I keep searching for clues as to “Where’s Rossi?” on Initiative 912… but according to Andrew Garber in this morning’s Seattle Times, Dino is clueless:
The campaign, in its polling, found that former Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi could have a significant impact on how people vote if he endorsed or opposed I-912. Rossi said recently he has no position.
No position? Gimme a break. This is a guy who wants to be governor, and he has no position on an initiative that will determine the ability of the state to start addressing its massive transportation infrastructure needs? He has no position on a transportation package that passed both houses of the Legislature with a bipartisan majority, and which is strongly backed by his longtime patrons in the business community? He has no position on an initiative that has been sold by its backers as revenge for Rossi’s loss at the polls and in the courts?
Actually, what he told Garber was that he was not going to take a position, not that he didn’t actually have one, and I really have trouble believing that my friends in the MSM will let Rossi get away with this prevarication. I-912 rode Rossi’s election contest trial onto the ballot, and if he wants to be taken seriously in WA politics, he has an obligation to take a public stance, one way or the other.
In a companion piece, Ralph Thomas raises the ominous question of “Who’ll be to blame if viaduct, 520 bridge collapse?”
Politicians, clerics and ethicists agree we have a moral obligation to fix infrastructure such as highways and levees that we know pose a risk to the public.
But where does that obligation lie?
Well, if I-912 passes due to Rossi’s silence, and the resulting delays result in a catastrophic collapse, I know one person I’m going blame: Dino Rossi.
912 by 15 ! ! ! ! !
speaking of adults, why isn’t Rossi doing the adult thing and standing up for his principles, whatever they may be, eh MTR?
While you are at it, why don’t you blame Rossi for Katrina? Don’t you know, Republicans are the source of all disasters on the face of this earth?
When it comes to defeating I-912 I hope you stay the course and refuse to expect leadership or results from Democrats.
You have to have principles before you stand up for them.
As a democrat, I only wish to blame Republicans for the disasters they have caused or have refused to address, such as 43 million uninsured, %20 percent of children in poverty. Winds blow regardless of party affiliation, but during the Clinton years (and James Lee Witt years), the shit didn’t hit the fan like this.
5. – So if Clinton were President the tech bubble would not have burst, 9/11 would not have occurred and Katrina would not have occurred?
Guess what guy, if you want the federal govn’t (Bush) to spend over $100 billion in response to Katrina, no politician (dem or rep0 would be pushing for universal healthcare.
We’re tired of seeing our money wasted. We want fundamental reform of the system.
1) Adults in charge.
2) Integrated solutions that actually fix the problem.
3) One financing package that pays for everything.
4) Efficiency in design and construction.
5) The People get final say.
Swift Boat @ 5
“As a democrat, I only wish to blame Republicans for the disasters they have caused or have refused to address, such as 43 million uninsured, %20 percent of children in poverty. ETC”
That is precisely the Democrats’ problem — they only wish to BLAME Republicans for these problems. But they don’t ever want to actually DO ANYTHING to address them. If they did, they wouldn’t be able to BLAME Republicans any more.
After the 1992 elections, Bill Clinton had solid Democrat majorities in both the House and Senate. But he did absolutely nothing to address these problems. When the 1994 elections came around, enough folks realized that the Democrats could talk the talk, but wouldn’t walk the walk. So the Dem majorities were voted out and replaced with GOP majorities in Congress.
Just look at some solidly Dem controlled states — such as Massachusetts or New Jersey. You don’t see the state Dem government doing anything to address all the uninsured folks in those states or all the children living in poverty. These are merely Dem talking points, not Dem action plans.
You’re losing track here, or maybe trying to change the subject. Rossi should be more interested in the public good than in maintaining an unpopular-decision-free record. At best he’s letting himself be led by the polls.
Democrats and Republicans came together to fund transportation in the state (risking a huge political loss on both sides in the process), a few well paid demagogues have gone out of their way to trash it for partisan gain, and Rossi has a responsibility to do his part.
Its not about making your party win, its about making the state succeed, right?
umm richard, I hate getting offpoint, but Clinton TRIED to address at least some of those points… Remember Hillarycare? :p
Anyways, the only people that take him seriously now are people that are so blindly partisan that he’d have to kill their mothers in front of them to think he’d done anything bad.
@11 him=rossi, of course…
I’m curious….
All this attention on what would Rossi do?
It gives me the impression taht you are looking for someone to lead or that you actually believe he is the leader of this state.
Reply to 1
Hey Mark — I’m back!!! Roger Rabbit has returned from his garden tour. You know — those things where they herd a flock of bunnies onto a chartered bus and take ’em around the countryside to, ahem, eat gardens! And let me be the first to say to you, FUCK YOU!!! AND FUCK THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON, TOO!!! (By the way, that isn’t an Enumclaw horse by any chance, is it?)
Reply to 6
Hey Jackass, the tech bubble was free enterprise — FREE ENTERPRISE — you know, like Republicans promote and tout all the time? Get it?? Nah, you don’t get it.
