In a May, 2003 interview with the Seattle Times, Mike?™ McGavick nostalgically reflected on how his father taught him the value of sacrifice, hard work and setting priorities.
McGavick pumped gas to help pay for Seattle Prep. He won a state track title his senior year and argued he should take the summer off to train for nationals
Oh Goldy, get a clue my man!!
It’s merely creative
lyingmarketingcampaigning!!!!Goldy, I really don’t know that this story has legs, and dragging it along on a rope isn’t going to make any of us look very good.
There are plenty of people in politics who drink. In fact, it may easily be argued that politics drives a lot of people to drink. The issue with McGavick, once again, ain’t that he drinks, but rather who he drinks with. I’d like to see him challenged about what he thinks about his good buddy Ted Stevens opposing beefing up the effort to get Afghanistan’s economy off the opium standard.
oh boy I get to be the first or secound post
Voter beware.
All politicians like. Democrats, Republicans, Independents.
This isn’t news. It’s just politics.
I meant “All politicians lie”.
Ok can I ask you guys a question?
Who or what is the Bilderberg group ?
They seam to be a cross between the root of all evil in the world maybe even Satan him self might be president depending on what documentary you watch
Our there the true rulers of the world the behind the sense group pulling all the strings of presidents and prime ministers and the media.
And it seams the left and the right are in agreement about this group . Which is kind of shocking .
So I thought i would ask smarter people then me .. That would be you wonks…. What the deal is with this ?
oh and the banks and multi nation companies the true one world goverment
what ever that is
Sheesh, the next thing you know he’ll tell people he was a former Microsoft executive.
Minnow – go back to your hovel and delete more posts about your crank calls to Dean Logan’s home and how you had to patch things up with the Sherrif.
I think Mike? is trying to set a record. He’s trying to get caught in more lies per minor claim than any politician in Washington state history. He’s gotten off to a great start.
Minnow @ 8
Thanks for letting us know that you’re voting for Maria Cantwell in November. The “former track star” has obviously failed to meet your high standards.
Mike is now merely demonstrating his abilities as any good Leader Authoritarian personality would which is to lie convincingly to another person’s face. He just needs a little more practice.
Good Gawd…
WTF is wrong with this McSafeco character.
Why LIE when you don’t have to! Nobody gives a good goddamn about your high school track career…
…unless you LIE about it.
Geez, what a doof. He’s REALLY a doof.
There’s almost a pathology about what he’s doing. Like a REAL ALCOHOLIC…he lies when he doesn’t have to.
OK, Fine! Better for us. Keep talkin’ Mike?. Yer talkin’ yerself down to about 20%. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
So it looks like the McGavick campaign may have peaked last month.
The new Rasmussen poll done yesterday shows Cantwell with a 17% lead – Cantwell 52% – McGavick 35%. The same poll had a 6% spread last month. The pollster attributes the slide to McGavick’s DUI storytelling drama. But maybe it had something to do with that big “trifecta” buy he made too.
Surely McGavick’s tracking is showing a similar slide. His numbers today looks worse than Ellen Craswell’s at her worst.
BTW-Seen his TV ads?
He looks and SOUNDS like a fukkin’ DWEEB.
Dude…do some SILENT ads with a voice-over…sunsets or cornfields or SOMETHING. Those “civility” ads are CRAP!
Fuck, GOLDY sounds better than McSafeco.
Like I said…every time he opens his trap…better for us.
Keep talkin’ Mikey? McSafeco.
8 Shark:
Nice to see you visiting. You will notice that here at HA Goldy does not delete posts of conflicting opinions.
That penis envy has you in its grips, no? Bigger blog, bigger fan base, bigger radio show (didn’t you refuse to be a guest, or is that a silly rumor?) and obviously far more thoughtful and well written posts.
I can’t say this a (un)SP, because you would delete it:
You make things up, you see ghosts everywhere and I think you may suffer from psychotic episodes. Oh yeah: FUCK YOU!
would someone please anser my questin in #6 please ..
Which is worse: Some bullshit about a track meet, or Senator Cantwell giving kickbacks to a campaign donor?
Given the seriousness of the allegations, there should at least be hearings so the voters can know the whole ugly dirty story.
“It is clear that this financial relationship web between the senator and the lobbyist creates a huge conflict of interest,” said Ellen Miller, head of the nonpartisan Sunlight Foundation, which is working to highlight how lawmakers use legislative earmarks to reward special interests.
“At the end of the day, there is a private lobbyist who is making a lot of money off her public actions. And it certainly appears, with the loan, to give her a stake in his financial success,” she said.
Anything McSafeco (I love that) says is fair game to go after. He won’t talk about the issues, just his “civility”, so what else is there? And what he says speaks to his character. And so far his character is lacking.
Plus he has a whiny voice (I know, so does Goldy. But at least Goldy has something worthwhile to say)
9/8/2006 7:52:42 PM
spas and hot tubs and hot tubs
What’s worse you asshole, is McSafeco ripping off shareholders for $28,000,000 (THAT’S TWENTY-EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS) to buy a Senate seat.
That’s what’s worse you shitass.
Let’s see if the left tries to bury this:
WASHINGTON – A soon-to-be U.S. senator lends money to a lobbyist. The lobbyist never pays it back. The lawmaker then uses her Senate position to help direct more than $11 million in government money to projects benefiting the lobbyist’s clients.
Maria Moonbat at it again! Let him get money so he can pay her back. Wow moonbats:
Where’s the outrage?
Where is the call for the investigation?
Where is the mutterings?
Where’s the Mea Culpas?
Silence is NOT golden!
Hey Puddy – What up. You not a kennedy anymore? You sick of fuckin’ and drownin’ young women?
Ok can I ask you guys a question?
Who or what is the Bilderberg group ?
They seam to be a cross between the root of all evil in the world maybe even Satan him self might be president depending on what documentary you watch
Our there the true rulers of the world the behind the sense group pulling all the strings of presidents and prime ministers and the media.
And it seams the left and the right are in agreement about this group . Which is kind of shocking .
So I thought i would ask smarter people then me .. That would be you wonks…. What the deal is with this ?
Puddy – Did you ever help loocy with her “negro problem”?
“Black people can be stressful to be around 24/7. Believe me , I know.” Commentby headless lucy— 9/16/05@ 10:12 pm
Thanks Cynical though for your help with the Negro problem.
Commentby headless lucy— 9/17/05@ 7:47 am
Putridbutt’s got a bone in his mouth!
Lookit him shake it! Cute. Really Cute.
Sosh – The bilderberg group is a group of democrats led by Ted The Swimmer Kennedy who get shitfaced with young women, fuck them, and then drown them and then claim not to really recollect what the fuck happened.
Now Where’s the Macacas idiot now that the moonbats are having a Monkey Fest over this:
View the Monkey Fest:
So they are calling black people monkeys? Ain’t it like moonbats to show their real colors?
Details: Ethnic Rally and Community Event on Saturday, September 9, 11:00am to 1:00pm at Edison High School, 5801 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22310. Organized by the Fairfax County Republican Committee and various ethnic groups. We would like monkeys and friends to arrive between 10am and 11am and hope to be ready with our balloons and bananas no later than 10:30am. We’re not sure exactly where we will be gathering (probably on the public sidewalk, off school grounds).
Cross-posted at Daily Kos Blog
At least one moonbat got it right: “I’m going to chime in now that I’ve read about this elsewhere (4.00 / 1) Just to go on record here, I think this is a bad idea. I thought it was cute in Staunton when I read the macandanna story, but context is everything and this crosses a line for me personally. I would also like to see the campaign come out against this. This is an example, and I’m not trying to equate the two, but going to an ethnic fair to protest this in this manner reminds me of going to a military town and carrying flag draped coffins in a protest to protest the war- the context makes the protest horribly wrong in its message (the right context would be on the steps of the Capitol). I hate to infight, but I felt this one was wrongheaded enough that I needed to state my feelings. by: Doug Garnett-Deakin @ Fri Sep 08, 2006 at 04:37:37 AM MDT “
MTR Kennedy: I felt I needed to “support” Mo Money Ray Nagin!
Rujax – WTF? I thought you left…
So this is why I don’t post here anymore.
Miss me…Klake (the village idiot) and Howcanyoubeproudtobean EVILfuckingchristianistBITCH? Huh? Well I don’t fucking miss you.
So…predictable outcome, the conservaturds and the evangullibles got what they paid for…and gays are the new nee-grows.
Liberty and JUSTICE for ALL, my ass.
Commentby Rujax— 7/26/06@ 3:24 pm
Did you come back for an ass kicking by MTR?
MTR Kennedy: Loocy needs some “Tookie” loving!
You and what army, fuckface.
Puddy – Sure is a lot of money “missing” from Nawlins. You fink some of it ended up in ol’ Ray’s pockets? Nah…
RudeASS: You need to take Carl’s left foot out of your ass. Oh that’s your mouth too?
So how does Cantwell get rich loaning money to her campaign director?
It’s not how she got rich dumbASS, it’s ethics!
All Goldie has been screaming in antipMike! after Anti-Mike! thread is his lack of ethics. Well now we see Moonbat ethics in action! Nary a peep! Nary a Peep!
So if I loan money to my paperboy is that unethical?
Erratum antipMike! ahould be anti-Mike!
39: Non-sequitor!
Isn’t the point of the Senate ethics rules pertaining to these transactions the prevention of Senators voting or otherwise taking actions to enrich themselves? How would that apply in the case of Senator Cantwell loaning money to one of her employees?
Ethics…like George Bush ethics.
Like Tom DeLay ethics.
Like Duke Cunningham ethics…like Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, L.Paul Bremer.
Rick Santorum, Bill Frist, Jack Abramof…Bob Fucking NEY for Christ’s Sake!
