As Dino Rossi continues to maintain his silence on Initiative 912, the message-sending, KVI publicity stunt cum ballot measure is beginning to expose deep rifts in the WA state Republican Party.
Prominent Republicans from the business community, including Western Wireless Chief Executive John Stanton, have contributed mightily to the campaign to preserve the tax.
They hope to draw a distinction between themselves and the more conservative anti-tax base and help diffuse the partisan politics behind the support for the initiative.
Mainstream Republicans of Washington, a group of moderates, has endorsed the No on 912 campaign and is spending about $80,000 (most of it from Stanton) for direct mail opposing the initiative.
“Republicans have a long history of defending user taxes and particularly the gas tax,” said Mainstream Republicans Executive Director Alex Hays. “The gas tax is constitutionally required to fund roads and ferries. Taxes don’t get much fairer than that. You drive on the roads, you use gas, and therefore you pay for the roads.”
Hays said virtually every Republican to hold statewide office has come out of the mainstream movement. Mainstream members include Stanton, Secretary of State Sam Reed, Attorney General Rob McKenna, Commissioner of Lands Doug Sutherland and Senate Minority Leader Bill Finkbeiner.
Rossi should take note. Stanton, who has contributed over $100,000 to the No on 912 campaign, has often been mentioned as a possible candidate for governor or other high office, and while at this point in time it would be surprising to see any Republican seriously challenge Rossi for the 2008 nomination, the Sammamish real estate salesman cannot take for granted the enthusiastic support of business leaders, particularly a potential rival like Stanton who clearly disagrees with Rossi on substantive policy issues.
Of course, Rossi ran very well in 2004, pretending to be a mainstream Republican, but as he’s proven with his conspicuous silence on I-912, Mainstream Republicans in the business community and elsewhere really can’t count on him to support their agenda. If three years from now the state and regional economy is strong, and business leaders are largely satisfied with Gov. Christine Gregoire’s job performance, they will open their wallets less widely to support a challenger who has failed to support them in return.
“For a lot of the politicians, this is a vote (the public vote on 912) that they realize is best argued on the merits rather than turned into a partisan issue,” Stanton said. “I was on a podium with John Carlson,” the radio talk show host and I-912 supporter, “and he talked about sending a message. This is not about sending a message,” Stanton said.
“Or if it is, it’s about sending a message that transportation’s important.
And don’t think that Stanton and other business leaders haven’t been shy about sending a message of their own. That a lowly blogger like me should receive an earnest phone call from “Executive X” was a subtle message in itself. Less subtle was his questioning of whether Rossi “fully appreciates the political ramifications” of his failure to speak out against I-912. More recently, the Seattle P-I reported that Boeing would be diverting money away from the parties and giving it directly to those individual legislators who voted for the gas tax increase… implying that those opposing the tax should expect zilch. As the P-I editorial board wrote:
The state Republican Party backs I-912. Boeing opposes it. All but the most clueless of Republican candidates will get the message.
Is Rossi really that clueless?
I suppose it is possible that Rossi really does oppose the transportation package, and believes that we can afford to continue to delay maintenance and improvement projects… that he’s so deeply entrenched in the reactionary, anti-tax wing of the GOP that he’s willing to dismiss the fervent opposition to I-912 from the businesses and wealthy executives who financed his last campaign. If that’s true, he should just come out and take a principled stand.
Or perhaps Rossi quietly agrees with Stanton, but is willing to sacrifice the economic welfare of the state as part of a political gambit he hopes will weaken Gregoire for 2008? If that is the game he is playing, he should understand that even “winning” doesn’t come without risks. Assuming she governs well, Gregoire’s approval ratings will continue to climb, the further removed we are from the GOP’s viciously dishonest — yet effective — election contest PR campaign. And Gregoire won’t sleepwalk through a rematch the way she did the 2004 election: 2008 is going to be a meaner, more energetic, more costly campaign, and if Rossi expects to be competitive, he’ll need business leaders to continue to cut the big checks that he and his fellow Republicans have come to take for granted.
But my guess is, before they open their checkbooks again, some of these executives are going to look back at the I-912 campaign and ask: “Where was Rossi?”