9/11 happened on Bush’s watch, jackass!!! Ah, hell, I’m wasting my breath on you. You don’t get that, either.
Bush? Remember Bush? The guy who was on vacation over 40% of his first eight months in office? The guy who turned a deaf ear to Clinton’s warnings about Al Qaida? You just don’t get it, do you?
You’re nothing but a brainwashed right-wing clone-robot incapable of thinking for himself. Well, fuck you! And fuck the horse you rode in on, too!
Geez Wabbit – We were worried about you. We thought you might have had relapse of the pneumonia. Glad you’re OK.
Reply to 8
“the Democrats’ problem … they only wish to BLAME Republicans … they don’t ever want to actually DO ANYTHING to address them.”
Geez, Richard — please give this tired right-wing bullshit canard a rest! Everyone (except you, maybe) knows the GOP is the government-hating, do-nothing party! The Democrats have done plenty to address the country’s problems. It was the Democrats who pulled America out of the Great Depression, built its post-war prosperity, challenged the Soviet empire, and provided for America’s workers, sick and disabled, elderly, and children. The Democrats, not the Republicans, gave this country …
Free public education
Public universities
40-hour work week
Overtime pay
Minimum wage
Social security
Veterans benefits
Unemployment insurance
Injured workers benefits
Workplace safety regulations
Public health programs
Public power
Environmental stewardship
and so on.
Republicans, and especially the head-up-ass troglodytes and religious fanatics comprising the GOP’s right wing, opposed all of the things. They probably opposed outhouses, too. Republicans are the “no” party. The only things they favor are war and lining their own pockets with other people’s money. You can’t even get a goddam bridge out of them. Republicans are
You people blame Dino already for everything at present now anyway; that won’t change. As someone who should be Governor, but is not at this time, and is only a private citizen like the rest of us; he dosen’t owe you or anyone else a stance/opinion for or against I-912. I’m sure he’s simply sitting back with a grin on his face watching people beat this dead-horse “vigil” on where he stands. As well as watching the illegitimate Queen stick her foot in her mouth, which she has managed to do all on her own. She’ll get what’s coming to her come voting time on this subject I suspect. Thanks.
Hey, don’t you ever read? I TOLD you guys Roger Rabbit was going on vacation!!! I TOLD you guys Roger Rabbit is NOT dead!!! (Hack, cough, ptui)
I have an idea: How about a “vigil” on when Dean Logan gets fired, resigns, or better yet; gets thrown in the Sound? There’s a better topic.
Wabbit – How do you take “vacation” when you’re retired?
Only us working people take vacations.
If anyone needs proof that Maria Cantwell is unfit to be re-elected, read the article about her gas gouging bill. She uses terms like “oil barons” and “excessive profits”, while the article goes into great depth that 45 attorney’s general found no evidence of anything other than market forces at work behind this or any other runup in the price of gas.
This stuff might be OK to pander to her “base”, but it fails the test of economic reality. When I complain about not having “adults in charge”, this is what I mean.
if he cares one whit about the state, he won’t do that.
Your post, however, is a perfect example. You’re so mad at Gregoire (over an election theft that didn’t happen), that you’ll gladly let the states infastructure go to hell in order to hurt her. Its loathsome and shortsighted.
Oh yeah, what exactly are we blaming Rossi for? As for me I’m only blaming him for letting people play evil dirty tricks that hurt every one of us in his name. Its hard to blame the loser y’know :P
mtr; you forgot one on Maria
Today Russia announced price limits on gasoline (seriously, look at google news, etc).
Is Maria a free-market fan, or a old trotskyite?
Leading is exactly what Governor Gregoire has done on this issue. Not because it was the correct political move to make, but because the vitality of our state will be effected. It is interesting to note that she championed the solution BEFORE hurricane Katrina, not after.
As for leaders, Dino’s silence is not suprising. When did the Republicans ever finance a poll to test how they could HELP pass a tax increase?
I am glad to have such a courageous Governor, one who leads by what is moral and right, not just what will help her in the next election.
I think things would be different if there were a plan out there for paying for the balance of 520 and the viaduct. Unfortunately, there is not. As it stands now, I-912 pass or fail doesn’t get us anywhere close to beginning construction. Can we blame Rossi for this too?
Who is Dino Rossi? Is he that republifuck that wanted to be governor?
Re Somebody at 25
Can you honestly answer these two questions?
1. Would I-912 be on the ballot if Christine Gregoire would have stuck to her campain promise to not raise taxes?
2. Would I-912 exist if she would have stood up and stated that a gas tax increase was necessary during her campaign?
Courage is not saying one thing to get elected and then doing another.
I don’t think Dino Rossi is running for any office at this time, so I don’t see why anyone should care what his position on any issue might be.
Libertarian; good point, Goldy, will you start a “what would Slate Gorton do?” post??
