Hey… it looks like I’m not the only guy who’s wondering where Dino Rossi is on I-912… the Seattle P-I’s Joel Connelly is asking the tough questions too:
Republican governor-in-waiting Dino Rossi says he has no position on Initiative 912, the gas tax rollback. He’s doing a duck dive. The state Republican Party backs I-912. But 27 GOP legislators voted for the transportation package — and business groups are mobilizing to defeat the initiative.
What Rossi promised last year, however, was “leadership” and that he was a guy who would make “tough decisions” needed to move the state.
On I-912, then, Rossi should answer the question with which the father of modern conservatism, Sen. Barry Goldwater, closed hundreds of his columns: “How do you stand, sir?”
No position? Come on… how could Rossi possibly have no position on the most controversial issue on the November ballot? This is exactly the type of tough decision a governor has to make… and exactly the type of tough decision Gov. Gregoire did make in supporting a gas tax hike she knew would be unpopular, in order to pay for desperately needed transportation safety improvements.
We know where Gregoire stands. We know where all 147 members of the state Legislature stand. So come on Dino… show some of that “leadership” you promised, and publicly answer the question: “Where’s Rossi?”
Funny that you and Andrew basically did the exact same post:
Saw the Westneat column. Nice.
Interestingly enough, there’s no mention of the state GOP endorsing 912 on the Washington State Republican Party website. I guess it’s because they’re embarrased that they’re the party of no new road construction.
Andrew and Goldy are obviously BUTTBUDDIES!!
Great Asses think alike….obviously.
Try as you might…there is absolutely no reason for Rossi to weigh in.
Rossi would have NEVER signed the GasTax Bill to begin with in it’s current heavily flawed form. NEVER!!!
So Gregoire signs something Rossi would have never signed. Rossi probably would have signed something more to his liking but not of the 9-1/2 cent/gallon magnitude.
Rossi would have demanded a higher level of accountability for existing GasTax Funds.
Rossi would have DEMANDED completely funded projects be presented….not smoke-and-mirrors.
Where does Rossi stand on I-912???
I’ll bet Rossi votes YES….but why is that Goldy’s business or anyone elses???
Where does the Mariner Moose stand on I-912???
Rolling on the floor…
Joel Connelly asking tough questions. Ouch that hurts.. He’s just a crybaby hack for you guys…truly a reason NOT to buy the PI.
Bias in the msm?
Rossi is in a no win place. By not talking, he won’t alienate anybody. Since he lost the election, he’s not beholden to anyone.
Any smart politician would do the same.
I figured Joel would jump on that.
Finally an animal hind parts lefty who gets it about Dino Rossi. Thank you Thomas Trainwinder.
you truly don’t know Joel very well if you say that.
Mr. C @ 3
Mr. C. @ 3
That’s a good one. Raise fewer revenues and “fully fund” projects. So we should fix a few intersections and stop there. Add some extra street lights so we’ll be able to see it better when the AWV falls. Good one.
It doesn’t matter what Dino Rossi, Chis Gregoire, or any other poltico think of 912: it’s gonna pass.
Libertarian @11:
You are right. People always check “pay less tax” when given the choice….regardless of consequences.
Good to see Ballmer so energetic about hoping 912 fails….fun to see big business and unions working together. In the end, the logic on all sides is all there to defeat 912….
However, the knee-jerk reaction of “pay less tax” always trumps all.
Thomas Trainwinder @ 12:
I’m glad we agree.
As for Mr. Ballmer, I guess I’d tend to take him more seriously if he were to surrender the bulk of his personal wealth to raise the revenue the state hope to get from the gas tax hike.
Hey, Stevie, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is!
All that ‘national traffic’ Goldy was celebrating has appeared to MoveOn…
This little vigil stunt is nothing more than a typical (and rapidly irrelevant and ineffectual) move to create controversy….
