I’m mainlining caffeine right now in an effort to jump start my own election analysis, but I thought I’d start by stealing some from The New Republic:
The Democrats have won back the House. Rahm Emanuel, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), nearly tripped over himself on the way to the microphone to claim the credit. In fact, while the tidal wave in the House looks like a bit of strategic genius by Emanuel–and pundits are starting to call it that way (Howard Fineman on MSNBC noted that the Democrats even picked up a seat in Kentucky, where the 3rd District candidate was John Yarmuth–“Emanuel’s fourth choice!” Fineman exclaimed, as if in awe of the power possessed by Emanuel’s mere table scraps)–in race after race, it actually represents the apotheosis of forces Emanuel has doubted all long: the netroots.
In two competitive House races in the Bluegrass State, Emanuel’s first choices lost by 9 and 12 points. In the 2nd District it was Colonel Mike Weaver, the cofounder of Commonwealth Democrats, a group of conservative Democratic state legislators. In the 4th, it was Ken Lucas, a former congressman whom Robert Novak recently called “moderate conservative” in a column Emanuel’s “recruiting coup” in coaxing Lucas out of retirement. Both were the kind of candidates Emanuel has favored in his famous nationwide recruiting drive. Yarmuth, meanwhile, was founder of the state’s first alternative newspaper, said things on the campaign trail things like “the No Child Left Behind Act … is a plan deliberately constructed to create ‘failing’ schools,” and called for “a universal health care system in which every citizen has health insurance independent of his or her employment.”
It was a pattern repeated across the country. New Hampshire’s 1st District delivered Carol Shea-Porter, a former social worker who got kicked out of a 2005 Presidential appearance for wearing a T-shirt that said turn your back on bush. That might have been her fifteen minutes of fame–if, last night, she hadn’t defeated two-term Republican incumbent Jeb Bradley. For the chance to face him, however, she had to win a primary against the DCCC’s preferred candidate, Jim Craig–whom Rahm Emanuel liked so much he had the unusual move of contributing $5000 to his primary campaign. Shea-Porter dominated Craig by 20 points–and then was shut out by the DCCC for general election funds.
[…] John Hall is poised to become the Democrats’ version of Sonny Bono–a former environmental and anti-nuclear activist and co-author of the hit 1970s hit “Still the One,” he just won New York’s 19th District House seat. Chris Carney, now heading to Washington to represent Pennsylvania’s 10th, beat beleaguered incumbent (and alleged-strangler) Don Sherwood. “Until Carney was ahead by double digits,” complained Howie Klein of DownWithTyranny, a blog that backed his candidacy, “Rahm wouldn’t take his phone calls.” Larry Kissell, a high school social studies teacher, is, as of this writing, in a statistical dead heat with an incumbent Republican from of all places, North Carolina. Says Klein: “If Rahm had a little bit of foresight to see this guy was for real, and to see that he was a candidate who could have won, a little bit of money would have made all the difference for him.”
[…] The thing all these successful candidates share in common is backing by the same dirty-necked bloggers and netroots activists that pundits have been calling the political kiss of death. Yarmuth, Shea-Porter, Hall, and Kissel–in addition to Democratic pickups Jerry McNerney in California, Joseph Sestak and Lois Murphy in Pennsylvania, Amy Klobuchar in Minnesota, Bruce Braley in Iowa, Kristin Gillibrand in New York, and Senators-elect John Tester of Montana and Sherrod Brown of Ohio–were all beneficiaries of a PAC called Blue America, a joint project of the blogs Firedoglake, DownWithTyranny, and Crooks & Liars. “Most of the candidates we support come directly from our readers,” Klein says.
Some of their chosen beneficiaries were hopeless and remained so. The bloggers say that’s the risk you take when you’re trying to build a party infrastructure for the long term. Others were hopeless, however, only until the netroots-types got their mitts on them. […] The bloggers, blunt as they may be, think they have a better plan for building a lasting Democratic majority. Last night’s results suggest the rest of us should start taking it seriously.
