The Seattle P-I’s Chris McGann has an article on Initiative 912, and in addition to the usual mean-spirited lying bullshit from the likes of GOPolitburo chair Chris Vance and I-912 spokesman Bret Bader, it also includes some mighty fine political analysis:
David Goldstein, founder of the liberal blog, said a big part of the grass-roots support for Initiative 912 was anger about the gubernatorial vote.
“They really sold it from Day One as getting back at Queen Christine,” he said. “It was a great move in terms of keeping their ratings going, because they moved from one big issue and used that to create another.”
Goldstein said the issues have snowballed.
He said polls show if Rossi, who as a state senator voted for a nickel-per-gallon gas tax in 2003, would come out in support of the gas tax, I-912 would fail.
Man… that Goldstein guy really knows what he’s talking about.
For weeks, Goldstein has been calling for Rossi to take a position. Rossi’s spokeswoman, Mary Lane, said Goldstein shouldn’t hold his breath.
“This is Christine Gregoire’s baby,” she said. “It’s her job to defend it.”
Lane said Rossi is “taking a well-deserved break from politics.”
Yeah… that’s right… if you’re going to take a break from politics, the first thing you need to get yourself… is a spokesperson.
Gimme a break. We all know Rossi’s running for governor in 2008, and when his spokesperson smugly refers to the controversy surrounding I-912 as “Christine Gregoire’s baby,” what she’s telling us is that her boss cares more about politics than policies.
If Gov. Gregoire had won by a couple thousand votes instead of a couple hundred… if there’d been no recount, no election contest, and no dishonest PR campaign designed to convince voters that the election was stolen… then there’d be no initiative. I-912 is Dino Rossi’s baby, and if it passes because its patron saint shrewdly and cynically remains silent, then the consequences are on his head.
And so I ask once again: “Where’s Rossi?” Here’s hoping this time, Lane lets her boss speak for himself.
Rossi is never going to come out of the closet. Hiding in the shadows and putting up false fronts is what he’s good at.
Rossi show that he is just another typical Republican—more interested in partisan politics than actually doing what is right for the people.
We all know that he thinks I-912 is idiotic. But, he would rather let “Rome burn” because he somehow identifies the transportation package with Gregoire.
Through his silence, Rossi proves, once again, that he is no statesman.
I,ve voted for many moderate Republicans, including Senator Dave Schmidt, who was able to get $123 million for widening highway 9 included in the transportation package. Highway 9 has long been a chronic bottleneck between Bothell and Lake Stevens so this will help a lot — if it’s not wiped out by stupid I-912.
Senator Schmidt has not been shy about stating his opposition to I-912. To me that’s leadership. So my question to Mr. Rossi is; “if you were governor what would you do to start addressing years of underfunding for transportation? And where do you stand on I-912?? If you have no opinion on I-912, and no idea how to address transportation funding, then don’t bother running for political office again because you are not a leader.”
Waaaaah, waaaah, waaah. Why does Dino have to perform like a monkey with you Goldy being the old man organ grinder? Sorry, when you all ridiculed Dino on this blog for his gubernatorial election contesting, you basically told him to shut up. Did you LEFTIST PINHEADS forget that? When he lost in the courts you told him to get lost. Did you LEFTIST PINHEADS forget that? When he lost you ridiculed Tremaine, et. al., his lawyers for spending the $2MM so wisely. Did you LEFTIST PINHEADS forget that? Now that he’s taken your advice, you all are pissed off? What a joke it is to be a LEFTIST PINHEAD animal hind part!
Keep quiet Dino, unless Goldy takes it all back about you! All you are doing is implementing his and his LEFTIST PINHEAD followers’ advice. You LEFTIST PINHEADS can’t have it both ways. Fugeddaboutit. The Prosecution Rests.
I am reminded of these stories regarding Goldy, “The organ grinder” from the east coast.
Another complete waste of $312,000.
Why was this “pretend” auditor firm chosen????
Keith Ervins has the answer!
Elections director’s ties to audit group questioned
By Keith Ervin
Seattle Times staff reporter
Audit finds security lax in ’04 King County election
Some political activists claim The Election Center’s audit of King County Elections is tainted by the nonprofit organization’s ties to county Elections Director Dean Logan.