Repeat after me, fringies… “We are beating a dead horse…”
I’ve never been to Connelly’s house, but I’ve read/watched him for nearly 20 years now. UGH, AAARGH, BARF. In print he’s awful and worse hearing him talk. Go to Dori Monson’s site if you want to watch a grown man embarrass himself… (joel that is)
If his question is starting to be repeated in the local media, doesn’t that make this the Opposite of a waste of time? I’d say its a pretty good clue that he’s succeeded.
also, a bonus for you. I know you’re envious of my easy way with language and ability to fit in with the kids… I know it doesn’t come naturally for you, so heres some help:
My goal is not to “fit in with kids”. Mine is the adult goal – to PARENT them.
If you actually were an adult, you would understand that… without explaination.
And if his name “is starting to be repeated in the local media” that’s a GREAT THING…
Keep his name in the public consciousness… PLEASE!
Can’t beat free publicity, the value of name recognition and the inevitable comparison to ‘where’s chrissy, the illegitimate queen’.
Hells bells, I hope there are dozens of issues Dino doesn’t take positions on as a private citizen!! Can there PLEASE be dozens of vigils?
Joel Cornholey is a fat, gross pig!
If he ate less and thought more, perhaps we might take him seriously. Cornholey ought to donut, I mean donate, half his annual food and alcohol budget to WSDOT.
Baiting Rossi isn’t going to work.
Besides I thought all these Seattle PROGRESSIVES would be totally against a REGRESSIVE GasTax. The guy with the Mercedes pays the same as the guy with the untuned up beater Volvo that gets poor mileage because the beater Volvo is such an inefficient piece of shit when it ain’t tuned up!
Seattle PROGRESSIVE’s are not PROGRESSIVE at all. They are for more taxes & fees at all levels….no matter how it is collected.
I don’t think a Microsoft Billionaire’s plea for higher GasTaxes will resonate much…..especially when the main beneficiary is his pal Paul Allen and all his LakeUnion/waterfront real estate interests.
I suppose a few star-struck morons care what Steve Ballmer says…very few.
Actually, I care what Steve Ballmer says… about my Microsoft stock.
Anything else is like Babs Streisand attempting to sound intelligent on hurricanes… drivel, babble and nonsense.
Ohhh MAN! You’re just too funny. Your combination of humorlessness and cluelessness on a personal and interactive level is quite a clue why you’re such a dupe to the Bush/Rove axis.
Anyways, you’re losing focus now. I was under the impression from your posts over the last few weeks that you thought it was a worthless waste of time. Now you think its good publicity? Lets say it again: ProudASS thinks that its good publicity for a putative gubernatorial candidate to have his indecisiveness and lack of political cojones underlined and emphasized.
Thats just crazy.
Oh, yeah, totally offtopic I know, but…
I feel like you’re hiding from me, Mr. Cynical… Willing to admit that you were wrong yet?
I got out of Microsoft in early 2000 @99-1/2 (which is actually about 50 when you consider the last 2-1 split in 2003). It is now floundering around 25 (although they did pay that $3/share dividend). I have had no desire to get back in. Some people are still way too starstruck with the stock because of the past successes….although I think after the past couple years of nothingness, much less so.
There are a lot better buys out there. I’ve been watching Occidental Petroleum (OXY), but still haven’t pulled the trigger. It’s around 86….if it hits 80, BUY!
Ms Chickenhawk @ 3
There goes Ms Chickenhawk again with his frustrated, semi-out of the closet homosexual talk again.
Can’t you just ever leave homo talk alone? Or are you really Mayor Jim West???
I’m always RIGHT, dumbass!
@ 20
Why on Earth would you be in Microsoft now?
I’ll give you a hot stock pick. Check this out for yourself.
If you buy BXP today, you will get a $3.18 dividend. $2.50 special dividend and a $.68 regular quarterly dividend.
Geez. I thought you guys on the right were supposed to be fiscally savvy?
I guess that’s why this country went from the largest surplus in the history of the world at the end of President Clinton’s presidency, to the largest deficit in the history of the world on the Bush Crime Family’s watch.
Sweet, hun?
Dori who??? Sportscaster right?? “TOUCHDOWN”
I’m not “in” Micorsoft now… I’m sitting on all my splits and letting the magic dividends work for me.
Surely you are bnot that dumb windbag…
ANY publicity is GOOD publicity… just ask cindy the hapless sheep.