Bottom line: Rossi is a wuss. Good thing he lost. He would be cowering in a corner the whole time, scared that taking a stand on something would piss somebody off. Totally spineless.
MTR @ 21
you forget that Rabbit a was Government employee.
He’s been on vacation since day 1
If he cares about Washington at all (and why else would he want to be governer?) he should make a stand for whats right. He still has a fair amount of influence amongst people that feel he was ‘cheated’, and given that there are people supporting I-912 because they feel he was cheated, he has an opportunity to do alot of good.
In short, if he wants to help WA state, now’s Rossi’s time.
libertarian @ 29:
True true. And Hillary Clinton is just a junior Senator from New York. One person in a club of 100 rather dull folks.
righton @ 30:
Slade really is retired. I suppose we can call his office and ask though. Since Slade was a leading proponent of R-51, $20 says I can guess his answer. Wanna take that bet?
Windie, if thats actually how you feel, then fine. Shows your ignorant beliefs right there. If Queen Crissy cares a ‘whit’ as you put it, she would have followed her initial campaign promises and not raise taxes, along with stabbing the taxpayer’s will to death; whether DOT projects need to be done or not. If you think shes the saviour; you are sadly mistaken. I can think and vote for myself, who gives a fuck what Rossi does?
Slade is, I swear to God, decomposing. I saw him outside an M’s game, and he was all twichy and weird looking. I say, don’t bother the guy. He’s like Rosselini, but less charming.
Swifty, Rosellini is/was a crook; slate’s only guilt of being un-photogenic. He’s 77 and jogs daily. I’ll take that form of decomposing any day.
I’m not going to criticize her for taking a hard choice, and having to do something she knew alot of people would hate, in order to keep the state running.
I didn’t get mad at GHW Bush for raising taxes when he felt he had no choice (Read my Lips…), and I’m not gonna get mad at Gregoire for doing the same thing.
Rossi has a chance to do good, and his responsibility is clear.
Windie; weak analogy; you like taxes, so that’s not a hard choice
Are you ok w/ Bush invading Iraq, as example of hard choice?
Ah hell, he’s 95! And he’s still a crook? Besides, Seattle is such a pussified city, that Roselinni’s so called crimes wouldn’t even register in any other big city like Chicago, St. Louis, DC, or any city in NJ.
Also, he’s the first Italian american gov west of the mississippi river. Italians just look guilty.
Moral of story, let’s not ask these old farts about current policy. The difference is that Rossi still wants to be Gov., which makes him relevent.
‘Sides, if Rossi was for replacing the viaduct, and fixing 520, I’d vote for him. But I don’t think he has the guts to break with the base.
Swifty; is the strip club thing a non-issue, only cuz it caught Dems (and Rosellini?)
@38 Windie:
He has NO ‘responsibility’ at all to answer to you or anyone else for that matter on this issue. He is entitled to a secret ballot on this just as you and I are as voters. He owes nobody nothin’. Next subject……..
Everything we “do” to solve a problem you “undo” as soon as you can. THAT’S why we had 9/11 and the Katrina disaster: Because you know-it-all Republican dickwads ignored the warnings we left you about al Qaida and dismantled FEMA and put a nincompoop in charge of the wreckage.
Your analysis of the ’94 congressional elections is hopelessly reductive. Suffice it to say that Newt Gingrich was eventually hoist by his own petard.
Democrats fought hard for universal health care, but I remember the scare propaganda that the Reps. put out about universal health care which helped them get elected in ’94 and put them in a position to hurt the very people who put them in office. All under the guise of a contract with America, the true meaning of which was so symbolically revealed by Gingrich’s own moral failings, which were both financial and sexual in nature. If you as Republicans ever gain even a moments insight into the veil of lies that you cover you eyes with, you’d realize what the true meaning of seeing the head of the Medusa was.
As a Seattle politics vet, I can tell you, it was only big because tits and ass were involved. If THATS the biggest corruption anyone can find, then it proves Seattle is so minor league.
Headless Lucy:
Yeah right; you’re so superior in your intelligence maybe you should run for public office. Ever find that head of yours? Try looking in your ass…….
Sound Transit has continually over promised and under delivered, it’s too expensive and will not bring any significant value to our region. Light rail = Twice the cost for half the track. We are subsidizig each Sounder Passenger about $100 per trip. Sound Transit stole bus routes from existing providers. This $ would be much better spent on 520, the viaduct and better bus service.
Why are we wasting our time on Rossi instead of holding our elected official accountable?
If he can do good, and doesn’t, whats that say about him?
He can really help the state by just saying a few words, or he can try to preserve a mythical hope for a 2008 Gov. run by trying to balance business vs. anti-government morons by saying nothing.
He doesn’t HAVE to do anything, but I think what he *should* do is frighteningly clear.
Sound transit has nothing to do with I-912, dumbass. Who’s chaning the subject now?
re 18: But where, if you succeed in electing a Republican Governor, will you get the money to address our transportation problems? Won’t the citizens opposed to this gas tax be just as opposed to a Republican tax? Oh, yeah! More tax breaks for the rich. In fact, why don’t we pay them back the taxes they already paid–with interest. Just think how much better off we’ll all be then!