The netroots won yesterday, and we won big. There will be ups and downs, but yesterday was the first step towards rebuilding the Democratic Party and a new, national progressive majority.
Many of those the DNC/DCCC ignored were supported and endorsed by WESPAC and General Wes Clark. Rahm is a tool of the DLC as far as I can tell.
“Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing…after they have exhausted all other possibilities.”
— Winston Churchill
“Good Morning America,
How are Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
(Steve Goodman)
Wow, coming from Joe Lieberman Weekly, that’s quite an endorsement for the netroots.
Many of those the DNC/DCCC ignored were supported and endorsed by WESPAC and General Wes Clark.
This needs to be repeated everywhere. Clark has consistently worked for a national, grass-roots-based Democratic Party, and he deserves our thanks. He has consistently had our backs, and I, for one, won’t forget.
Rove deserves the credit.
Geez, it’s obvious.
And in further evidence of the scope of the Republican route, a Democrat who had been dead for six months beat a live Republican for a county position in Pierre, South Dakota, 100 votes to 64.
This is just how bad the news is for the cowardly right.
A republican asshole in SD was so bad, he was beaten by the Democrat who had died before the election – and the people knew she was dead – and still voted her in.
NOT a good year for the traitors on the right!
The netroots won yesterday, and we won big. There will be ups and downs, but yesterday was the first step towards rebuilding the Democratic Party and a new, national progressive majority.
Time to start Phase II
Cats and dogs living together.
See, the netroots can bring everyone together, even if it’s only in support of booze. Hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?
Oregon Senator Smith went on ABC morning show to do damage control and spin. He urged The Merakin People to not overplay the significance of the election, and blames problems on partisan politics, (ie, it’s not a problem with republicans as much as with both parties). Uh huh. Suuuure. Amazing how he keeps his hair perfectly in place while spinning. Disappointing concession speech there, Gordy, loser fake. Sounds more like Gordon Smith is still playing partisan politics. Where will he want to go next? Dog catcher?
Both the Seattle Times editorial page and the pathetic little competing blog are predictably whiny this morning.
My random comments…
Bill Bennett last night tried to say “Seats are changing hands [Q: can they do that?], but I don’t see a wave.” I think he’s dripping today.
Remember, bipartisanship rests on trust, and the Republicans have done little thus far to show that they deserve trust.
The MT and VA Senate seats are overwhelmingly likely to become Democratic now. But Lieberman could still screw us.
Carville said it last night, and someone else in blogs yesterday: This race pushed out a few more moderate Rpublicans, wrapped up the NE US for theDemocrats and opened up the Midwest and Mountian states. The Republicans are becoming an extremist Christian, regional Southern party. And they don’t seem to realize it yet. I think they think that they need to be even more Republican to win, and I’m glad.
Q for wingnuts who have posed this elsewhere: If the public elected the Democrats to withdraw from Iraq (I don’t think it’s quite that simple), and they are taking a risk of disappointing them by not doing so immediately (because it seems that the executive branch actually controls that), do you really think voters will turn to the party who PUT US THERE in retaliation? *laughing*
Gang, we’ve crashed the gates! People power is here to stay..
If we can keep it.
Chairman Dean,
I can trace the beginnings of the Dem victory last night to your election as party leader.
Many made fun of you. They were wrong.
They said you were too verbally undisciplined. They were wrong.
They said you were too liberal. They were wrong.
They said you were too unapologetic. They were wrong.
RightEqualsStupid @ 7:
Nice. That’s reminiscent of the 2000 Senate race when Missourians voted John Asscroft out of office in favor of the late Mel Carnahan.
Pickup of six seats in the Senate. Ah, the “will of the people.” Oh, you guys wanna contest VA? Bring it on!
In a stunning revelation, Karl Rove turned out to be not the wizard, but the pudgy little man behind the curtain.
When Frank Blethen kicks the Seattle Times will get bought out by Hearst and will be re-named the Seattle Times Post-Intelligencer. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
It’s no longer necessary for me to ask wingnuts to support the troops by donating to http://www.operation-helmet.org/.