Dino’s got a few more days to answer the question.
Na na na na,
Hey hey hey
Gosh, it must be a slow news day… no Rove Riots, no Irons thrown, no Bushes trimmed, no freeways crashing on to hapless sheep fringies enjoying their favorite flavor of Koolaid …
Do the words, “Beating a dead horse (DEAD horses ASS) mean anything to you?
No more French bread pizza for you! It’s time.
Hunger Strike! Hunger Strike!
ProudASS (@ 2) is full of shit.
If Goldy had written about Irons, our village idiot would have substituted “no 912 issues” for the Irons clause above.
I guess the wingnut idiots expect Goldy to write about every issue every day!
ASS @ 2,
Speaking of Irons, are you going to the Women for Irons Dinner?
I hear there will be lots fun activities and door prizes.
Christine in 2008 will be the best-funded candidate in the state, and Dino will be forced to go balls-out wingnut to make up for the moderates who will no longer fund him. It should be fun.
The Pee-Eye writes: The state Republican Party backs I-912. Boeing opposes it. All but the most clueless of Republican candidates will get the message.
The question is: Are the Republicans listening to audible clues from the mainstream, or to inaudible dog-whistles from the back-woods?
@4 they don’t want him to.
This way they can always say ‘why don’t you write about x?’ and pretend it matters…
The saddest thing to me is, they don’t seem to have had the brains to think of that tactic themselves. After various people started calling them on their diversionary tactics on almost every issue… They figured they could twist the tactic some and come back at us with it.
They might not be smart, they might not be honest… But they’re surely good at copying things and turning them to evil.
PS: I think Dave Ross’ various segments on the I-912 subject should be required listening, especially for anti-road tax people.
The 2 things are (1) him trashing the pro 912 arguments (terrifyingly effective, I might add~ I never wanna get in a debate with him if he’s had time to prepare)… and (2) seeing the difference between thoughtful, legal radio opinion pieces and the illegal, dishonest skullduggery that the KVI hacks like to play around with. Its like day and night.
You cute little hapless sheep fringies remind me of a pinball… if one thing doesn’t ring a bell, you bounce around trying to find another…. and another …. and another …. and another…. little hapless sheep fringies in search of some relevancy.
Keep trying!
Perhaps Rossi just thinks you are irrelevant. I’m sure that’s something you never considered.
There’s a lot of bluster here. We’ll see in a week what it all amounts to. If 912 passes and Sims loses, I’d go look for work if I were you.
ProudASS @ 9
Hmmm…first you suggest “slow news cycle” and now “bouncing around.”
In true “wingnut idiot” style, you confuse “bouncing around” with the reality that there are lots of GOP fuck-ups and failures to discuss. October sure has been one hell of a month for you wingnuts at the national level, huh?
Oh…and there is this little thing called “an election” that has a provided a number of local issues to discuss.
The only thing slow about this news cycle is that we haven’t learned about another “compassionate” conservative christian religious leader screwing children. Oh wait…I guess I missedthis one…..
Rossi thought Gregoire was irrelevant.
Rossi thought the Democratic signature gatherers were irrelevant.
Rossi thought the recount was irrelevant.
Now Rossi thinks the voters are irrelevant.
Who cares what Rossi thinks?
Rossi, and what Rossi thinks, is irrelevant.
912 by 15. Queen Christine lame duck for 3 years.
I wonder who dreamed up this LEFTIST PINHEAD analysis for Goldy???
Trying to divide and conquer is the oldest last minute campaign trick in the book.
In this case, it’s too late because nearly 25% of TOTAL voters have already voted. We may get a 54% turnout for this election.
Goldy has lowered himself to getting LEFTIST PINHEAD talking points and then trying to put a bit of meat on them bones!
Accountability starts with taking the money away and holding Gregoire to her campaign rhetoric of no new taxes.
Plus, folks figure since we already have about the highest gastax in the country, that is probably enough. It’s how it is spent. And honesty about how much projects will cost and where the funding will come from to FINISH them. Comprende???
