The Seattle Times reports today that 39 state legislative candidates — nearly a third of all races — are running unopposed this November, a trend that has been increasing over time.
Democratic Party Chairman Dwight Pelz says it’s nothing to fret over. “I wouldn’t say people should worry,” he said. “I think in Washington state, Democrats and Republicans are competing on the issues and are posing viable alternatives to the people.”
But he speaks from a position of comfort. Most of the unopposed candidates are Democrats, and the party already controls the state House, Senate and governor’s office.
As much as I like and respect Pelz, I can’t entirely agree with him on this one. Don’t get me wrong, I much prefer the status quo — a Democratic majority — over the alternative. But the danger in institutionalizing the current status quo is that we risk creating a party of status quo Democrats more focused on consolidating power than exercising it.
Still, I’m not all that worried, because I fully expect this trend to reverse itself in coming years as the netroots and other people-powered political forces begin to transform the Democratic Party.
This transformation will occur on two fronts. First, I absolutely believe we need to bring the “50-State Strategy” home to Washington state and field candidates in every legislative district in every election. Organizations like Progressive Majority will make this task easier as their efforts start to put progressive electeds into local governments in traditionally red districts. And as the netroots take a greater hold on the Democratic Party, this strategy will gain official support as well.
The second front is the Democratic primary itself. I can think of at least a half dozen Democratic legislators in Seattle alone who deserve a strong primary challenge from a committed progressive determined to fight for the values and interests of their constituents over the current same-old, same-old that tends to dominate Olympia. And as the netroots grow and we become an indispensable part of the Democratic message machine, I fully expect us to harness our power and influence to strategically target incumbent Democrats in safe districts.
It is common for my critics on the right to dismiss me and my fellow bloggers as tools of the Democratic Party, but they’ve got it exactly backwards. The Democratic Party is our tool… the people’s tool — as it should be — and we intend to use it to help elect candidates who are willing and able to enact a truly progressive agenda.
So to those 39 legislative candidates running unopposed, and the many more facing only token opposition in traditionally safe districts… enjoy it while it lasts, because nothing — not even incumbency — lasts forever.
Why would anyone vote for a CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE like RubberStampReichert who steals from the waitress tip jar when they can vote for this
there, that link works better
Wow! This thread is already up to 4 comments! That’s more than the pathetic little competing blog ges all day.
Imagine anyone accusing Mr. Goldstein of being a “tool”!
You tell ’em, Out In Left Field! The concept of PEOPLE choosing candidates and PEOPLE deciding what the party platform and PEOPLE telling politicians what to do is one you’ll never understand. Republicans are co-dependent weak personality types who need a holy roller preacher to tell them how to take a shit, and a dictator to tell them when.
I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers
I’m actually one of that minority of Democrats that was in favor of the “top two” system. I’d go further and say that if one of the candidates gets more than 50% of the vote, we should declare a winner and move on. It might even get some folks to take the primaries a bit more seriously. Additionally, a “third party” (I hate that term) candidate that really mobilizes his or her supporters might just make the top two.
Hey, with all the help that a party can give to a candidate, if that candidate can’t even get enough votes to be in the top two, then that election is already lost and we should go help some other candidate.
As to the argument that we might get two Democrats or two Republicans in some race, so what? There are differing views within both parties, and the voters should be the folks making the ultimate choice.
Let party caucuses decide which candidate the party will help, then let the voters decide who will be elected.
But John- if we go to a top two, there’s a chance that it will be the PEOPLE’S top two, not the parties’ anointeds…
Yeah- let’s keep trying to go there. And if the top two are from the same party- so be it. I’d love to see Jim McDermott have to run against another Democrat in the general, just as I’d like to see options in safe R seats. And wouldn’t it make for better governance if the new state representative from the 43rd went to Olympia with a majority mandate, not just the largest sliver of a six-way race?
HATH HLD B [Roger, Chart this. A few hundred shares has giving me the ability to be very flexible. Big Island realestate has done even better, as “Atlas Shrugged” tax paying Californians leave the Democrat Hillary Village of Kalifornia. In addition, No dividends means NO current taxes. Sorry, and fuck you to those who rely on “guvment” to eat, sleep, and survive.]