Since they didn’t support the troops, we’re going to take it out of their paychecks.
What are the trends for the 8th? Can Darcy pick up any steam?
This morning, the Seattle Times letters column is full of rants decrying voter apathy and low turnout.
Down in CA, Richard Pombo scheduled his victory party at a place called “The Waterloo Inn.” Oh the irony! ha ha ha ha ha ha
Buh-bye Pombo! Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way to the retirement home! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
The big bonus in winning the Senate, or course, is the new Democratic role in USSC nominations. They’ll have a majority in the Judiciary Committee as well.
20 Mike Barer
Only about half the votes have been counted. Patience.
Just announced on NBC.
NBC News just interrupted its regular programming to report a White House announcement this morning that Donald Rumsfeld “will resign.” I.e., Bush has just fired Rumsfeld.
Is this jerk-off pulling a Schwarzenegger and finally concerned about his “legacy”?
Is he finally listening to Daddy?
I can’t believe it!!!!
Rumsfeld will be replaced by his deputy, Gordon Ingram (sp?).
Gordon England is the new Secretary of Defense.
Bunny @ 27.
Bush Firing Rummy?
Rove is the string puller…
Tim Russett is calling it a “firing.”
Now let’s hear what Bush has to say.
He (Bush) called it the “Democratic” party!
“The people cast their ballots … the Democratic Party had a good night last night, and I congratulation. … I’m obviously disappointed at the outcome, and as the leader of the Republican Party I share the responsibility.”
“and I congratulate them”
The Democrats “did a superb job of turning out their votes.”
“I believe we will be able to work out our differences …”
Yeah, resign, chimp. That’s how you do that. Resign the presidency.
“We cannot accept defeat” in Iraq.
“I’m looking forward to hearing the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group.”
I’ve asked Bob Gates to serve as Secretary of Defense.”
The tone? Puuhleezze…..
Want to change the tone? Fire Rove.
Robert Gates, president of Texas A & M University and a former CIA director, will replace Donald Rumsfeld as secretary of defense.
Bush ended his opening remarks in this press conference by decrying “those who would divide our country into red and blue.”
Yeah, it’s all the Democrats’ fault because we wouldn’t suck the wingnuts’ dicks.
Dr. Robert Michael Gates (born September 25, 1943) has been nominated by President George W. Bush to be the 22nd United States Secretary of Defense to replace Donald Rumsfeld who resigned on Novermber 8th, 2006. He will become Secretary immediately upon confirmation by the Senate. Previous to that office, he served as Director of Central Intelligence from November 6, 1991 until January 20, 1993, capping a 26-year career in the CIA and the National Security Council. Immediately before being nominated to the post of Secretary of Defense, he was the President of Texas A&M University and the National President of the National Eagle Scout Association. He and his wife Becky have two children.
Same old, same old. The great divider…
I give him and Rove credit, to some extent, for anticipating this political defeat.
I’m going to miss McGavick, in a way. I’m still laughing about his last TV ads. “We need to get in their and defeat those terrorists!”.
Gee, Mike, we hadn’t thought of that! It’s so easy when you put it that way? If only you had been here to lead us earlier, we could have just gone in there and defeated the terrorists and been home for Christmas three years ago! You are so smart!
Here is one for the ages.
“I thought we were going to do fine yesterday. Shows how much I know.” — George W. Bush, November 8, 2006
Oh shit I just herd on the radio that bob gates might bye kind of contervertual . He was all most nominated to be head of the C.I.A. but wasn’t because of his involvement in the Iran contra affair. :-(
NBC just bleeped Bush — couldn’t quite read his lips — did he say “motherfucker?”
Oh it’s never been “stay the course”!!!
“Constantly adjusting”.. whatever..
Rummy gone! The world is SUCH a better place today and who knows where it will end. We just got Montana officially. At best, the righties will have a tied Senate and a MAJOR shift to the left overall! Man it continues to be a great day!
By the way, the ratio of noise from the inbred, right wing troll fucks is very low today? Keep your tail between your legs where it belongs girls. You got asswhipped! HE HE!