There is no “rift” in the state GOP. The last thing we need is a lefty blog to tell us that we are rifted. I will vote for I-912. I hope it passes, but it really doesn’t matter to me what someone else votes for.
Why is there still no mention of the endorsement of 912 on the state GOP website? I guess it’s because they’re ashamed to be anti-road construction.
Why is there still no mention of the endorsement of 912 on the state GOP website? I guess it’s because they’re ashamed to be anti-road construction. -Comment by Bax— 10/30/05 @ 1:35 pm
Tha’s quite the mental leap you made there, sweetcheeks… did you hurt yourself?
912 is a … NOW PAY ATTENTION HERE…. A PEOPLES INITIATIVE not a party platform.
Dumb ASS.
Goldy: Three years in politics is a very long time, and there will be a lot of water under the bridge by 2008, so to think Rossi’s non-stance will hurt him more than actually ‘coming out’ on 912 is ignoring the realities of politics.
As you have said, “If three years from now the state and regional economy is strong, and business leaders are largely satisfied with Gov. Christine Gregoire’s job performance…”
If either doesn’t happen, (and with the economy, the governor’s office doesn’t have that much effect) then Rossi’s no position on 912 won’t matter. If your speculation comes true, we’ll still have three years of positions & policies to debate over.
Further, instead of focusing so much attention on Rossi, who holds no office, why aren’t you (unlike the PI, for example) taking Governor Gregoire to task for not aggressively defending the gas tax? Has she said anything recently in public about it? What about her bully pulpit to show the voters that the gas tax is a good thing? She has way more at stake than Rossi; seems like she’s sleepwalking again.
Mr Cynical @ 15
“Plus, folks figure since we already have about the highest gastax in the country, that is probably enough. It’s how it is spent.”
Sorry, Cynical, this is simply not true. Have you been taking “veracity” lessons from Irons or something?
From the PI:
And Washington falls right in the middle (24th out of 50) of all states in total state tax burden. I should mention that we are tied with a few other states for THE LOWEST income tax rate in the country (i.e. 0 percent).
“And honesty about how much projects will cost and where the funding will come from to FINISH them.”
You are dead wrong. The transportation package will fully fund hundreds of projects around the state. There are only a few mega projects on the list that will require additional sources of funding (federal, local, tolls).
ProudASS @ 18
“912 is a … NOW PAY ATTENTION HERE…. A PEOPLES INITIATIVE not a party platform.
Dumb ASS.”
Sorry, stupid fuck, but the State GOP officially endorsed I-912. Here is a reminder.
roger @12…….no, you are wrong there buddy. rossi “thought” that washington state actually followed the rules of the land and legally gathered and counted ballots. he didn’t count on the fact that they DIDN’T.
he didn’t realize just how much the commie statue in seattle really does represent what the state is all about……now.
once upon a time it was just a silly backwater where people wore alot of flannel and could barely read. now it’s a silly backwater where people don’t work and spend all their time reading the silly seattle times for their non-information.
even the liberals down here think you guys are beyond stupid….now if that doesn’t give you pause i don’t know what will.
I think its pretty cool how this John Stanton knows what he believes, and sticks up for it. He’s not to be cowed by any special interest, and just focuses on whats good for the state. The GOP should think about sending this guy up for Gov. in 2008…
Omigod! Ghost is back! Ghost you’re so whacked out it’s pathetic. It’s no wonder you’re from California. Was it Pat Caddell who said that California Republicans are the most stupid people he knows? We’re all happy you’re down there now. Just in time to help the governator win the “special” elections he’s just about sure to lose.
Four million dollars of Republican money couldn’t prove that Rossi won the election up here. If you’re so convinced Rossi won, why don’t you reward the Republicans up here who put on that excellent case with some of your own money? You believe in rewarding excellence don’t you? Give, give ghost. The Republicans up here are in debt to Davis, Wright, Tremaine for the excellent, convincing case they put before a sympathetic judge. Just think of it as a charitable contribution – one that you can’t write off your taxes.
I think you made a freudian slip about the liberals down there, dear ghost. Find a quote in the MSM to back yourself up – if you do find one I’m sure the ones the libs are laughing at are really the Republicans up here.