The Republican assumption is that with the rich having more money, they will invest it in things like fixing roads and what not. But they don’t invest money in things that do the public any good. They invest in things that do THEM good. Like slave labor sweat shops in the Marrianna’s.
I have 1 wallet;, and when Sound Transit robs it, wastes my money, yeah, I can assume I 912 is fair game for me to vote on, with respect to gov’t waste.
If only i could also vote on national matters in the form of binding referenda, then i’d sure vote down about 1/2 of the govt spending.
re 22: What does a cartel getting together and fixing the price of oil higher have to do with “free market forces”? How is what they are doing any different than what labor unions(that you so vehemently oppose) try to do, eg…. withhold their services for a higher price. I just don’t get your logic! That’s why I call you a house-coloured.
Wind Bag @ 51
You can’t see the connection, so I’m a dumbass? Brilliant!
Sound Transit is spending Billions of dollars to take a few thousand people off busses and put them on trains. We would all be better off taking those billions and putting them to 520 and the viaduct.
Talking about Rossi is avoiding the real issue.
I have a couple of comments.
1. Add “rural electrification” to the list of Democratic accomplishments, unless that was what was meant by “public power.”
2. Mark the Redneck does not seem to realize that elected governors and elected representatives backing a transporation plan ARE “The People [getting] final say.”
53, 55
seriously. Thats like saying: Person [a] from Queen Anne stole my wallet, therefore person [b] from Wallingford is also a thief.
Sound Transit and the projects attacked by I-912 have different mandates, different funding sources, and came about via different manners.
Their only similarities are that they’re both efforts to fix the horrible congestion/transportation problem in WA state, and they both (gasp!) cost money.
Windie; get back to measuring rock weights, please.
Yeah, if I get robbed in Queen Anne, then the category of “getting robbed in a city area” means, yeah, i’ll stay away from QA and from Wallingford.
Maybe you are a cement contractor hoping to get rich(er) off this extra work?
Curtis @ 56 – That’s only true when they act responsibly. This is irresponsible. That’s why Tim’s mantra is “solving problems politicians won’t.”
Windie, to paraphrase you,
Their only similarities are that they’re both “”” wastefull “”” efforts to fix the horrible congestion/transportation problem in WA state, and they both (gasp!) cost “””too darn much””” money.
No, no I actually just care more about the future of WA state transportation, as compared to cheapshotism.
To our analogy: If you’re the kind of person that would throw out 1 section of town for something bad (the analogy breaks down here some, but I’m assuming soundtransit is the pure evil you depict to help your comprehension) that happens in another part entirely, theres something far wrong with you beyond your politics.
In a futile effort to nip off your idiot jibe in the bud, I’m gonna give a little glimpse into “Windie’s Biography”;
I work for a former Navy O6 who was in charge of developing what was then the Reserve Cargo Handling Force back in the 80’s and 90’s. My job involves helping Exiting military from (mainly naval) bases get new jobs. So lets keep things relatively fact-based (I know thats hard for you, but one can hope, eh?)
@60 comment got eaten, but I’ll respond to your ‘thoughts’ at 60 in the meantime.
Show us that The transportation project is wasteful (sic), and definitely show how waste in soundtransit means waste in the state projects at all.
As far as I can tell, you’ve just decided things in order to go along with what your cultleaders/paymasters (help us out, which is it?) have told you is the right answer.
I come off sometimes as Enamoured with the DOT, but thats because in the arguments we’ve had here its been proven again and again how good a job they’ve done over the past few years, and I’d be lying to say I wasn’t damn impressed.
All we ever get from you tho’ is a total inability to accept the proven facts. If they dont’ fit your worldview, they simply don’t exist. I said earlier that it was ‘despicable’… but when I look at it its more just sad. I’d hate to live your life.
jesus, 2 in a row…
Your Comuppance is coming, rightie trolls! (I hope ;))
You mean i might get cutoff entering 520 by both a Metro and a Sound Transit bus? Or maybe in 10 years the same done on Rainier avenue?
Mark @ 59
Your elected representatives are no less representative for any behavior they exhibit. You, and we, elected them, and they are acting in our names and with our consent (the “consent of the governed” you may have heard about).
If they are acting unconstitutionally, then they are outside the bounds of representing us. Otherwise, disagree all you like, but don’t pretend that you don’t live under our system.
As for acting responsibly, we can disagree on what the responsibility means. I for one am glad that our legislature and governor have stepped up to the plate to address the critical and REALLY LONGSTANDING transportation needs of this state. Our habit of supporting ill-advised initiatives mandating some damn-fool idea or other has all too often eliminated the possibility of long-term planning in our state, and nespecially recently has completely shut down transporation improvements, with consequences you can readily see, such as the flight of Boeing.