Bush seems very edgy this morning … angry … almost out of control.
Oh, just to mention a bit of the right-wing commentary from last night: They are saying that the Republicans who are being defeated are the ones who betrayed the Conservative principles by trying to accomodate the left too much. According to them, if the Republicans had just stuck to their guns and privatized social security, eliminated the estate tax, and “gone in full bore” to defeat the terrorists in Iraq, then everything would have been fine. According to them, the Republican party had moved too far to the left, not too far to the right.
I heard that bleep… It could be the equivalent of Janet’s breast!
49 Gates, huh? Poppy Bush’s CIA director. Doesn’t exactly give me the warm fuzzies.
Bush wants “compensation for small businesses” in any minimum wage bill.
you have to wounder if Bush knows anyone who is not a war crimanel
Suzanne Malveaux? I saw him wink at her earlier!
So that’s Bush’s position on minimum wage: If we’re going to raise the federal minimum wage above $5.15 an hour, we taxpayers and not employers have to pay for it.
It’s hard to listen and type at the same time, but I think one of the reporters just called Bush a liar.
Bush is almost in tears.
Bush just made a snide jibe at the New York Times reporter.
Welcome to Hell, wingnuts!!!
Bush says, “It’s very important the people understand the consequences of failure (in Iraq).”
They do, oh they do, they do …
“I truly believe that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid care as much about the security of America as I do.”
My how the tune has changed. Just last week, Pelosi and Reid were cut-and-run Defeatocrats and traitors. The mockingbird is trying to sound like a robin instead of a raven but it isn’t working.
The guy is nuts. He’s all over the place.
By the way, the ratio of noise from the inbred, right wing troll fucks is very low today? Keep your tail between your legs where it belongs girls. You got asswhipped! HE HE! Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 11/8/06@ 10:18 am
Does this mean they kept their appointment at the Hanging Tree this morning?
What the bloggers managed to do was to get an active discussion going which investigated and deflated the Republican spin. By sticking with the issue, they revealed to middle-class America exactly how disreputable the Republicans had become, and how little they could be trusted.
Take, for example, the Katrina disaster, which I see as the major turning point for the public’s perception of the Republicans and the Bush Administration. As New Orleans flooded, mainstream media pundits were talking about how this would all work toward Bush’s political advantage. Here was a natural disaster (i.e., not Bush’s fault), and Americans tend to rally around the President as he provides leadership in a crisis.
Thanks to bloggers such as Goldie, we now all know that FEMA was being dismantled by the Bush administration, and FEMA director Brown was an incompetent political hack with a fake resume who had no business being in such a position, and that the administration only responded to the suffering in New Orleans when polls showed they were going to take a political hit for their handling of the disaster.
But it could have turned out differently. Without the attention paid by bloggers, Rove & Co. might well have been able to sell the media on the story that Bush, Brownie & Co. were making heroic efforts to save New Orleans, only to be frustrated by the incompetence, bickering, and partisanship of the local (Democratic) politicians. Of course, you will still here that spin argued by Limbaugh and a few right-wing bloggers, but nobody takes them seriously. When Bush argued that it took him four days to learn of the plight of refugees at the Superdome, everyone who had been watching TV since Monday knew that was a lie. When Bush told Brownie he was doing a “heckuva job”, everyone know that there was no truth in that statement.
But it was Goldie, and bloggers like him, that revealed that the appointment of Brown was not a mere fluke, “one bad apple” who Rove & Co. could turn into a scapegoat for their own failings. Instead, his appointment was an intentional act designed to destroy a federal agency which Clinton had turned into a respected, professional, non-partison organization. And recent revelations have shown that the disaster in Iraq has its roots in similar failings, as clearly incompetent people were placed in charge of re-building Iraq based only on their political loyalty and ideology.
Even Brownie gave credit to Goldie (in a back-handed fashion), blaming him for the beginnings of all his problems.
