The thought popped in to my head as I walked home from a post-caucus meal Pike Place Market with my friend and fellow blogger Carl Ballard…
We heard about the folks who were so depressed over Bush’s victory in ’04, that they threatened to move to Canada. Liberal folks. It got me thinking…
Where will the Republicans go? Will they run away to Brazil or Argentina, like the Nazis did? I can’t think of a country that does for disaffected Republicans what Canada does for depressed Democrats.
Is there a right-wind junta that will shelter them? A fascist father-figure to idolize, much as William F. Buckley idolized Spanish dictator Francisco Franco? Have they no place to call their own when Barack Obama (or HRC) put their hand on the Bible January 20th, 2009?
I’m stumped.
I don’t think Canada will take them. But I saw a bunch of Republicans climbing into canoes and paddling toward Haiti.
While I want Obama to be our next president (I think it will be Clinton vs McCain), it never ceases to amaze me how much the people on this blog overestimate the intelligence of the American voting public.
We’re probably looking at the Democratic nominee now. He’s got momentum. And Louisiana showed he not only wins over caucus activists, but can win over voting booth voters too.
@2 You flatter yourself too much. We’ve NEVER overestimated YOUR intelligence.
El Salvador and Costa Rica, not to mention Panama. These places are crawling with rich, conservative American-owned retreat hideyholes.
Yeah, with Pinochet and de Klerk long gone from Chile and South Africa there’s really no place for them to go.
It’s looking like a hat trick for Huckabee.
will…..speaking for myself and family, all republicans, we will be right here. i realize your piece is tongue in cheek, but, really, when was the last time you heard republicans threaten to leave their country with a toss of their heads and a stamp of their feet just before holding their breath like a democrat?
and IF we did….guess what? we would ACTUALLY LEAVE.
sadly, no democrats did.
there is no country greater than america and it would take a lot more than conservatives not getting their own way this november to make us want to leave.
i think it would actually take a nuclear bomb. and then, we would only leave long enough to hunt down the sons ‘a’ bitches that bombed us.
that’s the big difference between libs and conservatives.
we love this country much more than we love getting our own way.and we have attention spans longer than a knats…the typical “progressive’s” attention span.[think christine “KKK” gregoire standing with obama…someone didn’t do their homework]
besides, it would take a lot more than a democrat in the white house to take this country down. we survived bill ‘jethro’ clinton. we can do it again.
but…i don’t think we will have to.
typical of you dems….you are like raccoons for cripes sakes! always looking for the bright and shiny…never for substance or experience. that’s how you got stuck with bill clinton, remember? that’s how you get your stupid little paws caught in the trap every time.
tell me…how many democrats have served TWO terms as president in the last hundred years?
yup…another thinker alright……….
Paraguay is the place. The Bush family already have an estancia there.
PI and Times both report Huckabee beating McCain in WA. The flat earth wing of the republican party will be having a deep fried squirrel party tomorrow.
I think Russia would be an excellent place for Republicans to flee to. Very low rate of taxes — especially for the rich, crumbling infrastructure, very little government spending on health care or education, and a dominant political party run by industrialists and oil people.
hey richard…….how about the dems/clintons’ dubai connection and let’s not forget the uranium. if i had to choose uranium or oil…it would be oil [legally drilled and payed for] every time.
richard….does ANYONE from either party EVER take you seriously? you know what they say about turncoats, right?
but,good grief…thank god you left the republican party. not that you were ever really “in”……
Conservatives will stay right here…ready, willing & able to clean up the mess caused by Leftist handouts, just like in Denmark.
Hey Richard,
When the current Republican/Fascist party crumbles (coming soon to a theater near you!) will you switch back and help rebuild the party along the lines of true conservatives like T. Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Gifford Pinchot?
Just a question: How many times it the last 100 years have Republicans controlled the Senate, House and White House?
There is a reason it won’t happen again for another three generations. Bush/Cheney/DeLay/Rove. The American people have a long memory. The wrongs of the current administration have sealed your fate. Whether you admit it or not your party is finished for now. The pendulum has swung. I suggest you get out of the way.
Sit down, shut up and watch this progressive, liberal bunch take our damn country back.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
Barak Obama
I think the really-rich conservatives don’t care, as always. The not-so-really-rich conservatives know that they are constant, defenseless, kidnap-victims-to-be in the countries mentioned above. No, they will hang around and make sure sure everything remains stuck for the next decade.
