Obama’s are arrogant and self-focused?? They made it about themselves and Chicago…not America.
Obama lost it for us…plain and simple.
@76 “Recently, at a press dog-and-pony show at Todd Shipyards, I asked her if, because of budget and revenue issues, she would be open to competitive bidding across the U.S. for further new ferries since taxpayers could save 20 to 30 percent on a $65.5 million dollar boat. She ran from that faster than if I had suggested she date you.”
Part 1: What exactly did she say, pooper? What I’m asking you is, what did the governor actually say? Did she explain that Senate Bill 6794 requires building the ferries in Washington? And that she’s not the Legislature? And doesn’t have discretion to disregard legislation? Pooper, I have a word of advice for you … you really should research this kind of stuff before posting things that make you look like an idiot.
Part 2: So do you think we should send our Washington tax and fare dollars to shipyards in Louisiana or Alabama instead of using them to support jobs for Washington workers? Is that the position you wish to take, pooper?
Part 3: Suppose the Legislature hadn’t required building the ferries in Washington and the governor decided to send our Washington dollars to Louisiana or Alabama because shipyards in those states pay poverty wages instead of union wages, in order to make people like you happy who won’t be happy until every U.S. worker is making India or Mexico wages. What does that have to do with the prison budget? You still can’t spend the ferry dollars (if any) that you’d save by building the ferries in a cheap labor state on prisons. So what’s your point (if any)?
Daddy Love can only reminise about Bush.
I told you this KLOWN could not focus on the task at hand.
Need to keep looking at Bush to keep from puking at the pathetic job Obama is doing with Massive Deficit Spending and our Defense in a shambles.
Hey Daddy Love, what should Obama do TODAY.
That’s where you should be focused.
Few care about Bush anymore…except you.
Do you think the Dems will win in 2010 with an I hate Bush theme again????
Try it?
The half-life is over pal.
I’ma little surprised that WTO and G20 protestors are characterized as more or less wrongly as “liberals.” I mean, shouldn’t right-wing protestors onbject to world goverMent actions?
And if they don’t, aren’t they awful hypocrites?
@76 “And there are tons of wasteful spending programs that Washington state still engages in, not the least of which is whatever pension it pays you for taking up space on the payroll for several years.”
Well now we’re making progress — you actually proposed a specific spending cut, which is a real rarity for wingnuts when they complain about spending!
There are several problems with your idea, though.
First, my pension doesn’t come from state general funds and isn’t in the budget, so you can’t reduce state spending that way.
Second, my pension is my private property and if you put your dirty hands on it I’ll shoot your thieving ass!* See
Third, my pension is my money that was taken from my paychecks, so it’s not state spending to begin with.
Fourth, even if you could get your hands on it, my puny pension wouldn’t keep even one inmate incarcerated for a year, much less pay for a whole prison! So, if you wanna raid another budget, you’re gonna have to find a deeper pocket than mine, bucko.
* Wingnut humor.
@76 “With unemployment at 9.8 percent, she wants to raise taxes on those who are losing their jobs”
Well yes, if the unemployed spend all their newly-found free time smoking and drinking, and somehow have the wherewithal to do so, because the governor is only talking about raising cigarette and liquor taxes. Idiot.
@76 “Really, as a strategic thinker you’re in the same category as Gen. Joseph Hooker.”
While we’re on that subject, I hate to say this, but von Kluck compares favorably with you.
@80 Except Obama didn’t impose that debt; it was made necessary by the incompetence of George W. Bush and the Republican Party, in addition to the trillions of debt they directly imposed on future generations in order to give tax breaks to billionaires and buy themselves a recreational war in Iraq.
@82 “Actually Conservatives love America”
Of all the scandalous lies you’ve spewed on this blog, that one is the most pernicious of all.
Cynical @82 is afraid of the terrorists. Guess that’s why he hates America too.
Is that a word?
Mommy. Are the Republicons the real terrorists? Rooting for America to loose, and our preznit to fail?
Not to mention economic terrorism….
So is the average salary of Goldman Sach’s employees really $700,000 a year, including the minimum wage mail room folks? How we gonna recover with the banksters sucking our economy dry at every turn?
Goldy. Watching them cheer at Chicago losing the Olympic bid is the most obvious example of how much they hate America I have ever seen.
See Rush? Barack Hussein Obama. Ooh ooh ooh. Made me want to do something very bad to ‘ol Liar Limbaugh. My wife reminded me he probably has body guards. “So honey”, I said, “I guess I would have to just go through them….”