Logan is a member of The Election Center (TEC), a professional association of election officials based in Houston. Logan led a workshop on elections and recounts at the group’s national conference in Beverly Hills, Calif., last month.
Don Ron Sims King says the problems were merely tecnical difficulties. Imagine that.
When you look at the scope of the “pretend audit” you will see they didn’t even look at ballot envelopes or even attempt to discern double-voting. TEC merely thru out a few tidbits while turning their back to the obvious citizen concerns and digging in.
What a JOKE!!!
Mount Olympus Hiker@1
Campaign lying is what the “governor” is good at.
Cynical: Another OUCH moment for Dean “Count Them Votes” Logan. Maybe he can take a job as Goldy’s monkey!!!
Vigil-day 5. Greg Nickels and campaign violations.
When will goldy stop playing politics and care about policies?
Damn cheap ASS filter. Now it traps fact statements.
Righton: Never. Nickels is a lefty. Goldy can’t fault lefties. Not the LEFTIST PINHEAD way.
‘and no dishonest PR campaign designed to convince voters that the election was stolen.’
Goldy – Does this remind you of anything, as in the Bush/Gore race in 2000? What’s good for the goose…
There’s still no mention of the GOP’s vote to support 912 on their website. You’d think that given Vance’s quotes in this article, the GOP would proudly be waving the flag in favor of 912. But of course, they’re not.
I guess that’s how it works when for years you bitch about the lack of road construction but now are in favor of no new road construction.
How can that be, Puddybud? Nothing you say is factual.
If Rossi would at least come out and state, for the record, that he’s not going to run for Governor in 2008, then who cares what his stance is on 912. But we know that’s not going to happen.
He’s going to use 912’s passing and blame Gregoire for not leading the way to solve the roads/transportation problems. Now that’s leadership.
Rossi 2008: keeping quiet when he could have made a difference!
rwb-15 Rossi 2008: keeping quiet when he could have made a difference!
Gregoire 2008: Taxing the little guy to pad the coffers of political supporters, and with no discernable improvement in traffic congestion or safety!
Does this mean Rossi’s election challenge was tainted by his lawyers’ membership in the Washington state bar associaton? Gregoire’s lawyers belong to the Washington state bar association — in fact, Gregoire herself belongs to the Washington state bar association! Looks like a conspiracy!
Another possibility is that Mr. Cynical is a dolt.
Roger Rabbit is not dead, missing in action, or AWOl — Roger Rabbit is on vacation! RR is taking the garden tour — YUMMY!! Every hardworking bunny deserves a vacation now and then. RR will return to HorsesAss later this week.
Sorry not to participate in the thread drift, but: I read in the article that the conservatives think that infrastructure is important, but that the funds should be “cut from someplace else”. Can you address this issue when you get a chance? What exactly do the conservatives think should be cut? Farm subsidies? Flood control in rural areas?
Goldy, it really doesn’t matter what Dino Rossi thinks of 912. He’s NOT going to run against Chris Greoire in 2008 because he’s got bigger fish to fry.
No, some other Republican is going to come along and de-throne Queen Chrissy, and that Republican won’t have to work very hard to do so. The impending passage of I-912 will be the death knell for Gregoire’s time as gov, and she will be a de facto lame duck in November 2005. Gregoire has tied herself to a ship that’s sinking.
RR @ 17:
Logan’s membership in TEC is not anything like being a member of the bar. He doesn’t need it in order to practice being an election official.
The fact that he used his influence to direct money to his buddies should be an outrage to the voters in King County. But of course if won’t.
Is there absolutely no one else out there that has no connection to Ron Sims or Dean Logan who could have performed the audit? I find that hard to believe.
Larry the Urbanite;
Are you really asking for the “hit me” sign to go on your forehead? Asking us what ought to be cut?
Man, this should be fun…
Cynical @6, Puddinghead @8, righton @9, rearwrong @12…
Nice try at changing the subject and knocking the comment thread off topic. How typical… you can’t respond and you know that this is a discussion that works against your side, you just simply try to scuttle the debate.
Fact is, Rossi claims he wants to lead this state, so he needs to demonstrate a little leadership. He allowed the I-912 sponsors to make this initiative about him, and now he has a responsibility to let voters know where he stands. If he’s going to cowardly hide behind Mary Lane, then he deserves to be labeled what he is: a political coward.