Anyone who supports the current bunch with an R next to their name isn’t a real conservative. You will loose, get kicked to the curb and the next generation (if there is a next generation) of Republican leadership will look nothing like you.
Most conservatives from Denmark are to the left of most Democrats in the U.S. Senate.
@8: Yes, I read he bought a ‘huge tract of land’ in Paraguay. Now they just have to hope Paraguay has their electorate sufficiently in line that they don’t elect another of Hugo Chavez’ friends!
@9: Ah yes, now that is a free-market wet dream even Alan Greenspan can love. He can imagine himself as Roarke the rapist hero. Perhaps he won’t even need the little blue pills anymore….
I remember a few years ago some Democrats saying they’d move to another country if Bush were elected president, but I haven’t heard any Republicans say they’d move if a Democrat is elected.
Saudi Arabia, or Dubai in UAE, is my guess. Feel right at home in a theocracy, and the beaches are nice I hear, at least for westerners.
@7 By what stretch of arrogant imagination did you Republicans ever think America is YOUR country?
@20 They’re about to learn America belongs to all of us, not just them.
@11 After January the only thing you guys will be cleaning is toilets.
@18 “I remember a few years ago some Democrats saying they’d move to another country if Bush were elected president, but I haven’t heard any Republicans say they’d move if a Democrat is elected.”
You’ve been reading too many “Love It Or Leave It” bumper stickers. Our imminent departure was your idea, not ours. I said at the time I wasn’t going anywhere, I would stay and fight for my country, and that’s what I’ve been doing — fighting a war of words on this blog every day against the fascist motherfuckers who tried to take the Constitution down. It looks like the good guys are going to win and the fascist motherfuckers are about to be crushed under the heel of an aroused nation’s righteous anger.
“There is a reason it won’t happen again for another three generations.”
That’s what the Dems said when Jimmy Carter was elected. Come to think of it, a lot of his “change” rhetoric sound similar to what BHO is spouting.
The Piper
Animals don’t have a country; owned things cannot themselves own.
The Piper
No, they won’t go anywhere. They’ll just hang around bitchin’ about how much they’re being overtaxed and over-regulated and all manner of oppressed, same as they do now. Actually, having been relieved of any responsibility for making anything work, they’ll be happier. Complaining and feeling victimized is their dream state. Why would they want to leave?
Well, we’ve been talking about the Bushies fleeing to Paraguay for a while now, and that’s still the likely favorite. While the Peronista dictator Stroessner died many years ago, Paraguayans still have a soft spot for caudillos like the Shrub.
It’s true, many of us did consider leaving the country if the Shrub’s Xtian handlers would’ve gotten what they wanted from him (namely, control). I did. Being a family of practicing Wiccans, we’d have been first to go. But as we all know, he used them just as badly as he used everything else. Go read David Kuo’s “J-Walking” blog at Beliefnet for the details. But as far as the Bushies go, they face a far more troubling scenario, that being the possibility of being tried as either war criminals, war profiteers, or both. Loss of freedom is one thing, but the loss of ill-gotten fortunes is probably more important to them, so they’ll likely flee than face justice.
@25: And that is exactly why republicans do not threaten to move to Canada. I’m glad you finally figured this out.
But Christ! Why did it take so long?
Actually, Paraguay is not the place. Under the current Duarte regime things are nothing like conditions under Al (sieg hiel) Stroessner.
Current pick for gopper/libertarian paradise: Republic of the Congo where the over/under on paradise is 22.
Say, Piper….what say you re Buckley’s rabid mad dog support for Franco way back when? Are you going to say he has “changed his mind”?
If you say it’s a sign of maturity to change your mind, are you going to denounce PuttButter for his nonstop condemnation of Sen. Robt. Byrd?
If not? Why not?
We had trouble.
Accidentally started to go into the Bush caucus location.
My wife figured it out as it smelled REALLY bad–like when you run over a skunk–sort of like poor Senator McCain’s predicament.
Poor McCain–he has to deal with Bush stink all over again, just like South Carolina in 2000.
Never mind worrying where the GOPsters will go. Where will the Hillary-haters go? Our Democratic caucus actually had a few people who swore they will vote for the Republican nominee if Hillary gets the nod. Headscratch.
my left foot@13……..
this has to be the most inane ,nonsensical line ever delivered by a politician:
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
Barak Obama
and by the way, leftie, if you are going to become one of obama’s ‘droolers’ then you should probably learn how to spell his name. it’s barack.
his speech in viginia tonight was pathetic. if he looked at his notes one more time he would have just been reading them.
and that is my point. he is not prepared for this job.unless he is using soaring rhetoric he has no answers, no real plans and that stupid slogan: change we can believe in……..
and to think, you guys make fun of my use of the english language! that’s rich…..
