Nothing hurts like the truth. Gees, Congressman Suntan (Boehner) is a buffoon. It’s remarkable that anyone takes him seriously; I guess that’s probably why he’s head of the GOP caucus.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, if We the People own 80% of AIG shouldn’t we get 80% of their net profits back whenever they start to profit again?
The Truthspews:
While the libs are in glory the The truth will be their downfall.
Obama, takes control of private enterprise.
Fires CEO, without congress approval. I did it cause I need to show Americans where doing something (HaHaHaHa LOL) Says recovery plan will not work try again.
Loser boy is newly mint item with no experience and a bit of green behind the gills so they say. Give him a break.
We have a government that has a big and long lastly problem on a balance budget.
These are the same people who destroyed our middle class and our will of making a middle class living. One of loser’s boys spokesman said Americans would not care how much money they make but how there making the money.
The loser boy has 3 staffers to re read his teleprompter memory for stumbles.
Are we winning you bet we are just watching the news not what you see, it’s not what they are showing. Last year in Olympia thousands of young Christian’s pro life. Marched on Olympia. King 5 had no film and mention it in passing. Today Tea parties are going strong and getting stronger. If one or two showed up it would be headlines.
The Democrats are running away from the great loser boy. To bad 2006 was a Republican lost. Hold on to your hats for a Republican takeover No matter how bad it looks for us Socialism isn’t going to fly here. The best move Loser boy did was fire the C.E.O. of G.M. This will be an eye opener.
Who would have believed that China, Russia France, and other world leaders telling American not to become socialist just 3 months ago. Remember what they said don’t go allow a good crises be lost. Their words will be back to haunt them.
Strange Bedfellows: Schram & Esser agree on the separation of “art” and state in the state’s budget. 1 percent of capital expenditures drawn on a $9-billion black hole is one percent of insanity. Tell Olympia Democrats to end now our insane investment in insane public art.
And tell insane Artfart to get help. Now.
Barack W. Obamaspews:
Not to worry, Truth. W. Obama’s stimulus program entails the invasion of at least one friendly country:
Our peacenik president is diverting and redeploying soldiers from Iraq to the Pakistan border. And beyond the border. Our pacific president, elected as the un-Bush, wants us to invade a nation that is our ally, more or less.
Pakistan is not a nuetral noncombatant. It’s a haven for spillover terrorism. But it’s a sovereign nation that our pacifist president, who is so much nicer than George W. Bush, wants to invade.
Those with long memories will note eerie similarities to Nixon and Cambodia, a “neutral” sanctuary for the VietCong. Nixon was wise to violate Cambodia’s neutrality, since the Cong had done that already, but America’s Donkey-Cong Democrat Left was oblivious to the complicated reality Nixon faced. Our left then saw only the evil of a wider war. Now our left sees … nothing, apparently. Leftist Obama’s widening of our war into northern Pakistan is invisible to most of our leftist left.
And about left-wing pacifist Obama’s diversion and redeployment of soldiers from Iraq to Texas and Arizona? Deafening silence. It’s 1915-1916 once more, when pacific progressive Woodrow Wilson sent Pershing and Patton to invade Mexico, and our left is blind and deaf, still chanting about hope-and-change like groupies at a ParteiTag rally.
(Meanwhile, Arizona’s Janet Napolitano, wants to beef-up our border security by choosing to not enforce our laws against the employment of workers and drug runners who cannot be legally employed in the United States. Makes perfect liberal sense.)
Daddy Lovespews:
3 T
You can’t spell, you can’t write, and it doesn’t sound like you think too clearly. You demonstrate no command of the facts or of how to cite them to support your point of view.
If the massive Republican failure of governance over the past few decades didn’t adequately explain the spanking your boys took in 2006 and 2008 (Obama beats McCain by 365-173 EV, Senate 59 Dem to 41 GOP, House 257 Dem to 178 GOP), then your representation would.
Daddy Lovespews:
5 B
Bush widened the war into Pakistan. How short your memories are.
The Truthspews:
No need to say anymore you proved my point.
Typo Alertspews:
Edit function is screwed, so couldn’t fix my spell-and-write errors @ 5. Love Daddy’s gonna have a cow now.
Bush didn’t widen war into Pakistan. He widened stealth into Pakistan … drones and hits. Our present president has gone beyond stealthy decorum into a wider war.
Better tell Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan to get off their fat asses and roar.