Have fun in la, la land.
omigod… are quoting pat caddel? now that is just too and three other people.heh heh heh.
yes…good old california. you know the state that is the 7th largest economy in the world? that la la land? and for those of you like “for the clueless” the term “la la land” actually refers to los angeles. as in southern california.
and no freudian slip here sweetie….i live in humboldt county and you just don’t get any more liberal than that ya think? although, as is the case with most liberals they are actually much fewer in number than they would like the world to believe.
but what i find really interesting is the only things they have in common with the garden variety liberal shrew in washington is their lack of work ethic and where they get their marching orders from. other than that…no one keys cars, slashes tires or tears down political signs here. when i asked a couple of guys in arcata[and what a looney town that is!] about it their comment was, and i am quoting now, ” hey man that would just be so speech is what we are all about…we want to change people’s minds, not terrorize them”
now….don’t you find that interesting?
maybe not….maybe it’s an evolution thing. you know…washington is always right there with some southern states about 20 years behind the times.
Whatever political future Rossi thinks he has in this State is in SERIOUS jeopardy due to his pigheaded refusal to take a stand on this VERY IMPORTANT issue.
It’s not just idle speculation…Business in Washinton WANTS this initiative defeated. That Rossi is unwilling (or unable?!) to do the grunt work on this opens the door for another (hopefully more moderate) Republican candidate.
Dino-Sore is rendering himself…EXTINCT!
Gee goldy…
Why aren’t you taking pot shots at chrissy for not taking a stand on i-330, i-336, i-901, (don’t answer that I already know)
Dino has said over and over again he’s not going to second guess what chrissy does or doesn’t do during her time as the governor. he’s not going to help or hurt her. Not so sure she’d do the same. but that’s part of her charm…or lack there of.
I still think this is a anti-chrissy vote more than it is a vote against the gas tax. her approval rating is so low she may as well be a republican president.
“Goldy has lowered himself to getting LEFTIST PINHEAD talking points and then trying to put a bit of meat on them bones!”
Gee, Cyn, if Goldy keeps lowering himself like this, he may lower himself to your level someday. Then you guys can have a beer together.
“912 is a … NOW PAY ATTENTION HERE…. A PEOPLES INITIATIVE not a party platform.”
Pay attention now, Ass — Gregoire is a PEOPLES GOVERNOR. She was elected by the people, not radio talk show hosts.
“I still think this is a anti-chrissy vote more than it is a vote against the gas tax”
If that’s true, the people voting for it are enough stupider than we thought.
Hey — I have a GREAT idea! Would everyone on this board supporting I-912 please cut off your dick to spite Roger Rabbit! Than I won’t be able to tell you to go fuck yourself anymore.
@24 I thought you’d get a kick out of Pat Caddell. Doesn’t he comment for your favorite information source – Faux News Channel?
I’ve dug up the source on California Republicans and their stupidity. The governator’s jihad will really put the capper on that.
Lack of work ethic? Gee there’s just no satifaction for you anywhere you go, ghost. I guess the only people willing to work 16 hours a day and get paid for 8 at below the minimum wage are Republicans or the Dubya dead-enders who make up that 39 percent in the polls.
And those Arcata liberals? Were they laughing? My some people will swallow anything even from someone like you for whom the truth and their mindset went their separate ways long ago…
I am a Republican for the gas tax. Is that good or bad? I wouldn’t mind if they doubled it.
@31…… that you lucy? i have been “gone” for so long that i may have missed the name morph. is it because you got busted for blogging from the school district’s computers? naughty naughty……
and sweet pea…i LOVE where i live. the democrats here are N-O-R-M-A-L. can you even imagine that? they have J-O-B-S and don’t abuse the computers at work. it’s not union this and union that every five seconds.and the arcata liberals can even read!!!!