The guy is nuts. He’s all over the place. Commentby For the Clueless— 11/8/06@ 10:29 am
He’s always been nuts. The only thing different this morning is his sore loser side is coming out. And maybe he smoked some crack before facing the music …
By the way, the use of the net has become an interesting new dynamic to the political process. But one thing which struck me was the effectiveness of what I could call “neighborhood advocacy”, for lack of a better term.
This election I made a real effort to get out to meet everyone in my neighborhood and discuss politics with them. I told them my views, with facts to back them up. Many neighbors had much the same thought, but were surprised that others agreed with them. When I found an unrepentant Republican, I listened to them politely, shook their hand, we agreed to disagree, and I still invited them over for a barbeque at my place (after all, we still have to be neighbors).
In the process I found out who could be relied upon to vote Democratic most of the time, who would always vote Republican even if the devil himself were a candidate, and who would vote either way, depending upon the issue or candidate of the year. As election date approached, I made sure to remind those who indicated that they would be voting Democrat to mail in their ballots early. Since Snohomish County has become an “all-mail” county, there was no need to offer to drive voters to the polls. I also spent some time working on the marginal voters, the ones who were undecided or leaned slightly toward the Democrats. We had several dinners at our house, and I spent some time explaining to Reagan Republicans why the should vote Democratic this time around.
I suspect that this is a bit more like the old-fashioned political organization model, except without the “jobs/patronage” aspect you might find in older cities like Chicago.
Anyway, I plan to continue my efforts over the next two years. I hope to build upon this base and expand it. If I do it right, nobody will need to be bothered by a phone call at dinnertime reminding them to vote – we will already have that handled in a much more friendly way.
Funny how late Bush & Co. are at responding to a disaster-in-the making. It was four days after Katrina hit before Bush realized that people cared about New Orleans, and finally he started to treat it like the “public relations” problem he perceived it to be.
After three years of mis-management in Iraq, but finally admits a month ago that mistakes were made, and just last month that “stay the course” is not necessarily the best policy.
Last weekend he vowed that Rumsfield had a job for the next two years. But finally, after getting crushed in the elections, he decides its time to get rid of Rumsfield after all? A little late, my friend.
You have to wonder who speaks in his ear. He really doesn’t seem to have a clue about what is happening out there. Is he using Rush Limbaugh for his security and political briefings? I really can’t imagine that Rove is dumb enough to be giving him the advice he seems to be taking.
Rummy is scared of the subpoena.
74. This sounds like a great idea, rhp6033. I’d do it, except my congressional and state legislative districts, city, county are HEAVILY DEMOCRATIC already and most of the Republican voters in my precinct left die off in the assisted living facilities. So I’ll probably just work the peak oil/sustainability angle in my community. Because even the Dems waste energy and spend too much.
News Flash: NBC has declared Tester the winner in Montana, defeating the Republican incumbent Conrad Burns.
The control of the Senate depends on the re-count in Virginia.
you mayer is not being very excepting of the new strip club vote
I am glad it passed . If I had my way I would leaglize prostition
and POT
It is time for George Allen and Conrad Burns to bow out gracefully.
Yeterday: Democrats won about 32 million votes compared to 24 million for Republicans.
This should be fun. George Bush just is NOT a compromiser. What will happen?
I think: he loses every time.
More thoughts:
For the next two years we’ll see Democrats passing legislation for the middle class while Bush keeps us mired in Iraq AND tries to privatize SS, having confrontation after confrontation with Congress. Congressional investigations FINALLY begin and evidence of previously unimagined Republican fraud, corruption, and incompetence starts to emerge.
THAT’S the backdrop for the 2008 Congressional and presidential elections.
Good luck, wingnuts.
It would be ending on a down note if George “Macaca” Allen is re-elected.
Lieberman was bad enough.
Come on people of Virginia. Pull through for us!
Remember that Rove & Co. have become masters of controlling the re-count. Rove cut his teeth on one in an Alabama Supreme Court race relatively early in his career. The 2000 Florida election contest was an example of his work, and the 2004 Washington State Governor’s election contest is another example, although I suspect his students were involved in that, rather than Rove himself.