Republican Party Reptilespews:
Massive Republican governance failures of the “last few decades”? Thanks to Republican governance, we survived the massive failures of Carter. Thanks to a Republican Congress, Clinton was a rather good Republican president. George W., alas, screwed too much up, but those were recent failures when the ‘era of big government is over’ was over.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Amen for eliminating the 1% for the art.
It has no business being in any State Budget.
Let the artist freeloaders find their handout from KLOWNS like Rog Rabbit.
It all adds up.
Just start eliminating all the so-called “little stuff” out-of-state travel or seminars etc.
And more workdays for less pay and beneifts…especially the benefits.
The Public Sector ought to mirror what is happening in the Private Sector and its not.
Daddy Lovespews:
9 TA
Nope. We’re still dong Predator/AS-missile firings into Pakistan.
If you are asserting that Obama has ordered troops into Pakistan, then you should damn well cite some factual support for that.
The troops he has announced to be sent to Afghanistan are intended, according to published reports, to be deployed into the east and south of Afghanistan.
You may go back to your whining now, Mr. Klynical.
Daddy Lovespews:
8 T
No, YOU need to prove your point. And you haven’t.
Daddy Lovespews:
BTW, one of those articles I cited above mentions that “Obama left open the possibility of stationing National Guard troops on the border with Mexico.”
I did not believe that the president had constitutional authority to do so, but apparently the The 2007 Defense Authorization Act signed by GW Bush did contain language to broaden the president’s powers to federalize National Guard units and to use federal troops in domestic situations. The president may use such troops to “restore public order” in times of major disasters, public health emergencies, terrorist attacks or incidents, or “other condition” or to “suppress any insurrection, violation, combination or conspiracy” if the triggering event (the disaster, attack, insurrection, violation, etc.) deprives part of the states’ population of the Constitutional or statutory rights, or “opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.”
I don’t agree with it, but it’s perfectly legal and proper.
And Obama a “pacifist?” Oh, come on. You aren’t listening at all, not that this surprises anyone. He said repeatedly during the campaign that he is not against waging war; he’s against waging dumb wars.
If you want to call Obama a pacifist you should try to PROVE it by citing a FACT. But you won’t, both because the facts are not with you AND because you are incapable.
Barack W. MacArthurspews:
OK, Dad. You got me. General Obama is not a pacifist. Used that word, and variations on the theme, to tweak Obama’s (selectively) pacifist base that perhaps thought it was electing a pacifist to replace warmongers Cheney and Dan Savage.
The Truthspews:
The unraveling of the losers machine.
Ulysses S. Obamaspews:
And the 2007 DAA is no surprise to devotees of Little Colonel Dave Ross, who whines about Bush’s militarization of the homeland. It would be droll, however, if kinder gentler crypto-pacifist Obama made Ross’s fever-dream fantasies come true.
Didn’t and probably won’t read your link, but isn’t the 2007 DAA a necessary reformulation of the Reconstruction-Era posse comitatus corrupt bargain that put Hayes in the White House in exchange for demilitarizing the sunny Southland? In other words, Ross (and maybe you) are reactionaries who liked the good old posse comitatus days when federal troops were precluded from preventing the lynching of blacks, Republicans, and black Republicans by Democrats.
As for the prevention of disorder, sounds good to me for this reason: we live in an activist neighborhood where activist tectonic plates bump and grind in the night. We’re at least as vulnerable as pre-Katrina New Orleans to disaster, while Greg Nickels is busy saving the planet from bags and is busily dumping sand into rivers and estuaries, and throwing sand in our eyes. He’s a man without a real goddam disaster plan, at least a plan that reaches down to me.
When the Richter 8.0 comes along, any day now, do you think Nickels is going to bail us out? I’ll take my chances on the 101st. Just like they did in Little Rock in 1957.
Obama W. Caesarspews:
And Steve @12 is talking to himself, @12, again. Hope he’s having an intelligent conversation, but it’s probably a dangling conversation of the deaf.
@18 Pull head from ass, troll. I was addressing @4 and @12.
The One Percent Solutionspews:
Have heard 1% for years. Heard it today from both the red right and the blue left. If 0.5%’s correct, better show us.
The One Percent Solutionspews:
@12: Clicked your link @12, so, @12, you may be right. For a change. @12 signing off, @12, and let them truckers roll, 10-4.
(Any C.W. McCall fans @12?)
The Truthspews:
Edit function? How do you activate that?
Ed the Editorspews:
Click Edit.
@21 People easily get Seattle’s 1% for art program mixed up with the state’s.