16 hours a day? ha ha ha ha….that’s rich. no…what i am talking about is what every single boss in washington already knows. your “employee” shows up for work [late] and then does nothing all day and expects the world in return.
i believe it’s called being entitled.
or nuts.
we have our share here but it’s still been very refreshing to deal with people that know if they get hired by you….you ACTUALLY expect them to work.and it’s actually only a few people that are like this here, in comparison to uber-lazy washington state.
and the town i live in is 90% conservative. mind boggling isn’t it? a whole town of intelligent people…..WOW.
truth and mindset my ass….big words from a little man hiding behind his latest invisible friend.LOL.
LMAO@XmasGhost…welcome back honey.. Back to the thread. Everyone knows that Rossi the ‘sore looser’ is like all good neocons during these trying days. He is trying to hide from the next special prosecutor protecting our country’s law abiding citizens. LMAO AGAIN at the California Ghost…… (the only 90% conservative city in California has got to be a grave yard)
ps, the only place our pet ghost could ever fit in
lol again, if we bred our ghost with mr irrelevant, we would have a ‘one eyed, one horned, flying purple haired ‘culture of corruption’ mother beater
truth and mindset my ass
And intelligence? This coming from the same person who was so sure Rossi was going to pull his chestnuts from the fire. What a laugh! And all the while marching down the glorious path with the blowhard from Emeryville, the California ex-pat Stefan Sharkansky. No wonder!
Enjoy your conservative utopia down there Ghost (it has a state income tax I hear). I’m sure you’re all lockstep behind the Governator and the very special election at least until he loses. If he can’t win that then he won’t be able to cut your taxes so you can fund more sprawl. That is the conservative mantra isn’t it? Cut taxes – more government revenue! Get to zero and it’s infinity – faith-based voodoo economics..
Tha’s quite the mental leap you made there, sweetcheeks… did you hurt yourself?
Pointing out that the GOP refuses to publicly acknowledge on their website that they support 912 is a mental leap? Not so much.
Look, if the GOP supports 912, fine. They should be up front about their about face, and acknowledge that they no longer support road construction.
Goldie is slow. You got mentioned on the KCE debate between SIMS and IRONS on Robert Mak.
I think Sims overall took the short debate easily. Irons kept calling him a liar and Sims kept politely pointing out that he was just quoting news articles accurately.
David blinks a little bit too much in the studio lights. Sims major weakness is that he is letting big government principles stamp on some indivduals rights.
@26 Whatever political future Rossi thinks he has in this State is in SERIOUS jeopardy due to his pigheaded refusal to take a stand on this VERY IMPORTANT issue.
The people who are saying that are people who aren’t going to vote for Rossi anyway. He accepts that he isn’t going to get your vote. Move along.
I just watched the David Irons/Sims debate on Robert Mak’s King5-TV Show.
Irons was fabulous.
Sims was on the defensive the entire 30-minutes.
Sims had the look and tone of a defeated man.
Even better, Sims ripped Goldstein saying he had nothing to do with Goldy’s smear campaign, he didn’t approve of it and would never do such a thing. Sims basically called Goldstein IMMORAL!!
Imagine Sims calling anyone else immoral??!!
Goldstein must be lower than whale-poop!!
Irons didn’t back off….pointing out Sims staffman admitted having contact with the smarmy Goldstein and vice-versa.
Irons repeatedly attacked Sims for a lack of leadership on issues like Elections, Transportation, CAO/Property Rights etc.
I was very impressed by David Irons…..I didn’t know he had it in him!
It literally took the stuffing out of Sims!
Sims was defensive the whole time…..and incredibly disoriented.
Irons did not sit back when Sims misrepresented him….Irons stood up and corrected Sims lies….citing specific refutation.
Irons looked like a confident, well-prepared Leader.
Sims looked every bit the LOSER!!!!!!!
Way to go Goldy—–you may have undone Sims singlehandedly!
Pointing out that the GOP refuses to publicly acknowledge on their website that they support 912 is a mental leap? Not so much.
Look, if the GOP supports 912, fine. They should be up front about their about face, and acknowledge that they no longer support road construction. -Comment by Bax— 10/30/05 @ 5:52 pm
Pay attention, sweetcheeks… it simply does not follow that just because they make no mention of I-912 on their website, that (quoting you here now, sweetcheeks) “it’s because they’re ashamed to be anti-road construction“.