Like those guys, huh, putridbutt.
Puddy and MTR- THere’s plenty of money missing whereever Bush and Company spread it. Now let’s think for a minute (I know, against your principles), if Republican appointees are distributing the cash, how likely is it that a Democrat critical of them would get to pocket it?
They’re “thinking”, K.
It’s “hard work”.
It’ll take time.
Has anyone checked Cantwell’s freezer?
Loan, shmoan.
I’ve got irrefutable evidence that Senator Maria Cantwell paid Ron Dotzauer directly from her campaign fund back in 2000! That’s right! Just gave him the money!
Cantwell apparantly expects us to believe that this was something the campaign refers to as “salary”, for performing services for the campaign that they refer to as “management”. So far Cantwell’s office has been unwilling to offer any more of an explanation for the payments other than that Dotzauer was paid a “salary” for “managing” the campaign. Hmmmm.
Rujax @45,
you also have to take into account that Puddy just got done typing “non-sequitor”. Puddy will need a few minutes to return the dictionary to his mom and properly thank her for showing him the new word.
Hush money. Cantwalkandchewgumwell got caught doing something… or someone (Hitlary?)… and is paying off Dotzauer’s blackmail..
Someone needs to keep digging…
The dumbest fucks in the room, those two.
The dumbest fucks in the room, those two. -Commentby Rujax!— 9/8/06@ 6:39 pm
Hitlary and Cantwalkandchewgumwell?
Cantwalkandchewgumwell and OsamaMomma Murray?
rugrat and aptlynamedcleless?
rugrat and his/her/its shadow?
ps: why are you still here?
So this is why I don’t post here anymore.
Miss me…Klake (the village idiot) and Howcanyoubeproudtobean EVILfuckingchristianistBITCH? Huh? Well I don’t fucking miss you.
So…predictable outcome, the conservaturds and the evangullibles got what they paid for…and gays are the new nee-grows.
Liberty and JUSTICE for ALL, my ass.
Commentby Rujax— 7/26/06@ 3:24 pm
Mind altering drugs cause memory loss, sweetcheeks… although I suppose you would have to have had a mind to start with….
Good for you, AssWipe you heel clicking little buckeroo!
That hush money angle is bound to bear fruit!
I really think you’re onto something.
Now get digging, little soldier!
Hey Pam…I mean howcanyoubePROUDtobeanEVILfuckingchristianistBITCH…
MTR @ 19
Sure, maybe if she steers him $10 million, he’ll pay her back the fifteen thousand he owes her? You know, if a few thousand is THAT MUCH of a corrupting influence, what would Mike! do for $28 million?
We don’t know the full depth of the corruption and sleaze here. We know she has a problem with lying, and given the seriousness of the allegation requires a full investigtion. The FBI should raid her home and seize her computer and freezer. They should also freeze all known bank accounts. In addition, she should at least step aside from her duties representing the people of FUWA until this can be investigated and prosecuted.
We deserve to know the whole story, and just how rotten she is.
In a May, 2003 interview with the Seattle Times Mike?™ McGavick nostalgically reflected on how his father taught him the value of sacrifice, hard work and setting priorities.
McGavick pumped gas to help pay for Seattle Prep. He won a state track title his senior year and argued he should take the summer off to train for nationals — and a potential college scholarship.
His dad said no.
Nice story. Except Mike?™ never won a state track title, and, um… there were no nationals.
So I asked McGavick campaign spokesperson Julie Sund for a clarification:
“Mike was the state indoor two-mile champion his senior year.”
Oh. That explains it. Except there is no state high school indoor track championship.
According to a contemporary who ran track with Mike?™ he did win an indoor race that year, but it was an informal invitational with no school affiliation, no state title attached, and no league or district qualifying procedures.
“It’s just one dinky little winter indoor meet…it was so informal that most did not even wear school uniforms… just t-shirts and shorts.”
You see, he ran so hard, he blacked out (for what would not be the first time), causing serious memory loss. He pieced the rest together on his own.
His dad told him he couldn’t go to the national meet because he didn’t have the heart to tell Mike? that there was no such thing. The little tyke was so excited about it. But in the intervening booze-soaked 30 years, the memories compressed, and this is what Mike? figured must have happened.
You really can’t hold it against him. He’s not a liar; he just has the brain damage.
way to go!
MTR- Only if you support the same approach vs. the Republican leadership. How blatant is inviting the regulated to write the regulations? How about the “K” Street project where if you dopn’t support them, you don’t work. And what about your buddy Ted Stevens and his earmarks?
$50K is chump change compared to their antics.
HOUSTON – More than 80 percent of Hurricane Katrina evacuees surveyed in the Houston area are unemployed one year after the storm forced them to flee New Orleans, according to a study released by Rice University on Friday. Sixty-six percent of the 362 evacuees surveyed had full- or part-time jobs before Hurricane Katrina battered the U.S. Gulf Coast on August 29, 2005, the study said. [………Perhaps these Democrat “unemployee homeless” might find jobs in Cape Cod, MASS, or the East Hamptons, NY. These are fine Democrat area!!!]
I’m waiting for McG to hold a press conference and proclaim: “I AM NOT A CROOK!!!”
Outgoing Fourth District Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was considering a lawsuit against the state of Georgia Friday. McKinney questioned whether Georgia’s primary system violates the Voting Rights Act and hinted on Thursday that her supporters may challenge the legality of laws allowing crossover voting. [….I wonder if this loud monthed Democrat bitch has found a job in the private sector? Can you imagine her doing ANYTHING except a “guvment” job. Typical Democrat………]
� Those they have trained to be federal dependents will vote for them no matter what. Those who can�t tell the difference between an American soldier and a real terrorist will vote for them too. Those who can�t read a butterfly ballot will vote for them. So will those just released from prison and even those without a pulse.� Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS� 9/8/06@ 4:35 pm
Bingo, look at the cities with the highest crime rates, lowest school test scores, and the most welfare mamas and they�re always the most solidly Dem. Dems are the party of felons, morons, and welfare mamas.
Commentby americafirst� 9/8/06@ 4:58 pm […………Oh, so true!!!]
Goldy and Gang is this person now representing this great state of Washington? Oh! Oh! what is with this under the table support for projects that benefits the lobbyist clients? What is your spin NOW?;page=1
WASHINGTON Sep 8, 2006 (AP)— A soon-to-be U.S. senator lends money to a lobbyist. The lobbyist never pays it back. The lawmaker then uses her Senate position to help direct more than $11 million in government money to projects benefiting the lobbyist’s clients.
It’s the story of Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., a former technology executive, and her former campaign manager Ron Dotzauer, who founded a lobbying firm and still owes the senator an unpaid personal loan from 2000.
Cantwell’s spokesman says she sees nothing wrong with the relationship. Ethics experts have a different take.
Senate ethics rules require lawmakers to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest when making official acts that benefit people in whom they have a personal financial relationship.
“It is clear that this financial relationship web between the senator and the lobbyist creates a huge conflict of interest,” said Ellen Miller, head of the nonpartisan Sunlight Foundation, which is working to highlight how lawmakers use legislative earmarks to reward special interests.
SORRY OLD NEWS is Kennedy still driving today?
Yeah, Klake, we want the guy who is the puppet of Ted “money is no object when I get it from the government” Stevens.
Go back to sleep.
Why thank you Klake for reminding me how Maria, and Patty Murray are steering money into our state. If I remember right, that was one of the reasons we elected them.
If we wanted to be lied into wars, our taxes raised while the super rich’s taxes are lowered, our schools gutted, our international image and our military destroyed, our VA underfunded, mandatory abstinance only sex education instead of sex education, 4 TRILLION IN NEW DEBT, no investigations, or audits, no bid contracts as far as the eye can see, and no accountability, or even the truth we would haved voted for REPUBLICANS!
Why don’t you get to substantive criticism, like being a lobbyist. Or even more reprehensible the lead lobbyist for the insurance industry to limit liability of insurance companies on hazardous waste exposure of insured polluters.
When will you right wing morons figure out how much damage the Republicans have done to our country? What does it take? There is more than enough evidence to convince anyone with half a brain the Republicans only care for the super-rich, and large corporations. They would rather die than tell the truth about anything.
Name any major legislation they have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.
(crickets chirping)
No go to bed traitors because you are defending the sickening acts of traitors, liars, and crooks. The GOP.
Abramoff, Safavian, Taft, Noe, Ney, Burns, and the list goes on, and on. Imagine how many indictments there would be going to prison if the Congress actually had real investigations like they are supposed to.
NAIROBI, Kenya – The U.N. health agency plans to vaccinate nearly 3 million children in the Horn of Africa this year against polio, a crippling disease that experts fear could spread rapidly along the region’s volatile and porous borders. // Hard-line Islamic clerics there claimed the polio vaccine was part of a U.S.-led plot to render Nigeria’s Muslims infertile or infect them with AIDS. [………..Lots of polio, TB, black plague, and other diseases in Muuuuuuuuuuslimland and Mexico. And they ALL will come to the USA and vote Democrat. Any you, HA.ORG, will pay, and pay, and pay. Diseases, crime, welfare, education, social services, drugs, and gangs, and the DEMS will pimp their votes and blame Bush. Free health care for all!! Classic!!!]
Imagine a lobbyinst trying to help fish instead of oil companies, drug companies, and defense contractors.
How could that be?
They must be confused…..
Why doctor Kennedy, glad you could join us. Please provide the answer..
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(crickets chirping)
there is a news show starting on channel ( to night it looks good.