Janet S @ 21
‘Is there absolutely no one else out there that has no connection to Ron Sims or Dean Logan who could have performed the audit?’
Yes, but the results would be different. Put yourself in the shoes of Sims and Logan.
Great job deflecting blame to the worthless fat rich republicans. Just because Democrats have been running the show for 20+ years doesn’t mean they should be held accountable for the serious deterioration of our transportation infrastructure. It’s all on Rossi’s shoulders!!! This whole thing of blaming I-912 on Carlson and Wilber is genious. Nobody gets the fact that it was a direct response to Gregoire’s tax increase flip flop. Just keep on blaming Rossi and pretty soon everyone will believe it, and we can have another 20 years of democratic leadership!!!!
Paul Berendt is probably shaking in his shoes right now as Goldy is the new Democratic Spin Master!!!!!
You Goldy skimmed over my charge of why Dino will not answer you in Puddybud@4. You summarily dissed him along with summarily dismissing him. This silence is his way of saying: “Thanks David Goldstein for all your support!”
re 20: Tax money will be needed to pay for repairing and building roads. If this I 912 measure passes and a Rep. governor is elected, there will be no mood in this state for bi-partisan cooperation. Remember, initiatives can be used to derail a Rep. governor, too.
Oh GREAT!!!!!
(un)Reliable sources reveal that Dino Rossi, failed Washington State gubenatorial candidate, sleazy real estate practitioner, racontuer and bon-vivant (not), and SORE LOSER…is set to “fry bigger fish” in his quest for higher electoral office.
After “careful” review of the stalwart Republican’s recorded public statements and (lack of) qualifications…this correspondent concludes that Rossi will soon announce his intention to run for President of these United States. It is the opinion of a (dis/un)respected veteran political observer (me!) that Rossi has the main characteristics necessary for a Republican seeking higher office:
1) A strong (or at least frequently and publicly pronounced) belief and/or faith in “God”. The more fundamental, rigid and vindictive the better (never mind the Gospel message).
2) NO identifiable or verifiable record of public service at any level. Also helpful…no record of publicly verifiable pronouncements or statement of position on ANY matters of public policy…real or theoretical.
3) An uncanny ability to shift blame to others for the candidates legal or ethical transgressions. THIS IS THE REAL LITMUS TEST RIGHT HERE. And our Dino passes with the flyingest of flying colors.
4) And the VERY most important part of the political equation…
friends in high places willing to bankroll the campaign with the quid pro quo that they get protection for their agenda…regardless of what consequense that agenda may have for the great unwashed who “just don’t have the juice”.
Based on the CLUE dropped by the astute “Libertarian” we Have to draw the ONLY possible conclusion…and welcome Dino Rossi to the sweepstakes EVERY American Boy hopes to win…being the country’s Number One Man!!!!
Dino Rossi has EVERY possible qualification for a Republican Party run to seize the highest office in the land! Therefore ‘Ol Rujax will jump RIGHT IN FRONT OF THIS BUS…and declare my support…my ENDORSEMENT!!!
Dino Rossi for President, 2008!!!! (thank you! thank you very much!!!)
Goldy-23 ‘Fact is, Rossi claims he wants to lead this state’
Who doesn’t? Officially, Rossi does not claim what you say. Where are your links to back up your “claim” as “fact”?
Changing the subject? How about a very relevant nuance, that your sour grapes regarding the “dishonest PR campaign designed to convince voters that the election was stolen” bites you when the Bush/Gore 2000 example is used. Using your logic the repubs should hold vigils for Gore, and Kerry, regarding any and all legislation put forth by the left wing that could be claimed to be due to the leftover bitterness from 2000. Gore and Kerry speak out on topics that may help them in the future, yet they distance themselves from anything controversial.
Just because a comment illustrates the hypocracy of the left, it does not mean the subject has changed.
headless lucy-26 “If this I 912 measure passes and a Rep. governor is elected, there will be no mood in this state for bi-partisan cooperation.”
So, if a majority of voters pass the initiative and elect a new repub governor the left is predisposed to trash bipartisanship?
New dem slogan: Be a divider not a uniter.
Now I see whay you guys hate the GW slogan.
I ask, where’s Goldy? When will you concede that I-912 leaves $3.2 billion in increased transportation taxes in place?
If you want to advocate against 912 then acknowledge this and make the argument why we need still billions in taxes.