That’s a false hypothesis, made with facts not in evidence and a leap of “logic” (snicker) only a fringie conspraicy fruitcake would make.
You’re welcome to the title.
Watch the David Irons/LOSER Sims Debate tonight for your @
8:00PM on NW Cable News
10:30 on Kong-TV 6/16
It was awesome to see Irons assertively take down Sims.
Or go to the King5 link for Mak’s Upfront @
I really didn’t think David Irons had it in him…..and more importantly, neither did Sims!!
The guy assaulted his own mother. Why would you think he wouldn’t have it him to attack Simms during a debate?
We need a state income tax, and then we can stop fighting over table scraps. As a lefty progressive my support for the gas tax is lukewarm, at best.
If you thought Irons won that debate you are projecting wishful thinking. You could tell Irons was nervous and had a more limited grasp of the issues at hand than Sims did. Sims replied intelligently to pat Irons replies. Irons message to Sims on every issues was “liar”. Not much substance or solutions. Sims had some class and avoided the Iron/Irons Mother conflict.
35 through 38….heh heh heh. never been to california have you? there are alot of conservatives down here. alot more than you would like to admit. but thanks for the welcome back.
yes even in beautiful humboldt county, famous for it’s movie locations, redwoods,rivers, incredible beaches and wacky tobacky….there are ALOT of republicans. and the best part? they can actually carry on conversations and discuss politics with democrats without gunfire or tire slashing.imagine that!
california can also take credit for being open minded….we are the ones that have both parties serve as governors after all.
washington should try that sometime. rumor has it that a liberal writer for the seattle times actually suggested that one party rule isn’t a good thing. another wonder. will they never cease?
as far as the state income tax….i’d rather be bitten by a shark than be nibbled to death [tax-wise] by guppies. B and O anyone? besides we don’t have all the not-so-secret taxes that you do. start adding it up.
as for rossi…you know it wouldn’t even take a perfect world for that to have turned in his favor. just several honest people….and washington can’t even come up with them.
very funny comment about the graveyard. good one. but out of the mouths of babes… know ALOT of people think that after death you get to see everything clearly… i would imagine that most graveyards are conservative.heh heh heh.
put that in your pipe and smoke it…..LOL.
So, Mr. Cynical, you watched “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” on your Beta player again tonight? How many times have you seen this movie? Have you ever seen any other movies?
Agreed John, Irons was fidgety and had nothing to say except ‘liar’. Fidgety like mr irrelevant when he goes to his ‘macho hairstylist’ and seeks a different color of purple. Not sure of himself, looking for help, seeking council and praying for someone to agree with him.
Why, oh why can’t fringies learn to spell?
Why, oh why can’t fringies learn correct word usage?
Why, oh why can’t fringies learn proper grammar?
Why, oh why can’t fringies can’t they just learn to use a damned dictionary?
The LEFTIST PINHEADS are in total denial………..
Sims was disoriented and completely on the defensive.
Irons & Mak questioned Sims repeatedly on what he had actually accomplished the past 9 years…..with Elections and transportation.
Sims gave some incredibly weak answers…..
Like, he’s had 4 election department heads…..and is still looking to get it right!!
I fully expect the “blind sheep” to follow Sims into the dark hole. Thankfully, Irons has Goldy to thank for his shit-stirring that has totally backfired…..
Hell, even Sims disavowed and disapproved of Goldy’s lameass SHITSQUAD tactics.
Irons will beat this drum of Sims incompetence and low-level politics to the finish line on November 8th!!
ProudASS @ 49
“Why, oh why can’t fringies can’t they just learn to use a damned dictionary?”
Why, oh why can’t fringies learn to proofread?
Rossi is where Rossi should be. Quitely waiting until the next match, where with Gregoire’s approval rating at an all time 36% low, should be an absolute cake walk. Especially if Sims and Dean the machine are ousted in the next election.
Looking forward to the prospects next week!
My God, Irons just might win! The wingnuts as exemplified by Mr Cyn/Irr are so out of touch with reality they transform a nervous, underqualified pretender with a volatile temperament into a world-class leader!