BTW, ONLY taxpayers should vote. No 1040, no vote. [I can hear the welfare hack “urban” parasite Democrats howling from Hilo!!!]
The depth of your self-serving shortsightedness is unfathomable. Many retired people, young people, disabled people, etc. do not pay income taxes. They may have paid them in the past or may pay them in the future. Nonetheless, you would deprive these people of participation in our democracy. Do you think that would strengthen our society, you imbecile? Get going on the constitutional changes that would be necessary to perpetuate your nonsense. Hopefully, you can get your party’s support.
Retired people pay taxes [I’ll include myself in this group]. Parasite welfare hacks do not deserve to “direct” the country with their “purchased” vote. “No tickee, no laundry!!”
Of course I was kind of glad to see you not you’sing the Socialist red colors in your signs.
Commentby The Socialist [………………………………………………………………..Carl Grossman, are you “you’sing” “The Socialist” to post for you????]
WASHINGTON— Drivers continued to find relief at the pump as the price for gasoline declined for the second week in a row, dropping to the lowest level in two months, the government said Monday. The average price for regular unleaded gasoline fell 7.6 cents over the last week to $2.92 a gallon, according to the federal Energy Information Administration’s weekly survey of service stations. [……….Quick!!!! Now is the time to act on the Democrats additional 50 cent a gallon Federal gas tax!!! This will help LOWER the cost of a gallon of galoline!! ……………………..Oh wait……….It’s won’t? Never mind……….Rosanna Rosannadana [SNL]
You said “no 1040, no vote.” 1040 necessarily implies income tax, which, like I said, many people do not pay. Everyone in this country, even undocumented workers, pays tax of some sort–sales tax, gas tax, whatever. Your proposal was plainly aimed at those who don’t pay income tax. Keep spewing, cretin. Knowing how the other side thinks keeps us energized.
17……..OK…….No 1040, no vote. To many “bought off” parasite welfare hacks, illegals [voter fraud], and POS non tax paying losers want to direct this country into Democrat socialism. Atlas has Shrugged, Carl. BTW, Carl, INTO THE BOXCAR!!!!!!!
Just catching up on threads from over the weekend. I found the following comment, which to me seemed rather revealing:
“On corporate taxes, you show again what a media dupe you are. Corporations have a moral obligation to their shareholders to pay only those taxes that are required by law. Corporations are not charities.”
The comment was from Mark the Redneck, # 51 on the 8/19/2006 Open Thread.
You will all be proud to know that MTR is now in agreement that any payment of 28 million from Safeco to Mike “I’ve Got Mine” McGavick is illegal unless Safeco received full value in return for that payment. Safeco is not a charity, it could not pay 28 Million dollars just because Mike was a “helluva guy”, and did a “helluva job” under his previous contract. Unless the corporation was under a legal obligation to pay, it could not pay 28 million dollars for past performance, whether the Board of Directors approved it or not.
So, MTR – what exactly, did “Bought and Paid For” McGavick do, or promise to do in the future, that was worth 28 Million? Could it be that his promise to “be available” for advice for two months was worth 28 Millinn? Naaaww, only a idiot would believe that.
Perhaps Safeco felt that having McGavick as a U.S. Senator, owing a HUGE debt of gratitude to Safeco for financing his campaign and a rather oppulant lifestyle, was in the best interest of Safeco and the insurance industry in general? Methinks we are getting closer to the truth, are we not?
Just for argument’s sake, perhaps I am wrong, and Mike McGavick did indeed negotiate the deal of the century – talking experienced corporate board members and former government executives to part with 28 million dollars for only two months of part-time work which were probably never actually performed. If that is the case, the Senate is a poor position for someone of those talents. Instead, lets appoint him as lead negotiator with the Iranians and N. Koreans. Perhaps he can talk them into giving up their nuclear programs, and pay us several billion dollars each for the trouble?