So you are going to buy a stock TODAY and turn around and pay taxes on the dividends in 2005….and you call that smart?????
I guess if you have no other income and are a welfare slug, that might work. But if you have any reasonable income in 2005, it sounds like an incredibly STUPID move to me for that reason.
I guess you LEFTIST PINHEADS are just so into paying taxes, you will go out of your way to pay MORE!!!
I prefer long-term capital gains to dividends. But then again, I have a good income.
DON’T GO TO GBS for tax consulting!!!!!!!!!
I’ve heard that old canard before, but you know? I never really bought it.
Reference the LBJ “Pigfucker” story… Or the Swiftboat asshats… Both cases were alot of publicity… and did alot of harm.
Just because a saying’s been around a while, doesn’t mean you should automatically believe it, silly!
This is classic Rossi! He’s an empty suit. You may remember he took NO posistion on ANY of the initiatives prior to the election. Mr. Business also refused to take any posistion on the B&O Tax!! He wanted to be Governor and his managerial experience consisted of supervising two-three people working on his rental properties! Did I mention that he worked for a convicted real estate con man – twice!
His platform consists of liking old people, kids and having a dog named GW.
There! I’ve contributed to his publicity!
Thanks for the opportunity.
Reality as taught by the rightie trolls:
If the world doesn’t go your way, you can change it to suit your imagination through repetition and yelling!
oh yeah, to mr. Irrelevant@24.
Thats the irony… Even tho’ you’re always right, you’re also always wrong.
There! I’ve contributed to his publicity!
Thanks for the opportunity.
Rossi is “running for governor” just like Bush did. Say as little as you can and let people assume he’s for what they believe in. Rossi doesn’t have the courage to put his position on 912 on the line. If he says he’s against it he has the conservative anti-tax fanatics mad at him. If he says he’s for it he has the business community mad at him. Why lead when you can stick your head in the sand? Maybe Rossi really has no position because he really has a secret transportation plan that he’ll announce once he’s “elected” He wouldn’t want to give it away in advance would he? It worked for Nixon.
he does have a position…
“I want to win the election!”
To modern Republicans issues come in a distant third (after power and helping out frat buddies, in that order)
And unlike John Roberts, Rossi’s “no opinion” is supported and backed only by “no experience” and “no record”. MT suit!
There is an old adage that goes “There is a time for silence….and a time to speak”. For Rossi, this is clearly a time for silence. It is in the voters hands. Our Initiative process is designed to allow one final check against runaway government. It is the citizens oversight that matters. The facts are on the table. We should be voting on it based on our belief in the FACTS presented….not because of Ballmer or Rossi….know what I mean??
This is a reaction to Christine Gregoire. She signed the GasTax increase bill. The buck stopped there. Frankly, I think it is diplomatic of Rossi to not weigh in and use his political influence to sway people who may like him or hate Gregoire.
I-912 is about the citizens right to rein in runaway government.
Let the People decide!
Perhaps Rossi just doesn’t know. The Republicans are the “no” party, and he is the “I don’t know” party leader.
As for the 27 GOP leaders who voted for the bill, I counted only 18. Perhaps someone can tell me where the other 9 came from?
FYI: Mary “Marummy” Lane supports 912.
I need not say much more. Where SecDefWA goes, Rossifarians go.
Doesn’t matter what Dino says. Or all you HAs. Or the PI’s lies. 912 gonna pass by 15. Once that’s done, then we can start the process of “unRuthFishering” the current transportation policy and re-do it from the ground up. So it actually fixes the problem and gives us value.
Is there anyone out there who likes taxes? Unfortunately, they’re a fact of our social commitment to each other. Cross the state border into BC, Oregon, or Idaho it’s obvious that Washington roads are substandard. Perhaps we should do as Claifornia has done in a few places, have private companies build roads and charge a toll on them. That eliminates taxes and social commitment at the same time.
Cynical @ 22 – My father bought me two shares of Oxy in 1972 when it was 12.25. Still got ’em. Goes to show if you get in the market and stay, you can do real well. Took Irani a while to straighten out some of the goofy stuff Armand Hammer did toward the end, but it’s a good outfit now.
