Ever wonder how FOX News host Megyn Kelly, the highest paid news anchor on television (if you’re comparing dollars earned per syllables spoken), manages to provide such insightful commentary? Clearly, it’s the endless hours of preparation.
For example, even while the crowd around her loudly cheered Sen. Joe Biden following his vice presidential acceptance speech, Kelly never lost her focus or concentration. What a dedicated professional.
Is there a word for newsporn?
Those lips, the blue eyes, the …
deinitely an imporvement over Brokaw!
I udnerstand she is an attorney! Wow .. next time OJ and I kill someone, we ant Megyn to defend us as long as the jury s young, male and virile!
Of course, she may have been chosen because she was head of the law review at Stanford!
Personally, I think that Britney Spears should take Katie Couric’s job.
You guys are just pissed because Fox doesn’t suck up to the Dems and Obama like CNN, MS-NBC, et. al.
Too bad.
LOL. That’s just mean. Well, at least she didn’t pick her nose.
because Fox doesn’t suck up to the Dems
No because 24/7 the only story they broadcast is Dems bad, Republicans good.
Heh. Yeah right..
That’s why we call them Faux News.
Looks like she’s reading off the teleprompter in the right foreground. Makeup tips? Instructions?
Who’s pissed when we have C-SPAN?
In other, more generic “Republican” news-fixing news: Not wanting to be entirely left-out of the future of our nation, the “Republicans” flocked to Denver, hoping against Hope to score a date with Megyn Kelly.
And what is their rallying cry? Why, it’s none other than a summary of their mental and sexual prowess: A Mile High, An Inch Deep
Nothing beats that fly-by-night just-woke-up hangover approach to countering the competition… or hitting on Megyn.
Attack dog Biden? This is an attack? John McCain is a good man, we honor his service, he is just wrong on a few issues. Fuck and Shit!
Watch the Republican convention folks. And see how to win elections. Watch the Republicans strip the fucking bark off right off Obama, his wife, and his fucking kids!
As much as I loathe the Republicans I have respect for them. So big deal that the Dems agree with me on a lot of issues. The spineless bastards won’t fight to get elected and won’t fight to implement their stated policies. The only reason the Republicans are in trouble now is because of a two term Presidency that is arguably the worst in history. And yet, befuddled McCain may very well be our next President. Absolutely fucking amazing!
Now if you replace “paid” with “laid” it starts to make sense…
@7: Fuck!: Fuck, you… seem to be overlooking the fact that the “Republican” party platform is not aligned with the McCain campaign platform. The “Republicans” these days are screwed-up America-hating, panhandling, holier-than-thou idiots who couldn’t recognize a free market if they bid the asking price for it.
Day Two: GOP Drafts Platform and Divisions Between the Party and John McCain Appear
See that? In only ten minutes after my comment went up a Fox watcher has appeared on this liberal blog at #9 to provide us with evidence that McCain is still a maverick.
Absolutely fucking amazing!
Hi wingnuts,
The convention bounce is here:
Believe me. The Obama Campaign is fully prepared to fight the smear campaign you’ve prepared.
@10 Fuck!: Fuck, you… apparently can’t tell the difference between a maverick and a party that can’t get its act together. Fuck, you…’re such a “Fuck”-ed psycho schizoid, you’re arguing both sides.
No more kibbles for you.
Fuck… off.
The polls after the Republican convention bashes Obama for a week will be what matters. Remember how those silly Celebrity ads knocked Obama’s numbers down. I’m telling you the Republicans know how to win elections. And the American electorate is uninformed and easily sold lies. The MSM is there to help the Republicans do it.
Oh Dave! Call me, you hunk a hunk a burning love. Don’t tell Puddy Bud.
Wow Faux News – we distort – we decide. That video should be on YouTube. That vacuous tart wouldn’t stop adjusting her make up if a nuclear bomb went off.
I’m telling you the Republicans know how to win elections
Yeah, like 2006.
I think the magic sauce is weakening and Obama has shown he knows how to win as well.
@14 Fuck!: Dino!? Is that you, Dino??
If O-blah-blah screws the pooch tonite, he is toast. Here’s the convention “bounce” thus far (More like a little dribble!)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows hints of a modest convention bounce building for Barack Obama. The Democrat gained a point from yesterday and now attracts 45% of the vote nationwide while John McCain earns 44%. When “leaners” are included, it’s Obama 47% and McCain 47%
You LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS appear to have the “negative Midas touch”.
You can take a gold bar sure thing election and turn it into steaming hot, stinky diahheria in a very short period of time!
What a bunch of losers.
Enjoy O-blah-blah’s toga party tonite.
It will offend the moderates due to it’s opulence. Stupid move.
Faux News shows it’s bias. They won’t even bother to show the speech, and let the people decide.
How is this Fair and Balanced?
Yes Dave, it is me Dino. I should have known I couldn’t fool you. After that glorious evening in that SeaTac men’s room stall I should have known you would recognize me anywhere. Oh Dave! So aggressive! So manly! It took two coats of shoe polish to cover up those scuff marks on the side of my shoe.