Republicans Are A Disease
You are a master of obfuscation and evading the issues.
The legislation to which you refer applies to the current 64-car ferry under construction at Todd. If the gov insists that she will veto further such measures, then she can without jeopardizing the construciton of the boat.
You claim the budget can’t be cut, yet you make excuses for keeping it high. The purpose of the Washington state budget isn’t to provide 300 jobs at Todd (that’s what the current ferry is doing), but it is to benefit ALL the citizens of the state.
Time to think of who pays the bill instead of who sidles up to the trough to suckle.
The Piper
Daddy Love racistly proclaims
Up Yours fool! Puddy was there. That’s a minority view of what happened trumped up by the liberal racists like yourself.
So what did you think when Jesse Jackson complained in 1999 over Hurricane Floyd and the three week FEMA response it was
ya stupid moron?
You showed Puddy your real colors today fool!
93 You’re one bad ass. How on Earth did you manage to get so tough?
Eat the rich
@44: Bush protected Zarqawi in Iraq prior to the invasion, refusing three times Pentagon pleas to take him out. I provided that documentation. This information is not in dispute.
The result of Bush’s inaction was an attempted chemical weapons attack in Europe, plus thousands of dead innocent people from Zarqawi attacks in Iraq, not to mention the beheading of Nick Berg.
Here you go sarge…
Ask HAs arschloch ylb to deliver all the links Puddy gave on this subject from LT Col Patterson, holder of the nuclear football. Read about how the military had Bin Laden in their crosshairs in 1996 and Clinton wouldn’t pull the trigger.
More for you sarge… Read the books sarge and they will tell you all about how Clinton and how 9/11 occurred because of his inaction.
It’s surprising Daddy Love is surprised. Anarchists are always leftist pinheads.
Feral Dumb Bunny Pellets
Well we all have a prime example of someone spending all his free time on HA — ylb arschloch. Puddy has no idea if he also smokes or drinks but job hunting is NOT his forte!
Sorry Dudes and Dames but Puddy cannot use this “person’s” real name as 93. All Facts Support My Positions when he spews BULLSHITTIUM such as this
Ummm NoFactsAndStupidPositions… it was HA leftist pinhead libtardos who could not answer “Were you all hoping for another terrorist attack before GWB left the white house January 20, 2009?”
Oh yes K tried some gibberish answer but many of you were hoping for Bush to go down in flames. He protected the US from another attack. Puddy produced Goldy’s worthless commentary over the Lackawanna Six and the Fort Dix Six terrorist arrests along with many of your “comments” attacking Bush and the FBI over the arrests. Contact HAs arschloch if you forgot them with 24 hour Libtardo disease.
While we who think right on HA commend “the messiah” and the FBI on their recent terrorist arrests, you don’t hear many right-wing pundits attacking “the messiah” or the FBI over last week.
That’s the big difference between how we love America and how Libtardos hate America!
Nuff Said Suckas!
91. Goldy spews:
Fear is not in my vocabulary.
Praise the Lord!
@94 I didn’t say the budget can’t be cut. Of course it can be cut. To zero if the Legislature so chooses. But you get what you pay for; and if you don’t pay for prisons, you don’t get prisons. It’s a pretty simple formula, pooper, one that even you should be able to comprehend.
How can I not think of you every time I think of the budget? You bitch so much about supporting government that it’s impossible not to. Thing is, I disagree with you. I don’t think we should cut the budget to the point where we’re releasing criminals or closing schools. I think both of us should pay taxes to support prisons and schools. If you refuse we should build another cell and put you in it. That’s the price of living in a civilized society ruled by laws and enjoying its numerous benefits, pooper.
@97 Pass the salt
Mr. Cynical wanrs us to praise the “lord.”
Can he tell us which one?
The term adonai, “lord,” is used to refer to the unspeakable name of the Deity .. is that the lord he wants to praise?
Of course there have been other Lords … Buddha, Zeus, Cornwallis, Napoleon. Beezelbub, Shaddai, Bal, Shiva, the Pope, ?
Then too some Messianics want to consider Joshua, the illegitimate son of Mary, a “lord.” Odd idea … not really much precedent for that since he was not of the Royal House.
ohh .. maybe he is a Muslim terrorist and wants us to praise Allah?? I think the Muslims consider Allah above all Lords.