AIR: America’s Investigative Reports
Sponsored By:
Seattle Times
AIR examines recent journalistic investigations that have rocked communities, shaken up the powers-that-be and changed the world. The twelve episode series explores the investigative reporters, editors and key people who gave on the record interviews for the original story. The show covers a wide net of topics, including environmental mishaps, the judicial system, scandals in business and investment, and national security.
oh it comes at 9 pm tonight in 1/2 hour injoy
Speaking of lies, How ’bout that Bush administration. Here from the NY Times-
The Central Intelligence Agency last fall repudiated the claim that there were prewar ties between Saddam Hussein’s government and an operative of Al Qaeda, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, according to a report issued Friday by the Senate Intelligence Committee.
And If you don’t believt them, just read the report.
(crickets chirping)
C’mon righties, answer the question.
What has Bush, and his cabal of liars, theives, and traitors done that has been good for average Americans?
Deal with it, or answer the question.
Your fools would have supported Hitler as long as all your friends did too…..
Imagine a lobbyinst trying to help fish instead of oil companies, drug companies, and defense contractors.
How could that be?
They must be confused…..
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/8/06@ 8:26 pm
Yep those lobbyists, they must be REALLY confused… and terminally STUPID if they think those fish are going to pay bigger bux for their representation as opposed to… oh I don’t know… BUSINESSES with incomes.
Good grief.
How’d you enjoy that tax break there nofacts? You did send it BACK to the IRS… right?
Did you recover from that terrorist strike that hit Seattle, nofacts?
Oh. That’s right. There hasn’t been one on US soil in 5 years.
Hey Wingnuts,
Your wingnut heroes are running away from the ABC docudrama trash:
Captain’s Quarters blog:
Richard Miniter, conservative author of “Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clinton’s Failures Unleashed Global Terror”:
John Podhoretz, conservative columnist and Fox News contributor:
I love it.
Slaughtering you righties anyone could do in their sleep.
How’d you enjoy that tax break there nofacts? You did send it BACK to the IRS… right? / What my muffler? Did you happen to notice what gasoline, or tuition costs lately? My healthcare premium has more than doubled in the last couple years. The list goes on and on. I PAY MORE IN TAXES AND FEES SORRY
Did you recover from that terrorist strike that hit Seattle, nofacts? / Even better I feel great knowing that the membership of Al Queda has more than doubled since 9-11, plus the other loosely affiliated 1000 new terrorist groups. If you think we are safer you need to check in somewhere.
Oh. That’s right. There hasn’t been one on US soil in 5 years. / And since the 1st WTC bombing there wasn’t another one for longer than 5 years. What does that prove? Bin Laden has retired? 8,000 people snuck across the border yesterday you know….
You still have not answered my question Righties.
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(crickets still chirping)
It is just a simple question righties. Answer it if you can. Use your heads. Call each other, and compare notes.
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(crickets chirping)
Your Rovian talking points only work on retards, and I am not retarded.
If you still think we invaded Iraq because we had to take Saddam’s WMD’s away from him you need real help. REEEEEEL HELP!
I guess you freaks left. Sorry Goldie, I was just getting started.
By the way, thank you Maria for representing us folks in Washington.
Since McGavick is destroying himself, you can give some $$ to Darcy Burner, and Peter Goldmark.
Ain’t this great!
One thing is for sure. Mike? cares nothing for the truth, and that is probably why he is a Republican.
(crickets chirping)
Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(crickets chirping)
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/8/06@ 8:49 pm
That is easy. Welfare reform. It helped the poor by forcing them to be responsible and hurt big government.
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(crickets chirping)
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/8/06@ 8:49 pm
Hey Shit for brains who signs your pay check? Ron Sim? Patty Murray? Pol Plot? Maybe Stalin?
Oh before I forget:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Darryl’s story on HA July 30, 2006:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy you Nazi libs
Poor, silly Klake, so your response is the equivalent of “I know you are but what am I?”
Boring, obnoxious Rufus- Repetition does not give your posts any more weight. Nor is there any point.
Back to the thread, if you can oppose Cantwell for this $50K, how can you stomach Mike! and his Safeco millions. And you must be ready to run Ted “build a bridge to pay off my friends” Stevens out of office.
Please explain.
Boring, obnoxious Rufus- Repetition does not give your posts any more weight. Nor is there any point.
Commentby K— 9/8/06@ 9:03 pm
Of course it does. Name one thing in my post that is untrue? I know you libs want to censor me just like “the path to 911”. The truth hurts liberals.
Hey Wingnuts,
That’s the big news of the day – the Senate Intelligence Committee Report. They find:
NO TIES – between Saddam’s regime and Al-Qaeda
NO TRAINING – of Al-Qaeda operatives at the Salman Pak place or anywhere else in Iraq.
The SIC Republicans have run away from the Bush/Cheney line. They are coming clean because they’re afraid of losing their jobs.
Wingnuts you’ve been fed a line of B.S. and you bought it. You are so bankrupt.
Larry Johnson, former CIA operative says:
Heh. Indeed.
The Senate Republicans in the Intelligence Committee have abandoned the wingnut ship.
You and your lies have been abandoned DOOFUS!
The rats are abandoning the sinking ship of the docudrama lie-fest: John Podhoretz, Richard Miniter – even Captain Ed has abandoned that boat!
That just leaves one rat – you DOOFUS!
@ 88- You know, Rufus, I’m not even sure what you’re trying to get to with Haq. I was away when the shootings happened, but my starting point is common criminals don’t represent either party.
And from what I read a whole lot of folks across the spectrum are criticising inacuracies in the Path to 9/11. Let’s strat with how the right (then) criticized Clinton’s strikes v. Bin Laden as “wag the dog” distractions and (now) critcize him for not striking. You want to have it both ways. Just like Bush who wants credit for no strikes since 9/11 but no blame for the strike itself which occurred on his watch.
Read the Senate report on my earlier post.
(crickets chirping)
Hey righties cheer up. I only asked you one of the ten questions Republicans can’t answer.
You can’t even answer question #1. I have 9 more…..
Rufus- read Senate report. The road FROM 9/11 has been paved with Bush administration lies.
And I still haven’t heard the outrage from the right from Ted “no amount of federal money is too much for my much for my supporters” Stevens.
When it comes to money for the real heroes, the guys who risked their lives 9/11, our Bushies buddies can’t seem to find the money…
“Today it appears the public health approach to lingering environmental hazards remains unfocused and halting,” said Representative Christopher Shays, a Republican from Connecticut, and chairman of the House Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, which held the hearing in Lower Manhattan, a block from ground zero. “The unquestionable need for long-term monitoring has been met with only short term commitments.”
Guess there’s no profit to be made there.
To quote MTR, these guys are not “producers”
Rufus, I’m not even sure what you’re trying to get to with Haq.
Doofus is promulgating the lie that Haq’s action were motivated by political ideology.
The truth is that Haq was driven by his mental illness.
The same way DOOFUS is driven.
For the Clueless- they seem to be in hiding. For good reason.
K – they’re desperately combing their wingnut forums for new talking points. They’re so confused that people like George Will, John Podhoretz, William Bennet, Richard Miniter and Ed Morrissey are deviating from the wingnut line.
I hope we have a tidal wave starting to build here.
You’re WRONG shit-for-brains…that was President William Jefferson Clinton who initiated welfare reform.
Try again asshole.
Hey righties cheer up. I only asked you one of the ten questions Republicans can�t answer.
You can�t even answer question #1. I have 9 more�..
Commentby Facts Support My Positions� 9/8/06@ 9:22 pm
Your first question was so stupid that I can�t wait to see the other nine, so I�ll make an offer– if you show us the other nine questions I�ll answer all ten of them. Moonbats are so funny when they�re trying to be clever.
How about mine, americafirst? Why no outrage over the Bush deceptions revealed by the Senate report? Why no outrage over the abandonment of the 9/11 first responders? Why no outrage over the Steven’s pork?
Answer those questions.
Why do I get the feeling there’s more where that came from?
Why do I get the feeling Goldy has some of them?
In Mike’s defense, let’s acknowledge that Bob Dylan was also a largely self-invented character, and he didn’t have the best voice either, and none of that stopped him from producing a creditable body of work.
There are two ways to look at this race, at least. One is Mike! against Maria. Look position by position.
The other is to nationalize the race. Do you wish to endorse the Bush course or call for change. Please forgive my scorn for the Mike! theme of changing the culture in DC by voting for him. It’s just silly. Change means more D’s than R’s. Not continuing the stautu quo with a guy who grew up in the Gorton campaign.
And by the way, I agree the the old DWI is not a basis for decision. But the pattern of deception and reinvention of character is.
Goldy, you continue to amaze me with your sleaze.
Vote Early, Vote Often, Vote Democratic!!!!!!
That’ll piss them off.
Wingnuts, to paraphrase someone I saw in print, but whose name escapes me at this moment:
“Do we really believe that the people who made this mess are the ones we can trust to fix it?”
Why no outrage
Because fascistfirst is a wingnut. And wingnuts safe and snug in their mental bubble are never wrong.
Except when they deviate from the faith (usually by dissing a wingnut talking point) or agreeing with someone to their left. When they do that they betray the cause and are immediately ostracized and labeled a lefty.
How about mine, americafirst? Why no outrage over the Bush deceptions revealed by the Senate report? Why no outrage over the abandonment of the 9/11 first responders? Why no outrage over the Steven�s pork?
Answer those questions.
Commentby K� 9/8/06@ 10:19 pm
I don�t know what questions you are talking about, but if they�re as bad as Confused Facts� it would be a pleasure. But first I insist upon seeing all ten of Confused Facts� questions, then on to yours. One moonbat at a time.
Hey rugrat… how’s that whole ‘culture of corruption’ thing working out for you?
Businessman Sentenced for Bribing U.S. Representative Jefferson
Sept. 8 (Bloomberg) — A Kentucky businessman was sentenced today to seven years and three months in prison for bribing U.S. Representative William Jefferson by paying him more than $400,000 to help win telecommunications deals in Africa.