Hmmm…BTW, ONLY taxpayers should vote…No 1040, no vote?
Seems to me I remember a little thing called the US Constuitution.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers
Hmmm. Anyone that files a 1040 can vote? Are you sure you want to go there?
So the 10.5 million legal immigrants that pay taxes but have not yet become citizens could vote under your plan? Sounds like a boon to Democrats to me, but I still think we should limit voting to citizens.
One way to increase contests in our state-wide elections is for the two Ds and Rs to stop perteptuating our rigged two party system and stop putting roadblocks in front of alternative parties and candidates. The Libertarian Party, the third largest in the nation, spends most of it’s resources on Ballot Access because of this. Whether you like third parties or not, that is one reason for the uncontested races.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Actually, I think “third parties” are fine, I just dislike the term as it’s misleading.
There are lots of races that Libertarians and other parties could be competitive in, but either choose not to enter or they run candidates that cannot be taken seriously.
In the 2004 State Representative race in my district, the Libertarians ran two candidates. They were both invited to participate in candidate debates, although only one showed up. He was so obviously unprepared for any questions that he made your party look foolish.
In the Governor’s race, the Washington Libertarian party leadership publicly stated that they were simply trying to draw votes away from Ms. Gregoire.
This was unfortunate, as the basic Libertarian philosophy is very appealing to many voters, me included.
Smaller, less intrusive government, balanced budgets, and when government does need to take action, the action is designed to help people to help themselves. Good message.
Unfortunately, the candidates I saw were about as compelling as the three stooges.
Roadblocks? Your Libertarians, thanks to thr R’s and D’s, get a free pass to he general election ballot. Don’t blame the major parties that you routinely fail to muster more than about one percent of the vote.
After decades of trying, the Libertarians rank right up there with the Prohibitionists in terms of any relevance to what is going on. They present no coherent philosophy or positions, and swing from right-wing to left-wing and back.
And your candidates? Puleez! Just what did- and does- Mark Wilson believe?
I nominate LeftHisTurdBehindLostHisBrain as the tool.
Gold”y” wrote:”netroots and other people-powered political forces begin to transform the Democratic Party.”
Really? The Michael Moore’s, Kos’, Harold Ickies, and George Soros’ are taking over the party? You call that the people? Left-wingnut moonbats?
So now that Lieberman has been dumped, does this mean you all have switched loyalties away from Hillary and to some even-more McGovernite for ’08???
Goldy, FYI Senate Democrats are fielding candidates in all districts up for election this year, except one: 8th LD. Jerome Delvin is the incumbent.
Jimmy saw the word “tool” and came looking for something to suck on.
LT- can’t yo come up with any interesting insults? You are worse than stupid and ugly- you are BORING!!!!
Reread #23 part one!
You Bushbots are a bunch of lying monkeys and sons of bitches.
Put your courage where your mouth is and join up to kill the al qaeda types!
Why wait for the next cycle? Start today with Kyle Taylor Lucas.
Kyle Taylor Lucas? Let’s see- tribal member, former head of Governor Locke’s Office of Indian Affairs- and every tribe that has donated in the race- nine at last count- has given to her opponent, Tim Sheldon. So why would we support she whom those who know her best won’t?
Jimmy you can’t get enough of me. You’re such a loooooser that you keep responding to my posts even though you said you’d ignore me. On Christmas, right after you finish sucking dick at Catholic Mass, you’ll be on this board trying to deal with me.
How many folks can AFFORD to serve as part time legislatures.
@33 LT- Actually, I never said I’d ignore you over here at Goldy’s- another one of your many lies. And I’m Presbyterian- don’t do Mass, on Christmas or any other day.
Sheldon claims to be a Democrat (sometimes) but the local Democratic orgs aren’t supporting him. Maybe his constituency knows him better than some Eastern Washington tribes.
The fact is Tim Sheldon has been good on tribal issues and the tribes have nothing to fear in Lucas. Regardles of this, it is time for Tim to go. His district will be far better off with someone enguaged in the process in such a way that he/she can actually get things done.
Oh, and brush your teeth Jimmy.