It’s tough to demand honesty and accountability from politicians when you display neither in a blog that is 100% under your control.
Spinmaster G at #23
Did you forget to tell RR to stay on topic or does that only apply to those you disagree with?
Now back to the topic. Yes, I agree you should keep up this vigil for at least 20 years. That’s about the length of time our transportation infrastructure has been falling apart under Democratic Leadership. Let’s smear Rossi right out of the State so we can have another 20 years of Democratic leadership.
Roger Rabbit -18 RR will return to HorsesAss later this week.
Great. More profanity in lieu of substance.
Keep holding your breath there Goldy. Watch out, you might turn blue and pass out. Not ever going to get an answer to this; I’m suprised no one has accepted that yet. Damn liberals love that slogan “move on”. Why don’t you? Rossi dosen’t owe shit to you or anyone else. I’m sure he’s laughing over all this nonsense. I would be.
@18 Roger Rodent:
Have fun on your garden tour; hopefully you’ll run into some disgruntled farmer with a twelve-gauge. Good riddance.
conspiracy theory #2:
Its a plot by the Republicans to gain more votes in the senate.
Timeline runs like this:
GOP pundits (especially in eastern Washington) kill the transportation package, using it to get back at Gregoire and those “elitist Seattle liberals”.
Western Washington counties respond by getting in a ‘you pay the money you keep it’ rule for transportation $$$.
GOP politicians blame Dems and W. Wa for the fact that there are no roads, and in fact no money for anything without Seattle and Tacoma paying for them.
They get eastern Washingtonains to secede, giving the GOP 2 more seats in the senate.
re #34:
Then when they have an insolvant state which can’t do anything, they blame the Democrats more! It can’t lose!
I’m holding my breath, waiting for you to tell me why we should have these taxes. One day its to fix the viaduct, the next day you all claim it has nothing to do with that, next day its about 520, next day its this is just a partial.
What or why do we have these new taxes.
Is this extra maintenance or emergency money
Where is gov’t trimming to help pay for this?
Convince me this is good, and not just a general increase in taxes
Bax-13 There’s still no mention of the GOP’s vote to support 912 on their website.
It is a trick to keep the vigil lefties visiting the site, where they can see the latest poll results for their queen and the lack of confidence in how the WA is being run.
If the queen’s numbers ever get better than Bush’s the repubs will probably have to show I-912 support on the site.
you know the answer of course, but you’re too busy deliberately misinterpereting things to get to it.
We should have these taxes so that we can pay for a huge number of transportation projects across the state.
Does it bug you at all that the only real things you have for I-912 are regionalism and partisan spite/hate?
windie-38 Does it bug you at all that the only real things you have for I-912 are regionalism and partisan spite/hate?
And do not forget – extreme dissatisfaction with how much money gets wasted in govenment. This does not only apply to transportation.
Why is there no outcry from the lefties about the other taxes increased this year, especially the regressive ones? Now the traffic to the border states has increased due to runs for cigs and alcohol.
Naw, just dislike pouring good money after bad. I don’t think your or the rest of the Dems know. I think its just a general tax increase, for general spending increase. If so, don’t hide behind 520. Be a man.
I don’t want Rossi to say a word on a I-912. We don’t want him, we don’t need him. Rossi is a non factor in this issue and he’ll be a non factor in 2008. He does’nt care about this state he only cares about his image. I’ll bet in the middle of sex he calls out his own name
Holding my breath too…
Where’s that independent audit and reform of Elections dept? You’d have no Rossi vigil were it not for the bozos miscounting the ballots…
Are you really out of arguments for I-912 that you have to pin it on Rossi? That’s one pathetic last straw you’re pulling.
How about reaffirming why we need it to fail?
Rossi is doing what he should be doing. Contrary to what the majority wanted, Rossi’s not governor. Why are you beating the dead horse on this?
How pathetic it is that there isn’t a better argument you can offer than pointing a finger at Rossi. How sad.
Another idea for an initiative:
righton, c’mon.
How many times do we have to prove to you that DOT money is well spent now? I’m getting dizzy from banging my head against that particular wall over and over…
You’er taking an untrue statement and sticking to it thru thick and thin… Do you really believe that, despite the evidence, or is it just to achieve that blatantly partisan aim?