The package that did pass with bipartisan support is not perfect, but has a pretty fair mix of projects, many if not most of which are very important for both safety and growth. I’m not eager to postepone them yet again. Are you so willing to do so? This pits you against safety and economic growth.
Reply to 21
“Wabbit – How do you take ‘vacation’ when you’re retired? Only us working people take vacations.”
Obviously you know nothing about being retired. Being retired is hard work! Even retired rabbits need a vacation now and then.
Reply to 22
What’s wrong with Maria pandering to her base? You guys do it every day! Do you think Republicans should have a monopoly on pandering to the base? Doesn’t surprise me, you guys want a monopoly on everything else too.
Reply to Mark1 @ 18
You’re right — about Rossi, I mean. Rossi has every right to be a private citizen and keep his opinions to himself — and in Nov. 2008 the voters should help Rossi be a private citizen.
Sorry, did not want to wait for the weekly sandbox for this:
Just wondering when the update/ retraction is coming from you for the story you erroneously posted on September 4th regarding the story Aaron Broussard told on Meet The Press? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9368952
Also interesting to note, that even though in August you had a lot to say about her, you’ve had little to say about Cindy Sheehan recently? Is that because she’s getting a bit too extreme for you now that she has denounced Senator Clinton?
I just have to wonder why it is that private citizen Rossi continues to annoy you so much. Could it be that with Dem Power the only game in town, the only other option is to rail against the very idjits you put in power?
It just tickles me that Rossi, the same fellow you gleefully insulted at every turn and every time he opened his mouth, NOW annoys you when he won’t.
Someone ^up there^ said “I don’t think Dino Rossi is running for any office at this time, so I don’t see why anyone should care what his position on any issue might be”.
He’s out of the game kiddies, and once again, he has made you impotent with your outrage.
Go Dino!
Wabbit @67 – Nuthin wrong with pandering. But Maria’s lack of understanding of basic economics is appalling. She’s no smarter than any of the grouchoandharpo-ists here.
Reply to 24
Sorry, Trotsky is already taken. Find somebody else. The neocons made off with Trotsky.
However deficient Maria’s understanding of economics may be, it’s still better than any Republican politician’s.
< " In a companion piece, Ralph Thomas raises the ominous question of “Who’ll be to blame if viaduct, 520 bridge collapse?“ ">
Dare I ask why this hasn’t been important until now? Wasn’t that earthquake five years ago?
I lived in California during the Loma Prieta Quake and the entire Oakland / Nimitz Cypress structure was completely rebuilt in less than 18 months – and that was after a total collapse. This viaduct could have undergone seismic retro-fitting without even interrupting traffic in a matter of months. That is of course, what should have been done if it was really a life threatening condition.
Curtis @ 65 – We’re SAFT of seeing our money wasted on projects that don’t fix the problem. Until there are credible reforms (see my post @7), the bank is closed.
Wabbit @ 73 – One important difference. Our system (free market capitalism) ALWAYS works. Her’s (and yours) never has and never will work. Other than that, there’s no difference.
Lucite: Do you realize what Sidney Blumenthal’s health care system projected cost was? Wasn’t it 1/7th the total GDP back in 1993? Wasn’t it done behind closed doors like you all claim and scream about Cheney’s energy task force? The difference was Hilary is not an elected official as Mrs. President, so her stuff was blown wide open. Ka-BOOM!
Regarding Gingrich’s sexual failings, you like to dwell on that huh Lucite? It’s not the first time you brought it up. Problem was he wasn’t leading the country, didn’t go on national tv, wag his finger at us and LIE about it. Yes he did a reprehensible thing and he has paid his price for that. But, has anyone brought up anyone elses love life in this thread?
BayNative, who was president back then? Where did most of the road funding come from? Who bitched that the new wider road was interfering with local commerce? Ya see where I’m going with this?
righton @ 53:
If only i could also vote on national matters in the form of binding referenda, then i’d sure vote down about 1/2 of the govt spending.
You and everyone else in the country. That is why we DON’T get to vote on national funding!
100 billion to rebuild New Orleans and the Mississippi Delta? I don’t know anyone who lives there, I hate farmers in flat states who need to deliver grain there, I’m too old to go to Mardi Gras, and really don’t want my kids going there either. VETO!
(The above comment is sarcasm. Use it against me and with Guan Shi Ying Pu Shan as my witness I will beat you witless).
Puddy @ 77 – He also didn’t lie about it to a grand jury in an attempt to conceal a pattern of predatory behavior in connection with a felony assault case that he later settled for $800k.
re 80: He was exonerated in that case. They were( the supposed plaintifs) , interstingly enough, allowed to refile in order to harrass the president. If you choose to dispute this I’ll look it up. Other than that I couldn’t be bothered. MTR: If you ever stopped lying to yourself and everyone else for 5 minutes the cognitive dissonance you’d experience would put you in the madhouse.