Of course here in ‘merica we fought a revolution to get rid of Lords. Good thing too .. Lord Washington amd Lord Lincoln might not be too pleased with Lord Romney ..
ooops, Romney is a Mormon .. lots lords???
@103 “Fear is not in my vocabulary.”
So what do you do when you’re afraid? Grunt? Squeal? Caw? I know of at least two things you’re afraid of: Taxes and women. I’ll bet you’re afraid of gays, too.
Besides, Chicago would be a prime terrorist target.
Well, the last person to target the Olympics was a right wing wacko, our very own home grown terrorist. I’m sure the righties are just itching to blow something up.
@106 I praise the Lord every day that I’m not him.
@104: If you weren’t on here, Roger, it would be a irrational wasteland containing only the howling of the neolithic hordes.
Tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax
Can’t you hear them howling? It’s like poking them with a stick.
Yep, not a fucking microgram of brains in that empty skull.
Just the dull echoes of Limbaugh shows from the nineties..
Hey arschloch@111…
Good try at trying to change what Puddy wrote.
Puddy should have added Puddy is fully aware ylb is all arschloch. Such an unemployed arschloch. Maybe you should peddle that tctmgr database and get yourself employed so my taxes aren’t providing you a continual opportunity to sit on your sorry ASS and play on whackamole sites.
Wow “microgram of brains” coming from a femtometer sized mind!
So why do Democrats hate America? It’s well known you Democrats don’t support a real a War on Terror calling it an Overseas Contingency Opoeration. It’s also becoming more and more apparent to us who think right you Democrats prefer terrorist suspect civil liberties over the future terrorist victims civil liberties.
Yep, you all wanted Franken a senator. Now we see he hates America too. Why is that HA Libtardos?
re 113: A real war on terror would involve voporizing the Middle East and then going after the rest of the world’s Muslims.
Short of that, what would be a real war on terrorism in your eyes?
I’d rather see our president leave a bit of a carbon footprint flying to Denmark to try to land the Olympics rather than Rush Limbaugh flying to Haiti to fuck children.
Why would Middle East Muslim vaporization make you happy headless@114? Where has anyone written that on HA unless it was Libtardo thought.
Puddy thought you were gonna drop all those sockpuppets and speak mano-eh-mano. Guess your reverting to old form overcame the need to be a man!
Now if this is true this could be very interesting in the political stage. Could Goldy or Lee or David or SJ be related to him?
It’s “who,” you fucking moron.
Also, the prison closure stuff came out of the last leg session, not three days after she talked about raising taxes.
re 113 and 116: “It’s well known you Democrats don’t support a real a War on Terror calling it an Overseas Contingency Opoeration. It’s also becoming more and more apparent to us who think right you Democrats prefer terrorist suspect civil liberties over the future terrorist victims civil liberties.”
My question to you was: “A real war on terror would involve voporizing the Middle East and then going after the rest of the world’s Muslims.
My queation , then to you was: “Short of that, what would be a real war on terrorism in your eyes?”
How can you be so obtuse?
re 113 and 116: “It’s well known you Democrats don’t support a real a War on Terror calling it an Overseas Contingency Opoeration. It’s also becoming more and more apparent to us who think right you Democrats prefer terrorist suspect civil liberties over the future terrorist victims civil liberties.”>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
My question to you was: “A real war on terror would involve voporizing the Middle East and then going after the rest of the world’s Muslims.
My queation , then to you was: “Short of that, what would be a real war on terrorism in your eyes?”
How can you be so obtuse?
Being obtuse headless?
You wrote…
So Puddy answered you in #116
If that’s your War on Terror definition, sorry Puddy don’t play dat. Not all Muslims are radical extremists.
You are being your every day whackamole Libtardo headless! Keep up the Libtardo work!
So why the continual sockpuppetry? Since you said you were on playing with me, Puddy asked stop playing and talk man-to-man. Puddy sees sockpuppetry is more important to you.
Boils down to one thing, heterosexuals are the downfall to society, the pigs of the earth. They murder, rape and kill.
Wow HA Libtardos did you see Saturday Night Live?
Ahhh remember the love you HA Libtardos expressed for Tina Fey and her Sarah Palin imitations.
“With Tina Fey nominated for an Emmy for her Saturday Night Live spoofs, there’s obviously fertile ground for lampooning Failin’ Palin for the next, what, 3-plus years, god help us all.” Puddy remembers.
One wrong thing about the skit. The Joker pictures were proven to come from a Democrat.