That Kool-Aid is indeed strong stuff!!
Goldy…how come you are so desperate to be taxed for something you’ll never use?
912 is a pisshole in the snow…..doesn’t build 1 thing that eases congestion
This quote from the article caught my eye: “The gas tax is constitutionally required to fund roads and ferries. Taxes don’t get much fairer than that…” As any thinking person should realize, the gas tax is a “Constitutional Inequity”.
Oh yes it is. Automobiles and car-dedicated road infrastructure present a severe impediment to walking, bicycling and mass transit. These other means of travel should receive constitutional guarantees that their utility be preserved and accommodated. No one walks because pedestrian fatality is unacceptably high. Cities built to be accessable only by driving a car cannot build destinations accessable by walking, bycycling or by mass transit.
It takes an asshole to argue that the gas tax is a fair tax. But that’s not the half of what’s wrong with transportation planning in Washington state and the USA. Republicans support this tax because they know it strengthens the transportation monopoly known as the car. Another way the monopoly is strengthened is to sabotage transit design at agencies like Sound Transit and SMP so that transit won’t be built to adequate standards or will be prohibitively expensive.
Oh well. No one on this board has sense enough to understand what I’ve long said here about this, so to hell with it. Morons in charge! Morons in charge!
Pay attention, sweetcheeks… it simply does not follow that just because they make no mention of I-912 on their website, that (quoting you here now, sweetcheeks) “it’s because they’re ashamed to be anti-road construction“.
Sure it does. The GOP’s been told publicly by its major donors that they will no longer provide financial support to those who support 912. The GOP supports 912. Of course they’re not going to put anything on their website, because they’re trying desperately to hide the fact that they’re doing something against the interests of their donors, and doing something that goes against what they’ve been bitching about for years.
912 is a pisshole in the snow…..doesn’t build 1 thing that eases congestion
Oh, really? Drive NB 405 at rush hour. The worst chokepoints are from I-5 to 405, the offramp to EB 169 (the Maple Valley Hwy), and the 520 interchange. They’ll all be fixed by money that 912 takes away.
Drive I-5 at SR 18, and then try to get to SR 161. See how congested it is? It’ll be fixed by money that 912 takes away.
Drive SR 410 in Bonney Lake. See how congested it is? It’ll be fixed by money that 912 takes away.
Are you lying or just ignorant?
Morons spewing drivel on the internet!
I wish wew had some REAL Republicans to discuss issues with, rather than the same Neo-Con wingnuts.
But at least they are a dying breed.
righton @ 56
“912 is a pisshole in the snow…..doesn’t build 1 thing that eases congestion”
For once, righton, you have said something insightful. Indeed, I-912 doesn’t build anything. It doesn’t fix anything, build anything, improve saftey for anything.
So, vote NO on 912.
“But at least they are a dying breed.”
Or being sent “up the river.”
ok, dj you got me.
The tax doesn’t do anything special; its just a general raising of DOT spending. That’s the crux of it; I think DOT gets enough money, you guys feel otherwise. The projects are merely more of the same stuff that a normal budget should do. So ultimately its just about the growth of spending for DOT.
Don’t you wish we had a chance to vote on what Sound transit morphed into? (2x the cost, 1/2 the projects). And maybe same might happen with your supposed great safety congestion projects in the tax we are trying to overturn? Huh?
The tax doesn’t do anything special; its just a general raising of DOT spending.
Which hasn’t nearly kept pace with inflation. In 1969 the gas tax was 6 or 7 cents? What is it now?
Not much has been done transportation wise in this state since the early seventies. Now we’ve got two major transportation corridors that are going to collapse and you wingnuts are whining about 9.5 cents over three years.
912 is sour grapes nothing more. Whining from sore losers.
righton @ 64
“The projects are merely more of the same stuff that a normal budget should do. So ultimately its just about the growth of spending for DOT”
Nope … in fact the Transportation Package is triage for the fact that (1) inflation has eaten away at the gas tax, which was last raised (on a permanent basis*) in the early 1990, and (2) the DOT lost over 20% of its funding via the aftermath of I-695.