Hey Steve, it wasn’t Puddy, but damnnnnnnnn that was funny!
proud leftistspews:
As I understand it, The Truth proves his point merely by spewing. Someone told me that. Fortunately, he writes in a foreign language, indecipherable to those of us who speak English. So, I never much have a clue what he spews about. Do we have any certified Truthese translators out there who might interpret his posts for us?
The Truthspews:
That’s some of your problems one you address no one.
Two you don’t understand!
Third your an angry Liberal.
Fourth no one cares what you say as we all know you can’t think.
@25 As a Sherlock Holmes fan, I appreciated the screen name he came up with @20 and 21.
The Truthspews:
1/2 percent for the art. 1/2 plus percent to go through the process of selection.
Maybe it is because Resnubicans are Zeros.
The Truthspews:
Mon Mar 30 2009 18:43:56 ET
The U.S. government is set to offer an online emotional rescue kit!
“Getting Through Tough Economic Times” will launch Tuesday with a media push across all platforms.
The site is meant to help people identify health concerns related to financial worries.
Hey, this was made to order for HA team
The feds will warn of depression, suicidal thinking and other serious mental illnesses. It will raise warning flags for: Persistent sadness/crying; Excessive anxiety; Lack of sleep/constant fatigue; Excessive irritability/anger.
How much will this increase our deficit?
Is his input or lack of worth the tax bill?
We have a run away government to which no American has or will witness again.
The sheep are in hiding no obama stickers to be seen. My bet still rides he’s found in the oval office in the fetal position crying softly
I thought I could deceive them.
I couldn’t even deceive myself.
“With an entourage of 500 staff, an armour-plated limousine and a fleet of decoy helicopters, America’s new president will arrive for his first visit to Britain amid huge razzmatazz on Tuesday for the G20 summit. But it will be his closed-door meetings with world leaders that are likely to prove the most significant of the trip”
God damn Democrat warmongers! Dont forget
the eight assistants for Michelle to help hide her ginormous ASS. Man, thats a HUGE BITCH!
Heard they needed a C-17 just to haul all the
proud leftistspews:
mark, Truth, and other trolls,
Sadly, your president couldn’t even read off a teleprompter, yet you followed his every command. And, by the way, mark, you have never, ever had a woman smile at you who is as attractive as Michelle Obama. I know that for a fact. Just keep lusting at what you have never had and can never get. Damn, it must be hard to be a wingnut.
Nothing hurts like the truth. Gees, Congressman Suntan (Boehner) is a buffoon. It’s remarkable that anyone takes him seriously; I guess that’s probably why he’s head of the GOP caucus.
Hey, if We the People own 80% of AIG shouldn’t we get 80% of their net profits back whenever they start to profit again?
While the libs are in glory the The truth will be their downfall.
Obama, takes control of private enterprise.
Fires CEO, without congress approval. I did it cause I need to show Americans where doing something (HaHaHaHa LOL) Says recovery plan will not work try again.
Loser boy is newly mint item with no experience and a bit of green behind the gills so they say. Give him a break.
We have a government that has a big and long lastly problem on a balance budget.
These are the same people who destroyed our middle class and our will of making a middle class living. One of loser’s boys spokesman said Americans would not care how much money they make but how there making the money.
The loser boy has 3 staffers to re read his teleprompter memory for stumbles.
Are we winning you bet we are just watching the news not what you see, it’s not what they are showing. Last year in Olympia thousands of young Christian’s pro life. Marched on Olympia. King 5 had no film and mention it in passing. Today Tea parties are going strong and getting stronger. If one or two showed up it would be headlines.
The Democrats are running away from the great loser boy. To bad 2006 was a Republican lost. Hold on to your hats for a Republican takeover No matter how bad it looks for us Socialism isn’t going to fly here. The best move Loser boy did was fire the C.E.O. of G.M. This will be an eye opener.
Who would have believed that China, Russia France, and other world leaders telling American not to become socialist just 3 months ago. Remember what they said don’t go allow a good crises be lost. Their words will be back to haunt them.
Strange Bedfellows: Schram & Esser agree on the separation of “art” and state in the state’s budget. 1 percent of capital expenditures drawn on a $9-billion black hole is one percent of insanity. Tell Olympia Democrats to end now our insane investment in insane public art.
And tell insane Artfart to get help. Now.
Not to worry, Truth. W. Obama’s stimulus program entails the invasion of at least one friendly country:
Our peacenik president is diverting and redeploying soldiers from Iraq to the Pakistan border. And beyond the border. Our pacific president, elected as the un-Bush, wants us to invade a nation that is our ally, more or less.
