I love writing here in Goldy’s absence. But I don’t have as much time as I used to to do metacommentary posts on conservative blogs. And that’s something I do enjoy. So here‘s Sharkansky:
“Crowd lines up to oppose Metro bus cuts”
More than 400 people showed up for a sweltering Metropolitan King County Council committee meeting to protest proposed cuts in Metro bus service.
Some urged the council to adopt a $20 car-tab fee that would forestall cuts for two years
Why is Metro proposing to cut service?
Because the bottom fell out of the economy.
Metro’s main revenue source is sales tax, which has declined in an economic downturn.
Unmentioned in this article is the inevitable waste and inefficiency of a union-constrained government monopoly which depends mostly on taxpayer subsidies, not rider fares, to fund the service.
Strong media criticism. If only The Seattle Times would whine about unions! Also, roads get massive subsidies, and are a government monopoly. So I guess Sharkansky will oppose any future road work. What, you want to build a new floating bridge across Lake Washington? That’s constraining private enterprise who might want to build a bridge! Also, also, there’s plenty of waste in the private sector.
Also unmentioned is any suggestion that those who ride the buses could get the service they want if they only start paying their fair share of the fare. The protesting bus riders apparently feel that they’re entitled to have their rides paid for by the people who don’t ride the bus.
We’ve been over the fact that people who ride the buses pay for more of the service than just the farebox. More important, you could make a similar complaint about any government service. I used roads as an example above because it’s the biggest parallel to Metro as far as a way to get around. But you could privatize fire protection as insurance agencies used to do commonly, and still do in some areas, so people whose house didn’t catch fire are paying for the people whose houses did.
Whiny mooching jerks.
Yes, nothing says whiny like people patiently waiting in line for several hours and showing up at a hearing to testify politely. What King County needs is less citizen participation.
Also, it takes a lot of gumption for someone whose investment plan is to sue King County to complain about mooching jerks.
“Also, it takes a lot of gumption for someone whose investment plan is to sue King County to complain about mooching jerks.”
Maybe Sefan should donate the $225,000 he got from King County taxpayers to Metro? As far as I know, he didn’t share any of it with the generous donors to his “legal action fund” who paid for his lawsuit.
Or if he doesn’t want Metro to have it, he could contribute some unemployment benefits to the hardworking single-mom waitress he got fired for shushing his rowdy kid from tearing up a crowded restaurant.
On the other hand, Stefan can argue he really needs the money himself, having paid $850,000 for a house he bought from a flipper who paid $350,000 for it six months earlier. Wonder what that house is worth now? Half of what Stefan paid for it? Is Stefan underwater on his mortgage? Did the whole $225K disappear into late payments and late fees on his Greenlake spread? My burrow is paid for — I don’t owe anybody a dime.
I’m willing to pay 20 bucks a year for bus service, even though I rarely use it.
Yes, what better way to teach the poor how utterly useless, contemptible, and immoral they are than to make them walk to work. Of course, when Boeing screeches and throws feces against the wall to get export subsidies….well, that’s a different matter….no economic missallocation there, by golly.
But deep, deep, at the heart of Stephan’s little narcissistic Dory Monson wanna’be tirade is an utter contempt for democracy, because people don’t count in his world, only HE does.
…and he is a lickspittle fuck.
@5 “when Boeing screeches and throws feces against the wall to get export subsidies”
Not to mention the 3 billion bucks the state gave them to keep jobs — we should get a refund on that one.
Quite appropriate for the minnow no doubt but when I see Monson I think the asshat troll.
Narcissistic.. Yep that’s the asshat.
Also too, being a parking ticket scofflaw is too difficult when renewing car tabs!
That whole site to which Sharkansky posts, which I can barely stomach reading, is amazing to me Basically, with the Metro issue as an example, they will choose a random public happening and try to politicize it, but almost always in a way that makes no sense.
I tried to point this out with comment 32 here, but my well-documented comment was simply 100% ignored.
It’s sad that so many people might vote for McKenna for governor, but no wonder, with his record of fighting AGAINST the people of the state and the inconsistencies in his record vs. his public comments.
Not everyone who rides public transit is poor. My wife and I made an investment in both our cars; our using public transit on the days we don’t have any extra errands to run means less wear and tear on the cars in the long run. A lot of people do this.