Rossi taking action could save the transportation package. It seems to me what Goldy wants is to get the package implemented… for the good of everyone in the State. Rossi could help, so Goldy is using his pulpit to pressure him.
Rossi, can (and very well might) ignore it, but we have the right to call him a weasel and a coward for it.
If not to preserve some mythological political future, why is he so afraid to comment?
headless lucy & rujax206:
Rossi ain’t gonna run for gov in 2006, I-912 is going to pass, and Queen Chrissy is finished when it does. Anyting you might say won’t change things.
Rainier Avenue rail line; empty buses; packed freeways; 20 yrs of work on 405, bumper to bumper on the plateau
Ah, you mean you want a state funded consultant report, at big $$’s to prove what any idiot can see out his window every day…
How’s that “redoing the bus tunnel” work going? I was downtown when they did it the first time, wasn’t back in the days of horse and buggy, yet they managed to botch the rail installation.
Why shoudl we double down on losers?
“They” didn’t “botch” the rail installation. The original plan was for a rail system with double catenary – just like the trolley buses. The rails as laid weren’t intended for powered operation, just grounding for the system as built.
We picked a different, more standardized light rail system for Link. I’m actually planning to write a post about that fairly soon at
OK, now a little thread drift: I’m an engineer by training and inclination, so efficiency is a good thing in my book. Therefore cutting gov’t SOUNDS like a good thing, becuz the theory is that a smaller gov’t will be more efficient. Work smarter not harder and all that. However. our gov’t is a beauracracy, so making it more efficient is an uphill battle, one that has been fought for years, with only some success. (However, I must say my last trip to the DMV to renew my license was a pleasant and brief experience.) So, if we aren’t going to just cut jobs, but rather programs, which programs? Seriously, do all you wingnuts out there think you know better than our elected representatives how to apportion the available monies? Oh wait, ur party is out of power, so, according to the democratic process, ur trying to shortcut the system using the Initiative process. Mob rule. Hmm, I don’t think this is what the founding fathers had in mind.
OK now that we’ve got that straight, let’s talk about another conservative principle, “personal responsibility”. I’m sure the gas tax will be used for many things, but let’s assume most of it goes to infrastructure. So that means the people using the roads most (those who buy more gas) will be paying more for the road’s upkeep. Seems fair. Businesses use more gas (and degrade roads more with heavy trucks), so they’ll pay more. Also seems fair. And, added incentive, it’ll act as a “sin” tax, increasing conservation, reducing congestion, increasing carpool and bus ridership, and making the state better environmentally. So why is it a bad thing? It seems that it is the equivalent of a flat tax, a percentage of how much u drive. Or would u prefer a state income tax? Oh, u want NO tax. Well, we ALL, conservatives and progressives alike, learn very young in our capitalist country, that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE LUNCH! If you actually think that there is an alternative, why aren’t you either in the state legislature or running for it?
PS The US House has been Rep controlled since ’94. The Senate since, what, 2000? Out of the last 10 terms of presidency, the Reps have been in power 7 (Nixon, Nixon, Reagan, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, Bush II). We currently have massive federal deficits, and a dysfunctional, partisan melee back in D.C. If that’s what the conservatives are gonna bring to this state, give me good old Clintonian centrism anyday.
Note to you psych majors: Note how the term “clintonian” will invoke a Pavlovian response in the responders. Slavering, frothing, incessant barking, and a tendancy to extend the temporal limits (backward) of the law of cause and effect.
Funny, I was so sure that Sound Transit and the light rail were seperately mandated and funded, and had nothing to do with the State DOT.
And I think its funny that you get the oversight and transparency you asked for… and then complain about it. Guess you really can have your cake and eat it too!
re:50 (change nothing to “very little”)
Hey “libertarian”!
LOOK at that flying pig!!!!
Cut off your nose to spite your face! See if I care…
@53 gutless lucy:
At least he has a head and dosen’t talk out of his ass, unlike you. I hear they’re working on a cure for rectal-cranial inversion at Swedish………
ben shindelman or whatever
Somebody screwed up; we foolishly overspent on the bus tunnel by placing rails that won’t work…. or Sound Transit should have designed their system to work.
the hits keep on coming
Windie: who cares what agency; transportation is transportation. Not my job to figure out if the empty bus is Metro or Sound Transit.