Click here for photo of Republican refugee ship docking in Paraguay.
@25 As a feral rabbit, I’m part of the natural fauna around here, whereas you are an interloper.
33….you know, that’s something i have noticed. i think you dems hate the clintons even more than we do….by far.
and that was the biggest single mistake ever made by a candidate tonight….when barack spoke as if he were the nominee and went after mccain. i could hear bill and hill’s heads blowing off.
be prepared for the clinton slime fest that is coming…….
@34 “most inane ,nonsensical line”
Any post by you would be a good candidate for this honor.
Wow. You liberals really want John McCain in the White House more than Republicans do, don’t you?
I personally cannot stand the SOB and yet, you are marching down the path to give it to him handed on a silver platter.
If Obama is the Democrat candidate, he will lose to McCain despite all the stupid things McCain has said. Why? Well let’s see, all the Republicans need to do is run a few clips of the twin towers falling, interspersed with the “war hero” McCain. Heighten the terror alert and there goes the election. People are going to look at Obama, who has never served in the military and probably knows about as much about it as McCain does economics and choose McCain.
You people went for flash over substance. Now we will ALL be stuck with McCain. Thanks a lot.
are the Rs holding back their caucus results to create the appearance of a mcpain victory rather than a win by huck? 83% reporting? that is bs in a caucus. we dems got all our votes counted and delegate totals. not that hard. no diebold bs. anyway, if huck got 31% of the remaining 2561 delegates and mcpain got 22%, huck would just beat mcpain and get the full media victory. as a dem, that sounds better than the soundtrack to dueling banjos. where’s the rest of the R caucus results? getting re-tallied in luke esser’s basement?
The only foreign countries that would welcome them would be Alabama or Mississippi. Perhaps Alaska.
RR @ 38
I’ve been LOOKING for you, you Wascally Wabbit!
Never mind worrying where the GOPsters will go. Where will the Hillary-haters go? Our Democratic caucus actually had a few people who swore they will vote for the Republican nominee if Hillary gets the nod. Headscratch.
you mean “sheeple”
@39 Just can’t stand the fact you won’t get to run against Hillary, can you?
As of November the Republican party will start to reform its self, you and the other 15%’ers that have been clinging on for dear life since November of ’06 will get cast aside and people like this:
will take the helm of your party.
Will’s question of where will you go when this happens is an open and valid one. Will do an Ellen Craswell and join a fringe group?
No I just can’t stand the fact that some cranky old man, who shouldn’t even be the nominee, who thinks Americans are too damn lazy to pick lettuce for $50/hr, who is an unindicted co-conspirator of the savings and loan scandal will coast easily to the presidency.
Do you really think this kid gloves treatment of Obama by the media will last? The media makes its money by building people up and then tearing them down.
If you really think Obama will beat McCain, then you are more delusionaly than I thought.
You couldn’t be more wrong.
Roger Rabbit,
If you really want to delude yourself, go right ahead. I thought you were smarter than that. Obama’s support comes mainly from young people. Historically they do not vote in November.
And if you think that if Hillary isn’t the nominee there will be no mud slung against the Democrat nominee, then you probably also believe in the Easter Bunny too.
Bank of America Gouges Its Credit Card Customers
From Business Week:
“Credit-card issuers have drawn fire for jacking up interest rates on cardholders who aren’t behind on payments, but whose credit score has fallen for another reason. Now … Bank of America … is hiking rates based on no apparent deterioration in their credit scores at all.
“The … lender in mid-January sent letters notifying … cardholders that it would more than double their rates to as high as 28%, without giving an explanation for the increase ….
“Buzz about the letters is building on the Internet. …, a credit-card information site, has received … complaints from consumers Bank of America had notified of sharp rate increases, even though they were current on their bills …. and say they have also received similar complaints. …
“What’s striking is how arbitrary the Bank of America rate increases appear, credit industry experts say. … Analysts also say they are surprised by the magnitude of the rate raises Bank of America is imposing ….
“Analysts say the bank’s move is obviously aimed at shoring up profits …. [B]oosting rates on existing credit-card holders is one of the quickest levers a bank can pull to try to boost earnings.