Vernon Jackson, 53, pleaded guilty May 3 in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Virginia. He is cooperating with the government’s investigation into Jefferson, a Louisiana Democrat who hasn’t been charged and has denied wrongdoing.
FBI agents searched Jefferson’s congressional office May 20 as part of the investigation. The FBI has said it videotaped Jefferson accepting a briefcase containing $100,000 in cash from a government witness and that $90,000 of the money was found in a freezer in the congressman’s Washington home.
“You made a decision to bribe a public official,” said U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis in Alexandria, Virginia. “That was a malignant, very bad decision for which there will be consequences today.” Jackson made no statement in court.
Let me try more slowly, af:
Where is the outrage over the Bush manipulation of intelligance as found in the senate report? I’m tired of posting the link.
Where is the outrage over the abandonment of the 9/11 first responders?
“Today it appears the public health approach to lingering environmental hazards remains unfocused and halting,” said Representative Christopher Shays, a Republican from Connecticut, and chairman of the House Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, which held the hearing in Lower Manhattan, a block from ground zero. “The unquestionable need for long-term monitoring has been met with only short term commitments.”
Why do they need to prove the cause their respiratory illnesses?
Why no comment on Mike!’s supporter Ted “money to my buds should not be disclosed in the federal budget” Stevens practices?
“Why no outrage over the abandonment of the 9/11 first responders?”
What abandonment is this? Is this supposed to be Bush’s fault too? They were “abandoned” by their city mayor, but their State Governor is taking care of them.
Damn, I did not mean to be anonymous……..
I guess that’s what happens when you blow up your computer and lose your cookies, history, etc………
And the EPA whitewash?
By the way, the mayor of New York is a republican. And shouldn’t the Federal government be assisting in the aftermath?
And I’m done for the night………….
110,Well, those are pretty bad alright. If you can talk Facts from a Moonbat Position into posting all ten of his questions I’ll have a go at yours as well. But first Facts must post all ten of the questions he claimed to have. Like I said before, one moonbat at a time. I suspect that Facts was lying about having another nine, but time will tell.
You might be able to put the time to good use, however. Your questions are pretty vague, and you might try to make them a little less so.
You’re WRONG shit-for-brains…that was President William Jefferson Clinton who initiated welfare reform.
Try again asshole.
Commentby Rujax!— 9/8/06@ 9:58 pm
Really!!!! He never mentioned that in his 1992 campaign. I wonder what happened between 1992 and 1994 that made him change his mind? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hahahahahahahahahaha
Wasnt it in 1994 that the democrats got their collective asses handed to them in a political slaughter for the ages. Yes I beleive so. Could that have changed Clintons mind? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Re: Mike McGavick – the problem with “Mr. Civility” is that he obviously does not believe he is capable of winning the election.
If he believed that the voters would vote for him based on his ideas and beliefs about the issues in Washington State and the country, he would tell us what his ideas and beliefs are.
Instead he tells false stories, pretends he got a life-changing lesson from something he can’t remember and talks about civility. The only way to be civil to voters is to let them know where you stand on issues.
Re: Maria Cantwell. I find the information about the lobbyist upsetting and will need to research it more before I give her my vote. However, in a contest between her and Mr. McGavick, I would vote for her, because at least she has the cojones to make her opinions on issues public.
You�re WRONG shit-for-brains�that was President William Jefferson Clinton who initiated welfare reform.
Try again asshole.
Commentby Rujax!� 9/8/06@ 9:58 pm
Really!!!! He never mentioned that in his 1992 campaign. I wonder what happened between 1992 and 1994 that made him change his mind? Hmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hahahahahahahahahaha
Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy� 9/8/06@ 11:12 pm
Yeah, Rufus, Cigar Man Clinton ran on welfare reform in ’92 but was lying about it. He didn’t do anything about it until after the Reps took over Congress in ’94,then when the Reps passed it he vetoed it twice. He finally signed it the third time it was passed because he was afraid he’d lose in ’96 if he vetoed it again.
Why would the Federal Government assist in the aftermath?
NYC didn’t need the Federal Government to “help.” First responders work for cities.
Rudy Guillani did a magnificent job with HIS city and Bloomberg followed him. We’re not talking about the idiot in Lousiana………
Do you really want the Federal Government running all over the country assisting all of the city, county and state governments?
I do hope when there is a Democratic President and there is a disaster some fucking where that you remember to call the Feds and be sure to slather on the heavy criticism when some idiot in the Federal government makes a mistake. And of course it will be the President’s fault when food, water, and ice are delivered in 24 hours to every hick town in the region.
Maybe someday we will tire of building on ocean beaches prone to hurricanes, but for now we will spend billions every year rebuilding houses over and over and over………..
Re: Maria Cantwell. I find the information about the lobbyist upsetting and will need to research it more before I give her my vote. However, in a contest between her and Mr. McGavick, I would vote for her, because at least she has the cojones to make her opinions on issues public. -Commentby David— 9/8/06@ 11:33 pm
Whew! It’s a relief to know that at least one liberal has some balls… no surprise that it’s not one of the purported males!
These wingnuts are like the zombies from the “Dead” movies. They are infected with RNC talking points and they do their dead shuffle to lib and lefty forums to feed on bandwidth.
DOOFUS, ASS, fascistfirst – wingnut zombies.
Well, McGavick is on the list of cajoneless as well, so don’t get too excited.
For all we know, the core of McGavick’s platform is to declare an oxygen tax, appoint JZ Knight(or whatever her name is) director of tourism and dye Mt. Rainier bright purple while leading everyone in a rousing chorus of “I’m gonna hire a wino to decorate our home” or “The I-95 song”.
Lordy, didn’t any of you read between the lines of the story about Dotzauer the lobbyist and Cantwell the female? In the Seattle Times, just five days ago?
“When Dotzauer opened his consulting firm in 1985, Cantwell, then in her mid-20s, was his first employee. They began dating, and they continued a relationship after she was elected to the Legislature in 1986. At the time, he was also a registered lobbyist in Olympia.”
This isn’t about a paltry loan a few years ago- this is about Cantwell having used her positions to help Dotzauer for two decades- and about them having positions even longer than that.
Maria doesn’t do public confessions- that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have things to confess… And if Dotzauer gets paid out of the public trough for performance, at least we know the Senator is satisfied…
It wasn’t exactly a secret in Olympia all those years ago…
Q: How can you tell when McGavick is lying?
A: You don’t have to. He’s ALWAYS lying.
sgmmac @ 120
“Do you really want the Federal Government running all over the country assisting all of the city, county and state governments?”
HELL yeah! The very definition of disaster with which FEMA is meant to assist is one that is of sufficient size and severity that it overwhelms local resources and/or requires coordination across local jurisdictions, including across states (in the case of Katrina, LA, MI, TX, and AL). That is a proper role for our federal resources.
“I do hope when there is a Democratic President and there is a disaster some fucking where that you remember to call the Feds and be sure to slather on the heavy criticism when some idiot in the Federal government makes a mistake. And of course it will be the President’s fault when food, water, and ice are delivered in 24 hours to every hick town in the region.”
Uh, when there is a Democratic President he won’t appoint some dumbshit horsefucker to head up FEMA. Democrats value competence over contributions or political ties.
Jim King @ 124
“didn’t any of you read between the lines of the story about Dotzauer the lobbyist and Cantwell the female”
Well, I guess none of us have your amazing psychic abilities.
“This isn’t about a paltry loan a few years ago”
Again, your incredible abilities have enabled you to see here what no reporter, oversight organization, or handkerchief-clutching conservative have. It seems to ALL aout the loan–which on the face of it is still ridiculous, considering that he didn’t PAY her money, he owes it, s she stands to gain in no way from any actions she takes that benefit his lobbing form.
Her outstanding loan is a silly techncal violations of the rules and was stupid for her to carry all this time. If the Senate Ethics Committee decides on some sanction, that is right and appropriate and she has it coming. But that’s it. It is in internal Senate matter that, lacking substantive policy advantages and backing a candidate with SIGNIFICANT problems hampering his “Character” campaign, has been seized on by desperate Republicans who never had a shot at this Senate seat anyway.
Daddy, The debacle in Louisana has far exceeded the “coordination” capabilities of anybody in Fema and probably the world. For Fema to do a good job in New Orleans, it would have required sane competent leadership in Louisiana! That was missing along with Michael Brown – it became a disaster that the world won’t forget for a long time.
I do hope you know that the Federal Government can’t respond immediately with anything other than coordination. They certainly can’t send in the troops until a request is received from the State government……………
RUFUS @ 115
“Really!!!! He never mentioned that in his 1992 campaign. I wonder what happened between 1992 and 1994 that made him change his mind? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hahahahahahahahahaha ”
Why is it that day in and day out in here, there is NO ONE so CONSISTENTLY wrong on the facts as a Republican?
Clinton accepting the 1992 presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention:
“That’s what the New Covenant is all about. An America where we end welfare as we know it. We will say to those on welfare: You will have and you deserve the opportunity through training and education, through child care and medical coverage, to liberate yourself. But then, when you can, you must work, because welfare should be a second chance, not a way of life.”
Nonsense. James Lee Witt responded to every emergency that occured during the Clinton administration with professionalism and speed. He staffed FEMA with professionals who reached out to local agencies to make sure they were prepared for emergencies.
Bush ruined FEMA.
Not only that, it appears that screwing up FEMA is a Bush family tradition. What is going on is they don’t believe in helping people, as Kanye West says “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”
sgmmac @ 128
“Daddy, The debacle in Louisana has far exceeded the “coordination” capabilities of anybody in Fema and probably the world…I do hope you know that the Federal Government can’t respond immediately with anything other than coordination.”