Strange you mentioned that.
The same people that designed/built the sets for britney designed/built the set for obama’s speech.
I guess that mcsame ad comparing obama and britney were truer than we all knew.
Yup… He’s up 1% today over mcsame. Once he gets to 2% the election should be called off in the minds of you and olbermann.
She’s doing her obama impersonation.
Obama had to chicken out of those debates with mcsame once he was informed of the no teleprompters rule.
(SJN Minneapolis, 4 Sept. 08)
In the surprise of the century, John McCain accepted the nomination fo the Republican Party and simultaneously announced that he would, if elcted, join Joe Lieberman, his Vice President, as an Independent. In words likely to echo for centuries, he told the stunned audience:
Not a Big difference if you actually read his website.
So the “Maverick” is a matter of degrees. If the platform committee was a 10, he’s a 9.5. Big deal. john “Noun, Verb, ‘I was a POW'” mccain is a lock step conservative, the only difference is he won’t commit to supporting a constitutional amendment.
@26 Blue John: That’s “lock step neocon”, not “conservative”. There is no conservative voice in the “Republican” party anymore–just BIG-government, totalitarian, socialist plutocrats.
Silly wingnuts – click on the link. No here I’ll do it for you:
Sayeth the voices inside the exploding heads of wingnuts:
“Fair weather for Obama tonight. Too bad about the hurricane that will slam the Gulf next week, reminding America of the Republican’s second largest disasterous homeland failure and, sadly, disrupting the news cycle during their convention. The first and largest Republican disasterous failure, of course, was when, in 2001, they utterly failed to respond to the threat of Al Quada attacking America here at home. We all saw what came of that. Regarding the weather, it must really suck for Republicans to realize that even God is against them now. Geez, I can’t help but wonder if the Rev. Pat Robertson will connect the dots and grasp the meaning behind God’s wrath.”
God also hates Republicans for fucking goats!
Roger, count your blessings that it never dawned to these shits that they could fuck rabbits as well as goats.
Fuck! posted this quote: “And the American electorate is uninformed and easily sold lies.”
Thus we have Barak Obama being the Dem Nominee. :-)
That was just a huge softball waiting to be hit. hehehhe
For anyone who is interested in truth – i.e., republicans need not read this, Rasmussen is a republican pollster. Legitimate polls show President Obama with a 6-8 point lead. Translated to Electoral College Votes – it would be the widest margin in decades. Let the right wing ass eaters like the sex offender CynCyn delude themselves. The truth is out there!
You might direct them to the Homonid Views site. Darryl’s every other daya or so compilation of the sate polls is a great starting place!
@31 ByeByeGOP: …And don’t forget that the McCain camp shot its festering smear campaign wad early. The gullible idiot vote that it targeted brought Obama down to just ahead of McCain in the popular vote and still well ahead in the electoral vote–the effect of which is wearing-off.
Each consequential round of pungent negative McCain wad will generate diminishing returns.
Heh. Yeaah! Noun, Verb, POW!!
@34 YLB: Oh hell, that was obvious from the get go. The only thing that the Univ of Chicago Annenberg Challenge records could possibly reveal would be if someone was on the payroll who shouldn’t have been. The rest–any mystery about Ayers, who, as part of the Univ. of Chicago Annenberg Challenge, worked with the Mayor of Chicago himself on the now famous reform of Chicago schools–has always been a matter of public record and published (by Obama himself) information.
This was nothing more than a sideshow/misdirection from the beginning. Made-for-Media
Same as Corsi’s claim that McCain is tied to the Russian mafia.
Neither of these charges were even politically-motivated. Both were merely Corsi doing a good job of selling books. The only hook was that The National Review took the bait on one of the claims–thus increasing sales of that rag as well.
Teleprompter when brushing hair:
“Brush Brush Brush”
Teleprompter when putting on lipstick:
“Back and Forth Back and Forth now
Smack Lips”
Hey Wingnuts:
I hear that on cue from Flush Limpblows and the McSame Campaign you’re all buzzing about the “Barackopolis”.
I mean Barack must seem so uppity to you morons with his “ethnic architecture”.
Strange you didn’t have a problem with this guy’s choices:
35 – Yeah, these right wing morons can’t handle a presidential candidate who in his younger days was in the same room as a University of Illinois education professsor.
Silly guilt by association. Nothing in Obama’s public record points to advocacy of radical ideas. In fact just the opposite – now he has Chicago School economists as advisers. But nooooooo… These wingers are so moronic it’s pathetic.
Wow, that video clip reminds me of the clip of Wolfowitz where he pulls out his comb and licks it.
@37 YLB: That’s why they won’t win: They think Washington, D.C. federal building architecture is so déclassé.
Argue the set. Like lapel pins. What is it about these “Republicans” that has them so interested in men’s jewelry and set decorations?
Amazing. She is utterly oblivious. Of course, obliviousness is a job requirement for anyone working for Fox “News.”