Rocco @43 – You don’t get it… or maybe you do and you’re just a liar like the other left wing kooks here. We’re not against taxes. We’re SAFT of having our tax money being WASTED on stuff that doesn’t work. We need new policy and adults in charge. Until there are structural changes, the bank is closed.
Nothing to do w. politics but, how much did a house in your neighborhood coast in 1972? How much does the same house cost today? Is Oxy still a good value when looked at this way?
Mark The Redneck: what “stuff” in the 241 projects that would be fully funded by this bill “doesn’t work”? Could you please provide specifics?
What “new policy”, “structural changes” and which “adults” would you propose?
Democrats have controlled state government for over 20 years. Our transportation infrastructure is in trouble.
Now a vigil for Rossi’s position?
That’s progressive
No question about it Mark. The entire WA tax structure needs to be redone. I am so sick and tired of paying taxes on a transaction that has nothing to do with that transaction, e.g. the monorail tax on my vehicle license. And what do think the odds are of revivising the entire tax structure? I hear people all the time saying our taxes are wasted, perhaps they are. Some famous guy once said that when a company – a private business- becomes completely efficient it’s near death. The solution is not initiatives foir every single issue. That’s why we have a representative government! If one doesn’t like the representative, elect a different one. But that’s too hard…it takes study and being against taxes is so much easier.
Daniel – Here’s 4 structural changes:
1) A package of transportation projects that work together to actually fix the problem. Most of the money MUST be spent on general purpose freeway lanes since that’s how most people travel. Not stupid crap like monorail and bus tunnel and underground AWV.
2) There must be adults in charge. Steel and concrete guys, and some project managers that can manage huge multi-billion dollar projects. If you want to see what should NOT be done from management standpoint, look at Seattle Monorail Board. None of them have even a shred of experience in transportation projects.
3) A financing package that pays for entire package of projects 100%. I’d support a gas tax of $2/gallon if it would fix the problem, but piecemeal goofy schemes like we have today are stupid, and are in fact, an attempt to fool the people.
4) The people get a vote on the whole thing. The projects, the funding, and management. No more “emergencies” to attempt to thwart the will of The People. Instead, honest, open, and transparent decision making.
So Rocco, you want copies of the letters from our esteemed representatives telling us to pound salt because “they know better than we do”?
Rocco @ 46 – My neighborhood didn’t exist in 1972. Not sure what your point is? Real (after inflation) gain?
Rocco @ 49 – Initiatives are a great tool for The People to use when politicians refuse to do their jobs, or when they lie to us.
The language in an initiative is real clear and real easy to understand. And it’s in writing and put into law. Politicians don’t work that way. “Governor” Gregoire lied to us during the campaign on a no new taxes platform and immediately supported an $8B tax increase for transportation that will still be a $4B increase after 912 passes. She lied to us because she knew she couldn’t get elected if she told the truth.
But the bigger role for initiatives is to deal with problems that politicians won’t touch. Some stuff, like repealing state sponsored racism is something that can ONLY be handled by the initiative process. Rolling back taxes can ONLY be handled by initiative because government greed knows no limits.
So don’t get after initiative. The are the ultimate tool for The People.
Mark The Redneck said:
1) A package of transportation projects that work together to actually fix the problem. Most of the money MUST be spent on general purpose freeway lanes since that’s how most people travel. Not stupid crap like monorail and bus tunnel and underground AWV.
Look at the details of the transportation bill and show me how it doesn’t do that? Monorail has nothing to do with the transportation package. Never has. What does the bus tunnel have to do with this? The AWV options are just that: options. Ground level, raised, or underground routes have been proposed. None have been financed or selected.
2) There must be adults in charge. Steel and concrete guys, and some project managers that can manage huge multi-billion dollar projects. If you want to see what should NOT be done from management standpoint, look at Seattle Monorail Board. None of them have even a shred of experience in transportation projects.
The WSDOT has a lot of experienced people working on these projects. The contractors that build these projects do this for a living. Again, the Monorail is not relevant, nor is the way the Monorail is run.
3) A financing package that pays for entire package of projects 100%. I’d support a gas tax of $2/gallon if it would fix the problem, but piecemeal goofy schemes like we have today are stupid, and are in fact, an attempt to fool the people.