Wrong. FEMA had both the capacity and the mandate to do MUCH more than it did, and while the physical damage would have been no different, they certainly would have made the human cost far lower. Nt5 to mention the federla bungling adn delay that continues to this day in reconstruction, which many have attributed to a “Rovian” plan to keep the Democratic blacks from returning to the ctiy in order to transform LA into a Red state.
“ They certainly can’t send in the troops until a request is received from the State government…”
Um, the governor of the state of LA is the only aithority who can active the local National Guard. Bush tried to get control of the Guard away from her, but Governor Blanco quite properly resisted. However, she cleared the way for any and all federal assitance with her timely declaration of a state of emergency on Aug. 26 and properly filed requests for federal aid on August 28.
“For Fema to do a good job in New Orleans, it would have required sane competent leadership in Louisiana! That was missing along with Michael Brown”
Can we agree that Horse Show Michael Brown WAS a disaster? That he was disconected, uninformed, uninsterested, and incompetent to perform his duties? Ray Nagin at least achieved an unprecendently large and orderly evacuatio fromteh city, and although Governor Blanco wasn’t a telegenic leadership presence she appears to have done her job well during that time. You echo the GOP proaganda machine trying to smear the local authoritis (by edfinition again, overwhelmed) to deflect from Bsuh’s incpometence at even placing such an ignoramus in charge of diszater relief, then failing in the federal duties (you know there are LAWS requiring federal assistance) while using the whole disater for poltical purposes. Bush giving that photo-op speech while essentially standing on the corpses he created was obscene.
– it became a disaster that the world won’t forget for a long time.
I do hope you know that the Federal Government can’t respond immediately with anything other than coordination. They certainly can’t send in the troops until a request is received from the State government……………
Commentby sgmmac
Even if he had won the state championship when he was a senior, the story still doesn’t make any sense. Train all summer? They’re going to hold the “national high school track championships” in the fall? Plus, I would think that winning a state championship would get some school interested in you. And finally, why couldn’t he have just incorporated lawn mowing in his training schedule. He could have been cross-training before it was popular.
Michael Brown was and still is an idiot. There is nothing the feds could have done to prevent the disaster. Buses, trains, planes, food, water, medical supplies, and etc, don’t appear instantly where you want them. Neither do hundreds of helicopters.
Katrina overwhelmed FEMA’s capacity to coordinate. Their capacity was already severely diminished by Congress consolidating them into Homeland Security. When you combine that with the fact that the local and state officials were overwhelmed and didn’t know what they wanted or where they wanted it, it delayed and hampered the coordination, the contracts and ultimately the emergency relief that New Orleans desperately needed and that resulted in a lot more deaths.
New Orleans got help when Blanco let go of the National Guard and they were federalized. You don’t remember that Black Army General going in there and taking charge?
Had he been in charge right after Katrina, several days, you wouldn’t have seen the chaos, the deaths, and the horrors that the people suffered through.
More than 1,700 illegal immigrants have been caught attempting to pass fake documents at Colorado driver’s licenses offices in the first month after a tough immigration law went into effect, according to a state official. “We’re seeing evidence of individuals trying to slip through the cracks,” said Michael Cooke, executive director of the Colorado Department of Revenue. […….That’s 1700 less “Vote Early, Vote Often, Vote Democrat [ic]”!!!!!!!!!!!]
MORAGA — San Ramon native Deena Burnett returned to the Bay Area from her home in Arkansas on Wednesday to share with college students her experiences on Sept 11, 2001, and to remind Americans freedom is worth fighting for. Burnett said she fell hard the morning of Sept. 11 when her husband, Tom Burnett, called from aboard Flight 93, telling his wife the plane had been hijacked and he and other passengers were planning to ram the cockpit and fight the terrorists. [……………………………………………………………………………….”Tom, Sit down! The muslim terrorists told me if we all convert to Islam, and chant “BUSH NO GOOD!”, they will land the plane safely at JFK!” [Carl Grossman]]
Has Liar Cantwell stepped aside yet while the investigation is ongoing? Have her computer and freezer been seized by the FBI yet?
Cantwell is in bed with a lobbyist Ron Dotzauer, giving him money and any bill he wants. We call that being his bitch.
Sen. Cantwell Helped Lobbyist’s Clients
Associated Press Writers
WASHINGTON (AP) — A soon-to-be U.S. senator lends money to a lobbyist. The lobbyist never pays it back. The lawmaker then uses her Senate position to help direct more than $11 million in government money to projects benefiting the lobbyist’s clients.
It’s the story of Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., a former technology executive, and her former campaign manager Ron Dotzauer, who founded a lobbying firm and still owes the senator an unpaid personal loan from 2000…
… Senate ethics rules require lawmakers to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest when making official acts that benefit people in whom they have a personal financial relationship…
…”At the end of the day, there is a private lobbyist who is making a lot of money off her public actions. And it certainly appears, with the loan, to give her a stake in his financial success,” she said.
…Cantwell, a Democrat who is in a tight re-election race, has reported for years that Dotzauer owes her between $15,000 and $50,000 for a personal loan predating her first Senate election in 2000. Dotzauer ran that campaign and is an unpaid, informal adviser to her current re-election bid even as he runs his lobbying business…
…Since last fall, Cantwell has helped persuade Senate appropriators to set aside $9.6 million for a dam project benefiting two clients of Dotzauer’s firm and $2 million more for the biotechnology…
…Last year, Cantwell helped secure $1.5 million for a dam project in her home state that is at the center of a deal between Puget Sound Energy Corp. and the Cascade Water Alliance.
Cantwell and fellow Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., also asked Senate appropriators to set aside $8.1 million more for the same dam and a passageway around the dam for fish this summer.
Both utility interests were clients of Dotzauer’s Strategies 360 lobbying firm, and they reported paying his firm specifically to lobby for federal money for the dam project at Lake Tapps, located in Seattle’s fast-growing and politically important eastern suburbs.
Puget Sound Energy is selling the dam to the alliance, a coalition of eight municipal utilities. The federal money was designed to help convert the dam from producing electricity to supplying drinking water for the burgeoning suburban population…
…Just a week after Dotzauer’s firm registered to lobby for Puget Sound Energy in February 2005, Cantwell reimbursed the company $2,285 on Feb. 9, 2005, for catering an event for her re-election campaign, Federal Election Commission records show. Meehan said the event occurred in December 2004 and Cantwell was slow to reimburse it…
…Company executives have contributed $19,850 to Cantwell’s re-election…
…By November 2005, Cantwell had succeeded in securing the initial money for the dam project that Puget Sound wanted, boasting about it in a news release after the project was included in a larger energy and water spending bill…
(Notice: The above excerpts are quoted under the Fair Use Doctrine.}
Can we now hear la goldie and her pink femimen singsong a prettly little rendition of CULTURE OF CORRUPTION?
I’m pretty sure twin sensations Botox Pelosi and Don King Reid will gladly sing backup
The leftwing Nazi’s will try to suppress any speech they deem the do not like. ABC will probably be closed down for daring to exercise first amemndment rights. And the lying traitorous liberals say everyone else is trampling THEIR first amendment rights in true Stalinesque fashion.
In New Letter, Clinton’s Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
Clinton’s Artless Equivocation on ‘The Path to 9/11’
How pathetic Goldstein. “Mike claims he got 3 gold stars in kindergarten, but we went to the nursing home where his teacher was on life support and when asked to blink once for each gold star, she didn’t blink a single time! Definitive proof that Mike lied” – Goldstein.
Do you know that all you do is make Democrats look meanspirited? But hey, please keep it up. With you on Cantwell’s “team”, Mike should win easily.
“This isn’t a history lesson. It’s a television show.”
Time to Take Away Disney’s Political Candy
If McGavick gets weary at having his warm hearted, all-American boy stories deflated by Goldy, maybe he can try talking about what he intends to do, and who he intends to to it for.
Even though it’s easier to lie about Maria’s record.
I sincerely doubt McGavick knows who or what la goldie is and I further doubt he’d give a fat rat’s ASS to find out.
147 – Good. May he remain ignorant. He’s not going to know what hit him.
will try to suppress any speech they deem the do not like.
Talk all you want, wingnut. If you lie we’re going to call you on it.
Q: How do know pbj is lying?
A: His lips are moving or his fingers are tapping on his keyboard.
Do you pink femimen only drink Safeco WHINE or do you equally imbibe in Boeing and Ford WHINE too?
DETROIT (Reuters) -Ford Motor Co. said on Friday it would pay veteran aerospace executive Alan Mulally $18.5 million to join the troubled automaker as its new chief executive in addition to an annual salary of $2 million.
The one-time payments include a hiring bonus of $7.5 million and $11 million to offset the compensation Mulally gave up for ending his tenure as head of Boeing Co.’s profitable commercial plane division Ford said in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Mulally, 61, was also granted stock options worth about $10.5 million and $5.26 million in restricted stock grants, according to details provided by Ford.
A clause in Mulally’s contract also entitles him to a payment of $11 million if Ford undergoes a change in control or he is let go for any reason other than “cause” before 2011, Ford said in its regulatory filing.
Ford has also agreed to waive the vesting requirement on Mulally’s stock options and restricted stock grants in such a case. The SEC filing did not specify what would constitute a cause for termination under the contract.
At Ford, Mulally will be paid a base salary of $2 million per year. For the remainder of 2006, that works out to a salary of about $650,000, the company said.
The details of the compensation package follow Ford’s surprise move to name Mulally to replace Bill Ford Jr. as CEO of the No. 2 U.S. automaker. The change in leadership comes as Ford is struggling to reverse mounting losses and dwindling U.S. market share.
At Boeing, Mulally was among the top paid executives in 2005 with a package of about $9.96 million. That included a $7.58 million long-term incentive payout in addition to his $825,000 salary, a $736,300 annual bonus, plus restricted stock awards and other benefits.