“Adam Levin, CEO of and former head of New Jersey’s Division of Consumer Affairs, says he is surprised Bank of America would risk bad public relations with its rate increases …. The bank risks alienating new customers and existing ones by being so brazen, he says, adding, ‘Either Bank of America has more financial troubles than it is willing to admit or it has a level of institutional arrogance that is unacceptable.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another consumer ripoff brought to you by the anti-regulation Bush administration. Banks continue to pay lucrative bonuses and stock options to the executives who ran their balance sheets into the ground while employees get pink slips and shareholders see their savings go down the drain. Not satisfied with fucking their employees and investors, banks ae now shaking down their best customers to make good their lending losses to shaky customers. Sounds like fucking SOCIALISM to me!!
Under Bush-style laissez faire capitalism, doing business with a U.S. bank is as dangerous as sending money to the former finance minister of Nigeria. And no higher on the honesty scale. When you get one of those Nigerian e-mails, the only sensible thing to do is delete it. Likewise, the only way to keep your money safe from predatory U.S. banks is by refusing to do business with them.
If you need a credit card for the convenience and safety of not carrying cash, get one through a non-profit credit union, and pay it off every month. That’s what I do — no fees, no interest charges. If you have to borrow money from the likes of Bank America or the other big for-profit credit card issuers, you can’t afford it. By that I mean, if you can’t afford to pay cash for a purchase, then you sure as hell can’t afford to pay 28% interest on it!
One of the first things President Obama needs to do in office is re-establish regulation of banks. Personally, I favor shooting looters on sight because it’s quicker, but I’ll settle for a federal usury law with jail sentences and massive fines for violators.
Another fucking failure of the so-called “free market.” The only thing “free” about an unregulated market is that someone is always tempted to freely help themselves to your money when there’s no cops on duty.
here’s a tip to anyone who whined about disorganization, etc. at a caucus today (other thread): become a pco, neighborhood leader, or caucus convener and do it yourself. my 14 precinct caucus was packed but it went awesome and i only heard thank-yous.
@42 Uh-oh!!! I got caught being BAD again!!! =:-D
One country you can be sure Repubs won’t be heading for is Iraq.
I was in a packed caucus in Gig Harbor today, most people were somewhere north of 30 years old and it went 3 to 1 for Obama.
Rich, suburban, white, not liberal and over 30. And for Obama by 3 to 1.
It’s unavoidable. Republicanism is a disease. Once you’ve been a Republican, you’ll inevitably fall off the wagon and behave like one, despite the support of your friends. It’s like that affliction Doctor Strangelove had.
“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
– attributed to John Kenneth Galbraith
And add to that, superior moral justification for mass murder.
Roger Rabbit @ 35
Paraguay is landlocked. How are Republican refugee ships going to dock there? I suggest dropping them there, using Wal-Mart parachutes.
Ghost at 34:
Difference in typo and misspelling. I am sure the nuance escapes you. Barack is correct.
Lemme see, you prefer nookyoular and truthiness when you are listening to a politician talk. I commend your ability to dumb down.
We don’t make fun of your use of the English language, we just point out that you seen to not be able to use it all.
Bush and his friends have beat the hope out of this country. I want it back. Barack gives voice to my hope. I want an idealist in the White House. I want someone who is there to lead. I have had enough Bush’s twisted mindset of showing up his father and filling the pockets of his cronies and “leading” this country with the promise of more fear, more bloodshed and more debt. McCain will never be elected. He hitched his tired, old wagon to Bush’s Iraq policy. Fatal error. Death knell. And to top it off your base of support is vomiting over his nomination. Hard to get excited about that, eh, ghost?
Well, forgive the rabbit, he went to school in Seattle…Paraguay, Switzerland, all seafaring nations…
ah well…guess one child definetely was left behind
Your cunningly worded dissertation of how the “free-market” works not only shows your lack of basic understanding of simple economics, but also the mindset of America that changed government’s role in our lives during the Great Depression.
If people are getting screwed over by large banks, rational people will do just like you said, and will use other sources of credit. The big, disgusting, looting, money-grubbing modern-day pirates of the commercial banking industry will lose business to a degree that will force them to change their ways. In a far more efficient and sensible way than government regulation. That is how the “free-market” works. Its called competition. Read a book.
We’re not going anywhere. Only emotional nuts like you Democrats dreamed of leaving the country during the Bush era. And like there’s a country to go to that’s not already more screwed up by socialism than the US. We’re not that foolish.