I doubt you’d pay $2 per gallon, and certainly few other would. The gradual few cent increases is a realistic approach that people can more easily deal with. It pays for as much as we can pay for right now, and 100% of the cost of 241 projects. This isn’t “piecemeal” approach, it is a gradual, measured approach that bears in mind we have further needs, but that they cannot all be funded in full in one fell swoop. Projects like the 520 bridge replacement, if they started in the next few years wouldn’t be fully complete until 2020. We don’t need to have all the funds for this now, but we will in a decade.
4) The people get a vote on the whole thing. The projects, the funding, and management. No more “emergencies†to attempt to thwart the will of The People. Instead, honest, open, and transparent decision making.
It simply isn’t practical for every transportation project to be voted on. There is already transparency – it isn’t hard to find out all the facts on every project, or to follow how the money is being spent. The emergencies stem from the fact that until now we’ve done too little because the people have been strong headed against paying for these projects, to the point that infrastructure is deteriorating dangerously, and we haven’t kept up with growth. This transportation bill was the result of hard work and tough decisions. Is it perfect? No, diplomatic and political compromises rarely can be. However, it is realistic, and necessary, and if we kill it by passing I-912, we will have done the state great harm, as a replacement package, with no guarantee that it would be any better, would likely not be passed for many years to come by a legislature that would be unwilling to make the same tough decisions in the face of a population that would only thwart their efforts again and again.
Mark, yep, real gain…which of course isn’t really real until it’s sold.
All these good ideas about taxes don’t mean anything without good political leadership. That’s what we lack in WA. Our choice was Gregoire or Rossi! What the hell choice was that?!
I make the joke that what this state needs is a good corrupt politician. You know, one who steals from us but at least doesn’t piss it away (a la Monorail) and keeps us happy with schools, roads and bridges.
Oh, come on, Mark…
1) A package of transportation projects that work together to actually fix the problem. Most of the money MUST be spent on general purpose freeway lanes since that’s how most people travel. Not stupid crap like monorail and bus tunnel and underground AWV.
Um, Mark, that’s what we HAVE. You see, it’s called the 2005 Transportation Tax Package, and it raises 6.5 billion, nearly ALL of which goes to inprove and expand existing roadways and “general purpose freeway lanes.” You do know that the Interstate Highway System is a federal project, don’t you? An additional point: our AWV tunnel project was selected by the state AND the Federal Highway Administration following three years of environmental and engineering review, 76 initial concepts, over 200 community meetings and over 4,500 public comments.
2) There must be adults in charge. Steel and concrete guys, and some project managers that can manage huge multi-billion dollar projects. If you want to see what should NOT be done from management standpoint, look at Seattle Monorail Board. None of them have even a shred of experience in transportation projects.
I disagree, unless by “steel and concrete guys” you mean “people who have had experience MANAGING transportation projects.” The specialists in methods should be consultants, not management.
3) A financing package that pays for entire package of projects 100%. I’d support a gas tax of $2/gallon if it would fix the problem, but piecemeal goofy schemes like we have today are stupid, and are in fact, an attempt to fool the people.
I don’t think so. I don’t beleive that you would support such a tax, for one thing. You’d find some reason not to support it. ANd I don’t think that raising the seed money necessary to start the AWV project NOW and raising an additional $2 billion later is a bad idea on the face of it. We need to start demontrating to the Fed that we’re serious, but construction won’t start ’til 2009! We have plenty of time to work out the rest of the financing.
4) The people get a vote on the whole thing. The projects, the funding, and management. No more “emergencies” to attempt to thwart the will of The People. Instead, honest, open, and transparent decision making.
The “emergency” you and your peeps seem to always be on about was only so that the bill could come into effect sooner. And Mark, the “Will of the People” is expressed by our ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES. Our elected governor, our elected legislature, adn so on. Putting every fucking thing to a vote is a colossal WASTE of public resources.
Mark @ 50
Transparency? It’s all laid out for you.
Stay after Dino on the Where’s Rossi” thing. Like all Yellow Elephants he’s afraid to take a stand, you are exposing him for what he is. A cowardice, flip-flopping hypocrite.