The Bush Administration is falling apart. Don’t you read , The American Spectator? Or do you doubt its reliability? The rats are abandoning ship. It’s time for you, MTR, to start coming up with reasons George W. Bush betrayed conservatism. And I have no doubt you will. Why,Mr.??? ‘Cause you just got to!!!
Speaking of exoneration Lucite you forgot about this:
I thought Clinton was exonerated on White Water, not the sex case. Da judge was pissed by his behaviour.
Or Lucite do you remember this:
http://www.aim.org/aim_column/A1724_0_3_0_C/ – You know Accuracy in Media – A website JustDumbBozo will never visit.
Former President Bill Clinton went on CBS’s 60 Minutes to promote his new autobiography, and gave the reason for his affair with Monica Lewinsky. “Because I could,” he told Dan Rather. The irony became apparent when he later ran off a list of other scandals, or alleged scandals, that he was involved in, and in each case claimed he had been exonerated. But the fact is that he got away with these abuses of power also “because he could.” – Yep, that’s just you Democrats do, to us, to poor people, to the economy. Because when you are in power you can. Hence People don’t like that.
The right is pleased to have so many on the left waiting for a definitive word from Rossi on any topic. Blog vigils are very easy, as compared to hunger strikes or boycotts, yet the attention is appreciated.
Also, if the viaduct and 520 bridge are so dangerous why not have vigils to close them down until thay can be made safe? Would this not be more honest, as opposed to playing politics? Or better yet, something more effective like a hunger strike? Even better – boycott driving on the “dangerous” roads until action is taken. In short, put your money where your mouth is.
Lucy @ 81 – Actually, GWB is nowhere near conservative enough for me. He failed to address border security, especially from Mesko. The steel import tarriffs were a bad deal for consumers. Medicare prescriptions expansion could bankrupt us. The Katrina spending could turn out to set records for porkbarrel. I’d love to see someone who’s a real conservative in the White House. Having said that, GWB is a million times better than The Inventor of The Internet or JFK. The only thing that would have been good having JFK as president would have been getting non stop Tereza quotes… those were great.
Mark @ 75
We’re SAFT of seeing our money wasted on projects that don’t fix the problem. Until there are credible reforms (see my post @7), the bank is closed.
Don’t fix the problem? You mean problems like seismic retrofitting of bridges? Like replacing narrow or deteriorating bridges? Like fixing at 52 specific high accident locations? Like spending $3 BILLION to address chokepoints and bottlenecks throughout the state (this is NOT 520 or viaduct work)? Stuff like that? Because I think that IS “fixing the problem.”
Lucite: The best two fathers can get.
Why are all you democrats worried about what our next governor would do when it is the current governor that you should be asking. Rossi will have plenty of time in 2008 to address this question until then we just have to patient. I would like to see the democrats tackle voter fraud for the next three years. That would ensure that nothing would get done until we get real leadership.
From the Times article:
“As governor and as the leader of this state, [Gregoire] has the responsibility to talk about what’s best for the state,” Traisman said. “I think that will be helpful. But will she be doing 30-second spots saying, ‘Hi, I’m Chris Gregoire and I urge you to vote no on Tuesday’? Absolutely not.”
Ha! Looks like the pollsters also discovered that if she went on TV 912 would pass by a bigger margin!
Well, if I-912 passes due to Rossi’s silence, and the resulting delays result in a catastrophic collapse…
Plain and simple, Rossi’s silence won’t cause the initiative to pass. Voters voting for/against it will cause it to pass/fail.
Quit playing the lame-ass blame game. No need to be so partisan on the issue. If it was a bipartisan effort to pass the gas tax in the first place, why can’t it be a bipartisan effort to denounce I-912? Or could it be that no good argument has been made STRONG enough to denounce it?
Ah, but rest assured. It’s just easier to blame Rossi.
Windie @ 50:
What is “good” to you and what is “good” to me are very different things.
@68 Roger Rodent:
Ok then, if you agree he’s is a private citizen, then shut the hell up with this BS “vigil” crap and get a life. Who the hell cares how he feels anyway? As far as him in 2008 see ya at the polls; though with all the system’s bugs and their fearless leaders incompetence, they’ll be sure and try and steal that one too. If you want a Queen, go to England.
Curtis @ 86 – Like pouring fucking concrete. Freeways 12 lanes wide.
But that’s not all of it. See my post @ 7. Until all 5 factors are addressed, the bank is closed.
re 93: Factor 1BS+2+3+4+5= 5BS
This so-called Rossi “vigil” really calls into question what in your background would cause you to wage such a futile exercise. Perhaps it can be explained by looking at the Goldstein family crest. I understand it is a quasi-coat of arms that includes a tube of Preparation H, a ballet tutu, a steaming platter of Tofurkey and of course Gore-Liebermann and Kerry-Edwards campaign signs!
The Alaska Way Viaduct was retrofitted after the earthquake, but it’s an old structure that’s worn out, and was designed at a time when seismic hazards weren’t understood. You don’t keep repairing a 50-year-old car, do you? When it’s worn out, you buy a new one.