If you give a damn at all about actually solving our problems, instead of your normal partisan whining, you should care alot.
You’re only taking that position because it lets you tar the DOT, and by extension oppose the transportation package. Unscrupulous partisan bastards like you are whats wrong with this country.
Larry the Urbanite @ 52
‘Note how the term “clintonian” will invoke a Pavlovian response in the responders.’
That’s nothing. Have you seen the frothing when Bush does his swagger?
Goldy: For the record, I’m voting against 912 for obvious reasons; mainly becuase I haven’t heard any decent alternatives. That said, I think you’re completely wrong on a couple of points:
“He said polls show if Rossi, who as a state senator voted for a nickel-per-gallon gas tax in 2003, would come out in support of the gas tax, I-912 would fail.”
Well, the polls may show that, but really, you honestly think people won’t vote to cut the gas tax just becuase Rossi says not to? Look at all the businesses that are against 912; it isn’t making any difference. Also, the fact that 912 made it on the ballot without paid gatherers should tell you that people don’t care what Rossi (or anyone else) thinks on this issue.
“If Gov. Gregoire had won by a couple thousand votes instead of a couple hundred… if there’d been no recount, no election contest, and no dishonest PR campaign designed to convince voters that the election was stolen… then there’d be no initiative.”
Again, wrong. Tim Eyman’s experience with 695, 747, etc. should tell you that, again, people will always go for a tax cut, especially the gas tax, as folks in this nation think that cheap gas is a birthright. 912 would have made it, period.
Urbanite Larry: You accuse us of using the initiative process for local legislation. We accuse you of using the national courts as a last resort for policies and programs continually rejected at the national polls. Your side using the court for lefty policies trumps our local problems. Idiots like head-up-de-ass lucite have said the courts are their last prized possession.
Regarding massive deficits, I can give cuts in the budget but these were giveaways to your side by GWB. I already placed the big buck $$$ in another thread, but no lefty wanted to take them up because it would kill your sides favorite handouts.
Jon, have you been to Europe lately? Gas prices are astronomical. Why? Astronomical taxes. Gallon of gas in Paris $6.81, London $6.47, Amsterdam $7.13, Milan $5.97, Athens $4.32, Estonia $3.74
Back on August 8, for example, the average price of gas in the US, without taxes, would be $2.17, instead of $2.56; in Britain, it would be $1.97, instead of $6.06.
Christine Gregoire ran a radio ad the last weekend of the campaign attacking Dino Rossi for voting for the nickel package. It ended with the words “Dino Rossi is the only candidate for governor who has raised your taxes.”
If Christine Gregoire had been honest with the voters and told them she was going to raise the gas tax, would she be the Governor today? Would there be an I-912? She’s the coward — she lied and all Rossi has to do is watch her try to get through this mess she, and she alone created.
Okay, there you go. I-912 will pass, Rossi-Marummy ticket supports 912.
Puddybud: Yes, I know gas in Europe in extremely expensive, so I laugh when I hear complaints about our prices. In any case, if 912 proponets had a viable alternative for funding new road construction, I’d pay more attention to their arguements.
IDGAF: Excellent point. Gregoire knew that some tax increase would be necessary, but she ducked the issue, so why should Rossi not be given the same pass?
Comment by IDGAF— 10/4/05 @ 4:35 pm
Well said. Christine Gregoire isn’t fraudoire for naught.
Thanks IDGAF: Gregoire knows her ass is in a sling. So what does she do? The same thing you LEFTIST PINHEADS accuse Mike Brown doing. Let’s deflect and blame someone in life. Sorry Chrissy, that dog doesn’t even wake up!!! But again she gets a free pass like all other lefties when they say or screw up.
Just because Democrats have been running the show for 20+ years doesn’t mean they should be held accountable for the serious deterioration of our transportation infrastructure
Huh? The GOP held both houses for about 10 years from the mid 90’s on. Their sum total of solutions to the deterioration of our transportation infrastructure: nothing.
Rainier Avenue rail line
Nothing to do with DOT and the gas tax.
empty buses
Nothing to do with DOT and the gas tax.
packed freeways; 20 yrs of work on 405
Both of which will be helped by the projects you want to de-fund.
bumper to bumper on the plateau
DOT would’ve expanded 202 6 years ago, but you voted to de-fund the project when you no doubt voted for 695.