Yes, please do.
There! I’ve contributed to his publicity!
Thanks for the opportunity.
I believe the word that eluded your grasp was cowardLY.
Gotta love the pretend intelligencia!
Isn’t it amazing… NOON and all the fringies are FINALLY awake!
hahahahahahaha……GOP endorsed I-912. How do ya like them apples?!
Ranting and raving about Dino’s leadership? Well, let’s see; Queen Crissy promised no new taxes in her campaign, then went behind the voters’ backs, called it a bullshit “emergency” and raised them anyway. If you people want to follow that skank into the throes of hell, be my guest. She is after all, a piece of hypocrtical fecal matter that’d make Satan weep.
A more honest and relevant question would be why is Gregoire lying about 912? When she says “I have no Plan B” this is a transparent and dishonest attempt to mislead the public into thinking that the entire 2005 transportation package will be gutted if it passes. This simply isn’t so. $3.2 billion in increased taxes for transportation will be left even assuming 912 passes. If Goldy were honest he would concede this…but instead he brays on an on about where every current and former GOP lawmaker stands on 912. Who cares?! Why not make an attempt at relevance and ask electeds in both parties what they will do when 912 passes as we all know it will.
Mark1 @ 61
You see, this is what I don’t understand.
Queen Crissy promised no new taxes in her campaign
I don’t know. I couldn’t find that promise. But she said she’d fully fund the initiative that raised school pay, that she’d increase other school funding and that she would try to “persuade voters that the recent 5-cent gas tax increase is not enough to ‘get the job done.’ ” That just doesn’t SOUND to me like someone pledging not to raise taxes. I don’t believe you, and repeating it won’t really convince me, and SHOULDN’T convince anyone.
called it a bullshit “emergency”
As I understand it, the so-called “emergency clause” does two things: it makes the law come into effect sooner (raising more money), and it protects the law from referendum. You still have the initiative process, and an initiative IS on the fall ballot. You have essentially no fewer rights. So what are you really bitching about, anyway? Seems like you just want a club.
If you people want to follow that skank into the throes of hell,
Never heard THAT one before. What are the “throes of hell?”
CurtisZero (Love is ZERO in tennis)–
Forcing an Initiative instead of allowing a Referendum has resulted in Greoire getting the ass-kicking she deserves.
Initiatives are much more difficult (see the criteria).
Gregoire underestimated the feelings of average citizens. I had to literally run to get away from folks wantig to sign the I-912 petition. It was soooooooooo easy.
Gregoire made a huge error and showed her disconnect from the citizens she was elected to serve.
Now you want Rossi to weigh in????
Gimmee a break CurtisZero!
Jacko @ 64 – when you slice off 63% of the transportation bill funding you can’t just brush it off as a mere flesh wound. You’ve got 270 projects that are relying on this money. So which do you eliminate?
I’ll make my suggestion: look at who votes for I-912 and eliminate the projects from those areas.
Curtis @ 56 and elsewhere…
We need to “un-ruthfisherize” the entire transportation policy we have. Tear it all down and start all over again from the ground up. It’ll be years before we can set things right again. First we have 3 more years of a lame duck governor who doesn’t get it. Then, when we get adults in charge again, it’s going to take a while to create guiding policies and credible plans that The People will support.
The guiding policies need to focus on reducing congestion significantly and getting much more value for the dollar. The plans have to be practical, affordable, and executable. We have none of those things now. Not one…
re 68: “The People”!!!!!!!!!!! Gimme a break , dirtbag!
1. Well, she did say that in her campaign; look it up.
2. It isn’t an “emergency”-period. Creating end run around the will of the people (1993 I-601 I believe it was) by abusing the emergency clause will result in rebellion by the people.
3. “Throes of hell” : look that one up too; obviously you’re a dim bulb.
I agree with ya completely. Obviously Goldy and others have nothing better to do that beat a dead horse issue with their stupid little “vigils”. Rossi dosen’t owe shit to anyone; especially not to liberal, tofu-eating, tree huggers, that love this site so much. They’re using typical lefitist scare tactics and not telling to whole truth of what will be the result of I-912 passing.
