Now that even Colin Powell has reversed himself and come out in support of lifting the ban on gays serving openly in the military, and ending the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that was implemented on his watch, is there really even much of a controversy anymore?
Top military brass support lifting the ban, and if I understand how the military works, those under them will do what they’re told. No doubt lifting the ban will make for some awkward moments, but what’s the big deal?
It’s a big deal to the christian taliban. No one else cares.
I’m still waiting for someone in the national media to point out how many other countries have allowed gays to serve openly for years, and tell us all the problems it’s caused.
But there aren’t problems, so it’s important to not talk about those other countries. The media have to keep up the illusion it’s never happened before, anywhere, and this is a dangerous experiment by crazy American liberals. Even though it’s not.
Thank you, conservative media! You’re manipulating the country well!
Well McCain is still worried that those icky gays might get a look at some penis in the shower.
McCain often shows a shocking abhorance for the chain of command. When the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says something should be done, McCain busts out with, “Military leaders have told me they want to keep this.” or words to that effect.
John…If the Commander in Chief and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs say, “Get over it and do your job” those other Military leaders you cite have two choices. Follow the order or resign your commission.
I can imagine the young McCain, after destroying another aircraft in a conversation with his commander.
“Airman, you will fly this dangerous mission!”
“With all due respect, Sir, the ensigns over there think it’s a bad idea. There are four of them and only one of you so I must decline.”
I know letting blacks in the military upset the racists that didn’t like blacks. I suppose to some degree it impacted “unit cohesion”, but that’s not an excuse.
I’m getting tired of having to submit to the racists, idiots and superstitious and worrying about not upsetting them. They’re superstitious racist idiots, who cares WHAT they think. Screw them. The dumb people shouldn’t rule the rest of the world.
And I wish John McCain would stop attacking the military. The Commander in Chief, Secretary of Defense, Chief of Staff (current and former) are for repealing this policy. We don’t need some arm chair politician on the outside criticizing our military in a “time of war”(tm). Ann Coulter will call McCain a traitor if he keeps this up!
Even Barry Goldwater was in favor of gays in the military — with the proviso that they had to be able to ‘shoot straight’.
Hillary Clinton was a Goldwater kid, as was I. Goldwater would be a Democrat in these times.
Seems to Me to be a false issue.
I am more concerned about My devotees in the military.
What could be worse for cohesion of America’s army, then apostles of false gods seeking to convert My believers?
#6 Sorry your holiness! Just to clarify, WHICH god are you? Odin, Vishnu, Ra, Jehovah? You’re holy proclamation didn’t make it clear.
Dude, Nixon and Reagan’s policies don’t even meet the current Republican ‘litmus’ test they just created. Yes, even Saint Reagan (praise be to his name) couldn’t get in the Republican party now a days. His immigration, bailouts, and tax policies, not conservative enough anymore.
The Republicans have moved so far into nutball territory they’re moving in with the John Birch/tea-bag/survivalist crowd now. What happened to the basic run of the mill main street simple Republicans? When did they go nuts?
@7….they vanished along wiht the “run of the mill” democrats.
Now both parties are fun by the fringe kooks, or so it would appear.
We’re a secular nation. Its got nothing to do with you.
Stop Gov’mnt healthcare!
So much for family values and upholding marriage.
Half of the Democrats in the Senate sound like they’re to the right of Nixon.
#10 Wait, but George W. Bush, John McCain and the Republicans are vowing to PROTECT socialism (I mean Medicare) and criticized Obama’s health care reform BECAUSE it might lead to cuts in Medicare!!! ROTFLMAO
So the Republican party is protecting and warning about ANY cuts to Medicare, which IS the existing socialized medical plan, used by nearly all Americans over 65. What a joke!
If they Republicans were honest, WHY aren’t they calling for an end to Medicare, since it’s an EVIL socialist medical system? Oh right, because the people that USE it really want it and would vote them out of office they tried to remove it.
GO FOR IT crazy Republicans. Put your money where you mouth is…make eliminating social security and Medicare (our two biggest socialist programs) your main campaign focus for the 2010 midterms and 2012 Presidential race…I DARE YOU!!!!
There is no controversy.
As someone who served in the military, I can tell you that the only soldiers who would care are the Christian fundamentalists. No one else cares.
As for showering with other members of the same sex.
Who cares! The only time I did that was in basic training and we only had a few minutes for our showers. There wasn’t any time for looking at other guys or worrying about others looking at us.
It’s a bullshit argument, as anyone who has ever actually been in the military will tell you.
I’ve never understood the rationale of “don’t ask, don’t tell”. Any one concerned about another person’s sexuality needs a new hobby.
Top-down homophobia is just stoking the hate machine for personal gain and profit.
For the trogs, it’s not about homosexuals, immigrants, evolution, stem cells, or whatever. These are just wedge issues. Meant to divide and conquer the electorate. Done all too well.
Few things sadden me more than the useful idiots who suck up all this hate and regurgitate it on command.
#15 But if we don’t stop the gays, blacks, Jews, Catholics and orientals…what will happen to our children! Won’t somebody think about the children!
(hopefully obvious sarcasm)
@4 “I know letting blacks in the military upset the racists that didn’t like blacks.”
The bigots didn’t like Jews, either. Tibor Rubin, a Nazi death camp survivor, was recommended for the Medal of Honor THREE TIMES during the Korean War, but it took a congressional commission and 50 years for him to get it.
@7 “Sorry your holiness!”
No, no, NOOO!!! You are talking to Your Divineness!!! Your holiness is only the pope guy.
@8 “Now both parties are fun by the fringe kooks, or so it would appear.”
No, only yours.
@14 Showers? What showers? We didn’t have showers in The Nam.
@19…spoken like a true disciple of Joseph Goebbels….once again, you have earned your moniker as Goebbels Rabbit…keep pumping that propaganda..
good job.
Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny Retired “Lawyer” thinks now that Van Jones is gone the kooks have left Odumba’s disciple group. He forgets (well he is a dumb bunny) about Cass Sunstein and John Holdren for instance. Prime Time Kooks!
So Goldy…if they reverse the policy, will you enlist and kome out of the kloset?
I’m just askin’
Spot On!
This is a POLITICAL issue. Who is talking about it?
Politicians, Civilians and Military Brass APPOINTED by POLITICIANS….in other words POLITICIANS.
Line grunts are too busy with the mission at hand and staying alive.