So basically you’re bitching about the consequences of your own choices. Why can’t you take some responsibility for your own actions?
Windie: who cares what agency; transportation is transportation. Not my job to figure out if the empty bus is Metro or Sound Transit.
So let me get this straight: you’re bitching about DOT, but when it’s pointed out that what you’re bitching about has nothing to do with DOT, you’re saying you don’t really care about the facts?
You’re truly a fucking idiot.
Is it possible for someone as mindless, irrelevent and delusional as Bax to actually operate a computer? apparently so. But when you have nothing better to do than sit around blaming everyone else for your own personal failure to thrive and counting the days until the next “benefits” check arrives, you have plenty of time to post some of the most factually incorrect statements that actually rival DJ, Donna, Headless, Rujax and Goldy himself.
umm… IDJIT@71
You didn’t actually refute anything he said, but indulged in a pure ad hominem attack. Is your case really that weak?
you have plenty of time to post some of the most factually incorrect statements that actually rival DJ, Donna, Headless, Rujax and Goldy himself.
Interestingly enough, you didn’t refute anything that I just said. Pot, kettle, black?
So let me get this straight: you’re bitching about DOT, but when it’s pointed out that what you’re bitching about has nothing to do with DOT, you’re saying you don’t really care about the facts?
You’re truly a fucking idiot.
Bax- You cant get the facts unless independent performance audits are performed. It is perfectly fine to be a serial “no voter” on taxes until you get full disclosure on what government is doing. It is not only a right but a duty to hold government to a higher standard.
You cant get the facts unless independent performance audits are performed.
Fine. When are you going to sit out in the public with a collection plate for these independent audits? Because remember, for them to be truly independent, they cannot be funded by government $, right? Get back to us when you get the money, or when you die of old age, whichever comes first. I suspect it will be the latter.
No you elect an independent auditor to the state and counties. We already have a State auditor who is bared from performing independent audits. All you need to do is remove thoses laws ala initiative 900. That independent auditors budget is not set by the state but by him alone. The independent auditor reports to the people not to government. The cost of independent audits are minimal and would mostly be covered under the current budget.
Ernie “Shamman” Hawkins, the TEC FRAUDITOR, didn’t find any evidence of fraud because he wasn’t looking for any. To make a comment like he did was HIGHLY unprofessional….out of bounds. Don’t worry, we will somehow smoke out the work that TEC did because public funds were spent on that phoney-baloney fraudit.
Ernie is a needledick for sure.
Ernie saying he found no evidence of fraud is the same as telling your wife you can’t find a beer while you’re sitting on the toilet taking a shit with the damn door closed!!!! There ain’t no beer in the fucking john!! You didn’t find any because you were looking in the wrong place….or not looking at all!!
Another sham perpetuated on the citizens of KingCo, State of Washington, USA, North American, the Free world….the whole fucking world for that matter.,,,oh yeah, and our solar system, galaxy and the Universe too.
Do you know anything about yellow book standards and how the office of the state auditor works? Here is a link you can find the yellow book standards (this is equivelent to the GAAS for businesses) for government auditing
Rufus: What we need is an independent King County elections auditor.
An independent auditor that can see voterless ballots and ballotless voters. Bet he could do the job way less than $300K. Maybe MTR’s database design will do. Anyone for a join operation?
I guess elections ballot talk and databases are now on the do not post until Goldy approves list.
I hear you puddy. We can only slay one dragon at a time though. Change at the State level is at hand with I-900. It will be interesting to see how the legistlature will react to the change in chapter 43.09 of the RCW.
Fact is, Rossi claims he wants to lead this state, so he needs to demonstrate a little leadership. Comment by Goldy— 10/4/05 @ 9:01 am
Fact is, the illegitimate queen is SUPPOSED to be leading this state – where the hell is she? When will she make a speech, issue a statement, hit the circuit around the state to explain WHY we should defeat this initiative and ‘get over’ her campaign lies. Supposedly, she works for ALL the taxpayers of this state and this taxpayer wants to know where the hell she is.
Rossi, can (and very well might) ignore it, but we have the right to call him a weasel and a coward for it.
If not to preserve some mythological political future, why is he so afraid to comment? -Comment by windie— 10/4/05 @ 11:01 am< ?i>
The illegitimate queen chrissy, can (and very well might) ignore it, but we have the right to call her a weasel and a coward for it. If not to preserve some mythological political future, why is she so afraid to comment?
illegitimate queen chrissy, you are a coward and a weasl!
Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS— 10/4/05 @ 9:55 pm
Yeah, are you Marummy, by any chance? You sound like a certain state party’s great “Vice Governor”/Secretary of Defense candidate on a raunchy day.
Cheer up, I still like you o great leader Marummy.
there we go
Somebody left the italics on!
Do you have anything to prove that TEC is anything other than a pedestrian professional association and Logan’s affiliation with TEC is anything other than unremarkable trivia? Or are you still the same fucking idiot you’ve also been, Janet?
Fuck you, asshole! Fuck the horse you rode in on, too! Fuck the fleas on the horse …
Hey snot-sucker, I’m baaaaack!!!! Yeah you’re right, the farmer should’ve used a 12-gauge!!! He made the mistake of picking up Roger Rabbit by the ears and now he has two belly buttons — I ripped him a new one with my powerful hind feet and razor-sharp claws!! Ha ha you shoulda seen him holding his intestines in his hands — that was FUNNY!!! Scratch another stupid Republican farmer. One less F R E E L O A D E R living off government dole.
You should be on late night TV — you’re funny!
RR # 91
“…Fuck the fleas on the horse…”
Horses don’t have fleas. At least no horses that I’ve ever owned in Washington or Oklahoma. Oh…. sure… the occasional tick, maybe, but no fleas.
Poor Roger Wabbit. He can dish it out but when someone gives it back to him his big ears fill with blood and he jumps up and down in a bunny tantrum.
Leadership Definition : The Collins English Dictionary. ( © 1998 HarperCollins Publishers ) leadership (n) 1. The position or function of a leader. 2. the period during which a person occupies the position of leader: during her leadership very little was achieved. 3. a. the ability to lead. b. (as modifier): leadership qualities. 4. the leaders as a group of a party, union, etc.: the union leadership is now very reactionary.
This dictionary definition of leadership focuses on the position (singular or collective), tenure and ability of leaders. As such, it misses key points about the purpose and hallmarks of effective leadership.
Leadership Definition : Peter Drucker : The forward to the Drucker Foundation’s “The Leader of the Future” sums up leadership : “The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers.” To gain followers requires influence (see John Maxwell’s definition below) but doesn’t exclude the lack of integrity in achieving this. Indeed, it can be argued that several of the world’s greatest leaders have lacked integrity and have adopted values that would not be shared by many people today.
Leadership Definition : John C Maxwell : In the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell sums up his definition of leadership as “leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.” This moves beyond the position defining the leader, to looking at the ability of the leader to influence others – both those who would consider themselves followers, and those outside that circle. Indirectly, it also builds in leadership character, since without maintaining integrity and trustworthiness, the capability to influence will disappear.
Leadership Definition : Warren Bennis : Warren Bennis’ definition of leadership is focused much more on the individual capability of the leader : “Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential.”
Leadership Definition : Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester : For the purposes of the Leadership Development Process of the Diocese of Rochester, their leadership definition is “the process of influencing the behavior of other people toward group goals in a way that fully respects their freedom.” The emphasis on respecting their freedom is an important one, and one which must be the hallmark of Christian leadership. Jesus influenced many diverse people during his ministry but compelled no-one to follow Him. – For ProudAss being a Catholic.
Is Chrissy Fraudoire any of those definitions? No she needs Goldy to provide her lacking leadership. Unfortunately for her, Goldy can’t carry two pails of water at the same time.
Comment by Puddybud— 10/5/05 @ 4:56 am
Well said.
@90, 91, 92, and 93 Roger Rodent,
Thought you were on vacation. What a loser you are that you can’t stand to get away from this fucking site even for some R and R. Get a life dumbass. Hopefully you’ll meet the business end of a scattergun of that farmer’s garden you said you were going to infilitrate on your retreat. Go away and stay away already.
No, you go away. We have enough mark’s already, and more than enough rightwing trolls. That being said, we only have one cute bunny. Therefore, you’re more expendable than he is!
hmm wonder if this’ll fix the ‘italics problem’
nope, damn
breaking windie:
I will not. I’ll be damned if some tuna like you ever tells me what to do. Go hug your tree your small minded heathen.