If you do manage to get the Oval Office, we’ll ride it out. No big deal. Keep raising taxes, socialize health care, yank the troops out and leave the Iraqis for dead. The more Democrats go over the top, the easier they make it for Americans to swing the pendulum back the other way as they did with Bush in 2000-2008. And Bush was pretty lame, but Americans stuck with him. Democrats have a tenuous grasp at all times, because if they are forced to tell the truth about their socialism, it does not sit well.
Patrick @ 59:
If people are getting screwed over by large banks, rational people will do just like you said, and will use other sources of credit.
That all depends.
You know the old saying, that banks are in the business of lending money to folks who don’t really need it.
If you have more assets than you do debts, and a nice well-padded bank account, you are in the position to negotiate with your bankers and take your business elsewhere if they tick you off, or give you unfavorable rates. I do it all the time, it’s fun!
If your sole tangible asset is a car (a depreciating asset) and your credit card company is putting the screws to you, it’s a lot harder to shop around for a number of reasons, not the least of which being that you’re frankly not a really desirable customer.
Saying “Well, STBU, buyer beware, and it’s all your fault.” doesn’t work for me.
You need access to credit for people who aren’t a solid-gold credit risk. Flexible and creative capital markets are one of the things that makes the US economy dynamic.
Our trolls think that health care benefits are making Europe or Canada poorer. Having, actually, you know, spent time in these places, I’d say that’s not an issue. One of the big reasons is that the only way to get money out of a European bank is to have bundles of the stuff in the first place. If you’re an up-and-coming businesscritter, that’s not you. So you wind up with a few well-connected giants and a lot of small, undercapitalized businesses who are limited in their ability to grow.
I am fairly certain that you can put some limits on the more usurious parts of the credit business without shutting down the more useful parts of it.
I have not heard of anybody threating to move after this election, nor does poster “Will” cite any examples. There were at least several Hollywood types (I think Alex Baldwin was one) who did ‘threaten’ to leave if Bush won. Enjoy the fantasy, however.
Would you guys listen to yourselves sometime, though. Much of what you write about Republicans sounds just like the stuff I heard as a kid when old white guys sat around the stove talking about blacks (e.g. 20,21,22,31).
I don’t care where the right wing cowards go – as long as they go.
Who is the coward–the guy who runs for office, whether D or R, to face never-ending dirt digging from opponents, and historically, a fair chance of an assasination attempt for pres candidates…or is it the anonymous poster sitting in his easy chair pecking away at his laptop?
Belarus has a nice authoritarian government. No need to worry about messy democracy there.
The zealots will head for New Zealand.
At least that’s what I hear secondhand from one such.
Thanx for the update on the current gov’t in Paraguay, and I didn’t know there was an O/U. Next time I stop in at the CalNeva, maybe I’ll get some action going on that…..
But Switzerland is the current home of the America’s Cup…..odd, ain’t it?
I doubt they’d go to New Zealand. The government has no love for the Bushies, and would probably sic the mighty All Blacks upon ’em, and that’d probably make ’em wet themselves in sheer terror before hustling back on to the plane. Trust me, just about the most intimidating thing in sports is the All Blacks’ haka (challenge dance) traditionally known as the Ka Mate. Go look it up on YouTube. Fifteen gigantic, pissed-off ruggers will scare the crap out of just about anybody. The Shrub would probably cry for his mommy in the face of the Ka Mate.
this is funny as hell
I would think it’s obvious. They will become Islamists and move to a Muslim country where wandering bands of fanatical street thugs are put to good use.
@59: Patrick said:
“If people are getting screwed over by large banks, rational people will do just like you said, and will use other sources of credit. The big, disgusting, looting, money-grubbing modern-day pirates of the commercial banking industry will lose business to a degree that will force them to change their ways.”
– maybe you should read your history books. We already went through this in the great depression. People lost their savings and banks closed – the “free market” without regulation led to bankruptcy, depression and starvation. The american people figured out that wasn’t a good thing. since then we have had some regulation of banking and that has produced stability and one of the best economies in the world. Reagan starting messsing with regulatory controls and Bush has continued. the sub-prime fiasco is due to a LACK of bank regulation (gee – aren’t housing prices going to keep going up forever?).
Try getting a loan from somewhere without going to a bank, SL or credit union. You have no clue what you are talking about. We tried the free market in this country – we got robber barons, monopolies and banking collapse (Ahhh, the good old days of “free market”). It doesn’t WORK. The fastest growing economies in the world today aren’t free market (China, Europe and Canada) – in fact, there are almost no free market economies. All you have is a fantasy and simplistic “free market” philosophy that has never worked and doesn’t exist.