* The nickel package is not a permanent tax increase, but in any case does not come close to making up for the loss in revenue from items 1 and 2 above.
righton @ 64
“Don’t you wish we had a chance to vote on what Sound transit morphed into? (2x the cost, 1/2 the projects). And maybe same might happen with your supposed great safety congestion projects in the tax we are trying to overturn? Huh? “
I would gladly pay $200 or $300/year in additional tax to get a widespread regional light rail system built in the metropolitan KC area. I fairly frequently travel to other cities like DC, Boston, SF, Chicago. I love being able to travel on their rail transit systems.
As an east-sider who travels to Seattle on work days, I would switch from driving to light rail if they had something shooting straight down SR520. I occasionally (re-)try using the bus, but busses have nearly the same problems as cars getting through the bottleneck (floating bridge).
Uh hello libs, wake up and smell the coffee. Rossi has discussed his feelings on I 912 thouroghly on the John Carlson show. It isnt Rossi’s fault that Goldy and his following werent tuned in.
I also would ride a train of some sorts. Trouble is around here we had idiots running things. We sort of voted for trains 10 yrs ago (sound transit) and instead we got 1/2 a train on Rainier.
Build a train from Redmond to downtown, via montlake or cap hill, and/or one from Issaquah and you’d get some support.
How many people do you take of I-5 by running the train down Rainier?
520 is a mess, but this bill does ZERO to replace it.. Good luck funding 520 once you tax people to pay for miscelleneous general budget stuff.
Time to respond to the dimmest bulbs in the ceiling…
Mary Lane told me she supports 912 and, and Dino Rossi on KVI said he supports 912, too. He refused to take the negative option.
Also, after your slime of David Irons, Jr., I doubt seriously they will be saying much more. Shut up, already.
Wrong Again @64
“The tax doesn’t do anything special; its just a general raising of DOT spending.”
The specific list of projects the 2005 tax increase will fund has been alluded to enough times on this blog (of which you are a regular reader) that your culpability is clear: You are a willful liar.
Thanks for the info, Josef the Dinocrat! Now that we know where Rossi stands on transportation funding, it’s crystal clear that he isn’t a responsible person capable of holding public office in our state.
Rabbit you baby killing scumbag.
How are those health problems?
Hoepfully they;ll get the better of you soon.
Roger rabbit/weasel
You could list all the projects in their regular budget, and add the stuff in the tax increase package, and I’ll bet they all look the same. I’ve looked at the list, and none of this new stuff seems very “new and different”….
Its merely a general spending increase, and increase in normal scope of work.
You like that, I say “do something different or do nothing at all”
Hey Donna, how do you define a real Republican ? Maybe once we know, we can have a real discussion. But as long as declare anyone who disagrees with you a wingnut/Troll/whatever…
So what are you looking for ?
Nope. Dino has a few more days to keep things to himself as he can and will do. He dosen’t owe you shit Goldy. Give it up already. Whine, whine, whine. See you at the polls!
The existing 23 cents gas tax is split up several ways. First, cities and counties get around 11 cents for local road construction and maintenance. That leaves WSDOT with about 12 cents which is split up as follows. A portion goes to pay back bonds issued for previous road construction projects. Another portion is spent on road maintenance and resurfacing projects. The federal government contributes to most, but not all, road resurfacing projects. Routine maintenance, from clearing snow to keeping highway lighting working, painting lines, mowing, clearing drains, etc. is paid for with the state gas tax. I,m wondering if anyone knows just how many thousands of dollars a month it cost for the electricity to keep all the lights on for all state highways in Washington. All these costs have increased significantly since the gas tax was increased in 1990. The main funding source for road construction projects now is the “nickel tax” plus the 2005 transportation package which would be repealed by I-912. The projects to be funded by both these transportation packages were dictated by the legislature and can only by changed by the legislature. There are a few, but very few, road construction projects still being funded by the 23 cents tax. One that I know of is the Fales, Echo Lake Road interchange on SR 522 between Woodinville and Monroe. DOT has enough money to build the interchange but not to widen the road to four lanes which they will have to come back and do later.