Well I’m familiar with some of the projects the transportation bill would fund and they are about as ’emergency’ as things get without bridges collapsing.
I just don’t get it. First the KVI assclowns complain about how not enough is getting spent on transportation, then when a first step is done they don’t want to pay for it.
I mean I know people who support I-912 who want to see new freeways built and exsisting ones widened. Exactly where is the magic pot of money that is supposed to pay for all of this?
I suppose for an encore you idiots will roll back the rest of the state’s portion of the gas tax. Then follow that up with eliminating the state sales and property taxes. Yea that would be real swell and get the evil gubiment out of your lives wouldn’t it.
I mean I know people who support I-912 who want to see new freeways built and exsisting ones widened. Exactly where is the magic pot of money that is supposed to pay for all of this?
Isn’t it obvious? At the federal level we have gigantic deficits. That’s the GOP’s fiscal policy. They want the spending, they just don’t want to pay for it. Unfortunately for them, at the state level we can’t deficit spend.
The guiding policies need to focus on reducing congestion significantly and getting much more value for the dollar. The plans have to be practical, affordable, and executable.
You’re the one that’s demanding more GP lanes on all the major freeways. That’s going to cost hundreds of billions of dollars, requiring a gas tax increase well beyond 9 cents. But you’re bitching about 9 cents.
Just be honest. Stop pretending that you’ll support the funding to build the GP lanes you claim you want, and admit your real position: you’ll never support a gas tax increase.
Well, the bottom line here is Queen Crissy will NOT go against the will of the people; she’s going to learn that one the hard way, but her arrogant and condescending ass will learn. That, and like I’ve said before, the rest of the State should not have to pay for your damn 520 or the AWV. It’s your problem, you pay for it. As far as road improvements needed; good ole whiney asshole Gary Locke had a grand master plan for all this mess in his 8 years in office. Let’s see, what was done? Gary and Co. pretty much allowed all this BS to come to a head. So, if it is in fact an ’emergency’ then they created it. Nothing like waiting till the last minute to scramble, and now look what it is going to get you?! Maybe save some $$$$ and not take as many trips to China in the name of “trade”.
Chris Stefan@71–
Rollback other taxes and get the evil gub’mint out of our lives.
Now there is a good thought. Thanks Chris.
As we become more & more DEPENDENT on government, we cede authority not to elected officials but to BUREAUCRATS who usurp it and punish citizens with their own tax dollars.
I am a Libertarian.
I want a government that deals with Public Safety and Infrastructure.
Until there is a REALLOCATION of current tax dollars to these issues with real solutions and an elimination of bloated bureaucracies, I will continue to vote NO on every tax increase.
LEFTIST PINHEADS are great at trotting out noble causes that ought to be funded…..like highways, public safety and schools. However, they fail to reign in all the waste within those bureaucracies and other bureaucracies. Get rid of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Eliminate most ESD’s. Consolidate School Districts. Fire inept teachers. Eliminate outside consultants that drain classroom dollars. Hey I’m pro teacher! I’m anti-bureaucratic waste.
So Chris Stefan—
You bet. I’m tired of the LEFTIST PINHEAD sob stories and your bottom-line which is always WE ARE UNDERTAXED!!!
Where do you work Chris Stefan?????????
Bax: I know where I can get $316 BB out of the budget? Then another $26BB. Then another $400BB. Problem is those are donk programns the president agreed to. Go figure it out!
@67 Nor can one minimize $3.2 billion as chump change. The remaining funds are essentially the same size as the 2003 Nickel Package.
The issue isn’t if billions more in increased taxes will be spent on transportation — this is true regardless of whether or not 912 passes.
The key question is should 50% of the gas tax go to the Alaskan Way Viaduct? I, like others supporting 912, reject the idea that 50% of the transportation needs in this state are one stretch of Highway 99.
The 2005 Transportation package is the bastard child of a last minute liaison between Seattle legislators and wet Republicans in Olympia. I join with Sen. Rosemary McAulliffe and Rep. Hans Dunshee (who both voted against the package) in calling bullsh*t on the whole thing.