@39 Tlazolteotl: Eew! And I worked so hard to put that image out of my mind! ;-)
McSame is a fighter! Fighting for more of the same old bullshit…
She doesn’t look like a pleasant person to be around.
144 Moby Thesaurus words for “maverick”:
Bohemian, Brahman, Indian buffalo, agitator, alien, ass, aurochs,
beat, beatnik, beef, beef cattle, beeves, bigot, bison,
bitter-ender, bossy, bovine, bovine animal, brawler, breakaway,
buffalo, bull, bullethead, bullock, calf, carabao, case, cattle,
character, cow, crackpot, crank, critter, dairy cattle, dairy cow,
deviant, diehard, dissenter, dogie, dogmatist, donkey, dropout,
eccentric, extremist, fanatic, far out, flower child, freak,
free and easy, fringy, frondeur, hardnose, heifer, heretic,
heretical, hermit, heterodox, hippie, hobo, hornless cow, informal,
insubordinate, insurgent, insurrectionary, insurrectionist,
insurrecto, intransigeant, intransigent, kine, kinky, kook,
last-ditcher, leppy, lone wolf, loner, malcontent, meshuggenah,
milch cow, milcher, milk cow, milker, misfit, mule, muley cow,
muley head, musk-ox, mutineer, natural, neat, nonconformist,
nonjuror, not cricket, not done, not kosher, nut, odd fellow,
oddball, oddity, offbeat, original, outsider, ox, oxen, pariah,
perverse fool, pighead, positivist, purist, queer duck, queer fish,
queer specimen, rara avis, rebel, revolter, revolutionary,
revolutionist, rioter, screwball, sectarian, sectary, solitary,
standpat, standpatter, steer, stickler, stirk, stot, subversive,
swinger, traitor, tramp, type, ugly duckling, unconformist,
unconventional, unfashionable, unorthodox, way out, wisent, yak,
yearling, yippie, zealot, zebu
Which one do you think best describes McCain? I like ‘queer Duck’.
@45: My vote: extremist
So obama is copying bush?
Change you can believe in.
Only if you’re naive.
My guess is either she is looking at her reflection in a telepromter which is turned off, or more likely, looking at a monitor which shows how she would appear while on the air, and making adjustments accordingly.
Of course, it just goes to show the lack of “journalism” on Fox News. News anchors used to have to come up the ranks as reporters, digging out the story. She obviously just reads the script. After this gig, she hopes to make the jump to “Access Hollywood”. Since the head of Fox News is a Republican media hack from way back, we know who’s writing that script, and it’s content is pretty predictable.
I’m looking forward to election night in November, as Fox News abandons it’s U.S. map showing Red/Blue states (which is rapidly turning blue), and instead goes straight to the “pundits”, who try to explain how Obama’s victory isn’t really a “victory”, because although he won the election, he didn’t meet “expectations”:
(Pearing into the not-to-distant future)
“Yes, Margaret, Obama can hardly call his 68% popular vote count a “mandate”. At best, it just shows how confused the voters were, and perhaps some of his support is, sadly, racially based. We will have to wait at least four years before we can cast a final judgement on whether Obama did, in fact, “win” this election.”
With Fox News, you can write their story before the events actually occur. That’s becuase they do, in fact, write their story in advance of any event occuring, and regardless of the actual facts.
Oabama is ahead of McCain in four states that Bush carried in 2004:
CO Obama leads by 2%
IA Obama leads by 6%
NV Obama leads by 3%
NM Obama leads by 9%
Nice. At the same time, sadly enough, probably prescient.
@47 Stamnopqrst wrote:
Well, not exactly. The difference is that while the talentless socialist “Republican” Politburo trust-fund kids wanted to do it in 2004, they gave-up without even trying (No big surprise there!). Whereas the Democrats know they can pull it off (c.f. “Yes, we can!”).
…which is exactly what they’re doing as I write.
Now go take your gout medication.
@45 How about “mule”? Mention “mule” and right-wing mulefucking freaks start coming out of the woodwork:
Eew, Steve @51, that’s another image I worked so hard to put out of my mind! (See also #39 above).
What’s truly disappointing is that when it comes to these immoral “Republican” America-haters, the simple unvarnished facts are so repulsive, disgusting, and mind-numbingly outrageous all on their own.
They make me want to vomit.
Goldy is just jealous that a female is making more than he is..Hell, who aint?….then again, she actually works for a living.
Try it sometime Goldy.
If that old fuck McSame had any guts, and if he were a real maverick. he’d call Faux News and tell them he doesn’t need their help.
I love me, yes I do.
Me is beautiful, yes
so much more than you!
whats the problem?
why dont we film what you guys do minutes before you’re about to go live on national television? seriously.
Hmh, Megyn Kelly is seen prepping for on-air while others around her clapped and cheered.
Isn’t it amazing that a news reader isn’t clapping and cheering but getting ready to go on-air. I call that professionalism rather than cheerleading.
Obama leading 48 to 42. With standard deviation traditionally 3 – that’s a statistical dead heat!