By comparison, General Motors Corp. Chief Executive Rick Wagoner made $5.5 million in 2005, which included a salary of $2.2 million and stock options worth about $2.9 million, according to regulatory filings.
Are Dems like Gregoire, Murray and Cantwell perfect?
No but they might as well be saints compared to the lying, cheating, shills that the Republican put up.
Q: How do you know ASS is hating?
A: She’s breathing.
LMAO aptlynamedclueless… keep singing your tune, seetcheeks… I beleive it’s called CULTURE of CORRUPTION with harmony of DENIAL!
BRRRRR… Democraps give new meaning to the words COLD HARD CASH…
LMAO aptlynamedclueless… keep singing your tune, sweetcheeks… I believe it’s called CULTURE of CORRUPTION with harmony of DENIAL!
ASS – Calm, calm. If a Dem breaks the law he or she should face the consequences.
I bet you believe the same goes for the R’s. Don’t you ASS? For Abramoff, Safavian, Cunningham, DeLay, Ney, Burns, etc.?
As for Michael Moore, he’s making a new move called Sicko. Supposed to be about big Pharma.
I think it’s more fitting title for people like you!
Gee and I thought Sicko was his autobiography.
So tell me what consequence of the law did sink or wim Teddy face?
Or Midnight votig Patty Kennedy?
How about Don King Reid… he face any yet?
How about these squeaky clean, libs:
Federal prosecutors alleged in court documents that Ernest Newton, a former state Democrat Connecticut senator worked with a reputed mobster and his associate to try to stop police raids on businesses and advance their business interests
– Clarence Norman Jr., the longtime powerbroker of Brooklyn NY Democrats was found guilty of intentionally soliciting illegal campaign contributions.
– A top aide to Jim Black, the Democratic speaker of the state Legislature of North Carolina, resigned amid reports he had received payments from a company hoping for the lottery contract. The .State Board of Elections is investigating Black’s campaign finances. The investigation comes after the group Democracy North Carolina said it found evidence that video-poker operators were funneling money through unsuspecting donors to Black’s campaign.
– West Virginia.Logan County Clerk Glen Dale “Hound Dog” Adkins admitted to selling his vote for $500 in the 1996 Democratic Party primary, while Perry French Harvey Jr. pleaded guilty to conspiring to bribe voters in last year’s Democratic contest
– Former Democat Gov. Donald Siegelman of Alabama was charged in a “widespread racketeering conspiracy” that includes accusations he took a bribe from former hospital executive Richard Scrushy for a key state appointment.
– Frank Ballance – a former Democrat Rep. from North Carolina was sentenced to four years in federal prison for conspiring to divert taxpayer money to his law firm and family through a charitable organization he helped start. Ballance, was a state senator before being elected to Congress in 2002, also agreed to repay $61,917 and to forfeit $203,000 in a bank escrow account in the name of the John A. Hyman Memorial Foundation.
– Five Democratic activists in Wisconsin accused of slashing the tires of vans rented by Republicans on Election Day 2004 are currently on trial
– Chuck Chvala, a Former Democrat Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader was sentenced to nine months in jail for felony misconduct in office and illegally funneling campaign contributions. Chvala had reached a plea deal with prosecutors earlier this year, admitting to charges that he directed a state employee to run a political campaign and used an independent expenditure group to funnel campaign contributions to a fellow Democrat.
– Brett Pfeffer, a former legislative director to Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting bribery of a public official and conspiracy.
– Raymond Reggie, a New Orleans political Democratic consultant and fund-raiser who is Senator Kennedy’s brother-in-law was sentenced to a year in prison yesterday after pleading guilty to bank fraud charges.
BTW aptlynamedclueless, I’m sorry (as I bite my lip in a way worthy of the slurpee pres) that I didn’t includemanly man liberal in that other post… but, you know.. you’d actually have to BE one… and like Sasquatch, their existence has been widly rumored but never confirmed.
BTW aptlynamedclueless, I’m sorry (as I bite my lip in a way worthy of the slurpee pres) that I didn’t include your pic as a manly man liberal in that other post… but, you know.. you’d actually have to BE one… and like Sasquatch, their existence has been widly rumored but never confirmed.
38 “Sosh – The bilderberg group is a group of democrats led by Ted The Swimmer Kennedy who get shitfaced with young women, fuck them, and then drown them and then claim not to really recollect what the fuck happened.”
Gee whiz, Mark….I wonder how well Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Peter Sutherland (chair of Goldman Sachs and British Leakypipes–er, I mean Petroleum) fit into that group? Not to mention Stephen Harper?
Or did you just pull that statement out of your ass, like you do most everything else?
ASS – your stupid rants about masculinity don’t mean squat. I ignore them like your links.
You can spend all your free time filling your mind with that garbage. I’m not about to.
Keep on going though. It shows others what a hateful excuse for a human being you are. Thank you for your honesty.
Maria Cantwell always seemed to me a rather unusual politician, but to be GIVING money TO a lobbyist instead of the other way around?
Then again, to commit an act of kindness and help out a friend in need? Holy cow, maybe the woman’s actually human after all.
Furthermore, it would seem that the particular project that’s been mentioned is something everyone wanted, from the civic leadership of several of our fair cities, to the management of Puget Sound Energy, to that radical leftist Jennifer Dunn. And the dollar amounts are something like what Halliburton wastes every day on lost shipments of toilet paper. Seems as scandals go, this doesn’t amount to a yellow spot in a snow drift.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUD — 9/9/06@ 1:42 pm
Interesting points, and I expect that many conservatives will keep this list in reserve for when that rather long list of Republicans currently in jail or undergoing trial gets trotted out.
Still, I do notice one small difference. When a Democrat gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he tends to find himself isolated, shunned by fellow Democrats, removed from important committees and encouraged to please leave quietly and quit embarrassing the party.
Republicans seem to rally round their criminals until they are actually dragged off to jail, and even then keep yelling about the “partisan prosecution”.
No, I really don’t have comparative numbers, and I’m a bit busy to check all of them right now. I just notice a big difference between the way the Republicans treated Rep. DeLay and the way Democrats are treating Rep. Jefferson.
Gotta give you folks high marks for loyalty, though.
Yeah, Maria Cantwell allegedly violates a Senate rule (no, not any laws, just a Senate rule) with a chump-change loan between two millionaires and our local wingnuts think they’ve hit the mother lode. Meanwhile McGavick is tanking because he’s already shown that he doesn’t have the character to run a “character” campaign. Yell yourselves red in the face, wingies, but your boy is going nowhere.
New CNN poll that’s kinda interesting:
You guys are so screwed.
Fifty seven percent.
Daddy Love- you just are clueless about Maria and Ron, aren’t you? Of course, no big thing, trading favors for favors- so stop being so outraged when Republicans do so. Hypocrite!
to. goldy Republicans are incapable of telling the truth .
Ok can I ask you guys a question?
Who or what is the Bilderberg group ?
They seam to be a cross between the root of all evil in the world maybe even Satan him self might be president depending on what documentary you watch
Our there the true rulers of the world the behind the sense group pulling all the strings of presidents and prime ministers and the media.
And it seams the left and the right are in agreement about this group . Which is kind of shocking .
So I thought i would ask smarter people then me .. That would be you wonks…. What the deal is with this ?
Clearly your ADD hasn’t allowed you to focus on other threads… particularly the yesterdays open thread where today I posted the rantings of a LIBERAL MAN lamenting his “maleness” and another by a LIBERAL WOMAN lamenting the shrunken penises of the aforementioned LIBERAL MEN.
Of course, I was then forced, FORCED! I tell you! to post examples of fine liberal “men”!
sigh… that was meant as a response to the whining of aptlynamedclueless @ 160…
ASS – your stupid rants about masculinity don’t mean squat. I ignore them like your links. Commentby For the Clueless— 9/9/06@ 2:50 pm
When a Democrat gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he tends to find himself isolated, shunned by fellow Democrats, removed from important committees and encouraged to please leave quietly and quit embarrassing the party. -Commentby John Barelli— 9/9/06@ 3:11 pm
OH PLEASE! Can you say Bill Clinton? And it wasn’t his hand nor a cookie jar.
Do we need to find the video of his cabinet members all saying they know, just know! he was telling the truth?
38 “Sosh – The bilderberg group is a group of democrats led by Ted The Swimmer Kennedy who get shitfaced with young women, fuck them, and then drown them and then claim not to really recollect what the fuck happened.”
I think that was in the Christan Documentery I watched about them
The liberal seam to be afeared of them to though :-/
And Pappy Bush ragon and baby bush are members to
Clinton was to I think that would explain why he is so cossy with pappy bush :-/
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby Jim King— 9/9/06@ 3:40 pm
“Daddy Love- you just are clueless about Maria and Ron, aren’t you? Of course, no big thing, trading favors for favors- so stop being so outraged when Republicans do so. Hypocrite!”
First, there is now and always will be a certain level of hypocrisy in this sort of discussion, from both sides. We tend to think of the lapses of our candidate as being somehow excuseable (after all, our person is good, kind, honest, brave, true and stands for mom, apple pie and the American way) while we think that the lapses of the “other guy” are obvious evidence of corruption, (because the “other guy” is mean, cruel, nasty, crooked and would beat his wife except that he’s too busy sleeping with everyone in his political action committee (male and female alike).
Getting all worked up about that flavor of hypocrisy will just give you ulcers, no matter which side you’re looking at.
Still, looking at this particular tempest, I still have to note that we have a Senator loaning money to a lobbyist, rather than the other way around. It would be hard for me to work up a really rightious indignation about that even if it were Mr. McGavick. Not to say I couldn’t do it, but I’d have to work really hard at it.