How’s this for a 2008 scenario?
1. Rossi is elected governor.
2. Rossi raises gas taxes to solve our transportation problems.
3. Republicans go along because Rossi is THEIR governor.
4. Democrats float an initiative to repeal Rossi’s gas tax increase.
5. Republicans criticize initiative as irresponsible because it endangers citizens and is destructive to state’s economy.
6. Guess who the biggest cheerleaders for Rossi’s gas tax are? John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur!
At this moment:
Dino Rossi is asleep at a house in a $500K Samammish home, which a guy who grew up poor in Montlake Terrace, paid for with his own money from a career he made for himself after working his way through college as a janitor at the Space Needle.
Gov. Gregoire (who to her credit also grew up poor and worked her way through an education), is sleeping in a $1 million+ mansion that the taxpayer’s pay all the bill on. (reguardless of what any of us think of the election, that his her right as the Governor. No complaints on that)
Dino Rossi will wake up and go make some money by, selling real estate, selling his book, etc… Doing something that is in the private sector.
Gov. Gregoire will walk 200 yard to her office in the State Capitol and serve as Governor to the State of Washington (earning $138K a year).
In 2008:
Nobody here knows what Dino Rossi or Gov. Gregoire will be doing. Anyone who claims to, is just another talking head who may have an opinion on it, but does not KNOW!!!
From January 12, 2005 to January XX, 2009: Governor Christine Gregoire has sworn to serve the 6.1 million people of the State of Washington. She is sworn to serve in good faith and she is sworn to up hold the law. She also pledged to lead this state.
During that sametime: Dino Rossi is a private citizens. In a free country he may come and go as he pleases. (within the limits of the laws of the lands) He may work where he pleases, speak with and to whom about what he pleases. He is not living in a home provided by tax dollars. He is not on the public payroll and he has not taken an oath to serve.
He is not sworn public official, she is.
If you want leadership on this, turn the the person we are paying to do so and has sworn and pledged to us to do it.
If you are now admitting that Gov. Gregoire is not capable of this, then I will fully expect all of you to make your $2700 check payable to Dino Rossi for Governor 2008.
Then he will owe you answer.
I obviously supported Dino in 2004. I don’t like how everything went down, but it did. Till the next election it is important that Gov. Gregoire be given the opportunity to serve. If she chooses not to, then that is on her. But I don’t want Dino out in the press, looking over her shoulder for 4 years. That will not benefit anyone (GOP or Dems).
If he wants to float his name and energy to an initiative, referendum, issue, cause, or anything. That is his business and he has that right as a citizen. But he doesn’t owe it to me to do so.
Roger Rabbit @ 96
‘You don’t keep repairing a 50-year-old car, do you?’
If the AWV is dangerous shut it down. Even if it saves the life of one child….
Why not make a stink about how bad it is and petition to shut the thing down?
“Hey Jackass, the tech bubble was free enterprise – FREE ENTERPRISE – you know, like Republicans promote and tout all the time? Get it?? Nah, you don’t get it.”
That doesn’t make any sense. Even if it did, how on earth could Clinton have prevented the tech bubble from bursting? He couldn’t. That was my point. The earlier comment by “Swift Boat..” impled that Clinton could have.
“9/11 happened on Bush’s watch, jackass!!! Ah, hell, I’m wasting my breath on you. You don’t get that, either.”
I agree Bush was President at the time of the attacks. I don’t know anyone who would disagree. That is not the point. The point is that they would have occurred regardless of whether Al Gore or Bush was President. If you can prove otherwise, I’m sure we’d all like to know how you would be privy to such information. BTW – I voted for Gore, but dumb fucks like you make me wish I hadn’t.
“Bush? Remember Bush? The guy who was on vacation over 40% of his first eight months in office? The guy who turned a deaf ear to Clinton’s warnings about Al Qaida? You just don’t get it, do you?”
Funny. He was on all this vacation, yet he did more than Clinton did his entire eight years in office. Clinton’s response to Bin Laden was to send a couple of rockets into empty tents in Afghanistan and blow up a Sudanese pharmaceutical company. As any respectable dem would tell you, Bush has done quite a bit more to go after Bin Laden. In fact I would argue he has gone too far with the invasion of Iraq. But ahh, you just don’t get it, do you?
“You’re nothing but a brainwashed right-wing clone-robot incapable of thinking for himself. Well, fuck you! And fuck the horse you rode in on, too!”
How eloquent you are. Do you really think for yourself? Or does a 12 year old do all the thinking for you? If you must know, I didn’t vote for Bush. However, I voted for Rossi and I’m sick of you ueber-liberals making the Democrats look like a bunch of Michael Moore / Howard Dean imitating dumb shit racist goons. So fuck you and fuck the heavily subsidized form of rail you rode in on you worthless piece of shit.
