Apparently, Rep. Jay Inslee has been following my coverage of Goldmark v. McKenna, even if most of our local media hasn’t:
“He [McKenna] seems to think he’s the Lands Commissioner, the Secretary of State, the Governor, and the AG,” Inslee said of his potential rival for Governor in 2012.
Huh. You’d think the press might find that interesting. Apparently not.
The Rolling Stone dictum of ‘all the news that fits’ is apparently for the local media ‘only the news that fits’ — like extremely slanted union busting stories about ferry employees.
These guys are no better than the National Enquirer. Did you know that JFK and Jacquie have returned from outer space with Elvis and a great new diet from the tree-hugging aliens?
Go Inslee!!! Inslee 2012!!!
“Who’s Reading HA?”
I’d be intersted to know the percentage of readers in-state vs. out-of-state.
Any readers from an IPC address located at any Republican party or candidate’s headquarters?
Governor Jay Inslee.
I like the sound of that…..
answer: not very many people
i hope islamic radicals do
The point of the post was that an important pooh-bah in the Dem. party was reading HA, so this blog is influential.
Now go watch Burn Notice.
Inslee is going to be an awesome Governor.
@6 I hope they do, too, so they’ll know what they’re up against if they fuck with American liberals. They sure as hell weren’t afraid to mess with American conservatives — bin Laden probably is sitting in a hot tub in Karachi laughing at you guys.
Jay, I’m proud to say, is my Congressman. Several years ago, I saw Jay on the ferry, and pointed him out to my teen-aged, impressionable son, saying “there is your Congressman.” My son, not bashful, said he wanted to meet him. So, we went up to him, and Jay engaged my son in a conversation about where he was going, what he wanted to do, that left an impression. There were no brush-off words. Inslee for Governor, no doubt.
As I remember it, they got an invite to some Republicans ranch in Texas…
Wow, Inslee. One reader. And a similar left-leaning one at that.
But pat yourself on the back for showing up the media on this story – which I’ve been reading about in the media for months.
Funny you should also cite reporters as one of your sources.
Comon, you’re a politician not a journalist.
There are a lot of dud politicians at all levels in Washington state. Congressman Inslee is one of the few reliable bright spots of either party.