Now, if you want my thoughts on the “benefits” of Mr. Dotzauer having a close personal relationship with Ms. Cantwell, I’d have to sing a different tune. I don’t much care for many of his clients, and she has voted with them (and the Republicans) on some issues that trouble me greatly.
Still, since Ms. Cantwell is good, kind, honest, brave, true and stands for mom, apple pie and the American way, I’ll have to give her some slack here. ;-)
Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama
Should I download this ?
Cantwell is a slag vote for Hong Trans
Still, since Ms. Cantwell is good, kind, honest, brave, true and stands for mom, apple pie and the American way, I’ll have to give her some slack here. -Commentby John Barelli— 9/9/06@ 4:23 pm
I just ‘tossed’ my apple pie.
The ‘woman’ (you know the one one of your fellow nutburgers claimed has cojones) is a cipher. She has done absolutely nothing in six years except keep her head down. She only pops up when she needs to gauge who or how she is in a poll.
I suspect she does love her Mom though.
Dame B.M. is on the front page of the times
trying to do something horrible to his girl freind
I guess even slags luv there mom i suppose :-/
GAWD i hate spyware!!!!!!!
You know Socialist, I’ve raised kids, I’ve been in the corporate world, I’m fairly well educated, and consider myself pretty smart… but I have to tell you, RARELY am I ever able to interpret your ramblings.
You may want to remember a few little things…
1.Something is only funny if someone other than you are able to understand it. Laughing at the jokes in your head doesn’t make you funny, but it does indicate that you’re probably crazy.
2.You REALLY need this
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUD — 9/9/06@ 4:27 pm
“The ‘woman’ (you know the one one of your fellow nutburgers claimed has cojones) is a cipher. She has done absolutely nothing in six years except keep her head down. She only pops up when she needs to gauge who or how she is in a poll.
I’m not sure that I’d go quite that far, but my perspective is admittedly different from yours.
Yes, I recognize that standing up against large oil tankers in the Puget Sound was not exactly the “courageous” stand that some on my side would make it out to be, (she’s against large oil slicks along our shoreline – wow, such bravery. Next we’ll hear that she’s in favor of clean air. I’m underwhelmed) but she did take that stand.
Her biggest benefit seems to be that she isn’t Mr. McGavick. Her being the only viable candidate seems to me to be one of the best arguments for going back to open primaries. This decision was made in some smoke-filled room, probably in the same hotel that the Republican leadership used to choose Mr. McGavick.
Still, she ain’t pretty, but she’s ours, and I really think she’s better than the alternative. It would, however, be nice to be able to vote for someone instead of voting against the other candidate.
well B.M. most assholes don’t find anything funny Thats why there assholes :-/
LOL John. You could very well be my favorite lib here! Certainly you are the most erudite.
would you care to explain to us once and for all what law or Senate ethics rule you suspect Senator Cantwell of having broken?
Here are the facts once again:
She loaned money to an employee and he hasn’t paid her back yet. Since she made the loan, the employee has left her employ and gone to work as a lobbyist. Some of his clients have business interests before the Senate and the committees on which she serves. All residents of Washington State have business interests before the Senate and the committees on which she serves.
I don’t owe her any money. I guessing you don’t owe her any money. I’m guessing most of the other lobbyists in D.C. don’t owe her any money. So why would owing her money get you special treatment? He owes her.
The Republicans have done damage to this country since 2000, but not even close to the amount of irreversable damage that the Democrats inflicted on this country in the preceeding 37 years since JFK was assasinated !
The Republicans have done damage to this country since 2000, but not even close to the amount of irreversable damage that the Democrats inflicted on this country in the preceeding 37 years since JFK was assasinated ! -Commentby KS— 9/9/06@ 6:39 pm
Don’t you mean the last 70+ years since FDR and his “New Deal”?
Goldy’s success really gets proudASS’s goat. It’s heartwarming to see a wingnut so exercised by a rising star on the left.
la goldies success?
On a pathetic radio band with 12 listeners late on Sunday night? Now there’s a primetime player! I once heard him say he just kept pestering KIRO till they gave in amd of course they gave him filler air when the Seahawks aren’t on … I suspect that didn’t give him the BIG BUX which is why he is so envious of McGavick.
Or his little local blog with 24 liberal regularfilth spewers… 16 of whom are all Rodent Rarebit?
Or his podcasts with the same 4 drunks every week?
Perhaps you meant his successful marriage?
Mines into year 28 with NO divorce and resultant damaged children.
Nice try.
McGavick was part of the group that helped shield the child raping Catholic priests.
Clinton accepting the 1992 presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention: “That’s what the New Covenant is all about. An America where we end welfare as we know it. We will say to those on welfare: You will have and you deserve the opportunity through training and education, through child care and medical coverage, to liberate yourself. But then, when you can, you must work, because welfare should be a second chance, not a way of life.” Commentby Daddy Love— 9/9/06@ 9:34 am
Clinton again vetoes Welfare Reform.
Nonsense. James Lee Witt responded to every emergency that occured during the Clinton administration with professionalism and speed. He staffed FEMA with professionals who reached out to local agencies to make sure they were prepared for emergencies.
Bush ruined FEMA. Commentby Harry Tuttle— 9/9/06@ 9:50 am
Garry Guttle: Look up Carolinas Hurricanes 1998 or 1999. Read the screaming. You need to check your facts before anal vomiting occurs!
” Hey righties cheer up. I only asked you one of the ten questions Republicans can�t answer.
You can�t even answer question #1. I have 9 more�..
Commentby Facts Support My Positions� 9/8/06@ 9:22 pm
Your first question was so stupid that I can�t wait to see the other nine, so I�ll make an offer� if you show us the other nine questions I�ll answer all ten of them. Moonbats are so funny when they�re trying to be clever.
Commentby americafirst� 9/8/06@ 10:07 pm
How about mine, americafirst? Why no outrage over the Bush deceptions revealed by the Senate report? Why no outrage over the abandonment of the 9/11 first responders? Why no outrage over the Steven�s pork?
Blah, blah, blah.
Answer the question righties. Since you can’t name one good thing Bush has done, I guess he hasn’t done regular Americans any good IN 5 YEARS. He sure has helped out some rich folks, PHARMA, and energy companies. Not to mention Defense contractors….
Name something righties.
I dare you…..
Oh by the way, front page of Seattle Times. Bush lied about the intelligence.
C’mon rebubs name it!
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(crickets chirping)
191 comments and you can’t name a single thing.
That is what is called being on the wrong side of history….
” How about mine, americafirst? Why no outrage over the Bush deceptions revealed by the Senate report? Why no outrage over the abandonment of the 9/11 first responders? Why no outrage over the Steven�s pork?
Answer those questions.
Commentby K� 9/8/06@ 10:19 pm
I don�t know what questions you are talking about, but if they�re as bad as Confused Facts� it would be a pleasure. But first I insist upon seeing all ten of Confused Facts� questions, then on to yours. One moonbat at a time. ”
Question #2 americafirst….
If Bush lied about the intelligence (threat Saddam really posed) should he be impeached?
Question #3 What have we to show for the 4 TRILLION DOLLARS we have added to the national debt during Bush’s reign of terror?
2 more chances to answer the unanswerable….
The Senate Intelligence Committee released a bi-partisan report on Friday that said there was no tie between al Qaida and Saddam, and that Saddam was actually trying to arrest Zarcawi, not train his fighters. -Commentby Harry Tuttle— 9/9/06@ 7:13 pm
Uh, uh, uh, sweetcheeks.
You might not want to take your opinions from misleading NYT headlines.
Those that have actually READ the report say that it actually points out SEVERAL ties, however tenuous they may have been, between Sadda, Al Queda and bin Laden.
Of course the NYT would never skew a headline to advance their politics…. just like the Democraps would never try to stifle free speech… unless of course that free speech happens to be spoken against one of their own.
Of course, maybe Bush just believe the MEDIA:
“ Maybe the Bush administration believed there was a bin Laden-Iraq connection because they believed ABC News. In 1999, ABC’s Sheila MacVicar trumpeted how “ABC News has learned that” a top Iraqi official “made a secret trip to Afghanistan to meet with bin Laden. Three intelligence agencies tell ABC News they cannot be certain what was discussed, but almost certainly, they say, bin Laden has been told he would be welcome in Baghdad.” “
Of course, to believe the NYT, you have to ASSume the bi-partisan gaggle that put together the 2002 Congressional Resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq got it wrong too.
“ Whereas members of al-Qaida, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq… “
AJStrata notes that media establishment journalists can’t read:
“ Now I know why journalists get their stories so wrong so often – they lack basic reading comprehension skills. With all the hoopla about the Senate Intelligence report supposedly saying there were no ties between Saddam and Terrorists (despite Iraq documents which log the training of thousands of terrorists, and notes regarding meetings with Al Qaeda) it might behoove people to read them for themselves. “
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/9/06@ 8:21 pm
Try these conclusions moonbats, numbers 4 and 8, appear on pages 54 through 58:
Although Iraq no longer had a large scale BW production capability after 1996, Iraq did retain an inherent dual-use BW capability. Iraq retained technical B W know-how through scientists who were involved in the pre- 199 1 B W program, as well as civilian facilities and equipment that could be bent to a BW purpose. Iraq also retained some BW-related seed stocks until after Operation Iraqi Freedom; and conducted BW-applicable research after 1996, but the ISG judged that the research was not conducted for the purposes of a BW program.
The ISG assessed that Iraq could have re-established an “elementary” BW program within a few weeks to months, but would have faced great difficulty in re-establishing an effective BW agent production capability. In addition, the ISG found no evidence that Iraq had plans after 1996 for a new BW program or was conducting BW-specific work for military purposes. The ISG found undeclared covert laboratories used by the Iraqi Intelligence Service for research in BW agents until the mid-l 990s. While uncertain of the laboratories’ purpose, the ISG noted that the work probably included development of poisons for assassination. The ISG found no “conclusive links” between these labs and a BW effort despite speculation and rumor of a possible BW role. Thus, while the Intelligence Community correctly identified many Iraqi dual-use BW capabilities, it incorrectly judged that they represented an active BW program.