Libtards are funny…
Why do the Obama’s hate mother earth? What kind of sick person would fly half way around the world separately from his wife only to get a boot in the ass in the first round?? Talk about leaving a carbon footprint, one can be found squarely in the president’s ass.
Republican’s love America. Which is why we don’t claim we’re going to leave when a socialist pig is in the whitehouse. We are smart enough to understand that the American people will remove the cancer in November 2011.
Does the NY Slimes hate America? Well they are performing revisionist history with their web page articles. Apparently the first article originally transmitted by email subscriptions is now changed. Hmmm…?
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm.
So all you HA Leftist Libtardos… is the Planet Earth Racist because “Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm”, FLOTUS, and Madamoiselle Oprah; all black peoples from Chi-town were rejected on the opening ballot and “he couldn’t even muster the silver or bronze” per the NY Slimes?
Looks like Garafalo has to change her tune now the next time she visits Bill Mahar on Surreal Time. She’ll have to add Planet Earth.
Almost as much as Goldy does, Puddybud.
Does the BBC hate America too? Are they racist? Adam Brookes, BBC News, Chicago reported:
The shock of Chicago’s elimination was greater for the fact that it came in the first round. And greater for the fact that President Obama had taken valuable hours from his packed and tense political schedule to travel to Copenhagen. His legendary powers of persuasion will be said to have failed him, though in reality it will be Chicago’s bid that failed him.
Nonetheless, this is a moment which allows the president’s detractors to allege waning prestige on the part of his presidency. And it will raise questions about the political advice that he is receiving.
See the whole BBC article in the above link.
TOTUS has it best… TOTUS loves America!!!!!
“We Got Waxed …
We’re still a couple hours out of Andrews Air Force Base, but the Wi-Fi here on Air Force One is pretty good, so I’m trying to post in real time.
Well, Big Guy gave it his best shot. He used me superbly on stage this morning, but alas, there is no gold medal for reading from a teleprompter. Though there should be.”
He read the speech from a teleprompter? Puddy didn’t know that. Puddy was moving Oracle DBs.
The BEST COMMENT “So is the IOC committee made up of domestic terrorists, racists, and people who want to see sick people die quickly?”
Hey HA Libtardos,
Think about this. Since Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm started his America Sucks World Tour earlier this year, the IOC Representatives and Delegates decided to go RACIST and agree with Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm on the first ballot!
Must be the truth from the Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm America Sucks World Tour is sinking in quickly.
It took you this long to figure that out?
No wonder you were a government employee.
I’m not sure if republicans hate the country, but one thing for sure….
The obamas don’t look like a happy couple.
I mean, who wears a dark suit and white shirt out on an anniversary date? And then spends less than two hours in the restaurant?
Time to FOIA whether they’re in counselling.
The Piper
David Brooks on Limpblows and all the idiots in this thread who ape him:
Keep up the great work tools. Blow that idiot wind.
O joy!
Heh. Get that Stupes? Murdoch wants to tax you for his right wing bullshit! LMAO!!!
Don’t worry fool. I’m sure he’ll charge tools like you a cut rate!
ylb arschloch…
David Brooks.. that old CINO?
A tax? What are you smoking?
A private citizen does not have to power to levy taxes.
Although, the obama is working hard to raise your taxes.
Fool ylb arschloch@133,
Not on any worthwhile email server? No one has ylb arschloch on their email lists? You mean Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm is gonna tax for Murdoch?
News flash arschloch… Newspapers are losing money everywhere fool.
Your beloved PI – see ya
Your beloved NY Slimes – borrowed $200+Million from Mexican billionaire
Your beloved LA Slimes – losing money
Your beloved Seattle Slimes – lost money
Your beloved YouTube – losing money
Your beloved femtometer mind – lost in space!
Ask YippeeLilBoy what he has done in the past 12 months to advance journalism, the economy, or anything…besides cash his unemployment check, that is.
The Piper
@117 Puddy espouses racism!
Yep Ahminejahd is Jewish .. BTW so were Hitler, Jesus, Lenin, by your bigoted standards.
Bigoted Standards? Racism?… Who knew about your bud SJ? Puddy didn’t. How can Puddy be racist?
Grasping for straws this sunny Sunday?
@129 Yes, it’s now clear Marvin Stupes is a misogynist who hates everyone, most of all himself … this sociopathy probably started with hating his mother, most likely because his mother — understandably — hated him. Poor, poor Marvin — maybe he should just put himself out of his misery.*
* Not to be taken seriously — just a wingnut joke! heh
@135 “A private citizen does not have to power to levy taxes.”
