If the Internet is the future then America is pricing itself out. pic.twitter.com/84szlUISDZ
— Rishad Tobaccowala (@rishad) April 1, 2014
by Goldy — ,
If the Internet is the future then America is pricing itself out. pic.twitter.com/84szlUISDZ
— Rishad Tobaccowala (@rishad) April 1, 2014
Unfettered Greed will destroy this country.
We could easily put 1000Mb/Sec into every house in the country for under $1B.
But, so called “free enterprise” means that someone must make a profit no matter what, and public money cannot ever, under any circumstances be used for the public good.
Golly HA DUMMOCRETINS… Puddy didn’t view hardly any commentary on Ed Murray receiving large from Comcast when he was campaigning against Mike McGinn. Now why was that? It’s only a good monopoly when DUMMOCRETINS jock strap other DUMMOCRETINS? Comcast who owns NBC/PMSNBC is one of those companies stifling broadband development. Since you morons have libtardism as a mental disorder allow Puddy to re-educate y’all on some GWBush FCC facts… It’s a tough job but someone needs to step up and slap HA DUMMOCRETINS around!
When city “fathers” allow a monopolistic systems to take hold everyone loses in the area. It’s DUMMOCRETINS who are hypocritical regarding monopolies.
One of Puddy’s favorite mags.
And that’s what DUMMOCRETINS always do when they have power. Always handing out favors to those who jock strapped them. Payback… the game invented by political DUMMOCRETINS!
@ 2
Why, you are entirely correct, Hugo Chavez.
Now that private corporations have used investor dollars to purchase licenses from the government and to purchase all sorts of right-of-way access from virtually every municipality in the country to install all of the infrastructure, we could, indeed, appropriate that infrastructure for the public good and, at what we think might be less cost, put fast broadband in every household.
One only need look at Venezuela to see just how well that type of confiscation worked out.
@ 5
The Federal and State governments paid nearly ALL the costs of setting up the internet, the companies had practically zero net costs when it was being built. The original ARPANET was entirely paid for with Federal Dollars, and the Internet was built on that.
The only “confiscation” that occurred was when the Telecoms demanded the laws that banned them from entering the computer business be changed to allow them access to the market. The original UNIX, the basic operating system that the entire Internet runs on, was originally developed by AT&T under Federal Contract.
The Telecoms paid pennies on the dollar for infrastructure that was already put in place by the US government. It was a huge selloff of Taxpayer-owned property, thanks to Ronald Reagan.
@3 Guess you weren’t reading Slog at the time.
@5 Or, we could use Seattle City Light’s coming installation of smart meters as an opportunity to string fiber to the home, and compete with Comcast and Centurylink by delivering municipal broadband.
Oh, and FYI, the bulk of Comcast and Centurylink’s network local infrastructure hands from City Light telephone polls.
Goldy @7,
No Puddy wasn’t. Well it seems one person was AWAKE here at HA DUMMOCRETINS! That’s sad commentary for the others!
Once again ewhen OWS Racist Fraggy leaves a turd on HA it smells. All can see how OWS Racist Fraggy gets his daily does on left wrong thought from the many purveyors of left wrong thought.
Somehow Puddy remembers “I want my MTV” long ago. Reagan’s deregulation allowed libtards all over to now see those “shows”.
So Racist one would your Foxconn manufactured (with cheap non $15/hour Asian labor) iPhone with Internet capabilities happened without Reagan’s deregulation?
Didn’t Reagan’s rejection of the so-called Fairness Doctrine allow you to download anything you want from the Internet? Imagine if Goldy had to post a competing right-wing blog to counteract the horse manure piles you and your fellow DUMMOCRETIN travelers leave here every day?
Every time you post it demonstrates the shallowness of your “observations”!
Again the mentally ill know-nothing spouts off on a subject he knows absolutely nothing about.
MTV was created as an independent cable channel in 1981, by an individual who had been running similar channels on local Cable service in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago since the early 1970s. Cable deregulation happened in 1977 and 1978, under President Jimmy Carter. The regulations he signed off were created in 1972, under Richard Nixon.
The only related law passed by Reagan was in 1984, and only defined jurisdictional boundaries between local and State governments on what could be regulated and put the Federal Government up as the final authority. Cable service rates were again regulated in 1992, under President GHW Bush. Bill Clinton again signed off on deregulating the industry in 1996.
Incidentally, the “Fairness Doctrine” only applied to broadcast networks and radio. Not privately owned non-broadcast cable television.
So once again, the resident HorsesAss lunatic demonstrates to everyone exactly how ignorant and reactionary he really is.
Ever noticed how OWS Racist Fraggy doesn’t provide links. Why? He gets his primary horse manure from left wrong sites.
Time for the daily PuddySmackdown of OWS Racist Fraggy… First from the St Louis Federal Reserve… From WikiPedia…
Not all cable companies carried MTV you moron! Read history instead of reading left wrong sites.
And of course OWS Racist Fraggy forgot how broke Reagan broke up AT&T into the Baby Bells. This fully happened Jan, 1, 1984. This started in 1974 under Ford… Reagan tried to negotiate with AT&T in 1981 and AT&T stalled. So the courts broke them up during Reagan’s years. Again from WikiPedia…
Puddy uses left wrong sites to make PuddyPoints against OWS Racist Fraggy.
So to requote the facts against OWS Racist Fraggy…
Sux to be the Racist Freakazoid he is!
Lol wtf…