Postwar findings of the ISG confirm the Intelligence Community’s assessment that Iraq developed the Al Samud II and Al Fat’h (formerly Ababil- 100) missiles with procurements prohibited by UN sanctions, or subject to UN verification, and the missile ranges exceeded 150&m, in violation of UN prohibitions. The ISG found numerous instances where Iraq disregarded UN prohibitions and sought to improve its missile capabilities. The ISG found that Saddam did not consider ballistic missiles to be WMD and he never accepted the missile range restrictions imposed by the UN, although in late February 2003, he ultimately acquiesced to UN demands that the Al Samud II inventory be destroyed. Additionally, flight test data recovered by the ISG confirm that both the Al Samud II and the Al Fat’h had ranges in excess of 150~km. These findings support the Intelligence Community’s assessment that Iraq was developing and testing SRBMs which were capable of flying beyond the UN-administered 150~km range limit. The ISG’s interviews, site visits, and exploitation of documents indicate that Iraq unilaterally destroyed its Scud-type ballistic missiles in 1991. One Iraqi document, which had never been provided to the UN, showed the disposition, by serial number, of all 819 Scud missiles imported from Russia.
On page 16 of the Senate Report the ASSHeads like to trumpet has this snippet:
On February 4, 2003, the U.S. government provided copies of the Niger uranium documents to the IAEA with talking points which stated, “two streams of reporting suggest Iraq has attempted to acquire uranium from Niger. We cannot confirm these reports and have questions regarding specific claims. Nonetheless, we are concerned that these reports may indicate Baghdad has attempted to secure an unreported source of uranium yellowcake for a nuclear weapons program.” The two streams of reporting refer to the intelligence reports from the foreign intelligence service and a CIA intelligence report reflecting the findings of a former Ambassador’s visit to Niger.
So Joe Wilson is a pathological liar!
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.” -Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/9/06@ 11:25 pm
Explain why you are so misguided that you believe anything that helps one hurts the other.
Can you really be that stupid, that narrowminded, that entrenched in your koolaid talking points?
It’s not either/or, it’s both/and.
When corporations grow, ordinary folks like you benefit… through jobs and innovations that makes life easier.
When ordinary folks like you prosper, corporations grow… by stock investments, buying their products.
Really, you need to grow up and learn a little about the real world before you swallow all the talking points… and try to find just a modicum of plain old common sense.
The Committee examined the assessments from the Intelligence Community on the topics discussed in the NIE produced prior to and following the NIE. In most cases, the opinions of the community and individual agencies did not change following the publication of the NIE or following the 2002-2003 United Nations’ inspections in Iraq. The community judgement did change pertaining to the intended use of the Iraq’s UAVs. Specifically, the NIE judgement that Iraq’s attempts to procure U.S. mapping software for its UAVs that was useless outside the U.S., “strongly suggests that Iraq is investigating the use of these UAVs for missions targeting the United States.” A change was made to the UAV judgements in a new NIE published in January 2003 titled Nontraditional Threats to the US Homeland Through 2007.
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.” -Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/9/06@ 11:25 pm
Explain why you are so misguided that you believe anything that helps one hurts the other.
Can you really be that stupid, that narrowminded, that entrenched in your koolaid talking points?
It’s not either/or, it’s both/and.
When corporations grow, ordinary folks like you benefit… through jobs and innovations that makes life easier.
When ordinary folks like you prosper, corporations grow… by stock investments, buying their products.
Really, you need to grow up and learn a little about the real world before you swallow all the talking points… and try to find just a modicum of plain old common sense.
C’mon Bush Apologist. Name something. Try question #2, and #3 while you are at it.
Also explain this.
Front page of Seattle Times
WASHINGTON — A declassified report released Friday by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence revealed that U.S. intelligence analysts were strongly disputing the alleged links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida while senior Bush administration officials were publicly asserting those links to justify invading Iraq.
Treason my right wing friend. Plain and simple.
Go ahead, name the legislation…..
(crickets still chirping since last night)
Every action Bush, and the Republican controlled congress has taken has hurt me, and you, unless you are a billionare.
Face it, or give me an answer Bush Apologist.
And regarding your ‘national debt’ screed and whine…
“ When liberals in the media or in politics start being alarmed about the national debt, it means just one thing: They want higher taxes. The thought of reducing spending would never cross their minds. “
“ As we are endlessly reminded, the federal government’s debt has reached record levels during the Bush administration. That enables the liberal media to use their favorite word — “crisis” — and adds urgency to doing their favorite thing, raising taxes. “
“ Since we have a larger population than ever and a larger national income than ever, it should hardly be surprising that we also have a larger national debt than ever. But what does it mean? “
“ Donald Trump probably has a bigger debt than I do — and less reason to worry about it. Debt means nothing unless you compare it to your income or wealth. “
“ How does our national debt today compare to our national income? It is lower than it was a decade ago, during the Clinton administration, when liberals did not seem nearly as panicked as they seem today. “
“ As a percentage of the national income, the national debt today is less than half of what it was in 1950 and about where it was in 1940 — back in those “earlier and simpler times.” “
“ If someone were to produce a political dictionary, “crisis” would be defined as a desire to pass a law and “national debt” would be defined as a desire to raise taxes. And the two in combination would mean a desire to discredit the existing administration. “
“ If it seems that raising taxes is the only way to reduce the national debt, at least when so much spending is mandated by “entitlement” programs, that only shows the need for an economic dictionary. “Taxes” is one of those treacherous words with more than one meaning, enabling politicians to shift back and forth between meanings when they talk. “
“ Unless spending is reduced, then of course more tax revenues are necessary in order to reduce a deficit or bring down a debt. But tax revenues and tax rates are two different things, even though the same word — “taxes” — is used to refer to both. “
“ What “tax cuts” cut is the tax rate. But tax revenues can rise, fall, or stay the same when tax rates are cut. Everything depends on what happens to income. “
“ Tax revenues rose after the Kennedy tax cuts of the 1960s and the Reagan tax cuts of the 1980s because incomes rose. Incomes are likewise rising during the Bush administration today. “
“ If Congress can just reduce the rate of increase in spending, rising tax revenues can reduce the deficit and eventually eliminate it. But of course that will not give liberals an excuse to raise tax rates or even to denounce “tax cuts for the rich.” “
“ There was a time when the purpose of taxes was to pay for the inevitable costs of government. To the political left, however, taxes have long been seen as a way to redistribute income and finance other social experiments based on liberal ideology. “
“ Given that agenda, it is hardly surprising that some of the biggest spending liberals can go into hysterics over the national debt, especially when that debt exists under a conservative administration of the opposite party. “
“ This does not mean that nothing needs to be done about the national debt or about our tax system. A lot could be done about both — but it would not be what liberals want done. “
“ Promoting the growth of the national economy would be one of the fastest and best ways of reducing the national debt. We could, for example, stop letting little bands of self-righteous activists stifle the building of homes or businesses under “open space” laws or stop the drilling of oil off-shore, on-shore, or anywhere else. “
“ As for taxes, we could stop taxing productivity and start taxing consumption. After all, productivity is what makes a society more prosperous. “
“Someone who is adding to the total wealth of this country is not depriving you of anything. But someone who is consuming the nation’s wealth, without contributing anything to it, is. Yet our tax system penalizes those who are producing wealth in order to subsidize those who are only consuming it. “
*** I like this line… a lot… and I really would enjoy slapping you in the face with it: “Someone who is adding to the total wealth of this country is not depriving you of anything. But someone who is consuming the nation’s wealth, without contributing anything to it, is.”
McGavick was part of the group that helped shield the child raping Catholic priests. Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 9/9/06@ 9:12 pm
Proof? Or is this more vomit for the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats?
King 5 Robert Mak had mcgavick on this morning.
You may want to ask Mak for the copy of the Article detailing the Track Star that they say they have.
You may want to watch it, it discredits all your claims of Black out Drunk, Horrible Parenting, Credit Profiling, and Track Star Status.
You are now considered the MEDIA, for your efforts.
Looks like McGaick and Bush have lts in common. They’re proven liars. Neither has been in military combat. Both are drunks with at least one DUI that we know of. What a pair.
What? No talk about Maria Cantvotewell’s setback and discovery of scandal over lining up of $11 million in federal $$ for projects benefitting the clients of her loobyist pal who owes her money? Oh, that’s right, it’s only one-sided McGavick slandering on this hypocritcal blog and website. The supposed halo-wearing angel’s wing flapping Maria isn’t all that after all! Huh, who woulda thunk it…….
@16 Left wingnut foot:
Lemme guess; you’re one of those guys that got beat up a lot in high school right?
First off, I live out of state, but my family still resides in Seattle. If I lived there, I probably would not vote for McGavick.
However, I want to clarify the record. The State Indoor Invite that he won (a race in which I finished 3rd) was considered the de facto indoor state championship. Most of the winners were considered top contendors for the outdoor championship. The only difference was that the indoor was not sponsored by the WIAA–for track athletes not an important point.
Second, Mike was training for the National Jr. Olympics the following summer. He missed the spring season with an injury but came back during the summer. I beat him to qualify for the Regionals, and then I went on to the Nationals in Memphis. The national winner, Randy Jackson, I believe won an NCAA steeplechase championship for Wisconsin later. So it was a top caliber championship.
McGavick may have slightly embellished his accomplishments, but they are well within the tolerances given other claims I’ve seen and the fact that he probably didn’t write the actual press release (have you ever heard of “staff”?). Athletic subtleties are often loss on political geeks…. ;^)