I think I have seen Roger asked that question a dozen times. Still waiting for an answer. The truth is, it is dangerous. Is the threat over stated, sort of. IF we get the “Big One”, they talk about, AVW will be the least of Seattle’s problems. A city build on fill dirt will shake alot more that one not in a 8.0.
It will be bad, don’t get me wrong, but if/when the sea wall gives way, AVW will not be our main concern. An 8.0 will destroy the city, AVW along with it.
The fear that AVW cannot with stand a 5.0 is what worries alot of folks, myself included. (It should, but who knows.)
What I want to see done ASAP, is to have a the results of all the studies find the specific areas which are weekest. (down to the square foot of a pillar). Now reguardless of what gets done in 10 years. Lets take $5 million or whatever, and fixing those areas the study found to be most problematic and most at risk of failure.
Maybe that would by time to put an alternative transportation funding package together. Basically right now we are in a loss-loss situtation. We either delay fixing problems, thus delaying adding infrastructure or we crame a tax down the throats of citizens that obviously don’t want it.
The Dems and GOP have both now drawn lines in the sand. It is now time for the folks in Olympia to earn those paychecks and solve this.
NEWSFLASH: At a minimum 160,000 out of 2,900,000 people voted for John Kerry and did not vote for Christine Gregoire, before the recounts and election contest made her even more unpopular.
Governor Gregoire has several opportunities to lead this state. Transportation being one of them. Gov. Gardner wrote a piece in the PI this weekend that mentioned the lack of leadership on Healthcare. Obvious improvements are still needed on Election Reform (Gov. Gregoire has acknowledged this, that is not “rightwing” spin).
With the 3-D in Olympia, the idea of obstructionist republicans is a farce (Much as the opposite in D.C. / those clowns have no excuse).
Gov. Gregoire needs to full now fullfil the promises of her campaign and inagural address and lead this state.
Not only is she paid plenty to do so, she also placed her hand on a bible and swore to.
A Crusader for justice, a voice for 6 million stilled voices, a defender of the defenseless. The Nazis deserved him and 10,000 more like him.
Psychopaths Could Be Best Financial Traders
“Psychopaths Could Be Best Financial Traders
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“In a study of investors’ behavior 41 people with normal IQs were asked to play a simple investment game. Fifteen of the group had suffered lesions on the areas of the brain that affect emotions.
“The result was those with brain damage outperformed those without.
“The scientists found emotions led some of the group to avoid risks even when the potential benefits far outweighed the losses, a phenomenon known as myopic loss aversion.
09/19/05 14:44 ET
Copyright 2005 Reuters Limited.
99 – … the Golden Gate Bridge is more than 50 years old and it isn’t ‘worn out’.
It seems logical to condem the Viaduct right now if there is a clear and present danger. Why is the Mayor and Council risking human life like this?
My state representative Lynn Kessler has told me there are an estimated 5 million vehicles on the road everyday in Washington. If we assume there to be an average gasoline use of only three gallons a day that would be a tax income realization of $4,725,000 per day, or $140,750,000 per month.
Does anyone wonder where the annual gas tax collections of $1,701,000,000 which Governor Gregoire says are matched by the feds have been going?
$3.4 BILLION a year is a good chunk of change…
Baynative – And if you extrapolate that for 10 years, that’s $34B spent in a decade, and the problem has only gotten worse.
That’s what inflames the 912 proponents. SAFT of spending money, and not getting the problem fixed. Something is wrong with the system, and until there are funamental reforms in the system so that the problem actually gets fixed, the bank is closed.
In a way, the yes votes on 912 and 900 are complementary. We close the bank on transportation, and in the meantime do a real audit on ALL gummint entities involved in the waste of $35B
True Accountability in all fiscal matters. The sign of a real WA State neo-con?
Since when were the stadiums and magic toilets downtown a higher priority than earthquake preparedness?
Drool; we all know that if they funded the important stuff first, and ran out of money, they’d never ever get a Levy to fund the goofy stuff. So they reserve the ambulance and CPR stuff for a levy, emergency hwy stuff for a levy, and of course always fund the whacko stuff inside the budget.
re 99: You talk too much and say too little.
Damn Rog….now I know why I’m doing pretty well. You too!!!!
We’re nuts!!
The problem is your fellow LEFTIST PINHEADS are nuts too. They are just too nuts to acknowledge it! That’s why they are poor.
Poor nuts!
Reply to Roger Rabbit at #17.
Typical Liberal Mentality…a list of benefits “Democrats Gave Us” The Democrats didn’t give anything, they took from some and re-distributed to others. I’m not debating the merits of any listed program, just pointing out your flawed mentality.
I love how liberals want to trust most things to government…especially health care. Then say we have Bushitler in charge!!! So they don’t mind giving up control of their body to whomever is in control of the government? Wow, talk about pro-choice!!
Mark D
912 is BAD policy
Voters want good transportation
Voters don’t want Spokane and Ellensburg dictating all
Finally a leglisature got it RIGHT
VOTE NO on 912