Looks like the GOP lovers would like the old fashioned USSR. In terms of the government having the power to do anything it wants to its people in the name of security, it probably would be perfect.
Cuba: The Cubans will open their arms for Republicans and they can dream of torture and illegal surveillance there.
In Cuba the right wingers can be against immigration, against abortion and against disorder and voting rights.
The only problem is that Cuba has better health care than we do….but they need to go to a place with things to screw up (I mean fix).
When there’s heat in the kitchen, Republicans don’t run only Democrats
As opposed to the Democrat who want government to have the power to do anything it wants to its people in the name of global warming. Hey do you brainiacs think we could get some global warming at I-90, White and Stevens passes?
You better talk nice. If the Republicans leave town, where
will the money come from to take care of you tards. You
guys would probably be dead within 3 months if you had to fend for yourself. Maybe Goldy and Roger could open
a hair salon and install dreadlocks on white college
students and sell kayaks. America, FUCK YEAH.
“I was in a packed caucus in Gig Harbor today, most people were somewhere north of 30 years old and it went 3 to 1 for Obama.
Rich, suburban, white, not liberal and over 30. And for Obama by 3 to 1.”
“somewhere north of 30???”
stop teasing. i used to live in gig harbor [which we all referred to as gag harbor] and the average age is over 60 and they are so liberal they can barely walk upright.they NEED walkers that lean to the left …literally.
horrible place…i despised it. as full of pompous, ignorant asses as anywhere on the planet. made berkeley look smart for cripes sake………
and my left foot@57……..
“Difference in typo and misspelling. I am sure the nuance escapes you. Barack is correct.”
nice try at a spin you fool. you didn’t even know how to spell his name BUT he “sounds” so pretty! and now you claim it was “just a typo”. let’s examine that claim shall we? “c” and “k” are nowhere near each other on the keyboard….so it’s a typo how? and this proves my point about you. even when you are proved wrong you will still not admit it. and how can anyone respect you?
drooler for obama alert……….
and keep dreaming that mccain doesn’t have the support. if only the dem strategists felt as you do…..but, sadly FOR THEM, they can read and interpret what they have read.
and they know, as well as i do, what is coming. did you see jethro today? he is PISSED. he sees the white house slipping away from him and he is going to start sliming. in fact, i have already been proved right. hillary already started in on obama’s “pretty little speeches full of rhetoric and nothing else” and i have to agree with her.
i never thought i would agree with the fishwife on anything…….
if you think the majority of the nation’s electorate will vote for barack in the fall i have two words for you: asian and hispanic.
it’s not going to happen my friends……….
75: World without republicans – the dream world!!
No stupid unnecessary wars
No huge budget deficits my kids and I will be working to pay off forever
No AG’s of the US who ignore the law and the constitution
No illegal torture
Respect of the US is restored throughout the world
Taxes are done fairly – not regressively
corporations pay their fair share of taxes
No more ignoring science in the name of political expediency at the FDA, the EPA
@77 If ignorance is bliss, you are one happy MF’er
You read just like one of those old brainwashed Hitler Youth, or Young Communist, members who spouted whatever the party line happened to be. “Correnctnotright” my ass…
#77 What kind of work do you do? Just curious where
some of your ideas come from.
correctnotright @77……well, if that is your list then how on earth can you possibly explain washington state? it’s been ruled by dems since dirt was young and by your count it should be a frickin’ utopia. but…it’s so far from it it’s not even funny.
bad traffic….worse roads and drivers.
puget sound is a superfund site that is only getting worse.
pollution and litter everywhere.
plants that still haven’t figured out how to use “scrubbers” in their stacks.unlike everywhere else in america….i might add.
and the dumbest population on the planet…….all you do is TALK. you don’t actually DO ANYTHING.
so…how do you explain that?
do you realize ,for instance, that american corporations that provide all the jobs [like the one you obviously don’t have] pay the highest taxes in the world?
and we are supposed to compete how?
i have to second “mark”……..where the hell do you get these really ridiculous opinions?
Do all those “authoritarian” countries where Republicans are supposedly headed have: tobacco bans, cell phone bans, gun bans, knife bans, seat belt laws, strip club laws, hooker stings, beer stings, red light cameras, sobriety checkpoints, odometer checkpoints, (ok the latter two are only proposed–so far), thought laws (i.e. hate crimes) youth indoctrination, a tax & a drug gestapo? Can you open a simple checking account or P.O. box without being asked for “papers, please?”
If the “authoritarian” countries don’t have all that stuff, I’m there.