Are you serious? You pay taxes every day for the private benefit of corporations and the rich. That’s what crony capitalism is all about!
@137 He read a newspaper, which is more than you’ve done in the last 6 months, or for that matter the last 6 years.
What’s happening to Murdoch couldn’t be happening to a nice guy!
After years of that scumbag printing LIES that you sycophants lapped up like the mutts you all are, he wants to levy a TAX on you!
He’s says you’re all STEALING from him.
The chickens are coming home to roost for both him and ALL of you!
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of tools and fools!
He obviously didn’t read the “Help Wanted” section.
I not only read them, I occassionally write for them (print and electronic), so I think I’ve get him – and you – trumped 66 ways to Sunday.
Then again…that’s not hard to do.
The Piper
Roger, the pooper thinks he’s god’s gift to journalism.
Such delusions! It’s too damn funny!
Brooks???? That right wing hack is saying what needs to be said if your stupid ass party isn’t going to sick further in the quicksand.
Thankfully, no teabagging tool on your side is listening!
Keep on doing the same old shit, different day, expecting different results. It’s worked wonders – FOR MY SIDE!!
And you are God’s gift to what?
Oh, yeah…to provide mouse-like amusement to Puddy as he bats you around like a cat does its prey.
Where again are your published works? Evidence of your contributions to the public debate on the issues?
I thought as much…
The Piper
Roger @ 140
All of these right wing tools hate themselves. I can see the pattern – heavy corporal punishment in their childhood days.
Paternalistic right wing conservatism serves as the parent they never had. Not only did the abuse make them hate themselves – it lowered their IQ – they can’t see the forest for the trees.
147 – Hey Pooper. I’m a fan (not). Keep doing what you’re doing!
You’re making such an impact! (rolls eyes)
I am making an impact – you should read my fan mail.
And you are doing what again? Besides wasting Goldy’s bandwidth, that is.
As a wit, you’re half there.
The Piper
Let us not forget he votes to raise taxes on the breadwinner of the family, his wife.
I feel bad for his wife having to support her family while her hubby plays on horses ass all day long.
ylb arschloch
You can’t seem to find a job when the tree is made real thin and has black ink all over it called classifieds.
Useless tool!
Sticking up for yipeelilboy, he is really really good at posting that link.
Besides that, I can’t remember anything else he’s accomplished.
p.s. I don’t consider going for the record of longest unemployment an accomplishment.
Why should he work when he can have a woman go out and work to pay his way in life.
Which explains why he wasn’t bothered by the acorn/pimp incident.
LMAO!!! I seemed to have struck a nerve!
Whap! Whap! Whap!
Down goes the IQ, up goes the self-hatred, into the false loving arms of right wing authoritarianism they blithely march!
Nice talking to you tools.. Stew in the reality I posted at 149.
Not that it’ll do you any good. The wounds probably go too deep for you all.
Struck a nerve? Get a life…
You don’t deny (1) being sucker upon the public teat, (2) not bothering to look for work, (3) having your old lady be the source of your daily bread (what’s next – getting cuckolded?), and doing absolutely nothing substantive and positive to better society.
Really…you should have all the mirrors removed from your cubicle at the shelter so you won’t be humiliated whenever you look into one.
The Piper
Heh. Poor pooper. There are at least 6 people out there competing for every job and what’s his claim to being the least bit relevant?
Attacking the Governor and the legislature for refusing to send WA State taxpayer dollars to anti-worker states in the South.
What a freaking tool! What a LOSER!
Since you can’t compete with those who are getting jobs, that makes you the loser, and you provide the evidence to attest to it.
I hold the gov and legislature accountable for not being good stewards of the tax dollars that come from ALL the people of the state, not just her sycophants.
Go look for work instead of being a mooch off the efforts of others.
The Piper
159 – And I care about the bilge you spew here and other places because?
Keep doing what you’re doing Pooper. Like I said earlier – I’m big fan!
One would think that with yipeelilboy doing all the housework while his wife is out working that he could get a job as a housekeeper. Although I’m sure that his employers won’t require him to dress in a french maids outfit like his wife does.
Like ylb said-
There are at least 6 people out there competing for every job
Now we see why ylb doesn’t consider competition “fair.” He always comes out on the losing side so it must be biased/rigged.