Pakistan is not a nuetral noncombatant. It’s a haven for spillover terrorism. But it’s a sovereign nation that our pacifist president, who is so much nicer than George W. Bush, wants to invade.
Those with long memories will note eerie similarities to Nixon and Cambodia, a “neutral” sanctuary for the VietCong. Nixon was wise to violate Cambodia’s neutrality, since the Cong had done that already, but America’s Donkey-Cong Democrat Left was oblivious to the complicated reality Nixon faced. Our left then saw only the evil of a wider war. Now our left sees … nothing, apparently. Leftist Obama’s widening of our war into northern Pakistan is invisible to most of our leftist left.
And about left-wing pacifist Obama’s diversion and redeployment of soldiers from Iraq to Texas and Arizona? Deafening silence. It’s 1915-1916 once more, when pacific progressive Woodrow Wilson sent Pershing and Patton to invade Mexico, and our left is blind and deaf, still chanting about hope-and-change like groupies at a ParteiTag rally.
(Meanwhile, Arizona’s Janet Napolitano, wants to beef-up our border security by choosing to not enforce our laws against the employment of workers and drug runners who cannot be legally employed in the United States. Makes perfect liberal sense.)
3 T
You can’t spell, you can’t write, and it doesn’t sound like you think too clearly. You demonstrate no command of the facts or of how to cite them to support your point of view.
If the massive Republican failure of governance over the past few decades didn’t adequately explain the spanking your boys took in 2006 and 2008 (Obama beats McCain by 365-173 EV, Senate 59 Dem to 41 GOP, House 257 Dem to 178 GOP), then your representation would.
5 B
Bush widened the war into Pakistan. How short your memories are.
No need to say anymore you proved my point.
Edit function is screwed, so couldn’t fix my spell-and-write errors @ 5. Love Daddy’s gonna have a cow now.
Bush didn’t widen war into Pakistan. He widened stealth into Pakistan … drones and hits. Our present president has gone beyond stealthy decorum into a wider war.
Better tell Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan to get off their fat asses and roar.
Massive Republican governance failures of the “last few decades”? Thanks to Republican governance, we survived the massive failures of Carter. Thanks to a Republican Congress, Clinton was a rather good Republican president. George W., alas, screwed too much up, but those were recent failures when the ‘era of big government is over’ was over.
Amen for eliminating the 1% for the art.
It has no business being in any State Budget.
Let the artist freeloaders find their handout from KLOWNS like Rog Rabbit.
It all adds up.
Just start eliminating all the so-called “little stuff” out-of-state travel or seminars etc.
And more workdays for less pay and beneifts…especially the benefits.
The Public Sector ought to mirror what is happening in the Private Sector and its not.
9 TA
Nope. We’re still dong Predator/AS-missile firings into Pakistan.
If you are asserting that Obama has ordered troops into Pakistan, then you should damn well cite some factual support for that.
The troops he has announced to be sent to Afghanistan are intended, according to published reports, to be deployed into the east and south of Afghanistan.
“Obama: No Ground Troops Needed In Pakistan”
“…escalation of military activity in Afghanistan and aid for Pakistan that he announced Friday…”
@4 and @12, It’s “1/2 of 1 percent for art” of state-funded construction projects, not 1% of capital expenditures.
You may go back to your whining now, Mr. Klynical.
8 T
No, YOU need to prove your point. And you haven’t.
BTW, one of those articles I cited above mentions that “Obama left open the possibility of stationing National Guard troops on the border with Mexico.”
I did not believe that the president had constitutional authority to do so, but apparently the The 2007 Defense Authorization Act signed by GW Bush did contain language to broaden the president’s powers to federalize National Guard units and to use federal troops in domestic situations. The president may use such troops to “restore public order” in times of major disasters, public health emergencies, terrorist attacks or incidents, or “other condition” or to “suppress any insurrection, violation, combination or conspiracy” if the triggering event (the disaster, attack, insurrection, violation, etc.) deprives part of the states’ population of the Constitutional or statutory rights, or “opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.”
I don’t agree with it, but it’s perfectly legal and proper.
And Obama a “pacifist?” Oh, come on. You aren’t listening at all, not that this surprises anyone. He said repeatedly during the campaign that he is not against waging war; he’s against waging dumb wars.
If you want to call Obama a pacifist you should try to PROVE it by citing a FACT. But you won’t, both because the facts are not with you AND because you are incapable.