Note the essential elements of a Rove re-count strategy:
(1) Use official positions to partison advantage. Twist arms, use threats, promise jobs, selectively re-count, or cut off the re-count in mid-stream if that is what it takes to make sure that the election certificate shows the Republican as the winner. This gives the Republican a decided advantage in any legal challenge (example: Florida 2000).
(2) During the re-count (and any subsequent challenges), use each day to achieve maximum effective propoganda value. Spread out your issues, creating a “charge-a-day” for talk radio and the media to deal with. The goal is to make it look like an ever-increasing avalanche of “voter fraud” or “election mis-management” which threatens to steal the election from the Republican candidate. So instead of one laundry-list of charges to be investigated, considered and dismissed, the Democrats and the media find themselves on the defensive, responding daily to new charges. If done correctly, the mere existence of the charges will eventually cause the media to preface every reference to the election as “troubled” or “controversial”. (Example: Washington State, 2004).
(3) Never give up. Fight for every ballot, no matter how absurd the premise. Accuse the Democrats of not supporting the troops if they fail to count every military ballot, even if filled out incorrectly or received far past the deadline. Insist that every Democratic vote not be counted, on any premise imaginable.
(4) Make sure any judicial challenge is taken before a reliably Republican court and judge, one who feels that the “right result” is important. If a sufficiently partison judge is not available, go the opposite way – have it brought before known Democratic judge, so that you can still argue the election was stolen from you when they rule against you. (Washington Republicans screwed up on this step in 2004 – they filed in a two-judge Republican county, and the judge they really wanted recused himself, leaving the other judge to decide. He was Republican also, but a fair and independent one.)
(5) Remember that on election day, dirty tricks are difficult to counter in time. By the time the other side discovers them, responds, documents, and seeks appropriate redress, the polls will soon be closed. After the election, the news media isn’t interested in the story any more – by then, it is old news. Very few people ever get prosecuted for election dirty tricks, even if illegal.
(6) Regardless of the ultimate outcome, if you win the propoganda war, you can still save the day by gaining and advantage in future elections. Arguing that the election was stolen from you by Democrats serves several purposes. It engergizes your base, radicalizing them and causing them to donate even more money. It allows you to conduct dirty tricks yourself in an election, which the operatives can justify to themselves on the grounds that “its not as bad as what the Democrats are doing”. It intimidates election officials -those that are honestly trying to do the best job in a non-partison way may decide its not worth the trouble and resign, making an opening for partison hacks to be placed into their positions.
87 rhp
All that noted, it looks very much like under the VA rules Allen will have a VERY hard time gaining the ground he needs to gain in a recount. He may very well decide that politically the less-damaging course is to concede.
Does anyone doubt that the Republicans in the Senate will filibuster, filibuster, FILIBUSTER?
Great, and short, KC Journal story on the Reichert-Burner vote count.
Two comments:
1. Regarding the strip show vote: A great movie is “Live Nude Girls Unite.” It is the story of how the strippers of San Francisco organized a union local. Maybe Seattle women should consider it. (One great shot is of the outside picket line with posters that say “No Contract – No Pussy!”
2. Regarding Rahm (DLC) Emanuel: At the start of this election cycle, it was posited that the Dems would be VERY lucky to win the 15 seats necessary to take over the House. However, I gave over the internet to numerous candidates who were interviewed on Air America, KGO and progressive internet sites. None of them even had their phone calls returned by Rahm. So, wonder why at the end the pundits were talking about 30 and even 40 seats in play? In my opinion, it was all due to Dr. Dean and his “50 State Strategy” that Rahm has been fighting him about.
YOU GO, Dr. Dean!!
“It is time for George Allen and Conrad Burns to bow out gracefully. ”
Was that your assessment during the 04 gubernatorial elections? That’s what I thought.
We must count ALL of the votes. And see this through the entire process.
Yeah, all those pro-life Dems in the Senate and House, you Netrooters cleaned house. Good luck get anything but a meaningless (in WA state) minimum wage increase.