Note how the conservative trolls insist everyone who disagrees with them must be either unemployed, a public employee, or in a union.
In reference to ylb arschloch, he told us he was “between jobs”. Looks like he’s between threads right now!
Piper asked the arschloch
Now that’s FUNNY!
But Piper, first you need to be a MAN to get cuckolded!!!!!!
ylb owned….LMFAO…..
You right wing morons are so funny!
Anatomy for Wingnuts – 101:
puddybud = anal sphincter = asshole
167. Zotz spews:
Pay no attention to Zitz…
Hmmm…? ‘Zotz’ or is that another headless lucy sockpuppet.
Puddy thinks the latter.
Puddy submits YES for this fool! He’s just a large vacuum cleaner sucking up all the leftist shit everywhere!
re 170: Puddy is a sockpuppet for Peter North.
I told you you were full of shit. Right wing bullshit anyway.
Now you flat out admit it. Wonders never cease.
seems I have struck a nerve with ylb…woohoo!
playing with ylb is like reeling in hatchery Silver….not much fight, just reel his dumb ass in after leading him around for a while….
Peter North?
Wow Puddy knows what you’re watching right now… It’s better to be a playa than a watcha! Keep watchin.
And you “don’t hate anyone”.
Got a sub-prime mortgage to sell to anyone?
Nope, I dont sell mortgages – and if I did it wouldnt be to jobless morons who spend their time surfing the internet instead of looking for work.
now run along and fetch that stick, ya little yapping rat-dog.
I see. You don’t sell. You buy. Right wing bullshit. A sub-prime mortgage leads to financial bankruptcy and right wing bullshit leads to intellectual bankruptcy.
Funny how I’ve been posting proof of your homophobia with almost every comment.
And you can’t prove anything beyond what an empty shell of a knee-jerk hater you are.. Nice life you’ve got.
@177…not in the market to buy right now either. Does that make you sad?
LOl @ your proof…hahaaha, I havent paid much attention, because I know your desperate for a reaction. Instead you get played like the little rat dog you are.
keep flailing about ya little bitch -while your wife keeps the family together AND wearing the pants….I wonder if she knows all you do fuck around on HA instead of looking for work and actually contributing to the household.
Fucking pathetic.
go fetch, bitch.
LOL! How long are we going to do this? 2, 3 in the morning?
Have you called in sick yet? I see this little corner of the web seems to be quite the priority for you.
Well if it make you feel better – hater.
And order me around all you want. All orders from right wingers are treated the same way as any other fecklessness – IGNORED.
Pathetic? Can hardly wait to see yet another comeback from the reflexive hater – that will be truly pathetic.
I can only speak for myself here, I did not want chicago to get the Olympics, not because I do not want thw Olympics in America nor because it is the home town of President Obama, but because that city is so corrupt it would make our country look bad. I know quite a few people who used to live in Chicago proper or one of its subburbs (most common was Hammond, Indiana). The stories I’ve heard. I think the best example is what the Mayor did to Megis Field. A private Airport on Lake Michigan the mayor wanted to turn it into a park. The rest of the city goverment said no. There was just no use for a park there. The Mayor ordered city workers on to the field and had them carve big Xes on to the runway using road repair equipment. As it turns out he only did that so a friend could get a mulit-million dollar contract. Coruption.
Hmm, turning a private airport for the rich into a park fro everyone is bad….maybe it was corruption but you have given no proof of it and on the face of it….making a park seems worthwhile to me.
@170: Pudpuller would be wrong (as usual).
Notice @182 didn’t answer Puddy’s question…
Hey correctnotright,
And where is this airport located? Oh yeah Chicago… And who owns Chicago lock stock and barrel? Oh yeah Democrats…
Hey ylb arschloch and friends…
Did ya read this in the HuffPo today?
Looks like he got embarrassing information. Looks like the IOC is a bunch of racists… well that’s the Democratic Playbook anytime someone comes out against Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
“Obama Told Olympics Trip Could Have Clinched Chicago’s Bid: [Valerie] Jarrett”
you mean the america where the media could not stop criticizing catholic preists for molesting children, but when a jew raped a 13 year old girl they say, “it wasnt rape, rape?”
and you expect us to believe one fucking word you say?
Hey the Mayor acted without authorization. The city Aldermen said no. He did this illegally. No one wanted the park the people were opposed to the idea. It was just more typical corruption. Plus what gives any goverment offical any right to just order city workers to destroy private property when emmonate domaine has not been kicked in.