OK, Dad. You got me. General Obama is not a pacifist. Used that word, and variations on the theme, to tweak Obama’s (selectively) pacifist base that perhaps thought it was electing a pacifist to replace warmongers Cheney and Dan Savage.
The unraveling of the losers machine.
And the 2007 DAA is no surprise to devotees of Little Colonel Dave Ross, who whines about Bush’s militarization of the homeland. It would be droll, however, if kinder gentler crypto-pacifist Obama made Ross’s fever-dream fantasies come true.
Didn’t and probably won’t read your link, but isn’t the 2007 DAA a necessary reformulation of the Reconstruction-Era posse comitatus corrupt bargain that put Hayes in the White House in exchange for demilitarizing the sunny Southland? In other words, Ross (and maybe you) are reactionaries who liked the good old posse comitatus days when federal troops were precluded from preventing the lynching of blacks, Republicans, and black Republicans by Democrats.
As for the prevention of disorder, sounds good to me for this reason: we live in an activist neighborhood where activist tectonic plates bump and grind in the night. We’re at least as vulnerable as pre-Katrina New Orleans to disaster, while Greg Nickels is busy saving the planet from bags and is busily dumping sand into rivers and estuaries, and throwing sand in our eyes. He’s a man without a real goddam disaster plan, at least a plan that reaches down to me.
When the Richter 8.0 comes along, any day now, do you think Nickels is going to bail us out? I’ll take my chances on the 101st. Just like they did in Little Rock in 1957.
And Steve @12 is talking to himself, @12, again. Hope he’s having an intelligent conversation, but it’s probably a dangling conversation of the deaf.
@18 Pull head from ass, troll. I was addressing @4 and @12.
Have heard 1% for years. Heard it today from both the red right and the blue left. If 0.5%’s correct, better show us.
@12: Clicked your link @12, so, @12, you may be right. For a change. @12 signing off, @12, and let them truckers roll, 10-4.
(Any C.W. McCall fans @12?)
Edit function? How do you activate that?
Click Edit.
@21 People easily get Seattle’s 1% for art program mixed up with the state’s.
“you may be right. For a change”
Whatever you say, Chief.
Hey Steve, it wasn’t Puddy, but damnnnnnnnn that was funny!
As I understand it, The Truth proves his point merely by spewing. Someone told me that. Fortunately, he writes in a foreign language, indecipherable to those of us who speak English. So, I never much have a clue what he spews about. Do we have any certified Truthese translators out there who might interpret his posts for us?
That’s some of your problems one you address no one.
Two you don’t understand!
Third your an angry Liberal.
Fourth no one cares what you say as we all know you can’t think.
@25 As a Sherlock Holmes fan, I appreciated the screen name he came up with @20 and 21.
1/2 percent for the art. 1/2 plus percent to go through the process of selection.
Maybe it is because Resnubicans are Zeros.
Mon Mar 30 2009 18:43:56 ET
The U.S. government is set to offer an online emotional rescue kit!
“Getting Through Tough Economic Times” will launch Tuesday with a media push across all platforms.
The site is meant to help people identify health concerns related to financial worries.
Hey, this was made to order for HA team
The feds will warn of depression, suicidal thinking and other serious mental illnesses. It will raise warning flags for: Persistent sadness/crying; Excessive anxiety; Lack of sleep/constant fatigue; Excessive irritability/anger.
The guide will be available starting at midnight at
How much will this increase our deficit?
Is his input or lack of worth the tax bill?
We have a run away government to which no American has or will witness again.
The sheep are in hiding no obama stickers to be seen. My bet still rides he’s found in the oval office in the fetal position crying softly
I thought I could deceive them.
I couldn’t even deceive myself.
“With an entourage of 500 staff, an armour-plated limousine and a fleet of decoy helicopters, America’s new president will arrive for his first visit to Britain amid huge razzmatazz on Tuesday for the G20 summit. But it will be his closed-door meetings with world leaders that are likely to prove the most significant of the trip”
God damn Democrat warmongers! Dont forget
the eight assistants for Michelle to help hide her ginormous ASS. Man, thats a HUGE BITCH!
Heard they needed a C-17 just to haul all the
mark, Truth, and other trolls,
Sadly, your president couldn’t even read off a teleprompter, yet you followed his every command. And, by the way, mark, you have never, ever had a woman smile at you who is as attractive as Michelle Obama. I know that for a fact. Just keep lusting at what you have never had and can never get. Damn, it must be hard to be a wingnut.
17-Teleprompters where sent over the pond.
Who gave her that honor roseanne barr? LOL!!!